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AIMP v3.20 Build 1165 (21.12.

2012) ================================== * Tag Editor: Cover art now stored to special section in FLAC format * Player: The Algorithm of catching CUE sheets for audio files with double exten sion has been improved - Fixed: Audio Converter - Sample format saves incorrectly for command line enco ders - Fixed: Audio Converter - Error occurs when trying to remove virtual track from disk - Fixed: Radio Capture - Unable to choose command line encoder for capture - Fixed: The "Ctrl+Del" hotkey is intercepted by playlist from secondary text in put elements - Fixed: The content of playlist stops drawing in some cases - Fixed: Player doesn't play sound, if initialization of DSP-plugin failed - Fixed: Player doesn't detect CD-drive at "A" letter AIMP v3.20 Build 1163 (28.11.2012) ================================== * Audio Converter - Track Number column has been added * Audio Converter - %IN macro is now supported * Tag Editor - M4A Tag column has been added * Audio Library - Added an ability to edit tags of playable file - Fixed: The Error Dialog cannot be closed via ESC key - Fixed: Equalizer presets created incorrectly during install on Windows with no n-russian locale - Fixed: Radio Capture - Doesn't transfer tags to the file when capturing stream in AAC format without transcoding - Fixed: Quick Tag Editor - Cover Art from folder does not display for virtual f iles - Fixed: Quick Tag Editor - Extended information about radio station does not di splay, if Editor has been called from "Quick File Info" dialog - Fixed: Skin Engine - Fully transparent elements in old skins does not drawn co rrectly - Fixed: Skin Engine - Delayed update of visualization elements - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.20 Build 1155 (16.11.2012) ================================== * Playlist: Quick search can be finished now by pressing ESC key - Fixed: Browse Folder Dialog - selected folder adding to the playlist independe nt from checkmark state - Fixed: Sound Engine doesn't detects supported formats of audio device correctl y - Fixed: Tag Editor - Lyrics does not "break" by lines for M4A format - Fixed: Tag Editor - track number does not save to playing file - Fixed: Audio Library hangs in some cases when "add files" or "rescan tags" ope ration is active - Fixed: Audio Library - alphabetic index has inverted scrolling by mouse wheel - Fixed: Known memory leaks - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.20 Build 1148 RC 1 (19.10.2012) ======================================= * Browse Folder Dialog - Added ability to set path manually - Fixed: Incorrect font rendering in Information Line under Windows 8 - Fixed: Some elements of playlist does not support skin color scheme - Fixed: Player cannot open CUE files, which contains "" symbols

- Fixed: Playlists tabs aren't repainted after scrolling, if scroll animation is disabled - Fixed: Crash when capturing internet-radio - Fixed: Rounding errors while calculating duration of the track from CUE - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.20 Build 1139 Beta 2 (28.09.2012) ========================================= + Common: The list of encodings for translating non-unicode text to UTF16 format has been supplemented + Playlist: The "%!" macro has been added for an ability to implement custom sor ting in reverse order * Sound Engine: Support of meta data of Internet radio stations in ASF format ha s been improved * Skin Engine: Drawing speed has been increased - Fixed: Sound Engine doesn't detects supported formats of audio device correctl y - Fixed: Player can't open sub-tracks with relative filename from CUE Sheet - Fixed: Color Scheme settings does not applied to the tray icon and context men u glyphs - Fixed: Player doesn't restore playback queue after restarting - Fixed: Audio Converter - few small bugs in "All files to one (+ CUE)" encoding mode - Fixed: Audio Converter doesn't transfer tags when encoding to MusePack format - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.20 Build 1125 Beta 1 (02.09.2012) ========================================= + Common: Added an ability to view embedded Cover Art in original resolution + Common: Equalizer presets are now stored to the separate file on disk + Common: Hint for the "Part repeat A-B" button now contains information about b ounds of repeating part + Sound Engine: Added WASAPI Exclusive supports + Sound Engine: The algorithm of input file caching has been improved - now engi ne access to the disk less frequently + Sound Engine: The maximal size of cache for input file has been increased to 2 50 MB + Radio Capture: The module uses the engine of Audio Converter now + Audio Converter: The "Encode All To One File" mode has been added (with / with out CUE logging) + Audio Converter: Added an ability to shut down the computer after conversion o peration + Audio Converter: Added an ability to change format of input audio stream + Audio Converter: Added an ability to use console encoders + Audio Converter: Added an ability to encode files to MusePack format + Audio Converter: Tags in the ID3v1 now are saved to the file when encoding to MP3 format + Scheduler: Added an ability to switch the computer to sleep mode + Scheduler: Added an ability to wake up the computer + Scheduler: Added an ability to suspend playback and / or close the player befo re computer shutdown + Scheduler: The Alert will be shown now before computer shutdown + Audio Library: Incremental search has been added to the dropdown list of the f ilter of table column + Audio Library: Added an ability to flush search query easier + Advanced Tag Editor: Added an ability to choose tag format for which the chang es will be saved + Advanced Tag Editor: Added an ability to edit tags in M4A format

