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Satellite Mind Control by Jerry Mlinarevic - 9th May 2011 - Mind Reading Satellites
Mon, 05/09/2011 - 15:31 Arthur C ristian

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Satellite Mind Control

By Jerry Mlinarevic 9th May 2011 Yes, I am a victim of remote mind control. I have many insights as to how the system works, the purpose of the system and who is behind it. Unfortunately, as is the nature of the system (mind control) I cannot communicate with anybody who is in their natural state (other than vulnerable to mental suggestion, being in hypnosis or in alter identity state). Any electronic communication including this one is manipulated. However, should you read this and be in a common geographic vicinity you may look me up at 9 Dryden Court Bundoora 3083, Victoria, Australia. Knock on door, if not at home wait (dog not dangerous).

Evidence is emerging of a global system of remote mind-control, primarily facilitated by the manipulation of the ionosphere to create a virtual global radar system used for the guiding of exotic energy pulses as carriers of acoustic and electromagnetic energies. This is supported by satellites, cellular telephone networks and the clandestine imbedding of head and ear implants. The technology is based on new science hidden from both the public and all governments around the globe, which is believed to have originated from Nikola Teslas work on scalar waves and other exotic ideas. The system is capable of controlling any individual virtually anywhere on Earth by the use of remote mentalsuggestion, hypnosis and alter-identity creation, among other brainwashing techniques. The result is that you could be controlled in real time to act out and say things that are not the product of your free will but someone elses manipulation. You could be mentally steered by subliminal suggestions to: Distract your own attention and mental focus. Steer your conversation and thinking process. Believe in principles and ideas which are a fraud. Frustrate others conversation.

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Spread lies and untruths. Create ersatz insights that mimic a process of discovery. You could be remotely hypnotised to: Stalk individuals. Bear false witness. Commit a crime. Incriminate yourself. Lure and trap a person into compromising sexual misconduct. Unwittingly participate to discredit honourable individuals. Your alter-identity could be used to create: A political career for you only to be manipulated for other purpose.

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A terrorist to wreak chaos and destruction. An assassin to murder individuals for political or other purpose. A TV or radio host to spread propaganda. A doctor to unwittingly aid the perpetrators cause The above are a small example of possible uses of such a system; the power of mental suggestion, hypnosis and alter identity creation

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affords the controllers an amazing array of means to manipulate the human condition on many levels. Only the barest facts and mostly phenomenological testimonials from the manipulated victims are available to infer the characteristics of the system which must be a very small part of a complex and multilayered covert network. When the modus operandi, the scale of the project and the historical context are considered, a picture begins to emerge that implicates the Soviet Union behind the system of remote mindcontrol. It is hard to believe but the evidence is overwhelming. The disintegration of the Soviet Union, it will be argued, was engineered by the Soviets themselves in an effort to deflect the suspicions. The theme that runs through the whole exercise of mind-control is the persistent manipulation and the smoke and mirrors game. Elaborate frameworks have been constructed to deflect the suspicions like the myth and conspiracy surrounding the HAARP facility, the CIA experimentation and the torture associated with the research into mind control by the U.S. government. After embedding themselves in governments all around the world and importantly in the U.S. they have worked diligently with planning that spanned generations to control the world and establishing a one world government. While the U.S. was busy making money and getting rich they have silently researched mind control using all available technologies around the world. Those who get close to the truth are silenced with implicated (simulated) mental illness; others are inexorably forced into rolling illnesses which make life difficult and inevitably shortened. Other tools include the criminal setup, public discrediting, sexual perversity and engineered accidents. Life and liberty has no meaning in this anachronistic ideology but the ideology itself in the end Man is not in charge ideology is. The ultimate aim is to create a Brave New World where human beings are reduced to automatons extirpated of critical thinking, self determination and freedom of thought. A world in which science has no credibility, where the history of the world is erased and supplanted, and where the only truth springs from a belief in God. In this world relationships and societies are rooted in the ingenuous and uncritical

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belief in faith, hope and charity, all along facilitated and procured by global mind-control. In this mad world enlightenment is equated with a belief in God and a reliance on your unquestioned intuition. Education is for the inculcating of minds with false history and common mythology to assist in mass manipulation and sheepish compliance. While supine empowerment is achieved only if you conform and cooperate unknowingly under control. Here, success in entrepreneurship and happiness in life comes only to those who find comfort in a deluded reality, while the uncooperative, inquisitive, individually minded and the self determined find terminal misery in specially provided mental institutions. If you are not shocked by this you have not understood what you have just red! Global mind-control is the ability to control or affect the psychophysical aspect of any person anywhere on Earth remotely. Mental processes can be controlled and initiated, and the creation and destruction of memories themselves can be achieved without the victim being aware that it is happening. Somatic symptoms can be created and bodily functions controlled, for example it is possible to incapacitate with muscle pain, cause skin burns, skin scale, headaches, muscle spasms, make skin incisions, uncontrolled defecation and urination, internal bleeding, miasma, fatigue, cardiac and pulmonary symptoms, neutropenia, leukaemia, digestive problems, thyroid dysfunction, brain cell degeneration, etc. virtually any aspect of organic function can either be interfered with or controlled. The most disturbing capabilities of the system are: 1. The stun effect: To render subconscious (effectively tranquilize) a person remotely so that prolonged and repeated pulsing of energy can be applied to cause bodily damage like burning, incisions, contusions, skin defoliating, etc. Also, while immobile and subconscious infra-sound pulsing to the head is used to damage a persons brain or to cause mental dissonance, or to subject to electro-shock without the victim being aware. It is used under some circumstances to enter the victims house under stealth. And, to make the victim effectively brain-dead when sleeping so as not to allow the brain to do the normal housekeeping duties which progressively leads to mental disturbance or to aid in creating psychosis. 2. Mental-suggestion: The ability to inject thought-webs as mental suggestion by EEG composite transfer from the controller to the victim, which can contain primarily thoughts, but also sounds, imagery in daytime and dreaming or nightmares at night. 3. Hypnosis: The ability to hypnotise individuals while at sleep and to have the victims act out directions without being aware and having no memory of the event. This is accomplished remotely without any other preparatory work with the victim it is applicable to anyone, virtually anywhere in the world. 4. Voice in the Head: The ability to generate voice inside the head that is as pure and obvious as somebody talking next to you. This can be used to create the belief in the higher being, to hypnotise, to cause mental dissonance or disturbance and disorientation. It is used extensively as subliminal suggestion when the speech is generated at higher speeds and mixed with emotional content. This is enabled via an implant inside the middle ear, which converts an electromagnetic signal to speech inside the auditory cortex. Associated ability includes the creation of new memories or beliefs and mental illness. 5. Alter-personalities: Creation of alter-personalities is performed inside your own home while you sleep over a period of a few days. The technique is to reduce the level of conscious awareness to the state of a four year old child, then to traumatise you with virtual satanic ritual torture and virtual sexual abuse dreams until the distress reaches the level when a personality splits, which is then conditioned to obey mental suggestion commands from the controller.

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Chinas Unprecedented Australian Resources Grab Churches - Religions - Sects - Cults - False Prophets Anti-Christ - Messiahs Saviours Collapse Of Society/Civilisation-Civil War-Chaos-AnarchyMulticulturalism - Political Correctness - United Nations Treaties Communism - Socialism Marxism - Zionism Conspiracy Websites - To Explore A Wide Range of Subjects And Other Issues Controversy Corruption In High Places Cost of Living Creation - Science - New Scientific Discoveries About Creation, Universe, Nature & MAN Crowd Control Technology Debunking Leaders Of The Freedom And The Alternative Movements "We Will Lead Every Revolution Against Us" Deceivers Destruction Of Life Sustainable Communities And Families - The Establishment Doesn't Want Us To Be Free Devastation And Cruelty To Nature, Tribes, Villages, Communities & Countries -

6. Mind Reading: This is the transmission of the subjects sub-vocal thinking to the controllers aided by a scalp implant located behind the left ear. When used in concert with mental suggestion it is possible to interrogate an individual without awareness. 7. Wiping short-term memory: This is affected immediately after the thought or thoughts are made. An implant located at the left temple is used to inject EMR (electromagnetic radiation) into a precise location of the brain where thinking memory is processed. The thought feels like it has been hollowed out. This is extensively used to interfere with the verbal expression of the victim by constantly wiping the thinking process manifesting in paused speech while searching for the right word, and word substitution. 8. Erasing long-term memory: The victim is not aware what is erased until the time comes to recall a name, a place or a word. Erasure is not specific but indiscriminate and imprecise. Here also an implant is used, usually located on the back above the shoulder blade, to generate specific frequency EMR which produces tingling at the back of the head (the cerebellum). 9. Undermining voluntary movement: In order to achieve greater control of the victim the perpetrators will target the cerebellum (as above) with prolonged pulsing. The reason for this is to manifestly render the victim with yet another mental disorder characteristic by deliberately causing uncoordinated movement. The victim will experience hand and arm movement which cannot be willingly restrained and a change in gait. 10. Creating false memories: This is accomplished by first electro-shocking the brain of the victim (while stunned), and then repeating falsehoods (psychic driving) during a hypnagogic phase of awareness using subliminal mental suggestion to create a memory, which is then made permanent by semi-conscious regurgitation of this information. 11. Simulating mental illness: To affect this it is necessary to position implants at various locations under the scalp on the front and the right side of the head of the victim. The implants receive signals via bone demodulation and emit a pulsing magnetic frequency at predetermined brain locations affecting the brain cell orientation to temporarily manifest anger, loss of reasoning, loss of moral orientation, inability to plan ahead or visual distortion. All the fabricated symptoms predictably conform to formal descriptions of mental illnesses like psychosis or schizophrenia as described in DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) which is enough evidence to certify the victim. It will be argued here that the purpose of this system is the creation of a one world communist government. However, the cynical aspect of this is the deliberate discrediting and destruction of the current political systems and social order for the purpose of demonstrating that western culture and life is a failure, and that communism underpinned by global mind-control is a superior alternative. This view is supported by the political conviction that Man cannot rule himself and needs to be guided by the invisible hand. The annihilation of the present order is referred to as creative destruction and can be seen in almost every country around the world where: 1. Financial markets are conspired to fail in order to discredit the free market system. 2. Governments are manipulated into inertia, incompetence and humiliation to incite riots and finally removal of current leaders. 3. The manipulation of youth into violence and dissolution as a way to force governments to introduce increasingly strict laws creating a backlash. 4. The systematic and deliberate setting-up of priesthood into sexual abuse that never happened for the purpose of removing any vestige of moral authority and guidance in a society. 5. The discrediting of the scientific process so as to eradicate inquisitive minds and pave the way for spirituality as a guiding principle.

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5. The discrediting of the scientific process so as to eradicate inquisitive minds and pave the way for spirituality as a guiding principle. Man-Made & Natural Disasters Dinosaurs - Are They Still Amongst Us? Evidence Says They Are Economic Terrorism EMF - Electro Magnetic Fields - Power Points Electrical Cables - Dirty Electricity Esoterics - Occults Prophecies - New Age Universal Laws - End Times - Past Lives / Parapsychology - Satanism / Lucifer Espionage - Counter Terrorism - Tactics & Equipment Used For Modern Warfare Propaganda Disinformation - Intelligence Eugenics - Population Control - Euthanasia Genocide Caused By Government/Big Business/The Establishment Family Law And The Destruction Of Families And Partners + Child Abuse Pedophiles - Pedophilia Human Trafficking Slave Labour Fantasy - Illusion - Delusion - Fiction - Brain Control Passing The Buck Freemasonic/Satanic "Order" Out Of Their "Chaos" Fascism And Tyranny - The If you have the mental control and discipline to listen and learn then you will be disabused of the information by remote mental conditioning overnight while you sleep. You may be hypnotised to dispense with the information on the subject by throwing it in the bin and forgetting all about it, waking up the next morning as if you had never heard of the idea in the first place. In the following pages you will discover the most important aspects of the system, its purpose and who the controllers are behind the scene. You will be instructed on how to protect yourself and how the system can be beaten. We now stand on the precipice of allowing the humanity to degenerate into electromagnetic slavery to serve an anachronistic ideology controlled by few despots and aided by multitudes of cowardly psychopoliticians. Or we can cooperate together under conscious free will to build a new scintillating world filled with wondrous possibilities that you thought was impossible in a thousand years. But before you can know global mind-control you must know yourself first. Mind control specifically implies the literal control of your mind, it cannot be overemphasised that the very process of you reading this and later thinking about it, most likely will be influenced by the technology. It is not a matter of belief it is a matter of fact. Every person that comes into contact with information on remote mind control, which contains overwhelming facts, will be disabused of all and any information imparted on the subject. Note that if you are misinformed on the subject that you will not meet resistance to promulgate it. While you read this or when you talk about the issue to another person your thinking will be interfered with. Mental suggestion will be used to sway your opinion and to make you uninspired by the subject. You will interfere with the dialog of the person trying to inform you to the extent of being disruptive, uncooperative, scornful or totally dismissive. 11. The discrediting of judges, heads of mental institutions, police commissioners, and other important institutions in order to replace them with either communist ideologues (called psychopoliticians) or unwitting proxies. 12. Creating celebrity criminals through the media to exemplify the depravity of the society, and to use criminals unwittingly to do the dirty work of murder, rape, bashing, arson and drug dealing. The above are but a few methods used to ultimately divide people into warring factions on the local and global level, to pave the way to a massively destructive war designed to depopulate the planet leaving a select group of diffident mortals to reconstruct human destiny in the likeness of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Lavrentiy Beria. 6. The validating of Gods presence and power by ersatz miracles and prophecies. 7. The manipulation of climatic conditions on a world scale for the purpose of dividing people, discrediting the United Nations and the scientific process, creating chaos, failing crops and wasting resources. 8. Causing earthquakes to cause misery and chaos, and waste resources, but also to shift global sentiment for a particular purpose. 9. The reformation of the mental institutions to facilitate mental healing of the anticipated uncooperative, self-deterministic rugged individual who believes in freedom, and the silencing of those who discover the truth. 10. The humiliation of sports personalities, the self-made individual and exemplary figures in a society so as to eradicate collective pride, honour and dignity that spiritually feeds and drives a nation.

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Tactics Applied To Close Down Open Societies Police & Other Law Enforcement Brutality Fluoride And The Many Dangers Of Polluted Water Food Additives Psychology, Mind Control And The Latest Sci-Fi Of New Food Additives Processed Food - Chemical Sprays/Poisons Food Shortages - Famine Drought - Pestilence Homelessness - Poverty Food Prices Escalating Epidemics - Earth Changes Free Energy / Alternative Energy Free Man - Freedom From Statutes - Rules Of Law Private Corporations Fiction - Sovereignty Admiralty Law HonourDishonour Freedom Fighters - Famous Freedom Fighters Campaigners - Protests Freedom Of Speech Suppression Of Truth Revolution Freemasonry - Secret Societies - Masonic Lodges - Fraternities - Illuminati Frequency Therapy - the Future is Here ! Genetically Modified Food Genetics Global Warming - Global Warming Is Essentially A

In order to make you more resilient to these abuses a thorough understanding and the practicing of the principles of self-knowledge, keeping of an open mind, critical thinking, strategic procrastination, convictions and values, and the conquering of biases, prejudices and bigotry must be achieved.

The key to beating mind-control is contained in the Greek aphorism Know Thyself, originally inscribed as (gnothi seauton) in the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Without delving too deeply into the various and contentious meanings of the aphorism, only the idea as it is applicable to the understanding and resisting mind control will be dealt with here. One of the aspects of mind control is the placement of thoughts, motivations, ideas, etc. inside your head without you being aware that it is happening. Because the thoughts are injected subliminally it is acted upon by your subconscious mind first. The cortex or the conscious part of the brain will not be aware that the thoughts may be coming from without. And it is here that the Greek aphorism is applicable in terms of one of its meanings to be aware of your subconscious on the level of knowing where your motivations come from by active observation of your thought patterns. To be able to trace back your thoughts that motivated you takes practice in thinking about your thinking. If you do this on a regular basis, as every self-aware person should, you will become better at it with practice, and you will know yourself better. Knowing yourself better means to be more acutely aware in real time of your thought processes, which will enable you to discern a thought, a word usage, imagery or even a sound in your mind that has not been generated from your personal experience, but injected with remote mind control technology. By practising this you will come to terms with your unconscious drives and conflicts; for example you may discover your sexual or aggression drives, or the disguised drives of unfulfilled wishes, and even the drives based on your childhood traumas. Coming to terms with your unconscious drives will make you more resilient to hypnosis and mental suggestion which exploits weaknesses of big egos, fears, hopes, bigotry and prejudice.


It is part of human nature to classify everything and to put things in its place in ones mind; it keeps the head uncluttered and simplifies thinking. This makes for fast thinking and quick decision making, which is especially useful in this modern and fast moving life. However, when confronted with new information that cannot be verified immediately, the mind will tend to classify information according to past experience and personal belief essentially, deciding according to personal mythology, particularly when repercussions are not serious. We do not have a grey box in our heads that sits between the black and white, the true and false; we find it more comfortable if we decide according to what we already know in order to make our world view consistent. It matters less, weather something is true or not, when the consequences of those decisions are not grave, and this is when we tend to classify knowledge in a manner that conforms to our comfort. This presents a barrier when we think about things in order to solve problems. If we have decided to classify something as either black or white for convenience, then relevant clues may be overlooked by our mind if searching for answers to a related problem. If we kept the decision open ended it is more likely to be considered in the thinking process on related matters to elucidate new truths and this is where keeping an open mind is important. What one should do is to keep unknown problems no matter how trivial open ended. When confronted with situations involving mindcontrol your mind will more easily connect the dots and reveal new insights. Mind control is inherently nuanced and subtle making it difficult to detect, this makes it even more necessary to keep a vigilant and conditioned mind. Making your mind up before you can know the truth will

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War Against Billions To Create A One World Government Globalisation - Ruthless Striving For Power By International Corporations Great Comments By World Leaders Present and Past and Then Some More Health Topics Hemp & Hemp Seeds Incredible Nutrition For Man + Many Other Environmental Benefits Cannabis - Marijuana Medicinal Properties History Holocaust - Genocide Inspiration Intelligence - Spy Agencies - Surveillance - Big Brother Censorship - Shut Down Internet - Census - Identity Theft Jesuits - The Black Pope The Black Nobility Land Grab Media Control Mercury - Dental - Mercury Poisoning - Thimerosal Autism - Mercury Found In Food & Soda Microwave Mind Control, Health Concerns And Symptoms - Mobile Phones - Cordless Phones MICROWAVING AN EGG....OR YOUR BRAIN!!!! Article & Video: Call of

present a danger for you, because you will be more susceptible to manipulation and find it harder to make new connections and discover new concepts.

