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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD303 FINAL MAJOR PROJECT




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SUBMISSION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY 29th May 2013 11.00 1.00pm
RATIONALE An exploration of product range and distribution, focusing on applied image and how this can communicate through product or packaging. My work will focus on the use of applied image to develop visual identities and surface graphics for a range of products. I want to take a playful direction with my work, pushing the range of deliverables as well as methods of distribution and promotion.



Staff Use

All work must be clearly presented and labelled with the brief title, your name and any other appropriate information. Please include a printed version of each brief and separate the work appropriately. Your end of module evaluation should be posted to your Final Major Project blog. by the stated Deadline Submitted Brief 1 Brief 2 Brief 3 Brief 4 Brief 5 Brief 6 Brief 7 UK Greetings - YCN Puffin Childrens Classics LArtisan Perfume D&AD Interior Design Yearbook Alphabet Soup Geek Table Additional Briefs/Pitches

Brief 8 Design Context Title Statement of intent Project File Evaluation

Tigerprint Live Briefs #Teamimage

Title and Brief Summary include a short rationale for each brief identifying why you chose it, what was the focus of the brief and how long you spent on it. Design Context My design context focuses on applied image and its use across a range of contexts and deliverables. This project was on going throughout the module, and helped me to contextualise both my individual briefs and my wider design practice. It has given me a broader understanding of the processes involved in creating this type of work and the potential uses and applications for it in the industry. Create and brand a new greetings range aimed at young women. I chose this competition brief in order to put my work out into the industry. I chose the theme so that I could explore hand rendered image and apply this to work for an audience with an existing set of design conventions and approaches. The focus was applied image, to explore design for print and the commercial application of my design work. I spent 3 weeks on this brief. Physical work for this brief can be found in box 1 BRIEF 2 Relaunch and promote 5 of puffins classic childrens stories. This brief was chosen as it allowed me to create image work for an audience I had not previously explored. The design application was also a format I had not approached before, and there was scope within the brief to extend my designs across a wide range of deliverables for different purposes. The focus was applied image for a young male audience. I spent 2 and a half weeks on this brief. Physical work for this brief can be found in box 2 Design the surface graphics for a new range of scents, and apply this to an appropriate set of deliverables. I again chose this competition brief in order to get some of my work out there in a professionally judged context. The theme and audience also appealed to me, as they were things I had not approached before, and I wanted to explore if my image making skills could be applied to the context of high end packaging. The focus was applied image for a high end audience. Physical work for this brief can be found in box 3 Brand and produce a PDF yearbook and promotional low budget print piece that showcases the 2013 graduating Interior design students. I chose this brief in order to gain experience working with live clients and a real full-scale print job. It also gave me the opportunity to work collaboratively and work within the challenges and time constraints of a live brief. I spent 4 weeks organising this brief, however my time was spent primarily on project management and data collection. The lack of design development meant I dropped this as one of my main briefs.





Design an exhaustive product range spanning print and web based on a set of original characters. The aims and focus of this brief changed slightly from the original brief due to

my changing areas of design focus and needs. I chose this brief as it allowed me to really showcase my personal design approach and produce some very personally reflective work for my portfolio. The outcomes and deliverables are also areas that I want to continue to develop and explore post university. I spent 2 weeks on this brief. The focus was character and image development, and its application to different surfaces and deliverables. Physical work for this brief can be found in boxes 4 & 5 Respond to a series of short open briefs, in order to develop specific design disciplines and outcomes relevant to your practice. The aim of this brief was to produce a collective body of work that would act as a starting point for conversation and contact with industry professionals. I spent a day on each brief, and 2 days developing the branding and caricatures. Physical work for this brief is in an A3 sleeve. Additional briefs/pitches. These are a selection of short briefs, unsuccessful pitches and abandoned briefs from throughout various stages in the module. The time spent on each individual brief varies from single days up to weeks. Briefs were abandoned due to not winning pitches or problems with live clients.



Brief 8

This brief extends the response to live briefs I completed on my placement at Tigerprint over Easter. I decided to make this one of my main briefs after I felt the design role I played in the Yearbook brief wasnt significant enough. The focus of this brief was styling development and application for a range of audiences and contexts. I spent 3 and a half weeks in total on this brief, including time spent on the initial responses. Due to copyright restrictions, all blogging for this brief is presented in 3 PDFs which can be found on my submission disk.

Physical work is in box 6 Additional Comments



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