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PHP Video Tutoriales [Todos los Cursos] [Ingles] oda la informacion de los cursos est en ingles porque los

cursos tambin son en ing ls. Building a CMS with CakePHP 1.2 level: Intermediate Learn CakePHP 1.2 Fast. Create your own Helpers, Components and Behaviors. Description: This course is a fun and interesting look at the CakePHP 1.2 Framework. By the e nd you ll have created a simple CMS that you will be able to extend and improve. W e build Controllers, Models, Views, Helpers, Components and Behaviors all on cam era. In the first 4 lessons we study CakePHP by following Study Guides. These are not your typical Study Guides... you will see Austin Powers, Boobies, Skeletor and other funny things. We use analogies and story telling to help build a database of information in your mind quickly and easily. The last 4 lessons are very practical and high intensity. This is where we code the CMS and follow a treasure map to find Curley s Golden Chickens. If you are stu ggling with CakePHP and things are just not sinking in then this is the course f or you. It s fun and highly detailed. Topics Installing CakePHP, MVC , Bake Tool, Migrations, Schema Tool, Associations, Layo uts, View Templates, Elements, CRUD, Helpers, Interactive Tool, Validation, Beha viours, CakePHP OOP, Components, Routing, Dry Controller, Create RedirectCompone nt, Create RecordingComponent, Create CookieHelper, Creating RecordingHelper, Cr eate TaggableBehavior, Create TaggableHelper, Create Fulltext and Multiple Tag S earch, Create TypeableBehavior, Creating AttachableBehavior and much more! Lessons The source code is saved at the end of each lesson, It comes with the videos. * Bonus Lesson Installing cakePHP * Lesson 01 - MVC and Bake Tool * Lesson 02 - Migrations, Schema Tool, Associations, Layouts and View Templates * Lesson 03 - Elements, CRUD, Helpers, Interactive Tool and Validation * Lesson 04 - Behaviours, CakePHP OOP, Components and Routing * Lesson 05 - Dry Controller, Create RedirectComponent, Create RecordingComponen t, Create CookieHelper and Creating RecordingHelper * Lesson 06 - Create TaggableBehavior, Create TaggableHelper, Create Fulltext an d Multiple Tag Search * Lesson 07 - Create TypeableBehavior and AttachableBehavior * Lesson 08 - Putting the CMS Together CakePHP 1.2 Invoicr Application Part 1 level: Intermediate Ever wondered how you could create applications using the CakePHP 1.2 framework? Description: Ever wondered how you could create applications using the CakePHP 1.2 framework? In this second and final course we finish off the Invoicr application. From int erface clean up to searching invoices and converting them into PDF s! we even send them on the fly via email and much more. Discover the Power of CakePHP 1.2 and change the way you build applications fore

ver! Topics Custom helpers, Searching records, Private methods, PDF creation, Email, Tips an d tricks and so much more.. it s an entire application folks! What is the end result? By the end of the lessons you ll have created the CakePHP Invoicr Application! Thi s is a 2 part course, meaning you ll have to purchase part 1 if you want to finish the application from the start. Lessons The source code is saved at the end of each lesson, It comes with the videos. * * * * * * * Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Interface clean up and client by letter Invoice search! Tally up invoice with PHP Tally up invoice dynamically with Prototype Creating and Emailing PDF Invoices Authentication with cakePHP Users can t edit other users stuff!

CakePHP 1.2 Invoicr Application Part 2 level: Intermediate Second and final part on building the Invoicr application using cakePHP 1.2 fram ework. Ever wondered how you could create applications using the CakePHP 1.2 framework? This course is a step by step how to create real world applications using CakePHP 1.2, It s the first half of a two part course that takes you all the way to a fin ished application. Discover the Power of CakePHP 1.2 and change the way you build applications fore ver! Topics Installing CakePHP, Cake baking console, MySQL, Models, Views, Controllers, Help ers, Drying up controllers, The CakePHP Manual and API and so much more. What is the end result? By the end of the lessons you ll have created the first half of the CakePHP Invoic r Application! This is a 2 part course, meaning you ll have to purchase part 2 if you want to finish the application. Lessons The source code is saved at the end of each lesson, It comes with the videos. * * * * * * * * Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Introduction, installing CakePHP Baking the app Validating our data! Clean up controllers Add a custom layout Clean up our views Helpers my babies! Time, Time, Time