All thinking must be rooted in reality and constrained by rational argument. This does not mean that consideration of the impossible or the improbable is excluded, but rather that when confronted by the unusual or the extraordinary a strict adherence to logic must be observed, especially when a possibility exists that someone is actively subverting your very thinking process. Because of this possibility the thinking process must be carried to unusual level of circumspection as one can never be absolutely sure where and when that manipulation is involved. This is not easy but it must be practiced in order to assure the integrity of your thoughts. Furthermore, it is not enough to think about a subject to its natural and exhaustive end covering all possibilities and angles. One must also include the question of consequences when considering a problem or a situation to do nothing has consequences just as doing something has. In addition, when consequences are not personal and close to home it is common that the outcomes, if not completely disregarded, are taken less seriously. This could also be a grave mistake. It is impossible to know everything and how it is connected to other things and events, therefore always keep an open mind to new possibilities and give them time to play-out and possibly reveal a new truth. When someone is deliberately trying to manipulate and deceive you the thinking process is extremely dynamic with many uncertainties. At these times it is of utmost importance to stay lucid and in control. Lateral and imaginative thinking, although indispensable, one should never stray too far from reality.

Because one can never be absolutely sure that insights, thoughts and ideas that you come-up with are not entirely your own, but could have been created for you in order to mislead or misinform, the best strategy is to procrastinate for a period of time. Whenever you think that you have discovered a plan, an important insight into mind control or measured some new indicators or discovered new events, procrastinate as a strategy. Often you will find that after a cooling off period and further thinking that you have been too hasty, that you havent thought out your idea clearly, and it may be that the manipulators will show their hand out of necessity, for more often than not they rely on your quixotic and hasty action. Therefore the maxim is, stop and think again, just like your teacher told you all those years ago in school.


It is extremely important to have strong, well developed and thought out convictions and values. The emphasis is on well developed, i.e. to have the conviction or value derived at by critical thinking and rational thought of your own accord. A conviction or a value that you hold which is derived at by having faith and trust in the person who imparted it to you is not what is meant here as well developed. These kinds of convictions and values, because their glue is made of emotion, can easily be subverted and replaced by another completely opposite conviction or value created by other emotional glue to which you may be venerable to. However, if your convictions and values are created out of reason and logic, then if they are replaced you will more readily notice the inconsistency as you are a thinker and not a believer. Unfortunately, this is not enough to ensure the integrity of you mind as other tools are available to degrade your thinking and memory. Additionally, one must also constantly reinforce morals and ethics which have been imparted to most of us in the early years of life, and

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Article & Video: Call of 20 Scientists - Dangers of Cell Phones from France - Analysis, dangers of cell phones Audio: Mind Control Great Discussions About Fighting Back Against Mind-Control Especially In Its Electronic Forms Barrie Trower Dangers & Lethality of Microwave Technology & Radiation Atacks & RFID Chip Implants - Many Videos Cell Phone Radiation Triggers Measurable Brain Cell Changes in Mere Minutes by David Gutierrez 29th December 2007 Cell Phone Use During Pregnancy Can Seriously Damage Your Baby + Comments By Dr Mercola Cell Phones: Communications For The 21st Century Or A Road To Medical Armageddon? by Amy Worthington April 2002 Cell/Mobile Phone Radiation Protection News - Latest Updates - Sponsored By Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons by Stephen Lendman - 4th January

hence they are intrinsic or emotionally glued, and can also be displaced. By reviewing your morals and ethics you will create new connections for them in other parts of the brain, hence if they are destroyed they will find refuge elsewhere inside your brain ready to be reconstituted. The bottom line here is to be a rational thinker rather than an emotional thinker. The reader must clearly understand what the implications are with the claim that your very thinking can be influenced and manipulated. If you were told that youre standing in a cowpat, you would look down to see, if you are then you change your shoes, if not then you do nothing. So, if you are told that your mind can be manipulated how would you know? How would you test the claim? What is the equivalent act of looking down to see in the case of mind control? Most people simply do not understand the implication of the proposition, and this is understandable as the concept is totally new and even confronting since no experience or know-how exists to examine the claim. And to say that your mind is not manipulated without any knowledge on the subject is inane, for how can you be sure that this answer itself is not yours? Again, just to appreciate and understand the proposition, although very important, is not enough. Another dimension to this is the criticality or the urgency of the situation. If I had told you that your house is on fire and your daughter is trapped inside, you would not be asking me for forensic proof, for the documents in support or a scientific explanation. No, you would immediately go to the house to find out for yourself because your loved one is important to you and you are not prepared to take any chances. The same importance and criticality exists in mind control, except people do not see it as a personal threat because of its subtlety and inherent nuance, and anyway somebody else will solve the problem. By understanding the implications and recognising the criticality is the first step to getting to grips with mind control. More broadly, the answer is in the skill to think more clearly and effectively as discussed above. The recognition of mental drivers and the coming to terms with your mind is difficult in itself, mix in mind control and you have a much nuanced situation that only high discipline in the thinking process can hope to conquer. One enduring observation of the way the victims are manipulated is that when something is learned by the victims in the way the perpetrators operate or the way the technology works the controllers will change their behaviour in order confuse and to conceal their methods. And this is important to keep in mind; you are not dealing with an unintelligent opponent, but rather the manipulators are like you except smarter, not necessarily more intelligent but definitely smarter. They have more resources to draw upon; material and intellectual, and they know everything you do and most importantly they do not play by any rules. A realistic metaphor to illustrate the relative positions that we all find ourselves in is to imagine that you are a lab rat and the people behind the system of global mind control is the professor who nourishes you, while at the same time testing and prodding you, manipulating your environment and traumatising you with electro shock and drowning. Welcome to the Brave New World. (sorry - incomplete, will endeavour to post more). Jerry Mlinarevic 9th May 2011.

Computer Trained To Read Mind Images Of Words

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Computer Trained To Read Mind Images Of Words

2011 Hearing Voices, Mind Reading, Secret Weapons, Media Crimes Information & Articles by Paul Baird Surveillance MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by Tim Rifat Microwave Ovens: The Curse of Convenience by Christopher Gussa April 2008 Microwaves: The Radiation Poisoning of America by Amy Worthington 8th October 2007 Mind Control - View An Extensive Wide-Range Of Articles About Mind Control Mobile Phones 'More Dangerous Than Smoking' by Geoffrey Lean 30th March 2008 + Phone-Reliant Britons In The Grip Of NomoPhobia MOBILE PHONES AND MICROWAVE by Amy Worthington "Excellent Article" Neurological Weapons / Electromagnetic Weapons / .pdf Links Satellite Harassment Technology. This is INSANITY. MUST READ! BINARY They hope their study, published in the journal Science, might lead to better understanding of how and where the brain stores information. This might lead to better treatments for language disorders and learning disabilities, said Tom Mitchell of the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, who helped lead the study. The question we are trying to get at is one people have been thinking about for centuries, which is: How does the brain organize The predicted fMRI images for celery and airplane show significant similarities with the observed images for each word. Red indicates areas of high activity, blue indicates low activity. A computer has been trained to read peoples minds by looking at scans of their brains as they thought about specific words, researchers said on Thursday. REUTERS/Carnegie Mellon University/Handout __________________________________________________________________________________________ A computer has been trained to read peoples minds by looking at scans of their brains as they thought about specific words, researchers said on Thursday. 30th May 2008 By Maggie Fox Health and Science Editor Thursday 29th May 2008 From Infinite Website

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BINARY Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism JF Satellite Mind Control by Jerry Mlinarevic - 9th May 2011 - Mind Reading Satellites Video-Podcast: Dr John Hall - Satellite Surveillance Electronic Harassment Stalking Mind Control Track Intimidate Read Thoughts Video: CELLULAR PHONES - The Shocking Truth Reveal NWO Big Brother Video: Popping Your Brain Cells With Your Cell Phone - Watch This! + Debunking By Urban Legends Videos: SSSS - THIS IS HOW THEY'RE GONNA TAKE YOUR GUNS Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) Digital Towers HAARP Digital TV Videos: Tapping Your Cell Phone - How Your Cell Phone Can Be Secretly Hijacked And Used Against You - 5 Minutes 12 Seconds WARNING: Microwaving Water Is Very Dangerous! + Dangers Of Cooking With Microwaves

knowledge? Mitchell said in a telephone interview. It is only in the last 10 or 15 years that we have this way that we can study this question. Mitchells team used functional magnetic resonance imaging, a type of brain scan that can see real-time brain activity. They calibrated the computer by having nine student volunteers think of 58 different words, while imaging their brain activity. We gave instructions to people where we would tell them, We are going to show you words and we would like you, when you see this word, to think about its properties, Mitchell said. They imaged each of the nine people thinking about the 58 different words, to create a kind of average image of a word. If I show you the brain images for two words, the main thing you notice is that they look pretty much alike. If you look at them for a while you might see subtle differences, Mitchell said. We have the program calculate the mean brain activity over all of the words that somebody has looked at. That gives us the average when somebody thinks about a word, and then we subtract that average out from all those images, Mitchell added. Then the test came. After we train on the other 58 words, we can say Here are two new words you have not seen, celery and airplane. The computer was asked to choose which brain image corresponded with which word. The computer passed the test, predicting when a brain image was taken when a person thought about the word celery and when the assigned word was airplane. The next step is to study brain activity for phrases. If I say rabbit or fast rabbit or cuddly rabbit, those are very different ideas, Mitchell said. I want to basically use that as a kind of scaffolding for studying language processing in the brain. Mitchell was surprised at how similar brain activity was among the nine volunteers, although the work was painstaking. For an MRI to work well, the patient must sit or lie very still for several minutes. It can be hard to focus, Mitchell said. Somewhere in the middle of that their stomach growls. And all of sudden they think, Im hungry oops. Its not a controllable experiment. (Editing by Eric Walsh) By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor Thu May 29, 4:32 PM ET Link:

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Pravda: Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance

By John Fleming From Infinite Website 9th September 2008

Part One
Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often menacing feats. This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the massive effort poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can monitor a persons every movement, even when the target is indoors or deep in the interior of a building or traveling rapidly down the highway in a car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy). There is no place to hide on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to blanket the world with detection capacity. Besides tracking a persons every action and relaying the data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of satellites include reading a persons mind, monitoring conversations, manipulating electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone with a laser beam. Remote reading of someones mind through satellite technology is quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality at present, not a chimera from a futuristic dystopia! To those who might disbelieve my description of satellite surveillance, Id simply cite a tried-and-true Roman proverb: Time reveals all things (tempus omnia revelat). As extraordinary as clandestine satellite powers are, nevertheless prosaic satellite technology is much evident in daily life. Satellite businesses reportedly earned $26 billion in 1998. We can watch transcontinental television broadcasts via satellite, make long-distance phone calls relayed by satellite, be informed of cloud cover and weather conditions through satellite images shown on television, and find our geographical bearings with the aid of satellites in the GPS (Global Positioning System). But behind the facade of useful satellite technology is a Pandoras box of surreptitious technology. Spy satellitesas opposed to satellites for broadcasting and exploration of spacehave little or no civilian useexcept, perhaps, to subject ones enemy or favorite malefactor to surveillance. With reference to detecting things from space, Ford Rowan, author of Techno Spies, wrote some U.S. military satellites are equipped with infra-red sensors that can pick up the heat generated on earth by trucks, airplanes, missiles, and cars, so that even on cloudy days the sensors can penetrate beneath the clouds and reproduce the patterns of heat emission on a TV-type screen. During the Vietnam War sky high infra-red sensors were tested which detect individual enemy soldiers walking around on the ground. Using this reference, we can establish 1970 as the approximate date of the beginning of satellite surveillanceand the end of the possibility of privacy for several people. The government agency most heavily involved in satellite surveillance technology is the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an arm of the Pentagon. NASA is concerned with civilian satellites, but there is no hard and fast line between civilian and military satellites. NASA launches all satellites, from either Cape Kennedy in Florida or Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, whether they are military-operated, CIA-operated, corporate-operated or NASAs own. Blasting satellites into orbit is a major expense. It is also difficult to make a quick distinction between government and private satellites; research by NASA is often applicable to all types of satellites. Neither the ARPA nor NASA makes satellites; instead, they underwrite the technology while various corporations produce the hardware. Corporations involved in the satellite business include Lockheed, General Dynamics, RCA, General Electric, Westinghouse, Comsat, Boeing, Hughes Aircraft, Rockwell International, Grumman Corp., CAE Electronics, Trimble Navigation and TRW.

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The World Satellite Directory, 14th edition (1992), lists about a thousand companies concerned with satellites in one way or another. Many are merely in the broadcasting business, but there are also product headings like remote sensing imagery, which includes Earth Observation Satellite Co. of Lanham, Maryland, Downl Inc. of Denver, and Spot Image Corp. of Reston, Virginia. There are five product categories referring to transponders. Other product categories include earth stations (14 types), military products and systems, microwave equipment, video processors, spectrum analyzers. The category remote sensors lists eight companies, including ITM Systems Inc., in Grants Pass, Oregon, and Satellite Technology Management of Costa Mesa, California. Sixty-five satellite associations are listed from all around the world, such as Aerospace Industries Association, American Astronautical Society, Amsat and several others in the U.S. Spy satellites were already functioning and violating peoples right to privacy when President Reagan proposed his Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars, in the early 80s, long after the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 had demonstrated the military usefulness of satellites. Star Wars was supposed to shield the U.S. from nuclear missiles, but shooting down missiles with satellite lasers proved infeasible, and many scientists and politicians criticized the massive program. Nevertheless, Star Wars gave an enormous boost to surveillance technology and to what may be called black bag technology, such as mind reading and lasers that can assault someone, even someone indoors. Aviation Week & Space Technology mentioned in 1984 that facets of the project [in the Star Wars program] that are being hurried along include the awarding of contracts to studya surveillance satellite network. It was bound to be abused, yet no group is fighting to cut back or subject to democratic control this terrifying new technology. As one diplomat to the U.N. remarked, Star Wars was not a means of creating heaven on earth, but it could result in hell on earth. The typical American actually may have little to fear, since the chances of being subjected to satellite surveillance are rather remote. Why someone would want to subject someone else to satellite surveillance might seem unclear at first, but to answer the question you must realize that only the elite have access to such satellite resources. Only the rich and powerful could even begin to contemplate putting someone under satellite surveillance, whereas a middle- or working-class person would not even know where to begin. Although access to surveillance capability is thus largely a function of the willfulness of the powerful, nevertheless we should not conclude that only the powerless are subjected to it. Perhaps those under satellite surveillance are mainly the powerless, but wealthy and famous people make more interesting targets, as it were, so despite their power to resist an outrageous violation of their privacy, a few of them may be victims of satellite surveillance. No claim of being subject to satellite surveillance can be dismissed a priori. It is difficult to estimate just how many Americans are being watched by satellites, but if there are 200 working surveillance satellites (a common number in the literature), and if each satellite can monitor 20 human targets, then as many as 4000 Americans may be under satellite surveillance. However, the capability of a satellite for multiple-target monitoring is even harder to estimate than the number of satellites; it may be connected to the number of transponders on each satellite, the transponder being a key device for both receiving and transmitting information. A society in the grips of the National Security State is necessarily kept in the dark about such things. Obviously, though, if one satellite can monitor simultaneously 40 or 80 human targets, then the number of possible victims of satellite surveillance would be doubled or quadrupled. A sampling of the literature provides insight into this fiendish space-age technology. One satellite firm reports that one of the original concepts for the Brilliant Eyes surveillance satellite system involved a long-wavelength infrared detector focal plane that requires periodic operation near 10 Kelvin. A surveillance satellite exploits the fact that the human body emits infra-red radiation, or radiant heat; according to William E. Burrows, author of Deep Black, the infrared imagery would pass through the scanner and register on the [charged-couple device] array to form a moving infrared picture, which would then be amplified, digitalized, encrypted and transmitted up to one of the [satellite data system] spacecraftfor downlink [to earth]. But opinion differs as to whether infrared radiation can be detected in cloudy conditions.

