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An Opportunistic Cooperative Transmission Scheme and Its BER Performance in Cognitive Networks

Chu Yuzhi
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Signal Processing and Transmission Nanjing, China 210003

Zheng Baoyu
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Signal Processing and Transmission Nanjing, China 210003 Email:

AbstractCognitive radio (CR), promote the efcient utilization of the licensed spectrum, and solve the problem of increasing demands for the wireless radio spectrum with the emergency of many new wireless communication networks. In this paper, we against a backdrop of cognitive radio technology, proposed a new opportunistic cooperative transmission scheme based on AF combining spectrum sensing and data transmission in Cognitive Networks (CNs). Besides, closed-form expressions of BER (bit error ratio) of secondary user for the proposed opportunistic cooperative transmission scheme and tradition non-cooperative scheme are presented over Rayleigh fading channels. Then, numerical simulations are conducted to compare our scheme with the non-cooperative transmission, showing the merits of the proposed opportunistic cooperative transmission in terms of BER, and transmission performance of secondary user in CNs can be improved without interfering the regular transmissions of the primary users (PU).

to detect the primary users in [6,7], where shows that by allowing the cognitive users operating in the same band to cooperative can increase the overall agility. In [8], the authors have proposed a probability-based combination scheme for cooperative spectrum sensing in CR which achieves optimal combination of both synchronous and asynchronous sensing information. Recently, many spectrum sensing algorithms in CR have been proposed and studied in the literature. However, with the increase of primary users QoS(Quality of Serviec) the secondary users probability of outage will be decreased rapidly. The cooperative communication between primary and secondary user considered as an effective method to guarantee the QoS requirement of secondary users and improve the communication performance. As stated in [9], results show that cooperative communication can improve system throughput as to the tradition communication scheme. In [10], the authors proposed a limited feedback scheme for a wireless cooperative DF network and show a signicant improvement in terms of outage probability can be achieved compared to no cooperative cases. The simulation results in [11] shows that cooperative communication networks with multiple relay nodes can achieve better BER(Bit Error Ratio) performance compared with no cooperative transmissions. Besides, the cooperative schemes proposed in [9-11] are all in the tradition wireless network without considering the cooperative communication schemes over Cognitive Networks with primary user and secondary users. In this paper, we address the above challenging issues, and present an AF(Amplify and Forward)-based opportunistic cooperative transmission(AF-OCT) scheme in cognitive network. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the system model of cognitive transmission which considers both the spectrum sensing and data transmission, followed by the BER analysis in Section III, where we develop the closed-form expression of BER for the cooperative and no cooperative schemes over Rayleigh fading channels. In Section IV, we conduct numerical evaluations to show the system performance of cognitive transmission. Finally, we make some concluding remarks in Section V.

I. I NTRODUCTION With the emergency of many new wireless communication networks, spectrum resource becomes inefcient in recent years. Meanwhile, the policy of xed or static assignment of the spectrum leads to spectrum under-utilized. In order to address this issue, Cognitive radio[1,2], which learns from its surrounding environment and adapts its internal states to statistical variations of the environment, has been considered as an efcient approach to improve the spectrum utilization by spectrum sharing between primary users and cognitive radio users and promotes the efcient utilization of the licensed spectrum. Spectrum sensing, enables CR networks to adapt to the environment by detecting an available spectrum hole, is the most important technique for cognitive radio to come true. Generally, the spectrum sensing schemes proposed in recent years can be classied as non-cooperative detection and cooperative detection. Matched lter detection[3], the energy detection[4] and cyclostationary feature detection[5], have been presented for the non-cooperative detection, which proposed rst and investigated extensively. However, in practical wireless networks, it is very difcult to achieve a satisfactory performance by utilizing non-cooperative methods to detect the primary users because of the wireless fading. As to the disadvantage of the non-cooperative detection, a collaborative spectrum sensing approach has been proposed by A. Ghasemi

II. PROPOSED COOPERATIVE TRANSMISSION SCHEME In this section, we rst describe the system model used in the paper, and then propose the AF-OCT scheme to improve the secondary users system performance of cognitive networks. A. System Model Consider a cognitive network with a primary network and a secondary network as shown in Fig.1. A primary network includes a secondary source (SS), a secondary destination (ST) and a primary user (P), where SS is sending date to ST. Meanwhile, P starts to occupy the frequency band to transmit its own data. A secondary network is made up of Relay(R). Since the SS would interfere with the primary user in primary network while SS and P send date at the same time, if SS detects a busy licensed frequency channel(that is occupied currently by P), it will use the relay channel(the channel between SS and R, which is different form the licensed frequency channel ) for its data transmission; otherwise, SS will choose the best channel(between the licensed frequency channel and the relay channel)based on CSI (Channel state information) for transmission. Without loss of generality, we assume the primary user alternates between the ON and OFF states, which correspond to that the licensed frequency is occupied and unoccupied by the primary user, on a per-frame basis according to the on-off Markov model. Accordingly, the average on and off periods are1/ and 1/ , respectively; the stationary probabilities for the band to be on and off are Pon = /( + ) Pof f = /( + ) (1) (2)
Fig. 1. Cooperative Transmission Model in Cognitive Networks

Fig. 2.