+ Plugins: Ogg Vorbis Encoder has been updated to v1.3.3 + Plugins: Decoder for OPUS format has been added AIMP v3.10 Build 1074 (24.08.2012) ================================== * Common: Localizations has been updated - Fixed: The Audio Converter removes dots from file name - Fixed: The autoname for playlist calculates incorrectly, if name of the folder contains dot symbol - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.10 Build 1072 (07.08.2012) ================================== * Common: Localizations has been updated * Sound Engine: The algorithm of advanced channels processing has been improved * Skin Engine: Compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved * Plugins: Rendering speed of visualizations has been increased * Plugins: Compatibility with Client v2 has been improved - Fixed: The Audio Converter ignores command line switches - Fixed: The Audio Converter raises an exception, if "move output to..." options is active and target path is empty - Fixed: The Audio Converter increases tempo of composition twice when encoding to MP3 Mono format - Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlis t in some cases - Fixed: Player resumes playback on startup incorrectly, if previously playing f ile has been removed from the playlist - Fixed: Player resumes playback queue incorrectly, if two or more playlists has same name - Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the Tag Editor's genre selector men u - Fixed: The Audio Library does not suggest to create a new group in some cases when navigating by fields values - Fixed: %IN macro is expanded incorrectly when sending files from playlist to e xternal directory - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.10 Build 1065 (04.07.2012) ================================== - Fixed: File is moved from the source folder to another one instead of copied w hen dragging the file from the playlist - Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlis t - Fixed: Incompatibility with Synaptics TouchPad - Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the bookmarks popup window - Fixed: AIMP rewrites information about the integration to Windows Registry on applying settings - Fixed: The exception "Cannot open the file" occurs on multithreading encoding from a file in the WavPack format (+ CUE) - Fixed: Audio Library ignores the number of playbacks for each file when it gen erates report about the favourite audio files - Fixed: Memory leak occurs when working with the MP3 Encoder - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.10 Build 1061 (29.06.2012) ==================================

* Audio Converter: Displaying the progress of conversion operation in window cap tion has been added * Common: Localizations has been updated * Player: The following equalizer presets has been added: Headphones / Reggae / Ska / Techno - Fixed: Audio Converter incorrectly calculates target sample rate in some cases - Fixed: Playback cursor does not resets after playlist clearing - Fixed: Bugs with displaying the Equalizer Window when using old skin - Fixed: Track removes from playing queue twice at the start of playback - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.10 Build 1051 RC 2 (01.06.2012) ======================================= * Bookmarks: An ability to sort items in Bookmarks Manager * Plugins: Support of the Input plugins from Winamp has been improved * Skin Engine: Text drawing speed is increased twice - Fixed: Player cuts the value of a track number field, if it is greater than 25 5 - Fixed: The Cover Arts is read incorrectly from ID3v2.4 in some cases - Fixed: Skip mode does not work in the "Send To" dialog - Fixed: Skin Engine - Wrong scrolling step at the ScrollBar element with non-re sizeable thumb - Fixed: Skin Engine - Controls does not receive focus in some cases - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.10 Build 1045 RC 1 (21.05.2012) ======================================= * Tags - Size of padding between tag and audio data is now limited to 100 KBytes * Tags - The algorithm of calculating duration of audio files in MP3 VBR format has been improved - Fixed: Small scratches can be heard while playing track with sample rate great er than sample rate of output device - Fixed: Bugs with behaviour and displaying of old skins - Fixed: Incorrect text is displayed for the error, which occurs while output de vice is initializing - Fixed: The Equalizer window does not take animation settings into account in s ome cases - Fixed: Player doesn't read audio tag correctly if it size is more than 1 MByte - Fixed: Playlist hangs on attempt to delete file from the disk in some cases - Fixed: The "Disable transparency if window is mouse focused" function does not work correctly in some cases - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.10 Build 1040 Beta 3 (08.05.2012) ========================================= * Decoders: The BASS has been updated to v2.4.9 * Converter: The Blade-interface of the lame_enc.dll library now supports * Converter: The Encoders has been moved from "AIMP3\Plugins" to "AIMP3\Modules" folder * Sound Engine: Performance has been increased - Fixed: Bugs with displaying of old skins - Fixed: The "Select Language" dialog - drop-down list is displayed behind the w indow - Fixed: The Tag Editor does not save cover art to the file, if file does not co ntain tags before operation - Fixed: Size of the window does not save, if it in the "desktop tool bar" mode - Fixed: A Memory leaks in the Audio Library