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conditions. According to one investigator, there is a way around this potential obstacle: Unlike sensors that passively observe visible-light and infra-red radiation, which are blocked by cloud cover and largely unavailable at night, radar sensors actively emit microwave pulses that can penetrate clouds and work at any hour. This same person reported in 1988 that the practical limit on achievable resolution for a satellite-based sensor is a matter of some dispute, but is probably roughly ten to thirty centimeters. After that point, atmospheric irregularities become a problem. But even at the time she wrote that, satellite resolution, down to each subpixel, on the contrary, was much more precise, a matter of millimetersa fact which is more comprehensible when we consider the enormous sophistication of satellites, as reflected in such tools as multi-spectral scanners, interferometers, visible infrared spin scan radiometers, cryocoolers and hydride sorption beds. Probably the most sinister aspect of satellite surveillance, certainly its most stunning, is mind-reading. As early as 1981, G. Harry Stine (in his book Confrontation in Space), could write that Computers have read human minds by means of deciphering the outputs of electroencephalographs (EEGs). Early work in this area was reported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1978. EEGs are now known to be crude sensors of neural activity in the human brain, depending as they do upon induced electrical currents in the skin. Magnetoencephalographs (MEGs) have since been developed using highly sensitive electromagnetic sensors that can directly map brain neural activity even through the bones of the skull. The responses of the visual areas of the brain have now been mapped by Kaufman and others at Vanderbilt University. Work may already be under way in mapping the neural activity of other portions of the human brain using the new MEG techniques. It does not require a great deal of prognostication to forecast that the neural electromagnetic activity of the human brain will be totally mapped within a decade or so and that crystalline computers can be programmed to decipher the electromagnetic neural signals. In 1992, Newsweek reported that with powerful new devices that peer through the skull and see the brain at work, neuroscientists seek the wellsprings of thoughts and emotions, the genesis of intelligence and language. They hope, in short, to read your mind. In 1994, a scientist noted that current imaging techniques can depict physiological events in the brain which accompany sensory perception and motor activity, as well as cognition and speech. I believe that surveillance satellites began reading mindsor rather, began allowing the minds of targets to be readsometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites in fact can read a persons mind from space. The means is a little sketchy, like much of this technology in general, but the basic procedure is to bounce channels of energy from the scalp, into space to be downlinked by giant mirrors or prisms to a ground station on earth, at which point the data is fed into a computer that has been programmed with information from the science of brain mapping. Also part of satellite technology is the notorious, patented Neurophone, the ability of which to manipulate behavior defies description. In Brave New World, Huxley anticipated the Neurophone. In that novel, people hold onto a metal knob to get feely effects in a simulated orgy where the facial erogenous zones of the six thousand spectators in the Alhambra tingled with almost intolerable galvanic pleasure. Though not yet applied to sex, the Neurophoneor more precisely, a Neurophone-like-instrumenthas been adapted for use by satellites and can alter behavior in the manner of subliminal audio broadcasting, but works on a different principle. After converting sound into electrical impulses, the Neurophone transmits radio waves into the skin, where they proceed to the brain, bypassing the ears and the usual cranial auditory nerve and causing the brain to recognize a neurological pattern as though it were an audible communication, though often on a subconscious level. A person stimulated with this device hears by a very different route. The Neurophone can cause the deaf to hear again. Ominously, when its inventor applied for a second patent on an improved Neurophone, the National Security Agency tried unsuccessfully to appropriate the device. A surveillance satellite, in addition, can detect human speech. Burrows observed that satellites can even eavesdrop on conversations taking

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place deep within the walls of the Kremlin. Walls, ceilings, and floors are no barrier to the monitoring of conversation from space. Even if you were in a highrise building with ten stories above you and ten stories below, a satellites audio surveillance of your speech would still be unhampered. Inside or outside, in any weather, anyplace on earth, at any time of day, a satellite parked in space in a geosynchronous orbit (whereby the satellite, because it moves in tandem with the rotation of the earth, seems to stand still) can detect the speech of a human target. Apparently, as with reconnaissance in general, only by taking cover deep within the bowels of a lead-shielding-fortified building could you escape audio monitoring by a satellite.

Part Two
There are various other satellite powers, such as manipulating electronic instruments and appliances like alarms, electronic watches and clocks, a television, radio, smoke detector and the electrical system of an automobile. For example, the digital alarm on a watch, tiny though it is, can be set off by a satellite from hundreds of miles up in space. And the light bulb of a lamp can be burned out with the burst of a laser from a satellite. In addition, street lights and porch lights can be turned on and off at will by someone at the controls of a satellite, the means being an electromagnetic beam which reverses the lights polarity. Or a lamp can be made to burn out in a burst of blue light when the switch is flicked. As with other satellite powers, it makes no difference if the light is under a roof or a ton of concreteit can still be manipulated by a satellite laser. Types of satellite lasers include the free-electron laser, the x-ray laser, the neutral-particle-beam laser, the chemical-oxygeniodine laser and the mid-infra-red advanced chemical laser. Along with mind-reading, one of the most bizarre uses of a satellite is to physically assault someone. An electronic satellite beamusing far less energy than needed to blast nuclear missiles in flightcan slap or bludgeon someone on earth. A satellite beam can also be locked onto a human target, with the victim being unable to evade the menace by running around or driving around, and can cause harm through application of pressure on, for example, ones head. How severe a beating can be administered from space is a matter of conjecture, but if the ability to actually murder someone this way has not yet been worked out, there can be no doubt that it will soon become a reality. There is no mention in satellite literature of a murder having been committed through the agency of a satellite, but the very possibility should make the world take note. There is yet another macabre power possessed by some satellites: manipulating a persons mind with an audio subliminal message (a sound too low for the ear to consciously detect but which affects the unconscious). In trying thereby to get a person to do what you want him to do, it does not matter if the target is asleep or awake. A message could be used to compel a person to say something you would like him to say, in a manner so spontaneous that no one would be able to realize the words were contrived by someone else; there is no limit to the range of ideas an unsuspecting person can be made to voice. The human target might be compelled to use an obscenity, or persons around the target might be compelled to say things that insult the target. A sleeping person, on the other hand, is more vulnerable and can be made to do something, rather than merely say something. An action compelled by an audio subliminal message could be to roll off the bed and fall onto the floor, or to get up and walk around in a trance. However, the sleeping person can only be made to engage in such an action for only a minute or so, it seems, since he usually wakes up by then and the spell wears. It should be noted here that although the hypnotism of a psychoanalyst is bogus, unconscious or subconscious manipulation of behavior is genuine. But the brevity of a subliminal spell effected by a satellite might be overcome by more research. The psychiatric community, reported Newsweek in 1994, generally agrees that subliminal perception exists; a smaller fringe group believes it can be used to change the psyche. A Russian doctor, Igor Smirnov, whom the magazine labeled a subliminal Dr. Strangelove, is one scientist studying the possibilities: Using electroencephalographs, he measures brain waves, then uses computers to create a map of the subconscious and various human impulses,

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such as anger or the sex drive. Then. through taped subliminal messages, he claims to physically alter that landscape with the power of suggestion. Combining this research with satellite technologywhich has already been done in partcould give its masters the possibility for the perfect crime, since satellites operate with perfect discretion, perfect concealment. All these satellite powers can be abused with impunity. A satellite makes a clean getaway, as it were. Even if a given victim became aware of how a crime was effected, noone would believe him, and he would be powerless to defend himself or fight back. And this indeed is the overriding evil of satellite technology. It is not just that the technology is unrestrained by public agencies; it is not just that it is entirely undemocratic. The menace of surveillance satellites is irresistible; it overwhelms its powerless victims. As writer Sandra Hochman foresaw near the beginning of the satellite age, though seriously underestimating the sophistication of the technology involved: Omniscient and discrete, satellites peer down at us from their lofty orbit and keep watch every moment of our lives From more than fivehundred miles above earth, a satellite can sight a tennis ball, photograph it, and send back to earth an image as clear as if it had been taken

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on the court at ground zero. Satellites photograph and record many thingsand beam this information, this data, back to quiet places where it is used in ways we dont

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know. Privacy has died. This terror is in the here and now. It is not located in the mind of an eccentric scientist or futurologist. Satellite surveillance is currently being abused. Thousands of Americans are under satellite surveillance and have been stripped of their privacy. And presently they would have little or no recourse in their struggle against the iniquity, since technology advances well ahead of social institutions. The powers of satellites, as here described, especially lend themselves to harassment of someone. The victim could be a business or political rival, an ex-spouse, a political dissident, a disliked competitor, or anyone who for whatever reason provokes hatred or contempt. Once the target is a signature, he can almost never escape a satellites probing eyes. (As an article in Science explained, tiny computerscheck the incoming signals with computerized images, or signatures, of what the target should like.) As long as his tormentor or tormentorsthose with the resources to hire a satellitedesire, the victim will be subject to continuous scrutiny. His movements will be known, his conversations heard, his thoughts picked clean, and his whole life subjected to bogus moralizing, should his tormentor diabolically use the information gained. A sadist could harass his target with sound bites, or audio messages, directly broadcast into his room; with physical assault with a laser; with subliminal audio messages that disturb his sleep or manipulate persons around him into saying something that emotionally distresses him; with lasers that turn off street lights as he approaches them; with tampering with lamps so that they burn out when he hits the switch; and in general with the knowledge gained through the omniscient eyes and ears of satellites. In short, a person with access to satellite technology could make his victims life a living nightmare, a living hell. How you could arrange to have someone subjected to satellite surveillance is secretive; it might even be a conspiracy. However, there seem to be two basic possibilities: surveillance by a government satellite or surveillance by a commercial satellite. According to an article in Time magazine from 1997, commercial satellites are coming online that are eagle-eyed enough to spot youand maybe a companionin a hot tub. The Journal of Defense & Diplomacy stated in 1985 that the cost of remote sensors is within the reach of [any country] with an interest, and high-performance remote sensors (or the sensor products) are readily available. Advances in fourth-generation (and soon fifthgeneration) computer capabilities, especially in terms of VHSIC (very-high-speed integrated circuits) and parallel processing, hold the key to rapid exploitation of space-derived data. Wideband, low-power data relay satellites are, at the same time, providing support for communication needs and for relay of remote sensor data, thus providing world-wide sensor coverage. In addition, The New York Times reported in 1997 that commercial spy satellites are about to let anyone with a credit card peer down from

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the heavens into the compounds of dictators or the back yards of neighbors with high fences. To date [the newspaper further noted] the Commerce Department has issued licenses to nine American companies, some with foreign partners, for 11 different classes of satellites, which have a range of reconnaissance powers. But this last article discussed photographic reconnaissance, in which satellites took pictures of various sites on earth and ejected a capsule containing film to be recovered and processed, whereas the state of the art in satellite technology is imaging, detection of targets on earth in real time. Currently, industry is hard at work miniaturizing surveillance satellites in order to save money and be in a position to fill the heavens with more satellites. It should be pointed out that although satellites are mentioned in this article with various forms of technology, the satellite is simply the most important component of space surveillance, but not the only component. Since actually a satellite is rather passive in that it reflects to a ground station on earth a beam of energy containing information; the giant mirrors and prisms of the satellite do the crucial reflecting, thereby uniting, in a manner of speaking, two points on earth, point A, the ground station, and point B, the unfortunate target. No satellite features an on-board EEG, Neurophone, brain-mapping device or other nefarious instruments. Instead, the satellite is a means of delivering information that, when received by a technician at a ground station on earth, can be used for mind reading, conversation monitoring, and so forth. Also, no satellite has ever read a persons mind per se; that can only be done by a human being in the very special situation of access to the information downlinked to a satellites ground station. Thus, it should be clear that the satellite in space is only one link-although an inseparable one-in the technology of satellite surveillance. Yet no source of information on satellites indicates whether the abuse of satellite surveillance is mediated by the government or corporations or both. More telling is the following disclosure by the author of Satellite Surveillance (1991): Release of information about spy satellites would reveal that they have been used against U.S. citizens. While most of the public supports their use against the enemies of the U.S., most voters would probably change their attitudes towards reconnaissance satellites if they knew how extensive the spying has been. Its betterthat this explosive issue never surfaces. Few people are aware of the destruction of the rights of some Americans through satellite surveillance, and fewer still have any inclination to oppose it, but unless we do, 1984 looms ever closer. With the development of television and the technical device to receive and transmit on the same instrument, private life came to an end. John Fleming is the author of The War of All Against All: an Analysis of Conflict in Society (Rowman & Littlefield800-462-6420) 5060 Peyton Place Ct St. Louis MO USA 63128-2901 phone: 314-892-1813 email:

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# Posted by korpseflower on March 16th 2011 at 3:00am Link: When I was a kid I remember thinking, if there was one magical thing I could have I'd want to be able to hear people's thoughtsweird huh! (now can see how being able to hear everyone's thoughts could cause a lot of grief) The technology of computerised mind reading is out there. Scientists have mapped out thought patterns of the brain, though each brain has a different "fingerprint" which must be baselined. The idea of remote thought surveillance is nothing new (think of the "tin-foil-hat"). A microchip does not necessarily have to be in the target for a satellite to pick up on brainwaves (which in a way are broadcasted at different frequencies like radio signals). The physics of how this works can be explained. Satellites can pick up on signals of a strength even lower than that which is produced by the brain, even with a tin-foil hat on (which actually does NOTHING - think we are all aware of this lol). I don't blame you if you think this is a completely rediculous idea- I barely believe it... But being the open-minded person that I am, I figure most if not all things are possible. And as far as the government goes, they aren't exactly openly disclosing all of their advanced technologies. So, I think at the very least it's worth reading a few articles I've found on the topic. Can Satellites Read Your Thoughts?- Physics Revealed (copy of article posted below) John Fleming: The Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance (for Russia news and analysis) (copy of article posted above) Alternative Ways of Saying Things (I don't think this author is giving credit to the fact that we just don't know how advanced or what secret technology is capable of) (copy of article posted below)

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Silent Warrior


Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Physics Revealed

By Deep_Thought Tuesday 13th July 2010 4:28 PM EDT Most people, when they hear of Synthetic Telepathy, especially by means of satellite, jump to the immediate conclusion that such things are not possible. If they were, we would have heard of them, right? Looking back at the history of classified technology, places and events shows a wide range of time periods where things are kept secret. Stealth aircraft are just one example, the F-117 Nighthawk was not publicly acknowledged until 1988 although it had been in operation for over six years. Documents sealed for "National Security" purposes can be hidden away for up to 70 years. So, it would be really surprising if certain technologies were not classified as you read this. Whilst you can hide certain technology to an extent, what becomes very difficult to hide as time passes is the physics of a given technology. An example would be a nuclear device. Whilst you could, in theory, hide a given nation's development of a nuclear bomb, the physics still shows that nuclear fission/fusion is possible. Thus, if you weigh up the various factors that are required to create a nuclear device, you can make an educated guess as to the likelihood a nation has such technology. With this in mind, I decided to look at the transceiver and the physics involved in that process. Its all well and good claiming that a satellite can read thoughts, but how does the physics stack up? Does The Brain Transmit Like A Radio To understand this, we first need to look at how antennas work, its relationship to neurons and what similarities, if any, exist. Coming from a QED angle, if you take a look at figure 1 we can get a better viewpoint of how a moving charge creates an EM wave. As the electrical field moves towards the bottom of the picture, virtual photons are radiating magnetic energy into free space. As per Maxwell's equations, a changing magnetic field will induce a changing electrical field resulting in a free standing EM wave. This is a good applet that shows how a moving charge produces electromagnetic radiation.

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So, what is the connection with neurons? Information is processed by the brain in the form of electro-chemical interactions. That is, every perception you have sends electrical signals to the brain that are routed to specific areas that deal with them. The neuron has a long strand called an axon, along this axon propagates an electrical charge. With a resting potential of -70mV an action potential moves along the axon, in a millisecond, elevating it to a voltage of +30mV which drops off over a few milliseconds. This makes an action potential a form of alternating current with an almost triangular waveform. As such, this produces a very weak form of modulated electromagnetic radiation or radio source. For the astute reader, it means that a neuron is a type of transducer. Can You Hear Me Now? So, whenever you have a thought, feeling, speak or our heart beats, tiny little radio emissions are being made by the brain that emanate into free space. The real questions are, given modern technology can these signals be detected and does a method exist of associating them with particular functions? That is, whilst signals in this power range may be detectable, is there something unique about the signals that can be used to differentiate between different roles? Let's deal with first problem, detection. I tracked down an example of satellite sensitivity to radio frequencies that should act as a baseline. The following data is from NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab: The sensitivity of our deep-space tracking antennas located around the world is truly amazing. The antennas must capture Voyager information from a signal so weak that the power striking the antenna is only 10 exponent -16 watts (1 part in 10 quadrillion). A modern-day electronic digital watch operates at a power level 20 billion times greater than this feeble level. So, does the brain emit radio waves at a power level greater than 0.0000000000000001 Watts after several hundred miles? To answer this we must turn to this scientific paper. From this paper, we can observe the charge per square centimeter which is around 2229 microamperes. We can perform some rough math on these figures that will reveal the answer to our question. The equations are rough and leave out a lot of additional factors, that said, the final figures will not be far from the truth and will probably under-estimate the capabilities of current classified technology. So, using the formula Watts = Voltage x Amperage, we get the following peak power: 0.003 V x 0.0000029 A = 0.0000000087 Watts/cm2 So, at source, the weak radio emission of a cubic centimeter of brain matter is well within the detectable limits of the satellite. We now need to project that into space and determine the signal strength at orbital distances. To do this, we need to apply the inverse square law to the emission and the formula is provided in figure 2. So, the formula would be (disregarding gain): (0.000087 Watts/m2) / (4PI x (500000m^2)) = 0.000087 / 3141592653589.7932384626433832795 = 2.7692960097989788423785774826817e-17 Watts/m2

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This is fine, its somewhat larger than our baseline, but nothing that cannot be accounted for. Firstly, we need to identify the frequency range. As noted before, due to Maxwell's equations the motion of the action potential results in a changing electrical field. In turn, this results in a changing magnetic field and thus a free space radio wave. Typical frequencies for an action potential are in the range of 0-500Hz which will result in free space waves in this range, known as the SLF and ELF Band. This somewhat matches up with experimental evidence that shows humans do broadcast signals on the ELF band. This scientific paper and others show that SLF/ELF reception gear and antennas are of a practical form factor to be placed upon a satellite. An array of such satellites (see figure 3) would use the principle of aperture synthesis to create a type of space-born Very Large Array. Given that the Ohio State's radio telescope had a sensitivity, in 1977, of 2 10^-22 W m-2 per channel and the VLA is described as being 100 times as sensitive, any signals we are producing could be heard loud-and-clear by a space-borne array. This arrangement would provide for a very high resolution of brain activity. What's more, the development time line for this technology places the capability to detect brainwaves as far back as the early 1970's. Given an average lifespan for a satellite as 5 years, with an initial deployment during 1970, the satellite technology would be in its 8th generation today. So, we can detect the signals but now it must be processed. Information Overload There is a significant difference between detecting a signal, or signal range, and being able to process that information and make sense of it. To do this, we need to find unique patterns in a signal that would allow us to isolate individuals and isolate neural activity we can categorize. The three main characteristics of a wave are its amplitude, frequency and phase. To be able to detect a single person, in a crowd for example, we need to find something unique about the waves the are emanating. This allows us to eliminate the noise and only have information regarding a single person. There are a number of ways this can be achieved. In a satellite array, examining the timing of signals received across the array, on a given frequency range, will provide you with both the location (in 3D) and the coding of the neuron structure. From this, the function of the cluster can be inferred by comparison with generalizable signals in a database. A cluster of neurons will broadcast across a given range of frequencies, slightly out of phase and with slight variation in amplitude. The characteristics are dictated to by the rate of neuronal firing, the timing of neuronal firing and the amount of energy in the neuron at the time. Given that neurons are biological and the unique structure of a cluster, the statistical likelihood of the wave characteristics being identical between different people would be quite low. Thus, from a technical viewpoint, pattern analysis lies at the heart of the development of a lexicon. Now, we have our signals, we know what they mean, all that's left is to scale the process up, allowing us to track thousands of targets in real-time. The only real limit here is processing horse power and satellites. Conclusion In answer to our original question, it is technically possible for a satellite to detect your thoughts, your emotions and your perceptions and pass that information to a computer for interpretation. I bet that comes as quite a shock. The only ever real restriction was the receiver sensitivity in the SLF/ELF band. The whole tinfoil hat brigade will be pleased, but will ultimately

