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Class - X

- X

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80
== : 3 | ~l+-= ~+ : 80
Total No. of Pages : 16
+a +a| +i =| : 16
1080702 - C1
1 P.T.O.
Instructions :
1. The question paper has 36 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks are indicated against each question.
3. This question paper consists of two parts i.e. Part-I and Part-II. Part-I of this question paper
contains Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from serial number 1 to 16 of 1 mark each.
These sixteen questions of Part-I are to be answered on a separate sheet provided. This part
has to be completed in first 30 minutes only and the answer sheet must be handed over to
the invigilator before starting Part-II.
4. In Part-II of the question paper, there are 20 questions from serial no. 17 to 36. These questions
are to be attempted in 2 hours and 30 minutes. This part should be attempted only after the
stipulated time given for Part-I.
5. Questions from serial number 17 to 31 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions
should not exceed 80 words each.
6. Questions from serial number 32 to 35 are 4 marks questions. Answer of these questions
should not exceed 100 words each.
7. Question number 36 is a map question of 3 marks from Geography only. After completion,
attach the map inside your answer book.
8. An additional 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper only.
fzrr :
1. := +--+| = +a 36 +-- r+ ==i +-- fr r+
2. ++ +-- + l-|l- ~+ +-- + =|=- l ^ r+
3. r +--+| zr =|^| = l=|l- r : rnI ~| rnII+ =|^I = +-- =| 1 = 16 -+ r+ :-
rl+-+i +--| + :-| ~a^ = i ^: :-| +l--+| = la+ :=+ la == ~l ~|| || - r+
~+- :-| +| +- + | :-| +l--+| ~+- l-i-|+ +| =|+ + - =|^ | ~|= + +
4. =|^II +--+| = 20 +-- l ^ r+ +-- 17 = 36 +--| +| ra +- +i ~l 2 rr 30 f r+
5. +-- =| 17 = 31 -+ + ++ +-- aiai ~+| + r+ :- +--| + :-| 80 rrzr = ~l+ - r|+
6. +-- =| 32 = 35 -+ + ++ +-- rtrt ~+| + r+ :- +--| + :-| 100 rrzr = ~l+ - r|+
7. +-- =| 36 =|-l-| =^|a l +| 3 ~+| +| r+ +-- +| r|- + =|-l-| +| ~+-i :-|+l--+| +
=i- =a- + +
8. := +--+| +| +- + la( 15 l=- +| == l| ^| r+ := ~l + ||- z|| +a +--+| +| +^
~| :-|+l--+| + +|: :-| -ri la^+
2 1080702 - C1
1. What is El Dorado in South America ? 1
(a) It was the place where Columbus landed
(b) Where silver mines were located
(c) A fabled city of gold
(d) A famous slave market
Which one of the following Indian ports lost its importance during colonial rule ? 1
(a) Bombay
(b) Calcutta
(c) Surat
(d) Madras
Which one of the following statements about Chawls is not true ? 1
(a) They were multi storeyed structures
(b) Working class people lived here
(c) They are owned by the government
(d) They were in the native part of town
2. Which of the following statements is not true of mass production ? 1
(a) Lowered cost and prices of goods
(b) Stress free working
(c) Increased output per worker
(d) Assembly line production
Which of the following was not a European Managing Agency dominating industrial
production in India ?
(a) Andrew Yule
(b) Bird Heiglers and Co.
(c) Jardine Skinner and Co.
(d) Elgin Mills
3 1080702 - C1 P.T.O.
Bombay passed into British hands as dowry in the marriage of Britains King Charles II
to which one of the following ?
(a) A French princess
(b) A Portuguese princess
(c) A Mughal princess
(d) A Dutch princess
3. What were low priced small books printed on poor quality paper and bound in cheap
blue covers called in France ?
(a) Chapbooks
(b) Almanacs
(c) Bibliotheque Bleue
(d) Ballads
The hero of which novel finds himself shipwrecked on an island, rescues a native,
makes him a slave and gives him the name Friday ?