- Fixed: The playlist does not accept files from another application via Drag-nDrop operation - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.10 Build 1034 Beta 2 (27.04.2012) ========================================= + Audio Library: Added an ability to quickly navigate through field value with A LT key pressed * Common: Design of hint for editing template has been changed * Sound Engine: Algorithm of the resampler has been improved * Playlist: Usability of multiple files selection using mouse has been improved * Audio Library: Speed of adding files into the database has been increased - Fixed: Playback of selected track cannot be started from QuickSearch field via Enter key - Fixed: Internet Radio capture does not work - Fixed: Focus leaves from playlist after deleting last file from the playlist - Fixed: Macros cannot be expanded in some cases - Fixed: Player incorrectly calculates duration for some files in WavPack format - Fixed: Localization does not apply at the first start of the program - Fixed: Option "Add pause between track" does not work correctly - Fixed: Bugs with displaying of old skins - Fixed: Exception is raised when trying to change color scheme for the skin - Fixed: Player hangs after clicking on the "Start playback" button if the playl ist doesn't have tracks which are switched on - Fixed: The CPU becomes overloaded during the playing silence if the equalizer is switched on - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.10 Build 1027 Beta 1 (16.04.2012) ========================================= + Common: Design of default skin has been updated + Common: Design of Error Dialog has been updated + Common: Skins are now stored in the profile folder of the program + Common: Added an ability to set template for running line for Internet Radio p layback + Common: Option "Fade in volume at the beginning of track" has been moved to th e Quick Options menu + Audio Converter: The "Audio Converter" utility is distributed with the player again + Audio Converter: Added an ability to encode files using few threads + Audio Converter: Added an ability to encode files to APE, FLAC, OGG, WAV, WV, WMA and MP3 formats (Lame Encoder should be installed) + Audio Converter: New design + Playlist: All playlists are stored now in profile folder of the program + Playlist: Playlists are not deleted now from the disk when you close playlist tab (optional) + Playlist: Playlists Manager Dialog has been added + Playlist: Added an ability of semiautomatic synchronization of the playlist wi th the specified folder or playlist + Playlist: Added an ability to load few playlists to separate tabs via Drag-n-D rop operation + Playlist: Added an ability to work with groups via keyboard + Playlist: "Mark" menu item has been added to the context menu of playlist + Plugins: Update Checker - Added an ability to download and install an update i n semiautomatically mode + Skin Engine: Engine has been detached from the functional part of the program - potentional abilities are extended + Audio Library: An ability to choose default player - AIMP or build-in player o

f Audio Library + Audio Library: r of the player + Audio Library: has been removed + Audio Library: Library has been

The storage of playlists has been moved to the playlists manage An ability of access to the catalog of Internet radio stations An ability of access to the content of flash-drives from Audio removed

AIMP v3.00 Build 985 (06.04.2012) ================================= * Localizations were updated - Fixed: Player isn't able to use WASAPI for outputting on Windows 8 - Fixed: Player does not play short files completely - Fixed: Small scratches can be heard on jumping from one track to another when equalizer is switched on - Fixed: Incorrect information about bitrate is displayed for some radio station s - Fixed: Windows Explorer does not display data from tags of file in WMA Lossles s format after they've been edited by AIMP - Fixed: DropWheel window is painted incorrectly in AIMP2 skins - Fixed: File mark does not display in playlist when AIMP2 skin is used - Fixed: Incorrect information about file format is displayed in Quick Tag Edito r in some cases - Fixed: Incorrect information about bitrate and duration is displayed for some files in OGG format - Fixed: Files are added in backward order when they are adding via "Find new fi les" dialog - Fixed: Some problems with TrayControl behavior - Fixed: Player starts playback of switched off tracks when jumping to another p laylist via hotkeys - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 981 (16.02.2012) ================================= * Localizations were updated * Playlist: Algorithm of CUE sheets catching for the audio files has been improv ed - support of files with double extensions has been added - Fixed: Buffer for DMO effects is not cleared after playback stopping - Fixed: Information about the duration of the files is read incorrectly from th e playlist in PLS format - Fixed: Autoname for equalizer preset generates incorrectly for the virtual fil es - Fixed: "Default" button in DSP Manager resets all of its settings to their def ault values only on the second pressing - Fixed: Number of the track in the playback queue cuts off in playlist in some cases - Fixed: Folder and Files aren't sorted by thier names on adding them from Windo ws Explorer - Fixed: Data from CUE sheets aren't caught up for files in .DTS - Fixed: Applications hangs on attempt to play file without audio data, but with tags - Fixed: Player doesn't allow to add files in AIFF format to playlist - Fixed: Small scratches can be heard on quiet tracks when equalizer is switched on - Fixed: Plugins - Online Radio Browser: Error occurres on attempt to switch to "IceCast" tab, if one of the record doesn't contain information about the bitra te - Fixed: Plugins - Some visualizations from AIMP2 don't work on AIMP3

