Stave Puzzle Catalog 1988-1989 Full

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What a year this has been! The
White House asked us to come to
Sfashington to exhibit at their
Easter festivities. Then Tiffany &
Co. asked us to craft puzzles for
them, as did the New York
Philharmonic. The New York Times
Magazine ran a wonderful full-page, full-
color article about us, as did American
Airlines magazine. The Carousel Trio
puzzle was a smash success,we had
our busiest Christmas season ever,
and we added 2 new employees. With

--rilIf ,.#"'li:"$:",1?ff#*r:'ll-f:s;
workshop. lfe're building a brand new puzzle
t shop, complete with showroom and 3 new saws.
Pleasecome and see us!

$' I flipped when Jenniferand carlye
showedme.the"train" puzzlebecause
A^ry - its design includestwo new puzzhng
reaturesvou ve neverseenDerore-
I qn Geneiationouzzlesl Thesenew
-F 4th Generatioz twists are so obviously
o= diabolical.thatT can t even give vou

F ilil:$"-:ffii"J^5;:*:'
remember.there's more to this
F puzzle than meets the eye. \ ou
will just have to figure it out
O Yourself'
N Engine: Fanciful and fun, the engine is powered
not only by the wood being thrown into the
r firebox, but by a 4th Generation surprise that
will have you huffing, puffing, whistling, and

screeching. You will find it impossible to stay
on the tracks!


Animal Car: Here's
another 4th Generation
doozy. These horses appear innocent
enough, but they'll take you for a devil of a ride.
\Ve're giving away no clues.
-i7hy should we deprive you of a
puzzler's dream come true ... a truly terrible time.

Caboose: Do you see how the cute little puzzle piece

toys fit together? Isn't that nasty? Heh, heh, hehl I will
be amazed if you can assemble them. It's color
line cutting at its worst. And, the toys are
so cleverly designed that their
shapes won't help much either!

All aboard! Hoo on the

Stave Puzzle Train for
fun and adventure!

altF-€ \rchr\4/t.l)Scr\.J

Puzzle Train
Jennifer Brown
Limited Edition/S8
;;; 300 Prize Points

,-l : Optional Train

Deliuery Schedule
Engine: $1495
Animal Car: $895
LaD oose: b /t/)

Dollhouse Village Shoppes
\Xtren the invitation came to participate in "Easter at the'White
House" this year, we immediately thought of The Dollhouse Village.
This 5-part series shows the significant buildings and park that
compriie the village of Pleasant Bluffs, all designed especially for
puziling. 'W'eenvisioned all five puzzles lined up side-by-side,
stretching a full 8 feet long, each personalized for the \fhite House.
Tristram Coffin Mansion
The resulting masterpiece, pictured on page 14 with our official
625 Pieces,$1770
StavePtzzlemakers, Carlye and Carol, was the showpiece of our
180 Prize Points
'White House exhibit.
You can have your own mlthical puzzle village, personalized
just for you. The rooms are busy with silhouette "ghosts" acting out Pleasant Bluffs Park
650 Pieces,$1695
ihe ttory, The Wedding, which you will receive as a booklet with
\70 Prize Points
your first village order. One module, The Shoppes,is shown here,
and full details and pictures of the other Dollhouse Village puzzles
Lacey's Inn
will be forwarded to you on request,
560 Pices,$1565
160 Prize Points
Dollhouse Yillage ShoPPes
Jim Schuben Purkey's Livery Stable
Limited Edition/100
430 Pieces,$1230 375 Pieces,$1095
L'10Prize Points
120 P ri z ePo i n ts

2 To order by phone, please callL-8O2-295-52OO

"Thank you very much for all that you did to make the
1989 White House Easter Egg Roll such a success ... "
Nancy Reagan

Spring Fantasy
To carry the Dollhouse Village one step further, artist Jim Schubert created
this harbor view of the same village, PleasantBluffs. You'll be able to
spot the Inn, the Shoppes, and other landmarks. The 4-part Fantasy Series
gives seasonal views of Pleasant Bluffs, each from a different perspective.
Pictures and complete details onWinter and Summer Fantasy are
yours for the asking. Stay tuned for Fall Fantasy still on Jim's
drawing board. We call these "second Generation" puzzles,

r Created by a Stave-commissionedafiist
. Specially designed for jigsaw puzzling
r Limited Editions
. Special Effects - hidden animai images, silhouette
puzzle pieces interacting with the picture, sculpts,
cutting tricks in the sky, and much more!

Spring Fantasy
Jim Schubert
Limired Edition/loo
Size A: 11" x 13", 450 Pieces
150 P r iz eP o i n ts ,$ l + 6 5
S iz e B : 15, x 2 2 ,.6 8 0 p i e c e s
240 Prize Points, $2375
Shakespearean Company
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!"
FantasistJames C. Christensen and the Stave puzzlemakers challenge all mortais to a
2-parttest: first, your puzzhog prowess and second, your knowledge of Shakespeare.
In all, there are clues, charactersand symbols from eighteen Shakespeareanplays
packed in this puzzle. Can you guess which plays?
\fe'li send you a dragram with your puzzle and if you can identify half of the
plays, we'll award you 50 Pfize Points!! It's a great day in the puzzle shop when we
get a call from a puzzler claiming Prize Points. Usually the Prize Points are based on
'W'ehave a soft spot for
guessing the rebus and some of the rebuses are a bit tricky.
determined puzzIerc, though, and will happily offer an oblique clue on the phone to
help you out if need be.
For cutters, it's a genuine pieasure to talk to the people for whom we have
crafted a puzzle, to hear their reactions, praise, and blasphemies. Sincerefriendships,
developed through phone calis, letters and visits, make this creative, yet arduous
business all worth while to us.