The allocation of time durations

transmission phase(Td ), in which data is transmitted to the destination through different methods according to different spectrum sensing results. The two phases have been studied individually in terms of different detection or different transmission techniques. In ts phase, ST rst detection the spectrum hole, the signals received by ST in ts can be given by { H0 nps (3) hps xp + nps H1 Where H0 and H1 correspond to that the licensed frequency is unoccupied and occupied by the primary user. xp is the primary user indicator, According to the energy detector, we can obtain the probability of false alarm as ( ) Pf = Pr H1 |H0 = (4) 2N0 Where is threshold for energy detector, Hi is the decision made by the SS whether the licensed band is occupied by P. Therefore, while Pf = , we can obtain the probability of detection of primary user as follow ( ) ( ) 2 ln + 1 Pd = Pr H1 |H1 = exp (5) ps / 2 Let ps = ps Pp N0 , according to Bayes theorem, we can obtain ( ) (1Pf )Pof f Pr H0 |H0 = ( ) (1Pf )Pof f +(1Pd )Pon (6) Pf Pof f Pr H0 |H1 = Pf Pof f +Pd Pon While ST has detected the state of primary, SS will choose the best way based on CSI to transmit the data. One can see that there two possible cases for the transmission methods, namely, direct transmission and the relay transmission. Without loss of generality, let case = 1 and = 2 denote the direct transmission and the relay transmission, respectively. For case = 1 , SS nd that the licensed band is unoccupied by P and the instantaneous SNR for the direct transmission is better than relay, SS transmit the data to ST directly. Otherwise, SS transmit the data through R based on AF for

Throughout the paper, we make following assumptions: 1) All wireless channels are independent from each other in space; 2) All users in CN are equipped with a single antenna, and the antenna at any user can be utilized for transmission and reception; 3) The wireless network has a central controller that can estimate the instantaneous CSI and send the control packets to every cognitive users; 4) all user send the data in the same power; 5) each transmission link between any two users is modeled as a Rayleigh channels, which ( fading ) ( ) 2/ / 2 2 1 | h | ij 2 ,|hij | 0. is meansp |hij | = 2 exp ij ij Besides,hij is the fading coefcients of the wireless channel form the user i to user j. Not that the variance of the random 2 variable hij is denoted by ij . There is also independent, zeromean additive complex white Gaussian noise with ) ( double sided power density N0 at each receiver (|nij | 1/2N0 ) B. AF-based Cooperative Transmission Scheme As shown in Fig.2, the whole cognitive transmission process is divided into two phase: 1) a spectrum sensing phase(ts ), in which the secondary source attempts to detect an available spectrum hole with a certain time duration, and 2) a data

case = 2 . Thus, the received signal by ST under hypothesis Hi and Hi can be given by { rst(H |H ) = Ps hst xs + nst 0 0 (7) rst(H |H ) = Ps hst xs + Pp hpt xp + nst { rsr = Ps hsr xs + nsr rrt = A Ps hrt hsr xs + A Ps hrt nsr + nrt
Ps Ps |hsr |2 +N0
1 0

B. Bit Error Ratio Analysis based on AF-OCT As has been said in Section II-B, for case = 1, SS nd that the licensed band is unoccupied by P and the instantaneous SNR for the direct transmission is better than relay, SS transmit the data to ST directly. Otherwise, SS transmit the data through R based on AF for case = 2 . We can obtain the probability of occurrence of case = 1 and case = 2 ( ) ( ) Pr ( = 1) = Pr H0 , H0 Pr st(H |H ) eq 0 0 ( ) ( ) (15) + Pr H1 , H0 Pr st(H |H ) eq 1 0 ( ) ( ) ( ) Pr ( = 2) = Pr H1 + Pr H0 , H0 Pr st(H |H ) < eq 0 0 ( ) ( ) + Pr H1 , H0 Pr st(H |H ) < eq 1 0 (16) ( ) Where Pr Hi , Hj , i, j (0, 1) is the joint probability for Hi and Hj , for which H j are independent ) (i and H ) ( ) with ( each other. We can obtain Pr Hi , Hj = Pr Hi |Hj Pr Hj For case = 1, SS transmit the data directly to ST, its BER performances is the same to the non-cooperative scheme, we can get that c u Pb (17) | =1 = Pb For case = 2, the average BER can be given by 1 1 eq c Pb|=2 = 2 2 1 + eq


A is an amplify factor and A =

. Ps and Pp

are transmit power of the secondary user and primary user. Thus, the resulting SNR for AF is eq = min(sr , rt ) (9)

