Automatic Light Switch by Light Intensity and Noise: Islamabad-Pakistan Fall 2013

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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Islamabad- Pakistan Fall 2013


A Report submitted to MR.SOHAIB AYAZ QAZI As a semester project Industrial Automation.


By Zeeshan Ali Chowhan CIIT/FA09-BEL-061/ISB

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Islamabad- Pakistan Fall 2013


Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5 Component used: ................................................................................................................. 6 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 2n2222 Transistor: ................................................................................................. 6 7805 voltage regulator: .......................................................................................... 6 555 ic: ...................................................................................................................... 6 LDR: ....................................................................................................................... 7 MIC: ........................................................................................................................ 7 Relay: ...................................................................................................................... 7 Diode and capacitor: ............................................................................................. 8

Circuit diagram1:.9 Circuit Diagram-2:............................................................................................................... 9 Circuit Explanation: ............................................................................................................ 9 ADVANTAGES: ................................................................................................................ 10 References:.......................................................................................................................... 10

Automatic Light switch System is a simple yet powerful concept, which uses transistor as a switch. By using this system manual works are 100% removed. It automatically switches ON lights when the sunlight goes below the visible region of our eyes. This is done by a sensor called Light Dependant Resistor (LDR) which senses the sunlight comes, visible to our eyes. By using this system energy consumption is also reduced because nowadays the manually operated street lights are not switched off even the sunlight comes and also switched on earlier before sunset, result in wastage of electricity. In this project, no need of manual operation like ON time and OFF time setting. LDR, 555ic and transistor are the main components of the project. The resistance of light dependant resistor (LDR) varies according to the light falling on it. This LDR is connected as biasing resistor of the transistor. According to the light falls on the LDR, the transistor is operated in saturation and cut off region. This transistor switches the relay to switch on / off the light. This project uses regulated 5V, 750mA power supply. 7905 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Automatic light switch also include noise sensing , that switch on the light when sense some noise ,using the mic as sensor to detect the noise. When mic senses some noise , it vary the input voltage to 555 ic , when 555ic measure low voltage at input, it trigger out, and switch on light .the system as vast application as it can be used in corridor , bathroom to automatically switch light or for security purpose.

Component used:
1) 2n2222 Transistor:

The transistor were used as a switch in circuit , as they are the most efficient switches.

2) 7805 voltage regulator:

5V voltage regulator is used to supply Power to the circuit.

3) 555 ic:
555 ic was used as comparator in circuit, which senses variation in voltage from sensor, and trigger output accordingly. It trigger output pin(3) , when receive low pulse at input pin(2) and output pin(3) goes low when comparator receive high pulse at input(2).

4) LDR:

LDR is used as light sensor, it senses light, during the day it give high resistance and .during .night it gives low resistance.

5) MIC:

Mic is used as noise sensor ,when it detect noise it vary voltage across it.

6) Relay:

Relay is electrical switch consist of magnetic coil ,When an electric current is passed through the coil it generates a magnetic field that activates the armature, and result in movement of the movable contact(s).In a circuit it was used as switch between light and supply.

7) Diode and capacitor:

Capacitor is used to hold transistor switch on for some time and diode is used to protect ...form back emf current form coil of relay.

Circuit diagram-1:

Fig 1.The above circuit shows light intensity base auto light switch.

Circuit Diagram-2:

Fig 2.The above circuit shows Noise base auto light switch.

Circuit Explanation:
This circuit automatically turns on a light .The light remains on until the light sensor senses daylight in the morning. When the sensor detects the daylight in the morning , it automatically switch off the light. The circuit is powered from a standard 5V DC power supply. Regulator IC 7805 gives regulated 5V DC to the circuit. The circuit utilises light-dependant resistors (LDRs) for sensing darkness and light in the room. The resistance of LDR is very high in darkness , allow the low voltage to pass. The circuit is designed around the popular timer IC 555, which is used as comparater. IC 555 is activated by a low voltage applied to its input pin 2. Once triggered, output pin 3 of IC 555 goes high and remains in that position until IC 555 is triggered again at its pin 2. When LDR detect sun 9

light, its resistance get low, and pass high voltage to trigger input pin 2, as a result, output pin 3 of IC555 goes low and the light remains off. The variable resistor is used to control the sensitivity of sensor. For the noise based switching , mic is used in circuit 2,which vary the voltage to comparater ic by detecting noise, when the mic receive any noise it resistance get high ,and pass low voltage to comparator ic input(pin2 ) ,which trigger outer pin, and light get switch on , similarly when mic receive no noise , it resistance remain low passing high voltage, which trigger its input pin high, and as result output pin get low. In above circuit relay is used as a switch between light and its power source, and relay switch is on by transistor that is triggered by output pin of comparater. A freewheeling diode is used to block back emf current generated by coil of relay which can damage IC. A capacitor is used to triggered transistor for some time and RED led is used to show the position of circuit , it blinks when switch is on. The project is in working condition and working perfectly.


Highly sensitive Works according to the light intensity and noise detection. Power saving. Low cost ,low power and reliable circuit Complete elimination of manpower Used for security purpose in home Used in educational institutes , hospitals ,offices ,in street light and homes.



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