Shakespearean Company
James C. Christensen
13.25t x 26tt,690 Pieces, $1495
150 Prize Points

To order by phone, please callL-EO2-295-52OO

"I am writing to
tell you of the great
pleasure you gave us
for our 4Sthwedding
anniversary, with that
unusually beautiful
' Mid.summer Night's
Dream ... we consider this
to be our prize puzzle. Not
only was it two layers, but
the layefs came in separate
clumps, adding to the challenge,
well as giving the forest a
three dimensional
feeling." L.G.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Even Shakespearewould be dazzled by this maze of star-crossedlovers,
and layers of leafy trees all interwoven in one colorful and crazy yigsaw puzzle. ln two
puzzle layers, a sort of double-decker, Stave artist Henri Loustau has captured
Shakespeare'stwisted plot of charactersand mlthical figures.
This puzzle has everything:
. Crazy irregular edge
o Dropouts
. Sculpting
. 4 do*rble-decker sections
r Dramatic colors
r Hidden lmages
. Special silhouettes
This is a Limited Edition, of course,
brilliantly hand-colored for each order.
A detail unique to this puzzle is a
collection of 14 different silhouette
fairies, each attached to a star in the
puzzle print. By shaving off narrow
pieces of wood around the stars, a
process we call "sculpting", the stars
peek out of the puzzle for an unusual
Our tried-and-true Stave Puzzlerc
have found A Midsummer Night's
Dream to be one of the most
outstanding puzzle gems we offer.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Henri Loustau
Limited Edirion/100
1.4'x 76' - 550 Pieces
200 Prize Points, $1995
"You afe
certainly the
Rolls Royce of
an industry/
craft/art forrn
that lies close
to my heat1,." }IF R"

&w \tr..&

Yesterdays Rememberecl
Crack the whip, figure eights, and an occasional spill are part of the fun and frolic on this
wintry day. In your puzzle pieces you are likely to find more skaters,snowmen, horse-
drawn sleighs, birds in the trees, and perhaps Santa flying through the sky as silhouette
pieces. Tell us your ideas for silhouettes and we'1I cut those into your puzzle, too!

Yesterdays Remembered
Regi Klein
16" x 20", 640 Pieces,$13,15
140 Prize Points

fotly Olct Saint Nlcholas

Say "Merry Christmas To All" rn a puzzling way! All Santa
has to do is decide who gets the drum, the sailboat, the
dolls, the truck, and the castle ... what a job!
The checkered background is dark blue like the
nighttime sky on this busy Christmas Eve. This puzzle is
big enough for a family to work together and small enough
to leave time for a bedtime story, too.

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

Ellen Stouffer
9.25"x 11,.5',2I5 Pieces,$450
50 Prize Points

To order by phone, please callI-8O2-295-52OO

are truly
of art."


'Twas the Twilight Before Christmas

As the winter sun sets on the snow-covered New England town of Thunder Island Falls,
horse-drawn coaches, bedecked with wreaths, bring last minute arrivals home to share the
holidays. This bustling, snowy scene conveys rJ7ysocki's"fondness for the romantic Victorian
period of our country's history."
So many of our Stave puzzlers love these limited edition, larger sizc \Vysockis, that we are
constantly phoning new sources for these prints. Jennifer has designed loads of new
Christmas silhouettes for your puzzles, like this
enlarged silhouette of Santa,the sleigh and
reindeer. Discovering the enlarged
silhouette (a larger silhouette cut into
pieces) in your puzzle can earn you
valuable Prize Pointsl

'TWas the TWilight

Charles Wysocki
Limited Edition
15.5"x 15.5', 475 Pieces,$1595
1()urflze rolnts
l'We really can't get over how
clever and apPealing the
puzzle is. The best Present
I ever received ... as y-ou see,
we are hooked."

A small impressionistic print with great color

... ah!! Ve found itl Bright oranges, blues,
and greens blend together to make a down-
right challenging puzzle in this handy size'

Oarsmen at Chatou
Auguste Renoir
!'r x 11", 195 Pieces,$395
40 Prrze Points

Present Perfect
Promisethem anything. but give them a
ouzzle. This is our tried-and-true gilt
puzzle size. It's a comfortable size to
work in one sitting, yet big enough to
do with a companion'
Please take note: we do not have
a storage room with puzzles stacked up
on the shelves. 95o/oof Stave Puzzles are
custom-cut with special names, initials,
and silhouettes requested by the person
selectinqthe puzzle. Please.please let
us kno# how we can make Your gift
personal and unique.
Remember, we'll lovingly gift wrap your
puzzle-present, if you wish, and ship it to
your designated Puzzle Person'

As a sharp observer of daily life of the

Dutch, Jan Steen'spaintings tell a story'
The character interaction, the food,
clothing. childrcn's toys, musical
instruments, and a wealth of other
details make fascin ating puzzle material
in this size.

