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28th May 2013


Bahrain bans political groups from contacting Hezbollah
Bahrain on Monday banned political groups from making any contact with Lebanese militant movement Hezbollah, a day after the Gulf Arab states foreign minister called the head of the Shiite Muslim group a terrorist. The move reected sectarian tensions within Bahrain and across the Sunni Muslim-dominated Gulf region stoked since 2011 by Syrias civil war, and exacerbated further after Hezbollahs leader openly acknowledged it was ghting on Syrian President Bashar al-Assads side against mainly Sunni rebels. Political associations are banned from making any kind of contact with the Lebanese Hezbollah organization, for it [is] a terrorist organization, the ofcial Bahrain news agency BNA quoted an order issued by the justice and Islamic affairs minister, Sheikh Khaled bin Ali alKhalifa, as saying. Read More President Bashar Al-Assad in the civil war, Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmed al-Khalifa tweeted that Nasrallah is a terrorist. Those words were backed-up by Justice and Islamic Affairs Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ali alKhalifa who, according to the Bahrain News Agency, issued an order stating that, "Political associations are banned from making any kind of contact with the Lebanese Hezbollah organization, for it (is) a terrorist organization. Read More

Bahrain Bans Contact with Hizbullah

Shiite-majority Bahrain banned on Monday opposition groups from having contact with Hizbullah, a day after the foreign minister of the Sunni-ruled kingdom branded the party's chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah as a "terrorist". "Political associations are prohibited from having any form of contact with the

Hizbullah organization," Justice Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ali al-Khalifa said in a ministerial decree. A second clause in the same decree stated that the Iran- and Syria-backed group is a "terrorist organization." The decision appears aimed at opposition groups, which are mostly Shiites, who dominated anti-regime protests that erupted in February 2011 before coming under a brutal crackdown a month later. Read More Hamad and he was ghting in the ranks of AlNusra Front, which is the military wing of Al-Qaeda in the Levant. The so-called Al-Fateh Youth Coalition, a supporter of the Bahraini regime , announced on its account on Twitter the martyrdom of Bahraini young man, Abdul Rahman Adel Hasan Al-Hamad in Syria, noting that he is the son of Sheikh Adel Hasan, the preacher in Al-Nosof Mosque east Riffa. Read More

Bahraini Political Groups Prohibited from Contact with Terrorist Hizbullah

Bahrain-based political organizations are forbidden to have any contact with Lebanon-based Hizbullah, which was termed a terrorist group by the Bahraini foreign minister on Monday. Following a speech by Hizbullah chief Sheikh Nasrallah in which he vowed victory for Syrian

Bahrain also Engaged in Syrias Battle, Another Citizen Killed in AlQusayr

Bahraini citizin Abdul Rahman Adel Hasan AlHamad, 19 years old, died in Syrias Al-Qusayr while ghting in the ranks of the terrorist group, Al-Nusra Front. Bahrain Mirror website reported that Al-Hamad was the son of Salast preacher in a mosque south of Manama, Adel Al-

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