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feel stupid as waves in the SLF/ELF band cannot be blocked by tinfoil hats. Even in the deepest tube stations, you would be heard perfectly from orbital distances. Do you see the benefit to intelligence gathering? So, given that it is technically possible, the questions now become which governments are using it and why was the public not informed? There will be a lot of raised eyebrows in the world tonight. Link:

Deep_Thought Who would have thought? Reply#1 - Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:33 PM EDT Deep_Thought Just a little update to the figures presented in this article. This is so people can play with the figures themselves. I'm applying no gain to the signal (TX/RX), although in the real world there would considerable gain on the RX side. Running it through a calculator at the follow location: Input Values: Freq (MHz): 0.000005 TX Power (Watts): 0.000087 Distance (Meters): 500000 Gain TX and RX (dBi): 0.0 Output Values: Electric Field (V/M) : 0.102176316 Received Power (mW): 7.933449 Effective Area (m): 2.86478882E14 Wavelength (m): 6.0E7 Decibel (dBV/m): -19.812996

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Decibel (dBmW): 8.99462 RX Area (m): 2.86478882E14 Power Density Wr (W/m): 2.769296E-17 So, the final figures are in agreement with my calculation. -------------------------------------------------#1.1 - Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:36 AM EDT KyleN Wouldn't there be interference not only between people but even from inside the same brain? The Voyager signal while weak was/is being broadcast at a constant frequency not often experiencing outside interference or periodic known interference that could be reversed algorithmically but brain matter changes constantly making new interference patterns second to second. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#2 - Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:41 PM EDT Deep_Thought The interference can be accounted for. Different clusters of neurons fire at different rates, given them a different phase and a shifting frequency. So, you simply take a broad range of frequencies 0-500Hz and analyze the timings against the frequencies. Every time that cluster fires, it could be uniquely identified by the pattern it makes across a narrow frequency spectrum. There would be very little overlap between people, while the structure of the waves would be similar for given functions, both the frequency and phase would be unique. Given the lack of alternative signal sources in these discreet ranges and the little interaction they have, the signals should be near their optimum at orbital distances. Is there some form of natural process that amplifies these signals? I don't know, but the evidence suggests it is not required anyway. -----------------------------------------------------#2.1 - Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:01 PM EDT The Incredulous One "There would be very little overlap between people, while the structure of the waves would be similar for given functions, both the frequency and phase would be unique." How do you know they would not be virtually identical? Ok let's say it's possible there was very little overlap. That suggests that there are

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many ways neurons can fire to produce say, a finger twitch; one pattern per person. But, if many possible neuron patterns can result in a finger twitch, those firings could also arise from the same person, especially given not only brain plasticity but alteration in excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitters which are all affected by brain and body chemistry which may be dissimilar from moment to moment. The point is you can't say much of anything about the similarity of firing patterns comparing one person against another. -----------------------------------------------------#2.2 - Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:07 AM EDT Deep_Thought How do you know they would not be virtually identical? Ok let's say it's possible there was very little overlap. That suggests that there are many ways neurons can fire to produce say, a finger twitch; one pattern per person. I think you need to read up on neural coding: But, if many possible neuron patterns can result in a finger twitch, those firings could also arise from the same person, especially given not only brain plasticity but alteration in excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitters which are all affected by brain and body chemistry which may be dissimilar from moment to moment. The point is you can't say much of anything about the similarity of firing patterns comparing one person against another. Do you have any information to support this assertion? I'll think you will find, from the numerous links in this series of articles, that experimental data shows that we are generally wired the same for all our major functions and behavior. Thus, a generalizable pattern exists for almost every function. -----------------------------------------------------#2.3 - Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:24 AM EDT The Incredulous One Do you have any information to support this assertion? I think you need to read up on brain plasticity. Generally, it's now known that the neurons are not a collection of hardwired connections. The infrastructure may be there but the synaptic junctions come and go. The neurochemicals (transmitters, inhibitors) come and go. So a neuron that fired yesterday may find itself looking at different possibilities for its output today, or an hour ago. As well, the input to the dendrites that was there yesterday may no longer exist. I'll think you will find, from the numerous links in this series of articles, that experimental data shows that we are generally wired the same for all our major functions and behavior. Thus, a generalizable pattern exists for almost every function. This is true and well known, but this is downstream of the firing of individual neurons. It is true in the aggregate or statistically. Even with the identical input, the output of a neuron is not always identical; there's a probability distribution of it's output. This suggests that the

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"mapping" from output to input is not one-to-one. Even farther downstream are things like feelings and emotions, and opinions, so, imho, the program to control them by playing back a recording of neuron firings is doomed to fail. Sure, you can stick an electrode into the pleasure centers of the brain, but one person will experience sex with their spouse, another the fun on a merry-go-round when they were nine. ETC. -----------------------------------------------------#2.4 - Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:49 PM EDT Deep_Thought I think you need to read up on brain plasticity. Generally, it's now known that the neurons are not a collection of hardwired connections. The infrastructure may be there but the synaptic junctions come and go. The neurochemicals (transmitters, inhibitors) come and go. So a neuron that fired yesterday may find itself looking at different possibilities for its output today, or an hour ago. As well, the input to the dendrites that was there yesterday may no longer exist. The main functional circuits are largely fixed. That is, the same structures are identifiable in dissection and analysis under a microscope. We don't all develop independent solutions for the neural structures of our major senses, inner monologue, feelings and spacial skills. These are "fundamental algorithm", or neural networks, that we all share as a result of our DNA. Only certain subtle variations occur within these major groups. Otherwise, we would all have different senses. Thus, the patterns produced by the neural encoding will be similar enough to be generalizable. This is true and well known, but this is downstream of the firing of individual neurons. It is true in the aggregate or statistically. Even with the identical input, the output of a neuron is not always identical; there's a probability distribution of it's output. Given that the brain is hardwired, the variation will be due to a finite range of factors from subtle changes in the input to the amount of potassium/sodium ions available, these variations may not translate to a noticeable difference in experience. Furthermore, it is arguable that these slight variations represent the subtleties of an input, whereas a generalizable pattern would provoke only the bulk of a sensation. A good analogy may be that it is like the difference between aspartame and sugar on the taste bud. This suggests that the "mapping" from output to input is not one-to-one. Even farther downstream are things like feelings and emotions, and opinions, so, imho, the program to control them by playing back a recording of neuron firings is doomed to fail. Actually, these are all separate systems. They are combined in real-time to produce qualia, its also referred to more technically as the binding problem. You need to think of your brain like the world wide web. Only rather than visiting each site individually, you experience the sum total of the activity on every server.

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Keep in mind that no information is encoded onto the EM spectrum, so this really raises the question of what is experiencing the information. Is it the neuron? Given the structure and chemical composition, I can see no way for a neuron to have an experience. Therefore, we're missing something and that something happens to be us. So, its a minor issue. So, by stimulating individual neurons into firing, I stimulate this entire world wide web of neurons into introducing the experience interpreted by these networks into your qualia or experience. Sure, you can stick an electrode into the pleasure centers of the brain, but one person will experience sex with their spouse, another the fun on a merry-go-round when they were nine. ETC. True. That said, if I could prevent the current activity in your brain, and introduce a direct duplicate of that childhood experience through electrical stimulation, the experience would just be the same and only your reasoning would be current. As an electro-chemical device, you input information, process it and produce an output of some form when required. All I need to do is change the input. In practice, there is no difference in terms of experience between me burning you and electrically stimulating the neurons directly. From a pure engineering perspective, it is the same thing, only at different stages of the input pipeline and there is no way for the brain to tell the difference. All sensory input ends up as electrical activity. That said, at this stage it is unknown if a remote signal would be as powerful as a local signal. The main issue being transmitter complexity and neuron density for a given sensation. -----------------------------------------------------#2.5 - Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:52 PM EDT LoveWestVirginia Very interesting concept and I can think of a few instances where this technology could be used. But, taking a different route here, if satellites can detect such minute signals, why can't someone with the intelligence come up with a way for satellites to detect ANY form of explosive and stop terrorists before they detonate them (or themselves)? In my mind, this technology could detect, pinpoint location and even follow anyone or anything carrying explosives. Just a midnight musing I have had and still ponder upon occasionally. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#3 - Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:52 PM EDT Deep_Thought why can't someone with the intelligence come up with a way for satellites to detect ANY form of explosive and stop terrorists before they detonate them (or themselves)? In general, it would be because a current doesn't flow until detonation. As such, there would be no signal. In more complex circuits, the emanated signals would be no different to any other timing circuit. I suppose comparison methods could reveal such a device in the context of a building, but the characteristics of the signal would need to be unique. As such, I would say there would be

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limited roles for this and given development and operation costs, would it be worth it? -----------------------------------------------------#3.1 - Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:16 PM EDT Andy-2022388 This so called "science article" is crackpottery from end to end. -----------------------------------------------------#3.2 - Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:57 AM EDT Deep_Thought This so called "science article" is crackpottery from end to end. Well maybe you would like to show us why? I often find that those who post hit and run comments like this, cannot back up their claims. In the end, it is usually because they have a limited understanding of what they are reading. As such, they tend to go with their gut feeling. -----------------------------------------------------#3.3 - Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:31 AM EDT robin-6 must be b/c God said so. Interesting PR, et al. Interesting. -----------------------------------------------------#3.4 - Fri Sep 3, 2010 12:23 AM EDT hemphill Until the point where medical science can actually understand the brain, this seems rather like pie in the sky dreaming. We still have no idea why half the cases of epilepsy occur. If we can't understand the brain, up close and physically wired to it, doing it remotely would seem to be off the table. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#4 - Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:36 PM EDT Deep_Thought

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Until the point where medical science can actually understand the brain, this seems rather like pie in the sky dreaming. We still have no idea why half the cases of epilepsy occur. If we can't understand the brain, up close and physically wired to it, doing it remotely would seem to be off the table. Its not about "understanding the brain", but rather, associating radio emanations with particular actions, events, or sensations. For example, radio signature A represents a smile, radio signature B indicates stress and radio signature C is the word "Hello". That level of interpretation is easy, its just a form of mapping. -----------------------------------------------------#4.1 - Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:11 AM EDT hemphill Until they can do more than say this frequency seems to come from the frontal lobe when john smith is about to kill someone, it's just not feasible or realistic to treat it as a mapping problem. To treat this as a mapping issue, you'll have to observe each person while recording to get their overall output at a multitude of times/emotions/actions. Good luck with that. -----------------------------------------------------#4.2 - Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:43 AM EDT Deep_Thought OK, it seems that you do not understand the principle to well. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one and explain. Let's say I ask you to lift your arm. What I would track is the range of frequencies and patterns that were emanated during that period. Every time you lifted your arm, those same frequencies and patterns will appear. Thus, I can tell everytime you move your arm. The problem you seem to have is, do we have to do this for everyone? The answer is no, we all come from similar genetics. The difference between you and someone else will be subtle, but the neural network that controls arm movement will be similar in enough respects to identify it as such. In that respect, it is just a matter of creating a database from test subjects, defining a generalizable pattern and comparing the input signal against that. This can be observed in fMRI attempts at classifying neural activity. There is no need to retrain the computer for each person. It is just a mapping issue. -----------------------------------------------------#4.3 - Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:12 AM EDT

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Deep_Thought Until they can do more than say this frequency seems to come from the frontal lobe when john smith is about to kill someone, it's just not feasible or realistic to treat it as a mapping problem. What do you mean by "do more"? What we are really talking about here, is surveillance of a target by listening to his mind. At a very basic level, just listening to the inner monologue should tell you everything you need to know. From a terrorism perspective, listening to someone mull over the location and plan of an attack is enough. That's not magic, its just a matter of listening to the right frequencies and patterns and comparing it. -----------------------------------------------------#4.4 - Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:25 AM EDT hemphill If all you have to do is map the output patterns once, that's a simple problem. Just get hold of a couple dead patients long term EEG's and you should have your map. It doesn't have to be satellite based, one that could pick up your thoughts in the house and act like a glorified clapper would make someone a billionaire. So, If it's that simple, build one. Either way all it would take to defeat such a system is a wire mesh embedded hat with a one time pad encryption structure hooked up to a current. That's a pretty easy thing to build. -----------------------------------------------------#4.5 - Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:02 AM EDT Deep_Thought If all you have to do is map the output patterns once, that's a simple problem. Just get hold of a couple dead patients long term EEG's and you should have your map. Dead people don't have electrical do know the medical definition of death is the lack of electrical activity? To create a map, you use an SLF/ELF antenna and live human test subjects to perform various activities both physical and mental. It doesn't have to be satellite based, one that could pick up your thoughts in the house and act like a glorified clapper would make someone a billionaire. So, If it's that simple, build one. Do you know how weak and discreet these signals are? Do you understand the signal processing requirements? Its a multi-million dollar project at least, easily billion dollar. This is not something you can do in your shed. The satellite system is the finished product Either way all it would take to defeat such a system is a wire mesh embedded hat with a one time pad encryption structure hooked up to a current. That's a pretty easy thing to build.

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Not likely. The frequency hopping and phase shifting would require a more complex setup. One estimate I made, was for a system with half a million transducers and about 26 years worth of construction work for one person. That system will only give you millisecond resolution and may not be enough to saturate the signal. Signal jamming is more complex than you think. -----------------------------------------------------#4.6 - Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:28 AM EDT Matt Taylor Does this have anything to do with tinfoil hats? :P -----------------------------------------------------Reply#5 - Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:36 PM EDT Deep_Thought In a tells our tinfoil buddies to stop being stupid as they don't work. :) -----------------------------------------------------#5.1 - Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:50 PM EDT Matt Taylor Indeed, one would need a complete Faraday body suit ... a bit uncomfortable, but the only true protection against electromagnetic brain scans! :D -----------------------------------------------------#5.2 - Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:26 AM EDT Deep_Thought Actually, I have been reading of tests done inside both a magnetically and electrically shielded room. Apparently weak ELF magnetic fields cannot be blocked effectively and can entrain the brain. I don't know how true this claim is, because I am wary of the source, but I have heard similar stories throughout the years. Its going to open a new field in TEMPEST shielding though. If these wavelengths cannot be blocked, then anyone in a secure room could be leaking information. ------------------------------------------------------

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#5.3 - Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:38 AM EDT hemphill The type of secure room will just shift a bit. It'll be everything it is now and they'll wrap the room in superconducters. -----------------------------------------------------#5.4 - Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:55 AM EDT Deep_Thought Perhaps, but what happens when they leave the room? Try training someone not to think about their work, or material they have seen. Secure rooms are a security illusion. -----------------------------------------------------#5.5 - Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:06 AM EDT reknight1 Your argument is logical and appears flawless, at least from a theoretical viewpoint. But ask your self a question Deep Thought: if this were being done, how do you explain the intelligence failures around the world? Using your own argument, that this has been going on for generations, we would know all the time what the enemy is thinking. But of course the human problem is that we simply don't know. Still the theory is interesting, doable but I don't think done yet. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#6 - Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:19 PM EDT Deep_Thought Your argument is logical and appears flawless, at least from a theoretical viewpoint. But ask your self a question Deep Thought: if this were being done, how do you explain the intelligence failures around the world? There are a number of explanations. Firstly, you need to know who to target and then its a waiting game until they think of something that proves valuable. Secondly, there is a limit on how many targets could be tracked at one time. In that respect, they may cycle through targets giving a week or two of dedicated time to each. It could be several months before they come back to that target. Finally, the process may have certain side effects if not completely passive, that may interfere with wider operations. As such, it may not be feasible to use the technology on certain high profile targets. Using your own argument, that this has been going on for generations, we would know all the time what the enemy is thinking. To a certain degree, for the reasons outlined above. You must also look at the other side of the coin. If you read the paper on ELF broadcasts from humans, you will notice it is Czech Defence Department. So, if they are at that stage of development, what stage is Russia or China at?

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Still the theory is interesting, doable but I don't think done yet. If the science is there and has been for at least 30 years, in a National Security context, would it have been irresponsible not to use it? Think of the development of the Nuclear bomb, no one waited to develop the technology as soon as the physics became clear. Reading the enemy's mind is the Holy Grail of intelligence gathering. I don't see anyone passing up that opportunity. So, not only is it possible, this technology is in full deployment. -----------------------------------------------------#6.1 - Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:22 PM EDT reknight1 If I understand you correctly, you are saying two things; first, that it is being used because it is feasible and practical; second, that at least so far limitations of "side effects" and chance meetings of a mind have not produced much. Actually if this technology were extant, then it would certainly be abused to topple major and minor governments. Einstein and other scientists did not want to see the creation of the Abomb. Would any responsible scientist want to be involved in such a project as reading peoples' minds, whether from a distance or even up close? I like to think that no responsible scientist would be involved in such a project. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#7 - Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:56 PM EDT Deep_Thought If I understand you correctly, you are saying two things; first, that it is being used because it is feasible and practical; second, that at least so far limitations of "side effects" and chance meetings of a mind have not produced much. The first part is accurate. We're talking about the military, if a technology has the capacity to expose terrorist cells or activities of governments worldwide, then they are going to pursue it. In terms of the productivity, that is a little more difficult to say. It all comes down to how much processing power is being the installation and the capabilities of the satellite array. Tracking targets simultaneously would be limited and that exact figure is unknown. It could be anywhere from a thousand targets, to tens of thousands. Actually if this technology were extant, then it would certainly be abused to topple major and minor governments. No doubt. I have wondered whether it was used to collapse the Soviet Union by targeting key protagonists and introducing the concepts of perestroika and glasnost. In addition, I have wondered what role it played in the Iraq war. It would have been clear that no WMDs existed. If that is the case, then certain Western Intelligence agencies are rotten to the core. Einstein and other scientists did not want to see the creation of the A-bomb. Would any responsible scientist want to be involved in such a project as reading peoples' minds, whether from a distance or even up close? I like to think that no responsible scientist would be involved in such a project.

