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Just another

chapter more
By: Crystal Elizabeth

Crystal Bianay has it all. Her

best friend is her twin sister.
There in there last year in
high school. Both of them
have boyfriends. Everything
was going well until Stephanie
Elizabeth, her twin sister,
woke up one day Unconscious
and was rushed to the
hospital. The doctor said that
she had a blood tumor in the
head. The doctor also said
that threes no way of saving
her. What would happen If
Crystal Bianay loses her twin
sister, her other half? :)

The Beginning:
“Stephanie Elizabeth will you please hurry
up, where going to be late for the first day
of school!” I called up to my twin sister
who was still in the bathroom getting
ready. If she would have gotten up at the
time I told her too, we wouldn’t be late. I
got up at 5:45 to take a shower and get
ready. By 6:30 I was eating breakfast with
my parents who also have to be to work
by 7:30. “Whoa sis, why do you have to be
the hot one and the smart one? The outfit
is damn hot!” My sister exclaimed, I rolled
my eyes at her. “Stupid where twins, we
look a like so really where both really hot
but you are right about me being the
smart one though.” I smiled at her.
“Alright let’s go, by my driving will get to
school in time.” I walked to the living room
to get my bag and keys then headed to
the door where Stephanie Elizabeth was
waiting for me already with her bag.
“Crys, you know where not going to be
late for school with your driving in all.”
She said teasingly. “Hardy har ha.” I told
her. I like diving fast; it’s just a hobby of
mine driving fast and designing clothes for
my new store that my parents bought for
me. Stephanie Elizabeth and I have been
designing ever since we were in sixth
grade, although my parents just bought us
the store recently. I unlocked our new
infinity pearl color car. I was so happy
when Steph and I had gotten it for our
eighteenth birthday especially because
the car goes up 250mph. I usually drove
because when Stephanie Elizabeth drives,
she goes very slowly. “Crys, do you think
we’ll have any classes together?” Steph
asked me in a small soft voice.
“Well, get most of the classes together
because we picked the same thing, since
were seniors and all we have this year are
only electives.” I replied to her smiling at
her. “We’ll know once we get there.” By
the way I was driving we got there in time.
We headed to the office where were
suppose to get our schedule for the day.
“Hello Mrs. Carter, how are you doing this
morning?” I asked the secretary at the
front desk.
“I am doing fine, thank you very much
Crystal Bianay or should I say Crys.” I
chuckled. “And how are you Stephanie
Elizabeth?” She asked Stephanie in an
heavy Italian accent. “I’m good Mrs.
Carter, thanks for asking.” She smiled at
the old lady. She gave us our schedule,
and then hurried to see if we have any
classes. “We have 1st, 4th,5th and 7th
period together.” I told Stephanie
Elizabeth who couldn’t be happier. Our
first class was Fashion Design class. Our
teacher was so cool and so where the
students there too. Ms. Morales told us to
sit behind these really hot guys and by
hot, I mean really hot guys. We took our
seats and both of the guys turned around
and said hi to us. I smiled at both of them
and said hi back. While Stephanie
Elizabeth looked like she was
hyperventilating. The guys just turned
away, I grabbed a piece of paper out of
my backpack and wrote to her.
“Stephanie Elizabeth what the hell, why
didn’t u say hi back, there both really,
really hot!” I wrote and passed her and
passed her the note. She got it, read it,
wrote something down then passed it back
to me.
“I know that, I feel like a complete fool.
Imagine us going out with them Crys,
wouldn’t that be awesome.”
I smiled at her, and then wrote down
“I would take any of those too. Both of
them will do for me.”
I passed it to her. One of the guys turned
around just as I passes it to her when I
looked up he smiled and I smiled back. I
looked down at the note Steph passed
back to me.
“Well by the looks of it, that guy seems to
like you”
She underlined the like you part.
“Either one will do for me. Lol”
The bell rang and that’s when me and
Stephanie Elizabeth will be separated. So
much for having electives only. My 2nd and
3rd class is Advanced English class. Well it
is what I put down, my other hobby of
mine is reading and writing. “What class
do you have next?” I asked Steph.
“Journalism.” She replied in an exited
“Well good look with that. Before you ask I
have Advanced English for 2nd & 3rd.” I told
her teasingly.
She smiled and left for her class. When I
got to mine I found one of the guys that
where seated in front of me and
Stephanie’s 1st period class. The teacher
assigned me to sit next to him. When I sat
down next to him he smiled and said, “Hi,
don’t I have you for 1st period?” I smiled
and replied coolly, “yeah I sit behind you
and that dude.” He chuckled. “I’m Gregory
Will Castillo nice to meet you.” He took out
his hand so I can shake it. “I’m Crystal
Bianay Morales, Nice to meet you too.” I
said as I shook his hand. “You have a twin
sister huh?” He asked me when the bell
rang announcing that class will begin.
“Yeah, her names Stephanie Elizabeth. We
all have long name.” I chuckled. He
smiled, “Yeah, but all nice names.”
The rest of the hour went by pretty fast.
When I got to 4th period I saw Stephanie
Elizabeth there already in a seat. I greeted
the teacher and she sat me down next to
Stephanie Elizabeth. Then after that class
we went to lunch was were we found all of
our friends sitting in a table. They all said
hi and started talking about our last year
in high school. The day went passed by
quick, I learned I have Gregory for 3
classes. 1st, 2nd , 3rd, and 7th. When we got
home I was very tired so I went to bed. I
woke up at 5:00pm so I could go and help
mom and dad paint the shop. Stephanie
Elizabeth said she was tired and said she
was going to sleep.
After we painted half of the store it was
8:00 and we went to get pizza and go
home. Once we got to the house I went up
stairs and took a hot shower. I was looking
at my reflection in the mirror. I had light
brown hair with blue/green/gray eyes. My
sister had blue/gray eyes only, not a hint
of green anywhere like me. Other then
that my sister and I our 99% look a likes. I
put pjs on and went to sleep.

