The Three Minds of Neuro Marketing

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the three minds of

This book is a special version, and the final international version of the book shall undergo changes in content,and corrections in translation. Thank you for your understanding.

Marcelo Peruzzo

1st Edition

the three minds of

ipdois neurobusiness


Copyright 2013 Marcelo Peruzzo Original text revised according to the New Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement. 1st Edition 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any way or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or database storage system, in written permission, except in cases of brief extracts cited in critical reviews or magazines articles.

Personal counseling: This book is a consultation and information work. The information contained here in should not be used for activities and personal experiences without prior consultation with a qualied health or neuroscience professional. Trademark: All terms and video frames used, mentioned and recognized as trademark and/or registered trademark are responsibility of their owners. The author and the publisher inform that they are not associated with any product and/or vendor presented in the book. Electronic content: IP2 Marketing de Resultado is not responsible for any alterations on the conventional or electronic addresses cited in this book. Liability: Neither the Publisher nor the author assume any responsibility for any damages or losses to people or properties, arising from the use of this publication. Cover photo: nitr/123RF Stock Photo


Internacionais de Catalogao na Publicao (Cmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

Peruzzo, Peruzzo, Marcelo Marcelo As trs mentes // Marcelo The three mindsdo ofneuromarketing neuromarketing Marcelo Peruzzo. --- 1. ed. -- Curitiba Peruzzo. Curitiba : : IP2 IP2 Marketing Marketing de resultado, resultado, 2013. de 244 p. Bibliografia Bibliography ISBN 978-85-62129-02-5 1. - Behavior 2. Customers 1. Customers Consumidores - Comportamento 2. Consumidores Psicologia 3. 3. Marketing Marketing psicolgicos psychology - Aspectos Psychological aspects 4. Neurocincias 5. Neuromarketing I. Ttulo. 4. Neurosciences 3. Neuromarketing I. Title.


Printed in Brazil General Coordination: Jos Chavaglia Neto Revision: Milian Cercal Daldegan A great deal of supervision and many techniques were applied on the construction of this work. However, there may be typos, printing problems or conceptual doubts. In any of these cases, we ask you to communicate it to our customer service through the email: IP2 Marketing de Resultado R.Prof. Alberto Krause, 1077/40 Almirante Tamandar Paran Brasil 83508-500 T +55 (41) 3089-3085 +55 (41) 9677-6945 twitter: @profperuzzo twitter: @neurobusiness


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To my beloved daughters Giulia e Pietra, genetic motivation and memetics to be alive, as never before, on this planet Earth. To my wife Mrcia, my ght companion in this jungle, where only love can overcome the big challenges of life. To my mother Lourdes, for simply being responsible for everything I am. And to the memory of my father Alberto, a ghting man, who must be undertaking with the invisible Lord.

Covalidated by:
Vanessa Remualdo Geneticista molecular Blumenau/SC Evelin Huttenlocher Psicloga So Paulo/SP Andria Cristiane Corra Eguez Psicloga Porto Velho/RO Lorena de Castro Maia Empresria Vila Velha/ES Wanderlei Preisler Inteligncia de Mercado Rio Negrinho/SC Jackson Neves de Andrade Diretor Executivo Belo Horizonte/MG Luana Martelli Relaes Pblicas Campinas/SP Francielle dos Reis Vitorino Psicloga Curitiba/PR Ceclia Fanucci Almeida Economista Bragana Paulista/SP Tiago Ramos dos Santos Engenheiro Aeronutico So Jos dos Campos/SP Mariano Reinheimer Schopf Engenheiro Eletricista Porto Alegre/RS Edi Arcas Aquino Administradora Jacarezinho/PR Marise Bonin Krug Especialista em Marketing Campinas/SP Mariah Duoth Publicitria Itaja/SC Rogrio Laranja dos Santos Gerente de Compras Guarulhos/SP Fernando Di Chiara Executivo de Vendas Curitiba/PR Thiago Correia da Silva Empresrio So Paulo/SP Cibele Fracari Cecchin Denardin Bancria e Administradora Santa Maria/RS Alessandro Ferreira Lins Gerente de Projetos Goinia/GO Samuel Lopes Sources Bacharel em Gesto de Cooperativas Vitria/ES Isadora Campos Empresria Vitria/ES Elisa Costa Ferreira Rosa Relaes Pblicas Goinia/GO Annelies Olaerts Hall Gerente de Marketing Denver, Colorado/EUA Ivania Pacassa Contadora Chapec/SC Larissa Madruga Colvara de Souza Gerente Comercial Pelotas/RS Mariah Rodrigues Etges Controller Francisco Beltro/PR Edval Furieri Especialista de RH Aracruz/ES Luis Fernando Ogliari Hopperdizel Engenheiro Mecnico Porto Alegre/RS Cristina Maria de Aguiar Pastore Gerente de Marketing Curitiba/PR Maiquel Paula da Rosa Gerente Comercial Novo Hamburgo/RS Aloysio Nandi Tiscoski Gerente de Trade Marketing Cricima/SC Jos Ademar de Souza Jnior Publicitrio So Jos do Rio Preto/SP Roberto Masotti Severo Psiclogo Novo Hamburgo/RS Isabella Barella Migliorini Administradora Chapec/SC Maria Eugnia Faccio Ger. Adm. Financeiro Florianpolis/SC Ricardo Prates Gerente de TI So Paulo/SP

Larcio Emerson Schneider Cortes Administrador Novo Hamburgo/RS Alexsandro Ribeiro de Freitas Representante de Vendas Porto Alegre/RS Eduardo Caetano Lemos Advogado So Borja/RS Marcos Aurlio Corra dos Santos Professor Universitrio Aparecida/SP Fernanda Alves Rocha Guimares Professora e Consultora de Marketing Belo Horizonte/MG Ivna Moraes Santiago Coord. de Planejamento Estratgico Brasilia/DF Horacio E.S.P. de Lima Engenheiro Eletricista Florianpolis/SC Marcelo Fernando Guerra Boaratti Gerente de Negcios So Paulo/SP Elizangela Buzon Chefe de Pessoal Vila Velha/ES

Fabiano Fernandes Soares Especialista em Telecomunicaes Santo Andr/SP Rafaela Klein da Rosa Personal Trainer Novo Hamburgo/RS Janaina Camelo de Carvalho Analista de T&D Sobral/CE Marcelo Aparecido da Silva Empresrio Guarulhos/SP Fausto Lulio Consultor de Empresas So Paulo/SP Brbara Glufke Turismloga Lajeado/RS Cilce Fernandes Perini Administradora Caxias do Sul/RS Felype Amaral Peruzzo Tradutor Curitiba/PR Geanny Carlos de Almeida Pinheiro Tcnica em Gesto de Capacitao Palmas/TO

Fbio Francisco Costa Engenheiro de Materiais Mogi Guau/SP Gustavo de Pinho Oliveira Engenheiro Chapec/SC Kamilla Morais Severino Nutricionista Goinia/GO Marcela Ribeiro Calazans Boldt Psicloga Vitria/ES Alex Martins Pereira Consultor Comercial Goinia/GO Gilmara Zanella Inteligncia de Mercado Joinville/SC Luciano Borges Lopes Gerente de TIC Montenegro/RS Luciano Guedes Diretor Geral ISBE/FGV Uberlndia/MG Miguel Rivas Senior Manager Xangai/China

Alexandre Euclides Barbosa Castilho Tecnlogo Aeroespacial So Jos dos Campos/SP Eduardo Loureno Silva Colunista no Ideia de Marketing So Paulo/SP Andr Potier Pocrifka Administrador Curitiba/PR Janaina Patricia Perez Vieira Professora Universitria So Jos/SC Patrcia Marilac Melo da Silva Psicloga Vitria/ES Emerson Bastos Mello Executivo de Marketing So Bernardo do Campo/SP Maria Leonor Galante Delmas Psicloga Rio de janeiro/RJ Thyago Amaral Peruzzo Executivo de Neuromarketing Curitiba/PR Renato Sneider Sales and Marketing Specialist Curitiba/PR

! !
10 12 16 Prefaces Presentation Introduction

Basic neurology for marketing professionals 6 - Neocortex 62 68 72 76 81 86 90 7 - Unconscious and emotional structures 8 - Hormones e neurotransmitters 9 - Genetics 10 - Memetics

Einstein, Princess and Monkey 1 - The three-brain rationale 2 - The Monkeys universe 3 - The Princess universe 4 - The Einsteins universe 24 35 39 42

11 - How our memory works

12 - Which is the dominant hemisphere?

The customer is not the boss, not to mention the conscious one! 5 - The client is not in charge! 48

Technologies applied to neuromarketing research 13 - Electrodermal activity (EDA) 15 - Face reading 16 - Salivary proles 17 - Eye tracking 98 101 105 108 111 14 - Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

Neuromarketing researches in action 24 - The success of gangnam style disclosed 25 - The green power 26 - Questionable complexity 28 - Buy 2, get 1.5 158 169 177 183 189 194

27 - The power of attraction of the subtitles

18 - Electroencephalogram applied to neuromarketing 121 Essays and reections about neuromarketings world 19 - Bread with hamburger 130 133 136 143 147 20 - Trolley dilemma 21 - The end of the world in december 2012 22 - Do you believe in zombies?

29 - The unconscious habit of buying ice cream Methodologies for the neuromarketing 30 - Quantitative research through eye movement 31 - PC/Neuro matrix Conclusion References Thanks

210 214 228 232

23 - How to create a Frankenstein in neuromarketing

Author e coordination

The three human life energies permeate and surround the "self" structure e by the "self" they can be controlled. The thinking energy: dematerialization of external things into internal images. The thrilling energy: it makes the connection between the thinking energy and the action one. The acting energy: materialization of internal image. The spiritual impulses trigger the three energies and they conduct the "self" to the ideal things and the instinct impulses to the greed. The evolved human being acts through spiritual impulses and the non evolved one through animal instinct. Hence the explanation for so much violence in the world. The dissonance among the three energies thinking, thrilling and acting is noticed in the human behavior. Some act with a priority in the thinking or thrilling and others on the acting or vice-versa. This human behavior has left the education world to enter also in the business one. Who can discern this? The neuromarketing study, more specifically this book, will enlighten the readers mind. A happy morning always is the result of a good work and of a day which was finished in a conscious way There is probably nothing as complicated as the human brain, of which we still have little information. These two facts stand as a warning for many marketers: better not mess with it. Peruzzo solemnly ignores these warning and offers a model ready to be used in the average marketers everyday life. He presents a new model based on three virtual agents, which Interact with each other, the Monkey, the Princess and the Einstein, which make understandable and applicable, in practice, the neuroscience ndings. I, however, warn you: do not read this book if you do not want to observe the clients decision making process differently. Peruzzo presents us with a counterintuitive world, in which rationality plays a less important role than the one we attribute to it, and consumer has less control than we might imagine. The world will not be the same after the Monkey, the Princess and the Einstein.

Bonifcio Watanabe

Jos Finocchio Junior

Every choice, a waiver! This is a saying that fits the reader of this work perfectly. Peruzzo is an example of this type of behavior and, being an element outside the standard deviation, encourages the reader to choose the technical and scientific knowledge or to remain in the world of absolute "truths" where they cannot find groundings anymore. Neuromarketing, like any emerging knowledge area, still has many pseudo researchers who venture to theorize about it. Obeying Peruzzo style, this work is strongly supported by a wide and consistent research, coherently balanced with peoples and the business worlds daily lives. To the reader, two important warnings:

We have opened the last Pandoras Box: the human brain. A mix of wonder and challenge, fear and curiosity. We understand that it is a more complex machine than we previously thought. Reason, emotion and instinct are ordered in the reverse sequence inside of us. We are more impulse and affection than reasoning, more heart and soul than mind. Our society, full of information and consume appeals, always demand the why of things and that is what we do all the time: we rationally justify ourselves. But the reason's dictatorship is coming to an end. After all, we got tired of pretending to be what we are not. And we find ourselves more human than never, because what makes a man is both its complexity and ability to combine three potentially conflictive dimensions in the same harmonious being. Contradictory, yes. But also incredibly beautiful in its many dimensions. After reading this text, your three "selves" will no longer be the same and you will not see the world as before.

- Not reading this book and feeling comfortable in your

beliefs or initiate a new behavioral cycle based on the brilliant ideas of one of the most dedicated researchers that I had the chance to meet.

- Define who made this decision: Monkey, Princess or


Luciano Salamacha

Robson Gonalves


A touch of magic
The book, Neuromarketing - Understanding the Buy n a beautiful sunny afternoon in the winter of 2009, in Orlando, Florida, I was unconcerned at Barnes and Nobles a bookshop from the USA , strolling quietly by its various sections looking for something new when a beautiful voice called my name. When I looked back I saw my beautiful daughter Giulia, who was seven years old back then, with a book in her hand, very happy, saying: Dad, I found a book that you will enjoy. It is a novelty and about neuromarketing. I looked at her and said: Where did you nd this?, and she answered: It was there, father! At the marketing section, didnt you see it? I found it for you! These two geniuses were the rst to create a neuromarketing book with an unscientic and easily accessible language to anyone. I have no doubt that I was literally contaminated by this new knowledge, which denitely has awakened me to the neuromarketing world. This beautiful story was the trigger, because the gunpowder was already there. 12 The masterpiece, written by Christophe Morin and Patrick Ranvois, is one of those that should be mandatory for all undergraduate courses. Buttons in Your Customers Brain, which I received as a present from Giulia, changed my life.


Since 2004 I had been deeply studying the client expectation managements and the relation of this process in the costumers behavior. In 2007, a student of mine, Jos Chavaglia Neto, sent me dozens of emails and made several phone calls, in order to warn me about my theories and that they derived a new line of thought called neuromarketing. Chavaglia insisted every day, saying that I was blind to not realize that my studies were about neuromarketing and that more attention to the issue because I could be missing a great opportunity. Well, today I thank Chavaglia for being my gunpowder, I thank Giulia for being my trigger and I also thank Christophe Morin and Patrick Ranvois for helping me hit the target. Since then, four years of studies, dozens of meetings, trips and international conferences, more than R$ 1 million invested in structure, staff and neuromarketing equipment to perform the eld research and to the development of methodologies. Everything paid from my own pocket, without the help of any formal institution. Anyway, after a long journey we have reached the conclusion of this book and it wasnt easy. After 13

writing other six books, I admit that this, in particular, was the hardest of all Due to the complexity of issues and as for a matter of organization, the book was divided into three major segments: basic, intermediate and advanced. The basic level, which is indicated for beginners of the neuromarketing world, describes the major concepts of neurosciences and the technologies used in the research, among other key issues for the ones willing to enter the wonderful world of neuromarketing. The intermediate level has as objective providing the reader with texts that contextualize the application of neuromarketing in several segments, using real data and realworld situations. It also presents the rupture points between traditional marketing and the new neur0-marketing approaches novas, especially in relation to research methodology. Finally, the advanced level present the new methodologies for immediate application and practice in neuromarketing, as well


as researches conducted by the Ipdois Neurobusiness, bringing for the rst time to Brazil a book with local research, an unprecedented feat , once most publications just spin around the theory or cases from other countries. Several chapters of the book have video and image complements. To check availability, just look at the end of the chapter the QrCode code. Use the software of your preference, through your cell phone, to read the code and immediately access this additional feature. To facilitate the understanding of the issues, we rely on the participation of three special characters, The Einstein, The Princess and the Monkey, which make the book much more interactive and, without doubt, show that a lot of the questions and interactions with the characters will reect on your doubts. Much more than archetypes, they represent, together, the protagonists of you existence as a human being, i.e., they symbolize your brain.

The term neuromarketing was stemmed from two areas, hitherto separated and very complex, neuroscience and marketing. Do not wait to nd in this book a world of scientic terms and technical quotations. It is intended to be the laymans guide to neuroscience. Lets say that we respect the 50/50 rule, in relation to the content. If you are a neuroscientist, I guarantee you will learn a lot about marketing. If you are a marketer, this book will literally change your concepts. To nish with a touch o magic, in Februrary,2012, in the rst Neuromarketing World Forum, held in Amsterdam, Holland, when I was presenting my research in neuromarketing, about the unconscious consume habit of ice cream, on the rst row, watching my presentation, was Christophe Morin and Patrick Ranvois, the neuromarketing gurus. Whether this entire story was just a coincidence or not, your free will shall decide. I prefer to leave it in the hands of "invisible Lord".



One thing I guarantee, all you ever thought that you knew about marketing and management will suffer disruptions. Denitely open your heart, because breaking paradigms would be an inadequate term to describe what you will read from now on.



The denitive union of two wonderful ecosystems
hat a brilliant moment we are living. We never saw so many ecosystems meeting each other, promoting great mergers, creating new concepts, systems, models and, why not, new ways of living and socializing. Many do not get used to this hallucinating movement which the market demands of its professionals and of every citizen, and prefer that time in the past when a novelty demanded months to nally appear. And in the pace of encounters and mergers, two great ecosystems have merged, the worlds of neuroscience and marketing. On one hand the scientic environment, which studies the human nervous system, and on the other, the one which tries to be scientic, but only in poetry and rhetoric, but the truth is entirely subjective and intuitive, since it depends also of the 16 I denitely prefer the contemporary, challenging and innovative world, where after each tweet from a prestigious university, an independent researcher or a outstanding student, patterns from tens and hundreds of years are deconstructed. I am grateful to be alive, now, in this environment on a great and accelerating pace.


understanding of the complex and unpredictable conscious brain of the consumer. It depended of it! Neuroscience lls a gaping lacuna that exists in marketing, its inability to understand the unconscious state from consumers, which represent 95% of their decisions. Hundreds of methodologies are created, dozens of technologies are available and an innity of published researches serve as benchmarking, and have already transformed neuromarketing into a real tool available to any professional of the market. All they have to do is break the traditional mental model. But what is neuromarketing? To Peruzzo and Chavaglia, neuromarketing is the union of ecosystems, neuroscience and marketing, with the objective of measuring the conscious and unconscious mental states of the consumer, transforming this knowledge into consuming goods that heal, provisionally, the clients dissatisfaction, generating a circumstantial loyalty state. Clients dissatisfaction? Heal? Circumstantial loyalty? 17

You must be wondering that the authors of this concept passed by a coffee shop before writing this book. Denitely not. We were very aware when we created it. First, the client only buys a product when unsatised. You are the one who offers the cure through a product or a service. Loyalty is circumstantial, since it depends on your capacity of making them once again unsatised, offering them once again the cure and managing this cycle with wit. It is obvious that one day the cycle ends. Anyway, a customer is never eternal, at least for most companies. Creating a neuromarketing concept like Coca-Cola would be ridiculous. In the last chapter of this book, you will learn about the PC/ Neuro Matrix, where this denition will be explained step by step.


Another important point in this introduction is about the professional prole that will practice neuromarketing.

Thats right folks! We will certainly have many edges to adjust soon. I will defend

Actually, we have may several professionals involved in the neuromarketing process like psychologists, marketing managers I hate the term marketer -, physicians, neuroscientists, advertisers, communicators, pharmacists, chemists, among others. And now? On one hand, the biological sciences team, who undertakes scientic researches approved by ethics committees, because they involve human beings. On the other hand, the marketing and communication team, who undertakes researches without being approved or authorized by any health agency, because they perform researches with human beings. Oops! Both of them undertake researches with humans?

the marketing and communication team, which is my team. Okay, we have exaggerated in some researches, which should have been approved, but a research to analyze an add, using an eye tracking, in which the client not even has physical client with any technology, borders on the extreme. And after living, in the last years, with the biological science team, I have also found out that what is written isnt always respected. Ultimately, everything is in the beginning and it will be required lots of patience from both teams, because I guarantee that with an excellent knowledge, we are about to take another big step towards the understanding of how the consumers really think, feel and decide. There are also other teams interested in the subject, like psychology, engineering, law, etc.



But one more warning to the marketing team. The neuroscience team is very well and with excellent prospects. Have you already searched on Google Trends the word marketing? Take a look on the results in Figure 1 below when the research is target at global level.
Figure 1: Term marketing on Google Trends - Global

Now, on the next gure, observe when the research is target in Brazil.
Figure 2: Term marketing, Google Trends- Brazil

Source: Google Trends

Just remember, this target research on the word marketing is not undertook with 2,500 people, so you have 95% condence interval and two-point error margin up or down. It involves millions of people and the error margin is ZERO, and the condence interval is 100%. Wake up my friend, marketing is declining in a worldwide rate, especially in Brazil.
Source: Google Trends



Not convinced? Take a look at gure 3, the interest for the search of the term neuromarketing in the world.
Figure 3: Term neuromarketing, Google Trends - Global

But if you are just reading the introduction and didnt buy the book, you have no alternative, buy it or borrow it from a friend, but please be sure to read this and stay on top of whats happening in this spectacular segment called neuromarketing.

Source: Google Trends

If you have bought this book, congratulations. You have given the rst step to be updated with the changes that came to stay. And the transition between old and new will be made without difculties.




Einstein, Princess and Monkey

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
Albert Einstein


The Three-Brain Rationale

Think, feel and decide: a gift that belongs to the human being
orgetting the essentials of marketing and psychology in a neuromarketing book would be a serious mistake, because there is a knowledge basis used with certain efciency until nowadays and that contributes a lot to understanding the consumers behavior. It is clear that the new research techniques the neuromarketing offers add too much to the traditional methodologies, making possible for an understanding not only of the consciousness, but also the unconsciousness of the consumer. This book is aimed at exploiting the traditional and consecrated authors of neuroscience, psychology and 24

neuromarketing, for the purpose of nding common issues and bringing a relief to the traditional marketing professionals, yet afraid of so many news. Despite the great technological evolutions existing in the neuromarketing world, the principles of the consumers behavior, presented on this book, are relatively known for a long time now. Thats what we aim to show on this chapter. One knows that our brain has a wonderful plasticity and that every brain functions take place simultaneously. It would be absolutely wrong to assert that, at some point in time, only one brain area would be active. If this actually happened, we would be dying. But, its obvious that, despite critics and skeptics on this subject still exist, it is true that a certain area has more activity than the other, thus commanding our


decisions whether for a rational, emotional or impulsive process. Therefore, it is more than right to know and evolve in each theory which collaborates to the three-brain rationale. The rst master to be referred to on this book, and with honors, is Sigmund Freud, creator of the personality structural pattern, in 1923, undoubtedly a landmark in modern psychology. Freud built his theory based on the unconscious needs, or biological impulses, mainly the sexual ones, which are the main causes, according to him, of human motivation and personality.

According to Freuds structural theory of mind, the id, the ego and superego work in different levels of consciousness. There is a constant movement of recollections and impulses from one level to the other. The id is the unconscious reservoir of our impulses, which are always active and attentive. Focused on the principle of pleasure, the id requires immediate satisfaction of these impulses, without regarding the possibility of undesirable consequences. The state for survival is complete. The id was described as the place of our primitive impulses, like our most basic psychological needs such as hunger, thirst and sex. Another major factor of the id is the capacity of searching for

We should remember that Freud did not have at his disposal the high technology currently found to monitor, diagnose and interpret the brain. His entire study was based on experience and recollections of his patients childhood, on analysis of the dreams and the specic nature of the mental and physical adjustment problems. Freud stated that human personality is composed of three interconnected systems: the id, the superego and the ego. 25

immediate satisfaction, without effectively considering the means to obtain it. We may say that the id system is our inner animal. In such state, we simply dont think or feel, we only execute, or, as you prefer, we decide irrationally.


The superego has a partial consciousness and is aimed at guiding the ego in the social relations, such as family, friends or any other emotional relationship. It is also the source of guilt and fear of punishment and has as its principle the moral and the codes of conduct, which the citizen obtains in his ecosystems, mainly based on his beliefs, living groups and culture. We may construe that the superego is a personality moderator, so that we may live in a socially acceptable fashion. The superego is the ids protector, preventing the id from taking decisions by impulse, irrational decisions, placing risk to the individuals personality as a whole. However, the superego does not avoid an emotionally mistaken decision. The ego works mainly at the conscious and pre-conscious levels, although it may also contain unconscious elements, because it evolved from the id. Guided by the reality and rationale principle of understanding things, the ego takes care of the id impulses, as soon as it nds the appropriate circumstance. Inadequate desires are restrained, as if the ego had a lter avoiding the worst. With the ego we may control the superego, preventing it from becoming an excessive 26

controller by the emotional side, and consciously, use the id, in a healthy and safe manner. By evolving in the concepts, lets to the triune brain theory, which was published in details in 1990 by the neuroscientist Paul MacLean, in his book The Triune Brain in evolution: Role in paleocerebral functions, which became a unique contribution to the neuroscience. MacLean proposes that the brain could be divided into three different brains: the reptilian, the limbic complex and the neocortex. The reptile brain, which regulates the basic elements of survival, is compulsive and its impulses are activated in the alert, fear, threat and danger states. The reptilian brain, also called basal brain, or as called by MacLean, the R-complex. This rst level of brain arrangement is only capable of promoting simple reexes, which occurs in reptiles, thats why the name reptilian. Remember the id from Freuds theory and try to put into context with the reptile brain. So many similarities, isnt it?


The limbic complex allows for the basic survival processes of the reptile brain to interact with the elements of the external world, which leads to expression of the general emotion. The instinct of reproduction, with the presence of an attractive member of the opposed gender, generates feelings of sexual desire, this is a classic example. Physiology of the brain involves the thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, etc. Such limbic complex corresponds to the brain of most mammals. The brain proposed by MacLean has a strong sensorial and emotional bond with the superego of Freuds pattern. The neocortex brain regulates the emotions of the limbic system and is capable of understanding the formal and symbolic language, calculations and the creativity itself. This system is divided into lobes: front lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe and occipital lobe. The rational brain is what differentiates the man/primate from the remaining animals. Thanks to the neocortex the man can develop the abstract thought and is able to generate inventions. Once again, by contextualizing with Freuds pattern, the ego promotes many characteristics in common with the neocortex brain. 27

Many critics do not agree to separation of the intellect and emotion, because the brain is extremely plastic, and they suggest that such theories would be an act of romanticism by MacLean. Maybe the neuroscientists should be a little more romanticists, because by denitely burying MacLeans theory, they carry with it the whole basis of psychiatry, derived from Freuds theory. We fully agree to plasticity of the brain, but we cannot leave without mentioning the major contributions of Freud and MacLean to science and neuromarketing. After noticing the similarity between Freuds and MacLeans theory, its quite ickering the fact that both theories, technically separated, including in the time line, are so close and complementary. However, the similarities do not end up and now we shall contextualize with another major behavioral theory. The Maslows need hierarchy is a hierarchical division proposed by Abraham Maslow, in which the needs of a lower level should be satised previously to the needs of a higher level. Everyone has to scale a hierarchy of needs to reach their self-accomplishment.