- Fixed: Plugins - Lastfm Client Helper crashes on attempt to show plugin settin gs, if Lastfm Client doesn't installed - Fixed: Plugins - List loses focus after changing state of plugin AIMP v3.00 Build 976 (30.12.2011) ================================= + Basque localization was added * Localizations were updated * Player: Radio station name is now set automatically on starting playback, if i t has not been set before by the user * Tag Editor: Track number is no longer stored in the ID3v1, if it value more th an 255 - Fixed: Player - part of the next track sounds in the end of current track, if "shuffle" mode is active - Fixed: Player - "A-B Repeat" function drops playback position to beginning in some cases - Fixed: Tag Editor - buttons in footer panel doesn't display, if height of the screen less than 600 pixels - Fixed: Tag Editor - the table doesn't update after using tag autofill function - Fixed: Plugins - plugin doesn't start scrobbling sometimes - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 970 RC 3 (23.12.2011) ====================================== * Added ability to install skin from Skin Chooser Dialog * Help in English was added * Localizations were updated * Compatibility with Synaptics TouchPad has been improved * Support of multimedia keyboards has been improved - Fixed: Value of "Encoding for non-unicode strings" option can't be saved - Fixed: Incorrect position of equalizer sliders on first start - Fixed: Radio Browser - exception occurs when switching from "Ice Cast" to "Cus tom" tab - Fixed: Radio Browser - exception occurs when trying to activate Radio Browser in Audio Library - Fixed: Radio Browser - links doesn't add to "custom" catalog - Fixed: Radio Browser - downloading process can't be canceled via "Cancel" butt on - Fixed: Playlist - exception occurs when trying to play previous playlist if it was closed - Fixed: Playlist - player doesn't jumps to next playlist if "Shuffle" mode is a ctive - Fixed: Tag Editor - auto fill tags function doesn't work in some cases - Fixed: Tag Editor - %IN macro used to start numeration from zero - Fixed: Skin Engine - hitTest mask doesn't work for slider elements - Fixed: Skin Engine - time used to draw incorrectly for files with duration mor e 100 minutes AIMP v3.00 Build 961 RC 2 (02.12.2011) ====================================== + Added localizations: Farsi * Localizations were updated * Sound Engine: Resampler algorithm has been improved * Player: Player now detects full screen applications only on the current monito r * Player: Ability to start playback of bookmark using "Enter" key * Plugins: Radio Browser - ability to input genre manually

* Track list: Total duration of playlist now displays in "DD:HH:MM:SS" format - Fixed: Incompatibility with AVG and Avast antivirus - Fixed: Incompatibility with Synaptics TouchPad - Fixed: External playlist is not reloaded when trying to open it again - Fixed: Player doesn't receive links to the internet radio via command line - Fixed: Player doesn't allow drop new file to the end of playlist, if "Auto mer ge similar categories" option is active - Fixed: ID3v2 tag doesn't read to the end in some cases - Fixed: "Show information about selected files" option doesn't work - Fixed: Player doesn't work correctly with playlists in M3U8 format - Fixed: No an ability to capture internet-radio, if station doesn't send meta-d ata - Fixed: Navigation by track doesn't work for remote files - Fixed: Audio Library doesn't detects drive letter correctly in some cases - Fixed: Known memory leaks AIMP v3.00 Build 950 RC 1 (06.11.2011) ====================================== + Player: Ability to use IE's proxy settings + Playlist: %PD macro has been added (for displaying parent directory name) + Skin Engine: Ability to disable per-pixel semitransparency + Skin Engine: Blur behind supports (only for Windows 7 or newer) * Plugins: Plugins API - added an ability to access to proxy settings * Plugins: DTS decoder now distributed separately from the player * Player: Ability to reset User-Agent value * Player: Help in Russian was added * Skin Engine: Sliders - added hot-state supports - Fixed: "Default"-playlist not resets when importing files from external applic ations - Fixed: Player repeats one track twice in some cases even if "Repeat Track" mod e is switched off - Fixed: Player jumps to random track in some cases - Fixed: Installer removes multiuser settings from AIMP2 in "New Installation" m ode - Fixed: Installer doesn't remove standard plugins in "Update" mode, even if use r refused from them - Fixed: Player doesn't read metadata of internet radio stations in some cases - Fixed: Plugins - component list doesn't fill correctly in some cases - Fixed: Focus jumps to first playlist tab after closing selected playlist tab - Fixed: "Play / Pause" function doesn't work in context menu of tray icon - Fixed: Program hangs on Windows XP, if modal dialog is shown on finishing drag -n-drop operation. - Fixed: Skin Engine - bugs with handling mouse wheel messages - Fixed: Skin Engine - Smooth applying of transparency doesn't work correctly wi th TrayControl window in some cases - Fixed: Memory leak occurs while listen internet radio station - Fixed: Audio Library - "Track Repeat" and "Shuffle" buttons doesn't work - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 934 Beta 5 (07.10.2011) ======================================== + Plugins: New API + Plugins: Scheduler - Button for easy way to set current time was added + Player: Ability to change "User-Agent" was added + Player: Context menu for "Repeat track" button was added for quick access to r epeat options + Player: Playlists in *.ASX format are supported now + Player: Equalizer has been improved