The Dancing CouPle

Jan Steen
8. 25 "x !L 7 5 " ' 1 9 5 P i e c e s ,$ 3 9 5
40 Prrze Points

To order by phone, please call1'-8O2'295-52OO

\Varm yellow light glows in the
shop u'indows as carollers sing
and shoppers finish their last-
minute gift buying. Horse-drawn
sleighs glide by silently in this
peaceful village of the past.

Country Store
Chades Wysockr
10" x 12", 250 Pieces,$475
50 Prrze Points

!7ith only the wind in their sails,

these boats slice through the
turquoise water, past the hillside
homes with red-tile roofs, past the
mission and Peter's Grocery in
\Tysocki's rendition of eadier
days in California.

Old California
Charles Wysocki
10" x 12", 250 Pieces,$475
50 Prrze Points

Step right up,

folks. See the
amazing new
machines! Here
ya go, Johnnie ... hop right into
the cockpit. Let's get a picture of
the rw i ns si tti ngon the w i ng.
Smile nowl Off we go. into the
wild blue yonder ...

Four Aces Flying School

10" x 12", 250 Pieces,$475
50 Pize Points
"I've alwaYs said
you wefe a classy
outfit! ... I hoPe
you will alwaYs
be the success You
deserve to be -
being the best."

A Gift for Mrs. Claus

'STorking into the wee hours, Santa puts the. final loving touches on his
gifiT". ft.t. Claus. The-delicate porcelain doll in her
irfn.a dresswith baublesand peadsthat

for children, she stands as a

precious symbol of his affection for
Mrs. Ciaus.
At Stave, we are well aware that
ultimate gift
,f-r. p"t f. #e muk. for your Christmas holiday is-the
your loved ones We take pride in filiing every-request
,r.r.t'iru,r. for
f-t""e and adding our own P!r.1o.natingenuity to make your
i'"" *"v
- puzzle us' as this doll for Mrs' Claus'
Aciding family r.i-.t as puzzle pieces is the most fun way to
add persoiality to your putti.' We 11cut as many names as will fit'
consider this to be part
iftr.i" is no extra in".g" for this, of course -we
of a true Stave Puzzle.)
attracted the
Stave's level of craftsmanship and creative design
House, the New York Philharmonic, Tiffany & Co''
attention of the White
and numerous magazines and newspapers' They
right here in Norwich'
this high tech age, Santa's workshop ii still alive'

A Gift for Mrs. Claus

Irregular Edge
14.5"x 13", 300 Pieces,$975
100 Prize Points

To order by phone, please callL-8O2-295-52OO
"I just worked my puzde for the
third time ... What fun it is! ...
Ttrank you so very much for its
unending pleasures." A.G.

Fruit in Wicker Basket

This is a mammoth puzzle. gives us an opportunity to use the
\X4ren Carlye unrolled this print, ingenious interacting silhouettes
we all o-ohed and a-ahed at the Jennifer has designed. (Identifying
rich color and marveled at the these in your puzzle can earn you
golden glowing patina. This is just too Prize Points wofih money toward
good to pass up, we decided, despite your next p:uzzlet) Jennifer has
its gigantic size. Besides, how often even made complete silhouette
can you find a hand-cut 1,000 scenes,such as acrobats
piece puzzle? standing on each other's
Sometimes we offer mega- shoulders, in which several
size puzzles in the newsletters we silhouettesact out a mini
mail out to our puzzlers 4,8 times a drama within your puzzle.
year depending on the whether, (i.e.
whether or not we have time to write
one). Pleasenote: if you are not Fruit in Wicker Basket
receiving our newsletters and would Anonymous American Afiist
like to, just give us a call and we'll Irregular Edge
make sure you are added to our mailing 2L" x J0",1090 Pieces,$2395
list. 240 Prize Points
If you have the appetite for this puzzle feast, we
will take distinct pleasure in cutting it for you. This
"Fof more than 60
y€ars jigsaw ptzztes
have intrigued me so I
sat down the night
youfs arrived and
completed it in 2l/2
hours. It's so
beautifrrlly made I
couldn't stop
'working.' My
complirnents to you."

Victorian Christmas
Chades \Tysocki
J . J " x 8 .5 " , 1 3 0 P i e c e s ,$ 2 7 5
30 Prize Points

Petite Puzzles
These nifty little puzzles are a perfect size for gifts,
to take on a cruise, or maybe iust to try your hand at
Stave puzzling.
'We can squeeze more nasty tricks and devious ploys into a
small ouzzle than You would even believe possible.
So be forewarned: you could get hooked
Green and yellow Predominate
in Stone City, while Houses At Auuerc
has many shades of green and some
blue. Binhday Suits ts a watercoior
with soft tones as is Yacht RacebY
Prendergast. The 16th century maP
is green, blue and white. Wysocki's
GreenstarTurf Club has bright
green and teal, while the houses
in Victorian Christmas are done
in earth tones with bright sPots
of color.