The needs described by Maslow represent a set of ve in the pyramid: self-accomplishment, esteem, social, safety and physiological needs. Initially, lets check the rst two needs of the pyramid: physiological and safety needs. The physiological needs any animal has it represent hunger, thirst, sleepiness, sex, excretion and shelter. The safety needs, which range from the simple need to feel safe inside a house to the most elaborate forms of safety, such as a stable job, a healthcare plan or life insurance. Yet in ancient times, the primitive man searched for safety in the caves to be protected from animals that threatened him. View once again the compatibility of behaviors with the id (Freud) and the reptilian system (MacLean). Such physiological and safety needs are found in animals. Additionally, in animals, the feat, threat and danger factors are those which cause them to search for safety systems, such as the chameleon, which changes color to hide from a predator. 28

The social needs or needs of love, affection, devotion and feelings such as that of belonging to a group, having and keeping a family, having a relationship, such as a date, engagement or marriage, being part of a club, in addition to having the needs of esteem, which range from two areas, acknowledgment of our personal capacities and acknowledgment of the others in view of our capacity to adapt to the functions we develop. In both of them, emotional exchange is required, positive or negative, between individuals. The human being himself cannot have such interaction. View now the compatibility of behaviors with the superego (Freud) and limbic system (MacLean). Finally, the self-accomplishment needs, in which the individuals tries to become that which he may be consciously capable. The individual needs to have full access to conscious knowledge for the accomplishment of such desires. Such functions are clearly perceived in the ego (Freud) and neocortex (MacLean). Of course, nowadays the stuck rationale of sequentially scaling up or down is no longer supported. However, what Maslow created is fantastic. Today,


he would be realizing that people freely trafc through their needs, without the rigid hierarchical control. According to the statistics of an individual who wins the lottery and is poor, by receiving the money, says good bye to the needs and the hierarchy itself, and goes straight to the higher scale, which is that of self-accomplishment. There are no xed rules or standards in our brain. Finally, Patrick Renvois and Christophe Morin, authors of the book Neuromarketing - Understanding the Buy Buttons in Your Customers Brain, show for the rst time to the market the neuromarketing in a simple, didactic and practical way, using as basis for their studies the same principles of Freuds, MacLeans and Maslows theories. Renvois and Morim describe that the consumer has three brains, to wit: - The new brain, responsible for the rational and logic information. - The middle brain, responsible for processing our emotions and feelings. The old brain, responsible for decision. 29

Much more than just development and evolution of the threebrain rationale, Renvois and Morin created a sound sales methodology with the old brain, the decision-maker brain. The company SalesBrain, managed by Renvois and Morin, has become world reference in consultancy, training and neuromarketing research. After presenting all such theories, we may get to some major conclusions, mainly to continue reading this book and for its perfect understanding. Lets review the concepts then. We have an alleged brain which thinks, is responsible for our consciousness, analysis, logic and rationale, a brain which feels, responsible for our emotions and feelings, and a brain which decides, responsible for our decisions, instincts and unconscious impulses. However, sorry to tell you only now, because we know thats not exactly how our brain works. There are times in which our brain potential is more rational, emotional or instinctive, and that the change from one state to the other occurs in


millionths of seconds. Well then, we shall not work on this book with the three-brain theory, despite its importance in building our concept, which shall be presented as follows.

the basic to the complex easier, in the loving world of neuromarketing. The task to create the names of the archetypes, I must confess,

Its undeniable that the target audience of this book is comprised of marketing, communication and sales professionals. I imagine that neuroscientists may purchase to gain knowledge of our research methodologies, question them and why not evolve them. I suppose that repeating brain areas in the book all the time would demand excessive scientic appeal. And, sorry to the neuroscientists, this would have a boring language for a nonexpert audience who is eager for news. Our brain loves the playful and the use of previous knowledge elements helps our memory in the learning process. I had no doubt that using archetypes on this book would be the best strategy to make understanding of subjects which derive from

was not difcult, because representation of the brain behaviors tted like a glove on the names Einstein, Princess and Monkey. Einstein represents rationality, geniality, creativity and, why not, craziness. The Princess, a constant emotional state, always longing for the good, a positive emotional state, or believing the frog may turn into a prince, but also an unstable emotional state. And the Monkey, an animal which despite of being a well-evolved mammal, has animal behaviors, which are not rational, such as the bonobo monkey, which has sex also with the cubs. We cannot call it a human emotional state, that is not true. The time has come to present the great protagonists of this book: Einstein, Princess and Monkey. Welcome!



Figure 4: Einstein

Peruzzo, thank you for the introduction. Now, let me introduce myself to the reader. Hello, I am Einstein. A mental potential which commands your rationality, intelligence, creativity, among other conscious processes, which really differentiate us from other animals. Remember Im not Freuds ego or only the neocortex of MacLean, Im simultaneously guided by the emotional processes, by animal instinct and genetic guidance.

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



Figure 5: Princess

Wow! Im so thrilled to be here! Im the Princess. An emotional mental potential, which is usually in negative emotion state, but I have my times of happiness, joy and pleasure as well. Remember Im not Freuds superego or only the limbic system of MacLean, Im simultaneously guided by the rational processes, animal instinct and genetic guidance.

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



Figure 6: Monkey

Im the Monkey. A mental potential which commands your instinct, basis of your genetics. Im behaved when Einstein and the Princess guide me. Alone, Im capable of doing animal, dangerous and promiscuous things. Remember Im not Freuds id or only the reptilian brain of MacLean, Im an animal impulsive potential, but simultaneously guided by the emotional and rational processes.

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



In the next chapters, well meet the universe of each character, their major behaviors, because, during the book, their interactivity in the concepts, methodologies and researches are essential for understanding the contents. Dont be surprised if, many times, the approaches to the characters represent exactly your thought, because, believe me, they were born and will die with you, and if I may say so myself, due to easiness of the archetypes created, they hardly abandon your consciousness. Thus, use of the characters, on the daily routine, will be inevitable. As the father of the characters, Ill be very proud with the success of Einstein, the Princess and the Monkey.


The animal mind


The Monkeys universe

doesnt ght only, because it is even capable of killing, with no regrets. It does everything to protect its species and, mainly, he character Monkey, which will follow you in all itself. Its behavior is selsh, it essentially struggles for itself, and is concerned about its survival. It is quite naughty, sex ends up being the primary source of its vital energy. Basically it lives to reproduce, because such order comes from its genetics. Talking about genetics, its important to understand that our neural circuits were recorded and adapted for thousands of years, through natural selection. Since our ancestors, because by facing their problems and solving them, such experience was passed from generation to generation, thanks to the genes. There are thousands of genetic markers the monkey brings 35

chapters of this book is very special, because it is somewhat directly related to you for a long time, even previously to your birth, because we are talking about our instincts, our genetics, and our roots. It is clear that, little by little, youll get to know the Monkey in a more neuroscientic view, but, for now, its important to know its basic behavior, in order to understand its interaction in the contents offered on this book. Then lets go! The Monkey, by its nature, exercises exactly what its species represents, an animal behavior, no rational at all. It loves to live in groups and when someone threatens it, it


with it since birth, for example, the brain of a newborn comes prepared to recognize faces, even with less than 10 minutes of age, trying to identify its protector, the mother. Check the important of the genetics in the Monkeys behavior.

situation, it is prepared to ght with all its strengths, if it understands it may face the problem, goes to the battle, or escapes, if it notices it cant bear. The Monkeys major sense is vision. Remember that 1/3 of

Among the Monkeys there is no social class, everyone has the same needs. The rich or the poor, they all need to reproduce, go to the bathroom well, satisfy their basic needs. When there is a dangerous situation, the Monkey impulsively decides to escape or attack to keep alive. Despite the fact that it is not intelligent, its decision by impulse saves lives every second, including its life. Im sure youve been through tachycardia, or suddenly blushed of shame in an embarrassing situation. These are all things of a Monkey. Everything that physiologically runs out of our conscious control is absolutely under its control. The Monkeys activity state may vary, calmer or more excited, depends on how the day is for it. However, if it receives a sign of fear, anger, threat, pain, danger or realizes an urgency 36

our brain is dedicated to vision. Efcient neuromarketing strategies to reach it should be careful in the visual process, mainly using a simple language, with shapes and images already known to it, mainly those learned in childhood and adolescence. However, not everything is inconsequent in the Monkey. Life generates learning and, consequently, experience. The more the Monkey learns, through rights and wrongs, rewards and punishments, such accumulated experience transforms itself into a huge advantage for its existence and, if correctly channeled, tasks that would require too much energy in the past, shall be accomplished automatically and with no further effort. Lets call such magical state the Old Monkey.


Then, welcome to the Monkeys universe.

The Zombie Monkey is characterized by full lack of intelligence, rationality and logic in its decisions. Einstein, in such case, sleeps in the decision-making process. This type of Monkey represents the compulsive buyers and drug, excess medicine or narcotic users. This is an easy bite for neuromarketing. Ethics of those who inuence these minds controlled by pleasure and instinct should have much discretion on what one may do to the lives of such people. The Young Monkey is represented by the people who did not reach the 10 thousand hours of experience, or physiologically did not conclude total formation of the neocortex until 24 years of age, area under Einsteins responsibility, which regulates reason. Its important to remember that even people aged 40 or more, with the neocortex fully formed, but without the 10 thousand hours of experience, may also be deemed as Young Monkeys, due to lack of professional and personal experience. There are two main reasons that our Monkey represents the absolute majority of our decisions and behaviors: the advantage of fast decision and efciency of energy. 37

Hi Peruzzo! Thanks for the introduction. But, Id like to make clear that I, the Old Monkey, will make the considerations on the book, that is to say, the voice of experience. Ok, ok... I dont think, Im irrational, but everything Ive lived, I dont forget. Did you know there are other three types of Monkey?

That is true! We have to introduce to the reader the other three Monkeys, extremely important to neuromarketing, to wit: Mummy Monkey, Zombie Monkey and Young Monkey. The Mummy Monkey represents all people who spent from 5 to 15 thousand hours of their lives doing absolutely the same thing, with no interactivity, innovation and motivation. These are people strongly connected to the past and fearing changes. When news come, they are the rst ones to be against it.


As to the fast decision, it is major for routine decisions of the day by day. Imagine how difcult it would be if you had to think to walk, get a glass of water or even drive. As a result of optimization of the decision-making process, we have a great brain energy efciency, providing less work load to the neocortex, thus preventing the brain from using additional and unnecessary energy to solve the problems. You, by knowing the Monkey better, will certainly understand its importance, whether to the neuromarketing, neuroleadership, neurosales or for any other area of the corporate management, but mainly in the relationships, the personal and professional decisions, i.e., in everything we do since we are born. Always remember, our brain works mainly in the automatic pilot, and this is function and responsibility of the Monkey.



The Princess Universe

Another major issue is that the Princess is not fussy, whether she likes or not, she has no moderation. hat would be of the world without emotions and feelings? Surely, there would be no fun. The social connections, derived from emotional processes, If you ask to the Princess what her level of happiness is, she will laugh at your face. Whether she likes or not, she has no moderation.

The emotional mind

actually cause the pulse and the true sense of our professional and personal lives. Professionally speaking, we get involved with the coworkers in the tasks, goals and gossip, and in personal life, we have relationships with family, children, friends, i.e., every person who we love, but also those we dont like. Welcome to the complex and wonderful world of the Princess.

Hello! Thats right! Thank you for the introduction. Im really too sensible, between liking something or not, just give me any stimulus, and Ill change behavior in seconds. When the subject is emotion and feeling, count on me.



But, there are some characteristics of the Princess, that many people fail to know, such as, for example, her standard dissatisfaction state. But, how can a Princess be dissatised? Yes, all of us have a Princess who is always dissatised, and exactly because of that, she is looking for movement, motivation and satisfaction. Such dissatisfaction movement to satisfaction was what actually caused the human being to evolve and get to the place he arrived. So much so that if we take a look at the facial expressions of the Princess, they might show sadness, anger, fear and disgust, which are negative feelings, against a positive feeling which is happiness, or surprise, that shows something unexpected, new and surprising. Imagine if we had positive expressions and we were always satised, we would be in the Stone Age, happy, eating anything, and living anywhere. So much so that when we act without thinking, by pure emotion, thats under the Princess responsibility. Another 40

major factor is that she is the Monkeys commander. Thats right! Imagine a general and soldier. The princess is the general and the monkey is the soldier.

Im always at the Princess disposal. She says so, I obey.

A balanced Princess makes all the difference in the peoples lives. However, its not always possible, due to the hormonal problems and the dynamics of the neurotransmitters. Believe it: her world is quite complex. I imagine you are scratching your head, asking yourself: Where are my rationale, logic and intelligence? Well then, with approximately 5% of your decisions. The general Princess and the soldier Monkey represent 95% of what you do and decide.


They command your life, and you dont notice it. Thats amazing.

May I confess something? Oh! Im telling anyway. I love the Monkey, it is my best friend, mainly in the worst times, it always supports me.

Calm down, Princess! That was a Strong emotional opinion. I know the Monkey is your best friend, because it does what you want, with no brake, but that cant be so. We also need logic, rationality and intelligence to balance such messy pair, Princess and Monkey. We need to know someone as fast as we can, someone called Einstein, who tries I said tries to out order on the Princess house.



The Einsteins Universe

The rational mind

ets meet someone very special, because if we consider that only the human beings have the rationality, logic and intelligence characteristics, we should feel privileged of having him with us. Differently from the Monkey, which represents the decisionmaking behavior by impulse and based on animal instinct animal, and the Princess, which historically reects the emotional histories, what would be the ideal name to represent our supreme intelligence in planet Earth? I have no doubt. Id like to introduce you to Einstein! Nice! Our Einstein understands causes and effects, rationally and logically. A very important situation of Einstein is that he thinks coldly on his answers, setting emotions aside. Hi, Peruzzo! Thank you for the introduction. I hope to contribute in a classic, theoretical and systemic way for this book, showing to the readers the scientic side of human knowledge, but without putting creativity aside.



When the subject is imaginary structures such as creativity, capacity of reasoning, analysis, intuition, verbal language and capacity to choose, remember Einstein is responsible for all of them. However, we should be clear with the greatest objective of Einstein, which is ordering the house and putting control over two little friends that control 95% of our daily decisions, the Monkey and the Princess. Thats right! The consciousness under Einsteins responsibility should control the automatic systems and spread a control over them. We may say that Einstein acts as a brake, a ltering device, preventing decisions from being taken by impulse, only by emotion and animal instinct.

Sure, be my guest!

If I dont control the Monkey and the Princess, in a mere trafc discussion, people may physically ght, even one of them might get dead. Im the one who prevents you from stepping out of the car and ghting with someone. Of course that under drug or alcohol effect, I remain without action; then, no one can stop the Princess and the Monkey.

Alright, Einstein. It is also important to talk about the effects of drugs and alcohol in you, since people end up by being more aggressive, buying much more than they should, being in debt and totally complicating their lives, due to merely irrational attitudes. The Zombie Monkey is unleashed! And theres more. Just a few glasses of beer, and the front lobe under Einsteins responsibility is committed, then the party gets started, because the people get fully extroverted, and then

May I take part in this conversation?



no one can stop them, no one knows whats going to happen with the Monkey and the Princess, both unleashed. Einstein loves to make justications, mainly through the left hemisphere of the brain, always trying to give order and reason to the things, even when there is none. Therefore, with the alleged rational intelligence, Einstein, even thinking hes right, systematically continues to make mistakes. An important detail in relation to the name Einstein should be disclosed. When I decided to put such name, that was homage to the intelligence of the human being. Its a vow of credibility to all people, because theres a lot of people who, in spite of having a special place in their minds reserved to logic, rationality and intelligence, due to lack of use and study, should not be called Einstein, but maybe Mister Ignorance. But we also have the other side of the coin. Many times we dont have the knowledge required for some task, which could demand too much time of learning. Would you like to have a tip? When your Einstein is tired or limited, understand that borrowing someone elses Einstein may be a good choice. 44

Despite Einsteins rationality, its very important for you to know that he, many times, takes credit unfairly, because most of the times the ideas and solutions were processed by the Monkey and the Princess in a silent manner in the unconsciousness, during days, months or years, and freely delivered, at some point in time, to Einstein. Then, when you have an incredible idea, dont forget to thank your Monkey and the Princess, for the hard work made during a long time in the backstage.



The client is not in charge, let alone the conscious one

! ! !

People dont know what they want until you show them.
Steve Jobs



The client is not in charge!

The customer rst! Is it true?

ho does never heard that famous and known sentence, which turned into a famous quote for students, professionals and admirers of marketing: the customer always comes rst. A sentence so much spoken and repeated that makes us believe that really the customer has an essential and special strength in the market. But is it true? We also hear: the customer is the boss.

But, during our lives we are taught that the customer is the boss in the market and that without his opinion nothing works!

Thats it, Old Monkey, the neuroscience clearly shows that 95% of our decisions are unconscious. Those are decisions made by you, Monkey, in partnership with the Princess. If the traditional researches have the limitation to access

And once again we have the impression that the consumer is the almighty and that he can change the course of the world, dene new products and guide companies with his wonderful opinions. 48

basically the consumers consciousness, which is under Einsteins responsibility, it seems logic that 5% is not a highly relevant percentage to understand what the customers actually need and desire.


Therefore, if the consumers dont have conscious access to all sources concerning their decisions and behaviors, its clear that the customers cannot tell us clearly why they do it and how they do it. Certainly, this is one of the reasons for 80% of the products launched nowadays to fail.

Believe it! The successful companies win not because consumers ordered products or services they long so much, but because they are competent in offering something the customers never thought they could ask. The customer is part to the product development process, but

Such percentage is quite severe and we dont understand how the traditional marketing professionals may accept, quietly, such mortality rate. The summary we have from such scene shows that the rule today is that the products fail in their release and the exception represents the successful products. At least, a paradox in view of what we believed to be the absolute truth where the traditional researches managed it thanks to the masterful opinion of the customer. What happens is that, by having contact with the real world, with no masks, feathers and spangles, which the traditional marketing loves to show, a reality quite different from the one we used to believe appears, a reality of an illusion world where we thought customer were actually the protagonists. 49

he is not the core process point. Our limited capacity in understanding what we want is so obvious that seeing skeptic people to such statement is scary. But the truth is: the customer is not the boss!

Peruzzo, you are despising me. Am I not important to the product and service development process? I was thrown to only 5% of the entire decision-making process of the customer. Ive been more valued!


Einstein, dont get me wrong. But lets exercise our brain a little. According to the brand value research carried out by Brandz, the most valuable brands in the market are: Apple (USD 182 billion), IBM (USD 155 billion), Google (USD 107 billion), McDonalds (USD 95 billion), Microsoft (USD 76 billion) and Coca-Cola (USD 74 billion). Now, research a little and try to discover how they were created. Surprise! Virtually all companies were created thanks to intelligence, intuition and geniality of their entrepreneurs, without essential help of market researches, in which the customers allegedly should request such companies or products to exist. Lets see the classic case of Coca-Cola.

emotional and dichotomic opinion. Finally, on May 08th, 1886, the beverage which is nowadays the meaning of absolute success in the beverage market was sold for the rst time. The sole and exclusive creation of Coca-Cola is due to its entrepreneur John Pemberton. The customer only helped, at most, adjusting the creation.

I dont get it. If the customer tested the product, it means the research helped. Wouldnt it be developing a product with customers assistance?

Princess, I understand your point. Was it you who asked Coca-Cola to be invented? Obviously not. The pharmacist John Pemberton, in the city of Atlanta, United States, in 1886, was not enclosed for months in his house cellar, trying to create syrup with carbonated water in vain. He wisely sent samples of his syrup to Jacobs Pharmacy to test the customers opinion. The customer did not invent Coca-Cola, but naturally helped testing the nal product. The customers opinion is summarized in liking or not, an 50 We are talking about the original idea, the design, and it wasnt born from the customer. After we have the idea of a product or service, its obvious that we should validate it, whether with traditional or neuromarketing researches.


We agree that this story that the customer is not the focus of the attentions bothers a little. But Coca-Cola itself offers us a lesson on how it has total sense. In 1985, Coca-Cola decided to make a market research to learn preferences of its consumers, because Pepsi started to have a market share that was of concern, mainly in the supermarkets. Something should be done to stop growth of its major competitor. The decision was changing the taste of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola made the largest market research ever done in the companys history, which took two years and cost USD 4 million before the new formula could be dened. An extraordinary volume of 200 thousand tests to determine the taste of the soft drink, and further 30 thousand tests with the nal formula of the taste chosen by the customers. The customer was key: in the blind test, without knowing what he was drinking, 60% of consumers preferred the new taste, instead of the original formula. In order to validate the research, 52% considered it better than Pepsi. Therefore, the research was perfect. Time had come to kill the original 51

formula and release the New Coke, with a sweeter and softer taste. Even using a millionaire communication strategy, in the beginning, the New Coke had good sales, but three months after the release, Coca-Cola, now Classic, came back to the shelves of the supermarkets. The gure of the Classics sales, in 1985, surpassed those of the New Coke in the supermarkets, by two to one. In 1987, the Coke Classic was once again the major brand and leader in the US-soft drink sector. In 1989, the Coke Classic sold 10 times more than the New Coke. In 1990, the company changed the package of the New Coke and re-launched it with another name, Coke II. That was the end of the amazing release based on consumers opinion. The marketing professionals believed the failure of the New Coke was due to lack of perception in relation to the consumers feelings as to the history, package, cultural inheritance and image. But we here raise a question under the point of view of neuromarketing: did someone inside Coca-Cola question that


the huge amount of salt Coca Cola used at that time, and still uses, approximately 50 mg of sodium in each 350-ml can, against 39 g of sugar, which encourages the brain reward system offering pleasure in each gulp, prevents you from getting sick of the product? Thats the point! The failure of New Coke was taking sodium out of the product. Being sweeter, the customer unconsciously thought it better, more pleasure, but on the daily routine, he did not consume as before. No reward, no sales volume. If Coca-Cola can commit a great mistake in its market researches, imagine a mid- and small-sized company. Every men for himself ! But there are other successful cases where the customer did not take part of the marketing research. Thats the case of Red Bull. By the way, how much did the Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz spend in market research to have the idea of such energy drink? Not a penny. During a business trip to Thailand, while Mateschitz wandered during his trip, he discovered, on occasion, a liquid containing, among other stimulant substances, caffeine and taurine. 52

Another history even better: how was the credit card Diners Club Card created? In the 1950s, Frank McNamara was eating in a restaurant in the city of New York and realized he had forgotten his money and his checkbook to pay the bill. By that time, he had the idea to create a card in which the owners name would be recorded, so that after a while, the cards owner could pay the bill.

Take it easy! If the customer cannot actively take part of a product research, it means he can be manipulated and deceived as well? For example, deceiving Einstein and leaving the Monkey to take the decision? Im an animal, I only move for pleasure and immediate reward. Thats a danger!

Thats why, Old Monkey, we want to show how important it is to read this book, mainly for the reader to have a clear and why not, critical view , of the strategies occurring on a daily basis and which are not, necessarily, in nature, good to the market. The neuromarketing is in the whole market process,


but the use of the tools and methodologies by the professionals who master such techniques, whether to offer the best product or to deceive the consumer, is freely chosen. Doubts? Be ready.

In summary, thats the rule: I copy what I like. I run from what I dont like. By seeing an ugly woman, what do you do? In the technology area is not different. It was very curious the

Whod have thought that one of the main stimuli of a woman when buying cosmetics is not derived from her need to be beautiful and smell good, but from a brain impulse derived from fear of being ugly and not being accepted by the beauty standard established by the society.

fact that the great technology experts used their intelligence and expertise to decree the announced death of iPad even before its release in the rst semester of 2010. What happened? Everyone was wrong. What was the logic and criterion to have such absolutely mistaken forecast, even being experts of the highest, academic

Its not quite that. I buy products to be beautiful and I dont care about the beauty of the other women. It has no sense. Imagine! I buy because I see a beautiful woman in the advertisement.

and market quality? I think they need to understand a little more of Neuromarketing. We separated some absurd forecasts, selected by the website Business Insider, said in the release of the Ipad. Check them out: - Randall Kennedy (InfoWorld) | Believing Apple may be successful where everyone failed is ignoring essentials of IT.

How nave, Princess! Try to make an ad of cosmetics with women out of the beauty standard set by the market itself, then see the failure of sales. This is called mirror neuron, and well learn in the next chapters how its changes the peoples behaviors.



- Paul Boutin (VentureBeat) | Tablets will fail in becoming the next thrill. - Donovan Colbert (TechRepublic) | I think iPad will be recognized as the Apple TV a product Jobs should have left in the paper. - Charlie Sorrel (Wired) | But what Steve Jobs showed us yesterday was actually a little more than a giant iPhone. - Jason Cross (PCWorld) | If Apple wants to change the world with the iPad and popularize a new category, it will need to do better. - Jeremy Keplan (| Call it iPad or iPlod, the message is clear: Apple lost its magic. - Dan Frommer (SAI) | Apple fans waiting for the next revolution or might get disappointed. Against everything and everyone, the current gures of the iPad are quite different from the negative forecasts by the 54

experts. In the rst semester of 2011, Steve Jobs showed the result of the rst year of iPad, accounting for 15 million iPads sold only in the rst version, 90% of market share in the tablet industry and availability of 65 thousand applications. An unique success in the electronic segment. Today, such information is obsolete and the iPad, in its new versions, including iPad mini, are an undeniable success. Do you know why the experts were wrong? They believe too much in their intelligence and do not consider management of expectations, mainly of a special place in the brain called nucleus accumbens, responsible for our brain reward system. Apple is expert in managing our minds, always offering in the right time the stimulus for production of the dopamine, pleasure neurotransmitter, making us loyal customers to the apple brand. In summary, why offering everything the customer wants, if I can offer little by little, in each version of the product, causing the product lifecycle to be bigger. Offer everything at once and kill your successful product in the rst version. Isnt it, Nokia N95?