+ Tag Editor: Ability to resize album art images is added + Audio Library: Displaying album art in Aero Peak * Skin Engine: Input box - ability to select text via keyboard was added * Skin Engine: Input box - shortcuts for copy / paste operations were added * Skin Engine: Memory usage has been reduced * Plugins: "Plugins Manager" dialog has been redesigned * Plugins: plugin now works only with installed - Fixed: Wrong tracks names during the internet radio capturing - Fixed: Player used to jump over 1 track in some cases - Fixed: "Repeat track" function used to operate incorrectly with files which du ration is less than 2 seconds - Fixed: Some skins are used to draw incorrectly on system with non-russian loca le - Fixed: "Block desktop locking" option doesn't operate in full screen mode of v isualization - Fixed: Incorrect work with relative paths - Fixed: Incorrect position of "Add link" dialog on the system with few monitors - Fixed: ID3v2 tags are parsed incorrectly in some cases - Fixed: "Disk number" field isn't read from tags of files in M4A format - Fixed: Bitrate for some files in TTA format calculates incorrectly - Fixed: Disk number isn't displayed in playlist, if it is in "1/2" format - Fixed: "Remove missing files" command removes links to internet radio stations - Fixed: Error occurs after player restarting and attempt to playing CUE file - Fixed: "Search new files" action adds duplicated files in some cases - Fixed: Tag editor save album art to first selected file only - Fixed: Player doesn't operate via meta data from some internet radio stations - Fixed: Incorrect channel order when playing files in DTS format - Fixed: Player crushes when trying to play corrupted file in MP3 format - Fixed: Small part of previous track can be listened when current file is tryin g to be played and player is on pause state - Fixed: Player hangs sometimes when trying to play files in WAV format - Fixed: Plugin for multimedia keyboards support is missing in 916 build - Fixed: Audio Library - "Search new files" doesn't process new subfolders - Fixed: Audio Library - Labels doesn't display in the list immediately - Fixed: Player hangs while track navigation, if DSP-plugins are in use - Fixed: Skin Engine - Some skins doesn't provide an ability to select playlist tab via mouse - Fixed: Skin Engine - Windows aren't repainted in some cases - Fixed: Skin Engine - Minimal size of window calculates incorrectly after its c hild containers shown / hidden AIMP v3.00 Build 916 Beta 4 (07.08.2011) ======================================== - Fixed: Player opens files from external applications with delay about 30 secon ds AIMP v3.00 Build 915 Beta 4 (05.08.2011) ======================================== + Plugins: Added context menu extension for Windows Explorer + Plugins: plugin has been translated to API v2.0 + Playlist: Added the ability to disable auto merging of similar categories * DSP-Manager: Pitch changing step has been corrected * Plugins: tak_deco_lib has been updated to v2.2 * Plugins: bass_midi has been updated to v2.4.6.3 * Playlist: Shuffle algorithm has been improved - Fixed: Player jumps to the next track unexpectedly in some cases when listenin g audio sets - Fixed: IAIMPController.AIMP_GetCurrentTrack doesn't work with remote files