When I woke up I went to go wake

Stephanie Elizabeth and tell her to wake
up. “My head hurts sis, I’m going to tell
mom and dad to let me stay home today.”
She told me weakly. “It’s your second day
of school, u have to go silly. It’s just a
head-ache it will leave when u take
aspirin.” I smiled at her then went to
shower and get ready. When I got down
stairs Stephanie was already changed and
eating breakfast. Daddy said that he has
to go to Florida where he’s going to court
to defend some guy who supposedly
jacked some money from some old lady.
Mom also has to go but they say were old
enough to stay on our own as long as we
don’t throw any parties. When Stephanie
and I got to school we saw one of the hot
guys that sat in front of us was heading
our way. “Hi Crystal, Stephanie.” He
greeted us. “Hey.” We said in unison. I
smiled at my sister who smiled back at
me. “Um Crystal, can I talk to you a sec?”
He said shyly. He looked a little nervous.
“Ill see you in class Crys.” Stephanie
Elizabeth said shyly. “What’s up
Alexander?” I told him nervously, why
does he want to talk to me? I thought.
“Um, well I thought maybe you and I could
go get a pizza and watch a movie today? If
you have something to do that’s fine.” He
said the last part an a soft edgy voice.
“Sure, ill love too. What time?” I gave him
my best smile with the dimples in my face.
He blinked and asked, “Will six work for
you?” “Sure, that will be perfect.” He then
smiled and asked for my hand, and then
both of us walked to class hand in hand.
When Stephanie Elizabeth saw us coming
in she said she has good news for me.
“Gregory just asked me out, he said do
you want to go for movie and a pizza
tonight.” She whispered at me excitedly.
“OMG! Alexander just asked me the same
thing. I said yes and were going out
tonight.” We sat at out seats while Alex
and Greg where talking together next to
the door way. I wonder if there friends? I
thought they seem pretty close. Maybe
there cousins. “Stephanie Elizabeth? Why
are you looking up? Are you feeling well?”
Stephanie Elizabeth was looking pale, very
pale. “Yeah I’m okay just a head ache.” I
continued to study her after all I took
three years of pre-med. “Are you sure, you
look very pale?” I asked her. “Yes, now be
quiet the guys are coming.” She said in a
small voice. “Hey ladies, Greg here just
told me that he’s taking your sis out too so
we just why not all of us go together.”
Both of them smiled at us, I smiled back
and said, “why not.” They both turned
around. That day went by pretty fast. We
were getting ready; Stephanie asked if I
could show her what to wear. I put some
black skinny jeans with a white lose shirt,
with the flat blue boots because it is a
little chilly out. Stephanie Elizabeth wore
the same thing except different jackets.
Stephanie Elizabeth’s jacket is white and
her boots are white too, while my jacket is
blue and my boots are blue. All in all we
looked a like in every possible way. When
the doorbell rang I went to go get it to find
the guys there. They said hi and waited for
us to get our purses. Then we were off to
the movies. We talked a lot about our
selves and so did they. At the end when
they dropped us off they said if we want to
go to a party and we told them sure.
They also said if we want them to be our
boyfriends and we said let us think about
it, for like two seconds we both said in
unison, yes. They laughed and Alexander
kisses me, while Gregory kissed
When they where gone Stephanie
exclaimed, “Our wish came true, Crystal
Bianay, imagine if we get married and
have children with these guys how big our
family will be!” She said with tears of
happiness. “We just met them, and just
started to go out with them, don’t over
exaggerate.” I chuckled but was
completely happy myself, no happy isn’t
the word. Ecstatic, yeah that’s it. I’m
ecstatic. Although I secretly wish that I
would have gotten Gregory because he
and I clicked more then Alex and I did, but
I am happy either way. When we got to
school the next day, we started hanging
out, the four of us ate out lunch outside on
a table next to a tree. We talked and
talked till lunch was over. They walked us
to our class and everything it was so nice.
I didn’t even notice the months go by, and
by the looks of it neither did Stephanie
It was the middle of May when Stephanie
Elizabeth started getting these massive
head aches. She would cry and cry of the
pain. When I woke up it was 6:30am I went
to wake up Stephanie Elizabeth up.
“Steph, wake up.” Nudge her gently.
“Stephanie wake up, come on we’ll be late
for school again.” She wouldn’t open her
eyes. My voice grew louder. “STEPHANIE,
WAKE UP! COME ON PLEASE!” I shouted at
her but she wouldn’t move. I shook her
hard. I was crying by then, I ran to my
parents room they where getting ready for