(a) Treasure Island
(b) Robinson Crusoe
(c) Mayor of Casterbridge
(d) Pride and Prejudice
4. Which of the following was a book showing links between caste and class
exploitation ?
(a) Ghulamgiri
(b) Amar Jiban
(c) Istri Dharm Vichar
(d) Chhote Aur Bade Ka Sawal
Munshi Premchand wrote on which of the following themes ? 1
(a) Oppression in society
(b) Historical
(c) Religious and mythological
(d) Detective and mystery
4 1080702 - C1
5. Which of the following method will not help in soil conservation ? 1
(a) Contour ploughing
(b) Strip cropping
(c) Creating shelter belts
(d) Ploughing up and down the slopes
6. Which one of the following is not considered a sacred tree in India ? 1
(a) Peepal
(b) Neem
(c) Banyan
(d) Mango
7. Against the construction of which one of the following multipurpose projects was the
Narmada Bachao Andolan launched ?
(a) Sardar Sarovar
(b) Bhakra Nangal
(c) Rihand
(d) Tehri
8. What is the rearing of silkworms for the production of silk called ? 1
(a) Horticulture
(b) Pisciculture
(c) Sericulture
(d) Agriculture
9. When different parties share power to form a government it is called ? 1
(a) Majoritarian
(b) Federal
(c) Community
(d) Coalition
10. Which of the following was not a provision of the Act of 1956 passed in Sri Lanka ? 1
(a) Sinhala was recognized as the only official language
(b) Buddhism was to be protected by the state
(c) Provinces were given autonomy
(d) Sinhalas were favoured in government jobs
5 1080702 - C1 P.T.O.
11. Which among the following states in India has a special status ? 1
(a) Punjab
(b) Jharkhand
(c) Jammu and Kashmir
(d) Himachal Pradesh
12. A person who does not discriminate others on the basis of religious beliefs is called ? 1
(a) Communalist
(b) Secular
(c) Casteist
(d) Feminist
13. Which of the following neighbours of India ranks higher on the Human Development
Index ?
(a) Nepal
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Bhutan
(d) Pakistan
14. According to the World Development Report a country is considered rich when the
per capita income is more than which of the following figures ?
(a) Rs. 24,000 per annum
(b) Rs. 37,000 per annum
(c) Rs. 4,53,000 per annum
(d) Rs. 5,43,000 per annum
15. The motive of Public sector enterprises is : 1
(a) Profit making
(b) Entertainment
(c) Social welfare and security
(d) None of the above
16. Which of the following Acts would not apply to a company like TISCO ? 1
(a) Minimum Wages Act
(b) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(c) Factories Act
(d) Payment of Gratuity Act
6 1080702 - C1
17. Why did the European employers find it difficult to recruit labour in Africa ? Give two
methods they used to recruit and retain labour.
Technological changes occurred slowly in Britain. Give three reasons for this.
What was the impact of industrialization and urbanization on the family in Britain in
the nineteenth century ?
18. Give three ways in which early printed books closely resembled manuscripts. 1x3=3
Give two examples to explain how novels reflected colonial attitudes. 1+1=3
19. How did print culture contribute to the growth of nationalism in India ? 3
Name the first novel written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya. Describe his
contribution to the Bengali novel.
20. Explain the role played by print in bringing about a division in the Roman Catholic
Explain the contribution of Vaikkom Muhammad Basheer to Malayalam writing.
21. Explain the resources on the basis of origin and exhaustibility. 1+1=3
22. Explain any three reasons why forest resources are depleting after independence in
23. Threefourths of the earths surface is covered with water but there is still scarcity of
water across the globe. Explain giving three reasons.
24. Explain the power sharing arrangement in Belgium. 3
25. Discuss two reasons why differences occur in society. Give an example to show that
social differences do not lead to social division.
7 1080702 - C1 P.T.O.
26. Explain any two factors which are important in deciding outcomes of politics on social
27. Give three reasons to explain that caste alone cannot determine election results in India.
28. What is the difference in the criterion used by the World Bank and that of UNDP for
measuring development ? Which do you think is the better method and why ?
