Social Issue Topic

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in a presentation and related discussion about their chosen social problem and 2 related advocate groups of their choice. Students should sign up for the problem that interests them the most from the list below. Each presentation should first give a brief overview of the social problem, but the majority of the presentation should focus on the advocate groups and their proposed solutions. Students should be expected to possibly be tested on any material discussed by their fellow students during these presentations. Each presentation should be 15-20 minutes and will set up that class period for a more in-depth lecture/discussion led by the instructor. Each presentation should include the following: 1. Basic information about the problem/situation should be presented using material from the book AND further research done outside of class. Be sure to discuss bias and views of human nature if relevant. 2. Present the possible solutions offered by at least 2 advocate groups. Discuss whether or not your group thinks the solutions are/will be effective or not. 3. Ask if anyone has questions at the end of your presentation. Have at least 2 discussion questions prepared to ask the class to stimulate discussion if necessary. 4. Create a handout that summarizes the information in your presentation. Be sure to include both internet and print resources for more information on your problem and related advocate groups. Also include your two possible discussion questions.

Social Problems 1. Healthcare 2. Social Security 3. Welfare System 4. Discrimination 5. Illegal Immigration 6. Alcoholism 7. Drugs 8. Homelessness 9. Spousal/Partner Abuse 10. Child Abuse 11. Gangs 12. Teen Suicide 13. Abortion 14. Gender Discrimination 15. Euthanasia 16. Same-Sex Marriage

17. Global Warming (including Pollution) 18. Natural Resources 19. Sexually Transmitted Diseases/AIDS 20. Rape, Date Rape, and Spousal Rape 21. Prostitution

Suggested Schedule for Group Presentations Week 4 Healthcare Week 5 Social Security Welfare System Week 6 Discrimination Week 7 Illegal Immigration Week 8 Midterm week Week 9 Alcoholism Drugs Homelessness Week 10 Spousal/Partner Abuse Child Abuse Gangs Teen Suicide Week 11 Abortion Gender Discrimination Euthanasia Same-Sex Marriage Week 12 Global Warming (including Pollution) Natural Resources

Week 13 Sexually Transmitted Diseases/AIDS Rape, Date Rape, and Spousal Rape Prostitution Week 14 Final week

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