Birthday Suits
Puig Rosado
6. 7 5 ' x 9 .2 5 ' , 7 2 5 Pi e c e s $
. 265
30 Prize Points

72 To order by phone, please call L-8O2-295-52OO

Greenstar Turf Club
Charles \Vysocki
7.5" x 8.5" , 130 P i eces,$275
30 Pnze Points

Houses at Auvers
VincentVan Cogh
6.5ux 7.75",1ooPieces,$210
yacht Race 20 PrrzePoints
6,75,,x 9,5,, I30 pieces,9275
30 Prize Points

Europe and the Mediterranean

16th Century France Stone City, Iowa
6.5" x 8.25", 110 Pieces,$230 Grant\food
20 Prize Points 6.5ux 8.75", 115 Pieces,$240
20 Prrze Points
.i;1!!!1x.r:-iri:tiiilii ::i::i1i,Ii.i:lf ::l::i.i:liil'*
Scenesat Stave
Most people find this hard to believe, but,
ycs, w e do cut i ust one pi ece at a ti me -
free-hand so each piece is unique. Our goal
is to create the world's most beautiful and
creatively challenging ligsaw p:uzzles.
Achieving the superior quality that is the
hallmark of a Stave puzzle requires 31
different steps. One cutter follows each
ptzzle order from start to finish.

This has been an impressive year tor

Stave above and beyond creating new mind-
bogglers for our regular puzzlers.
American'lY ay, the American Airiines
magazine, and The New York Times Magazine
both published articles on Stave complete
with color pictures of puzzles. Tiffany & Co.
(see p. 18) and the New York Philharmonic
(p. 33) have commissioned special puzzles to
be made for them, both exciting projectsfor
us to work on in the shop. Imagine how
honored we felt being invited to
the lfhite House! Cadye and
Carol had a ball working a
giant Stave design with
hundreds of children at
t he annual Ea s te rc e l e -
bration while their Parents
sazed ln admiration at the
io-pl.tJ Dollhouse

Those of you who have actually made it

to Norwich, and tried to find us, know what
'$7e have no sign and
a low profile we keep.
no showroom - just an overcrowded
workshop. All this is changing! Here we are
in our new shop which promises to have an
official sign, an honest-to-goodness
showroom and more than a little elbow room
around our saws. Come celebrate with usl
\fe'll add your picture to Stave'sRogues'
Gallery - our photo collection of Stave
Puzzlers who actually managed to find us.

Front row: Melody Eccher, Jennifer Pcrrin' Nanry

Blake, Betsy Page. Back Row: Cally Gilbet, Jan
Jemison, Dianna Rowell, Steve & Manha Richardson,
Carlye Klein, Jennifer Brown, Carol Fisk Scott

How You Can Win Prize Points
Vin money toward new puzzles! Win your choice of free )rummy treats from Vermont! Every Stave puzzle is
worth a certain number of Prize Points that can be redeemed for gifts or dollars toward your next puzzle. Here's
how you can win:

Step 3:
Step 2: Call or write the person
who crafted your puzzle
Solve the games with your answers. The
(rebus, enlarged craftperson'sname will be
silhouette, interacting listed on the note.
silhouettes, etc.) within
yo:ur puzzle. These are
listed on the Prize
Point note included Step 4:
in your puzzlebox.
A Prize Point
Certificate will be
awarded you for your
correct answefs

Step 1: Step 5:
Redeem your Prize Points in
Complete your Stave either of tlvo ways:
puzzle. 1.) -1.Prize Point : $1.00
toward vour next ouzzle OR
2) choose a prize from our
selection of Vermont goodies

800/oof the puzzles we cut are for existing customers, Many of our puzzling families have been with us for
that is, people who already own at least one Stave years. 'We receive vacation post cards, pictures of the
puzzle. The fact is, Stave puzzling is addictive family, flowers, home-baked cookies - in addition to
behavior. You get hooked. insulting name-calling letters telling us how nasty we
Once you become an official Stave Puzzler, we are.
send you all sorts of tempting Stave goodies One of our special puzzlerc once sent us a box
o Newsletters of outrageously delicious chocolates with this poem
. Mailers on special ptzzles enclosed:
o First dibs on new 3rd Generation designs
. Coupons Try this Rocky Mountain stulf
' Special offers No puzzle lhere in
Over time, we get to know you puzzlers well Just take pieces out
through yovr pvzzle orders, calis, letters, and visits. Instead of puttin'them in.
Explore The Unique Handcraft
Request Sllhouettes Color Llne Cuttlng
Your hobbies, Pets, sports, Cutting between 2
different colors

Sllhouette "1 r
Piece in shaPe of j j '1,..r-''
person or object

: i -r,
i- ... , r*

Slivers of wood
removed in a

Interactlng Sllhouette
Two related silhouettes fit
together in Puzzle

'Whammy pieces
with center Piece
like corner

'Whammy pieces
that look like
cofnefs Spllt Corner Whamt
Disguised corner Adjacen
not inte
)d Challenges in a StavePuzzle
il Enlarged Sllhouette
Large silhouette outline Your choice of names/
cut into pieces dates/initials

lrregular Eclge
Flowing curved edge following
print design

.. l la:l.t:r'
Phony Corner
..:::l::,1:. Fake corner piece in the
middle of the ptzzle