29. Explain the term sustainable development. Suggest two measures to ensure sustainable
30. Explain the term GDP. Why are only final goods and services counted in GDP ?
31. Explain what is meant by disguised unemployment ? Give examples from rural and
urban areas where disguised unemployment exists.
32. Explain why the economy of USA was strong in the early 1920s. Would you agree that
the roots of the Great Depression lay in this boom ? Give reasons for your answer.
Explain why industrial production in India increased during the First World War.
Calcutta in the nineteenth century was a city of contrasts. How was this reflected in
Durgacharan Rays novel, Debganer Martye Aagaman ?
33. Compare the geographical conditions, required of the two major cereal crops in India,
rice and wheat. Give one major area where they are grown.
34. Give two arguments in favour of decentralisation of powers to local governments. Give
two provisions under the amendment of 1992 which empowers local governments in
35. Suggest four measures to create more employment opportunities in rural India.
8 1080702 - C1
36. Three features with serial number 1 to 3 are marked on the given political outline map
of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write
their correct names on the lines marked on the map.
(1) Soil Type
(2) Type of forests
(3) Beverage Crop
Locate and label the following items with appropriate symbols on the same map.
(a) Tungabhadra Dam
(b) Manas Tiger Reserve
(c) A major wheat producing area
Note : The following question is for the visual impaired candidates only, in lieu of
Q. No. 36.
36.1 Name a state where red soil is found.
36.2 Name the river on which the Tungabhadra dam is located.
36.3 Name the state which is a major producer of wheat.
- o O o -
9 1080702 - C1 P.T.O.
rn - I
1. l-||i ~=l+| = (a ||| ~| r 1
(a) r -|- r| +|a-= +r-| |
(b) r| -|i +i |- +|: ^:
(c) l+l-| +i |a- =|- +| -|r
(d) (+ +l=z |= ||
l---lal- = = +|- =| -^|r ~|+l-l-|+ -||=- + ||- =rri- r| ^| 1
(a) -:
(b) +a+-||
(c) =-
(d) =|=
'-|a` + =-- = l---lal- = = +|- =| +- = -ri r 1
(a) r=l-ai :=|- i
(b) r| +|=^| (=) a|^ r-
(c) =+| + -|l= = r
(d) -|r + -l =|^ = i
2. l---lal- = = +|- =| +- r- :+|- + la( = -ri r 1
(a) --~| +i a|^- ~| +i=- +| += r|-|
(b) --| =~- +| +||ai
(c) +l- = ~l+ :+|-
(d) (=-ai a|:- :+|-
l---lal- = = +|- =|- = ~||l^+ :+|- +i += +-+i (-=i -ri i 1
(a) (- a
(b) ri^a= ( +-+-i
(c) |i- l-+- ( +-+-i
(d) (l-^- l=-=
10 1080702 - C1
l---lal- = = l+=+ =| l - + ==| -|-= II + l|r +- + -: r + + = ll-|
r|| = ~||
(a) =|= +i |+=|i
(b) +-^|a +i |+=|i
(c) =^a |+=|i
(d) - |+=|i
3. =|= = =-- -ia ~|| |ai |l| +|^. + z+i z|i ~| += +i=- +i l+-|| +| ~| +r| |-|
(a) -+ ~=
(b) + -| ^
(c) lla|i+ -
(d) a|=
l+= :+-|= +| -|+ - +| (+ r|i |-| + | l+=i ;i+ + +| r~| +|-| r ~| (+ =i
+| =~- +| + |= -| a-| r ~| := '=|: ` -|= -| r
(a) . ~|:a
(b) |l=- +=|
(c) = ~|= +-l
(d) +|: ( l+-l=
4. l---lal- = = +|- =i +--+ |l- ~| ^ -||| + i- =-- -||-i r 1
(a) ^a|=^ii
(b) ~=| i-
(c) -|i = l-|
(d) z| ~| +| =|a
=-|i +=-- - l---lal- = = l+= l -- + la| 1
(a) ==| = =-
(b) (l-r|l=+
(c) |l=+ ~| +||l|+
(d) |==i ~| r-=i
11 1080702 - C1 P.T.O.
