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State Senator Rebekah Warren announces 7th annual scholarship competition, 10-A Inside 2-C CALENDAR
A2 Civic Theatre presents musical drama Chess

Inside: Grant aids YMCAs effort

to curb childhood obesity
Page 4-A Thursday, May 30, 2013


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Longtime Detroit Tigers engineer pens book

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Ann Arbor Green Fair highlights areas environmental leadership

13th annual event is 6-9 p.m. June 14
ANN ARBOR The City of Ann Arbor Mayors Office is hosting the 13th annual Green Fair on Main Street from 6-9 p.m. Friday, June 14 to celebrate the communitys environmental leadership as exhibited by citizens, nonprofits, government and businesses. Ann Arbors downtown Main Street will be closed to regular automotive traffic, but will be open for walkers and displays of environmental information, green products, live music, and general enjoyment of the urban outdoor environment. Information, entertainment, and hands-on activities for all ages will be provided. Live music by Kevin and the Glen Levens will be amplified through solar energy, and local vendors will sell organic food on Liberty Street near Main Street. The Green Fair hosts three related events located on Main Street between East Huron and William: The Environmental Leaders Area showcases more than 50 environmental nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and participating businesses that have earned the Waste Knot partner designation from Washtenaw County. Many of the exhibit areas will provide information and host hands-on activities for all ages, such as environmental information, crafts, and live birds of prey demonstrations. The Clean Energy Expo, coordinated by the local nonprofit organization Clean Energy Coalition, provides a forum for innovative energy-saving designs and actions, including displays of alternative

On the RAIL

Saline pummels Skyline in rubber match

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Art Center sets walking tours of DIA Inside/Out Artworks

The Ann Arbor Art Center will hold free walking tours in June of the artworks installed in downtown Ann Arbor that are part of the Detroit Institute of Arts Inside/Out program. Tours will begin at the Art Center at 1 p.m. on Fridays in June (June 7, 14, 21, 28) and will be led by trained volunteer docents. Due to distance and time constraints, about four to five works will be visited within the hour tour. No prior FYI art knowlFree walking edge is tours of the DIA required Inside/Out artto join a works in Ann tour the Arbor are at 1 aim is to p.m. June 7, June 14, June 21 participate in great and June 28. conversations about art and Ann Arbor, and to meet new people. The Art Center is at 117 W. Liberty. Inside/Out, now in its second year, brings 80 reproductions of masterpieces from the DIAs collection to the streets and parks of greater metro Detroit, pleasantly surprising and delighting residents of the participating communities. There are seven recreated masterpiece paintings in downtown Ann Arbor, representing eras ranging from Early Egyptian to mid-century Impressionism. Many of the works are thoughtfully placed, such as Il Pensionante del Saracenis The Fruit Vendor installed by the Kerrytown Market & Shops. More information about DIAs Inside/Out program can be found at For more about the Art Center and all of its offerings, visit www.annarborartcenter. org.


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U-M poll: Parents unaware of study drug use by teens

ANN ARBOR As high schoolers prepare for final exams, teens nationwide may be tempted to use a study drug a prescription stimulant or amphetamine to gain an academic edge. But a new University of Michigan poll shows only one in 100 parents of teens 1317 years old believes that their teen has used a study drug. Study drugs refer to stimulant medications typically prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); commonly prescribed medicines in this category include Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, and Vyvanse. Among parents of teens who have not been prescribed a stimulant medication for ADHD, just 1% said they believe their teen has used a study drug to help study or improve grades, according to the latest University of Michigan Mott Childrens Hospital National Poll on Childrens Health. However, recent national data from Monitoring the Future indicate that 10% of high school sophomores and 12% of high school seniors say theyve used an amphetamine or stimulant medication not prescribed by their doctor. Sometimes students without ADHD take someone elses medication, to try to stay awake and alert and try to improve their scores on exams or assignments. Taking study drugs has not been proven to improve students grades, and it can be very dangerous to their health, says Dr. Matthew M. Davis, director of the C.S. Mott Childrens Hospital National Poll on Childrens Health. Taking these medications when they are not prescribed for you can lead to acute exhaustion, abnormal heart rhythms and even confusion and psychosis if the teens get addicted and go into withdrawal, says Davis. What we found in this poll is a clear mismatch between what parents believe and what their kids are reporting. But even though parents may not be recognizing these behaviors in their own kids, this poll also showed that one-half of the parents say they are very concerned about this abuse in their communities, Davis says. White parents were most likely to say they are very concerned (54%), compared with black (38%) and Hispanic/Latino (37%) parents. Despite this concern, only 27 percent of parents polled said they have talked to their teens about using study drugs. Black parents were more likely to have discussed this issue with their teens (41%), compared with white (27%) or Hispanic (17%) parents. If we are going to make a dent in this problem, and truly reduce the abuse of these drugs, we need parents, educators, health care professionals and all who interact with teens to be more proactive about discussing the issue, says Davis. Over three-quarters of parents polled said they support school policies aimed at stopping abuse of study drugs in middle schools and high schools. Overall, 76% of parents said they believe schools should be required to discuss the dangers of ADHD medication abuse. Another 79% support a policy to require students with a prescription for ADHD medications to keep their pills in a secure location such as the school nurses office a requirement that would prohibit students from carrying medicines of this nature that could potentially be shared with, or sold to, other students. We know teens may be sharing drugs or spreading the word that these medications can give their grades a boost. But the bottom line is that these prescription medications are drugs, and teens who use them without a prescription are taking a serious risk with their health, Davis says.

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