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Look at Oppenheimer, or any scientist who works on missile technology. Not to mention experiments on humans such as MKULTRA. Ethics is not a major concern for these type of people. I don't see this as an issue. -----------------------------------------------------#7.1 - Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:38 AM EDT reknight1 I strongly disagree. MKULTRA was illegal and unethical. Experimentation on humans without their consent is and always will be illegal and unethical. That this horrendous action was done in the name of "national security" underscores the need for more control over government groups who feel that working for the military gives them power to do whatever they want. Reputable scientists will always be concerned with the ramifications of their creations. If for no other reason, these creators are human and have to live with themselves. It was Einstein who said: "I wish I had been a plumber." He knew what society would do with his theory. -----------------------------------------------------#7.2 - Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:46 PM EDT Deep_Thought I strongly disagree. MKULTRA was illegal and unethical. And yet it was done. That fact alone should tell you that there are scientists who have very little morals. Its a fact of life. -----------------------------------------------------#7.3 - Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:18 AM EDT reknight1 True, which I why I voted for your comment. But I do not think a reputable scientist would, unless he were persuaded. -----------------------------------------------------#7.4 - Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:34 PM EDT anonymous-1077600 Your article has possibilities, if you also consider the work with EEG, functional MRI and other research into robotics and the human reactions that were changed into electrical impulses to make a computer raise it's arm or speak, etc... They would also have to get readings of a certain amount of individuals so that they could utilize this information to get a sample of the fluctuations in different individuals. It is funny that within a certain time period(I am thinking 2011 or 2012) all hospitals will have electronic medical records, could some of this information be used? This is just a question, but I am curious if it is plausible to utilize these as well as combining it with any other research? ------------------------------------------------------

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#7.5 - Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:34 PM EDT Deep_Thought True, which I why I voted for your comment. But I do not think a reputable scientist would, unless he were persuaded. I'm sure a million and one emotive arguments exist. Given the design of the system, it also takes very little to adapt existing technology to perform this function. Thus, many people involved in the development of the core systems, could be oblivious to the full scope of the project. That is, I don't need to know a system can read thoughts, just to program an A.I, or make an ELF antenna. Thus, there could be only a few hundred with full knowledge of the technology. It remains to be seen what level of involvement politicians or legal experts had, given the dubious legal standing such a system has. Who has been signing the cheques? -----------------------------------------------------#7.6 - Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:33 PM EDT Deep_Thought It is funny that within a certain time period(I am thinking 2011 or 2012) all hospitals will have electronic medical records, could some of this information be used? This is just a question, but I am curious if it is plausible to utilize these as well as combining it with any other research? Only as part of degradation, lie detection and general health assessment. That is, there would be nothing that could be employed that could assist with an interface. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#8 - Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:22 PM EDT anonymous-1077600 Thanks for the answer, I found your article very interesting, something like this makes one wonder about the science that is being used by our government and that of others and how far they have taken it without us knowing about their experiments and advancements! -----------------------------------------------------#8.1 - Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:10 AM EDT CL1 Hello again, this was interesting to learn our brains transmit like a radio, and our thoughts, emotions could be picked up by satellite. ..not surprising. :) I don't know what questions to ask that you haven't already addressed above about this technology. I wonder about the limited capability; it seems like there would be a variety of reasons for interference with different human interactions, locale, i.e.crowded mass transit, mall, group function with multiple conversations and signals being passed... the thoughts and emotions could be transmitted from person to person, such that the satellite could be getting someone else's thoughts second-hand through the target, no? (I hope that made sense to

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you.) -----------------------------------------------------Reply#9 - Mon Aug 9, 2010 5:14 AM EDT Deep_Thought I wonder about the limited capability; it seems like there would be a variety of reasons for interference with different human interactions, locale, i.e.crowded mass transit, mall, group function with multiple conversations and signals being passed I think you have answered your own question. If we were all broadcasting on the same frequencies the neuron, as a transducer, would convert that energy into an action potential. In other words, the fact that close proximity does not result in us hearing each others thoughts, or scrambling your own thoughts, indicates that similar neural networks, broadcast on a unique band of frequencies. Its a form of cross talk prevention. As such, the answer is merely sensitivity of the receiver. Using a form of multilateration, across a satellite array, identifying and tracking a target would be pretty straightforward. Given atomic timing and the little interaction of SLF/ELF waves, you should be able to pinpoint the source of a wave down to millimeter accuracy. Once done, you take the signals that arrive in a given time frame and they will be associated with the target. Then it is a matter of pattern matching to make sense of those signals. ...and yes, this does imply that it is possible to talk back, send images, send feelings, interrupt brain signals and processing, effect muscles and motor system, etc. Its all a matter of sensitivity and this level was obtained back in the 70's. -----------------------------------------------------#9.1 - Mon Aug 9, 2010 7:49 AM EDT CL1 Thanks for a reply. I didn't get a tracking. Yes, I was thinking that we would all broadcast on a different frequency or signal to enable locating the origin. I was referring to the accuracy of the individual's thoughts as being their 'own,' considering that when communicating with others, we are processing the other's input. Maybe the issue I'm attempting to point out isn't that relevant overall - but in a critical event of needing individual thought, it could make a difference, possibly? ... Wow, pretty incredible that this was so advanced in the 70's!! -----------------------------------------------------#9.2 - Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:54 PM EDT Deep_Thought

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I was referring to the accuracy of the individual's thoughts as being their 'own,' considering that when communicating with others, we are processing the other's input. That's just a matter of identifying activity in the auditory processing sections. You can isolate what is being heard that way. There would be different frequencies and patterns for such activity. Wow, pretty incredible that this was so advanced in the 70's!! I think all that has really changed is the number of simultaneous targets, the introduction of an A.I. interface/interrogator and higher resolution in terms of what forms of activity are monitored. -----------------------------------------------------#9.3 - Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:06 AM EDT CL1 It's interesting, imo. As a side note, I came across an article, but unfortunately didn't save it, regarding some controversial military satellite activity and monitoring issues in the Bush era between 2001 and 2006, and using the government computers for pornography, drugs, etc.; it certainly is concerning in just how much the technology is being used for what it was not designed for. Thanks for the discussion. -----------------------------------------------------#9.4 - Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:15 PM EDT Derrick-2281637 Thanks so much, Deep Thought. And congratulations, that you've brilliantly answered all of your skeptics. Being on the receiving end of this technology, we already know that it not only exists, but is in full operation, and has been for quite some time, although until now we've not been able to find anyone to explain how it would work. If allowed, I would like to save and post this most valuable information for our group. btw, may I ask of your background? Do you have a degree in physics or something related? Derrick Robinson, President Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance -----------------------------------------------------Reply#10 - Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:34 AM EDT Deep_Thought

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Thanks so much, Deep Thought. And congratulations, that you've brilliantly answered all of your skeptics. Being on the receiving end of this technology, we already know that it not only exists, but is in full operation, and has been for quite some time, although until now we've not been able to find anyone to explain how it would work. No problem. The technology operates something like a traditional music box. Every neuron has a range of unique frequencies and that frequency passes down a chain of neurons, slightly out of phase. Each chain has a structure that defines what it does and this can be determined by the phase differences. For example, when you touch something, several things happen. First the area that is being touched sends a signal which is passed to the brain. Secondly, the intensity is represented by the firing rate of the neuron. So, by listening on this frequency and how often this frequency appears in a given time frame, I can determine where and how hard you were touched. So, it is merely a matter of cross-referencing these signals (or tones) with an action or event. In principle, it is pretty straight forward. Signal processing is performed by FFT analysis, similar to this: Picking someone out of a crowd is relatively easy given timing differences in received signals. Also, if you find some of the victims a little delusional, it is to be expected. It is how the A.I. hides itself. By lowering the credibility of the victim, it creates what should be the perfect cover. Having read numerous reports by victims, I have found some clear markers that indicate technology as opposed to natural circumstances. Also, it would appear that there has been an attempt to add this attack to classical literature of psychological illness. Again, another cover story and probably the source of the majority of domestic attacks. If you are looking to prove it, just start recording signals in the 0-1000Hz range. You should see signals originating in orbit, that match signals from the human brain. If allowed, I would like to save and post this most valuable information for our group. btw, may I ask of your background? Do you have a degree in physics or something related? I would rather that you linked to here. The reason being that I may update these articles as new information comes to light. This way, there will not be lots of conflicting information floating around the web. I'm an IT specialist by trade, so the A.I. behind this falls into my area. But I also have a solid background in physics and electronics, having switched to IT from this field. -----------------------------------------------------#10.1 - Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:14 AM EDT CL1 John Allman

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emtechvctm20plusyrs You write: [since the 1970s] "I think all that has really changed is the number of simultaneous targets, the introduction of an A.I. interface/interrogator and higher resolution in terms of what forms of activity are monitored." What could change? Through-put [how much data is acquired, and then processed, at any one time]; and, signals-relay speed and signals processing speed. Assuming that 'they' learned all about the human body in the 1970 [neural decoding, radio x neurological activity mapping of the human body [such as along the lines of your proposed science description]; thought monitoring (verbal thought, visual thought, auditory experience, etc.); body monitoring. Their 'Interpreter' and Interaction capacity could, over these 30, 40 years, become quite advanced (another 'holy' grail in AI - to understand the real world better and better as it is - with many, or 'all' its potential interrelationships, connections - let's say the 'holy' grail is a 'bubble up' neural network of interrelationships, with variable theshholding, so that 'real world' significant to humans interrelationships are recognized, but non-interesting interrelationships are usually ignored). I believe (including based upon my personal experience) that it's pretty advanced by now. Real time signals relaying and processing? Its probably gotten faster (aren't there advances in 'optical', analog signals relaying and signals processing?); there are obvious modern-computer-age speedups in computer processing. And, even the fastest 'table based' lookups [to speed up computer human interaction by 'table based' quick-lookups] are significantly faster, due to significantly faster computer memory, and much faster computer 'processors'. Throughput? Despite my personal experience that maybe there is some (relatively minor) increase (in throughput) here, I'm not sure that there has been such great progress - to convey multiple, multiple channels of real-time ('neural' based) information might just be limited. And, if a person's doing a very dynamic realtime sports activity - maybe the (signals-and-data) processing needed is just too fast to 'be right on top of'? This is Another 'holy' grail [i.e., to be totally, computationally, 'ultra-fast real time on top of' a human activity; e.g., to prevent a world class figure [ice] skater from falling, after he/she does an erroneous take off [wrong force, wrong everything] - can a computer detect it, and navigate, and successfully mediate?, a 'compromise' performance part, not to mention to 'coverup'/make-up the error - that is, to help navigate, and to mediate, and (help to) satisfactorily make up the missed performance element(s) [not to mention with reasonable musical gracefulness - for that skater's music for that performance]]. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#11 - Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:45 PM EDT Deep_Thought And, if a person's doing a very dynamic realtime sports activity - maybe the (signals-and-data) processing needed is just too fast to 'be right on top of'? Most of your conclusions are fine. I think this may be of interest to you:

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Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API This book has a section on the bandwidth of brain interactions. You can see some of it here: Anyway, the point is that given all our functions, there is not a lot of data. Even when interpreted by ELF, which uses a different mechanism, there is still not a lot of data. When interperted by ELF, it is not data that is being captured, merely the presence of a signal on particular frequencies. So, we can skip any processing further up the stack. Let say we wanted to monitor touch, to the first finger of the right hand. We could use a range of test subjects and record the ELF patterns. A better approach, is to record a range of subjects doing set tasks and let a pattern matching algorithm fill in the blanks. Once we have located the pattern for a touch to the first finger of the right hand, we would observe that we only need to monitor two areas. The first being the pattern that represents the finger and second the intensity. To locate the pattern that identifies the finger we look for a unique frequency that is in a specific phase pattern. Movement across the frequencies would indicate the intensity. Keep in mind that the touch receptor map is preserved to the level of the brain: So, in terms of "data" or information, how much does that represent? Not a lot. In fact a full body map of touch receptors expressed as boolean values would be well under a Megabyte. So, it wouldn't take much more to map the rest: Does such a system need to project what will happen based on these inputs? Do we need to computationally project the fall of the dancer? No, update or delta information is constantly being supplied. As long as the processing of input is faster than can be relayed back to the target, it will suffice. In that respect, if bandwidth or processing power becomes an issue, sensory perceptions could be processed at a slower pace compared to speech. At times of peak availability, in terms of the hardware, both may be processed in real-time. The bottom line is, given modern hardware or even hardware from the mid-80's, the amount of data would not stress any super-computer. Thus, all that would change would be the number of targets, both passive and interactive. -----------------------------------------------------#11.1 - Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:15 PM EDT emtechvctm20plusyrs

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A webpage which you linked to above,, includes the following quoted-from statement: "There is an increasing body of evidence that only a minuscule proportion of the sensory data processed by the unconscious mind (capable of processing approximately 11 million bits per second) is referred to the conscious mind (capable of processing approximately 50 bits per second). It is also clear that conscious awareness of stimuli from the environment lags actual perception by approximately half a second, but that a backward referral of subjective experience results in a individual's perception of the stimulus and its conscious awareness as simultaneous. These findings challenge the primacy and supremacy of conscious processing of information on which a substantial proportion of educational practice and policy is based, and suggest a re-evaluation of the the nature of teacher competence and expertise." That's a lot of information, 11 million bits a second. I am not referring to (or claiming that), or implying that, the CONSCIOUS mind handles anywhere near that. However, a skilled person trains his mind, trains his body, for performance. A chess master's thoughts sit atop of many things he will never be CONSCIOUS of during a competitive-game, but his/her thoughts do sit atop of the ability to command his/her mental resources, mainly his/her in-depth memory and knowledge of chess playing, TO BE ABLE TO BRING TO CONSCIOUSNESS things as need be. Similarly, a high performance athlete (and in many real life situations, an ordinary person, but with less training, and 'skill intensity', involved) trains his/her body, trains his/her experience, so as to be READY TO BE ABLE TO BRING TO CONSCIOUSNESS elements of his/her athletic skill, and knowledge, AS NEED BE. Its this 'skilled director' capacity, the ability [or if not yet scientifically proven, then at least considering the possibility that it may be true] for a person's '50 bits a second' of 'conscious awareness' to SKIM ON THE expanse of that '11 millions bits a second' of 'unconsciously obtained' information. Don't you think there is value to be able to do that? Or is that so obscure - only applicable, only needed, only helpful maybe to 'fighter pilots'? No, it's not obscure. It's a meaningful capacity. I believe that: it IS a desirable 'holy' grail to be able to help a person consciously to achieve (or at least to 'back out' of some error situation, like my example suggested): TO BE ABLE TO MONITOR, TO BE ABLE TO MAYBE POTENTIALLY ASSIST, someone, as his/her conscious mind 'skims' upon the expanse of the larger 'in total, unconscious, perceptional experience' of a human being. Thank you for your reply. -----------------------------------------------------#11.2 - Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:01 PM EDT Deep_Thought That's a lot of information, 11 million bits a second. 11,000,000 bits = 1375000 bytes = 1342.77 KB = 1.31 MB Its nothing. That's not even a floppy disk's worth, broadband internet has more bandwidth.