Phony Stralght Edge

Fake edge piece in the
middle of the puzzle

Picture riddle within


Vermont Cow
Charles Wysocki
Irregular Edge
,dge Stave Clown lou rreces
e pieces do Stave trademark, dated and
40 Prize Points, $370

initialed by cutter

Design Your Own Puzzle

One of our favorite ouzzle orders starts like this: "I want to do a soecial ouzzle for mv
(self / family /wife,/sweeth eart/ father) for (birthday /
holiday vacation/ annl ercary/
retirement). I was thinking of a
(crazy, far-out
tdea) puzzle. Can
you do it?"
To ques-
tions like
this, our
answer is
always, "Sure!
{fr Let'sdo it!!"
\Welove getting
f, .r ^
S: the creative
^ .- ^ ^ L t- - ^

f flowing with our

\ DUZZtetflenclsas we
make these one-of-a
kind treasures. It stimu-
Iates our imagination.
and, best of all, introduces
us to some of the world's
most original people.

Here are some examples of originalpvzzles created at Stave:

. Photo of family home with separate photos of children and grandchildren placed
inside dropped-out windows with mini flower gardens as pop-ups. (shown above)
r .Marriage proposal sculpted into the puzzle including bride and groom silhouettes.
. Photo of treasured personal object, e.g. heidoom hand-embroidered fireplace screen:
Tiffany lamp.
r Photo collage of family vacation with several pictures spliced together
. Artist's rendering of family home
enlarged and cut with significant
. Specially commissioned watercolor of
well-known landmark in family
vacation spot.
. Commissioned art by Jennifer Brown,
e.g. a koala bear flying a byplane; a
windsurfer with a particular sail.
(Sometimesthis is the onlyway to
get what you want.)

When the people at Tiffany & Co.

discovered the quality hand-craftsmanship of
Stave Puzzles, they inquired about a special
edition puzzle for their stores. After months
of planning and designing, their own Stave
edition is now being featured in several
Tiffany stores and catalog. These designs can
be purchased only at Tiffany & Co.

18 To order by phone, please call 1-8O2-295-52OO

What is a3rd
Generation Stave Purzzle?
Let us explain. In the wodd of Stave
puzzles, there is a certain group of mentally
demanding puzzles designed to take you to
the limit. First of all, they are limited editions
commissioned by Stave for jigsaw puzzling.
Most importantly, these puzzles have a unique
puzzling rwist - they can be put together in
more ways than one, thereby severely testing
youf sanlty.
As described in AmericanWay, these
puzzles are " ... so devilishly designed and
deviously cut that they border on the
unsolvable for ali but a handful of avid fans
... aficionados keep ordering - and keep
challenging Mr. Richardson to beleaguer them
with even more puzzling twists and turns."
There's no way, absolutely no way, that
we're going to show you what these puzzles
iook like in their entirety. \(zhat kind of a
puzzle will it be if you already know what
it looks like?!
A "sneak preview" of four 3rd Generation
puzzles is shown here to give you a peephole
look. If you're interested in knowing more
about any of these brain-teasers,just drop
us a line or give us a call.

July 4th, l9S7

Jennifer Brown
Limited Edition/87
350 Pieces,$1095
I70 Prize Points

Sword inthe Stone

Stephanie Loeffler
Limited Edition/S8
450 Pieces,$1565
160 Prize Points

Stephanie Loeffler
Limited Edition/86
225 Preces,$825
80 Prize Points

Carousel Trio
Jennifer Brown
Limired Edirion/88
500 Pieces,$1995
200 Prrze Points


Did you ever feel so proud of yourself after working a
puzzle that you wanted to hang it up for everyone to
see? '$7enow have a solution.
A gallery owner in nearby \Woodstock designed
an elegant, furniture qualiry framing device we are
proud to offer you for your puzzles. The frames are
crafted of solid wood (your choice of butternut,
cherry, or walnut) with a natural linen background.
A small movable shelf holds the puzzle in place with
background space around the puzzle to display
silhouette pieces.
The framed glass cover easily lifts off so you can
change the puzzle or use the bottom section as a
sma\I puzzle tray.
The craftsmanship on this combination frame,/tray
is impeccable. Made in Vermont, naturally.

Solid butternut, cherry, or walnut
L5" x 19", for puzzles to 450 pieces, $375
Frame for 475 - 650 piece puzzles, $395
Frame for 700 pieces or larger, $450
Prices include shipping & handling.

Also designed by our craftsman neighbor in \Woodstock for

working on iarger puzzles, this elegant puzzle tray is card
table size.
Built of solid walnut (or cherry) and faced with
cushioned suede cloth on one side. it reversesto smooth
wood on the other side for your choice of working
surfaees. The splined corners are smoothly
rounded and velvety Reversible PuzzleTray
to the touch. 30"x 30"
SuedeCloth: gray or natural
Solid walnut or cherry fra^me

j Basket of
h There's nothing subtle about
;i{ these colors. Vivid red,
i:i yellow and orange pieces
' will jump right out of the
puzzle box.
Nancy had a ball cutting this
little gem and predicts it will be a
Basket of Flowers
hit this puzzle season. Smail in size for
Ellen Stouffer
workability, bright in color for pleasure and
Irregular edge
beauty and an irregular edge for trickiness.
110 Pi e c e s ,$ 2 9 0
A perfect little puzzle is packed in this basket of flowers.
30 Prize Points

20 To order by phone, please callL-8O2-295-52OO

Berries &
\7hat could be more lavish than
a big blue bowl of bright red
raspberries? This is a puzzle of
rich abundance - loads of
deep. vivid colors and a bounry
of luscious fruit.
Green and purple grapes, red
piums, golden pears and piles of
peachessurround the painted
bowl. This mid-19th century still
life captured our hearts with its
simpliciry and striking colors.