Why do 80% of the people who invest in the stock exchange always lose, and end up offering to the remaining 20%, sensational prots? Clear lack of market knowledge, believing everything they see, hear or read. Once again, the mirror neuron and the emotional decision. When the president of a publicly-held company grants an optimistic interview sounding as a winner, double your attention, because theres something going on and may not be positive. No one does public relations out of a sudden with no implicit strategy, whether to show an opportunity, or who knows, to hide a big problem. The big fever now is with the websites that promise discounts through collective purchases. They are a real mania in Brazil and the world. What about discovering that most of the offers are actually for those who sell, and the real discount the customer receives is many times insipient, mainly, when encouraged to purchase something he did not need, placing the acute urgency sense in your decision-maker and irrational brain. 55 Another teasing. Remember the product you bought by telephone, after the TV commercial that was almost a brain wash offering that product that would save your life? So, most of these products get to the consumers house and are not used. Do you know why? Because the product pleasure and its consequent distribution of dopamine did not occur in its use, but at the time of the purchase through the telephone. They Einstein, you are right. Of course that the less knowledge and access to information they have, the more people are susceptible to the mass manipulation strategies. However, even a PhD in anything, through a well prepared neuromarketing strategy, becomes a Zombie Monkey quite fast. Peruzzo, it seems no one has consciousness and intelligence. Everyone is victim of the Monkey and makes decisions by impulse. Or are there strategies to set me aside in the decision-making process?


put so much urgency, that you were afraid of not having the product, and that you would become the worst of all if you did not buy it. When you bought, dopamine was released. To make things worse, sad people or even depressive people, with low serotonin level, well-being neurotransmitter, tend much more to buy by impulse, trying to deceive the brain, offering a little bit of dopamine, in order to reduce the depressive state, even if for some minutes. The problem is that the debt sticks for days. The high technologies involved in the neuromarketing strategies are more and more sophisticated, and now without the illusion that the customer is the boss, its time to understand that the customers opinion is a part of the decision-making process, undoubtedly important, but not the essence. The offer has powerful mechanisms to guide the customers decision. Its like it were a big information system that could manage our preferences and, somehow, guide our daily choices, from a simple pie in the corner, up to the purchase of an automobile or a real estate.

As if the high technology to monitor our preferences was not enough, every day we are faced with new discovers, most of them based on the study of our brain, on how we buy and make our decisions. The more offer our mind knows, the greater is its control in our decisions. Many individuals think this is all an absurd? It depends. What people will do with all pieces of information of this book, whether to sell or buy better, should be under their responsibility. One tip: why not using for both reasons, because the person who buys better has control over his money, and naturally has a balanced nancial life. The one who sells better, has more prot and, naturally, will have control over his business, mainly in a time where competition is erce. But, as possible, dont forget the ethical limits involving these techniques. If you recognize some of the terms that, on purpose, were used in this chapter, such as dopamine, serotonin, brain reward system, mirror neurons, among others, its extremely important that you read the next chapters. 56


These are basic and essential issues to understand the neuromarketing strategies, designed by companies which are revolutionizing the way to carry out products and services to the market.




Basic neurology for marketing professionals

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce


mentally complex activities, which we associate only with the human being. An interesting characteristic of the neocortex is its wrinkles and its furrows, because such folds serve exactly to increase the neocortex area.

The great manager of our Einstein

he neocortex is undoubtedly the most important area of the human brain, exactly because the neocortex differentiates it from the brain of the other animals. In fact, in the brain evolution process, it became the most evolved region of all mammals, so much so that a large neocortex distinguishes from all other animals, such as reptiles and birds. However, the human neocortex is so big that it fully covers the entire rest of the brain except for a bit of the cerebellum, which is in the part behind the brain , and makes possible for

Boy, on occasion, has the skull any interference in the folds? Its too ugly to see.

Of course. Just because there is a pressure against the brain, during the brain growth, such folds appear. If the human neocortex were at, it would be huge. Then, its obvious that



such a mass would not t inside a skull without folds. If you think it ugly with such skull protection, imagine it without it. Better not think about it. Only the mice and small mammals have a at neocortex. In humans, it represents approximately 76% of the brain volume, in addition to having that quite characteristic reddish color. The most important is understanding that the neocortex is the controller, the great brain manager. It allows for an advanced behavior level, especially the social behavior, in addition to the capacity of analysis, language and high consciousness level. The neocortex is divided into four major lobes: frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe and occipital lobe (Figure 7). The frontal lobe is located in the front part of the skull. The anterior part of the frontal lobe is called pre-frontal cortex, which takes most part of the human beings lobe. It tends to be larger in primates than in other mammals and naturally bigger in human beings.

Figure 7: Brain lobes, cerebellum and spinal marrow.

Source: iimages 123RF Stock Photo

It is related to the amount of planning and increased consciousness the human beings have. Even so, most of the mammals follow their instinct and do not live in differentiated social groups in a complex way. The primates in turn have complex hierarchies between the male and female genders.



The human beings may change their environment, in search for their own goals and have relationships with hundreds of other people, in a conscious and complex control of the social life.

those described as V1, V2, V3, V4, etc., all of them nearly entirely dedicated to the vision processing, such as detection of colors, movement and perception of depth. The fact is that if the visual system has a lobe dedicated to

The parietal lobe is behind the central cortex ssure and has neurons that receive sensorial information from the skin and the tongue, in addition to processing sensorial information of the eyes and ears. The major sensorial production factors from the skin (tact, temperature, and the pain receptors) are retransmitted through the thalamus to the parietal lobe.

such activity, it shows the importance of the visual process in the lives of the human beings. The temporal lobe combines hearing and visual information. The upper and upper mid-central face of the temporal lobe receives hearing input from the thalamus, which transmits information from the ears. The lower part of the temporal lobes executes the visual

These sensorial functions are very important, mainly in the skin, because for a simple task such as tying the shoelaces with a notch, you need high sensitivity to the touch and guide the motor control to carry out the activity efciently. The occipital lobe is in the back of the brain. This area processes the visual information which is sent to the brain through the retinas. The occipital lobe has many areas such as 64

processing for objects and standard recognition. The mid and anterior parts of the temporal lobe are also involved in the recognition of the faces.There are some major terminologies of how the neocortex is divided. In order to understand better such division, lets learn the following positions of the neocortex: dorsal, ventral, anterior, posterior.


We also cannot forget the neocortex hemispheres. I need to know it. It seems too complicated. Please, explain in an easier manner. The brain is comprised of the left and right hemispheres. The left hemisphere is that which controls the right of the body. This hemisphere is also specialized in the language and reasoning based on rules and analytical abilities. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and is best in recognizing the visual and perception standards. Thus, the left hemisphere processes the specic data and the Congratulations, Peruzzo. This is only a basis, but our reader, who wants to specialize in neuromarketing, at least is no longer ashamed of taking part, for example, of a neuro-scientic forum. It seems easy, but its not. right one perceives the world as a big frame. Both hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum, which contains over 200 million bers. We know that we use both hemispheres for virtually all tasks, and that even with the left hemisphere being used for guided

Its not difcult, just the names are a little scary. Dorsal is the upper part of the neocortex, ventral is the lower part, much deeper, near other brain areas, with the limbic system. Anterior relates to the front part of the neocortex, imagine your forehead and posterior is the back part of the neocortex. Some studies still use the terms, rostral for anterior and caudal for posterior..



tasks, such as thinking in a new strategy to win a videogame, it also involves creativity. However, many neuroscientists and psychology professionals use some specicities of each brain hemisphere to develop training and development programs, since indication that the people exercise one hemisphere more than the other is strong, without mentioning, of course, the genetic guidance. Finally, the studies related to dominance of the hemispheres suggest such characteristics (Figure 8): - Left hemisphere: realistic, logic, dissociated, cognitive, analytical, reproductive, conscious, arithmetic, concrete and practical. Related to analysis in parts, recollection and association with past and present. - Right hemisphere: fantastic, analogic, associative, intuitive, synthetic, creative, unconscious, geometric, magical. Related to analysis of the whole, to planning and association with the future.

Figure 8: Characteristics of the right and left hemispheres.

Source: medusa81 123RF Stock Photo

Einstein, would you like to say something in this special time of introduction of the neocortex?



Sure. In spite of my mental state composing inside the brain plasticity all areas and functions, my activity becomes much more present in the neocortex. However, one needs to introduce a very special area, which makes connection of all sensorial routes of the brain, the thalamus.

Perfect, Einstein, but the thalamus deserves a very special attention. Soon, we shall be talking of the importance of such communication central of the brain and all unconscious and emotional functions.



Unconscious and Emotional Structures

applying existing technologies and naturally developing a minimum neuroscientic language to understand such fascinating and wonderful new neuromarketing world. The rst and major structure in which we shall go deeper is the diencephalon, a part of the brain located under the neocortex which is comprised of the thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus has a core task for our survival, because it is the communication central of our brain. It receives all sensorial and emotional stimuli, then it spreads them to the whole brain, mainly to the neocortex. Not by chance that the word thalamus comes from the Greek tholos, which means entrance door. The most sensational of the thalamus is that in addition

The central point of neuromarketing

ou have seen the importance of neocortex to the brain, mainly because it literally interacts with the entire central and peripheral nervous system. But the time has come in which we must meet the structures that show the importance of our characters, Princess and Monkey, for the neuromarketing study. There are dozens of important structures to be exploited, but lets focus on the main ones, which effectively a neuromarketing manager has the obligation to understand, mainly at the time of hiring specialized consultancies,



to receiving external stimuli, it is used by many areas of the neocortex for communication.

beats, in addition to making the connection between the nervous system and the endocrine system, acting in the activation of several glands. When the subject is regulating the appetite, the sleep and the sexual behavior, the hypothalamus goes to action.

dont forget the function of the thalamus is something under my responsibility. Its also not by chance that most of our decisions have an emotional characteristic and the participation of the thalamus for directing the stimuli received is extremely important to understand the neuromarketing strategies.

Nice, now its my turn. When I receive this information from the hypothalamus, I put the Monkey to work.

Thats right! The Monkey controls the peripheral nervous system, and through skin conductance, we may understand All right, Princess... I agree that the thalamus is under your responsibility, but Einstein and the Monkey vitally depend on the ideal operation of such structure. Please, take good care of it, Princess! For you to have an idea, if the thalamus has any deciency, people totally lose consciousness. We cannot forget that the hypothalamus controls the body temperature, the production of hormones, and also the heart the emotional changes related to the hypothalamus activity. But, there is a very important area in the communication process between the Princess and the Monkey, which is the amygdala. Please, its redundant, but theres nothing to do with the amygdala located in the path between the mouth, nose and throat. The brain amygdala, which is directly involved to the emotional processing and especially interacts



with the pre-frontal cortex to generate and process the emotions. Feelings such as anger, happiness, discontent, sadness and, mainly, fear, are directly related to its activity. Its curious, but if people suffer damages to the amygdalae, one for each hemisphere, they will have reduction of their capacities to react or avoid fear situations. We also have near such system the hippocampus, responsible for storage of the long-term memories. The hippocampus receives information of nearly the entire neocortex. Now we know the importance of the thalamus and the hypothalamus, as well as the functions of amygdala and the hippocampus. These areas are part to a system known as limbic system, basically existing in all mammals, and that probably existed even in the dinosaurs. The limbic system evolved in humans incorporating the memory to control the global behavior through the hippocampus and the amygdala. 70

By adding inside the limbic system a past memory and past experiences, we shall make decisions by pure instinct.

Gee! Now I know where the commands come from so that I may execute. This limbic system is powerful!

Then, respect the Princess, because she is controlling this whole bunch. But I will not let you out, Monkey... Lets meet some very important areas which are under your responsibility, such as the sub-cortical brain structures, which are essential in planning, arrangement and execution of movement, known as base ganglions. These structures are highly associated with the thalamus to control the behavior and functions such as the motor control, cognition, emotions and learning. The base ganglions have several nuclei, but lets highlight the black substance, which is responsible for production of dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter that causes


pleasure in human being and, consequently, is important in the reward and addiction process. Promoting the dopamine production becomes one of the major goals of the neuromarketing strategies. For example, a meal rich in glucose, fat and sodium becomes a trigger so that this area may produce dopamine. The black substance is also part to a major brain complex: the mesencephalon.

balance and voluntary movements, as well as is comprised of two hemispheres, known as cerebellar hemispheres. We depend and much on this system to ride a bike, play soccer or volleyball, run and jump. As a conclusion, whod have thought, the human cerebellum is involved in widely complex cognitive functions, such as the musical processing.

Boy, I heard them say that this system is under my responsibility, the mesencephalon, and that it has several functions and subsystems. Is it true?

Thats good! It means Im not that dumb. I have some value!

Old Monkey, dont be like that, remember your origin. Over Yeah, Old Monkey, but in this book well not go deep in those areas. Heres the tip for the reader to look for further information on this system. Another structure related to the Monkeys behavior is the cerebellum term that comes from the Latin and means small-sized brain. It is responsible for the motor coordination, 10 thousand hours of experience. These areas are essential in the formation of your existence. Without them, no Old Monkey.



Hormones and Neurotransmitters

The consumers chemical behavior

here is something invisible to our eyes, which guides us

Answer me something, because Im a little dumb, are the hormone and neurotransmitter the same thing? Is it true?

to buy more or less, to eat like desperate people, to be sadder or happier, calmer or at peace, so that we may regulate our humor states or our emotions and so that we may direct our lives, whether for the stagnation, success or failure, everything unconsciously. Im not exaggerating, we are talking about the hormones and neurotransmitters, complex systems which are very important to our nervous system.

No, Old Monkey. They seem to be, but they are not. The neurotransmitters are chemical substances which the neurons produce, so that there may be communication between the cells. The synapses are the junction point of the neuron with other cells, where the neurotransmitters act. The hormones, in turn, are chemical substances under the responsibility of the endocrine system. They are produced in a



specic organ, released and transported directly by the blood or by other body uids. Their function is exercising a regulation action, for induction or inhibition in other organs or body regions. A neurotransmitter acts in the neuron communication. Hormones regulate our organs. Just a detail, Old Monkey: the neurotransmitters and hormones cause different behavioral and emotional states in people. Understand? Therefore, they are very important to the neuromarketing.

brain are very important. The nucleus accumbens, directly responsible for the rewards and motivations, is where the largest stocks of dopamine in the whole brain may be found, together with the black substance. The neuromarketing understands that, by waking this area up, the customer will feel pleasure. However, the pleasure period provided by dopamine is relatively short, after perception of the enthusiasm, pleasure and euphoria, the organism produces a brake in the dopamine production. It prevents these sensations continuously. And the human being was not made to feel pleasure continuously, the organism itself produces substances/brakes, the antagonists, which are aimed at inhibiting such feeling.

Now youre talking. Thats interesting. What are the main neurotransmitters that can inuence my animal behavior?

There are many of them, but in this book, which demands a basic understanding of the neurology study for the neuromarketing professionals, well focus on serotonin and dopamine. The dopamine has several functions, but for the neuromarketing the pleasure and addiction behaviors in the

Remember, Peruzzo, which is not only buying a product that there is release of dopamine, but also when the individual has the expectation to buy, have or use a product.



Thats right. We may have pleasure, even without receiving the product. Just the fact of promising a future reward, a prize, you may have release of dopamine, be motivated and encouraged to an action, such as for example, eating and spending more money. In relation to serotonin, this is quite an important neurotransmitter, because it effectively regulates our humor state. Depressive people were attested to have a low level of serotonin. Many people, in order to compensate for the depressive state, end up by having compulsive attitudes, such as excess food and even becoming compulsive consumers, which provides a dopamine release and, in the short term, offers a provisory satisfaction state a relief to the depression state. But that doesnt work... Soon, everything returns to the previous state and, sometimes, even worse. The oxytocin is a very special hormone, mentioned as the love and relationship hormone during the orgasm, the production of oxytocin increases. It is also produced by women while they are breast-feeding their children. The cortisol is a response to the individuals stress level. High cortisol levels demand an attention state by the nervous system, many times, related to the ght or escaping state. Thats the easier hormone to measure and handle in the neuromarketing. Upon collection of the saliva, it is possible to Thats right, Princess! One of the functions of the hypothalamus is production of hormones. The major ones for the neuromarketing and which are referred to in this book are: oxytocin, cortisol, melatonin, adrenaline, estrogen and testosterone. Now, its my turn. What about the hormones? After all, the hypothalamus is under my responsibility.



measure the cortisol level of the volunteer in relation to the advertising, the product or even perfumes, aromas or food. The melatonin is produced by the pineal gland and is very important in the sleeping process. People who dont sleep enough do not produce enough melatonin, which directly affects the serotonin neurotransmitter and thats when the depressive state acts again. Why do you think the retail stores sales are always in the dawn? Obviously, without sleeping, with Einstein still under no full conditions of consciousness of the environment and little serotonin, the consumer becomes an easy bite. The estrogen, hormone which promotes development and sexual growth, keeps appropriate operation of the female reproduction system, and the testosterone, which has the same function, but in the male reproduction system, are responsible for emotional behaviors of interest to the neuromarketing when the subject is the gender war. We hope this basic summary on neurotransmitters and hormones encourages you to know a little more on your 75

biology. Remember that many of the problems you may have are not only psychological, but may also have a biological origin. By the way, when was the last time you made a complete hormonal examination?



By the power of the past, I have the power. Or not!

ause to be born! Its the meaning of the Greek word genno. By causing to be born, we have biological and behavioral traces, derived from a very strong force, which is genetics.

What is the inuence of genetics in the neuromarketing? Dont you think youre dealing with something too superior, like, playing God?

Princess, God is important to everyone and its not by chance Willian Batesson, in April 1908, was the rst to use this term to describe the variation and heredity study. The genetics study allows us for understanding the essence of our behavior as a biological being. that youre the one who manages such belief in peoples brains, also in mine. But we are talking about something scientic, something extremely serious, and thanks to the genetic information, we can save lives and provide better life quality to people.



Knowing our essence and the evolution itself is fascinating. And the study of the deoxyribonucleic acid, or as known as DNA, allows for a fantastic trip to this unlimited world. Thanks to the DNA mapping, it is possible to make a regressive investigation of up to 150 thousand years, because previously to that, the ancestral genetic lines disappear..

My pleasure. Everything starts with the cell, which is the most basic structure of the body. Our body has approximately 50 trillion cells, and they have different functions. The genes are located in the nucleus of the cells, and each of them has in average 20 thousand genes and the genes have small-sized parts, which we may call DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid.

Then, it means I can know the origin of my most remote relatives. Where do the monkeys come from?

Gee! Then, it must be impossible to see the DNA. If a cell is already microscopic, what to say of the DNA.

Sure! For example, for me, Marcelo Peruzzo, my genetic mapping examination made by the company 23andme, indicated that my ancestral composition is 99.7% European, in addition to showing the probabilities I have in relation to hundreds of diseases. This is revolution.

Ill go further, if you could put the data gathered from your DNA one after the other, we would have 6-meter length data, and see the natures magic, it ts only one cell. The DNA basis, comprised of sugar and phosphate, is called nucleotide. The nucleotides have a differentiated shape, arranged by two long wires, in spiral format, called double helix. Imagine a bent and twisted ladder (Figure 9).

Peruzzo, could you provide us with a brief explanation on whats genetics?



The steps of the ladder are comprised of the base pairs and the sides of the ladder are comprised of sugar and phosphate molecules.
Figure 9: Double helix.

: What are the DNA base pairs?

They are the famous letters you see in genetic sequence. The DNA contains four chemical bases: Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C) and Thymine (T). The DNA, in human beings, contains about 3 billion pairs of chemical bases, which describe the specic language of our genetic code. When you make a human genetic analysis, the letters A, G, C and T are always present.

What privilege does the human have in having this type of code?

Source: kornilov14 123RF Stock Photo

Human being? Old Monkey, nearly everything has DNA. Me, you or an apple.



But thats not only it. Each gene is comprised of chromosomes, i.e., a pair of chromosomes. Human beings have 23 of such pairs, the chimpanzees have 24 pairs, the monkeys have 21 pairs, the cows, 30 pairs, the chickens, 39 pairs, and the bananas, 11 pairs of chromosomes. And the most intriguing: between humans, we share approximately 99.5% of the genes. However, we are obviously not equal.

the research carried out by the University College London (UCL), would have a trend to exercise leadership.

You must be kidding. Do you mean someone may be born to be a leader and other people dont?

Thats life, Old Monkey. Did you understand the importance of genetics in the

I understand it. The difference between humans is the polymorphism of single nucleotide, known in the scientic world as the SNPS.

neuromarketing? In a near future, upon availability of the DNA examinations, well certainly have genetic segmentations in the structure of a marketing campaign.

Congratulations, Einstein. Did you know that there are over 10 million SNPS. Thus, we may understand what is the marker (SNP) you really are, whether in relation to you physical appearance, or, also, to your behavior. Look how interesting, the chromosome 8, specically the SNP rs4950, with the genotype AA (Adenine and Adenine), according to 79 If this will cause an impact in relation to ethics, I have no doubt.


I dont understand.

In the next chapter, youll understand better this biological determination. But nothing in life is deterministic, because youll learn with memetics that even an individual who does not have a leadership SNP, through the power of the environment and his interaction, may be not only a leader, but even the President of the Republic. The great privilege of human beings is the fact that we are the only ones in the planet to have an Einstein, and ght for or against our genetics.


I copy, you copy and he copies



But whats a meme? I know plenty of these on elieve me now, you have the power, depending, of course, on your Einstein. In this topic, we will discuss the memes. While a gene is something you dont choose, because it is marked by the destiny of your biology, the memetics is dynamic and unpredictable. The meme is an extension of the evolution concepts of Darwin (1809-1882) on natural selection in the evolution process, and the study will show how important it is in your life, mainly in the neuromarketing, for your management. The rst time the concept of meme was mentioned, in 1976, by Richard Dawkins, on his book The selsh gene. These complex sets of memes may be represented by the political ideologies, religious beliefs, paradigms and scientic theories, corporate culture, family and mainly by the media. No, Old Monkey. Theres nothing to do with the Facebook memes. For us, its a culture unit, a behavior or an idea that may be passed from individual to individual and from generation to generation, by imitation. Facebook. Theyre quite strange!



The concept is quite simple, just understand that everything youve learned by imitation is a meme. We may include absolutely everything, from the time you were born, and your daily habits, your vocabulary and abilities. Basically, your entire behavior, inherited by the environment in which you live, was inuenced by the memes. Not always the best meme is the one which wins and the one which multiplies by minds of the whole world. By the way, the most powerful memes are those which damage the human being, because they were created for the purpose of favoring a third party and not you.

melodies and music; ideas; slogans; alphabet; religion; etc. Is the idea of hell is actually a self-perpetrating meme? Good reection. Always remember: the brain loves to abandon its own ideas in detriment to the others ideas. After all, the news is always welcome to the brain. I understand it, youll realize the effect the meme has in the formation of the consumption habits. Your brain is always willing to change an old meme for a new one, preferably better. Remembering that better does not mean good, it may be also bad for the individual. Then, if the gene is important for formation of the perception

It also happens in the market, because not always the most sold or most famous product is literally the best. Getting things a little worse, sometimes the winner meme is that which causes harm to your health, your carrier and mainly your pocket. Many examples may be mentioned to provide concept of a meme, bit for simplication purposes, we separated the most common ones: the fashion in clothes and in food; ceremonies and habits; arts, architecture, engineering and technology; 82

of a person, the meme is also important, and in equal importance. There is a factor that the neuromarketing is learning to recognize its potential: every meme created, and that has potentially compatibility to a genetic behavior, becomes powerful. If we fear by nature of the unknown or of an animal by genetic determination, using memes that give rise to these instincts reinforces replication.


However, the right is to say that the memes replicate Ive heard about mirror neuron. Is it the same as meme? themselves, not the people. Understand better: the people infect the others with their memes and some of them are more contagious than the others, but also some individuals are more The mirror neuron activates a reciprocal imitation act between two or more animals. Initially, these neurons were observed in primates. In humans, it may be observed both in the pre-motor cortex and in the lower parietal lobe. It is, in summary, a biological virtue of the human being. The meme in turn is a creation of the human being, which indiscriminately and many times by manipulation, invades the minds of third parties, in search of a behavioral change. In a simplied manner, the mirror neuron is the memes trigger! The meme settles, and waits for the mirror neuron to act, so that it may inuence your decisions. In essence, the meme is a behavioral standard and may adapt better in some people than in others. susceptible than others, mainly those dominated by the Monkey, who dont have a powerful Einstein. Its hard to say it, but ignorant people in the knowledge areas essential for the business management, such as economy and administration, among other areas that manage the companies business models, are the fatal victims of the manipulating memes. Obviously, you might have noticed that the environment where the memes are developed is the human mind, but theres a limit for their reproduction. For the professor of Tufts University, Daniel Dannett, the stock of memes in the mind is limited. Therefore, there is a strong survival competition between the memes. This competition is the major selective force in the neuromarketing atmosphere.



In her article The power of meme, Susan Blackmore states that the memes have no forecast power. If you ever heard of viral marketing or herd effect, welcome to the neuroscientic explanation.

This is the time in which the viral memes throw a party in our minds. In practical terms, it means you will have a great advantage in disclosing your ideas with the use of the memes. I must warn you that such strategy is used not only to sell quality products which promote well-being to people. Sale of the intangible, such as the memes, lled with fear, becomes the major strategy of groups which sell dogmas and superstitions, such as determination of the world end in 2012. Well soon talk about this subject, but its important for you to understand that the memes are powerful. Who said they sell the truth? I didnt. The genetics and memetics bring a huge complication for the traditional marketing researches, which are mainly based on Einsteins opinion of people. In what market research did you see in the ltering questions, references of genetic order, such as behaviors and addictions yes, we inherit behaviors also by genetics and pathologies derived from antecedents? What about those of memetic order? Mainly from inuence of the social, cultural and religious groups, so that we may then

Alright! But whats the use of the memes in the neuromarketing strategies?

Look how interesting, Einstein. While the philosophers face the memes as idea units (rational), the neuromarketing minimizes the effects of their rational dissemination in the minds of the consumers, by means of persuasive communication stimuli directed to the irrational, to the Monkey of each individual. Such attempt to disable the consumers Einstein and activate his Monkey and Princess undoubtedly represents most of our purchases, which we think to be rational, but arent actually, because we are taken by the unconscious act to copy trends, fashion and styles.



understand who is really the individual that will make part to a marketing approach? Envying a person builds negative memes. Similarly, a person lled with bad feelings will tend to answer to a research negatively. Or imagine a person with extremely high levels of cortisol, with acute stress state and impatient, how much time and patience will he have to calmly answer a questionnaire. Similarly, if you dont consider memetics, imagine make questions on condoms, without knowing, in the rst place, what the individuals religion is. This is all too bad, mainly in researches with small-sized samples. The great advantage of the neuromarketing is that, with assistance of new technologies, mentioned here, it becomes possible to clearly realize the emotional unconscious states of the consumer. Demographic lters serve and are used until nowadays for traditional approaches, because they are actually predictable and easy to manipulate, but believe it, they are basic and insufcient to actually understand who is the consumer. The 85

fact is that 95% of our decisions are unconscious e irrational, i.e., Monkeys attitudes. Weve said that and we shall repeat it as many times as required. Only 5% are rational. Genetics and memetics are directly related to irrational and are not consciously perceptible. The terms gene and meme are now known to you; then, you know the importance this dynamic pair has in the consumers behavior and, mainly, in application of the market researches.



