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CITY OF CHAMPAIGN Champaign, Illinois -CITY COUNCIL AGENDA City Council Chambers 102 North Neil Street June

e 5, 2012 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting


CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL SPECIAL RECOGNITION APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 1, 2012 Special Regular Council Meeting May 1, 2012 Pre-Council Study Session May 1, 2012 Regular Council Meeting May 1, 2012 Post-Council Study Session May 8, 2012 Regular Study Session CORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC HEARINGS ACTION ON COUNCIL BILLS ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Council Bill No. 2012-080 An Ordinance Approving and Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Commencing July 1, 2012, and Ending June 30, 2013 An Ordinance Establishing Rates of Compensation for Employees of the City of Champaign and Approving the Annual Position Control Report for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013



Council Bill No. 2012-081

Council Bill No. 2012-082

A Resolution Adopting the Ten Year Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2012/132021/22 and Adopting the Amended Capital Improvement Policies. An Ordinance Establishing Rates of Compensation for Employees of the Champaign Public Library and Adopting the Annual Position Control Report for the Champaign Public Library for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 A Resolution Designating a Portion of Windsor Road as Honorary Jim Turpins Penny Lane (Between Neil Street and Prospect Avenue) A Resolution Approving an Amended Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Champaign, the City of Urbana and the University of Illinois (UC2B) A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Power Up Electrical Contractors, LLC, to Install and Construct the Phase II Fiber to the Premise Connections for UC2B (City Managers Office UC2B) A Resolution Authorizing Settlements An Ordinance Amending Sections 37-412 and 37-427 of the Champaign Municipal Code, 1985, as Amended (Zoning Signs Limitations of Signs Signs with Moving Parts or Changing Messages Outdoor Advertising Sign Structure) A Resolution Approving the Final Plat of the Wills Trace Subdivision Phase 3 (located east of Rising Road and north of Porter Park)

Council Bill No. 2012-083

Council Bill No. 2012-084

Council Bill No. 2012-085

Council Bill No. 2012-086

Council Bill No. 2012-087 Council Bill No. 2012-088

Council Bill No. 2012-089

Council Bill No. 2012-090

An Ordinance Amending Section 37-118 of Chapter 37 of the Champaign Municipal Code, 1985, as Amended (Zoning Use Regulations Purpose and Regulations for Districts Provisional uses in the CG District) A Resolution Accepting a Bid for the Public Works Customer Service Remodel Project (Public Works Department Broeren Russo Construction, Inc.) An Ordinance Amending the Annual Budget for Various Fund (Budget Amendment No. 2011/2012-6) A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement for City Owned Utility Location (Public Works Department United States Infrastructure Corp.) A Resolution Accepting a Bid and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement for 2012 BYC Second Street Reach Landscape Maintenance Services (Public Works Department Monticello Garden Center, Inc.) A Resolution Accepting a Bid for the Purchase of Three Dump Trucks and Declaring Three Dump Trucks and Three Sedans to be Surplus (Public Works Department Prairie International Trucks, Inc.) A Resolution Approving the Annual Budget for the Champaign-Urbana Solid Waste Disposal System for FY 2012/13 (Public Works Department City of Urbana) A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One Vehicle Utilizing the Illinois State Joint Purchasing Program (Public Works Department Fleet Services, Morrow Brothers Ford, Inc.)

Council Bill No. 2012-091

Council Bill No. 2012-092

Council Bill No. 2012-093

Council Bill No. 2012-094

Council Bill No. 2012-095

Council Bill No. 2012-096

Council Bill No. 2012-097

Council Bill No. 2012-098

A Resolution Accepting a Bid for the North Fourth Street Extension Project (North of Bradley Avenue) (Public Works Stark Excavating, Inc.) A Resolution Accepting a Bid for the Construction of the 2012 Infrastructure Maintenance Project (Public Works Beniach Construction Company Inc.) (City Projects 23-136 and 41-213)

Council Bill No. 2012-099




The City of Champaign strives to ensure that its programs, services, and activities are accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you are an individual with a disability and require assistance to observe or participate, please contact the City of Champaign, City Managers Office, at 403-8710 or by TDD 403-8736 at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting with your specific request. Council Bills, Reports to Council and Minutes are now available on our website in PDF Format at

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