Revolutionary War Figure Assigned To Me

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Helsaple/Urbassik Your Name___________________

Period _________

Revolutionary War Figure Assigned to me: ___________________________

Revolutionary Research and Oral Report

Purpose: To develop your research and oral speaking skills, and to learn about a
notable person from the Revolutionary Era (1770s-1780s).

Directions: For the next two weeks, you will be researching and preparing an
1. Oral report,
2. A poster,
3. And bibliography
on a notable person from the Revolutionary Era.

Sources: You need at least 3 sources. At least two sources must be from a book and
one source must be from an online information source, such as Topic Links, online
databases, or other evaluated web sites. NOTE: Websites found on the “open”
Internet must be evaluated for quality using green evaluation forms in the library
or on the library web page.

Research Checkpoint: on Dec _______ you are to show your notes on 3 sources.

Bibliography: You are to turn in a bibliography listing each of your sources in correct
MLA format. The MLA Guide is available in the library and on the library web page.
Your bibliography is due Dec _________.

1. Mr. Helsaple will assign you a revolutionary war figure on Dec 3.
2. Note taking – use library forms and YOUR OWN WORDS.
3. Extension – find a primary source on your topic!

Delivered Products
1.) Your bibliography is due on Dec ____________.

2.) Your poster is due on Dec ____________.

The poster needs to be on poster board large enough to be seen at the back of the
room. Use your best judgment for the actual size and color of the poster board you

You need a picture of your revolutionary figure, a timeline of their life that displays at
least 10 important events that happened while they were alive, and a list of some of
their accomplishments.
You need a famous quote (something important they said, or something said about
them) on your poster. In your oral report you will explain to the class why you picked
that quote and why it’s important in understanding American values then and today.

3) Your oral presentation should last 3- 5 minutes. Presentations will be given during
the week of December _________ in either your English or Social Studies class. Use
note cards, but make sure you do not “read” your report. See Rubric for further details.

Your oral report should follow the following outline. Include as many lettered topics as
you can, but you do not need to cover every suggested lettered topic.

A. Who is the biography about?
B. What is the most important reason they are famous
C. Where did they live in America and what was their occupation
D. How did this figure contribute to the Revolution? List at least 3 specific examples
A. When was this person born? (Refer to your timeline during your speech)
B. What historical events from their childhood or early adulthood shaped their
C. Share anything else you see as important from their early life
III.Influences and/or Adversities
A. What person, event or idea had the greatest influence on this person’s life?
B. What is one important decision he/she made?
C. What is one adversity he/she had in their adult life?
D. How did this person persevere (solve the problem)?
IV.Accomplishments and Achievements
A. What was one accomplishment that was important, and why?
B. How did they prepare for their contribution to the Revolution? (Examples:
education, practice, determination, family support, etc)
C. Why did this person decide to b become a political influence on the world?
D. Define what your think a hero is. Is your figure a hero? Why or why not?
A. What is one way our figure affected or changed the world?
B. How did this person change the values of Americans then and now?
C. Share your famous quote with your audience and say what it means, why you
selected it, and why it’s important to Americans then and today.
D. How are you influenced or affected by this important person?
E. Share your closing thoughts about this figure with your audience.
Rubric for the Revolutionary War Figure Assignment

5 is excellent, 4 is good, 3 is average, 2 is poor, 1 is either failure or missing.

Speech Presentation: 35 possible points

Preparedness. Speech is focused and sounds well rehearsed
1 2 3 4 5
Speaker stays on topic
1 2 3 4 5
Speaker understands and appears interested in the topic
1 2 3 4 5
Eye contact. Speaker looks at the audience and doesn’t just read from note cards.
1 2 3 4 5
Volume. Speaker is loud enough to be hear by all
1 2 3 4 5
Pace. Speaker is neither too fast nor too slow.
1 2 3 4 5
Style. Speaker uses good posture, faces forward, and has the enthusiasm to keep the
audience interested in their speech.
1 2 3 4 5

Speech Content: 20 possible points

You have a creative way of beginning your speech, such as with a quote, an interesting
fact or detail about your person’s life, by asking us to imagine something, by telling a
surprising story, or by asking a question
1 2 3 4 5
You select quotes, facts and details about your person’s life that are interesting to you,
and you communicate these ideas to your audience in a way that interests us.
1 2 3 4 5
While delivering your speech, you turn each fact or detail into an interesting, smooth
1 2 3 4 5
Your ending is strong, by telling one last interesting fact or story about your person, or
by sharing a final thought or idea that will stick with your audience. Thank the audience.
1 2 3 4 5

Bibliography: 20 possible points

You have two book sources, and one online source. 10 points.
It is typed and proofread. 5 points
The sources are in alphabetical order. 5 points
Poster: 50 possible points
10 – excellent. 5 average. 1 poor.
Is the poster neat?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Picture of person is included
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Timeline with 10 events is included
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
At least 5 of your timeline accomplishments are marked on the timeline.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
You included a famous quote by or about your person.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Notes: Your final delivered products are derived from your notes.
1 2 3 4 5


Speech _________ (55 possible)

Bibliography ________(20 possible)

Poster __________(50 possible)

Notes __________(5 possible)


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