How our Memory Works

These are some examples of products and services our brain is used to memorize and that, thanks to the neuromarketing, today may be efciently planned and mark forever an experience to the customer. All of our past experiences including information derived from genetics and memetics dene the peoples personalities, consequently the consumers personality. Negative memories put an end on brands, products and even people. The positive memories, in turn, generate loyalty and satisfaction. The information captured in the environment where you live is sent to the brain region named hippocampus, which unites these perceptions into a single experience that, as we already

The strategy is to become unforgettable

he way the customers perceive and memorize you, your brand and your products may drastically inuence your market success or failure. The memory, conceptually speaking, is the activation of nervous cells in the brain and causes you to remember past events, whether now or some days, months or years later. Your rst car, your rst computer, an unforgettable trip, your rst videogame, a remarkable dinner or that class you never forgot, among so many other things.



said, will be solely yours, and, therefore, will comprise your life experience.

environment, that may be represented by means of formal language such as writing and words, whether in routine events (episodic memory) or in new experiences (semantic memory).

Im different, because I live of the experience and learning by repetition. Is it true that theres a type of memory that is never forgotten?

The declaratory memory, which is conscious, has three systems, according to the information processing stage: - Sensorial memory, also known as immediate memory, responsible for the sensorial record, which establishes the initial information process, right after the sensorial organs (hearing, vision, tact, tasting, smelling) are activated. As we have learned in the dynamics of the neocortex, the initial registration of such memory takes place in different places, such as in the occipital lobe (vision), the temporal lobe (hearing) and the parietal lobe (tact). And it may last from 01 to 05 seconds. - Short-term memory or operating memory, of which the prefrontal cortex is the main agent. This type of memory is able to keep active in the consciousness, from 5 to 20 seconds, new information received from the external environment, and old

Yes, my friend... Our memory is magnicent, because it allows us to identify the sensorial stimuli and keep this information for future use. Going back to your question, the types of memories are rated into two large groups: - Procedural or implicit memory the unconscious and automatic capacity to memorize through reexive and emotional reactions. How can we drive a car while talking on the phone? Ok, this is wrong, but thanks to our conditioned reexes and the emotional memory, this is possible. - Declaratory or Explicit Memory the capacity to consciously record the information received from the



information originated from the hippocampus. When we make simples calculations, we use this memory. - Long-term memory, by which the actually important information is recorded and consolidated in a longer period, such as minutes, months, years or even your death. The longterm memory depends in the hippocampus, which are two structures located deeply in the brain temporal lobes. Take it easy, Monkey... Youll see new research technologies in neuromarketing that try and help to discover it. Interesting! But do these memories work individually or jointly? For example, through the EEG it is possible to know the level of activity of the pre-frontal cortex to have clues of the shortterm memory, and by the eye tracking, through the ocular They work together, there are no strict rules. However, for a memory to become long-term, it will have to go through a period in the sensorial memory and a short-term one. And your brain is the one which determines whether the information should be stored for longer. movement and pupil dilation, you may see what are the areas of a visual stimulus with greater involvement by a consumer. It all helps a lot at the time of designing a neuromarketing campaign. How will I know whether the information Im sending in a marketing campaign is causing an effect to the consumers brain. How will I know whats the type of memory?



But never forget that the place where the longterm memories are stored is the hippocampus, under my responsibility.

I know that and its not by chance that most of the neuromarketing strategies are just focused on emotional aspects.




Which is the Dominant Hemisphere?

through a specic content to each prole. Whod have thought that one day we would be segmenting through the brain hemispheres? Thats evolution!

Rational, creative or balanced?

he importance of the right and left hemispheres in the brain neocortex surpasses the physiological and biological issues, literally invading our behavior.

Lets practice. As a professor, I understand that my students are customers,

Through a small test, that you can make to know your dominant hemisphere, its possible to understand whether you tend more to rationality or creativity and, who knows, you may know whether you are a privileged that has balance between reason and imagination. Another use of such test is related to its application to the consumer audience. Understanding the dominant hemisphere of your customer allows for direct marketing campaigns much more efcient,

and expect a quality service. I notice that, in the neuromarketing, marketing, leadership, and sales classes, it is possible to manage with greater easiness the differences of the students in relation to reason and imagination. However, when the subject is math and calculation, the thing gets a little more complicated.



The academic sector should understand better the prole of its student, or customer (the academy hates to use the term customer), and urgently apply this type of test. After all, in a nancial math class, people with the left hemisphere as the dominant, tend to learn the calculations more easily. It does not mean the individual with the right hemisphere as the dominant cannot learn nancial math, but he needs a greater time and a different approach. As in the classrooms the students turn into a fruit salad in relation to the personal prole. This type of problem always occurs some people rapidly solve the problems, others in less time and some people are not even able to begin the resolution process. But, nothing is perfect in this world. One day the educational process will get there. Then, lets not waste time and lets apply the research in you. Remember, the same research may and should be applied to your customers, employees, friends and relatives. 91

Lets go to the test: What is the most exciting task for you? a) Reading a book on an alien creature or any other bizarre situation. b) Reading the habitat and behavior report of your favorite animal. What are the classes you like the most? a) Arts and music. b) Science and math. If you have just bought a computer. Do you, before anything, read the manual? a) No way. b) Of course I will. To you, does this sentence make sense? Nowadays, there is an innite universe of opportunities to make money. a) True. Of course there is! b) False. Innite world of opportunities?


When you read a magazine... a) You turn the pages for what interests you. b) Starts reading from the beginning. What is more useful to you when you try to understand someone who speaks a language you dont know? a) Seeing the gesture of the person and his facial expressions. b) Using a book of phrases or a dictionary. How do you prefer to express yourself ? a) Through a drawing or recording a video. b) Writing.

Einstein, for those who answered more times the letter A than B, what was the result?

The person has dominance of the right hemisphere, and proves to be a more creative person, uses imagination a lot, thinks of the future and is quite intuitive.

Nice! What about those who answered more letter B than A?

The person has dominance of the left Your room is usually: a) A big mess. b) Clean and organized. Do you easily lose the notion of time? a) Yes. b) No. What about those who had the result too close, i.e., the number of As and Bs was quite similar? hemisphere. This person is more realistic, organized, rational and logic.



This type of balance brings many advantages, for walking easily between reason and imagination, it brings professionals and personal benets.

I hope you learned the importance of mapping the dominance of the neocortex hemispheres, as well as its marketing application. Dont continue without doing the test!




Technologies applied to neuromarketing research

He therefore who doubts and yet seeks not is at once thoroughly unhappy and thoroughly unfair.
Blaise Pascal



Electrodermal Activity (EDA)

Our autonomic nervous system is responsible for the activation of these reactions in our skin. It is divided in sympathetic, responsible for ght or ight activity, and the parasympathetic, which awakens rest and calm. To physiologists skin is the body that best measure of the sympathetic nervous system, it is even better than heart rate. Anyway, thats what matters to neuromarketing, efciently measure the excitement.

Measuring the excitement process by skin conductance

lectrodermal activity, known in the scientic world (EDA), refers to measurement of electrical changes in the skin surface when it receives signals from the brain. For most people, for example, when experiencing an emotional arousal, an increase in cognitive workload or an exertion, the brain sends signals to the skin and increases the level of perspiration. Any change of sweat on the skin surface and increased electrical conductance are enough to accurately measure the excitation, using specic equipment.



Hey! Is it possible to know if the excitement is whether good or bad? Look, princess, the excitement alone reveals nothing. Other technologies involved are needed to discover the valence of emotion, whether it is positive or negative. For instance, the recognition of facial microexpressions is a great alternative. So heres a nice tip, the use of other methodologies combined, qualify and validate the data measured by skin conductance.

Typically the hand measured is the nondominant one, i.e., the left hand to a right-handed person. Regarding the application of skin conductance in the hand, the most preferred places of neuromarketing researchers are the ngers or palm. However, recent studies show that the left and right hemispheres may be differentially activated under certain conditions, such as depression and anxiety.

In this manner we can expect that the conductance of the skin, in some specic cases, can be differentially activated. Oh! The units of measurement are microsiemens (S).

I have a question. Is it possible to conduct an analysis of the conductance in the right hand and the left hand at the same time? And what is the unit of measurement?

Now its my turn! But how do you know when Im excited or not? What is my balance point, my base?

Thats a tough question. Yes, it is possible and even recommended. Of course, for this end, it is needed two synchronized devices.



Old Monkey, everyone has a basal, which is the baseline. Generally it is considered as the average conductance of an individual during rest conditions and in the absence of any environmental event or external stimulus.

cognition, emotion, or brain activity. Below the basal, can mean relaxation and a lack of activation, whether good or bad, like peace, calm, disinterest or boredom. The use of technology in neuromarketing is quite broad, as,

The standard procedure in lab is to leave the volunteer at rest up to 15 minutes before measurements or specic tasks. When the signal normalizes, we generally found the average to provide a baseline of the volunteer. It is also very important that the equipment used allows the researcher to observe, in real time, the excitement of the volunteer in the resting state, because large changes can demonstrate some kind of early excitement, for example, anxiety for being in a strange place, not knowing exactly what one is doing, among other reasons. In such cases, more time is needed for the volunteer to get into the baseline. Finally, when we observe a level of skin conductance, which is higher than the normal level of an individual or the baseline, we found levels of excitation that reects an inducer of stress, of interest or any activity requiring an increase in the level of 100

for example, to measure the intensity of the excitement in an advertisement, or any visual stimulus. Furthermore, it can be applied in sensory studies that do not require exclusively analysis of the visual aspects, such as fragrances, aromas and avors.


Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

We can say that we have an oxygen rich blood and other oxygen poor, and both when stimulated by Functional Magnetic Resonance, demonstrate different behaviors. Thus, it is possible to know the ow and volume of blood, in


The unconscious revealedin detail

he use of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is undoubtedly the most advanced technology for neuromarketing studies and experiments, due to the ability to monitor and capture high resolution images of brain activities, not just in a supercial way as the EEG, but in deeper areas of the brain. The principle of the basic operation of Functional Magnetic Resonance is to analyze the behavior of the blood which carries oxygen from the lungs, different from the blood that has already released oxygen to the cells.

addition to locate the sites with higher activity of blood, which is described as BOLD signal (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent). This description also applies to the use of oxygen.

Wow, thats sophisticated. So this equipment can access me and nd out everything Im feeling?



There are several factors in your questioning. First, that access to this methodology is restricted. An MRI can cost between US$ 500,000 and US$ 2 million, not counting the software update that contains specic algorithms of neuromarketing. Another major problem is the lack of qualied professionals to analyze the images generated. In Brazil, this whole process is embryonic and the effective attempts to understand the behavioral processes of consumers using this technology are, effectively, more like guesses than for clear interpretations and practices.

The words Democrat, Republican and Independent were shown to voters without candidate preference in an election, The areas activated in the brains of volunteers was the amygdala and areas related to reward and desire. These brain areas can be stimulated by hundreds of factors. And now, what is the correct interpretation? Just see an activity in the resonance imaging and come to a conclusion?

Do the data analyzes and voila! Its simple. Two plus two is four. But can a neuroscientist clearly describe what is the area of greatest activity and blood ow, and thus determine what happened? Only in your world, Einstein. Im gonna be honest with you. If you hire a neuroscientist, who have never had experience with marketing, market and consumer dynamics, the analysis Thats where you are wrong, my dear Einstein See this example. The researcher Marco Iacoboni of the University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA, did an experiment using the technology of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. will be technical and cold, and without proper marketing context, therefore, the result is useless. On the other hand, if you ask a marketing professional to interpret a resonance image, he certainly will not understand anything. This is a



multidisciplinary work that needs various professionals involved in the process. The main advantage in using the fMRI is that it does not make use of radiation, commonly used in X-ray equipment and CT. It is not invasive and, yes, is completely safe to the volunteer. The generated images are high resolution, allowing detailed analyzes of the brain. There are some disadvantages that need to be claried. As I said before, the high cost of the equipment, software and professionals really qualied can derail neuromarketing projects requiring this technology. Another critical point is that the volunteer must stay perfectly still at the time of image capture and procedures require a good operating time, very important variable for market research. Claustrophobic people, for example, can have problems at the time of examination. Unfortunately, being a PhD in neuroscience and marketing does not, at all, the effectiveness of a research in fMRI. Believe me, the process is complex. Second, put in your research schedule additional time for analysis and interpretation of data, and the very own adaptation with the entire system. Third, and most important, do not create expectations in nding in the analysis of fMRI a report with the solution for all your research problems. You will get frustrated. There are companies in Europe and in the United States, with algorithms and methodologies that determine preformatted variables as attention level, disgust, sadness, reward among other indicators, which may help in understanding the data collected and their marketing decision. What tip would you give to a neuromarketing professional when hiring a research with fMRI?



Is it too difcult to see a magnetic resonance imaging? Is it like CT, which has a single plan?

Peruzzo, you are using a visual language to teach the axial, sagittal and coronal planes? I liked it!

No princess, MRI creates images from any plan. CT actually generates only one plane, the axial. To have an idea of this plan, imagine that you are cutting a loaf of bread to make toast. MRI generates images in the coronal and sagittal plane. The sagittal plane is as if you were slicing the bread in its entire length, and coronal, can be compared to the various layers of a birthday cake.

Of course, you like everything that is visual. But I say again, just like any monkey that likes visual, if you give a result of fMRI for a new monkey to perform the analysis it is guaranteed that you will have some headache. Its worth remembering that the current Brazilian legislation on the use of this technology in neuromarketing research is still wide open and without a clear denition of what can and cannot be done. In some countries the use of fMRI is prohibited.


Emotions revealed in the consumers face


Face Reading
Paul Ekman is one of the pioneers in the study of facial microexpressions and has been dedicated to the fascinating study of emotions for decades. Besides, Ekman was the responsible technician by, Lie to Me TV Series. Whenever there was a nonverbal analysis in the episodes, Ekmans studies were behind the story line. The analysis of facial microexpressions is based on the following emotions: joy, surprise, sadness, rage, disgust and fear. It should be also considered in the analysis the period of neutrality, since that kind of state reveals absence of a potentially emotional process, due to the stimulus.

ur face can reveal emotions and through this nonverbal language, we demonstrate to the world our intentions, feelings and desires. The good news is that there is high technology to measure facial microexpressions. The bad news is that, every second, you expose your feelings to others, unconsciously and impulsively, which in most cases, completely escapes from your conscious control. And that kind of emotional exposure is not always for your benet.



The analysis of facial microexpressions can be carried out by an expert , who can analyze the volunteer on the spot or even in a recording. I do not recommend that kind of personal analysis, since the human interaction between observer and observed can generate rumors and prejudices in the analysis. Doubtless, the use of specic softwares is the best way to analyze facial microexpressions in neuromarketing research.

publicity, for example, that is very quick, and that kind of analysis, by the manual process, is very difcult. It is not prejudice. It is about technology with the best resources. Thats all.

Is there any applications beyond publicity analysis?

Sure. We already used face reading in the analysis of tangible products, such as sale catalogues, clothes, electronic products, electrical appliances and footwear. And we go further... The use of face reading in the analysis of fragrances and avors becomes essential in order to understand the valence in the positive or negative emotional state, which decides to accept or reject such product.

Do you dare doubt the ability of an expert who can analyze someone elses microexpressions?

No, Einstein. I am just saying that, since they are microexpressions, small details can be neglected by the observer. And there is another important factor: the synchronization between the emotions revealed by the volunteer in view of



I am confused. There are several negative emotions in our face and there is only a positive one, which is joy. Is this prejudice against happiness? Good question, Princess. It seems natural that we have more negative emotions than positive ones. Remember that we are dissatised by nature. The joy would be the reward of an expectation created previously. Do not expect, Princess, that the indicator of joy becomes very present in a face reading analysis. In the Ipdois Neurobusiness, we use the face reading essentially to measure the valence, negative and positive emotional state or neutrality of the volunteer in view of a stimulus, jointly with eye tracking, electroencephalogram and skin conductance. The use of the most advanced software is essential, since it stands security for both clients and research team.

Great, Peruzzo! Happiness is something impossible. Even though Einstein and Princess are going to disguise, my physiological reactions are not going to conceal my intentions. But, tell me Face reading can be used in the analysis of buyers, members of staff or even in recruitment and selection.

Old Monkey, you really do not conceal your feelings. This is your biological function. Regarding the use of face reading in the segments of sales and people management, there is an immense range of opportunities and solutions. It affords subject for another book.




Salivary Profiles

The hormones in marketing action

n the chapter about hormones and neurotransmitters, you have clearly understood the importance of those mechanisms in our behavior and how much they affect the purchase process. Speaking of neurotransmitters, it is obvious that a blood collection for measurement of the levels of serotonin or dopamine is available in the Market. However, for marketing ends, there is absolutely no doubt that the faint line between ethical and unethical comes to the surface. 108

The blood collection procedure is highly invasive and exposes the volunteer to extremely uncomfortable conditions. Personally, I go against the use of invasive procedures in neuromarketing researches, so we are going to preclude the measurements of that important pair, serotonin and dopamine, of the researches in neuromarketing, mainly when a wellspring of information is derived of blood collection. A non invasive and dependable way to understand the hormones is through the salivary proles. The saliva becomes the best way to evaluate the levels of hormones, including a complete genetic analysis.


There are many companies specialized in chemical process in Brazil. The main advantages of the use of saliva in neuromarketing researches are: 1) It does not disturb the volunteer. 2) The results are reliable. 3) It is an exam approved and accepted by the Scientic Community. 4) The collection can be held outside the laboratory. The hormones that can be measured through an exam of saliva are diverse, being mainly DHEA, testosterone, cortisol, estrone, estradiol, progesterone and melatonin. The analysis of cortisol is the most common analysis in neuromarketing, responsible by the level of stress of people. Cortisols output is straightly linked to the state of ght or escape, where the fear, the disgust or the rage are activated. Thats true, Einstein. Cortisol is a very important hormone for our survival, therefore, it leaves us aware to the daily tasks, Sometimes I get confused about understanding which cortisol level makes the positive experience or the negative one. Basically, we can understand the level of excitement and aversion regarding a product, mainly the sensory, such as fragrances and avors. As the verbalization of the level of acceptance of a perfume through a traditional research is excessively subjective, the level of cortisol shows clearly the proportionate hormonal variations by determined stimulus. I know my responsibility is the output of hormones by the endocrine system through hypothalamus. However, what can we do about the measurement of cortisol in a neuromarketing strategy?



mainly to the dangers. You can be sure that a very signicant alteration in the level of cortisol is related to the a products aversion. Your internal monkey is advising you about a situation of danger. On the other hand, the most minimum alterations of cortisol can signify an excitement, including good or positive. In that case, in order to understand if the state is positive or negative, you can use the face reading technology.

Having a good night of sleep and being not stressed with others factors also are important conditions for the selection of volunteers of the research. Arent you going to tell us about the metric to understand if the cortisol had or not alteration? Thats true. The analysis of the cortisol is held through two or more samples. Normally, the rst sample of saliva is called T0.

How cortisol is collected? Just spit and get it done? The other samples will be called T1, T2, and so on, until the nal T. The variation between a sample and another one will Sometimes you are quite coarse and impolite. There is a procedure for saliva collection. Firstly, the companies that do that kind of service offer a special container for saliva collection. Another important thing: verify if the volunteer of the research has smoked or drank coffee before the test. Therefore, that could affect the result. indicate the alteration in the hormonal levels, in order to nally understand if the sensorial stimulus has altered or not, in a signicant way, the emotional state of the volunteer.


Consumers truth is in his eyes
ye tracking is a tool of eye monitoring used in


Eye Tracking
between the stimulus to be researched and the volunteer. Normally, they use monitors or projectors in order to view the stimuli. The second model, the eye tracking of eyeglasses, is generally used for researches in movement, for example, in gondolas of supermarkets or to validate the panel of a car, while the conductor is driving. Is important to know the frequency in Hertz, in which the eye tracking works in order to know how much xations by second the equipment can capture.

neuromarketing researches, also used in assembly with other technologies as electroencephalogram, skin conductance, face reading and functional magnetic resonance. Unlike the physiological measurement, the eye tracking is not an invasive research methodology. Basically, there are two models of this tool: table mounted eye tracking, which permits a more perfected measurement, in which there is contact with the volunteer, since it stays exactly 111

Normally, the variation is of 30 Hz to 300 Hz


Einstein, Princess and Old Monkey, do you accept a challenge?

It can be any visual thing, including real objects, as a cellular or a supermarkets gondola. In the gure 10, I created a stimulus, where six copies of each personage in the visual stimulus, homogeneously distributed, that is, everybody is represented in the upper, lower, left, right and in the center of the stimulus, totaling up 18 gures.

I do. I love challenges.

So do I. Since competition gives me a great pleasure.

Figure 10: Personages in the visual stimulus

The rules should be fair.

In order to explain eye trackings analyses, we are going to use a real research, carried out fairly to know which of you is the most powerful personage in the visual aspect. After the research application, we can see the following The rst task is up to choose a stimulus for this analysis. graphic results, which help in the interpretation of the researchers as: heat map, cluster, gaze plot and opacity.
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



In the gure 11, the heat map is the hot map of the stimulus and shows the areas of bigger viewing. In the gure 12, the opacity is the same analysis of the heat map, however is in negative. The great advantage of that graphic is the facility to verify the points of bigger interest. In the analysis of the gauze plot, is possible to see all of the eye movements, from the rst pull up to the last. In the gure 13, you can see the movements from one of the participants, since it is possible to observe, simultaneously, of all of the participants, but the understanding is zero. In the gure 14, the cluster is a specic area with a big number of viewing, where eye tracking software creates the area of the visual of the cluster, shows the percentage of people that set (PPF) in that cluster.

Figure 11: - Stimulus heat map

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

Figure 12: Stimulus Opacity

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



Figure 13: Stimulus Gaze plot

Be careful! In the internet and in basic researches, carried out by inexperienced professionals for the use of the eye tracking, show barely the heat map of the stimuli, what visually doubtless, comes to mind. However, depending on the time of the stimulus and of the objectives of the research, the graphic result is more for a big charm, than actually for practical and signicant results.

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

Figure 14: Stimulus Cluster

Lets see the creation of AOIs, which are Areas of Interest of the stimulus. In the research, each personage, Einstein, Princess and Monkey in their different positions become an AOI, which individually should be renamed, so that can be held the statistical analyses in the software of eye tracking. See the AOIs created and its respective names in the following gure:

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



Figure 15: Creation of AOIs

Cmon, Peruzzo, tell who is the best personage. Speak up! Ok. From AOIs denition, we have important indicators which the eye tracking measures so that researchers can do their analyses, mainly:
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

- TPF, that means the time for the rst xation. Those are names of the AOIs that will serve as base for our statistical analysis.In this research, we used xed AOIs. However is interesting the use of dynamic AOIs in lm, where the images are in movement. The Ipdois Neurobusiness did a differentiated analysis of a commercial of insurances using dynamic AOIs. In the sequence of the chapter, you will see the complete research accessing the corresponding QrCode. - PPF, that is the percentage of people that set. - DF, the duration of the xation. - QF, that shows the quantity of times the volunteer set determined AOI. There are other indicators, but we must focus in those that are the most important. Lets begin with the chief indicator, the PPF.



It is useless if an AOI has a great quantity of xations if just two people have xed the object.

Congratulations, Einstein! You reached the greatest number of people visualizing your

We will do an analysis of the indicator that had at least 65% of PPF, below 65%, and we will consider that the AOI was not attractive, since the percentage of people that set was very short. The ranking of the four AOIs regarding the PPF was:
Table 1: PPF of the Personages

personage. And the most incredible thing: you stayed in rst and second place!

Thank you. It must be my charm. Im irresistible.

Snobbish you!


Einstein 2 Einstein 4 Monkey 2 Monkey 3

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

86% 76% 71% 71%

Now we are going to know who was the champion of the TPF, time for rst xation. Always remembering that a TPF smaller than 2.5 seconds signies that there is a visual appeal by impulse. More than 2.5 seconds, the visual analysis becomes more conscious.

And the Oscar of Best PPF Indicator goes to: Einstein!



The ranking of the four AOIs regarding the TPF was:

Table 2: TPF of the Personages

It is time to analyze the QF that, as we mentioned before, it represents the quantities of xations, by person. Naturally, a high indicator of QF signies that the people come back



several times for the AOI and that is called attractiveness. The ranking of the four AOIs regarding the QF was:
Table 3: QF of the Personage

Monkey 3 Monkey 2 Princess 3 Einstein 2

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

1,0s 1,9s 2,0s 2,2s



Einstein 2 Monkey 2 Monkey 3 Princess 3

2,1 xations 2,0 xations 1,8 xations 1,8 xations

Congratulations, Old Monkey, the Oscar of TPF is yours. From the four rst nominated in this requirement, the Personage Monkey 3 is the rst and Monkey 2 is the second. Old Monkey, visually you are a personage that calls more the attention of the people, in a vision by impulse, what is, naturally, an attitude of Monkey.

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

What a show, Einstein! You were also the champion in the quantities of xations. Well... I knew it!



We just reached the last indicator, the DF, which refers to duration of the xation. How much longer is xation in the AOI, more commitment of the volunteers. A smaller DF means that the people have quickly discarded the AOI after the visual contact. The ranking of the four AOIs regarding the DF was:
Table 4: DF of the Personages

As they were four different indicators, is there a way to appoint a champion personage, uniting all of them?

Maybe. As the objective of the neuromarketing is going to nd out peoples unconscious state, we can apply the Index of the Unconscious Potential (IPI), an algorithm created by the Ipdois Neurobusiness, by which we are able to unite all the indicators cited previously and, therefore, form a ranking of the personages. Lets see:
Table 5: Index of the Unconscious Potential (IPI)



Monkey 3 Princess 3 Princess 4 Einstein 4

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

0,3s 0,3s 0,3s 0,3s



Monkey 3 Einstein 2

0,94 0,89 0,44 0,37

Princess, nally you had a good result. However, the difference among the personages were minimum. Remembering that a bigger time of xation is able to provide pupil dilation, what shows an emotional state.

