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Name: Chrissy Lambert

Subject/Time: Science

Date: 3/13/13

Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards. See Weekly Overview

Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing? What are the Students Doing?
Introduction (5 minutes): -I will begin by asking students to think of what we have learned so far about magnets. Ask prompting questions: -What is a magnet? -How does a magnet work? -What have we discussed about magnet poles? -What are magnets attracted to/repelled against? -I will then have them share with their neighbor. -Ask several students to share out what they remember. -Bring up the anchor chart. Go through the vocabulary as a class. State Lesson Objective & Lesson Agenda I can show how magnets work with other objects around it. I Do and Marshmallow video: -Tell students that yesterday we saw EXACTLY what magnets are attracted to. Today, we are going to talk about how magnets can work around other objects. -I want you to think about what we have discussed so far and use that to predict. Do you think magnets can attract if other objects are in the way? -Show students an example of what I mean: if there is a piece of paper inbetween the magnet and the paperclip, can the magnet still attract the paperclip? -Students will have the opportunity to write their prediction in the box. -I will then play the marshmallow video on the projector. Link: Students will be seated, level zero, thinking. Students will be discussing as well with their neighbors.

-Students will be seated, making their predictions and working at a level zero. They will be watching the video and then re-analyzing their prediction. mSaCs
-Students can then change their prediction AFTER we watch the video. Ask these furthering questions. -Why do you think the marshmallows moved? -How do you think the magnet was moving? -How has your prediction changed? Why? -What does this video have to do with magnets? -Explain to students that TODAY we are going to get to test our predictions and find out if in fact, magnets CAN attract if other objects are around.


Objective(s) SWBAT: I can show how magnets work with other objects around it.

Work stations: -I will explain to students that they will be rotating around the room to different work stations to test and see how magnets attract/repel with other objects around. -I will then go through each of the work stations. They will be: -bottle with pipe-cleaners inside. -paperclips in a cup of water. -magnets with tape on them (can they still pick up paperclips?) -magnets through a desk. -I will go through each of the workstations and explain what students are doing at each. I will remind students that while we are working, we move at a level zero and only whispering with our neighbors. I will ask them to push their friends, and make sure we are using our accountable talk! We will also be seated, on our bottoms while we work. Lets see who is seated on their bottom now Also, if you have a question, DO NOT call our my name. Raise a silent hand and an adult will come to help you. The group leader will ALWAYS start with the object and it will rotate to the RIGHT. (model what the right looks like.) -Students will then move to the various work stations. -They will begin working. While they work, I will circulate and ask furthering questions. -Why do you think that? -Where is your evidence? -What if we added more tape or took some away? -Students will clean up and return to their seats. Recap concepts and explain Think sheets: -I will now go through each of the questions from the think sheet. We will go through each of the experiments and discuss whether the magnet still worked with the other objects around. And if they did not work, why did they not work. -Give me a thumbs up if the magnet DID still attract in the situation, thumbs down if it did not attract still. -What evidence do you have to show us this? -What did your group say? -What did your group members say? -How strong was the attraction? Was it just as strong as it is WITHOUT the object in the middle? -I will then have students complete the think sheet, including what theyre favorite part of the lesson is.

Students will be working at their workstations, level zero or whispering with their neighbors. Students will be completing their worksheets, on their bottoms. Students can raise a hand if they have a question, DO NOT shout out my name.

Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: -magnetic -strong -attraction

Students will be discussing as a class why they think what they think as well as how they came to that conclusion.


Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: See the think sheet.

Materials & Technology -pipe-cleaners -magnets -cups -water -paperclips

Closing/Preview for next lesson: Tomorrow we will talk a little emore about magnets and discuss how they are all connected.

Homework: NONE

Worksheets to Use: -Think Sheet Wednesday Students to watch: Fatima Smalley, Kalimat Muhammad, and Derrick Williams (occasionaly), Aamya Herron (occassionaly), Dashawn Phipps Students to use as examples: Derrick Williams (occasionally), Teniya Davis, Makalia Pittman, Jaden Bishop, Khalia Culps

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