Photo Voting Website From Scratch level: Beginner

Ever wondered how you could handle file uploads? wanted to re-size or crop part of an image? Ever wondered how you could handle file uploads? wanted to re-size or crop part of an image? you ll learn that! You ll also learn how to tag data and make those pre tty tag clouds. After all of that cool stuff we also create a voting system. Thi s course is jam packed with every day solutions for the modern web! Topics PHP & MySQL, Handling file uploads, Validating file size, Validating file types, Shared hosting limitations, Resizing jpegs, Cropping jpegs, GD library, Tagging data, Tag Clouds, Searching by tag, User voting system by IP, Safe output, Rand om backgrounds and stacks more! Lessons The source code is saved at the end of each lesson, It comes with the videos. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 01 - Introduction 02 - Templating and Controller 03 - Database and Table 04 - PHP to MySQL 05 - Validating data and Files! 06 - Uploading our Jpegs! 07 - Resizing and Cropping 08 - Tags, Tags, Tags 9 - Attack of the Function 10 - Using our Functions 11 - Tag Cloud 12 - Voting System! 13 - Finishing the project

Shopping Cart & Paypal From Scratch level: Beginner People trust Paypal and learning how to work with it can only benefit you and yo ur clients You could offer this cart to clients or start your own little shop and start mak ing some extra income. People trust Paypal and learning how to work with it can only benefit you and your clients. Topics Session based Shopping Cart, Checkout form, Passing our cart to Paypal, Collecti ng transaction details from Paypal and storing them in MySQL and displaying them , Paypal Developer Site, Instant Payment Notification, Personlised thank you pag e and heaps more! What is the end result? By the end of the lessons you ll have created a MySQL and PHP driven Shopping Cart that handles Paypal transactions and stores orders in your very own shipping sy stem from scratch Lessons The source code is saved at the end of each lesson, It comes with the videos. * * * * * Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 01 02 03 04 05 Introduction PHP to MySql Layouts, views, templates Setting up the Shopping cart Checkout baby yeah!

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06 07 08 09

Sending our cart to Paypal Paypal Instant Payment Notification Admin and Thank you page Pretty Template and Phone Call

Job Website From Scratch level: Beginner By the end of the lessons you ll have created a MySQL and PHP driven Job Board fro m scratch. By the end of the lessons you ll have created a MySQL and PHP driven Job Board fro m scratch. You code every line along with me. Job Boards are extemely popular. 3 7 signals , Fresh Web Jobs are just a couple of examples making big dollars from them! Best of all jobs fall into categories and need to be searched and so does everything else you ll ever build. This course will give you those skills along w ith many more tips and tricks! Topics Simple function based application, dynamic MySQL queries, website search engine with fulltext search and categories!, creating RSS feeds, alternate row colors f or results, inserting data into MySQL via a form, simple validation and heaps mo re! Lessons The source code is saved at the end of each lesson, It comes with the videos. * * * * * * Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 01 02 03 04 05 06 Introduction Setting up the database PHP to MySql Layouts, views, templates Forms alive and RSS Forms to database and simple validation

Database Website From Scratch level: Beginner Tumblelog from scratch! Tumblelogs are all the rage at the minute By the end of the lessons you ll have created a Tumblelog from scratch! Tumblelogs are all the rage at the minute. Even (Digg founder) has a tum blelog. They re mini blogs that can complement any website you create! The most po pular Tumblelog company right now is It s rumored they might even b e bought out this year! Not only do we build a application we also build a MVC f ramework along the way. So next time you have to build an application you ll do it 2 to 5 as faster! Topics MySQL Database, Content Management System, Access Control (password), Template S ystem, Friendly URLs, Paging Results, WYSIWYG Editor, Forms, Data Validation, Ro uting System, Sessions, MVC - how to layout your application and more! Lessons The source code is saved at the end of each lesson, It comes with the videos. * * * * * * * Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Introduction Setting up the database PHP to MySql Code to functions MVC Setting up the application Routing System

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Routing to functions Layouts and Forms Forms to Database Part 1 WYSIWYG and Validation Part 2 Magic Quotes and Pagination User Authentication Styling ngles/

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