Bird. Beries and Peaches

Chades V. Bond
Irregular edge
18" x 1.8",400 Pieces,$945
90 Prtze Points

of the Magt
From the original oi1 on wood done
around 1470, these Renaissancefigures
are painted in subdued tones highlighted
with go1d. Although motion is frozen,
the touching aspect of this scene is the
king bowing to kiss the feet of the Christ
The interesting shape and design
carries the eye back to the approaching
crowds and ciry in the distance. Filled
Adoration of the Magi with silhouettes depicting the manger at
Benvenuto di Giovannr Bethlehem, this scene becomes a puzzle
)" x 12", 180 Pieces,$395 crdche.
40 Prize Points
Family [un
One of the best aspectsof jigsan' puzzles is the pleasure they bring to
those of all ages. Grandparents to gradeschoolerscan enjoy playing a
puzzle. You can have a1l
the latest trivia games on
eanh. but thcres nothi ng
that intrigues a family
group more than having a
jigsaw puzzle spread out
on the table. Here are
some ideas to add enter-
talnment to your next
family gathering.

Not only the lion and the lamb, but the beasts of
the lungle, the forest, and the plains have all
come together in peaceful repose. !7e bet
you'll do the zebra first
In front of the cozy fire, Papa Bear tucks his skis
Peaceable Kingdom
au-a,vafter a day on the slopes and Mama Bear
Charles \Vysocki
fixes hot cocoa and popcorn for all. Snuggle in
10 " x 1 2 " , 2 5 0 Pi e c e s ,$ 4 7 5
for lots of cute 1itt1edetails in this puzzle. Two
50 Prtze Points
sizes; with or without border.

Bearly a Ski Holiday

Lucy Rigg
Size A: 6.i" x 9.5" no border
125 P i eces.5265
30 Prize Points
Size B: 8.75"x 11.75"w/border
205 Pieces,$435
40 Pize Points

At the Old Fox Inn, all the local forest folk have
left their burrows and come together for lemon-
ade and sandwiches. Little Mr. Frog is trying to
make himself inconspicuous, hoping they won't
notice him.

Old Fox Inn

Brian Paterson
72.25"x 70', 245 Pieces.5465
50 Prize Points

To order by phone, please call1-8O2-295-52OO

Last year's Noah's Ark was so popular, we
thought you might like this giant-size version il-
variety o[ silhouetteanimalsgo
rwo Dywo. roo!

eF #

"Yotr puZzles have

.-.-r^ -I-

S 6

- '--
becorrfe a Christmas traditior t
atrnyhouse..." CJ.H. *
the Big Top,
this turn of the century
circus couple performs their
daring bareback riding feat before
tLe amazed audience. The handsome
ringmaster and painted clown add to the
scene while circus silhouettes perform in the

Bareback Riders
'W'.H. Brown
210 Pieces,$445
8.J5" x 1,1,.75n,
40 Prize Points

Westward Ho!
o u rc u s to m e rs C omefromai l overtheU ni tedS tatesandbeyondandtheyrem indus
wthconversations,'";:*#';:;:;Tfl T:ffi 5i,X*trT;*ffisonarization'that
.il/e would like to puj ho-ug. to our friendt^-Y-t:::f,*"
ilt""}'ltii ot #fJils;-'"' thepvzzrestlul 'p-:"korwide
campfire and new frontiers'
open spaces,-nights ;;;J
andnumerous cutting tricks
Our wild and wooty
"-;iii;.;;d 'iinot'"tt"' not easilv won'
-- the \(/est was
vou that
Ride the rounduP with The
The StamPede Stum\edein blues
Frederic Remington und gt"".tt with an
Irregular Edge irregular edge You
20" x 22" , 440 P i e c e s ' might recognize'
$995 Taste the dust in
100 Prize Points a frontier town
\ke KirbY's
admire the
earth tones
in lrlauaho

Kirby's Well
10"x 12'\ 25gPisgss,$475
50 Pize Points

Navaho Rugs
Charles VYsocki
;-;4; ; s.i j, , t3o
30 Prize Points

To order by phone, please
"My husband has to push me into the
kitchen at night to make dinner and then
dtag me up to bed. I just wish lhad a
new one every week!" A.G.
Something Fishy
Daniel Gilbert
Irreguiar Edge
Playful Puzzles P.l" x 18", 185 Pieces,$445
40 Prize Points
In our newsletters we have exoerimented with
some unusual, off-rhe-n all puzzle choices,
and we have been pleasantly sur-
prised by your enthusiasm.Here is
a sampling of nontraditional
puzzling that may just hit
youf hot spot.
Do you, or someone
you know, Iike to ham
it up on skis? For all
you hot-doggers and
Hogging the Slopes.
Or maybe you ll bire
for the Big Apple (only a
wedge shown here to give you
a taste of the artwork). All the local
digs are identified so if you know "the
City," you'll have a puzzling advantage.
Then again, this Queen Angelfish may catch your eye
with its vivid, glistening colors of blue, green and gold and completely
irregular edge.


