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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL GHAZIABAD HOLIDAY HOME WORK SESSION 2013-2014 CLASS-XI Note: - It is mandatory to do the holiday homework

for all subjects failing which marks would be deducted in the Half Yearly exams
1. PHYSICS Assignment on Unit-1 Units and measurement is attached. 2. a. ENGLISH FUNCTIONAL Q1. During the summer vacation, you will have to gain work experience of 15 days. Based on the experience gained by you at any work place, write a letter to your cousin highlighting your experiences and learning in not more than 150 -200 words. Q2. Read the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and in a group of two prepare a dialogue with ten sets of exchanges based on any incident/ episode from the novel. The presentations will be judged on the basis of content, grammatical accuracy, fluency, voice modulation and expression. N.B: The holiday homework should be done in the English notebook. b. ENGLISH CORE Q1. During the summer vacation, you will have to gain work experience of 15 days. Based on the experience gained by you at any work place, write a letter to your cousin highlighting your experiences and learning in not more than 150 -200 words. Q2. Read the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and prepare a power point presentation based on any incident/ episode/ theme/ plot/characterization from the novel. The presentations will be taken up in the class and will be judged on the basis of content, fluency, voice modulation, expression and creativity. N.B: Q1 should be done in the Writing skills notebook. 3. ECONOMICS PROJECT: USE OF STATISTICAL TOOLS Previous knowledge required: ch4: presentation of data: statistics for economics Prepare a project report ( with the help of primary data by designing a questionnaire ) of your neighbourhood and gather the information in the following aspects such as i) sex ratio ii)density of population iii)occupational structure iv)workforce ratio Project should contain the following: Introduction Acknowledgement Topic and objective Questionnaire

Presentation with the help of statistical analysis Concluding report. 4. ACCOUNTS Write down ten accounting transactions & prepare voucher for each transaction. Show the accounting equation based on these transactions. 5.B.STUDIES Prepare a detailed hand written report on any Joint Stock Company including their Sales Turnover, No. of Employees, Product Segment, Market Standing, Assets, Liabilities, Countries in which Products are sold, CEOs etc. 6. BIOLOGY (A) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with following contents: 1. Related branches of Biology 2.Various courses available in this field 2. Career options 4. List of colleges offering Biology courses (B) Make a herbarium file containing at least ten different types of flowers and their description. 7. BIOTECHNOLOGY ( A ) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with the following contents: 1. Related branches of Biotechnology 2.Various courses available in this field 2. Career options 4. List of colleges offering Biotechnology courses (B) Make a project on Achievements of Biotechnology in any one of the following Fields: 1. Health and medicine 2. Agriculture 3. Food processing 4. Gene therapy 5. Stem cell technology 6. Xenotransplantation 8. CHEMISTRY Prepare a report on any one of the following: 1. Prepare a report based on various aspects like production, structure, advantages and disadvantages of medicines like antibiotics, analgesics and tranquilizers. ( Take help from Internet) 2. Prepare a project report on the percentage of bleaching powder in drinking water by taking the samples from different colonies. 3. Visit to any Industry and write a report based on raw materials, various process products and byproducts. (Support your report by putting pictures of that place.) 4. Prepare a report on adulterants present in cold drink, mineral water, turmeric powder, sugar and red chili powder etc. 5. Prepare a report based on the presence of sugar & acid strength in different cold drinks Individual report ( 4 to 6 printed pages ) has to submit by 5th July 2012. 9. MATHEMATICS Complete the attached Assignment based on topics covered. 10. INFORMATICS PRACTICES/COMPUTER SCIENCE Prepare a Website (using HTML/ FrontPage) /Presentation / Movie or Animation film ON ANY ONE OF THE TOPICS LISTED BELOW. 1. Robotics 2. A.I.(Artificial Intelligence) 3. E-Learning