Princess 3 Monkey 2
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



But, this is not the nal result. Therefore, these values indicate the better position of each personage. As we want to know the character which has the best unconscious potential in the entire stimulus (18 AOIs), we are going to group the 4 AOIs of each personage and have the IPI medium of Einstein, Princess and Monkey. And we have the following result:
Table 6: IPI of the three personages:

We should remember that the most important thing is the research purpose. Therefore, this determines if an AOI reached or not its objective. In a campaign where the objective is not to generate viewing of the AOI as, for example, the message of the interest rates in a publicity by car, keep down DF and TF indicators would be the ideal, if the announcer should desired to avoid the viewing of that information, therefore, would bring rejection to the



announcement. Finally, the eye tracking can be used for analyze Web sites, marks, packagings, audiovisual or printed publicities or any visual stimulus. Its use is unlimited.

Monkey Einstein Princess

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

0,75 0,70 0,40

Congratulations, Old Monkey! You are the champion regarding the unconscious potential, but be careful: Einstein is quite behind you.

What is the ideal time for the analysis of a stimulus?



Normally, we indicate at most 10 seconds, a sufcient time, including the safety margin. To tell the truth, until 2,5 seconds, we pay close attention to what Old Monkey is seeing.

Well, thats your business, the unconscious and the conscious. The most important thing is to know that a sensational tool called eye tracking exists and permits the measurement.

Damn! You break my legs. Finding my truth. Thats invasion of privacy.

Thats your problem. By the rst time, it is possible to use a technology to understand as our unconscious behaves itself visually. But there is no problem, Old Monkey, because Einstein, after the 2.5 seconds, takes charges of the thing and begins to analyze the conscious, more and more rational. I thought that I would stay out of that discussion. In fact, I should justify many times what Old Monkey looks rst without my permission and judgment. Sometimes, he is indecent!



Electroencephalogram applied to Neuromarketing


Finding out mental states of the consumer

he use of electroencephalogram in neuromarketing researches is very recent when compared with its application in the diagnosis for cerebral illnesses. Everything began in 1848, when German physiologist Doktor Du Boys-Reymond showed to the scientic community that the propagation of the nervous stimulus resulted in the sprouting of an electrical current. However, only in 1929, German neuro-psychiatrist Doktor Hans Berger showed that the human brain also generated such currents and the same could be recorded. Today, Berger is known as the father of the electroencephalogram. 121

Technically, the exam of electroencephalography (EEG) is the result of an interaction between the human being and the machine, which permits to record the cerebral electric activity, as well psychological states, such as alert states or drowsiness. It is possible to observe through the amplitude of cerebral waves, different mental states, such as: - The vigil beta waves, associated to the attention, concentration and cognition. The brain is quite awakened and alert, besides, the visual process has a signicant improvement. The beta wave band is between 13 and 30 Hz.


- The relaxation alpha waves, associated to the relaxation and to the internal conscience. The creative energy tends to ow and the anxiety disappears. The alpha wave band is between 7 e12 Hz. - The calm theta waves, associated to the meditation, intuition, creativity and unconscious memory. The streak of the theta waves is between 4 and 7 Hz.

environment of laboratory be a reality, as a walk to the mall or to the supermarket. A very important standard procedure is the international system 10-20, used in the mapping of the positions where are set the electrodes to record the signs of the electroencephalogram. This system uses 21 points that are marked dividing the skull

- The deep and light sleep delta waves have the slowest frequency of cerebral waves and, normally, are associated to the deep sleep. Delta is the cerebral wave of access to the unconscious. Delta wave band is between 0.1 and 4 Hz. The results of those waves measured by the EEG and combined through complex algorithms can reveal mental states of the volunteer, what generates big interest on the part of the researchers of neuromarketing. One of the big advantages of the modern EEGs is about its portability, permitting that experiences outside the

in proportions of 10% or 20% of the length of the distances between the points of reference nsion and nion in the medial plan and the pre-auricular points in the perpendicular plan of the skull. The points nomenclature is given according to the region or wolf, in that are located, being the following: frontal polar (Fp), frontal (F), temporal (T), central (C), parietal (P) and occipital (O). The points located about the medium line are indexed by the letter "z", of "zero", the points at left of the medium line, by unequal indices and to the right, by equal indices. 122


Therefore, according to gure 16, we are able to complete the nomenclature of all those points of the traditional electroencephalogram: - Fp1 (frontopolar left), Fp2 (frontopolar right). - F3 (frontal left), F4 (frontal right). - C3 (central left), C4 (central right). - P3 (parietal left), P4 (parietal right). - O1 (occipital left), O2 (occipital right). - F7 (left previous storm), F8 (right previous storm). - T3 (left medium storm), T4 (right medium storm). - T5 (left subsequent storm), T6 (right subsequent storm). - Fz (frontal of the medium line) - Cz (central of the medium line), - Pz (parietal of the medium line).

Figure 16: Points of the traditional electroencephalogram

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

Another fundamental point in the use of the EEG in neuromarketing concerns the indicator generated through specic software, so that the researchers can evaluate and measure the results in a marketing way. There are several suppliers and solutions, since each of them has its algorithm, properly recorded and guarded in a black box because, after



all, the secret of the success of the EEG in the neuromarketing is not in the equipment, but in the methodology and in the indicators available for the decisionmaking. Every day, thousands of researches that use the EEG for the neuromarketing are published, showing new formulae and discoveries. Some information are of public domain as, for example, a research carried out by the Laboratory for the Affective Neuroscience of the University of Wisconsin, led by Richard Davidson, in which shows that the human being, under agitation of distressing emotions, has levels of activity relatively high in the right pre-frontal bark, but when feels well, enthusiastic, energized, the area of bigger activity is the left pre-frontal. With this example, you should imagine the potential of that tool for the use of the neuromarketing. Another research of the same University of Wisconsin, published in 2012, declared that the Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard is the happiest man of the world. The French exresearcher that lives today in the convent of Katmandu, in Nepal, is today one of the condants of Dalai Lama. The 124

group of scientists established that his brain produces a level of gamma waves never before related in the eld of the neuroscience. The results showed an activity more elevated of the left segment of the pre-frontal bark of the brain, if compared to the right. When Matthieu Ricard meditated in compassion, his brain produced levels of gamma waves connected to the conscience, attention, training and memory, that never had been related in the literature of the neuroscience. The exploitation of Ricards brain revealed that, due to the meditation, he has an incredibly abnormal capacity to feel happiness and a limited propensity for the negativity.

Peruzzo, The EEG Equipment is really interesting. It looks like a helmet, full of sensors. Does that bother the volunteer? Does that give a shock?


A little bit of discomfort at the right moment of putting the EEG is normal, but after the volunteer is involved with the research, he forgets that he is using that equipment.

At that time you bought the Word, Excel or Power Point, did Microsoft inform the source code of the programs? Of course not. Thats the secret of the business. An algorithm validated with the client, with scientic publication, can be worth millions. You never inform the strategy for free, Princess. But, if you paid attention to the text, you will see that I already gave you some tips here about the place in the neocortex, where we nd the positive and the negative emotional state.

A research using EGG must be very expensive. Is it already viable in Brazil?

Of course it is. Depending on the equipment and of the objective, is possible to carry out a research of EEG as an equal cost, or to even lower to the traditional researches. In addition to that, I must say that is possible to measure the frustration, the commitment, the meditation, the attention and others behaviors through the EEG. I saw a video in which is possible to measure the frustration of a client using the EEG. What are the points that activate in the EEG in order to know the frustration? How many impulsive attitudes does EGG reveal?

Look that! When we talk about the peripheral nervous system, autonomous system and parasympathetic, we are able to nd

Princess, you are so ingenuous.



out a little bit about you by the EEG. By the way, you always bother but never help. If you stir yourself during the experiment or create a lot of noise, you can confuse the interpretation of the facts.

It is important that the volunteer have a good night of sleep, the hair and the scalp should be washed with neutral soap or with shampoos that not contain moisturizing oils or silicone. It is not recommended the use of conditioners or gels. The consumption of stimulating beverages as coffee and energy drinks must be avoided. And the most important thing, if the volunteer shows evident emotional alteration, as anxiety or

Peruzzo, is it possible to use the EEG combined to other technologies of neuromarketing?

nervousness, is advisable to exempt him from the experiment. Another important point, and that we should not forget, is that

Of course! By the way, this is practically an obligation. The unique use of the EEG limits too much the results. The use of the skin conductance, eye tracking, face reading and other measurements permit an analysis more concise of volunteers unconscious perception. The use of the EEG by the volunteer is painless and does not offer risk to his health, however, some procedures of recruitment are necessary, therefore, some behaviors or uses of inadequate substances can interfere in the result of the exam.

each volunteer should sign a term of free consent and be advised about objectives, risks, techniques and details of the research. It is about the security for the volunteer and, mainly, for who is hiring research. A tip: as the EEG is the nearest technique to a medical procedure, it would be better if the research project was sent for approval of an Ethics Committee.




Essays and reflections about neuromarketings world

All the human knowledge began with intuitions, then passed to concepts and nished with ideas.
Immanuel Kant



Bread with Hamburger

The customer is not the boss!

t is not so easy to adjust consumers desires. It becomes worse when we talk about food. Here, I think we got into real trouble. Lets go for a simple test, carried out over 200 times in classes of MBA, where the result, unavoidably, was the same: is not the client that orders but the offering, since the strategies of neuromarketing are known. The professor asks you to imagine yourself as the owner of a snack bar in a university. Someday, you are going to do a market research to know what your clients, that is, the students, are going to eat in the break. After a short analysis of the facts, you have the following result: 130

- 25% of clients want chicken snack; 20% of them want cheese pie; 10% want meat pie; 5% palm pie; 15% want meatballs; and 25% of the clients prefer another snacks. Your problem begins with the stock. How are you going to manage so many ingredients to dispose that diversity of snacks? What about the manual work to be taken every day in order to produce that huge range of options that costs a lot for the merchant? That kind of thing that will increase the nal price of the product What to do? Would a neuromarketing action be able to change the nal result? Well then, you should believe in this possibility.


The professor asks you to imagine the publicity that he is going to tell:
You go home very hungry, after 4 hours of class, and go straight up to freezer, but nds nothing. Suddenly, you see a juicy hamburger in your front, asking to be fried. You catch the hamburger with lot affection and put it on the frying pan, you add oil and light the re. You begin to listen to that noise of fried food, and you taste the smell of the hamburger, that urges you to eat it. The hamburger is mouth-watering, so you catch it with a fork and carry that marvelous trophy, straightly to the most delicious bread of the planet, and when you hold tight, it does a "croc" of breaking crust. Then you catch a knife and open the bread. In that moment, it sounds like the bread calling the hamburger: come for me! Come for me! And you obey! But before, you pass the mayonnaise in the bread, well slowly. After that tasty ritual, you put the hamburger in the bread and realize the oil of the hamburger is mixing up with the mayonnaise, making a sauce of exquisite color. But it does not matter. It is good and too pretty. The cheese appears in your hand and you spread it all over the hamburger, and it melts soon. There is no way. You must close the bread, observe gods delicacy, close the eyes, bring the bread near to your mouth and savor it promptly! That delight, the best bread with hamburger of your life. Unforgettable."

Excuse me, but I bet you are tasting the bread with hamburger. Its magic, isnt it? After the whole dramatization of the bread with hamburger, made by the professor, is thrown the question to the students: what are you going to eat in the break? The results pierced but, normally of 90% to 100% of the people do not want pie anymore, or meatball or croquette. They want bread with hamburger. And what did you learn with that? You probably learned that a client is always willing to replace his "meme", a preformed opinion, by another better "meme". I am sure when you learn how to do that, you are going to sell bread with hamburger, or what you want and whenever you want.



Peruzzo, I want bread with hamburger. Where to buy? Im starving. Why did you that to me? I was so happy with a pie or a little croquette. And now I just cant help thinking of the damned bread with hamburger.

Thats your problem, Old Monkey, but I can assure you one thing: when you get a bread with hamburger, it will be the best thing in the World. And remember: just change your clients meme and guarantee the success of your sales strategy. Thats the tip: is not the client that orders, but the offering that knows how to manage and awake the unconscious desires of the consumers.


A quarrel between reason and emotion


Trolley Dilemma
We go to the rst setting: you are in a sidewalk and see an entirely out of control trolley, coming a slope down at high speed. Soon, you see ve workers doing the maintenance of the tracks. There is a lever in your side that can change the route of the tracks, for an alternative road. However, a worker is also tidying the track in that road. The situation is urgent and it is worthless to squeak, jump or do another thing, since the decision must be taken in seconds. So, what would you do? Well, my friends, I need your cooperation, Einstein, Princess and Monkey. What would you do in this situation? 133

he Trolley Dilemma has been studied for years by psychologists, neuroscientists and studious of the human behavior, but I am going to give a differentiated emphasis to the subject, taking into account the attitudes of our personages Monkey, Princess and Einstein For those who do not know the Trolley Dilemma, he was created by biologist and anthropologist Marc Hause, and puts people in a paradoxical decisive process, in two distinct settings.


Good interpretation, Folks. Congrats! I surely would haul the lever, since a dead person is much better that ve. Besides, I would be a hero by saving workers life. It is logical! But were going to the complicated part now, the setting two. You are in a bridge and see an entirely out of control trolley coming a slope down at high speed. Soon, you see ve workers doing the maintenance of the tracks and in your front, there is a very obese person. There is not time to do Wow Einstein. Imagine the family of the worker who died. That sorrow! But, I understand your decision. I believe that I would leave the Monkey pull the lever. Hey, fellas... Einstein, Princess, Monkey, what to do now? nothing, the only solution is: you push obese person in the tracks, therefore the trolley, with the friction and the noise, is going to diminish the speed, and will save the ve workers. What would you do? Push or not push?

When the situation is an emergency and the decision must be taken within 2.5 seconds, I assume the role. And by the visual aspect of the situation, I also would pull the lever.

I dont know what I would do. Killing a person! After all, I pushed and I participated straightly of the process. My God! It is very difcult. I am confused.



Are you seeing this, Princess? You stayed digressing a long time, full of emotions, locked The trolley already passed and you killed the ve workers.

This Monkey Always selsh. Because workers do not belong to your group, you did not even into account to push the obese one in the tracks. In the research driven by the anthropologist, in the rst

Peruzzo, the logic it is the same. Mathematically, many things in the setting 1 as much as in the 2 and the result is the following: a person dies and 5 are saved. So much drama of the Princess. Push at once!

setting, 85% of people afrmed that would pull the lever. In the second setting, only 12% would push obese person about the tracks. The most important thing in the dilemma is that in all of the moments of their lives, those three personages believed an incessant battle in their mind and, naturally, those that possess an emotional rational, biological and mental equilibrium, possess personal and professional competitive advantage than others. What about you? Do you push it or not?

Einstein, sometimes, things in our lives are illogical. You nd so easy to push an individual for death, even saving other people? What about you, Monkey?

Man, I would run. And if the trolley catches me Worse for me. Firstly, I am going to save my life. And then I take the remainder.




The End of the World in December 2012

better, their brain, was involved by the story line, what is, at least, lamentable. I dare to say that was the most despotic strategy of neuromarketing in the last decade, abducting peoples tonsils. The ground disappeared for many people. Extremely afraid by the need to seek some help, it became so emergent, that hundreds of people decided to build special houses in order to protect themselves from apocalypse, or participated of collective retreats, as what happened in Alto do Paraso, in the State of Gois, in Brazil. In terms of neuromarketing, the end of the world yielded billions of dollars for those who had used the collective fear for 136

The biggest immoral shot of neuromarketing of the decade

he end of the year of 2012 was marked by social movements that stirred up the interest of all scientic community, particularly from neuromarketing one. Soon, you never saw so much people involved by the fear, with the possibility of the world nishing in the legendary date of December 21th, 2012, as predicted by the Mayan calendar. You can nd exaggerated when we deepen in this matter, but when 12% of the Americans, that is, approximately 35 millions of people according to research carried out by the French institute Ipsos believed faithfully that the world would nish, you should understand like those people, or


making money and a lot visibility. They were hundreds of books on this matter, several movies, and some of them with marvelous visual effects. There was that travel agency, with the call "An exuberating End of World - Enjoy 12/21/2012", where the adventurer would be able to give a small entrance, and the balance in to nine rates of US$ 223.00. Ridiculous! Therefore, the world ends, but the installment stands...

It is not exaggeration. Just see what happened with fanatic Jim Jones, a paranoiac citizen, drunk and drug addicted who had the complete control about his followers. But, is that possible? In an isolated place in Guyana, on November 18th, 1978, 900 followers committed collective suicide. Their last words, recorded in audio in the tragic day, were: "Die, die with some dignity. Just do it. Well put an end into agony". Depressing...

For visibility, I cant afford naming apocalypse movement leaders, so that I would give more highlight for those criminals. Malicious individuals that know how to use less informed and unprepared people in order to create groups, squads and communities, where became chance leaders, by some period and, unfortunately, due to the absence legislation, today live as if nothing had happened. Recently, Harold Camping, a TV Show Host of the United States, famous by his personal interpretations of the Bible and Christian doctrines, with his differentiated voice, did the prophecy saying world would nish exactly On May 21st, 2011. His calculations based in the Bible just failed.



He justied the error and promised a new end of the world on October 21th, 2011, and nothing happened once again. My question is: Is that all?

I present some great forecasts of these Gentleman, as of 1980, since the book is dated from nal 70s: In the year of 1980, we would have 8 billion of people in

He abducts peoples tonsils and nothing happens. This man collected millions of dollars of his followers for divulge the end of world all over the planet. Ashamed for his ridiculous apocalyptic forecasts, Harold Camping retired and today does not lead your evangelist radio anymore, called Family Radio. My wistful father, Alberto Peruzzo, who honored his passage on Earth with a lot work and education to his children, without abduct the tonsil of nobody, gave me a book called "Are we entering now in the nal 40 years of Earth?". I can imagine the sorrow in the end of 70s of an individual who had to read a book by Russel Norman Champlin without access to the information we have today.

Earth. Old Monkey. Thats right?

The scientic forecast is: we will arrive to that number only in 2025. Almost there? No! He failed.

In 1980, the elected president of the United States will be murdered or will die in his position. Thats cyclical and always occurs each 20 years. Einstein, your turn?

What a ridiculous forecast! Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, assumed in 1981 and left the presidency only in 1989. Unfortunately, this big president died in 2004. Failed!



In 1982, due to rare conjunction of nine planets, phenomenon that occurs each 179 years, should the duration of the day be modied? Princess, what do you say?

An asteroid is going to fall in one of the oceans in 1985 Would be the beginning of the tribulation? Einstein, do you know many things about astronomy and physics?

I am irritated with so much lie. No one believes in that lie. Failed! Peruzzo, I saw nothing of different in the last years. Failed! Between 1987 e 1988, the Soviet Union will invade Israel and will occupy all the oil-producing notions of the Middle East. The year of 1984 would be the fright year. Princess, where are you? The probable date of the third world war, Old Monkey, it is up to you. Peruzzo, leave me alone. Such silliness. Failed! Youre kidding! If that had happened, we wouldnt be here wasting our time with that punter. Failed! In 1999, several cities of the United States and Europe will disappear of the map, since the Soviet Union will throw many atom bombs.



What do you think, Old Monkey?

As you can see This little group, and many others, knew how to abduct the tonsil, but what does occur in peoples brain? I am going to explain this immoral secret to you. Everything begins with the fear stimulus. The actions of auditive and visual order stimulate our thalamus, that is the center of sensory communication, under the responsibility of the Princess. The standard is the thalamus regarding the order of the processes and send the information to the neocortex, under the responsibility of Einstein, which should do a rational analysis of the emotional stimulus and, nally, send the information screened to tonsil, that will stimulate an action in the Monkey, that will both in the output of hormones and/ or in the runaway or ghting process, in view of danger. This process is called primary way. The problem is: there is a secondary way where, by fear, despair, anguish or some pathology we speak of that afterwards the thalamus, under pressure, does not send the information to the bark and sends straightly to the tonsil, that 140

I passed my vacation in Disney and everythings right. Failed!

In 2000, China will be the owner of the world, since the United States and the Soviet Union will be devastated by the nuclear war, and then will not have forces for counter-attack. Einstein, what do you think?

I feel sorry for our reader. It just sucks. Go ahead. It is already noticed this book is a manual for abduct the tonsil, the author tries to scare people and gather followers. Go ahead, because I dont want to lose my time.

Im so sorry, Einstein, Youre right!


is a despaired Monkey, that believes in anything, seeking an existential solution, trying to survive, and ends anchored in that judgment, by impulse and in a unconscious form, like the solution of his problem. You should be curious: what that history has to do with neuromarketing? I answer: Everything! Simply, the majority of the neuromarketing strategies focuses on this model of fear, and makes you buy, buy and buy, without think, analyze or argue. By example, why they do a liquidation where the shops open early morning? And you are already in the row longtime ago, without sleep, for fear of losing the liquidation

In that moment, you become an unruly animal, seeking the consumption. Your Monkey thanks for the experience. After some time, with the Einstein recuperated of the drinking session , by the way, is he who pays the bill because he is the generator of prescription in the majority of cases , with certainty, he will look bothered upon being conscious of the unnecessary purchases, carried out by impulse in the liquidation. I mentioned previously that the secondary way can be stimulated by pathology. Charles Whitman, 25 years old, killed 13 people and injured 33, in 1966, in the city of Austin, Texas. The massacre just nished because three cops were succeeded in killing Whitman. Why did that happen?

With your Einstein already tired, you enter in the shop with the fear of losing that product that, by the way, never thought of buying, that is the moment in which your thalamus enters in action, doing a straight partnership and sets with tonsil, and you forget the Einstein and active the abduct of the marketing tonsil. 141 When child, Charles Whitman marked 138 points in the IQ test, conrming your powerful Einstein. We might think that Whitman really was a merciless murderer. But is not that easy. Whitmans autopsies found a tumor of the size of a coin, near the thalamus, invading the hypothalamus. Therefore, the


rational, primary way of the bark was obstructed when Whitman lost total control about his emotional behavior. Not by own will, but because he had cancer. Somewhat unbearable. And now? The subject is complex, however, we should not yield to the collective fear, even if the stimuli guide us to that. Remember that you have an Einstein, what makes you a human being, different from animals. Sparing your Einstein is such an injustice. No strategy of neuromarketing, based on the extreme fear, deserves my respect or even yours. Finally, dont forget that Nostradamus also already foresaw the end of the world when Easter will fall on April 25th . And that already occurred in 1666, 1734, 1886, 1943. Did you know that to next time will be in 2038?

I can guarantee, ve years before the damned date, all this history is going to be back, even surrounded by hi-tech and information. We will be frightened animals, using our instinct of survival, and always will have crooks, trying to take advantage of the situation.




Do you Believe in Zombies?

possessed an incredible ability in maintaining his cycle of extremely active life to any cost. By the way, human beings can be infected by that protozoan, normally in contact with excrements of animals or in the consumption of raw meat.

Slave minds of natures mission

o Zombies exist? Something that can control our minds and, suddenly, leaves us to the mercy of the unconscious and animal instinct?

Wow! Im afraid! Thats a lie!

Researches indicate that the presence of the cat in domestic environment represents almost 45% of the infections and the raw or bad consumption of meats represents 14%.

Take it easy, Princess. Dont doubt before having knowledge about things. Were speaking about a protozoan called Toxoplasma gondii, that

Thanks you, Einstein!



Another victim of that protozoan is the mouse. But, all our history begins in the habitat of the cat. The Toxoplasma gondii needs a huge effort, being a microorganism, to live in hosts, denite or intermediate ones.

controlling the brain of the mouse, mainly by establishing a new standard of pleasure in the cerebral reward system, driving it to the meeting of the cats, since the mouse will feel a huge pleasure upon having contact with the smell of urine of the cats. In the search for pleasure, the mouse will nd its predator and

His battle for life begins when is inltrated in the organism of the cat, its denite host. In determined cycle of life, it initiates his output process and elimination of oocysts through the excrements of cats, for its perpetuation.

its death. In normal conditions, by the genetic standard of the mouse, without any alteration, the smell of fresh urine of the cat is a notice of danger. Imagine how a microscopic being can change the standard of

Mature sporozoites exit the oocysts in ve days and enter the Toxoplasma gondii, which enters a mouse by an infected plant. In humid conditions, the oocysts can resist over ve years.

behavior of a complex being as the mouse. When mouse and cat meet, the mouse stays paralyzed, expecting calmly to be devoured. Therefore, Toxoplasma gondii enters the denitive host,

Once in the vital system of the mouse, intermediate host, the Tomoxoplasma gondii takes command of the nervous system, 144

initiating once again its cycle of life.


delivered to the cat, for that your objective of entering the Look that! Did you know that 50% of people of this planet already were or are contaminated by the Tomoxoplasma gondii? The big problem is with the women, therefore, if infected during the pregnancy (0.5% of the pregnant women possess the infection), possess 33% of chance of suffering a miscarriage or will have children with grave neurological problems and blindness. Besides, dont think that a mouse brain in the unconscious level Monkey is different from yours. As matter of fact, zombies exist and control victims brain. How could this happen? Women should be careful, especially in the pregnancy. When we enter a mall, we do not resist to an offering, we remove the credit card, we buy and then we regret about the purchase, we are sure that something inside us a Zombie prompted ourselves to do something that we never would do I agree with you, Princess. Then, you saw what a microscopic protozoan is capable to do in order to manage the cerebral reward system of a mouse, if knowingly. A Zombie loves pleasure, mainly dopamine, especially in people with low levels of serotonin. This victims are destructive. 145 A protozoan! Now imagine your brain Complex and marvelous, which can be managed by millions of strategies of marketing, through vehicles of communication that stimulate your hormones in order to buy and buy. denite host for its reproduction and perpetuation.


I am going to pass a last information about a scientic paper published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, in 2012, that associated the Toxaplasma gondii to cases of suicides in humans. This history of Zombie is already nearby the men.

Conrming those results, Einstein, perhaps the science can help many people with grave problems of health in understanding his unruly and unconscious behaviors, avoiding attitudes that entirely ee from the human consciousness.



How to create a Frankenstein in neuromarketing

Well, here comes the point: the construction of a monster made by parts, not of corpses, but of alive people, through market researches and neuroscientists. Then, it is better to believe that monsters exist. Now, if a monster created in laboratory is really useful, sincerely, I have my doubts. Approximately 80% of the new products fail. For example, in the segment of perfumes, 60% of the new fragrances fail, but you do not perceive such situation, since the classical perfumes conceal the failures of the great international marks.