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However, a skilled person trains his mind, trains his body, for performance. A chess master's thoughts sit atop of many things he will never be CONSCIOUS of during a competitive-game, but his/her thoughts do sit atop of the ability to command his/her mental resources, mainly his/her in-depth memory and knowledge of chess playing, TO BE ABLE TO BRING TO CONSCIOUSNESS things as need be. Try this, just watch the video and do not read anything else until you have finished: You are describing what we call a fulcrum. A fulcrum is used in graphics programming to restrict the amount of information being sent to the screen. Anything outside the fulcrum should not be processed. A fulcrum in terms of the brain is related to attention. If you focus on playing music, your brain will select memories related to this topic. If you are counting certain things in an image, you will not really notice anything in the scene. As you have seen in the video, it is a fact, our brains only pass a certain amount of information to our consciousness and that is related to the task at hand. That's why distraction leads to problems with concentration, selecting the right information, fully recognizing what we are doing or understanding provided information. The real puzzle lies in the amount of data transferred across such narrow bandwidth. Obviously, some other mechanism is at play. TO BE ABLE TO MONITOR, TO BE ABLE TO MAYBE POTENTIALLY ASSIST, someone, as his/her conscious mind 'skims' upon the expanse of the larger 'in total, unconscious, perceptional experience' of a human being. Ultimately, due to how the mind works, you are suggesting that some government approved way of thinking is beneficial? I think you'll find that was an underlying factor in most wars of modern history. The freedom of thought is paramount. As a result, I think it is unrealistic, no matter how beneficial, that deployment could occur. Certainly, it is arguable that certain experiments are being conducted and that this is something that would be tested. The real problem here, of course, will be public reaction to such activity as it is their horror story come true. That would be the end of the technology and it is only a matter of time before that happens. -----------------------------------------------------#11.3 - Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:04 PM EDT emtechvctm20plusyrs Thank you for your reply. Reply1: Ref: 'Throughput' My question of 'throughput' is a result of my personal experience of my body and brain being monitored, real time, day and night, for years and years. Your technology proposal does not involve the type of technology set-up which I have been a victim of: '1 or more satellites transmitting electromagnetic signals at a human; the signals pass through the human body and brain; picking up 'interference patterns' [perhaps based

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upon neural activities as you have described/proposed them]; then, the signals bounce [off of the ground, etc. and] back to the sky where receiving satellites are sufficiently positioned to receive the signals [maybe sensitive receivers just sit there, not so finely positioned as they are ultra-sensitive to pick up 'anything' - such as you have described[proposed]]; from there, the [receiving] satellite(s) relay the signal(s) to a research center; the research center's computers quickly process and modulate the signals appropriately; the adjusted signal is immediately relayed to 1 or more transmitting satellites; and then, the next microsecond of real-time body and brain monitoring and assault goes forward.' It was my personal experience that for some reason, or at least years ago, they couldn't process 'fast transitioning (and thinking), human body-and-brain' (such as that 'competitive ice skater' example I gave above). Maybe there are delays that occur, or accumulate, as the signals pass through the human body, or maybe there are delays in 're-synchronizing' the received signals [multiple signals from time X taking different pathways, and slightly different amounts of time, to return back to the sky]. Also, my personal experience is that [U.S. Gov.] researchers sometimes or often? intentionally 'slow down', clamp down, upon the body and brain, so as to limit or narrow a victim's wider attention span. (And, I have heard many victims complain that their attention, their total overall awareness, is being 'narrowed' by the monitoring and assault which is targeting them.) So I am not arguing with you. Your proposed technology set up has different real-time processing considerations than the set-up which I have (just) stated above. Reply2: ref: that video about 'selective attention'; possible 'experimental 'flaw'' to that; and, my suggestion of Conscious mind 'skimming atop of' the larger 'unconscious' mind; Nice video. But try it 100 times. A possible flaw in that experiment is: that an unfamiliar skill is being requested. Try it 100 or 1000 times. Maybe you could correctly count with no effort after the 200th try, and maybe you could spot just about any Gorilla, or butterfly, or fly, in the 300th try, and notice all types of thrown-in oddities. If someone has a good night sleep, and walks outside, on a suburban or city street, or to a forest or field, his/her attention may naturally notice all types of things, and he/she is most likely to notice something unusual. This level of brain processing (to be able to see, or perceive a complex environment, and to pick out 'what's unusual') is well within human capacity. But a good night's sleep is required for it. I believe that that 'Conscious mind skimming atop the larger, gigantic, perceived world of the 'unconscious mind' ' does exist, does occur. Reply3: Ref: clarification (about the source of my suggestion about the 'conscious mind' skimming atop the larger 'unconscious mind') [[ You wrote: "Ultimately, due to how the mind works, you are suggesting that some government approved way of thinking is beneficial?" No. To my knowledge, I was not referring to any Government proposed ways of thinking. Not that I know of. I thought that the "Conscious mind" skimming atop the larger "unconscious mind", was just an ordinary type of suggestion. [[Yes, I am a college graduate. and yes, I have studied computer science and (a relatively small amount of) A.I.. ]] ]] -----------------------------------------------------#11.4 - Wed Sep 1, 2010 7:12 PM EDT Deep_Thought Your technology proposal does not involve the type of technology set-up which I have been a victim of: '1 or more satellites transmitting

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electromagnetic signals at a human; the signals pass through the human body and brain; picking up 'interference patterns' [perhaps based upon neural activities as you have described/proposed them]; then, the signals bounce [off of the ground, etc. The laws of physics would not permit this. The power density needed to pass through buildings and remain at a level not dangerous to human health cannot be achieved at small wavelengths. You have only two choices of EM radiation from the brain and that is infra-red or ELF. Given that infra-red would be blocked by by buildings also, the only option is SLF/ELF. It was my personal experience that for some reason, or at least years ago, they couldn't process 'fast transitioning (and thinking), human body-and-brain' (such as that 'competitive ice skater' example I gave above). That's a long time ago. The amount of data we are describing could be pushed by a satellite from the 80's. Tens of thousands could be covered with the bandwidth of a modern satellite. A few megs per person is nothing, especially if you are pushing it to a supercomputer for analysis. See here: Nice video. But try it 100 times. That's not the point. The point is that only selected aspects of a scene are sent to the conscious mind. Repeating the experiment only shows that you have not removed that gorilla from your mind. No. To my knowledge, I was not referring to any Government proposed ways of thinking. It seemed as though you were advocated some form of automated assistance with filtering information. A form of transhumanism. -----------------------------------------------------#11.5 - Wed Sep 1, 2010 8:30 PM EDT The Incredulous One "Tens of thousands could be covered with the bandwidth of a modern satellite." It's not the bandwidth of the satellite that's the problem. It's the capacity of the channel, and as Shannon knew, it's limited by the bandwidth and the signal to noise power. The channel is the earth's atmosphere, and the ELF bandwidth is very narrow. I'd be surprised if you could push through at one tenth of a bit per second. By the time your multichannel analyzer/processor figured out I was about to hit middle C on the piano, the entire concert would be over, and the parking lot empty. -----------------------------------------------------#11.6 - Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:34 PM EDT Deep_Thought It's not the bandwidth of the satellite that's the problem. It's the capacity of the channel, and as Shannon knew, it's limited by the bandwidth and the signal to noise power. The channel is the earth's atmosphere, and the ELF bandwidth is very narrow. I'd be surprised if you could push through at one tenth of a bit per second. By the time your multichannel analyzer/processor figured out I was about to hit middle C on

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the piano, the entire concert would be over, and the parking lot empty. Again, your science is completely off, your description relates to data capacity over a serial link. There is no information modulated onto these frequencies. If you were about to press middle C on a keyboard, a wide range of neurons would be firing, emitting a pattern across a spread spectrum of low frequencies. Just by examining the pattern, activity can be derived. It does not function like a data channel and Shannon's law is not applicable. -----------------------------------------------------#11.7 - Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:33 AM EDT The Incredulous One No one's modulating anything onto the firing. If we followed your reasoning, there would be no point tryng to calculate the information capacity of a neuron itself. The type of coding to use is an argument to make, not a reason to say that ordinary concepts of bandwidth don't work so you can't calculate the capacity. The capacity is a function of the coding, so what you do is make assumptions about the firing, e.g. you can code using the firing rate itself. In any case, the capacity of the atmosphere channel is of interest, and yes, there is a bandwidth and S/N that one can estimate. The requirements of Shannon's formula are simple, and I don't expect them to apply strictly, but the capacity is relatively low. And what if your "pattern" contains lots of the low frequency ELF? The bottleneck is right there. What's the least you have to wait to know if a wave is at 2Hz? That's right, at least, 500msec. The "pattern" will build up very slowly. The high frequency bits will wind up in the high frequency bins more rapidly, but you will have to wait for the slowest before you can see the "pattern" emerge. There's no hope in doing anything you're talking about in real time. -----------------------------------------------------#11.8 - Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:33 AM EDT Deep_Thought No one's modulating anything onto the firing. If we followed your reasoning, there would be no point tryng to calculate the information capacity of a neuron itself. The type of coding to use is an argument to make, not a reason to say that ordinary concepts of bandwidth don't work so you can't calculate the capacity. The capacity is a function of the coding, so what you do is make assumptions about the firing, e.g. you can code using the firing rate itself. The capacity of the neuron itself??? How is this relevant? We are simply talking about broadcasting a radio signal to make a neuron fire. What the neuron does, or how it responds to the rate at which I am broadcasting is a secondary consideration. In any case, the capacity of the atmosphere channel is of interest, and yes, there is a bandwidth and S/N that one can estimate. The requirements of Shannon's formula are simple, and I don't expect them to apply strictly, but the capacity is relatively low. And what if your "pattern" contains lots of the low frequency ELF? The bottleneck is right there. What's the least you have to wait to know if a wave is at 2Hz? That's right, at least, 500msec. The "pattern" will build up very slowly. The high frequency bits will wind up in the high frequency bins more rapidly, but you will have to wait for the slowest before you can see the "pattern" emerge. There's no hope in doing anything you're

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talking about in real time. But our frequency range is in the 300-1000Hz range, that's 0.001-0.003 secs, with a real-time windows of about 200ms and an undefined window for non-real-time. The bottleneck that you describe can be accounted for at the analysis stage and does not present a true bottleneck in terms of processing. In practice, it would just mean a bias in the amount of circuitry of the signal processing equipment dedicated to lower frequency detection. Whilst a problem, it does have a definitive solution. -----------------------------------------------------#11.9 - Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:41 AM EDT Derrick-2281637 This is interesting, Deep Thought. You are saying that the Frey effect and Synthetic Telepathy are two different mechanisms? Are you familiar with the Joseph Sharp-Mark Grove experiments at Walter Reed back in the 70's? I had the impression that they were transmitting the human voice to Joseph Sharp based on principles from the Frey effect. If so, was this synthetic telepathy or the microwave hearing effect? -----------------------------------------------------Reply#23 - Thu Sep 2, 2010 11:57 AM EDT Deep_Thought This is interesting, Deep Thought. You are saying that the Frey effect and Synthetic Telepathy are two different mechanisms? The Frey effect is the result of heating. Its a toy and cannot be used in a practical scenario. Synthetic Telepathy relies on the principle of radio. A neuron is a transducer and can be remotely fired by SLF/ELF radio signal. So, if I think of the word "book", certain neurons fire and certain frequencies are emitted. If I now use a "replay attack" and return those signals exactly, with a little more amplitude, I can cause the same neurons to fire and the word "book" will be heard in your mind. If we now hook that radio to a supercomputer, with a fully conversant A.I., we have a chat bot that can only be heard by the targeted individual. We are also not limited to voice, we can send images, feelings, music and sensory control (such as tighten muscles). Are you familiar with the Joseph Sharp-Mark Grove experiments at Walter Reed back in the 70's? I had the impression that they were transmitting the human voice to Joseph Sharp based on principles from the Frey effect. If so, was this synthetic telepathy or the microwave hearing effect? Just done a quick search on this. It appears to be just microwaves. The practical applications are limited outside of a lab scenario. -----------------------------------------------------#23.1 - Thu Sep 2, 2010 12:49 PM EDT Roger-2300270

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Deep_thought, is it possible to block this type of directed energy that this story speaks about?? -----------------------------------------------------Reply#26 - Sat Sep 4, 2010 5:56 PM EDT Deep_Thought MEDUSA is similar to active denial, it creates a high pitched noise in your head that is uncomfortable. It can be reflected with a thin sheet of metal. one more question.... is it possible to put voices inside your head using the technology the above story speaks about from a satellite or jet cruising at 40,000 ft? Its impractical. The energy density must be maintained at the skull to induce the effect. Go inside a building and the energy density would be nearly fatal for those several floors above. ELF does not have this issue. -----------------------------------------------------#26.1 - Sun Sep 5, 2010 11:41 AM EDT A Brenner Deep Thought, Have you checked out the time reversal wave or TR wave made with a (TRM ), time reversal mirror. (Doesn't reverse time.) What it does is read an emitted signal from a target and then copy it and send it back to the target reversed to create a sort of biological standing wave depending on the intensity of it and the type of target. The cool thing about it is that the TR wave automatically travels back toward the target along the original wave that the target is emitting with NO loss of attenuation and it follows a moving target. Also secondary information can be modulated and sent in on the TR wave. Mathias Fink of the Waves and Acoustics Laboratory in France invented this and encourages its use in medicine to burst things like kidney stones and rid the body of inflammation and tumors and such. But his article's last paragraph hints that the TR wave can be used to much much more: "Time-reversal techniques may also be extended to types of waves other than sound waves. Some researchers in the radar community are exploring their possible application to

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pulsed radar, using electromagnetic waves in the microwave range. Another type of wave occurs in quantum mechanics: the quantum wavefunctions that describe all matter. Indeed, a type of retroreflection can occur when an electron wavefunction hits the boundary between a normal conductor and a superconductor. One can only speculate on what kinds of tricks would be possible if time reversal were applied to the waves of quantum mechanics." Time-Reversed Acoustics, Scientific American, November 1999 97 -----------------------------------------------------Reply#34 - Sun Sep 5, 2010 9:56 PM EDT Deep_Thought A TR wave converges on the original location by following a reversed route of transmission. There is attenuation loss but at ELF frequencies it around 1-5dB per 1000Km. That is, the focal point of a TR wave will converge on the point in space it was originally transmitted from. If you are broadcasting partial signals across an array, using a TR calculation to project location, you could create a focal point at the position. The question is, do you need it? I suppose from a power conservation perspective, it could even out the power loss on each satellite. It could also even lower the amount of radiation in the path of each transmission. Of course, all depending on where your targets were located. The problem is that you have effectively lost a number of simultaneous broadcasts by tying up satellite transmitters. It also adds an overhead in terms of the calculation and transmitting that to satellite. Finally, there is the issue of synchronization, which brings up problems such as real-time and partial delay. Its complicated, it has it benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately, it is a design choice and the system may function without it. -----------------------------------------------------#34.1 - Sun Sep 5, 2010 10:54 PM EDT A Brenner Deep Thought,

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Thank you for the above article and your interesting response to my query. I wonder if you realize that one of the concerns of targets is not only how their minds might be accessed; but also, how could antagonistic biological information and other communication be sent to them from great distances such as satellite. I'm not suggesting that the TRM or time reversal mirror would be needed for "reading the mind." My thought is that the TR Mirror, uniquely designed to disrupt the integrity of an object by bombarding it with its own signature frequency would be an efficient tool for creating the uncomfortable sensations and isolated areas of damage that targets experience. It could also communicate biological information for either a positive or a negative effect on the target. Apparently the actual destruction of the target when bombarded with its own signature is dependent upon amplitude, with weak mirrored signals simply entering the subject. I recall reading once that satellite based remote sensing used for the study of all sorts of biological events on the surface of the earth, even photosynthesis rates, can also be used to manipulate that remotely sensed data. Isn't all of this related to the science of remote sensing? AB -----------------------------------------------------#34.2 - Mon Sep 6, 2010 4:55 AM EDT Deep_Thought I wonder if you realize that one of the concerns of targets is not only how their minds might be accessed; but also, how could antagonistic biological information and other communication be sent to them from great distances such as satellite. I'm not suggesting that the TRM or time reversal mirror would be needed for "reading the mind." My thought is that the TR Mirror, uniquely designed to disrupt the integrity of an object by bombarding it with its own signature frequency would be an efficient tool for creating the uncomfortable sensations and isolated areas of damage that targets experience. You do not need a time reversed signal to achieve it, but it can be employed. It could also communicate biological information for either a positive or a negative effect on the target. Apparently the actual destruction of the target when bombarded with its own signature is dependent upon amplitude, with weak mirrored signals simply entering the subject. It would be easier to interrupt the signals to the heart muscle, or make it beat too fast. I suppose you could converge beams, but it would show up as a clear burn in an autopsy. I recall reading once that satellite based remote sensing used for the study of all sorts of biological events on the surface of the earth, even photosynthesis rates, can also be used to manipulate that remotely sensed data. Isn't all of this related to the science of remote sensing? In a way and it could even be classed that way. In practice though, its just radio. -----------------------------------------------------#34.3 - Mon Sep 6, 2010 6:17 AM EDT Derrick-2281637Restored

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Hi Deep Thought. I've received the following comments regarding your information here from someone on our forum. Can you answer these concerns?radio astronomy antennas do not operate anywhere near the ~0 to ~100 Hzband, which is the "party line" on which all living things transmit. Even if a radio astronomy telescope could operate in that band, it would have to sort out signals emitted by your brain from every other living thing in your vicinity,plants included. The need for a demonstration as to how a radio antenna/receiver can pick up a signal from YOUR brain alone, is obvious or should be. We're talking hundreds of miles away,not in some shielded lab. Thirdly, brains are NOT - repeat NOT - at all like stations on a radio dial. Inside the brain,each nerve fires bursts of pulses. The pulsing CONSTANTLY CHANGES. So all living things' emissions are changing all the time. There is no "single frequency" your brain signals can be identified by. The total of nerve activity reaches the surface of the skull as ELF varying voltages in the~0 to ~100 Hz range. For even a huge phased array antenna to access different nerves *IN 3D* from hundreds of miles away is such a phenomenal feat that it must be DEMONSTRATED and the demo published by a mainstream ORGANIZATION, before any target should even remotely consider that possible, using proven technology. As far as I can see, there is no demonstration mentioned in the article. This is a case where if you only understand the theory of how phased arrays work, but have no practical experience with radio signals, you may be easily misled to accept this claim unquestioningly. But the good news is you don't need to have any experience with radio or anything else if you simply insist on a demonstration. Another thing is that the wavelengths of signals down in the ~0 to ~100 Hz range are in the thousands of miles, making sharp focus exceedingly difficult. Radio telescopes operate from the tens of megahertz frequencies on up. So there is a huge difference there, calling once again for a DEMONSTRATION. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#41 - Mon Sep 6, 2010 8:05 PM EDT Deep_Thought Hi Deep Thought. I've received the following comments regarding your information here from someone on our forum. Can you answer these concerns? No problem. radio astronomy antennas do not operate anywhere near the ~0 to ~100 Hz band, which is the "party line" on which all living things transmit. Even if a radio astronomy telescope could operate in that band, it would have to sort out signals emitted by your brain from every other living thing in your vicinity,plants included. The need for a demonstration as to how a radio antenna/receiver can pick up a signal from YOUR brain alone, is obvious or should be. We're talking hundreds of miles away,not in some shielded lab. We're not talking about radio astronomy, other than as a basic guideline to demonstrate the power density that can be received. With atomic timing and limited interaction of SLF/ELF waves accuracy is pretty high. Across an array of satellites, greater resolution than GPS

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can be achieved. Each satellite "snapshot" of a band of frequencies would be time encoded. By selecting signals that arrived in a particular "window" of time, they could be associated with a particular individual. This "window" of time is the time it would take for an ELF signal to reach a given satellite from a particular location. By cross referencing a signal and its power at each satellite, the transmitting location on the surface of the earth can be ascertained. After this point, it becomes about both monitoring known frequencies and new frequencies that arrive during the "window". There will be a finite amount of signal patterns, that represent the activity of different neural networks. These neural networks, hence their emissions, are generalizable. By monitoring a range of these signal patterns, activity, thoughts, feelings, mental images (spacial reasoning), auditory, olfactory and even images from the eye can be recorded. Thirdly, brains are NOT - repeat NOT - at all like stations on a radio dial. Inside the brain,each nerve fires bursts of pulses. The pulsing CONSTANTLY CHANGES. So all living things' emissions are changing all the time. There is no "single frequency" your brain signals can be identified by. In a sense he is right, there is no single station that you can tune to. Instead, you need to change your type of tuner. Rather than once that selects a particular frequency, you replace it with one that uses time and listens on all frequencies. This allows you to tune into locations in 3D space. By monitoring the change in timings of received signals, you can project a heading and change the location to listen to. The total of nerve activity reaches the surface of the skull as ELF varying voltages in the~0 to ~100 Hz range. For even a huge phased array antenna to access different nerves *IN 3D* from hundreds of miles away is such a phenomenal feat that it must be DEMONSTRATED and the demo published by a mainstream ORGANIZATION, before any target should even remotely consider that possible, using proven technology. Good luck with that. I don't think the NSA and GCHQ will have an open day anytime soon. If he succeeds, tell him to give me a shout! I think the issue here is that this guy doesn't really understand digital signal processing to well. He seems to have some knowledge of standard radios, but is missing what is achievable in a High Performance Computing scenario. -----------------------------------------------------#41.1 - Tue Sep 7, 2010 2:52 AM EDT A Brenner Derreck, Tell your buddy to look up the science of remote sensing. It is used to study all sorts of minute biological and chemical things on the surface of the earth. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#51 - Wed Sep 8, 2010 5:33 AM EDT Don Bailey-2307952 I hope you can help me with a theory. It is my belief phased arrays are far more capable than you give them credit for. If you think about the bandwidth requirements, resolution requirements and as you stated the low frequency requirement, synthetic components of long wave created by constructive wave interference as a pile, not a true wave by modulation using a high frequency carrier makes sense. Credible complaints by victims indicate bandwidth requirements that far exceed what low frequency can do.

