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%Program to calculate Static Margin and Trim Speed for Glider %Dimensions of Wing, Horizontal Tail, Vertical Tail, Fuselage. c=3; % chord length [inches] b=18; % wing span [inches] AR_wf=b/c; % Aspect Ratio of Wing S=b*c; % Planform area of Wing

c_htail=1.5; %chord length of horizontal tail [inches] b_htail=7.2; %span of horizontal tail (inches) AR_h=b_htail/c_htail; % Aspect Ratio of horizontal tail S_h=b_htail*c_htail; % Planform area of Horizontal Tail

a_vt=1; % Chord length at tip of vertical tail [inches] b_vt=2; % Chord length at root of vertical tail [inches] h_vt=3.53; % Height of vertical tail [inches] S_vt=0.5*(a_vt+b_vt)*h_vt; %Planform area of Horizontal Tail AR_vt=(h_vt^2)/S_vt; %Aspect Ratio of Vertical Tail

length_fuselage=18; %Length of Fuselage [inches] %Assumptions made for Calculations e=0.9; % span efficiency factor deda=0.1; % rate of change of downwash angle with change in angle of attack eta_h=0.9; % efficiency of the horizontal tail

%Design Parameters, Locations of a.c., c.g., etc. lambda=1; %Taper Ratio ih_wing=2.566; %Angle of incidence on the wing [degrees] ih_htail=-1.194; %Angle of incidence on horizontal tail [degrees]

loc_ledwing=5.5; %location of the leading edge of the wing [inches] loc_ledvtail=16; %location of the leading edge of the vertical tail [inches] loc_ledhtail=17; %location of the leading edge of the horizontal tail [inches] xac_wf=(loc_ledwing+(0.25*c))/c; %location of the aerodynamic center of the wingfuselage [non-dimensionalized by dividing by chord length] xac_h=(loc_ledhtail+(0.25*c_htail))/c; % Location of aerodynamic center of horizontaltail [non-dimensionalized by dividing by chord length] %CALCULATING THE STATIC MARGIN %1. Calculating the Lift-Curve Slopes for the Wing-Fuselage and Horizontal %Tail and the Aerodynamic Center Cla_wf=0.11/(1 + ((57.3*0.11)/(pi*e*AR_wf))) Cla_h=0.11/(1+((57.3*0.11)/(pi*e*AR_h))) xac=(((xac_wf)+((Cla_h/Cla_wf)*eta_h*(S_h/S)*xac_h*(1 - deda)))/(1 +((Cla_h/Cla_wf)*eta_h*(S_h/S)*(1-deda)))) %2. Calculating the location of the C.G. fuse_cg=(length_fuselage/2)/c; %Non-Dimensional Location of cg of Fuselage wing_cg=(loc_ledwing+(c*0.5))/c; %Non-Dimensional Location of cg of Wing hor_cg=(loc_ledhtail+(0.5*c_htail))/c; %Non-Dimensional Location of cg of horizontaltail vert_cg=(loc_ledvtail+((a_vt^2) + (a_vt*b_vt) + (b_vt^2))/(3*(a_vt+b_vt)))/c; % Non-Dimensional Location of center of gravity of vertical tail

%Volumes of the different parts of the glider fuse_vol=length_fuselage*.5*(3/16); %Fuselage Volume [inches^3] wing_vol=S*3/32; %Wing Volume [inches^3] hor_vol=S_h*3/32; %Horizontal Tail Volume [inches^3] vert_vol=S_vt*3/32; %Vertical Tail Volume [inches^3] xcg=((wing_cg*wing_vol)+(hor_cg*hor_vol)+(fuse_cg*fuse_vol)+(vert_c g*vert_vol))/(hor_vol+wing_vol+fuse_vol+vert_vol); exp_cg=3.156; %Static Margin SM=xac-exp_cg newxcg=1.51; % New Aircraft CG with Clay [experimentally determined] NewSM=xac-newxcg


%Using Method I with Approximations for eta_h Clwf=Cla_wf*ih_wing; %Lift Coefficient of Wing at Given Incidence Angle

%Summing Moments at AOA=0, ih=0 Cm0=Clwf*(xac_wf-newxcg) Cmih=-Cla_h*eta_h*(S_h/S)*(xac_h-newxcg) % Cmih has error associated with assuming an efficiency for the horizontal tail Cla_aircraft=Cla_wf+(Cla_h*eta_h*(S_h/S)*(1-deda)); %Cla_aircraft has errors associated with assuming eta_h, deda Cma=-NewSM*Cla_aircraft Trim_AOA1=(-Cm0-(Cmih*ih_htail))/(Cma)

%Using Method II with Lesser Approximations

%Summing Moments at AOA=0 Cm0bar=Cm0-(Cla_h*eta_h*ih_htail*(S_h/S)*(xac_h-newxcg))

%Summing Forces at AOA=0 in the Z-direction Claircraft_AOA_0=(Cla_wf*ih_wing)-(Cla_h*ih_htail*(S_h/S)) Trim_AOA2=-Cm0bar/Cma Cl=Claircraft_AOA_0 + (Cla_aircraft*Trim_AOA2) trim_v=sqrt((2*(0.125))/(Cl*(2.0481e-3)*(54/144)))

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