The sweet illusion where the parts are in the sum of the whole!
o you believe in monsters? What about Frankensteins History? Do you know? It is a horror movie recorded in 1910, based on the book of Mary Shelley, where a young student, interested by the mysteries of life and death, and entirely involved by the ambition of creating a human being, in a night, puts into practice his desire and creates Frankenstein. Before continuing, we stand for a curiosity: the rst version of the lm shows the only time the student really created the monster. In other versions, the monster was created with part of corpses. 147

So many reasons for the huge number of failures, but mainly, in my opinion, is the scientic stubbornness in playing God and create new Frankensteins every day. Please excuse my


tough words, neuroscientists, marketers and researchers that, once based in algorithms, statistics and software, can validate any result through mathematics, creating possible little monsters, since information generated from individual biology facts has statistical meaning. When the nal product goes to market, the thing becomes quite different. Then the witch hunt begins. Who is guilty? Research and development? Marketing? Sell? As matter of fact, a quick fusion is necessary, between the science, the market and, above all, the good census. But, we should not forget the main ingredient, that very few understand its importance, that is, the intuition, derivative of Old Monkeys experience and of Princess insights. Everybody knows that we do not live in a slow trail world anymore, where things happen calmly, without stress and without exercise hard cerebral activity in its consumers. We live in a quick trail world, in the depression age, of the access to the instant and quick information, and that, 148

unfortunately, some models of also physiological and marketing evaluation still are in the epoch of the slow trail. Here is the motive for so many failures. Lets understand in a practical way that some lies that are calmly counted to the market, and the people simply accept such arguments, with that face: Oh! Thats nice! Lets see a classical example of neuromarketing: telling that millions of facts exist, that EEG captures, and that thousands of crossings are available for analysis, as well as a world of possibilities in fantastic interpretations is a big, huge and sensational lie. The algorithms created currently in the market in order to interpret such cerebral waves are extremely limited, mostly, to set of companies, with all rights reserved, and obviously been liberated to the market, would cost a fortune by having access to the source code, if someone is willing to offer that. We are able to count few neuroscientists in the world that use EEG rough facts, interpreting such facts as marketing and


behavioral information, and not merely a neurological case. In Brazil, forget it. We should use outside technology, software that do the whole process. The exaggeration of millions and millions of facts is purely marketing of neuromarketing companies. Doubts? Ask your neuromarketing supplier, that says that it can cross millions of alpha, beta, delta, theta waves and even gamma one, doing the interpretation of the facts in front of you. Without the history and I use of a nal report rened and a pyrotechnic presentation, you will expect the explanation for a long time. Excluding the eye tracking analyses, that are more explicit, therefore are visual, and the use of medium, medians and fashion require a smaller kind of stress, the methodologies as electroencephalogram, skin conductance and cardiac frequency are the most practiced in neuromarketing researches.

And they make heavy errors, delivering for the clients, ignoring the matter, a result statistically perfect, with high statistical meaning, obtained through software and algorithms that researchers, many times, since they do not have the slightest idea about the function of the procedures of internal calculus. In fact, note that, when delivered to client, in a neuromarketing research, a prole of consumer that does not exist, a monster, a Frankenstein, mixture of biology, medium and medians, treating human being as a research of quantitative opinion, or like a structural calculation for a building. Our body is dynamic. Our brain has an incredible plasticity. Imagine the structures of a building with plasticity. The building would fall! Are you upset about this information? I know Discuss the standard taught over ten of years will bring a huge discomfort for a lot of people.



For avoidance of doubts, see the following setting: You could imagine a group of ve volunteers for a neuromarketing research.

Lucas is vegetarian, 25 years old years and practices sport and Buddhism. His nickname is Poliana, since he always sees the benets of things. We are going to do the analysis with the ve personages,

Joo is a stressed executive, with a high level of cortisol, even in the period of the morning, he is very anxious and hyperactive

regarding the use of the technologies of researches EEG and skin conductance. Einstein, what could you say about Joo?

Maria is a housewife, mother of two, and has genetic tendency for diabetes type 2, which is being manifested. Lets see, Peruzzo! Joo has a high level of cortisol Raul is a sportsman, too much religious and has an irreproachable health. Lia has a genetic problem inherited from parents, two pair of the 5HTT gene, with short allelomorph. Biologically, by difculties in serotonins transport, is a person who tends to the depression. by the morning. Since he is stressed and hyperactive, he presents high levels of beta waves, with high levels of skin conductance, due to his excitement. His sensorial stimuli are very strong and alter the result as volunteer, compared with the biology of other people less stressed. We should not mix the two biology types.



What does that mean, Einstein? Show me your summary, so About Maria She has Diabetes type 2 and her organism works differently from the rst volunteer. She has symptoms such as hunger, thirsty and cloudy vision that commits, for example, the visual analyses that use the eye tracking. Raul is religious and we know faith produces serotonin, probably as a person emotionally balanced, he tends to validate positively the stimuli in research is big, even if the product is not so good as showed. Lia has a problem, the incapacity in the effective transport of serotonin that brings depression, and she tends to evaluate the stimuli negatively. Lucas is stable in serotonin and does not depend on the liberation of dopamine to be happy. For him, everything is always marvelous. No, Peruzzo, They consider the individual result of each volunteer in levels of attention, commitment, memory, excitement or emotion, they gather everything, I repeat, they gather the variables and create averages and medium, in order to seek statistical meaning. But the neuromarketing companies do that? Peruzzo, it means they are different people and we should understand their biology in view of determined product and the compatibility of the stimulus. With many compatible proles, the more diversied, the bigger is the chance to obtain success in the product launching. that I can understand the situation.



Slowly! I want to understand better! Did Maria present a level of memory 0.7 and Lucas 0.5, and they create a Frankenstein with a 0.6? That is an absurd. Of course! A product is not validated from peoples biology average. Firstly, the product should be validated with the biggest quantity of Yes, Peruzzo. The value 0.6 is a Frankenstein, a monster. He does not exist. It is a big error. Then marketing spends millions selling for that little monster 0.6. As it is nearby 0.7 and 0.5, sometimes, it sets right and earns prize, but is luck. At present, it shows more errors than cleverness. People are indivisible and genetically or mimetically different. We should understand as to Maria entered the experiment and like she left, and perceive her physiological results, without mixing up with other volunteers. As we said previously, we should seek the greatest number of compatible biology. My function, as a marketing and neuromarketing professional, is to give light to societys doubts, mainly companies and agencies that still do not dominate such techniques, so that, for lack of knowledge, can invest his budget of research and development in ineffective neuromarketing projects. Should you make a summary to simplify the idea? Thank you, Einstein. Your explanation was very concise. compatible biology. For example, if 60% of the volunteers in research of neuromarketing show positive results, regarding the product, the responsibility it is up the companies marketing, they decide whether throw or not a product. This is a question of strategy. A sentence for each head!



Am I exaggerating? Probably yes, or even contaminated by the neuromarketing "memes", but I repeat, when I see that 80% of the products thrown in the market fail, I realize there is a little angel telling me that something is not correct in the methodology, application, validation and analysis of the traditional researches. It is worth your consideration.




Neuromarketing researches in action

In order to search for the truth one requires to doubt, as much as possible, all things, at least once in life.
Ren Descartes



The Success of Gangnam Style Disclosed

technologies were used in the research: eye tracking, face reading and skin conductance.

683 billion reasons to understand Psys neuromarketing

nbelievable! Its the least a marketing professional might imagine when seeing the success of the video clip Gangnam Style, from the Korean singer Psy, with total 1.250.947.065 views. Thats right, you are not confused with numbers, over one billion views. Ipdois Neurobusines carried out a neuromarketing research, with no relationship or business interest, for the purpose of understanding the neurological effects this fascinating video clip provides to its viewers. 40 volunteers, from both genders, took part in this research. The survey was carried out in Curitiba, between January 22 and 23, 2013. The following 158

Im curious to know the results, because consciously, Im not able to understand how a video clip from a Korean, of which no word can be understood, made so much success in the world and in Brazil.

Then, be ready... because the information is surprising. Lets begin with the real time spent by people to watch the video clip Gangnam Style. The ofcial duration is 4 minutes


and 13 seconds, but through the ocular monitoring system, by adding up the total of xations and the respective time of each xation, the average time used by each spectator was 3 minutes and 38 seconds.

multiplied by the number of views of the Korean Psy, provided approximately 683 billon ocular xations of human beings. This is an unprecedented number in the whole media history.

Alright. But whats this type of information for?

These numbers leave Einstein impressed, but I want to know about the visual aspects of the video clip, since the information presented so far was measured by the eye tracking technology.

Einstein, Ipdois Neurobusiness is the rst company in Latin America, specialized in validating the degree of attention of musical video clips through neuromarketing. There is no doubt that such a successful video clip becomes a successful benchmark. There are other video clips, with which we made an analysis, in which the viewer does not spend 50% of the real time watching. Some unbelievable pieces of information were measured through our research. In average, each viewer had 546 xations during the Gangnan style video clip, which, if

Old Monkey, youre completely right. The video clip provides great moments of interest to the viewers and there are some obvious reasons for such many views, such as the need which is most inherent to every human being, mainly to you, Monkey, sex. See the image sequences in the next page (Figures 17 e 18) and note what the main area of interest to the people is, through the heat map resource:



Figure 17: Scenes from the video clip Gangnam style with heat map

Source: YGEntertainment -



Figure 18: Scenes from the video clip Gangnam style with heat map

Source: YGEntertainment -



Figure 19: Scene 107

Ive just found out why I love this video clip. It stimulates my most powerful instincts. Oh! I thought the video clip is too fast and I couldnt pay attention to all details.

Old Monkey, you did pay attention, but unconsciously. Paying attention consciously is a thing for Einstein. By the way, to tell you the truth, he sees only a little. Dont tell him, ok?
Figure 20: Scene 57

The most incredible is the amount of scenes involved in the video clip. We call scene every moving image, even a change to another setting. The video clip has a total of 109 scenes. In our research, we neuscientically analyzed scene by scene and the results were amazing. The three ones with greater level of attention, which is the sum of xation time and the amount of xations, were the scenes 107 with twenty seconds of average xations by person (Figure 19), 57 with eight seconds of xations (Figure 20) and 3 with six seconds of xations (Figure 21).
Source: YGEntertainment -



Figure 21: Scene 3

Your wish is an order. In relation to the thrill peaks, through skin conductance, the results are usually quite individual, because each person has a different emotional history. The most fantastic about this video clip is that there are scenes that provided emotional excitement peaks in several volunteers and, undoubtedly, it shows the strong emotional appeal promoted by the experience in watching the video clip.

Source: YGEntertainment -

We selected the ve scenes which provided a highly signicant excitement peak equal to or greater than 25% of the volunteers. I want to make part of the analysis as well. As you know, the hypothalamus controls the body temperature. Thus, I want to know what scenes had thrill through skin conductance. On the next page (Figures 22 to 26), you may see the scenes with greatest excitement level. To wit: scene 107, with 56% of volunteers, scene 2, 6, 20 and 70, with 25% each.



Figure 22: Scene 107

Figure 24: Scene 20

Figure 23: Scene 2

Figure 25: Scene 6

Source: YGEntertainment -

Source: YGEntertainment -



Figure 26: Scene 70

emotions: happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger and surprise. The variability of the emotions in the video clip Gangnan style was incredible, because it stimulates a unique emotional experience, causing the volunteers who were happy (positive valence), by changing a scene, to change their humor state immediately, mainly for sadness and surprise, or vice-versa. The emotions anger, fear and disgust were not signicant, showing that the video clip does not have an aversion characteristic to the volunteer.

Source: YGEntertainment -

But did you get to a statistic conclusion?

Impressive! In the emotional issue, I take advantage over Einstein. If he wants to omit an emotion in a research, he can, but I dont. How can I prevent a temperature change on my skin?

It was extremely difcult to notice a standard between the volunteers, which represents well the idea of trying to create a Frankenstein in the neuromarketing research. We may notice that, in 28% of the volunteers, the happiness feeling was very intense in the rst 90 seconds of the video

Perfect, Princess. The modern neuromarketing methodologies monitor all your emotions. By the way, we also analyzed the micro facial expressions of the volunteers, by monitoring the




For you to have an idea of the heterogeneous emotional matter between the happiness, surprise and sadness feelings, look on the table below the percentage of each of them:
Table 7: Face Reading Indicators

In respect to privacy, we omitted the name of the volunteer at stake, see below a report (gure 27) obtained through the face reading software, by Noldus Technology, on the micro expressions measured in the 4 minutes and 13 seconds of the video clip. This is actually very intense, look:

EMOTION Sadness Surprise Happiness Fear Anger Disgust

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness


PERCENTAGE 43% 27% 17% 6% 6% 2%

Figure 27: Face Reading report

197 123 77 29 26 11

I dont want to be boring, but... how is the report of the micro expression emotions? Does someone stare the volunteers faces? I like things with scientic details.
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



- The fact that the singer Psy doesnt have the standard After this research, is it possible to describe what the secret to have a successful musical video clip is? stereotype of the singers who are at the top of the success causes our brain to pay attention for being something different, a real standard deviation. - There were over 109 scenes in only 4 minutes and 13 Well, Old Monkey... to tell you the truth, Gangnan style is an excellent reference for those who want to produce a successful musical video clip. We may certainly mention the following characteristics that made this video to become the most seen in the whole history of the modern media. Lets analyze some major points: - Using elements that refer to our most primitive instinct, such as sex, even if this is made subtly. - Having a frenetic, constant pace with total harmony between the musics rhythm and the characters, especially the protagonists, the singer Psy and the singer Hyuna, who have an impressive synchronization. seconds. A frenetic pace like this is like a magnet to our visual system. Since we are not able to watch everything thats on the screen, every time you watch the video, you end up seeing something different. - The video was recorded, produced and edited by widely experienced professionals. By analyzing the video clip frame by frame, it is noticeable the concern with each detail, and one may check that this is no amateur. - It is very relevant to understand that Psy and Hyuna are not unknown and amateur artists, on the opposite, we may say they are old monkeys, and that the world success would come sooner or later. The creation of extremely powerful verbal memes, such as the chorus sexy baby, and non-verbal ones, such as the horse dance, was indispensable for the video success.



Its worth remembering that the analysis of a video clip uses Is it possible to assert that, by using the same video clip elements in a new video, the successful formula could be repeated? Its impressive the amount of information the neuromarketing No, Einstein. Each audiovisual work has its own characteristic and its unique memetic environment. The best thing is certainly validate a new video through neuromarketing research, in order to mitigate errors and make required adjustments and then offer to the society more high-quality videos such as the one we analyzed. may offer to the marketing managers and, thus, reduce a lot the risk of an unsuccessful campaign. In the neuromarketing, rst you make the research and the adjustments so that you may then successfully broadcast. Unfortunately, the traditional marketing many times broadcasts a commercial in order to, after the investment made, understand if it went right or wrong. Ive got news. The reader may view this entire study through the link < gangnamstyle> or through the QR CODE, on this page. Its a visual action for you to understand the heat maps, opacity and the scenes with greatest interest and excitement. We may understand, after this neuromarketing research, that fairly the singer Psy deserves all honors of the tremendous success of his video clip Gangnam style. the same research pattern to analyze advertisements and TV commercials.

Very good, Old Monkey!


The ideal color for the success of fast food


The green power

I suppose you would not take the risk to set up a fast food diner without the famous hot colors.

n all marketing and communication courses, at least some minutes of explanation are guaranteed by the professor and instructors to talk about the red and yellow application in fast food-derived promotional, merchandising materials and product packaging. However, are red and yellow really the colors which stimulate the consumer to pay more attention and to purchase fast food products? I certainly wouldnt risk releasing the entire communication material using cold colors. My graduation in communication always told me that hot colors, such as red, indicate heat, are very stimulating and call more attention. And the yellow is also stimulating, it may be seen from far away and also, as stated by some studies, stimulates hunger when people have nothing on the stomach.



Who am I to question the color psychology, but may I carry out a neuromarketing research to maybe validate these theories?

dynamics of the colors in relation to the objects respectively hot (sandwich and French fries) and cold (hammer and nail).

Of course you can, but its not theory, its reality.

I see. You contrasted the cold and hot colors with cold and hot objects to understand which of them calls more attention, right?

Einstein, your mania to always believe the theory and apply it blindly in everything, as if the magical formula would always work, is dangerous. It seems obvious that red and yellow are so powerful for fast Lets go! Ipdois Neurobusiness made a neuromarketing research with 60 volunteers in January 2012. Out of these, 30 were men and 30 were women, for the purpose of understanding the dynamics of the hot colors, represented by the red and yellow colors, and the cold colors, green and blue. The eye tracking methodology was used to monitor the eye movement of the volunteers and then understand the Lets see the results. We placed the hammer/nail elements (gure 28) and sandwich/French fries (gure 29), contrasting with the hot colors, yellow and red. food, the sandwich and French fries elements will beat the hammer and nail elements. Thats right, Einstein!



Figure 28: Hammer/nail stimulus with heat map

Lets see the results:

Table 8: Eye Tracking Indicators



DF 0,3s 0,4s 0,3s 0,3s


QF 5,5 5,8 5,6 5,5


Hammer Nail French Fries Sandwich

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

0,3s 0,5s 0,4s 0,5s

Figure 29: Sandwich/French fries stimulus with heat map

Peruzzo, I dont get it. When we analyze the time for the rst xation, the goal is understanding the element that the volunteer observed most rapidly, right?

* TPF: Time for rst xation ** DF: Duration of xation *** QF: Quantity of xations
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



Yeah, Monkey. In relation to the time of the rst xation, which essentially represents an unconscious decision-making process, the lower the result, the better. And whod have thought, the winner was the hammer. In relation to duration of the xation, which shows interest in the object, the results were quite similar, but the nail won, once again the cold element. In relation to the amount of xations in the elements, once again the results were quite similar, with a slight advantage to the nail.

Figure 30: Hammer/Nail stimulus with heat map

Shouldnt the sandwich and the French fries, as hot elements, present a better result?

Figure 31: Sandwich/French Fries Stimulus with heat map

This is not my fault, Einstein. My duty, as a researcher, is to understand the dynamics of the colors. In order to make a very important contrast to the study, lets analyze the elements hammer/nail (gure 30), sandwich/ French fries (gure 31), associating them with the cold colors green and blue.
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



Lets see the results:

Table 9: Eye Tracking Indicators

But, in amount of xations, the pair nail and sandwich were better than the others.



DF 0,3s 0,4s 0,3s 0,3s

QF 4,8 6,5 4,3 6,4

Will someone ever do a commercial with nail and sandwich?

Hammer Nail French Fries Sandwich

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

0,7s 0,4s 0,8s 0,4s

Stop it, Princess! The thing here is serious. But we can create a competition between the nail and the

Is it me or the sandwich went a whole lot better with the cold colors, green and blue? It seems it did. In relation to the time of the rst xation, the sandwich and the nail won. In the xation duration, in turn, the results were balanced.

sandwich. In the gures 32, 33, 34 and 35, for the stimuli with the heat map view, we placed as research objects the elements nail and sandwich, interacting with each color separately.



Figure 32: Sandwich/nail stimulus with blue

Figure 34: Sandwich/nail stimulus with red

Figure 33: Sandwich/nail stimulus with green

Figure 35: Sandwich/nail stimulus with yellow

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



Lets see the results:

Table 10: Eye Tracking Indicators

The DF was balanced. But the QF was meaningful, with the sandwich winning from the nail only in the green color in a signicant manner and with a small difference in the red color.

COLOR Yellow Yellow Red Red Green Green Blue Blue

ELEMENT Nail Sandwich Nail Sandwich Nail Sandwich Nail Sandwich

DF 0,4s 0,4s 0,3s 0,4s 0,4s 0,4s 0,4s 0,4s

QF 6,6 4,9 5,6 6,2 4,8 6,8 7 4,6 I dont know if you know, but the most used color by the network Subway which recently became the largest world fast food network, in number of stores is the green color. Currently, Subway has over 36 thousand units, in 99 countries. I understand I cannot question the eye movement of the volunteers. Therefore, I have to assume that green is the ideal color for fast food. The nail had an excellent performance in the blue and yellow colors.

0,4s 0,7s 0,8s 0,3s 0,6s 0,3s 0,4s 0,6s

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

The most meaningful result in relation to the TFF was that of the sandwich in the red and yellow colors, with a very fast view.

In Brazil, it is also leader, with over 900 units, in 27 Brazilian States.



When you think of creating a communication campaign for fast foods, use intuition and also the color psychology, but dont forget to validate your campaign through a neuromarketing research.




Questionable complexity
In order to settle my doubt in relation to the use of complex fonts to increase memory of the people, I decided to replicate the research, but using more modern neuromarketing techniques and not only the observation methodology. With a group of 40 volunteers 20 men and 20 women and using the eye tracking system, ocular monitoring, I carried out the following methodology:

Does the type of font increase the chance to remember a phone number?
here are researches that, despite the whole scientic rigor which is assessed by our Einsteins, despite some results, bother our intuition. Thats what happened to me when I read in the book How to inuence the consumers mind, by the brilliant Roger Dooley, a research from the Princeton University, in which the author states that use of complex fonts, such as Monotype Corsiva and Haettenschweiller, cause the people to have a more accurate memory on messages with the use of such fonts, than, for example, with the Arial font, which is simpler.

Each volunteer randomly viewed three different phone numbers (9688-5836, 9655-4721 and 9677-6945) and in the respective sources (Monotype Corsiva, Haettenschweiller and Arial). Each phone number remained, for ten seconds, available for the volunteer to read.



Right after the reading time, the volunteer was asked: What is the phone number youve just seen? Was the research result contrary to the expectations? Does the simple font generate more memory in people? I assure you most of the people got it right regardless of the font. An eight-digit phone number, during 10 seconds, anyone can remember! All fonts presented a mistake level above 80%, which suggests that the major problem is not the font, but an individual If it were for your justication, the world would be lost. Dont think the peoples Einstein is so powerful. Contradicting you, Einstein, the number memory result was a disaster. In relation to the phone 9688-5836, with the Monotype Corsiva font, 96% of the volunteers did not remember or got the number wrong. In turn, the phone number 9655-4721, with the Haettenschweiller font, 88% of the volunteers also did not remember or got it wrong. The phone 9677-6945, the only one applied with the simple font, Arial, 83% were also not successful. Finally, my intuition (Monkey and Princess working in my unconsciousness) was right. Therefore, the research from the Princeton University needs to be urgently revised by its authors. And, in fact, Old Monkey, if you need to use a font in a telephone number, its better to use Arial, the best out of the three. capacity of each person, whether with verbal or non-verbal, genetic or memetic inclination to decorate numbers. I dont see by that point of view.



But the research by Ipdois Neurobusiness didnt stop in this observation analysis; probably, very similar to that which was carried out by the Princeton University. Lets analyze now the dynamics of the volunteers reading, in relation to the eye tracking technology stimulus.
Table 11: Stimulus: Telephone Number 9677-6945 with Arial font

Just remembering the eye tracking indicators used in this research: - AOI: Area of interest - PPF: Percentage of people who xated - TFF: Time for rst xation - DF: Duration of xation The most viewed number was the third digit, number 7, with 95% of PPF. The third digit also had the greatest number of xations, with 3.17 xations in average by volunteer. The digit rstly viewed was the second, represented by the number 6, with only 0.92 of TFF. The least viewed digit was the eighth, represented by the number 5, with only 5% of PPF.

AOI 9 6 7 7 6 9 4 5
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness


TPF 3,35s 0,92s 1,13s 1,93s 1,69s 1,82s 2,71s 3,20s

DF 1,50 2,94 3,17 1,30 2,62 3,00 2,07 1,00

11% 84% 95% 53% 68% 89% 79% 5%



Table 12: Stimulus: Telephone Number 9688-5836 with the Monotype Corsiva font

The digit rstly viewed was the second, the number 6, with only 0.84 of TFF. The digit eight was the least viewed, represented by the number 6, with only 16% of PPF.

AOI 9 6 8 8 5 8 3 6
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness


TPF 2,56s 0,84s 1,13s 2,20s 2,03s 2,01s 2,57s 2,77s

DF 1,20 2,94 2,94 1,33 1,63 2,56 2,00 1,67 Take it easy, Einstein... theres one phone number missing.Its too soon to get to a conclusion. But will the Haettenschweiller font be the great differential of the research? This is the only hope for the fonts. Sorry to interrupt, but the two stimuli analyzed presented so far the same result in visual interest level, regardless of the font used. Thats amazing!

26% 95% 95% 63% 84% 95% 79% 16%

The most viewed numbers in this stimulus were the second and third digits, respectively the numbers 6 and 8, with 95% of PPF. Both had the greatest number of xations, with 2.94, in average, by volunteer.



Table 13: Stimulus: Telephone Number 9655-4721 with Haettenschweiller font

The least viewed digits were one and eight, represented by the numbers 9 and 1, both with only 5% of PPF.

AOI 9 6 5 5 4 7 2 1
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



DF 1,00 2,06 3,05 1,60 2,17 2,80 1,50 1,00 Einstein, youre right. Thats really incredible. The goal of the research was to understand the power of the memorization of the fonts in people and we ended up by discovering another thing. The third digit of a phone number is the most rapidly seen by the absolute majority of people, with a PPF above 95%. Thats the magical digit, because it also has the greatest number of xations. On the other hand, the rst and the last digits were the worst in viewing. Having a 26%-PPF is too low. Peruzzo, what did I tell you? Conrmed once again!

5% 89% 100% 53% 63% 79% 84% 5%

2,10s 1,15s 1,03s 1,70s 2,54s 1,87s 2,79s 3,40s

The most viewed number in this stimulus was the third digit, number 5, with 100% of PPF. It was also the one which obtained the greatest number of xations, with 3.05, in average, by volunteer. And, look how amazing, the third digit was also the one viewed in rst place, with only 1.03 of TFF.



love with the wonderful world of neuromarketing. Always Too much stalling! Is it possible to understand why people dont memorize the phone number in my hippocampus, using a long-term memory? What a Princess-like answer, Peruzzo. Are you touched? The answer is simple, Princess. Because they didnt read all digits of the telephone number. Then, if the person does not read the number, how can the thalamus under your responsibility, distribute a piece of information that does not exist? Your hippocampus will be empty, my dear, and the neocortex will have no information! We learned from this research that questioning surveys already existing is a duty of any researcher, and not an affront. By the way, do it also with my researches, because knowledge evolution, of the methodologies and research technologies is something natural and necessary. Not always the expected goal of the research becomes the aimed result. We wanted to know one thing and discovered another. Thats why Im in providing us with beautiful surprises...