5. l---lal- = = +|- =| -i+| =| =-|| = =r|+ -ri r|^| 1
(a) ==|=| -|:
(b) +i +l
(c) -|+ =a| -|-|
(d) |a + :+ = -i- -|: +-|
6. l---lal- = = +|- =| -| =|- = +l| -ri =|-| |-| 1
(a) +i+a
(b) -i=
(c) ^
(d) ~|=
7. l---lal- = = l+= r:-|i +l|-| + l-=|| + lz -=| -|~| ~|-|a- -a|| ^|
(a) =| =|
(b) =|| -|^a
(c) lr-
(d) lri
8. -|= + :+|- r- -|= +i +|a- +| ~| +r| |-| r 1
(a) r|i+--
(b) l+=i+--
(c) =i+--
(d) (^i+--
9. ll=| +|l | =+| -|- + la( =-|| = =|^i|i +-i r -| := =+| +| ~| +r| |-| r 1
(a) r=+
(b) =|i -||=- -|
(c) =|=|l+
(d) ^a--
10. l---lal- = = +|- >|ia+| = +|l- 1956 + (~ +| +||- ri | 1
(a) +a l=rai +| |=|| +i =|--| i ^:
(b) |z=- +| |- +| =-|| l| ^|
(c) +|--| +| -|-|-| +|- +i ^:
(d) =+|i -|+l| = l=rla| +| +-| la| ^|
12 1080702 - C1
11. =|- = l-|+| |-| = = l+= +| l-| | +|- r 1
(a) +|
(b) :||
(c) -= ~| +-=i
(d) lr=|-a +-|
12. = + ~|| + = =| - +- |a l~- +| ~| +r- r 1
(a) =|-+|l+
(b) =l-+-|
(c) |l-|i
(d) -|i|i
13. =|- + l---lal- +|=i -|| = = l+=+| =|- l+|= =-+|+ =|- = ~l+ r 1
(a) -+|a
(b) >|ia+|
(c) =|-
(d) +|l+--|-
14. l---lal- ~|+| = = l+= ~|+ = ~l+ +l- l~- ~| |a -| +| l- l+|= l+| +
~-=| ~=i -| =|-| |-| r
(a) 24,000 + |l+
(b) 37,000 + |l+
(c) 4,53,000 + |l+
(d) 5,43,000 + |l+
15. =|l-+ -||+ +| :- r : 1
(a) a|= +=|-|
(b) =-| -
(c) =|=|l+ +-|| ~| =-||
(d) :+|~- = = +|: -ri
16. l-+| (TISCO) =i +-+-i = l---lal- = = +|- =| '(~` a|^ -ri r|^| 1
(a) ---= -- (~
(b) |zi ^|=i| |^| ^| i (~
(c) =~ i. (~
(d) ^-i ~|^i (~
13 1080702 - C1 P.T.O.