- Fixed: Information line detects full screen applications incorrectly on the sy stem with few monitors - Fixed: scrobbler doesn't scrobble when listening internet-radio - Fixed: Portable version of AIMP3 intercepts associations from AIMP2 - Fixed: Internet-radio capture doesn't work - Fixed: Adding files or folders stops when trying to read CUE sheet for nonexis tent file - Fixed: "Copy to...": doesn't show overwrite confirmation - Fixed: Tab created via Drag-and-Drop doesn't receive focus automatically - Fixed: Local hotkeys don't working in full screen mode of visualization - Fixed: %DC macro return incorrect value - Fixed: Option "Replay playlist with one file" doesn't work if shuffle mode is enabled - Fixed: %DN macro is ignored in Tags Editor when rename files - Fixed: Wide picture of AlbumArt overlaps some text fields - Fixed: Player crashes when trying to switch between skins with different orien tation of playlists' tabs - Fixed: ID3v1 has higher priority than ID3v2 in some cases - Fixed: Cover arts in BMP format don't read correctly - Fixed: "Added date" field is ignored when import data from AIMP2 database AIMP v3.00 Build 901 Beta 3 (02.07.2011) ======================================== + Core: Added the ability to save tags to the file, which is playing in one of t he AIMP applications - Fixed: Animation of playlist's tabs stops early in some cases - Fixed: Player crashes when trying to get information about new version, if rem ote service unavailable - Fixed: Player crashes when trying to open folders selection dialog AIMP v3.00 Build 900 Beta 3 (01.07.2011) ======================================== + Skin Engine: Added the ability to set hot state for playlist's tab elements in the 3rd and 4th frames of the texture + Skin Engine: Added the ability to change Z-Order of the elements for each cont ainer + Skin Engine: Added the ability to change indent between playlists' tabs + Skin Engine: Added the ability to set font for playlist's tab with it is in ac tive and playing states * Localizations were updated * Sound Engine: Replay Gain's "on fly" calculation algorithm has been improved * Playlist: Loading speed of playlists with .aimppl format has been increased by 25% * Skin Engine: Text drawing speed is increased twice - Fixed: Auto jump to the next track doesn't work with online-playlists - Fixed: Alarm clock ignores "add files to playlist" settings - Fixed: Small delay on start file's playback in AAC format - Fixed: Player skips small parts of audio stream after the unpause - Fixed: Infobar - Settings can't be saved in some cases - Fixed: Infobar - Marks for the files aren't displayed - Fixed: Other than CDA format files aren't added to the playlist when importing CD\DVD - Fixed: Duration of some files in WMA format calculates incorrectly - Fixed: Playlists in M3U / M3U8 formats are parsed incorrectly in some cases - Fixed: Metadata from some internet radio stations are parsed incorrectly - Fixed: File navigation doesn't work correctly for files with size more than 2 GByte - Fixed: CUE sheets which contain information about the few files with few track

s are expanded incorrectly - Fixed: Some files in APE format can't be played - Fixed: Slow speed of saving tags from large files - Fixed: Option "Stop playback if current file was deleted" is ignored in case o f playlist was closed - Fixed: Player hangs when switching between files in DTS 5.1 format - Fixed: Player starts playback after physically removing of current file from p laylist, even if it was stopped - Fixed: Player's dialogs don't show files in .M4B format - Fixed: Small sound scratches when switching from one track to another with act ive Replay Gain option - Fixed: Files in CDA format aren't opened on double click in Windows Explorer - Fixed: Cue sheets can't be extracted from audio files with size more than 2 GB ytes - Fixed: Files with size more than 2 GBytes can't be played if caching is enable d - Fixed: Audio Library generates report too slow - Fixed: Audio Library - Table cursor position is resets after labels' changing - Fixed: Audio Library - Scrobbling settings are resets to default in some cases - Fixed: Memory leaks in some cases, when you add files to playlist - Fixed: CD-TEXT is parsed incorrectly - Fixed: PluginsAPI - Visual data are calculated incorrectly in some cases - Fixed: PluginsAPI - Information about the file's mark isn't stored in AIMP2_Re moteInfo object - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 881 Beta 2 (06.05.2011) ======================================== + Audio Library: Added the ability to drag folders from grouping tree + Audio Library: Added the ability to copy / move files to the subfolders via Dr ag and Drop method * Tags: Increased tags reading speed from MP3 files * Player: Support of multimedia keyboards has been improved * Player: Function "Remove silence longer than 0.5 sec" has been removed - Fixed: Playback through ASIO stops when opens settings dialog - Fixed: "Search for new files" function doesn't work in the audio library - Fixed: Tempo filter doesn't work correctly - Fixed: AutoTag doesn't work correctly for group of files. - Fixed: Skins from AIMP2 with semi-transparent elements don't work correctly - Fixed: Some visualizations don't drawing correctly - Fixed: Player can't be associated with file types in some cases - Fixed: Animation of equalizer window worked slow on some systems - Fixed: Changes in some playlists can't be saved on the application closing - Fixed: Player stops playback after the changing default output device - Fixed: Part of the previous track had been played when new track started, if p layer had been in Pause state - Fixed: Playlist's name was trimmed when saves playlist to the disk, if name co ntains "." symbol - Fixed: Player doesn't take into account settings, which disallow auto jump to the next track, when playing track deleting physically - Fixed: Titles of some tracks are trimmed when listening internet radio - Fixed: Player state can't be saved during the playlist navigation via "Next / Previous file" buttons, if player is trying to connect to the internet radiostat ion - Fixed: Playlist window can't be resized when it uses standard skin - Fixed: Information about selected files doesn't updated in QTE, if QTE window is already visible - Fixed: Window doesn't magneted to the top edge of screen while resizing - Fixed: Tag Editor doesn't read disk number field from the tags

- Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 861 Beta 1 (01.04.2011) ======================================== + Player: ASIO - Added ability to choose the channels, which would be used for o utput + Player: Ability to create a new playlist tab under mouse cursor while dragging files + Player: Added "Auto-adjust equalizer preset for a track" action to the equaliz er menu + Scheduler: Ability to use playlist as alarm clock signal + Audio Library: Ability to play files / playlists in AIMP3 + Audio Library: Ability to manual import of database from AIMP2 * Localizations were updated * BASS Libraries were updated * Sound Engine: Algorithm of the resampler has been improved * Plugins: Plugin for access to catalog has been removed * Player: Crossfading and pause between tracks settings have been moved to separ ate items * Playlist: Loading speed of playlists has been increased * Skins: Drawing speed has been increased - Fixed: Autoshutdown was executed incorrectly on ending of the playing queue - Fixed: Incorrect name for playlist was set, if it had been loaded from externa l file - Fixed: Autoloaded preset of the equalizer is reset by Alt+Click combination, w hen information about the file from playlist is displayed - Fixed: Value of option "Audio Library: Allow statistics" wasn't saved - Fixed: Titles for the some tracks are displayed truncated when listening inter net-radio stations - Fixed: Tracks are grouped incorrectly, if it has been expanded by CUE sheet - Fixed: Player resumes playing incorrectly on program startup, if few playlists have same name - Fixed: Skins were drawn incorrectly on Windows XP under low color mode - Fixed: Player hung when internet-radiostation switching track - Fixed: Mono-channel mode was active by default - Fixed: Positions of records in the table were calculated incorrectly after the sorting - Fixed: Tag Editor - address line wasn't updated after the file had been rename d - Fixed: Tag Editor - the "Don't fill field if it has value" function wasn't wor k - Fixed: Tag Editor - it had no any ability to disable AutoTag, if it was enable - Fixed: Fixed: Files weren't moved, if keyboard was used for playlist navigatio n while drag and drop operation was being processed - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 851 Beta 1 (09.03.2011) ======================================== + Playlist: Added ability to expand / collapse all groups in the playlist by cli cking with pressed Alt button * Sound Engine: Spectrum calculation algorithm has been rewritten * Player: Playlist view settings has been moved to separate tab * Skins Engine: Compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved * Core: Sorting algorithm speed has been increased * Core: Text drawing speed has been increased - Fixed: Player hangs when switching to the next track - Fixed: Crossfade settings don't applying in some ways - Fixed: Advanced Tag Editor don't accept WavPack files

Fixed: Fixed: Fixed: Fixed: Fixed: Fixed: Fixed:

Quick Tag Editor don't save changes to the playing file Input fields resets when switching between tabs in multiple mode of QTE Quick File Info takes focus when showing Hotkeys don't work in some cases Connection status to the radio station don't display Information about current track on the radio station don't display Small bugs and defects

AIMP v3.00 Build 840 Beta 1 (22.02.2011) ======================================== * 3rd party DLL-libraries were updated to the actual versions * Localizations were updated * Skins: Drawing speed has been increased * Player: Integration to the context menu of Windows Explorer is temporarily dis abled * Plugins: ompatibility with Winamp Input Plugins has been improved - Fixed: Quick search don't work in some cases - Fixed: Player jumps to the previous track if current track was removed from th e playlist physically - Fixed: Option "Save absolute file paths" couldn't be saved - Fixed: Option "Repeat playlist with one file" must be available only if "Playl ist repeat" mode is active - Fixed: "Copy to ..." didn't save previously selected paths - Fixed: ScrollBar drawn incorrectly with some skins - Fixed: Link to the internet radio couldn't be added as a melody for alarm cloc k - Fixed: Autoshutdown was executed incorrectly on ending of the playing queue - Fixed: Some parameters of radio capture were not saved - Fixed: Batch tags processing was't available in the audio library - Fixed: Audio Library labels are excluded incorrectly in some cases - Fixed: GUI bug in the "Missed files" audio library dialog - Fixed: Single click at the tray icon activated event with delay, even if doubl e click event hadn't been assigned - Fixed: CUE sheets were not caught up for the CD images - Fixed: Information about selected file wasn't updated in the Advanced Tag Edit or if file list was being scrolled via keyboard - Fixed: Bugs with removing silence filter AIMP v3.00 Build 832 Beta 1 (05.02.2011) ======================================== * Localizations were updated * Playlist: grouping by folders has been improved * Audio Library: 'jump to current file' function has been improved * Skins: Spectrum displays all frequencies * Skins: Compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved * Skins: Usability of the new playlist creation via Drag'n'Drop has been improve d * Skins: Drawing speed has been increased * Tag Editor: AutoTag by file name function has been improved * Tag Editor: File renaming function is not case sensitive now - Fixed: Problem with WAV-DTS playback - Fixed: Bug on file playing with enabled caching to occur in some cases - Fixed: If track has cover with high resolution then it stuck on switching - Fixed: Sound effects didn't resumed after the program restart - Fixed: Scroll buttons are not shown if context menu was out of screen bounds - Fixed: Sorting by %M template didn't work - Fixed: Incorrect device switching with stopped player - Fixed: Format of audio stream incorrectly detected for some radio stations