Not at all, Einstein! Youre the one whos too boring. You say it, you take it. If I were only rational and accepted any research as absolutely true, I would not have made this research. I would use complex fonts in my communications, mainly in the phone numbers, and that would be a general disaster. Less Einstein, less!



The power of attraction of the subtitles

to the spectators level of attention.


Subtitled movies steal 25% of the spectators attention

hile many individuals complain, and with reason, that dubbed movies lose their quality due to the change of the original audio, the subtitled movie, in spite of having such hearing advantage, may have other weak points, which demand a special attention, whether in the educational process or in audiovisual communication actions in neuromarketing. Ipdois Neurobusines carried out, at Unio Educacional de Cascavel (Univel), in Paran, a research with 60 students,

aimed at understanding the impact the subtitled movies offer

The result was impressive, because there is a great difference of the attention level and focus between subtitled and dubbed movies.

This type of conclusion seems obvious. Is a neuromarketing research required to prove the rationale?

Yes, it was, Einstein. First of all, because the popular opinion is that the subtitled movies are better to watch, because they



keep the movies original environment and also help learning languages, which in fact is quite questionable. And, the more it seems obvious that the subtitles steal the attention, the point is: how much of attention does it steal? Maybe 5%, 10% or 15%, or maybe it is not relevant. But, what if I tell you its much more, Einstein? Thats right, Old Monkey! Alright, you convinced me. You have to claim your rights. Of course that the subtitled By means of the eye tracking technique, a neuromarketing tool that allows for accurately measuring the eye movement of the spectators, it was possible to check what was the time spent by the volunteers in reading the subtitles and in viewing the movie. The result was surprising, the volunteers spent 25% of the time reading the subtitles. movies signicantly hinder the way the message gets to the viewer. The person cannot see at the same time what is done in the movie (non-verbal language) and whats written in the subtitles (verbal language). Therefore, he ends up being confused. It means that, by reading the subtitles, he loses the non-verbal movement of the characters, who mainly transmit emotions and feelings, which are essential for the complete understanding of the movie. But this result complicates my life! If I learn through visual, or non-verbal process, I have to keep watching the letters, and Im losing the setting, the protagonists, objects and details of the movie, which get lost during the subtitle viewing, but which are extremely important to understand the plot in a production.



Even unconsciously, people, by choosing a subtitled movie, dont have the chance of the complete experience and, consequently, have a mistaken interpretation of the plot.

Princess, I never thought of causing any harm to anyone, on the contrary. It would be a huge child behavior if someone stopped placing

By means of the research technique, we may see that stress is greater by watching a subtitled movie than by watching a dubbed movie. We realize that the search for non-verbal and verbal information in the subtitled movies is so intense that one can check the desperation of the visual system as well as of the brain, in understanding what is read and what is seen, at the same time.

subtitles in movies because we lose 25% of the visual process attention. Its obvious that Im suggesting that in the neuromarketing strategies, one should avoid using subtitles when the setting is important for the context of the message. Similarly, if the context is not important, abuse the subtitles and texts.

I would like to make a complaint. You are being unfair with the hearing-impaired people, who depend on subtitles to watch movies. Dont you think the research may discourage use of the subtitles in the video market?

Another factor which concerns me is the excess use of subtitled movies in schools and universities. The student, by watching a video, almost have the same learning experience as reading a book, because he loses much of the visual aspect.



Please, Princess, no prejudices with a neuromarketing research.

Figure 36: Scene contrast with and without subtitles

Alright. I dont doubt the research, but can you show such difference between a subtitled and a dubbed movie visually?

Sure, Monkey... you have the whole right to make this type of request. In the gures 36 and 37, we have two different times of the movie Batman The dark knight rises, which was used as stimulus of the neuromarketing research, where we may clearly note the hot attention points.
Figure 37: Scene contrast with and without subtitles

Source: WarnerBrosPictures -



An area of interest was created (AOI), gure 38, which was I dont want to be boring, but where did you take this 25% percentage of attention in the subtitles from? Only by visual analysis of the heat maps? Isnt there any statistics on it?
Figure 38: Scene contrast with and without subtitles

then compared to the total time the spectator spent viewing the AOI of the subtitle area, against the remaining area of the visual stimulus.

Of course not, Einstein. Since I know youre boring and want all things with gures, references, statistics and variables, lets to the variables found in the dubbed and subtitled movie. In the dubbed movie, duration of each xation was 0.5s. In the subtitled movie, in turn, duration of the xation was 0.3s. It proves less quality and time in the viewers attention, in each view of the subtitled movie. In relation to the 25% of the time of the viewer reading the subtitles, the analysis was simple.

Source: WarnerBrosPictures -

I undoubtedly have nothing further to ask. You know, an entire life using traditional research and now, with these new technologies, it takes me a little to get used to.



Dont worry, Einstein... I understand completely. Then, lets to the tip: be careful with excess sentences in your neuromarketing campaigns, because they may steal attention, leaving your products in the second place.


Manipulation of the visual merchandising in the unprepared Monkeys

BUY 2, GET 1.5

Buy 2, get 1.5

Something tells me youre upset with some company that made something bad!

ts amazing how the visual merchandising stimulates our eyes in a retail store. When we enter the designer stores, we feel like we are possessed by the desire of buying the best. Everything to make us feel better people. Its the unconscious ght to let our Princess happy and our Monkey powerful. However, since the customer is the hostage of such sensorial experience, many times he becomes much more like a victim of sales than its beneciary. Im a teacher and look, I teach neuromarketing and even consider that I have a reasonably good Einstein. Now, being deceived is really not comfortable. My Einstein failed. Thats right, Old Monkey.



Figure 39: Regular plate and with heat map

Peruzzo, then sit on the couch and open up your heart.

Princess, opening up my heart wont solve the problem. Its done. The companies need to be careful with the manipulating actions of neuromarketing, because in spite of having been deceived, now my Einstein realized the mistake I made and charged me a rational and fair attitude.

Thats right. I suggested that Peruzzo did a neuromarketing research, simulating the promotional ads.
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

First of all, Einstein, let me tell you how the story happened. I was in a designer store in Orlando, Florida, when I read a quite visible sale in a plate (Figure 39), above a counter with several shirts.


BUY 2, GET 1.5

I entered the store and immediately saw the message being sent to my Monkey: 40% discount. I had no doubt, an international brand shirt which usually cost USD 60.00, with 40% discount, amounting to only USD 36.00. I immediately bought six pieces by impulse. Alright, I confess, I made a research before, through a price comparison application, in my iPhone, to know how much the same shirt cost in Brazil. Just three times the value. I was doing the best business of my life. When I entered the cashier queue, my Einstein calculated six shirts, for USD 36.00 each, amounting to USD 216.00. My Monkey yelled: excellent business! Einstein is going to be proud. By passing the items through the cashier for payment, the surprise: the total purchase was USD 270.00. I questioned the attendant, whose name was Paul, and the answer was the following: didnt you see the wrong sales? No! Its there: 40% discount. Paul, very nicely, took me to shirt counter and showed me the following sales, but this time, the other side of the plate (Figure 40): buy a shirt and get 50% discount in the purchase of another shirt.

Figure 40: Regular plate and with heat map

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



But this was not the plate I saw. I asked Paul to see the other side of the counter the reverse side of the plate, where giant letters stated the 40% discount. Once again, very nicely, Paul asked me to read the sales and pay attention to the product, indicated in the lower part of the plate. And I read and the product of those sales was the sweater! The shirts were not in 40% discount, but the sweaters were. At that time, I felt I was the greatest moron on Earth. Its obvious that I didnt give up my purchases, because even so it was advantageous. But, my question is the following: why putting a plate indicating 40% discount beside the shirts, with the sweaters being in the bottom part of the counter? Our Monkey associates the discount with the product which is beside. Well, I bought the shirts, but I didnt forget to take high quality pictures, exactly of the visible promotional plate at the entrance of the store, for which I was deceived in the sales, as well as of the reserve side of the same plate, visible for those who were inside the store, mainly for those who were in the cashiers queue. 192

From my story, is it fair and ethical to indicate the sales of a product, through which we are visually encouraged to purchase another one, deceiving our Monkey? When we used the eye tracking technology, in a sample with 21 women, we made a simple analysis of both stimuli: picture A, with 40% discount of the sweaters, and picture B, with 50% discount in an additional item, in order to understand if actually the people can realize the detail of the sales, or only xate the promotional gures. Lets to the results: In plate A, 83% of the volunteers looked to the message 40% OFF, and only 39% looked to the word sweater. It means 61% of the people who enter the store, through a Monkeys interpretation, did not associate the 40% with the sweaters, but with the shirts above the counter. In plate B in turn 78% of the volunteers saw the product description, shirts, and 74% saw the 50% discount in an additional item. A rational plate, with no Strong promotional appeal.

BUY 2, GET 1.5

hundreds of customers. Think of the prot gained by the Did you complain, Peruzzo? This is a visual guidance technique, not for the thing you should see, but, to where the company wants you to see. I hate when they deceive me. Then, Einstein is always regulating me and putting brakes in my decisions. I didnt complain, because the plate B of the sales was there. The plate A is aimed at bait goods, inviting the customer to enter the store and, consequently, as in my case, committing an interpretation mistake. The problem, Old Monkey, is that the stores should be careful with the consumers, with those who have access to the information and with those who have the Einstein more and more connected. Its natural that the complaints will Wow, Peruzzo! Too much mess for a difference of USD 54.00. This subject did not deserve so much space in the book. It seems to be a thing of tightsted person. considerably increase. Of course that, receiving a customer like me, owner of a neuromarketing lab, is an exception and such a bad luck, but it may serve as a lesson. After all, to what extent may we deceive the customers using manipulating neuromarketing strategies? There is a limit and respecting the consumer is necessary. Thats why people end up being in debt and acquiring serious nancial problems with this emotional mentality. Imagine USD 54.00 only from one customer. Now multiply it by companies by visual manipulation.




The unconscious habit of buying ice cream

For the purpose of understanding the unconscious habit of the ice cream consumption, Ipdois Neurobusiness made a neuromarketing research, in the city of Curitiba, with 90 volunteers, at Hipermercado Condor, between December 26 and 29, 2011. The complete result of the research was made available to all companies which products were analyzed. The methodology applied on the research was the blind test, which analyzed three ice cream brands (Kibon, Bapka and Hagen-Dazs) and has the participation of a sample of 90 volunteers, aged between 19 and 49 years, being 55% men and 45% women, all of them right-handed and consumers of strawberry-avored ice cream. There were 20 volunteers by ice cream brand and 30 volunteers for the control group.

Olfactory and gustatory system in evidence

n a traditional research to understand the preference for ice cream brands, you should have no doubt that the memetic environment, through luxurious points of sale, differentiated packaging and an impeccable global communication, is denitely of worth to elect the best ice cream of the market. But the conscious opinion would be only another piece of a larger puzzle. And by the unconscious opinion, that over which we have no rational control, only sensorial and emotional, derived from olfactory and gustatory stimuli, which have no verbal coding in its action in the limbic system, measuring the behaviors is even more complex.



the ocular movement, which would make accomplishment of Why this thing of control group? Right-handed? Blind test? Its not enough to make the research with whom consumes ice creams? the research difcult. In relation to the blind test, the people tried the ice creams without knowing the brand or the ice cream avor.

No, Old Monkey. The control group is essential, because without it, we would have an analysis of the results only between the ice creams and since we use too many visual resources on the research, we need to understand the results of the people in relation to the visual stimuli with no olfactory and gustatory sensorial experience of the ice creams. Thus, we have a standard behavioral indicator for this control group. The goal is observing the signicant variance between the results of the group that tried the ice creams, in relation to the control group. The variations, for more or less, may show an emotional change derived from tasting of the ice cream. In relation to the right-handed volunteers, a methodology of sensorial clues through eye movement is a result. Approximately 50% of the left-handed have an inversion in

Dont forget to comment that the research served as basis for the rst lecture of a Brazilian at the 1st Neuromarketing World Forum, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which took place in February, 2012.

Princess, you have no idea how proud I was at that special moment. Being the only Brazilian representative to provide a speech on such an important event was a landmark in my life. After that time, Princess, lled with emotions relived, and Monkey, by talking about myself, lets to the research.



Only strawberry-avored ice creams were analyzed on the research, of the following brands: - Global ice cream, Hagen-Dazs Strawberry, with 473 ml and approximate price in Brazil of USD 7.60. - National ice cream, Kibon Morango, with 2 liters and approximate price in Brazil of USD 7.43. - Local ice cream, Bapka Morango, with 2 liters and approximate price in Brazil of USD 5.00. In spite of the focus of the research being on the unconscious behaviors, the participants were asked to consciously verbalize themselves in relation to quality of aroma and the avor of the ice creams, in a scale from 1 to 5. In relation to the aroma, the ice cream Hagen-Dazs obtained grade 4.35, Kibon 4.24 and Bapka 3.95. This is not a surprising result, because the investment in ice cream aromas demands million dollars, and it would be natural that a global company would have the best results.

In relation to the avor, the ice cream Hagen-Dazs obtained grade 4.5, Kibon 4.25 and Bapka 4.15. The result followed the same rationale of the aroma. But is the unconscious perception the same? Einstein, Im going to ask for your help now. Since several technologies and stimuli were used, youll make the presentation of the research.

My pleasure. The rst technology used was that of an electroencephalogram, for the purpose of measuring the momentary excitement, frustration, engagement and meditation.

Just a detail, Einstein. The EEG measurement was made twice, in which the volunteer only smelled the aroma, stimulating the olfactory system, and at some other time, trying the ice cream through the gustatory system.



Lets see the results of the olfactory system: In relation to the momentary excitement, the ice cream Bapka obtained a PPVN of 85.71%, i.e., no signicant changes, and 14.29% with negative variations, as compared to T0 and TF.

PPV+ and PPV-, these are nomenclatures created by Ipdois Neurobusiness to make understanding of the PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE having a POSITIVE VARIATION between signicant T0 and TF (PPV+), NEGATIVE VARIATION (PPV-), and non-signicant VARIATION or NEUTRAL (PPVN) easier. Thus, we do not look for averages, medians and trends, trying to create a Frankenstein, but how many biologies are compatible to certain stimulus. Since you understand now the terminologies, lets show a table

Stop it. PPVN? Negative variation between T0 and TF? Whats that?

I forgot this book is aimed towards beginners in neuromarketing. The terminology T0, or T zero, is the state in which the person starts the research, without contact with the stimulus. The TF, or T nal, in turn, is the state of the person after trying a sensorial stimulus, such as for example, an aroma, fragrance or avor. The difference between the T0 and the TF shows a possible positive interference (for more) or negative (for less) of the stimulus offered to the volunteers. This type of methodology may be used for electroencephalogram, skin conductance, heart rate or any other physiological measurement. In relation to the PPVN,

with the momentary excitement results:

Table 14: Olfactory system Momentary Excitement

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka Kibon


(PPVN) 77,78% 85,71% 63,16%

(PPV-) 11,11% 14,29% 26,32%

11,11% 5,26%

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



Table 16: Olfactory system Engagement

The momentary excitement is directly related to the emotional status of the volunteer.

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka


(PPVN) 80% 94,12% 92,86%

(PPV-) 10% 5,88% 7,14%

10% -

Hagen-Dazs and Bapka did not suffer any great changes, but Kibon obtained a signicant negative variation, because 26.32% of the volunteers reduced the momentary excitement after scent the ice cream.
Table 15: Olfactory system - Frustration

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

No brand signicantly stimulated the engagement and attention status of the volunteers.

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka Kibon


(PPVN) 94,44% 95,24% 94,74%

(PPV-) 5,56% -

Table 17: Olfactory system - Meditation

4,76% 5,26%

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka Kibon


(PPVN) 100% 94,12% 92,86%

(PPV-) -

5,88% -

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness


Frustration was not signicant in any of the brands analyzed.

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

In summary, we may assert that in the electroencephalogram technology the only actually important result was the



potentially negative momentary excitement of the ice cream Kibon.

Probably, the most experienced on the subject, professors, statisticians and neuroscientists are tired of such excess steps, but we apologize, the focus here is our new neuromarketing consumer, and this book is aimed to him.

It would be important to say why some pieces of information dont have statistical signicance. In such EEG measurements, the variations may be minimum, for more or less, and our own nature allows for variations every second, even with no specic stimulus.
Table 18: Gustatory system Momentary Excitement.

Lets see the results of the Gustatory system:

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka


(PPVN) 83,33% 61,09% 89,47%

(PPV-) 16,67%

23,81% -


Very good to remember, Einstein. I will be repetitive, but our goal is describing step by step a neuromarketing research and not only the simplied results, leaving the reader only with the macro results. Much greater than exposing the research result is causing the reader to build a methodology that may be applied on his daily routine.

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

The most signicant result, in relation to momentary excitement, was from the ice cream Bapka, because it obtained a signicantly positive variation result, which fact is not present in the other ice creams.



Table 19: Gustatory system Frustration

In relation to the level of attention and the cognitive process of (PPVN) 94,44% 80,95% 94,44% 4,76% (PPV-) the volunteers, no ice cream showed signicant change.
Table 21: Gustatory system Meditation

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka Kibon


5,56% 14,26% 5,56%

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka Kibon


(PPVN) 100% 87,5% 83,34%


12,5% 8,33%

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

Once again, while the ice creams Kibon and Hagen-Dazs dont have a signicant result, the ice cream Bapka shows an interesting contrast in the positive variation, i.e., its avor is more frustrating than the others.
Table 20: Gustatory system Engagement


Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

None of the ice creams showed any signicant change in relation to meditation.

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka Kibon


(PPVN) 90% 87,5% 100%


What is the summary we may have from these results?

10% 6,25% -


The most important result, in addition to those already explained previously, is that based on the idea that the ice

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



cream Hagen-Dazs is a premium product, the ice cream Bapka showed a very close behavior, with no great distortions.

Lets see the results of the Olfactory system:

Table 22: Olfactory system Heart Rate

This is already an indication that, in terms of central nervous system, specically the neocortex, both have close characteristics. The ice cream Kibon does not enter the comparison by the negative result in relation to the momentary excitement of the system.

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka Kibon Control Group

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness


(PPVN) 94% 62% 60% 61%


6% 24% 20% 18%


20% 21%

The ice cream Hagen-Dazs showed an incredible balance in But this is not enough to have a conclusion of the ice creams, is it? Wheres the heart rate analysis? relation to the heart rate, not signicantly stimulating the SNA, sympathetic or parasympathetic, and did not show a behavior near the control group. Lets get there, Old Monkey. For analysis of the heart rate, we use the same EEG methodology, i.e., we checked the T0 and the TF of each olfactory and gustatory try. The ice creams Bapka and Kibon presented results close to those of the control group, which shows a behavior neat the normality.



LLets see the results of the Gustatory System:

Table 23: Gustatory System - Heart Rate

In summary, the ice creams Kibon and Bapka did not signicantly change the volunteers, because their results are very close to the control group. Now, the ice cream Hagen-

BRANDS Hagen-Dazs Bapka Kibon Control Group

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness


(PPVN) 80% 65% 56% 61%


Dazs is impressive. In the olfactory and gustatory system tries, it obtained an uncommon balance. Its as if the people were in an unchanged status, which is not normal. If this is bad or good, it depends on the companys goal in relation to the product. If the company wants an intense product which may cause great emotions, the result is not good. But if it wants the customer to be unchanged, whether in alert status or excess calmness, the result is great. The marketing should guide what one wishes with the product. The neuromarketing measures these physiological reactions.

10% 20% 39% 18%


6% 21%

Once again the ice cream Hagen-Dazs was the one which least changed the heart rate of the volunteers. Bapka kept a result very close to that of the control group. The ice cream Kibon in turn had a signicant change in relation to the positive variation.

But I thought a neuroscientist, by reading these Since the heart rate is a system I control, what do you say about the results? results, would point out the best marketing strategy?



Are you kidding me? A place for everything and everything in its place. A neuroscientist, even due to his graduation, works with a world controlled by science, protocols, algorithms and patterns. Einstein, denitely the market doesnt work like that. If it did, creating a marketing plan, with all variables required and executing would be sufcient: guaranteed success! On the contrary, over 90% of the extremely successful companies created did not start with planning, foreseeability, protocols and predened algorithms. After all, guiding a marketing manager to rake decisions only on the physiological measurements may be a big disaster. I must repeat, neuromarketing is a joint effort, where marketing and neuroscience, joining these two ecosystems, including as regards the human material, should join forces, to get to a plausible conclusion. Now, lets see an innovative methodology. Use of the color spectrum to understand which color, aroma or fragrance leaves more interest, mainly as regards the unconscious and decision impulses, which occur up to 2.5s after the people view a product. 203 Everything thats standard is worth too little. I apologize, but this mania to always require the source of what is created many times refers me to the idea of creating only things based on past. The past is important, but creating something which is not related to anybodys reference, or any scientic text, is normal. This is something the neuroscientists must learn. Going back to the design of the top 100 world companies, Einstein seems to be a clairvoyant. This was the question they made me in the end of my lecture during the 1st Neuromarketing World Forum. Its obvious that neuromarketing is also a business, and like any other business, its activities should be kept in secrecy, which means maintenance of its success. Open up your mouth on your secret and your differential ends up becoming a standard. On what scientic reading were you based to make the research?


thats the question: were they created according to someone? Or were they created through geniality of their entrepreneur? I would be too naive to expose my algorithm publicly. Other market-leading neuromarketing companies did not disclose their algorithms as well. Lets see the results of the color spectrum. The volunteers were encouraged to try, through Gustatory System, the ice cream and then, through eye tracking system, they were visually encouraged with the following colors: red, green, yellow, blue, orange and purple. The table below shows the PPF (Percentage of people who xated) of the colors within up to 2.5s, time deemed as essential for decisions by impulse and, naturally, an essential factor in the creation of the ice cream packaging and color. We should remember that the control group viewed the color spectrum with no try.

Table 24: Color Spectrum - Gustatory System

COLORS Red Green Yellow Blue Orange Purple

GC *




63% 53% 37% 63% 53% 50%

55% 55% 35% 58% 45% 45%



55% 45% 30% 50%

57% 67% 62% 67%

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

The ice cream Kibon was the one which got closest to the control group, suggesting that its avor did not signicantly stimulate the colors, mainly the red and the green, which also got below the control group.

*GC: Control group



These colors, red and green, are essential for the test, because they represent the strawberry colors in the ice cream packaging. The ice cream Hagen-Dazs was technically the one which had the best result, as compared to the red and green colors, which were signicantly greater than the control group and the cold colors. The ice cream Bapka obtained a very signicant result in relation to the red and green colors, but it also increased the xations in the remaining colors.

With this research we may get to some major conclusions, not to say which ice cream is better, because it depends on the marketing goals of the companies, but in relation to the neuromarketing methodology: a) The use of different tools, such as ocular monitoring through the eye tracking, EEG, heart rates and skin conductance, to measure the unconsciousness becomes important for a rich and consistent interpretation, adding to the traditional researches. b) Both the olfactory and the gustatory system had different

Wow! Use this research to help determining the colors of the ice cream is amazing. How do current ice cream companies do?

results, which validate the contrast between both, by using the neuromarketing. c) The colors and the images have different unconscious perceptions when the volunteers have gustatory and olfactory

Princess, usually through qualitative researches and group discussion. Now theres a new alternative.

stimuli. d) For the visual aspects, carrying out a research without control group is having a serious risk in obtaining unrealistic results for the consumers purchase environment. 205


In relation to the marketing applications, with this neuromarketing research, we may highlight: - The purchase decisions of the ice cream brands in the point of sale are not stimulated by aromas and fragrances, only by merchandising stimulus. However, the new purchase of ice cream is determined by positive or negative experiences associated with avor and aroma. The neuromarketing research collaborates in both situations. - An additional care is required with the avor, aroma and fragrance approval. - the fragrance houses are widely important in the avor, aroma and fragrance choosing processes, because they allow for such unconscious measurements through neuromarketing researches. My large goal in exposing this research to you, reader, is showing the steps of a neuromarketing methodology and its possibilities. 206

Each stimulus may use already validated methodologies in other researches and, why not, innovate in new methodologies. Literally, the sky is the limit for the sensational world of the neuromarketing researches.



Methodologies for the neuromarketing

If, at rst, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.
Albert Einstein



Quantitative research through eye movement

I created a quantitative assessment pattern, by which I remove the presence of the interviewer and also with a verbal opinion of the volunteer. The quantitative research is carried out without the volunteer opening the mouth. The methodology consists in the monitoring of the eye movements of the volunteers, added to a specic algorithm, named Unconscious Potential Rate (IPI). For the purpose of showing feasibility of such methodology, we developed, exclusively for this book, a research with 60 students from the college Faculdade Univel, in the city of Cascavel, by which well be able to note, in sequence, the results that make possible for expansion of this methodology in the most varied elds of the human knowledge.

The quantitative of new clothes

he quantitative research is widely used in all areas of the human knowledge, hundreds of years ago, always with the same goal, understanding peoples opinions and transforming them into statistic data. Thus, we may make decisions supported by gures, which may reduce the margins of error and increase reliability of the data. Well then, what was the last big news in the method? Many times what we actually see is a net of new rules, based on past, with exaggeration of limitations, which in my opinion generates, many times, stagnation of the innovation process.



Lets work. 60 students took part in the research, divided into two groups of 30 students each. The participants of a group had access to some questions through a monitor and were instructed to verbalize their opinions on the questions, while were monitored by the eye tracking equipment (ocular monitoring), which was totally managed by a software based on the IPI algorithm. Lets call this sample control group. The remaining 30 students had access to the same questions, but were instructed not to answer absolutely anything. Lets to They just had to look to the questions and the answers, while they were monitored by the eye tracking equipment and the IPI software. Well, they didnt say anything. Lets call this sample silence group. The nal IPI results, both of the control group and the silence group, were virtually equal, even with a very small sample, of 30 volunteers/each. Remember that in a traditional quantitative process, a sample with 30 volunteers would be totally irrelevant, because the error margin would be too high. Lets not waste time, Old Monkey Lets see the rst and major result. I needed a control group to see whether there was a signicant difference in the result of the IPI algorithm use, in relation to the silence group result, because both were monitored by the same eye tracking equipment. No, Old Monkey. Peruzzo, why this group division? Why not doing everything at once? This way is only confusion.