work. “Sweetie what’s wrong?” my dad
asked me. “Dad, Stephanie’s not waking
up, I think something’s wrong!” I shouted
at them. My father went running to the
room. He shook her but she wouldn’t wake
up. My dad started crying too, and so did
my mother. He picked my sister up and
carried her down stairs telling us to put
shoes on, were going to the hospital. I put
my slippers on and went to the car where
my parents where waiting for me already.
My dad drove as fast as he can, not caring
about the laws he’s braking just thinking
about his daughter. When we got there
they took Stephanie away from my dad
and took her. We waited in a private room.
It seemed hours when the doctor came in.
“Hello family Morales. We know whats
wrong with you daughter.” He told us. He
sounded sad and looked nervous.
“Stephanie Elizabeth has a blood tumor
growing in her head. A blood tumor is not
good. It just keeps on growing till it
invades the whole human body. I’m afraid
to tell you that there is no possibility that
your daughter will live.” He said the last
word softly. All I remember there is
nothing but blackness taking over my
body. I liked this blackness there was no
pain, no nothing. It’s like being underwater
not needing oxygen, just swimming freely
without any need to go up. When I awoke
from the darkness, the first thing I saw
was my dad. Then I saw I had an ivy on
and laying down in a bed, “Dad? Where
am I?” I asked in a thick voice. He looked
at me and was relieved, “You’re in a
hospital sweetie. You have been
unconscious for 2hrs. You fainted and hit
your head. You gave me quite a scare. I
couldn’t bare to lose you too.” He kissed
my forehead.
“Dad, tell me it’s not true, tell me that
Stephanie is going to live. Tell me that the
doctor is lying. Please just tell me!” I cried
out. He took me into his arms and started
rocking me. “Sweetie I wish I could tell you
all that but I can’t, what the doctor said is
right.” His voice was pained and I realized
that tears were in his eyes. “Ohh daddy, I
don’t want her to die. If she dies I want to
die too. She’s my other half daddy. I
confide with her, what am I gonna do now
that she’s gone?” I almost shouted those
words at him but the tears didn’t let me
shout. That’s when the nurse came in and
I heard my dad say what she is going to
do. She simply replied that she gonna
neutralize me. I told her to go to hell that
I’m talking to my father. My father said to
leave me alone that im fine. She shot me
a glare and left. I started crying even
more. “I want to see her daddy. I want to
see her now!” I cried out to him. “When
you’re more relax sweetie, just sleep for a
while more. I called your school already
and Gregory somehow herd and is in the
cafeteria eating. He stayed in here with
you while me and your mom ate
something. Your moms with your sister
right now. And if your wondering why you
have the IV its because you haven’t ate
anything and its nearly 11:30am.” He told
me, and was about to continue when
Gregory came in the room. He looked
pained like me and my father but
managed to smile at me. “Hi Crystal. How
are you feeling?” He seemed concern for
me. “I’ve been better, thanks.”
My dad told us that he is going to check
on mom and will be back later. “How did
you find out about Stephanie?” I asked
him softly. He sat on the end of my bed
looking at me. “Mrs. Carter is my
grandmother. She told me she was sorry
about Stephanie and I didn’t know what
had happen. She thought I knew but I
didn’t. I knew Steph had those head aches
because you told me that you were
worried about her. Once my grandmother
told me, I came here as fast as I can and
found your parents. They told me if I can
stay with you while they go eat breakfast
then when your father came back I went
to eat my breakfast. So do you know
what’s wrong with Stephanie, they really
didn’t tell me anything, they said to ask
you because they don’t know if you’re
gonna share it with me. So what’s wrong?”
I took a deep breath and looked away.
Tears where rolling down my face, Gregory
came and wiped them away. “Tell me
Crystal.” He said urgently. “Stephanie
Elizabeth has a blood tumor in her head. A
blood tumor is a disease that will grow in
her head and she will die. The doctor said
that they can’t do anything about it. That
she will die in a matter of days.” I finished
the last words with sobs that broke down
on me. Gregory’s breath caught, but he
wrapped his arms around me. I herd him
sob quietly too. When the sobs grew quiet,
we backed up and I told Gregory that im
feeling tired and that im going to go back
to sleep but to wake me up when my
parents get here. Then I put the covers
over my shoulder and turned to my side
and was drifting to sleep when I felt
Gregory’s lips to my forehead.

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