- Fixed: Context menu display incorrectly on multi-monitor configuration - Fixed: Some CUE-sheet files parsed incorrectly - Fixed: Incorrect selection behavior with pressed Ctrl - Fixed: Incorrect behavior of 'start playback on launching' function - Fixed: Incorrect control of some sound effects - Fixed: Some bugs with labels in Audio Library - Fixed: Player didn't switch to the previous track if cursor was at the beginni ng of the playlist - Fixed: Content-filters resets in Audio Library during the navigation by groups - Fixed: Small bugs AIMP v3.00 Build 815 Beta 1 (30.12.2010) ======================================== * BASS Libraries were updated * Updated localizations: Armenian, Bulgarian, Czech, French, German, Japanese, S panish, Ukrainian * Skins: drawing speed has been increased - Bugs were fixed AIMP v3.00 Build 810 Beta 1 (20.12.2010) ======================================== + Sound Engine: Our output system, BASS is used now only as decoder + Sound Engine: Added ASIO / WASAPI / Direct Sound support + Sound Engine: Extended track mixing options + Sound Engine: Added 5.1 / 7.1 Channels emulation + Sound Engine: Added DTS / TAK formats support + Sound Engine: Added OGG files support with multiple track inside + Sound Engine: Improved works with *.iso.wv / *.iso.ape files + Tags: Increased tags reading speed + Tags: Added reading / writing covers to OGG files + Tags: Added reading M4A / M4B / MP4 tags + Tags: Added reading / writing TTA / OFR / OFS tags + Skins: Added full support of semitransparent textures + Skins: Tray icon is now depends from skin + Skins: Added ability to create round sliders + Skins: Added ability to clone gauge and spectrum elements + Skins: Added ability to place playlist tabs vertically + Skins: Extended elements options + Player: New design + Player: Added ability of random switching visualizations + Player: Added ability to dock player with playlist to the screen edge + Player: Added ability to set alternative global hotkeys + Player: Added ability to pin player / playlist on the screen edge + Player: Expanded tracklist export options + Player: Improved options window + Player: Plugin manager was moved to options + Player: Extended running line animation options + Playlist: Added "Single playlist mode" + Playlist: Added ability to lock playlist from changes + Playlist: Added ability to disable auto expanding files by CUE + Playlist: Added ability to set individual settings for every playlist + Playlist: Added %Up(), %Low(), %Caps(), %Replace() and %Char() macros + Playlist: Categories - Added optional separating template + Playlist: Categories - Added ability to expand / collapse them + Playlist: Categories - Added information about size and duration + Playlist: Categories now couldn't be separated into few parts + Queue Manager: Added track duration to the table + Queue Manager: Added information about total duration of all tracks in the que

ue + Queue Manager: Double-click on track will focus it in the playlist + Radio Capture: Added ability to capture stream "as is" (only for MP3 / AAC / A AC+) + Radio Capture: Added ability to make CUE sheet file + Radio Capture: Extended file split options - by time / by size + CoverArt Downloader: Cache previous search results + CoverArt Downloader: Cover search now doesn't begin immediately after window s hown + LastFM Scrobbler: Now works directly with the service + LastFM Scrobbler: Scrobbling track from internet radio + InfoBar: Added ability to adjust background transparency + InfoBar: Added ability to display track cover art + Internet Radiostation Catalog: Added tab "Custom" + Internet Radiostation Catalog: Integrated to audio library + Scheduler: Added smooth volume increasing + Icon Library: Added ability to set icon for each format + Tag Editor: Renaming one file - now highlight only file name + Tag Editor: Renaming by template: added confirmation dialog if file names matc h + Tag Editor: Renaming by template - added ability to work with copy of the file + Tag Editor: Added columns: Bitrate / Duration / ID3v1 / ID3v2 / APE / WMA / Vo rbis + Tag Editor: Field "Track Number / Track Count" was divided into two fields + Tag Editor: Replay Gain - added ability to enter values manually + Tag Editor: Replay Gain - added ability to autocalculate values + Audio Library: Implemented as independent application + Audio Library: Quick content filtering among columns values + Audio Library: Added ability to group by any columns + Audio Library: Added ability to sort on several columns at once + Audio Library: Added labels support + Audio Library: Added report generation - total duration, favorite artist / alb um / genre + Audio Library: Added ability to filter files by size or/and duration before ad ding to database + Audio Library: Disk number now used for grouping by albums + Audio Library: ID3v2.4 separators support + Audio Library: Added ability to hide grouping window * Player: Main window now isn't frozen on file moving to removable device * Playlist: "Send to..." - Now you can rename by template options * Playlist: "Send to..." - Added ability to copy additional files with main file s

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