The answers from the control group were: 17% for, 83% The rst question was regarding the opinion of each volunteer in relation to the work of the president Dilma Rousseff during her government, if this was great, good, regular, bad or awful. The results related to the control group were: 3% great; 44% good; 41% regular; 12% bad and 0% awful. The silence group in turn obtained the following results: 8% great; 41% good; 44% regular; 7% bad and 0% awful. against and 0% no opinion. In turn, in the silence group research: 20% for, 74% against and 6% no opinion. Once again, the greatest difference was nine percentage points. For you to have an idea, in a traditional research 80 to 100 samples are required to get to 10 percentage points of error margin. Now Lets see the most complex question. In relation the participants opinion on marriage of people from the same gender, the results from the control group were: 42% for, 45% Peruzzo, thats amazing! The greatest difference in percentage between the researches was only ve points. Peruzzo, explain to the people this result, because Very nice! But well not stop here. Lets see the second question. The question made to the participants was in relation to their opinion on division of shares by race in the universities. I understand you completely, Einstein. In the control group research, it is obvious that great part of the volunteers lied or consciously justied, said to be against gay marriage, even there are meaningful percentage differences. against and 12% no opinion. The silence group results were: 58% for, 35% against and 6% no opinion.



being for, because by verbalizing in such case to the monitor your consciousness, Einstein could be saying: Hey, if you say youre for, they will think youre gay!. Its natural that we rationally try to justify an answer to preserve ourselves. However, in the silence group, where we monitored the unconscious pulses the Princess and Monkeys reactions , even if a person tries to justify he is against, we actually discovered he is for. There are seconds of unconscious impulses, that the volunteer may not notice, but are noticeable for the eye tracking and for the IPI. Finally, I can assure you that the true answers, which correspond to the volunteers behaviors, are not those the volunteers verbalized in the control group, but those measured by the IPI methodology, through the silence group. This is only the beginning. The utilities of the IPI methodology are innite, not only for the politics, but for any situation in which knowing the peoples opinions is required and not only the conscious justication, which we have just realized is leading companies to take sequentially mistaken decisions. You noticed a long time ago that the problem is not on the research, but on peoples minds, which justify themselves all the time, to adapt to the situations in which they are inserted, even if for that they have to lie. Thats unfair. In a political campaign I cannot lie I vote for a politician to please him anymore, because now you can discover who I am really voting for.




PC/Neuro Matrix

The Peruzzo & Chavaglia Neuromarketing Model

I have been working for ve years in a model that may help marketing professionals create efcient neuromarketing strategies without the mandatory requirement of using the neuroscience research technology.

I understand Peruzzo, but Chavaglia?

Its an honor I pay to my student Jos Chavaglia Neto, who was the real supporter so that I could enter this wonderful world of neuromarketing.

Whats the name of the model?

Imagine if every professor were like this with the students.

Its called Peruzzo and Chavaglia Neuromarketing Model.

I feel very happy with it, Princess. But, lets the Peruzzo and Chavaglia Neuromarketing Model, which I shall call from now on PC/Neuro Matrix. 214


Figure 41: - PC/Neuro Matrix Basis

The entire process begins with the Princess mental emotional statuses, and the Monkeys excitement status. We learned that our emotional process controlled by the Princess is dichotomic, i.e., whether we like it or not. In order to represent such characteristic, in a simple way, in the matrix, we shall use the positive (joy, happiness, love) and negative (disgust, anger, fear, sadness) emotional statuses. In the neuroscience, we call this status valence. Similarly, excitement may vary in a state of great excitement to complete calmness. Thus, we may create the rst matrix structure, according to the gure 41. Nice, Peruzzo. In spite of the PC/Neuro matrix not including me, I thought of using some tools such as electroencephalogram, skin conductance and face reading, among other technologies to insert data to this matrix.
Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness



See, Einstein, thats what we do nowadays at Ipdois Neurobusiness. We use all these tools to accurately show the companies the dynamics of the consumers behavior in relation to the PC/Neuro matrix. But we cannot enter the level of detail in the theoretical model, because the goal is offering a matrix that may be used by any professional, without necessarily using the neuromarketing research technologies, which require certain investment, because not everyone has the available resources, mainly the small and medium-sized companies. Now, with the matrix and the primary variables dened, we need to know the four quadrants of the matrix which are based on the axioms of the PC/Neuro matrix, which were formed with the following customers behaviors, described below, and represented in the gure 42: - Satisfaction, generated by calmness and positive emotion. - Frustration, generated by calmness and negative emotion. - Dissatisfaction, generated by excitement and negative emotion. - Expectation, generated by excitement and positive emotion. 216

Figure 42: PC/Neuro Matrix - Axioms

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

Explain better each quadrant, because the matrix is starting to get complex.

No, Old Monkey. The matrix is not complex. Youre the one which likes to always act through previous experience or


animal impulse. After you repeat use of this matrix, for several times, youll see its easy. But lets explain each quadrant. Dissatisfaction is the high excitement and the negative emotional status. The customer, in such status, feels the biological need to get out, as fast as possible, of this situation, and the best way for it to happen is having the expectation of the solution that may remove dissatisfaction. There are several emotions that put the customer in such quadrant such as fear, anger, insecurity, sadness, danger, alert, among others. The expectation is the high excitement joined to the customers positive emotion. In such quadrant, the customer creates in his mind the expectation to solve the problems through the product he will buy in the future and that he will not necessarily use. The expectation of a future setting, created in the consumers mind, through one or several powerful memes, where he sees the product use, solving all his problems, is many times enough to get out of the dissatisfaction status.

The satisfaction is based on calmness and positive emotion, because it suggests that the customer, by using the product or service, recognized that it met his expectations, and that he no longer needs to be alert and concerned. His expectations were met. Therefore, he is happy and calm. The frustration is derived from calmness and negative emotion. Be careful with the interpretations of the calmness word. The customer, when purchasing a product or service, recognizes he was not met in his expectations and gets in a negative emotion status, such as sadness or anger, and not thrilled anymore. Thus, his calmness reects his status of not making a new purchase.

Now I understand the meaning of each quadrant. Sorry to be impertinent, but how will I use it in practice?



Before we put the PC/Neuro matrix into action, lets meet three zones of the matrix (gure 43) which are quite important, to wit: - Non-elastic zone. - Elastic zone. - Neutral zone.
Figure 43: PC/Neuro Matrix

The neutral zone is the eld where our neuromarketing strategy was inefcient and weak, causing the customer to have no attitude in relation to our product. See the behaviors of the axioms to the neutral zone: Dissatisfaction: the customers neutrality is reected by communication actions, which did not stimulate the alert, danger and dissatisfaction status of the customer. Expectation: neutrality occurs for not leaving clear to the customer the future reward, that the customer would have by purchasing a certain product. Satisfaction: neutrality occurs when the customer, by using the product, realizes it is no longer essential to his needs, or, in case of the services, he already has the technology, or learned on his own to do the task, releasing the service provider. Frustration: neutrality represents total demotivation by the

Source: Ipdois Neurobusiness

customer in realizing that the products acquired did not solve his problems, and that the nancial disbursement is not too signicant. 218


It leaves the customer with no type of reaction, also without motivation for a formal complaint, which would be an opportunity of the offer that sold the product, try to revert the situation. In summary, the customer is frustrated and quiet. The elasticity zone represents total efcacy in the neuromarketing strategies and has the following behaviors of the axioms: Dissatisfaction: the customer recognizes the negative emotional stimulus and gets excited, waiting for a solution, as soon as possible, a solution, so he may have the opportunity to have the expectation of solving his problems. Expectation: the customer realizes the solution for his problems is near, through the possibility to purchase the product and a well-designed communication process. Such expectation is provisory, because sooner or later, by purchasing the product, he will have in his mind an experience of satisfaction or frustration.

Satisfaction: the customer is satised with the product use, but he is open to receive a new stimulus that may leave him under dissatisfaction again, generating a new purchase cycle, new supplier, or reward, same supplier, generating loyalty to the brand. Frustration: The customer is frustrated and upset with the product use, but he is open to receive solutions from the supplier to reduce the frustration. And, depending in the problem solution, it may go to the satisfaction quadrant again and restart the cycle. The non-elasticity zone suggests that our neuromarketing actions were not sustainable to the business. When it occurs, the customer is under total inertia, and the more we try to stimulate him to a movement, positive or negative, the result is void. This zone has the following behaviors of the axioms: Dissatisfaction: the customer received high-impact negative stimuli, such as for example, use of exaggerated fear, and he cannot see a way-out for this highly negative emotion and high excitement, bringing a complete paralysis. 219


Expectation: its generating an expectation out of the knowledge limits of the customer, even out of the delivery possibility, i.e., promising something will never be able to be delivered. In desperation, many companies and sellers, not to lose a sale, promise inexistent benets. Many customers have become non-elastic in this phase of the expectation, because they realized they are being deceived. The other customers, who felt on the same trap, will become non-elastic when they get frustrated with the purchase experience. Satisfaction: the greatest mistake the company may make is delivering to the customer a product that solves all his problems forever. Thus, why does the customer would begin the cycle again for a dissatisfaction status? He thanks you a lot and forgets about you. Why delivering a cell phone with all features at once, for the customer to thank me and forget, if I can offer the features little by little and keep him loyal to my brand? Frustration: The purchase experience was so frustrating, between what was promised and what was delivered, that the customer has three fatal attitudes for the offer: he assumes the 220

loss and does not ofcially complain about the offer, says bad things about the product and dont want to purchase again or will seek his rights through legal proceedings. Its crazy this thing about elasticity and nonelasticity! Its normal your lack of knowledge. The term elasticity is very used in economy and marketing in the formation of price and demand analysis. Its a kind of measure corresponding to the product demand in relation to the price uctuation.

We have excitement and calmness, representing my Monkey attitudes. And the emotions, whether positive or negative, representing the Princess behavior. The four axioms in the order: dissatisfaction, expectation, satisfaction and frustration. And the three zones: elastic, nonelastic and neutral.


A customer buys a product only when he needs to solve an But, sorry about my ignorance, how do I put it all together to work at the same time? unconscious dissatisfaction. In marketing, we learn that we buy to satisfy a need, but this is something conscious. In fact, its almost the same thing, but when it becomes conscious, too Your wish is a command. In order to manage this pattern, youll need to keep in mind four strategies, to wit: 1) Insert the dissatisfaction meme. 2) Communicate the expectation meme. 3) Make the channel with the antidote available. 4) Manage the time and satisfaction of the customer. much time has passed since the time when internally our unconsciousness, the Monkey and the Princess, was yelling for such solution. When it is conscious, the customer is more complex, critic and analytic. Its better to act while the dissatisfaction is unconscious in the customer. And how is this dissatisfaction initiated? Through you who practices the neuromarketing! By inserting a dissatisfaction meme on your customers mind. Is it all so simple? Just four strategies and thats it? There are hundreds of thousand tools for you to insert a dissatisfaction meme into your customer, but essentially through the use of communication. Four strategies, but which require a great amount of work. Lets begin the rst strategy: insert the dissatisfaction meme. This may be through a personal sale, a lecture, seminar, TV, radio, magazine, newspaper, book, website, e-mail commercial or any other communication vehicle. Any verbal 221


communication action as well as non-verbal. A disappointing look leaves anyone dissatised. Any piece of information that may get to the consumers mind, specically via thalamus, with the message of alert, attention, fear, danger, urgency, pain or threat, will unleash the whole process to reach the amygdala, where we may vulgarly call marketing amygdala hijack.

If I dont do it, the customer will not purchase what he really needs. Think about it, Einstein. A customer will never buy a solution for being happy, joyful, satised, and calm. At most, he will to the beach to get a rest.

Examples, please! Too much theory. Its depressing. What a shame doing it with the customer. Leaving him in absolute sadness, almost depressive. How many do you want, Princess? Why do, in every event by Apple, when a new iPhone is Depending on the point of view, Mister Einstein. If I have something essential to offer to the customer, which may bring actual benets and guarantee of future satisfaction, the fact of triggering the negative valence status and high excitement is more than ethical and acceptable. released and each feature of the new cell phone is disclosed in a wonderful screen, being broadcast for million people, you look to your old iPhone, and already contaminated by hundreds of pain memes because now you dont feel the best human being of the world anymore with the best cell phone in the planet, because your iPhone version is obsolete and urgency memes because you need to run to the queue of



Apple Store before the rst batch of the new iPhone ends , suddenly, you are absolutely convinced that you need to change cell phone? Understand, Princess? Is it unethical? Of course not, this is amazing. Pay attention, Princess. Why do you decide attending an MBA? I bet you would say thats because youre searching for knowledge. But this is an Einsteins answer. Or then, you were contaminated by a meme of the fear of losing market space for being ignorant. Its bad to hear that. I know it. But, thats what happens internally in your unconsciousness. However, the great strategy is how to create the dissatisfaction meme. Not every person has creativity and experience for that. The ideal is hiring an advertising agency, or a digital marketing agency, which is experienced in helping creation of such memes.

Now, we can go to the second strategy, which is communicating the expectation meme. The dissatised customer needs to nd a solution for his problem. This should be done also through a communication process. Attention, many times this communication takes place at the same time you insert the dissatisfaction meme. The strategies may be made momentarily. In case of the iPhone release, you are dissatised with your phone, but the expectation generated with the several benets youll have with the new telephone is so big that your negative valence status becomes positive, but you continue excited, because you still need to go through the products purchase action, and as soon as possible. In case of the MBA, the expectation of having in your CV the name of certain educational institution also takes you out of the negative valence status taking it to the positive, only by the possibility of the thousands of email opportunities and the 223


salary increase the MBA will bring to you. But you keep excited, even so you need to sign the contract, and soon attend the classes. Remember that having Harvard in your diploma opens the doors, but keeping you in the company is only up to you. What about the strategy of the channel with the antidote? Apple offers the channel with the antidote, always informing the countries where and the days when the new products will be made available. In the MBA courses, the dates of the modules and the respective teachers are delivered.

Sure. In case of Apple, it manages its customers and also the competition movement. By seeing a small threat, it creates a new dissatisfaction process by releasing a product with some new features, but not losing its essence, in order to begin the cycle of the PC/Neuro matrix again. In the MBA, assessments are made during the courses, naturally to manage the modules and the teachers, so as to avoid discrepancies and keep students satisfaction. In summary, I may state that 50% of the path was given through the PC/Neuro matrix and the remaining 50% comes from the capacity you have to create an intelligent and attractive campaign, and of course, a product or service which may give rise to and actually solve the customers dissatisfaction. The PC/Neuro matrix demands a time for practice, but soon youll be using it on your daily routine, whether in an advanced marketing and communication strategy, or even in a sale visit.

But theres a strategy missing: that of managing time and customer satisfaction.



Dont believe the story ends here, because if this is the base for sales, then neurosales soon will deserve a very special treatment of the PC/Neuro matrix. But everything in its own time.



When one thinks, one does it for the purpose of judging or getting to a conclusion; when one feels, one does so in order to assign a personal value to anything one does.
Carl Jung


Open your heart, enhance your intelligence and take more risks
oncluding a book is one of the most difcult tasks. There is always the feeling that there is something missing, another detail. But I need to be conscious this speech is specic and does not necessarily reect the opinion of the other professionals of other areas, mainly in the marketing, communication, advertising and publicity areas, and their respective educational extensions, such as graduation teachers, specialization, MBA, Masters degree and Doctors degree. All of them shall suffer a strong impact, in the coming years, of these technologies and methodologies. Wait and see. I decided not waiting and went to action. January 15, 2013, I was at the Hotel Renaissance, in So Paulo date in which I would receive for the seventh time the award of best marketing and sales professor of Brazil, by FGV Management when the professor Carlos Alberto Decotelli calmly questioned me:

that, in case of neuromarketing, trying to be close to the ideal in only one book is impossible. Such marriage of neuroscience to marketing made thousands of professionals see the market differently, not so romantically and predictably, but in a logic way, based on illogic of the consumer. This confusion, by itself, is fascinating. New technologies and methodologies. Breaking paradigms so far centenary and unquestionable, mainly in the mathematical and statistical environment. A real revolution that came to stay. However, 228


Professor Peruzzo, very nice the videos I receive of Einstein, Princess and Monkey. Have you contextualized this whole story of the characters with Platos Myth of the Cave? I sincerely said no. I read six books a month, but in fact I should read more about philosophy. Well, after the masters tip, I read and understood it. For those who dont know the work, heres a brief summary: The myth of the cave was written by Plato, being part of the book VI of The Republic and inspired by the tragic death of Socrates, assassinated by the citizens of Athens, for defending a truth that could break all standards of that time. The basic idea of the myth has as setting a cave where prisoners were born and lived their whole lives. A closed and dark environment, where they are in chains and only could see the bottom of the cave. During the night, a re, kept always lit by men from the external world, reected on the cave shadows of statues, which the prisoners judged and to which they assigned names.

One day, one of these prisoners managed to escape of the chains and ran from the cave, discovering that the shadows they saw were actually statues, inanimate beings. Imagine the impact he had by recognizing he spent his whole life judging only shadows and illusions, not knowing the truth, being totally away from reality. Imagine now this former prisoner, pity of the other colleagues, who keep in a process of intellectual, spiritual and cultural closing. Then, he goes to them to talk about a new world, with several settings, objects, protagonists and supporting actors, a world with no boundaries. Unfortunately, we know the probability they will believe the story is small and quite probably our character will suffer with mockery and be deemed as ridiculous. Professor Carlos, I understand perfectly your rationale. We have a world we think is totally managed by Einstein, who provides us with logic, intelligence and rationality. We are men, not animals. Out of a sudden, a crazy man appears, saying that Einstein actually takes credit for what he didnt make, because the great ideas were processed by the Monkey 229


and the Princess during days, months and years, to be freely delivered to Einstein, and he may ignorantly say he had the idea. Incredible! However, the myth of the cave becomes a special reference not only within the context of the contents of this book. Personally, when I decided to study and invest, sorry the relief, a lot of time and money doing everything on my own, with no help from any educational institution, which could sponsor equipment or software only private companies with admirable professionals, who are humble to ask for anonymity, believed in a neuromarketing project, which today comes trues. When you have the support of third parties, especially from the educational sector, the nancial return may be in the long term or does not need to exist, because the institutional appeal is a justication of result. In my case, whether it worked or it worked. A high investment needed a shot in the target.

Well, there were many researches made, a lot of knowledge acquired and now the reader has on this book the whole consequence. I undoubtedly lived too long in a cave, believing the traditional marketing concepts. However, an extraordinary power always leveraged me to the new and freeing myself from the chains to discover a new world is a feeling of unparalleled freedom and happiness. They tried to say Im crazy. But the light is entering the cave and little by little, one by one, they will be seeing a new era. Its a unique pleasure to make part of this story which has just begun. Open your heart, with the Princess, understand the strength of the emotions in the customers decision-making process. Enhance your intelligence, with new contents of psychology, neuroscience, biology, chemistry, physics and other areas that help understand the extraordinary human being. 230


Take more risks with your Young Monkey, because this is the only way that one day it might be an Old Monkey, become a reference and actually have the privilege of receiving as a gift, from the Monkey and the Princess, the ideas that will change your life. Scenes from the coming chapter soon. But, of course, Einstein will keep saying he was the owner of the magical solution. Thank you and see you soon. If so desires the invisible Lord. Thank you. No problem. I dont get it.

Invisible Lord? Who is this character, Peruzzo?

Oh boy! I almost forgot. Thats the fourth character of this wonderful story, but he is not part of the brain minds. Thats why he isnt in the book title.



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his book only became reality thanks to the generous contribution of professionals we believe to be completely out of the standard. We cannot forget the whole commercial, research and Encouraging neuromarketing and believing this new ecosystem is already an attitude deemed as fully differentiated. Our great rst debt of gratitude is with Carlos Praes and his team.One of the most ground-breaker technological research professionals of the international perfumery market. His vision, in application of neuroscience and neuroinnovation, in the ne perfumery segment, is admirable. development team of Givaudan, especially the So Paulo, London and Paris staff. Thanks to the innovators, Claudio Roberto Fernandes Assis and Robison L. G. de Azevedo, who brought neuromarketing in such an innovative manner to the oven white-line segment. Thanks also to the restless researcher Luiz Henrique Simes, who believed neuromarketing as a competitive differential in the shoes segment. The professional relationship over the last years signicantly contributed for construction of this book.

The neuromarketing is still fetal in Brazil and many professionals deserve acknowledgment. There are so many stars; therefore, sorry if we forget some special person. Without our suppliers, nothing would have been possible. A special thank you for Juan Pablo Rodriguez andChristian Fujiy from TobiiTechnology, as well as for Stphane Folley from Tea Technologie Ergonomie Applications, who were not only partners, but showed a strength out of the common in the technology transfer process. Thanks to all professionals at Neuromarketing Science and Business Association, especially to Carla Nagel, who does a great job for the neuromarketing area and is directly responsible for the success of the association and for the annual accomplishment of the World Neuromarketing Forum. Thanks to the whole team of collaborators of Ipdois Neurobusiness, especially to the neuromarketing research professionals, Pedro Colli and Thyago Peruzzo, for the professionalism with which they dedicated to this book, including in many of the researches published on this book. Thanks to the friends Fabricio Pamplona, Bonifcio Watanabe, Luciano Salamacha, Robson Gonalves, Claudio I thank Mister Invisible for the ability of joining pieces, which some people call coincidence, and believe me, the neuroscientists one day will also be able to explain these occurrences by the brain point of view. Thanks to my whole family for believing my work and especially my wife, Mrcia, and my daughters, Giulia and Pietra, of whom, in the last months, due to conclusion of this book, I was away. Im sure they know and understand this was a good reason. Thank you to Felype Peruzzo for the dedication in the rush translations. Undoubtedly thanks to the dozens of collaborations of the joint validators, mentioned one by one in the beginning of this book, where professionals from more different areas of knowledge enriched the contents of this book.

Shimoyama, Edelcio Jacomassi and Jos Finocchio for giving me a brother-like friendship, a unique exchange of knowledge, in several areas. Thanks to all professors, coordinators, principals and friends of FGV Management. And thank you to my students, especially the student Jos Chavaglia Neto, who coordinated and managed the contents of this book. This boy has a brilliant future! Thank you all.

Marcelo Ivanir Peruzzo

Thank you to my wife, Thas, and my son, Luigi, who are the reason of my life. Thanks to my parents, Levi and Marly, for the unconditional support and the love of a whole life. To my mother-in-law, Marlene Bonan, and my father-in-law, Italo Calliari. To my whole family. To my friends. To my friend and master, Marcelo Peruzzo, for the kindness of having invited me to take part in this project and for the patience of teaching his work methodology to me, his apprentice. To my friend and instructor in the Doctors Degree, Jos Antnio Filipe, from Instituto Universitrio de Lisboa.

I also thank the young Thyago Peruzzo for his entire dedication and efciency in the research operation. To the director of NMSBA, Carla Nagel, for supporting this initiative, which is aimed at developing and expanding the number of supporters of the neuromarketing in Brazil. And I nally thank my students, for whom I reserve all my effort in producing this work.

Jos Chavaglia Neto

Marcelo Ivanir Peruzzo

Visiting Professor at FGV Management. CBO(Chief Brain Ofcer) at Ipdois Neurobusiness. Brazilian Ambassador at NMSBA Neuromarketing Science & Business Association. Master in Business Management from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Santa Catarina Feral University), with emphasis on leadership and marketing staff. Post-graduate degree in Marketing, from FAE Business School. Graduated in Systems Analysis by the Escola Superior de Ensino Empresariais em Informtica (School of Education in Business Informatics). Seven consecutive times awarded as the Best Marketing and Sales teacher of the MBA courses at FGV Management, throughout Brazil (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012). Three times awarded with the Quadro de Honra prize (2011, 2012 and 2013), the maximum award from FGV Management, granted only to teacher awarded in ve consecutive years. Author of the books: O lder pensador - Quem pensa, manda!( the thinking leader Who thinks is the boss), Quem processa, obedece!(Who processes, obey),Os dez mandamentos de Deus e os pecados organizacionais (The ten commandments of God and the organizational sins), Jesus de gravata (Jesus is wearing a tie), O caminho do perdo (The way of forgiveness), As 100 dicas do lder pensador (100 tips of the thinking leader), and other academic publications. He delivered more than 300 MBA classes, the equivalent of more than 8,000 hours-classes. Has 24 years of market experience, a unique curriculum and consulting experience in many management areas such as: education, technologies, real state, nance, retail, insurance, neuroscience, psychology and others. Has conducted over 200 lectures throughout the country and abroad.Managed over the past 15 years trainings for more than 20,000 professionals.


Jos Chavaglia Neto

Master in Business Management by the Instituto Universitrio de Lisboa (Lisbon University Institute) (ISCTE/IUL). MBA in Business Management by FGV. Specialist in Accounting and Finance by FCETM-MG. Graduated in Economics by the Universidade da Amaznia (Amazonas University). Regional Manager at Ipdois Neurobusiness So Paulo and countryside. Teacher from the FGV Management/CADEMP program. Lecturer in the Innovation, Neuroeconomics, Neuromarketing, Economics and Sustainability areas. Author of the books: Neuromarketing: o efeito de ancoragem, de contexto e o papel dos neurotransmissores (Neuromarketing: the anchoring effect of context and the role of neurotransmittes), Energia solar como vantagem competitiva em empresas industriais da Amaznia (Solar energy as a competitive advantage at our companies from Amazonas) and Sucesso professional (Professional Success). He is also the author of several articles abroad about: Neuroeconomics, Neuromarketing and Innovation.

Coordination and participation

Workshop - Initiation and Training in


Chief Brain Officer

Goal Training managers and innovators so they can understand, hire and manage marketing strategies, based on the neuroscientic knowledge in order to create competitive advantages and market differentiation, opposite to the new and inevitable scenario of the impact of business management, through the wide and unrestricted knowledge about the conscious and unconscious operation of the human brain. Methodology - Workshop format and lectures. - Individual dynamics -Hands-on Lab using real neuroscience equipment such as: eye tracking, skin conductance, heart rate, EEG e face reading. - Application of business games concepts, real and not simulated ones, using campaigns through online demand, dynamic and organic, campaigns created on Facebook and Google. - Application of In Company and Worldwide training. Syllabus -Basic neuroscience principles. - Neuroscientic research Methodologies and Techniques, applied to business management. - The three brain logic: Einstein, Princess and Monkey. - Concepts, Cases and Methodologies: Neuromarketing, Neurosales, Neuroleadership, Neurostrategies, Neuroinnovation, Neurotechnology and Neurocommunication. - Neuroscience Lab: theoretical and practical. Certicated by Ipdois Neurobusiness. Coordination Marcelo Ivanir Peruzzo More information Ipdois Neurobusiness - - T +55 (41) 3089-3085 +55 (41) 9677-6945

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