NOTE- THERE IS NO UPPER LIMIT OF THE NUMBER OF SLIDES/WEBPAGES BUT MINIMUM REQUIRMENT IS AT LEAST 10 PAGES/SLIDES. THE DURATION OF THE MOVIE SHALL BE AT LEAST TWO MINUTES. 11. FINE ARTS-: 1. Do two sketchings of objects and human figures (walking, sitting and bending ) on the half imperial size art sheet. 2. Make one picture composition on the topic of your choice in pencil 3. Exhibit your creativity by making beautiful 3 cards and 1 painting. Instructions For Greeting Cards - Size - 8x 6 (half of A 4 sheet) Theme Flowers or Diwali Material White or coloured A 4 sheet, water colours, pastel colours, paper cutouts or any other craft material. For PaintingMake any one painting of your choice from the given themes either in colour or black and white. Madhubani , Kalamkari ,Warli , Gond , Patchitra, Aborginal or any other form of folk art Size- coloured A 4 sheet ( light colours will be preferred ) Medium Water colours Note- Do not write any thing inside the card. Name, class and section should be written at the back of the card / painting in pencil.

12.MUSIC Prepare three songs which are based on classical or semi Classical music in three different areas Sufi Bhajan From film. Prepare project file-Raga, Taal, Alankar 13. PHYSICAL EDUCATION

Project Work (Major Game) Prepare a project file that should be arranged with one ruled and one blank sheet (Alternately). The file should be prepared as per the following topics: Brief History of the Selected game (stick general pictures related to your sports) Court/Field/Ground dimensions (stick court/filed/ground picture) Equipments and their specifications (stick equipments pictures) Fundamentals of the game (stick fundamentals movements picture as per skills)

Major rules of the game (any general pictures of the games can be used) Signs/signals of the referee (pictures of the referees signal) Five Indian/international personalities brief achievements (stick their photos) Names of the major tournaments/trophies/championships of the game Names of the Arjuna/ Dronacharya awardees names (stick their photos)

Note File should be prepared on hard paper so sticking of pictures should not distort it. Sticking good pictures are essential, only text files will not be accepted in any condition. 14. PSYCHOLOGY Watch the movies given below and make a project report discussing the psychological aspects like personality, psychological disorders and character analysis. 1. A beautiful mind.(Schezophrenia) 2. Rain man (Mental Retardation) 3. Inception( Dreams analysis) 4. As good as it gets.(OCD) 5. Sybil (Multiple personality) Note File should be prepared on hard paper so sticking of pictures should not distort it. Sticking good pictures are essential, only text files will not be accepted in any condition. 15. POLITICAL SCIENCE Prepare a Project on coloured A4 sheets on the following Topics:1. Information on any ONE political party of India with Photographs. 2. Information on present PRESIDENT OF INDIA. 3. Information along with photographs on any ten current national events

16. HISTORY TOPIC: STONE AGE, MESOPOTAMIAN CIVILIZATION, ROMAN EMPIRE, CENTRAL ISLAMIC EMPIRE (any one). OBJECTIVE: To familiarize students about the polity, religion, economy, and culture. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Students are required to collect information and make a file (A4 sheet) along with pictures related to the topic. 2. Number of pages in each files 8 to10. 3. Students will prepare file on the following sub topics: Polity, Religion, Economy, Culture. 4. Design an innovative cover page. ASSESSMENT RUBRICS: 1. Relevance of content: 5 marks 2. Pictorial presentation : 3 marks 3. Creativity: 2 marks 17.FASHION STUDIES 1. Develop ten fabric swatch cards ( five natural fabrics and five synthetic fabrics). 2. Make a collage showing unique collections of any one indian designer or foreign designer,and also develop a power point presentation for the same. 18. GEOGRAPHY 1. Watch the movie An Inconvenient Truth produced by former Vice-President of USA,Mr.Al Gore and prepare your project file on the basis of these points-

a. Problem raised in the movie b. Causes c. Major issues or areas of concern d. Suggested remedies Your file should have 8-10 pages with a collage of the pictures and write your review in a short paragraph about your experience of watching such a sensitive movie. Rubric: 1. Research and content- 4 marks 2. Presentation and creativity- 4 marks 3. Viva based on the project- 2 marks 2. Complete the assignments no. 2& 3.

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