rn - II
17. |+i l-|~-|~| +| ~=i+| = =.| +| =-i +- = +la-|: ~| r: =. =-i +- ~| :-r
~+- +|= |+ - + la( :-+ ;|| +|^ l+( ^( | -i+ lal(+
''l - = +||l^+i a|| +i ^l- i=i i` :=+ la( -i- +|| lal(+ 1x3=3
19i =i = ~||l^+i+| ~| -|ri+| +| l - = +l|| + ~| +=| r~| 3
18. -|-| = z+i l+-| l+- -i- -i+| = +| lal+| = l=a-i a-i l|: -i i 1x3=3
:+-|= l+= ++| ~|+l-l-|+ =|-l=+-| +| :|^ +- r | :|r| + -+z +il(+ 1+1=3
19. =|- = |z| +| || - = =| =-+l- - l+= ++| |^|- l| 3
l+= -- -|+|| ;|| la += :+-|= +| -|= lal(+ ^|ai :+-|= +| l( :=+ |^|-
+| |- +il(+
20. |=- +|la+ -- + l=|- = =| =-+l- +i =l=+| +| -+z +il(+ 3
=a|a= =|lr +| +|= =r-= -|i ;|| l( ^( |^|- +| -+z +il(+ 3
21. :+l-| ( ==|-| + ~|| + ==|-| + ^i+| +| -+z +il(+ 1+1=3
22. +|: -i- +|| + -+z +il( l+ =|- = --|-| + | - ==|-| +| r|= r~| r 1x3=3
23. ''+i + |-a +| -i- -||: a = +| r~| r, +-- l= =i l-| = a +i +=i r`` -i-
+|| + := +- +| -+z +il(+
24. l-= = ''=-|| +i =|:||i`` -| +i || +il(+ 3
25. | :|r| + -+z +il( l+ ==| = =|=|l+ ~-- ~| r|- r (+ :|r| + -||: l+
=|=|l+ ~-- =|=|l+ l=|- +i ~| -ri a |-+
14 1080702 - C1
26. =|=|l+ l=|-| + |-il- + +l||= +| l-|l- +- |a | =r+| +|+| +i ||
27. -i- +|| + -+z +il( l+ =|- =, ~+a = + '|l-` --| +l||= l-|l- -ri + =+-i+
28. l+|= =|+- + la( l- + ~| =~- |z l+|= +|+= (.(-.i.+i.) ;|| +|^ l+( ^(
=|+ = ~| ~-- r ~|++ l-| = +|- =| -i+| r- r ~| ~|
29. 'l+|= +i ||i-|` +| -+z +il(+ =-- +||i l+|= +| =l-l--- +- r- +|: | :+|
30. '=+a | a :+|` +| ~ -+z +il(+ =+a | a :+| = ~l--= --~| ~| =|~| +i ^|-|
~| +i |-i r
31. +-z| (z +i r:) |^|i = ~| ~l=+| r ^|=i| ~| -|ri -||| = :|r| il( r| := ++|
+i |^|i r+
32. -+z +il( l+ 1920 + -|+ + +|-= = =~- |- ~=l+| +i ~-| ~| =- i ~|
~|+ := |- = =r=- r l+ =r|=i +i :=i -i = l-lr- i ~+- :-| + +-| = +|| lal(+
-+z +il( l+ += l- z + ||- =|- + ~||l^+ :+|- = lz ~| r: 4
''19i =i = +a+-|| +-+ l|i zl| ~| ~-=| +| -|r |`` ^|-| | - ~+- :+-|=
^|- = ~|^=- = :=+| l+= ++| -||| r
33. =|- = ~-| +i | = ==a| ^r ~| -|a + la( ~|-+ =|^|la+ -||~| +i -a-| +il(+
:-+ :+|- + (+(+ = -|| +| -|= lal(+
34. -|-i =+|| -+ -|l~-| + l+-i+| + +-| = | -+ il(+ 1992 + =-||- + ~--^- (=
| +||-| +| lal( | -|-i =+| +| =-|~- +- r|+
35. ^|=i| =|- = |^| + ~l+ ~= :+| +- r- +|: -| =:|| il(+ 1x4=4
15 1080702 - C1 P.T.O.
36. =|- + l( r( |-il-+ | =|-l-| + +=|+ 1 = 3 -i- a-|| l-l-r- l+( ^( r+ :- a-||| +i
l---lal- =--| + ~|| + +r-|- +il( ~| =|-l-| + l-l-r- | + :-+ ai+ -|= lal(+
(1) =| +| ++|
(2) - +| ++|
(3) + +| ==a
l( r( =|-l-| + ri l---lal- +| :+~- =+-| = -||: ~| -|= lal( :
(a) -^=| =
(b) =|-= || l.
(c) ^r :+|- +| = -||
r : C 36
36.1 := |- +| -|= lal( r| a|a ^ +i =| +|: |-i r
36.2 := -i +| -|= lal( l= + -^=| = l-- r+
36.3 ^r + = :+|+ |- +| -|= lal(+
16 1080702 - C1
- o O o -

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