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Land Survey Overview

GNSS Solutions, Copyright (C) 2011 Ashtech. 12/5/2011 9:10:05 AM

Project Name : Project8 Spatial Reference System : UTM/WGS 84/UTM zone 47S Time Zone : (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta Linear Units : Meters

Coordinate System Summary

Coordinate system
Name : Type : Unit name : Meters per unit : Vertical datum : Vertical unit : Meters per unit : UTM/WGS 84/UTM zone 47S Projected Meters 1 Ellipsoid Meters 1

Name : Ellipsoid Name : Semi-major Axis : Inverse Flattening : DX to WGS84 : DY to WGS84 : DY to WGS84 : RX to WGS84 : RY to WGS84 : RZ to WGS84 : ppm to WGS84 : WGS 84 WGS 84 6378137.000 m 298.257223563 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.000000 " 0.000000 " 0.000000 " 0.000000000000

Projection Class : latitude_of_origin central_meridian scale_factor false_easting false_northing Transverse_Mercator 0 00' 00.00000"N 99 00' 00.00000"E 0.999600000000 500000.000 m 10000000.000 m

Control Points Reference Points Logged Points Target Points Intermediate Points

: : : : :

1 0 1 0 0

Control Points
Name Error base East North Ellips height 791276.620 9641676.332 19.685 0.000 0.000 0.000 FIXED FIXED FIXED Components 95% Error Status Control

Logged Points
Name rover East North Ellips height Components 814236.990 9625698.602 26.537 95% Error Status 0.000 Processed (static) 0.000 Processed (static) 0.000 Processed (static)

Name GparkA11.338 GJLNXA11.338 Start Time 11/12/04 09:46:20 11/12/04 09:44:00 Sampling 5 1 Epochs 3780 18203 Size (Kb) Type 8269L1/L2 GPS/GLONASS/WAAS 37615L1/L2 GPS/GLONASS/WAAS

Site File base GparkA11.338 rover GJLNXA11.338 December 4 2011 09:46:20.00 December 4 2011 09:44:00.00 05:14:55.00 05:03:22.00 Static Static Start Time Time span Type

Reference base Reference File GparkA11.338 Rover rover Rover File GJLNXA11.338 Mode Static Num 1

Processed vectors
Vector Identifier base - rover 11/12/04 09:46:20.00 +05:01:02.00 Vector Length 27952.127 95% Error 0.050 X Y Z Vector Components -22322.551 -5563.529 -15876.784 95% Error SV PDOP 0.020 16 1.3 0.020 0.020 QA Solution Fixed

Land Survey Overview

GNSS Solutions, Copyright (C) 2011 Ashtech. 12/5/2011 8:24:45 AM

Project Name : projectbngklu Spatial Reference System : WGS 84 Time Zone : (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta Linear Units : Meters

Coordinate System Summary

Coordinate system
Name : Type : Unit name : Radians per unit : Vertical datum : Vertical unit : Meters per unit : WGS 84 Geographic Radians 1 Ellipsoid Meters 1

Name : Ellipsoid Name : Semi-major Axis : Inverse Flattening : DX to WGS84 : DY to WGS84 : DY to WGS84 : RX to WGS84 : RY to WGS84 : RZ to WGS84 : ppm to WGS84 : WGS 84 WGS 84 6378137.000 m 298.257223563 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.000000 " 0.000000 " 0.000000 " 0.000000000000

Control Points Reference Points Logged Points Target Points Intermediate Points

: : : : :

1 0 2 0 0

Control Points
Name Error park Long 101 37' 15.14440"E Lat 3 14' 18.33130"S Ellips height 19.685 0.000 0.000 0.000 FIXED FIXED FIXED Components 95% Error Status Control

Logged Points
Name base Components Long 101 37' 15.07287"E Lat 3 14' 18.41710"S Ellips height 40.171 Long 101 49' 39.69854"E Lat 3 22' 56.15228"S Ellips height 47.019 95% Error 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.019 0.020 0.022 Status Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted


Name GJLNXA11.338 GparkA11.338 Start Time 11/12/04 09:44:00 11/12/04 09:46:20 Sampling 1 5 Epochs 18203 3780 Size (Kb) Type 37615L1/L2 GPS/GLONASS/WAAS 8269L1/L2 GPS/GLONASS/WAAS

Site File rover GJLNXA11.338 base GparkA11.338 December 4 2011 09:44:00.00 December 4 2011 09:46:20.00 05:03:22.00 05:14:55.00 Static Static Start Time Time span Type

Reference base Reference File GparkA11.338 Rover rover Rover File GJLNXA11.338 Mode Static Num 1

Processed vectors
Vector Identifier base - rover 11/12/04 09:46:20.00 +05:01:02.00 Vector Length 27952.109 95% Error 0.050 X Y Z Vector Components -22322.537 -5563.528 -15876.773 95% Error SV PDOP 0.020 16 1.3 0.020 0.020 QA Solution Fixed

Adjusted vectors
Vector Identifier base - rover 11/12/04 09:46:20.00 Vector Length 27952.109 Length Resid. 0.000 X Y Z Vector Components -22322.537 -5563.528 -15876.773 Resid. 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tau Test QA

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