..'l ;'

r:.'.r... li::l:

Hogging The Slopes

Dale C. Bradley
Mini Manhattan! 1-0"x 1-2.J",250 Preces,$475
Tony Graham 50 Prize Points
Slightly irregular edge
1J" x 17" ,440 P i eces,$955
100 Prize Points
Small section shown



Luncheon of the Boating Party

better way to send joie de uiure to a birthday Many of the puzzles we cut are in honor of a
celebration than with this colorful and happy scene special person's binhday and we make an all-out effort
Renoir's flirting couples radiate a to find as much as possible about this person
human warmth that is unedy so the silhouettes can reflect their
entrancing. More personal than a personality and interests. This makes it
landscape with plenty of variety in fun for us, too. The more we learn about
color and shape, all the classic you, the better we can tailor your puzzle
ingredients of a perfect puzzle
are present hete. Luncheon of
the Boating Party reigns as
one of the shop favorites at
Stave;so much so, that we
have the print displayed on
the shoo wall above our saws
for its uplifting cheeriness. You'll love it, too.
Luncheon of the Boating Party
Pierre Auguste Renoir
Size A- 13" x 18"
"The cutting is so 470 Pieces,$985
100 Prize Points
irnaginative and fun SizeB- 2Oux28u
- a beautiful job all 1120P i eces,$2375
around." D.S. 240 Prize Points

zo To order by phone, please callL-8O2-295-52OO

Olct "Yotlf
zaniness and
Cape creativity

May bring ioy to

those of us
cape May sits on the southemmost point of New Jersey, a pertect summer who attempt
vaiation spot. Vacationers flocked here to escape the summer heat, breathe in
the salt air, or romance a sweethearl Sounds inviting, doesn't it?
to solve the
Pleasejoin us at this lovely Victorian hotel, with its gingerbread porches and unsolvable."
lace curtains. Four puffy clouds create a biliowy irregular edge while flags flutter c.T.
in the warm sea breeze.
The puzzle shown here was recently cut for someone who requested the
names of hir boutr as personalized pieces. From photographs he sent, Marlha
was able to duplicate the iettering and add other silhouette pieces to capture the
spirit of their family vacation retreat in Maine.
you may have noticed times when the cutter obviously f-e1tinspired to add a
touch of humor to your puzzle. These playful touches might be cenain
silhouettes (Could this be the honeymoon couple, perhaps?)or simply the
piacement of silhouettes, e.!4.putting a silhouette fly on the person's nose in the
print. The other day Steve put at ieast fifty silhouettes of the same ant in a huge
puzzle. Enough to drive you buggY?!

Old Cape May

Robert Franke
Irregular top edge
22" x 29 " ,8 0 0Pi e c e s $
. l -9 5
180 Prize Points
"Arry other
puzzle is just
to youfs...
When f see
jewelry in a
catalogue I
always tell
Ted that I
would rather
have another
pwzzle." B.B.

Pink Cafe
Michel Delacroix
14.75"x 20"
600 Pieces
740Prize Points

foie cle Vivre

Picture yourself sitting outside a pink caf6 on the
blue-gray cobblestone streets of Paris shaded by
teal green trees overhead. You can hear the
horse and wagon go ciip-clopping by as
shopkeepers and street-sweepersgo about their
business. The soft, almost pastel look to this
.print is cozy and inviting.
If you're a Delacroix fan, (as we are!) do let
us know. \7e have a multitude of prints crying
out to become puzzles loaded with fun little drop-
outs and interior puzzlements inspired by his an.

On to Montmartre with brightly painted shops

and villagers making their daily shopping trip
and visit to the caf6.
Dabbled with a variety of colors, this
puzzle is fun to work with a good serving of
trickiness in the solid areas combined with
rapid color changes. Plus, it's just the right

Petit Caf6, Montmartre

Maurice Utrillo
I0.75" x 14', 300 Pieces,$630
60 Prize Points

To order by phone, please callL-8O2-295-52OO

Here we catch a glimpse of a
horseman on a peaceful autumn
morning as he rides in the open
fields to exercise his pack of
hounds. It's a casual day as he
is outfitted in a brilliant orange-
red jacket and striped horse
'We are proud to offer this
handsome pvzzle, taken from an
oil painting by local artist
Heather St. Clair Davis, known
For her equestrian interests.

Exercising Hounds
Heather St. Clair Davis
Limited Edition
16" x 19,,610 Pieces,$1450
150 Prize Points

Ready ... aim ... quack! This collection of

hapless hunters will quack you up as you
piece together their hopeless maneuvers.
The whole scene is totally outrageous, the
perfect gift for that outdoor person who
prides himself in being the ultimate
sportsman. Only a small section is shown
here to give you a view of the million-and-
one crazy details in this humorous pc>rlrayal
" of the sport.