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I dont know if you are aware but Dr. Ross Adey proved the A thermal effects of the wave lengths you described at the bio cellular level. In fact at first they could not understand how the waves could propagate through the human body at such low power levels. They later discovered it was because the central nervous system amplified the signals at the cellar level because it identified the signals as its own. Suffice as to say there is far more evidence that you are correct in your calculations about remote neural monitoring. Here are links to a couple of web sites reprinting the law suit between the National-Security-Agency and John-StClair-Akwei. In fact there is to much evidence for me blog here without going into my research papers. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#53 - Thu Sep 9, 2010 4:25 PM EDT Deep_Thought I hope you can help me with a theory. It is my belief phased arrays are far more capable than you give them credit for. If you think about the bandwidth requirements, resolution requirements and as you stated the low frequency requirement, synthetic components of long wave created by constructive wave interference as a pile, not a true wave by modulation using a high frequency carrier makes sense. Credible complaints by victims indicate bandwidth requirements that far exceed what low frequency can do. There is more than one way to skin a cat. To send an image using SLF/ELF is rather like sending commands to a monitor to control pixels. You can send a basic image as a range of frequencies and the brain will fill in the gaps. You compensate for bandwidth limitations by opening channels. Given the low power transmission by the human brain, with little amplification due to the size of an axon, creating a corresponding phased array within the scope of a satellite is pretty straightforward. It could have millions of transmitters. Just keep in mind that the objective is not to transmit data, but rather electrically stimulate the brain to reproduce sound, images, thoughts, feelings, muscle contractions, etc. Thus, you need to think of bandwidth in different terms. I dont know if you are aware but Dr. Ross Adey proved the A thermal effects of the wave lengths you described at the bio cellular level. In fact at first they could not understand how the waves could propagate through the human body at such low power levels. They later discovered it was because the central nervous system amplified the signals at the cellar level because it identified the signals as its own. Whilst it works in ideal scenarios, the frequencies required and the power density required at the skull is too difficult to maintain. If you entered a shopping center, or went by the underground, the power density at street level required to compensate would be fatal. Also, the Frey effect does not allow minds to be read. It is a one way system. It stimulates the cochlea into reproducing sounds by mechanical vibration. Thus, no images or any other type of information can be sent or received from a target. -----------------------------------------------------#53.1 - Thu Sep 9, 2010 6:06 PM EDT Don Bailey-2307952 Deep Thought here is some additional research I believe you will be interested in:

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US Patent # 3,951,134 "Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves" Remotely meaning with no wires attached. William Ross Adey, Fellow, IEEE Frequency and Power Windowing in Tissue Interactions with Weak Electromagnetic Fields The Article appeared in the Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 68, No. 1, January 1980 The few notes about victims: One of the victims I talked to was a geologist trying to escape the operatives whom tracked him. He informed me they could penetrate 150 feet of salt water and geo physical structures. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#55 - Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:53 PM EDT Deep_Thought US Patent # 3,951,134 "Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves" Remotely meaning with no wires attached. William Ross Adey, Fellow, IEEE Frequency and Power Windowing in Tissue Interactions with Weak Electromagnetic Fields The Article appeared in the Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 68, No. 1, January 1980 I've seen this patent before. The problem, in a practical scenario, is that it takes an array of transmitters to stimulate the brain into producing sensible information. As a result, it is an unfeasible solution. The few notes about victims: One of the victims I talked to was a geologist trying to escape the opertives whom tracked him. He informed me they could penetrate 150 feet of salt water and geo physical structures. I know of one test conducted on the London underground, from Westminster to Waterloo via the Jubilee line. Take a look at the walls in a typical tunnel at Westminster: Now take a look at how far down you need to travel to get there: The Jubilee line is in the deep-level station, some 39m below the sub-surface stations. I would guess that puts the depth at least around 50m (150 ft). Apparently, the system worked fine and could both read and write in real-time. It also worked fine under the Thames to Waterloo from Westminster. That's about 20-23m (60-69 feet) of water, about 10-20m (30-60 feet) of Earth and a steel encased tunnel similar to the first picture. That's about 30-46m (90-129 feet).

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Only SLF/ELF waves can penetrate surfaces like that and not be attenuated much. As for the claims of the geologist, I don't have anything to confirm his 50m (150ft) penetration of water claim, but I can confirm at least 20m (60ft). -----------------------------------------------------#55.2 - Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:21 AM EDT Ernest T Bass do you have an answer for this persons critique? "What I found amusing was deepthought's statement, We can see from this [20-plus-page] scientific paper that "the charge per square centimeter [in the human brain] is around 22-29 microamperes." Nothing in the referenced paper had anything to do with deepthought's claim that the human brain discharges 22-29 microamperes of current per square centimeter. He was trying to snow the reader. All he needed to do was cite the precise page in this paper on which he found the statement that the human brain discharges 22-29 microamperes of current per square centimeter. Instead, he resorted to cutesy subterfuge. For the record, microamperes aimed at the thalamic nucleus in the human brain from external sources can induce somatosensory responses, which you will find on NIH sites. Externally-supplied microamps are also used to heal wounds. I could find nothing on the Internet, however, to support deepthought's claim that the brain discharges microamperage (or nanoamperage) of its own accord, regardless of range. Has anyone else come across a credible source to support his claims?" -----------------------------------------------------Reply#56 - Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:41 PM EDT Deep_Thought Nothing in the referenced paper had anything to do with deepthought's claim that the human brain discharges 22-29 microamperes of current per square centimeter. Its a rough approximation given the value ranges in the article, but its a moot point anyway. As to the amperage, at source, we have only models to go by. One that is used often is squid and an action potential has an amperage of around 6.9 microamps. So, the estimate in the article is about right. The following paper from the Czech Defense Department shows that humans do emit detectable radiation in the SLF/ELF radio bands. The only potential source is the firing of neurons. Its the only electrical activity there is.

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As to detectability at orbital distances, its just a matter of scaling up the experiment performed by the Czech Defense Department. The paper itself notes that one potential application is the detection of miners after a cave-in. It just fails to note that fine analysis of those signals reveals the neural networks that made them and that those patterns reveal thought activity. Its just basic signals intelligence from compromising emanations. The critique is focusing on the wrong thing, which shows that whoever wrote it had done little or no research into the subject. They're looking to muddy the waters a little bit. -----------------------------------------------------#56.2 - Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:36 PM EDT unquellable If it can be done, our US military are the ones who probably invented the technology. Men Who Stare At Goats. I believe that our thoughts exit our brain somehow and some people have the ability to pick up the thoughts of others. Your article is very interesting, but way over my head. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#57 - Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:49 PM EDT Deep_Thought If it can be done, our US military are the ones who probably invented the technology. Given the amount of DoD SIGINT groups that visit my page and the fact that none have come to my door. It looks like they're trying to keep this under wraps. -----------------------------------------------------#57.1 - Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:33 AM EDT yudo74568 If they can receive individuals they can also transmit to thereby control individuals. -----------------------------------------------------Reply#59 - Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:40 AM EST temporal_relief radio inexpensive one can get some frequencies ie (am/ sw1). oh least i 4get they will try to trick ya dat u aint got the frequencies. and oh hands at the back of ya head.. -----temp relief

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Reply#60 - Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:30 AM EST ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Link to Comments: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


by Eleanor White 17th June 2010 This is a collection of statements made in Dr. John Hall's book "A New Breed - Satellite Terrorism in America", Strategic Book Publishing, New York, NY, 2009, ISBN 978-1-60693-944-4 I, Eleanor White, have selected specific quotes, and have offered alternative ways of wording these quotes which I believe are more "bulletproof," i.e. resistant to being shown as claims as fact for which mainstream documentation isn't available. There are really only a small number of quotes which need re-wording. Those quotes apply to the very narrow area of what can be VIEWED or READ FROM satellite distances. It is those claims which I suggest need modifying so as to avoid later embarrassment, should we face technology savvy officials who wish to discredit us at some point. Only a few sentences out of the book are commented on. Why go through this exercise? Because in the field of exposing the crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment, credibility is the most important issue. Not only must we convince a skeptical public, who don't want OS/EH to be true, we must convince reluctant, fearful and corrupt public officials, who do not want us to succeed in exposing and stopping this crime. Dr. Hall has made major gains in getting the attention of the public. What I would like to bring about are minor adjustments to his claims which offer less opportunity for informed officials, professionals and the mainstream media to "shoot down" the claims. Dr. Hall, to his credit, has been much more careful in how he speaks publicly since his book entered the marketplace. This article aims to assist where someone with a technology background might help to tidy up the wording. Here below are the original quotes, and my suggested ways to handle the information in a more bulletproof format. 1. MIDDLE PAGE 14: "Satellite surveillance has taken invasion of privacy to an all new high. The current satellite surveillance systems ... can see you indoors and out, ... hear your thoughts" Eleanor White's alternate statement:

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"Satellite surveillance has taken invasion of privacy to an all new high. UNNAMED FBI/CIA/NSA AGENTS OF MY ACQUAINTANCE have told me that the current satellite surveillance systems ... can see you indoors and out, ... hear your thoughts ..." 2. BOTTOM PAGE 14: "Sometimes these voices are being generated by a criminal in front of a computer wearing a headset and trying his best to drive you crazy. John Fleming touched on the problem in 1996 when he wrote "The Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance." (Note that John Fleming recanted his mind reading from satellite claim. See the clickable "Detail" reference below.) Eleanor White's alternate statement: "Sometimes these voices are being generated by a criminal, VERY LIKELY in front of a computer wearing a headset and trying his best to drive you crazy. John Fleming, in a Pravda article in 1996, titled 'The Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance,' CLAIMED that this can be done from satellites. This CLAIM deserves serious investigation." 3. MIDDLE PAGE 15 "X-ray can ... make you visible indoors." Eleanor White's alternate statement: "X-ray can be used to see through walls at close distances. IS IT POSSIBLE that x-rays can now do the same from satellite distances?" 4. MIDDLE PAGE 15 "... thermal imaging can ... make you visible indoors." Eleanor White's alternate statement: "We have all seen how thermal imaging cameras can use temperature differences to reveal, say, fleeing crime suspects at night. IS IT POSSIBLE that thermal imaging can see people inside their homes from satellites?" 5. BOTTOM PAGE 19: "The installation of [EEG surface of skull reading technology] allows ... tracking of an individual ... by an individual's brain fingerprint." Eleanor White's alternate statement: "Progress has been made in reading the EEG activity on the surface of the skull and identifying an individual by computer processing these patterns. IS IT POSSIBLE that satellites can track people using their unique 'brain fingerprint?' " 1. DETAILS FOR QUOTE 1: Dr. Hall has mentioned on the air that the basis for his claims of indoor viewing and thought reading from space are unnamed U.S. government agents. Because we targets are held to the strictest standards of evidence, the most we can state is my sample alternative above.

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One consistent problem for targets is to understand that because satellite OPTICS can read a licence plate, or newspaper, on the ground, that other forms of "reading" must be doable at that distance as well. There is a huge difference in WAVELENGTH between visible light and microwave, and even more so for ELF. The way to understand the limitations on EM signals below light is to realize that roughly, wavelength is PIXEL SIZE. Brain activity is in the microamp and micro- volt range, adding up to nanowatts at best. Then those tiny signals have to make it through a semiconductive skull. And finally, the nanowatt nerve impulses have to be distinguished from the very similar impulses coming from neighbours, animals, and plants. Brain activity is well down in the ELF range, where antennas are notoriously NON directonal, making distinguishing one person's EEG from another, or an animal's or plant's, impossible. Those are EEG facts of life, and there has been no demonstration of EEG reading at next door neighbour distances, never mind satellite distances. It has been suggested that bombarding a brain with microwaves can cause a return signal which can be read. In order to claim mind reading as a fact on that basis, a demonstration of such technology would be required. As to seeing through roofs by satellite, through wall radar exists, but requires a transmit-receive antenna fairly close to the wall in question. In order for the receiver to reconstruct the objects indoors, computer processing of the return signals is required. Proximity is needed because the further back from the building of interest, the less well ordered are the return signals. Using this technique from a satellite, directly, is out of the question because the return signals depart the building in question in many different directions, very different from a beam. 2. DETAILS FOR QUOTE 2: It's very important to realize that John Fleming's claims are not all in accord with the way conventional technology works, and that he has recounted one of them. A very significant recantation of his claim that minds can be read from space appeared at a Pravda online posting by John Fleming at this link: "Judging from the feedback I received, mind- reading by a satellite was the most difficult thing to believe. What I wrote may have made it seem as though the spy satellite itself read minds, or did all the work of interpreting brain waves. However, that is not true. Mind-reading and other satellite powers could be compared to saying the car was going 60 m.p.h. down the highway. Of course, cars do not run themselves, they need persons to operate them. In other words, a phrase like s atellites can read minds should not be construed too literally. A spy satellite, to put it more accurately, enables a technician, a person, to read someone s thoughts as downlinked by telemetry and deciphered and displayed by a computer at a ground station on earth." That wording is a little fuzzy, but John Fleming said that satellites can't read minds, but if "a technician" COULD read thoughts, the signals can be transmitted by ordinary satellite communications from one station to another.

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"Thought reading" is progressing slowly but surely according to mainstream media, using either fMRI brain scans and correlations of which brain areas "light up" versus words thought about. A second means which has been demonstrated is to decode vocal nerve impulses using pickup coils on the throat, and convert the impulses to silently-said-to-self wording. That is the extent of thought reading today, and John Fleming's article does not, by his own words, confirm satellites directly reading someone's mind from space. 3. DETAILS FOR QUOTE 3: X-rays can see through walls conventionally, with an x-ray source on one side of a building and a large digital x-ray-sensitive imaging array on the opposite side, as is used in medical x-rays. Or, similar to the Xaver 800 through wall radar, theoretically xray BACKSCATTER can be picked up and processed by computer to create an image of what is inside. However, just as in the through wall radar case, the receiving array has to be physically close to the building in question in order for the computer to trap and interpret the backscatter. Backscatter moves back from the object of interest at wide angles, and this is why to get an actual realistic image, the imaging array has to be physically close. Another problem is that xrays don't reflect well at all. They either pass through, or are absorbed and converted to heat. Another reason why xray surveillance requires close proximity. In order to claim xrays from satellites can image a building, a demonstration is needed. 4. DETAILS FOR QUOTE 4: Thermal imaging receives mainly infrared, and creates an image where different temperatures are represented either as different colours, or grey shades. Mainly INFRARED. When the body emits infrared, and the infrared reaches a wall or ceiling, virtually all of it is converted to heat. More than that, because a heated place transfers heat in many different directions, the heat pattern of the ceiling is not at all like the outline of a person's body. Think about your head as an infrared source. IR 'rays' emanate in all directions, not just one. Even though the spot on the ceiling vertically above your head will receive the most IR, the rest of the ceiling also receives close to the same amount of IR from your head. As the distance increases, towards the edges of the room, the amount of IR lessens but it doesn't cut off sharply. So any sharp image of your head is not going to be painted on the ceiling. Then the resulting heat from your head's IR has to heat up your roof in order for even a faint rectangular glow to be seen by an IR sensitive camera above your home. The quickest way to understand what an IR-sensitive camera can see and can't see is to watch video of FLIR (forward looking infrared) cameras mounted in helicopters. You can see a hot spot outdoors where the suspect is moving or hiding. But homes do not display heat patterns indicating where people are inside.

