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April 17, 2009 Press Release for Immediate Release

Contact: 732-249-1100 General Manager

• Transport group launches week-long environmental awareness drive
• Green Week to promote sustainable, reliable, good value public transport
• Chance for a customer to win a year’s free bus travel in their local area
• Did You Know?

Environmental issues will be at the top of the agenda next week as Suburban Transit
joins its Parent Company “Stagecoach Group” as it launches its first ever Group-wide
Green Week on Monday (April 20).

As well as highlighting the environmental benefits of using public transport, Stagecoach

Green Week aims to inform staff and passengers of ways in which the company is
reducing its own carbon footprint.

The week-long event – which takes place between April 20 thru 24 - is also a chance for
Stagecoach to highlight the additional cost and time savings that can be achieved
through the use of public transport.

Launching Green Week, Stagecoach Group Chief Executive, Brian Souter, said: “This is
a very important initiative for our company. We want to grow our business in a
sustainable way, enhancing the communities in which we operate and playing our part in
meeting the global challenge of climate change.

“Public transport has a crucial role to play in reducing global carbon emissions. Our
research has told us that the issue of climate change is of real concern to our customers.
As well as looking to save time and money, people want healthier and more
environmentally friendly ways to get around.

“Taking the bus, instead of commuting by car is perhaps the single most effective way
for people to reduce their carbon footprint. By providing good value, reliable and
convenient low-carbon travel, we believe we can attract even more customers on to
Stagecoach services.”

Throughout Stagecoach Green Week, staff and passengers across all areas of the
business will be invited to participate in a number of awareness-raising events.

Brain Souter added: “By promoting our message of greener, smarter travel we hope we
can help our passengers and our own employees identify easy ways in which they can
live greener lives – not just for one week, but day in, day out.”
Stagecoach has a wide-ranging strategy to tackle climate change and make its business
more sustainable. As well as meeting its regulatory obligations, it includes:
• Investing in more fuel efficient vehicles
• Using alternative, renewable fuels
• Providing training in more efficient driving techniques
• Saving energy at offices and depots
• Conserving and recycling water
• Reducing and recycling waste
• Reducing business travel
• Providing affordable bus travel
• Developing green travel plans and incentives for staff, customers and partner

Stagecoach is continuing to improve its environmental performance with the introduction

of a three-year Carbon Management Programme (CMP), in partnership with energy
management consultancy, Inenco.

Go Green Email to Win

For customers who ride Suburban Transit, there will be the chance to win a year’s free
travel on their bus network. To enter to win you are simply asked to join our “Email
Advisory List” by sending an email to Your email should
include your full name and verifiable email address along with where you board the bus
and your final destination. This allows us to better inform you in the event of emergency,
service changes, traffic alerts and schedule changes in an environment friendly way. If
you already receive email alerts we ask that you still submit this information to be
entered in the drawing. To be entered all emails must be received by Sunday April 26,
2009 and the winner will be randomly selected and announced on Wednesday April 29,
2009 (one email per commuter will be entered).

Did you know?

• Suburban Transit Travels nearly 8 Million miles per year

• Averages 295 trips to and from New York City everyday

• Less than one preventable accident for every 350,000 miles traveled

• Has been servicing Central NJ since 1941

• Operates 150 buses

• Motorcoaches currently provide 184 passenger miles per gallon

• Motorcoaches produce carbon emissions of only 56 grams per passenger

compared to 371 grams for a passenger car

• Each motorcoach has the potential of removing 55 autos form the highway;
saving fuel, cutting emissions and reducing congestion.

For more information about Suburban Transit please visit




ATTENTION SUBURBAN COMMUTERS: Customers, who ride Suburban

Transit, will have the chance to win a year’s free travel on our bus
network. To enter to win you are simply asked to join our “Email
Advisory List” by sending an email to Your email
should include your full name and verifiable email address along with
where you board the bus and your final destination. This allows us to
better inform you in the event of emergency, service changes, traffic
alerts and schedule changes in an environmentally friendly way. If you
already receive email alerts we ask that you still submit this information
to be entered in the drawing. To be entered all emails must be received
by Sunday April 26, 2009 and the winner will be randomly selected and
announced on Wednesday April 29, 2009 (one email per commuter will
be entered).

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