Where eq is the whole SNR for relay transmission, with |hsr |2 |hrt |2 sr = PsN and rt = PsN . CDF of eq can be given sr rt by ) ( x (10) Feq = Fmin(sr ,rt ) (x) = 1 exp eq
2 Ps 2 Ps ( With sr = sr N0 , rt = rt N0 , st H 1 eq
0 |H0

) = 2 Ps and st N0

1 sr

1 rt

III. BIT ERROR RATIO ANALYSIS OVER RAYLEIGH FADING CHANNELS In this section, we investigate the BER for the proposed AFOCT schemes over Rayleigh fading channels. For the purpose of comparison, we consider rst consider the non-cooperative transmission schemes. A. Bit Error Ratio Analysis based on non-cooperative transmission From (8),the BER for secondary user under non-cooperative transmission can be expressed as ( ) ( ) u = Pr H |H u u Pb (11) 0 0 Pb|00 + Pr H1 |H0 Pb|10
u u dene Pb |00 and Pb|10 as the BER with different result of spectrum sensing, ( ( )) u Pb|00 = E Q 2st(H |H ) (12)
0 0


Thus, we can obtain the overall BER of the secondary user based on AF-OCT as
c = Pr ( = 1) P c c Pb b| =1 + Pr ( = 2) Pb| =2


c c Where Pr ( = 1) , Pr ( = 2) , Pb |=1 and Pb| =2 are given in (15), (16), (17) and (18), respectively.

IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS In this section, we present numerical results comparing the proposed cooperative transmission and non-cooperative scheme in CN of BER to show the system performance of cooperative scheme. The results shown in Figs. 3-5 were obtained using a computer simulation in MATLAB. We assume that BPSK modulation is used and the transition rate from on to off state, where = 0.5 sec1 . Equal SNRs, i.e., Ps /N0 = Pr /N0 = Pp /N0 (average SNR can be given by ) are assumed in the results presented in Fig. 3-5. Fig. 3 shows the plots of (14) and (19) as a function of av2 2 2 erage SNR at = 0.4 sec1 and st = sr = rt = 1 . The corresponding BER considers for the three cases (i.e.,Pf = 0.1 , Pf = 0.01 and Pf = 0.001 ). As shown in Fig. 3, one can see that, the BER of our AF-OCT scheme is always smaller than the non-cooperative across the whole range of SNR for different Pf , respectively, implying that the AF-OCT scheme is better than the non-cooperative scheme. Fig. 4 illustrate the BER performance versus the average SNR for different values of the transition rate from off to on state, where the three performance curves plotted correspond

u Pb |10

( ( =E Q 2st(H

)) (13)

1 |H0 )

Where st(H |H ) and st(H |H ) are the SNR for case = 1 0 0 1 0 according to (7). Thus, we can obtain the overall BER for the non-cooperative transmission scheme as
u = Pb 1 2

(1Pf )Pof f 1 (1Pf )Pof f +(1Pd )Pon 2

st(H0 |H0 ) st(H0 |H0 )

[ ( 1 1 + st(H

(1Pd )Pon (1Pf )Pof f +(1Pd )Pon 2


+ )
st(H0 |H0 )

st(H0 |H0 )

( 1+





0 |H0 )

pt (14)

Fig. 3. Performance comparison of the non-cooperative and AF-OCT for different Pf in CNs

Fig. 5. The false alarm probability versus BER performance for different parameter in CNs

results have shown that the proposed AF-OCT is superior to the non-cooperative in terms of BER performance. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(GrantNo.60972039) and the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (Grant 2009AA01Z24) R EFERENCES
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Fig. 4. The false alarm probability versus BER performance for different parameter in CNs

to = 0.4 sec1 , = 0.6 sec1 and = 0.8 sec1 , respectively. It can be seen from Fig.4 that BER performance of AF-OCT corresponding to different is superior to that of the non-cooperative, showing the merits of the proposed cooperative scheme. Moreover, the gap between the AF-OCT curve and the non-cooperative curve increases as parameter increase, further shows with the growth of , the proposed AF-OCT can obtain more performance gains. Fig. 5 presents the relationship with Pf and BER according 2 2 to (14) and (19) at = 20dB , st = 1 and st = 1 for , where = 20 log10 (sr /st ) and considers for the three cases( = 3 , = 3 and = 5 ). As we can be seen from Fig.5, the BER performance of the AF-OCT scheme is better than non-cooperative scheme across the whole false alarm probability range with different parameter , and the superiority of the proposed AF-OCT is growth with the increase of . V. CONCLUSION In the present paper, we have proposed a new cooperative transmission scheme (AF-OCT) in Cognitive Networks to improve the BER performance of secondary user. The BER performance analysis for the AF-OCT and non-cooperative scheme has been presented in Rayleigh fading environment. Closed-form expressions of the overall BER have been obtained for AF-OCT and non-cooperative scheme. Numerical

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