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IF a person inside a home were to stay in one spot, right up against a wall, an IR camera might see a blob of slightly warmer area on the outside wall. But nobody spends time up pressed against their ceilings, so a satellite mounted IR camera is not going to be able to distinguish people in a building. 5. DETAILS FOR QUOTE 5: Reading electrical activity on the surface of the skull means reading nanowatts (at best), at ELF frequencies which are notoriously nonfocussed (they go in all directions.) More than that, a satellite has to be able to distinguish the skull electrical activity of one person from all other people in the area, as well as all other animals and plants. At distances of hundreds to thousands of miles. A feat which has not been demonstrated at next door neighbour distances. Again, the tiny wavelength of visible light is radically different from the ELF signals emanating from a skull. Wavelength is "pixel size," which governs the sharpness of an image. ELF pixels can be miles long, far larger than a skull. In order to claim this capability as fact, a demonstration of the technology is required. Link: Satellite Harassment Technology. This is INSANITY. MUST READ! BINARY Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism JF Add new comment up Video-Podcast: Dr John Hall - Satellite Surveillance Electronic Harassment Stalking Mind Control Track Intimidate Read Thoughts Freedom Fighter Updates Love for Life Campaign

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The Cristian Family Declaration

The Cristian family and The Love for Life Campaign are apolitical, non-religious, non-violent, anti weapons, anti drugs (both pharmaceutical and recreational) and anti any ideology that denies the existence of Do No Harm Communities (Kindoms) and suppresses the uniqueness and freedom of all men, women and children. The Cristian family and our Love For Life work is unaligned to any big business corporation, intelligence agency, government body, "system" law, "system" think tanks, "system" green or environmental movements, religion, cult, sect, society (fraternity, brotherhood, sisterhood, order, club, etc,) secret or not, hidden agenda, law or sovereignty group, occult, esoteric, New Age or Old Age. The Cristian family supports and promotes the remedy that brings an everlasting peace, freedom, truth, joy, abundance and do no harm for all of life without causing loss of uniqueness or the need for having slaves and rulers. We are not into following the one in front or being sheeple. Most importantly, we take full-responsibility for everything we think, feel and do. The Cristian family are not Christians. Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life December 2006


Being of clear brain, heart and intention, we each declare the following to be true: We have no intention of ending our own lives. We will not tolerate suppression of truth, ideas, freedom, or our work. We stand for freedom of speech. We stand together to support others in the expression of truths and freedom to speak out no matter how radical those ideas may seem.

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Standing for freedom takes courage; together we shall be strong in the face of all odds. If it is ever claimed that we have committed suicide, encountered an unfortunate accident, died of sickness/disease, disappeared, been institutionalized, or sold out financially or in any other way to self-interested factions, we declare those claims false and fabricated. We testify, assert and affirm without reservation, on behalf of all those who have dedicated their lives to the ending of secrecy and the promotion of freedom of thought, ideas and expression that we shall prevail. We Do Not Have Multiple Personality Disorders Arthur Cristian Fiona Cristian Jasmin Lily Cristian Emma Rose Cristian Frances Hannah Cristian Xanthe Jane Cristian 15th December 2006 (Edited/Updated 18th September 2011)

Update Regarding The Love For Life Home Page And Quick User Guide
We are turning the Love for Life Quick User Guide into a blog of all the main insights of our work since March 2005, whether through articles, videos, podcasts or discussions/debates. As we do not have the time to compile everything we have written into a book, as many have suggested we do, compiling all our most important work into one area of the website is a way of providing easy access to this work so those interested are able to fully comprehend the big picture. Instead of having to find our different articles, videos, etc, in various parts of the website, it will all be accessible here: and here:

Love For Life Videos

As amateurs and posted in the Quick User Guide below the Facebook links, we're currently creating and posting a series of videos called "The Dream Of Life" which covers the ground of all the Love For Life insights. We plan to have the videos completed by December 31st 2012. Once this is behind us, our intention is to create a 2 hour or so video covering the body of this work. All videos are embedded in the quick user guide and uploaded in Arthur's YouTube channel:

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Love For Life Music

We have started recording songs, with others, that express the themes of Love For Life. They are now being posted on Arthur's YouTube channel: and are embedded in the quick user guide We have over 100 songs to record. A few rough demos have already been used as the soundtrack on the first "Dream of Life" video.

About Us - Love For Life & The Cristian Family

Also, everything we, the Cristian family, have gone through, from bank fraud and the theft of the family home to death threats and attempts on Arthur's life, is documented in the Quick User Guide too. If you, the reader, are prepared to put the effort in, you will comprehend the extent to which we have all been tricked into becoming slaves, giving up our uniqueness and our full-responsibility for life and destroying everything of life to the point where life is in danger of dying out completely. You will also comprehend the remedy to all this chaos; a remedy that requires only love for life and the determination to do what needs to be done. Though our focus is very strongly on the remedy that creates a world of freedom, truth, peace, joy, abundance and Do No Harm for all of life without loss of uniqueness or the need for slaves and rulers, we realise that it is vital to comprehend how to get there and what stops us from getting there. This is why there is so much information on the hows and whys of everything going wrong in the world today. We are not into peddling conspiracy theories, we are into routing out all forms of organised crime. Saturday 26th November 2011 Arthur and Fiona Cristian Love For Life Website: Email: Mobile: 0011 61 418 203204 - (0418 203204) Facebook Arthur Cristian: YouTube Arthur Cristian: SoundCloud: Nimbit Music: Twitter: Facebook Music: Facebook Why Aren't We Free Discussion: Facebook Do No Harm Community: YouTube Love For Life Music: MySpace: Google + Fiona Cristian: Register To The Love For Life Mailing List:

1. For The Body Of The Love For Life Work by Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Which Unravels The Reasons For The Chaos, Mayhem and Confusion Being Experienced In The World Today, Explains The Need For

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"Community Immunity" and Responsibility, and Focuses On The Creation Of Kindoms - Do No Harm, Life-Sustainable Communities (As The Remedy That Heals All Mans Woes) - And How We Can Co-Create Them. For Comments, Articles And Discussions, Go Here: - Also Go Here To See Podcasts And Videos Posted by Arthur & Fiona Cristian: - The Information Shared Comes From Inspiration, Intuition, Heartfelt-Logic And Information Gathered From Nature And Many Amazing Men And Women Along The Way. It Is Not Found In Any Books Or Channellings, Or Talked About By "Experts". Go Here To Read A Brief Synopsis Of Why We Started Love For Life:

2. For Information About The Ringing Cedars of Russia Series

go here: and for more on Eco Homes, Villages, Organic and Permaculture Gardening and LifeSustainability, etc, go here: and here: and Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin - Kin's School - Lycee School at Tekos:

3. For How To Eat A Raw, Living Food Diet,

go here: - LIFE is information. When we distort LIFE and then eat, drink, absorb, think, feel, hear, see, touch, taste, smell and perform these distortions, the information of LIFE, your LIFE, our LIFE, our children's lives, everyone's LIFE, is distorted.

4. To Find A Menu For The Extensive Research Library (over 8,000 items posted embodying over 11,000 documents, pdf's, videos, podcasts, etc)
Which Covers Topics From Health to Chemtrails/Haarp to Brain Control to Archaeology to Astronomy Geocentricity Heliocentricity to Pandemics Bird Flu Swine Flu to Fluoride to Cancer to Free Energy to Global Warming, 9/11, Bali Bombings, Aspartame, MSG, Vaccinations, Aids/HIV, Mercury, New World Order, Satanism, Religions, Cults, Sects, Symbolism, etc, etc, go here:

5. If You Would Like To Read About The Cristian Family NSW Supreme Court Case
(Macquarie Bank/Perpetual Limited Bank Fraud Condoned By Judges, Registrars, Barristers, Lawyers, Politicians, Public Servants, Bureaucrats, Big Business and Media Representatives - A Crime Syndicate/Terrorist Organisation) Which Prompted The Creation Of This Love For Life Website December 2006, And The Shooting And Torture Of Supporters Who Assisted Us In Reclaiming The Family Home, Joe Bryant And His Wife, Both In Their Late 70's, go here: And Read Some Of Our Email Correspondence With Lawyer Paul Kean - Macedone Christie Willis Solari Partners - Miranda Sydney May 17th-June 27th 2006:

6. For The Stories Of Other Victims Of The System,

go here: (If you have a story you would like us to put up, we would love to here from you: action @

7. For Documentation Of Harm Done By The Powers-That-Be And Their Representatives,

Evidence Revealing How Victims Did Not Break The Peace, Caused No Crime or Harm, There Were No Injured Parties. Documenting Incontrovertible Evidence Demonstrating How The Powers That Be (PTB) And Their Lackeys Will Break All The Laws They Are Supposed To Uphold. They Will Kidnap, Intimidate, Terrorise, Rape, Pillage, Plunder And Lie And Take Responsibility For None Of It. All Part Of Their Tactics Of Using Fear And Trauma To Keep Us In Our Place. Relatives Of Those Under Their Radar Are Also Not Safe From Attack And Intimidation. All Starting From A $25 Fine For Not Voting And A $65 Fine For Not Changing A Dog Registration. We Do Not Have Freedom And Can Only Appear

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To Have Freedom If We Comply. Regardless How Small The Matter The PTB Throw Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Away To Enforce Their Will.... Go Here: Fiona Cristian Reply To State Debt Recovery Office - Part One to Part Ten - From 17th October 2008 And Still Continuing: or Fiona Cristian Reply To State Debt Recovery Office Part One: - From 17th October 2008 Part Two: - From 18th December 2008 Part Three: - From 9th January 2009 Part Four: - From 14th January 2009 Part Five: - The Sick Puppy - From 20th February 2009 Part Six: - Police Officers, Sheriffs Officers, Tow Truck Driver and State Debt Recovery Office Blatantly Ignore the Law To Rape, Pillage and Plunder The Private Property Of Fiona Cristian - From 11th March 2009 Part Seven: - Affidavit Of Truth - Letter To The Queen + Australia: Fascism is Corporatism From 30th March 2009 Part Eight: - The Pirates Auction And The Ghost Of VSL386 - From 4th April 2009 Part Nine: - Arthur Cristian's Letter To Pru Goward MP - From 15th December 2009 Part Ten: - Should We Be In Fear Of Those Who Claim To Protect Us? "Roman Cult" Canon Law Ecclesiastical Deed Poll - The Work Of Frank O'Collins - From 13th October 2010

8. If You Are Interested In Information On Freedom From Statutes, Rule-Of-Law, Free Man/Free Woman, Strawman, "Person" and Admiralty Law (The Law Of Commerce),
go here: - For Common Law, Democracy, Constitution, Trial By Jury, Fee Simple, etc, go here:

9. If You Are Interested In Banking and Money Created (Fiat/Credit/Debt/Mortgage/Loan/Overdraft etc) Out-Of-Thin-Air, How Banks Counterfeit Money,
go here:

10. For A List Of All The Latest Posts In The Love For Life Website,
go here:

11. For Links To Many Hundreds Of Videos, DVDs And Podcasts

go here:

12. To See The Cristian Family Pledge, Legal and other Disclaimers
go here:

13. To Read About How A Representative Of The NSW Jewish Board Of Deputies Had Threatened To Shut Down The Love For Life Website
go here: Part One: Part Two: THE STEVE JOHNSON REPORT AND VIDEO: and Part Three: Latest Update On James Von Brunn:

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Conscious Love Always Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life action @ 0418 203204 (int: 0011 61 418 203204) PO Box 1320 Bowral 2576 NSW Australia
Arthur C ristian

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Note: Updated Wednesday 17th June 2009 8.00pm Sydney Time. Love For Life does not support harm doing in any shape or form. However, we are supporters of free speech and post articles, documentaries, etc, that represent a wide cross section of ideas. See the Love For Life extensive research library where over 11,000 individual documents, articles, videos, podcasts and debates/discussions are posted: We clearly see the evidence of the destruction to MAN and Earth that has been caused by ALL religions over the centuries and are therefore not supporters of religions, cults, sects or any group that demands conformity of thought, speech or action, or has rules, regulations or rituals that must be followed. Religions, nationalities and cultural "identities" are formed as a result of the brainwashing we receive from childhood. They are part of the tactics the Establishment uses to keep us all divided from one another and fighting one another. All religions promote discrimination and division, leading to hatred and even violence and murder. None of them have yet to produce a remedy to all the suffering, poverty, unhappiness and discrimination in the world. If any religion truly had the remedy to all the suffering on earth, there would no longer be any suffering. What have Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, atheism and the New Age done to end the suffering in the world? The Love For Life website has information from all sides on many subjects, whether about Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Law, health, psychology, mind control, vaccination, aspartame, MSG, Chemtrails etc. There are over 11,000 individual articles, documentaries, etc on the website and they are so diverse that we are sure that everyone would be able to find something they loved and something they hated, if they took the time to search. If we removed all the articles hated by everyone, there would probably be nothing left! We are not anti anyone but freedom of speech is freedom of speech and no one should condemn the work of another without taking the time to research the subject themselves. Yes, there are articles by those who have a less-than-rosy-viewpoint of Judaism, but there are also articles on the dark side of Tibetan Buddhism (and it is very dark) for those who are interested in the truth: Tibet - Buddhism - Dalai Lama: Should the authors of these articles be abused and imprisoned for daring to challenge the widely conceived reputation of Buddhism as being the religion of peace and love and that of the Dalai Lama as a saint, or should those interested

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be allowed to study the work and come to their own conclusions? The same applies to all the articles, documentaries, etc, about Christianity, Islam, Freemasonry, New World Order, etc. The Love for Life website also shows how the Rule of Law, the Bar, the Government, the Monarchy, the system of commerce, the local, national and multi/trans-national private corporations, all the courses and careers on offer from our universities, all the educators, scientists, academics and experts, the aristocrats and the Establishment bloodlines have also done NOTHING to end the suffering in the world. The website maps the insanity of a world where there is no help for those in need, just as there was no help available for us when we were victims of terrible bank fraud: orchestrated, condoned and protected by an international crime syndicate/terrorist organisation of judges, barristers, registrars, lawyers, politicians, banksters, big business representatives, media moguls and other lackeys who, all together, put up a wall of silence despite our trying many, many avenues. After the family home was stolen and business destroyed we were left close to poverty and destitution caring for 4 young daughters. Three years later not much has changed regardless of all our efforts. Where were all the followers of all the religions to help us? Or do we have to be members of those religions to receive help from others involved in them? We have been accused of being anti - Jewish because we had posted an excerpt from James von Brun's book: Kill the Best Gentiles! in which he blames Jews for the problems of the world. Obviously this is not our view because of what we have stated above. We do not hate anyone, whatever religion they follow. We are always open to talk to any religious leader or politician and meet with any judge, member of the Bar, experts, academics, educators etc to share the remedy we offer that heals all the divisions between MAN and MAN, and MAN and EARTH. Today, a representative of the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies is threatening to close the website down, because they have decided it is anti - Jewish and that we promote racism. What has the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies done to end the suffering in the world? Can they show that they are concerned with the suffering of ALL men, women and children AND ARE SEEN TO BE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT or are they only concerned with Jewish affairs? If so, they, along with all the other religions that only care for their own, are part of the problem, not part of the solution. The man who rang Arthur today was only concerned with Jewish affairs; he was not interested in our intentions or in anybody else, just as most Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Catholics, etc, are only interested in their own. While we separate our lives into groups, dividing our lives from others with rules, regulations, rituals, procedures, conditions and contracts, we will never solve our problems. No matter what we in the Western World Civilisation of Commerce have been promised by our politicians, religious leaders, scientists, educators, philosophers, etc, for the past two hundred years, all we have seen is ever-increasing destruction of men, women and children and Earth. None of the so-called experts and leaders we have been taught to rely on are coming up with a solution and none of them are taking full-responsibility for the fact that they can't handle the problem. All religious books talk about end times full of destruction and suffering but why do we have to follow this program when there is an alternative to hatred, mayhem and death? Why are our leaders following the program of destruction and death rather than exploring the do no harm alternatives? It seems that any mainstream politician, priest or academic are only interested in supporting the RULES OF THE DIVIDE, that maintain the haves and the have nots. For 200+ years, 99% of the world population have been so trained to pass on their responsibility for their lives, others and Earth, that the 1% of the population that make up the leaders of the rest of us are making all the decisions leading to the destruction of all of us and Earth. Let's not forget the education system that brainwashes the 99% of the population that we are free and have equal rights while, in fact, we are feathering the nests of those at the top. At the root of all our problems is self-centredness, an unwillingness nurtured by the Establishment that keeps us concerned only with our own needs rather than the needs of others around us and Earth. Instead of creating and releasing acts of love for those around us as gifts

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to benefit them and Earth, we take, take and take, until there is nothing left. The whole point of the Love for Life website is to show people the root of all our problems and to share the remedy. The extensive research library is there to attract browsers and to provide access to information not available through mainstream channels. If the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies can, after careful examination of our work, prove that anything we are saying is wrong, we will be happy to accept their proof. If they cannot, and they are still insistent on closing the website down, they will be showing themselves to be traitors to MAN because they are not interested in pursuing any avenue that can end the suffering in the world. All religions, corporations and organisations that support and maintain the Western World Civilisation of Commerce are part of the problem because our civilisation is a world of haves and have nots, exclusivity, privilege, racism, violence, hatred, poverty, sickness, discrimination, abuse, starvation, homelessness, corruption, collusion, vindictiveness, social unrest, arrogance, ignorance, fear, war and chaos. While we support civilisation, we support death and destruction. If we truly want peace and freedom for all, we have to let go of all that which keeps us divided, and come together as MAN, conscious living co-creators of creation/life. The Love For Life website offers a remedy to the problems we all face in the form of DO NO HARM COMMUNITIES (KINDOMS): - For more details see here: and here: - We also highly recommend that everyone read the brilliant Russian books called The Ringing Cedars: - The Love For Life homepage/front-page also provides lots of inspiring remedy based information: - If you want to be kept up to date with our work please register to the Love For Life mailing list here: We usually send two postings per month. Presently (September 2011) there are over 7000 registrations reaching over 500,000 readers across Earth. The website now (September 2011) receives up to 12 million hits per month. Since December 2006, over 100 million people have visited the Love For Life website. Conscious Love Always Arthur and Fiona Cristian Love For Life 17th June 2009

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This work is lice nse d by Fiona C ristian unde r a C re ative C om m ons Attribution-Noncom m e rcial-No De rivative W ork s 2.5 Australia Lice nse.

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