Basic Duck Hunting

B. Johnson
L0'tx74",280 Pieces,$625
60 Prize Points

Small section shown


Pick of the Litter

Felicitations to our furry feline friends! Our puzzling cats and kittens come in all
shapes, colors and sizes. They are fully house broken, they never shed and we
guarantee they're irresistible. With China Cat, you'll
have a most mysterious puzzle box - many black
pieces, many white pieces, and a few colored
pieces. They'll keep you guessing for quite a
while, until it purrs. In the American folk art
tradition, Cat and Kittens shows an uncommon
tri-colored cat and her fwo olavful kittens.
Tabbystryrs a fuzzy.ut'r .oiorfrl dream come
true with a blue and green tapestry border of a
pussy's favorite animal friends woven into
the design.

China Cat
Sylvia Alberts
Irregular edge
11' x 16.5",285 Pieces,$650
70 Prrze Points
*Your prrz^es are so beautifrrl.
When l'play' with one I make
myself slow down so it will last as
long as possible."

LesleyAnne Ivory
5.75"x 7.75", 90 Pieces,$190
20 PrrzePoints

Catand Kittens
Anonymous American
Size A: 9" x 10", 180 Pieces
40 Prize Points, $375
Size B: 1.6"x 20'.640 Pieces
L40Prize Points,SIJ+5

30 To order by phone, please callLaO2-295-52OO

'The perfection boggles my mind." Mrs. L.H.

Bird Watching
European-born artist Dan Mitra has created these true-tolife wildlife prints with
extraordinary attention to anatomical detail and natural colors. Each is an original
hand-pulled etching which has been individually hand-colored by the artist. We
can't emphasize strongly enough the depth of color in this print, making it
striking puzzle material.
Both birdwatchers and hunters will be found lurking among the puzzle piece
feathers of these wood ducks. !7hen we prepare a puzzle for cutting, each
craftsperson selects silhouettes that go with the subject of the print from our
hundreds of silhouette designs. If you request a silhouette shape we don't have
(like your company logo or a Chihauhau wearing a cape and witch hat - don't
laugh, that actually happened!), we dispatch
Jennifer to the drawing board to dream it up.
Dan Mitra
Irregular Edge
30" x 21. 7 5 ' ,7 2 0 Pi e c e s ,$ 1 7 9 0
180 Prize Points

The exotic beauty of this Cattleya orchid and

bright pink throat and tail feathers of the
Brazilian hummingbirds contrast with the
gray sky as the rains begin on the distant

Orchid and Humrningbirds

Martin Johnson Heade
8.75" x L1..75",205 Preces,$435
40 Prize Points

Let lt
Every year Carol gets out scissors,
compass and protractor and starts
folding paper and cutting to
design our annual version of the
Stave Snowflake. This year, folks,
we think we "gotcha." Geometric
lines and curuesgive way to an
undulating Stave "nightmare"
edge. Considered to be Stave's
most difficult cut, the nightmare
style consists of sinuous half-
circles(known in shop jargon as
"blips") linked together.
In Snowflake MII, all edges
will be cut with nightmare bliPs,
as will the interior pieces.
Therefore you will have no waY of
knowing which "blip" holds the
piece into the puzzle and which is
merely the decorative edge.
'$0'e'vepegged this as our most
difficult Snowflake yet - for
Snowflake YIII expert Flakers only. An unsuspecting novice might be forced to.give up
11" Diameter - 100 Pieces af{er an embarrassing period of time and feed the pieces to the dog. For
30 Prize Points, $265 the safefy of pets everywhere, please scfeen your recipients carefully before
you snow them under.

Snowflake YI
8r' Diameter - 100 Pieces
30 Prize Points, $255

Snowflake YII
9" Diameter - 100 Pieces
30 Prize Points, $265

To order by phone, please call1.aO2-291-52OO

NewYork Philharmonlc
"You'd like a musical pvzzle? We'll do it!"
S/hen the New York Philharmonic asked us to craft a puzzle for their 1988 Radiothon
fundraiser n'e jumped at the opporlunity. In the past we'd done puzzles for the Boston
Sr-n-rphonl'and others, but never New York, and we were excited about the chance to do one
for the x'orld's most famous svmphonv.
Shown below is the Radiothon's
centerpiece, a Semp6 drawing of Philharmonic
orchestra members filing onto center stage,
tuning up their respective instflrments.
The Radiothon people asked us to convert
this drawing ro a puzzle which could be used
as a fundraising gift.
Using Jennifer Brown's special symphony
of silhouettes, a whimsical rebus, and scores
of "harmonious" tricks we crafted this diaboiical
delight in such a way you will want to play
Mozan's 56zth as you "Stave"away.
By agreement with the New York
Phiiharmonic, ten percent of the purchase price
of this beautiful puzzle with be donated to the
orchestra. You may treat this ten percent as a
tax deductible, charitible contribution.

"The intricacy of
design and cutting is a
mafvel to us aIL and
the New York
Philharmonic will be
delighted to offer this
special item in the
Radiothon catalogrre. "

Radiothon'88 Chairman
New York Plrilharmonic

New York Philharmonic

1, 1"x 14" , 3 0 0 P i e c e s ,$ 7 9 5
80 Prize Points

n Illf

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