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What about Medical Treatment?

The most important issue while treating Diabetes is controlling your blood glucose levels. Your goal is to avoid the high peaks in blood sugar, which may happen after meals depending on the foods your choose. Controlling your blood glucose helps protect against longterm damages to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and major arteries. You may need oral medications or insulin to help control your fluctuating blood glucose and prevent other problems. Type II Diabetes may initially be managed with healthy lifestyle changes, but medications and insulin may be necessary in achieving your treatment goals. Goal- setting should be personalized for each patient with the knowledge of their healthcare provider.

take charge of your diabetes

Goals recommended by the American Diabetes Association are: Hemoglobin A1C < 7% Blood Glucose after meals < 180 mg/dL Fasting Blood glucose: 70-130 mg/dL Ask your healthcare providers about your own personal goals. Whether you need oral medications to control your blood glucose or insulin, the MAIN GOAL is not to avoid medical therapy but to optimize your own treatment regimen to get the best control possible and TAKE CHARGE of your Diabetes.

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Ask questions and educate yourself about Diabetes.

What are healthy diet changes I should make?

Principles of healthy choices are: Eat regular meals (to prevent irregular changes in your blood sugar) Read food labels! Know what youre eating! Cut down on high sugar foods Reduce fat intake (especially saturated fatty acids!) Cut down on salt intake Eat a minimum of 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day Limit alcohol

What Now?
First and most important: You are NOT alone. Of the total population, 6-8% have Diabetes and up to 95% of those people have Type II Diabetes. If you Take Charge of your Diabetes you will be able to live a healthy and happy life. There is no cure for Diabetes. However, controlling your blood sugar levels and making healthy lifestyle changes can help lower your risk of Diabetes-related health problems. Educate yourself on Diabetes and listen to your physician and you will be able to help control this illness, instead of letting it control you!

What is Diabetes?
The body breaks down food into GLUCOSE (blood sugar) for energy to fuel your body. For glucose to get from the bloodstream into the cells for energy production, INSULIN must be produced by a gland behind your stomachthe PANCREAS. In people with Diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the cells do not respond properly to the insulin produced. Without proper use of Insulin, the glucose cannot get into cells to fuel your body. The bloodstream may contain large amounts of glucosea condition called HYPERGLYCEMIAbut without Insulin to get glucose inside cells, the body loses its main source of fuel.

Get Moving!!!
ANY exercise is better than NONE!

Why is taking charge of your Diabetes so important?

Type II Diabetes Mellitus is one of the MAIN CAUSES of other serious problems:
HEART: damage of the blood vessels responsible for bringing oxygen to the heart and brain results in the great majority of strokes and heart disease. KIDNEYS: damage can cause you to need hemodialysis or even have kidney failure. LIMBS: damage causes numbness and pain or your limbs and without proper treatment, you could eventually need an amputation. EYES: damage of the retina caused by uncontrolled diabetes can cause blindness.

What is Diabetes Type II?

In Type I Diabetes, the body is UNABLE to produce insulin. In Type II Diabetes, the body is CAPABLE of producing insulin, but either the body doesnt produce enough insulin, or the body produces enough insulin but the insulin doesnt work properly (the so called insulin resistance).
Being overweight and inactive increases the chances of developing type II Diabetes. So in addition to medical treatment, making smart food choice, being active, and controlling your blood pressure and cholesterol will help improve your illness.

If you havent been active recently, then start slow and build up your exercise level. Try to get your body moving for at least 10 minutes a day, and soon youll be stronger and will be moving longer.
Always remember than regular activity improves your blood glucose control, reduces your blood pressure and lowers your Lipids(the fats in your blood such as cholesterol and triglycerides)

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