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Compliance Assessment Report ID:

Report (CAR1) form A/090313/KP3732PL

Operator/ Oakside Solutions Ltd Permit

Name of site Servosteel 2 ref no: KP3732PL
Permit holder
Officer S.Mearns Date 13-03-09 Area/office Midlands/Central N/ Fradley

Activity Surface Treating Steel Time in/out 1015- 1330 Event type: X Routine Incident response Other

Assessment type: Site inspection X Audit Check monitoring/sampling Report/data review Procedure review
Site life status: X Operational Pre-operational Post-operational

What part(s) of the permit were assessed? 1.1, 2.1, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3, 2.10, 3

Compliance assessment summary

Key to completion: A = Assessed/Assessed in part (no evidence of non-compliance) ATL = Approach to limit
NA = Not Applicable 1, 2, 3, 4 = CCS cat 1–4 breach N = Not assessed Conditions breached
a) Permitted activities 1 A

b) Infrastructure 1 A 2 N 3 N 4 N 5 N

c) General management 1 A 2 A 3 N 4 N

d) Incident management 1 N 2 N

e) Emissions 1 A 2 N 3 N 4 A 5 N

f) Amenity 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 N 5 N
g) Monitoring and records, maintenance
and reporting 1 A 2 A 3 N 4 N

h) Resources efficiency 1 N 2 N
The breaches indicated above may constitute one or more offences. You should take immediate action to rectify each breach and return to compliance. You should prevent
any repetition of the breaches. Breaches of conditions as indicated above can result in criminal prosecutions and/or suspension or revocation of a permit.
At present we do not intend to prosecute you for the above offences, however you are warned that this may change if We will now consider what Enforcement
further relevant information comes to light. THIS IS A SITE WARNING action is appropriate

Review of Directly Applicable Legislation: Key: A = Assessed, N = Not assessed, NA = Not Applicable, C1, C2, C3, C4 = CCS cat 1–4 breach.
Report delivery method: copy left on site posted X emailed faxed Date 23-03-09
Visit report/comments/actions in red

Present- S.Mearns, R.Croll (Agency), Wayne Roden (Oakside Solutions QS&E Manager)

R.C conducted an OMA (Operator Monitoring Audit) the score for which was 93%. With an overall comment that the emissions monitoring is well managed
and conforms to MCERTS.

WR then said that deflector plates were not going to be put on the high level oil storage IBC’s, but further training had been put in place to prevent misplaced
forks (FLT) from damaging IBC’s
Concerns raised at the recent Audit about business continuity in the event of WR being unavailable to the site, have now been actioned via a forthcoming
training programme for Jenny Lee and Roy Field.
MCERTS for self monitoring of effluent flow- SIRA have now audited the management side of the process and passed this, hovever there are still issues to
resolve with the weir, Oakside solutions are awaiting further contact with SIRA.

Oakside Solutions to inform Agency when certificate for both parts of the Audit have been received

WR explained that an application for variation would soon be prepared for storage ( in two tanks initially) of acidic ferrous chloride, adjacent to the production
line. WR outlined bunding arrangements. SM explained what the Agency would require, and also explained that from 01/04/09, NPS would be determining
One noise complaint had been received, but this was for work on the extension (outside PPC Permitted area)
WR explained that it was the plan to replace the site boilers in the near future
Surface water discharge- Planning conditions ( for the extension, outside scope of permit) have been set on surface water emissions from the site to Fens
pool. These include monthly checks on COD,BOD,pH, NH3,TIN,SS and mineral oils.

Oakside Solutions to provide Agency with details of this surface water monitoring programme and results
(Continued on another page)

Officer’s signature Recipient’s name or position within company

S.Mearns W.Roden

Continuation sheet used X Yes No CCS record number

CAR1v09 page 1 of 2
Notes to the recipient Corrective action
This compliance report form may highlight non-compliance with your permit or We have various options to ensure that you correct actual or potential
directly applicable legislation as observed by the Environment Agency officer. non-compliance:
This does not relieve the site operator of their responsibility to ensure that they We may advise on corrective actions, verbally or in writing
comply with the permit and to prevent pollution of the environment. You are also We may require you to take specific actions, by letter or by issuing a notice
reminded that:
We may require you to review your procedures or management systems
you should comply with the conditions of the permit at all times We may change some of the conditions of your permit
compliance with the permit does not remove your obligation to comply with We may decide to undertake a full review of your permit
other legislative provisions which may apply.
Any breach of a permit is an offence, and we may take legal action:
Understanding the Compliance Assessment Summary We may serve a warning on site or by letter. The officer may complete the site
warning declaration on this form. A warning is our minimum enforcement
a) Permitted activities 1 Specified by permit
response, however, it does not preclude us taking additional enforcement
b) Infrastructure 1 Engineering for prevention and action including the issue of a formal caution, taking a prosecution and/or the
control of emissions service of a notice.
2 Closure and decommissioning Depending on the offence, the penalties imposed by a Court on prosecution
3 Site drainage engineering (clean and foul) can include substantial fines and even imprisonment.
4 Containment of stored materials We have published our Enforcement and Prosecution Policy which seeks to
5 Plant and equipment achieve a consistent approach to enforcement across all our regulated activities.
c) General management 1 Staff competency/training Environment Protection Operator and Pollution Risk Appraisal (EP OPRA)
2 Management system and operating
Compliance assessment findings may affect your EP OPRA score. This score
determines your charge and affects the allocation of our resources to check your
3 Materials acceptance
compliance with the permit.
4 Storage, handling, labelling and segregation ____________________________________________________________________
Data protection notice
d) Incident management 1 Site security
2 Accident, emergency and incident planning The Environment Agency is responsible for regulating environmental protection,
flood defence, water resources and fisheries. It has a duty to discharge its
e) Emissions 1 Air functions to protect and enhance the environment and to promote conservation
2 Land and groundwater and recreation. The information provided will be processed by the Environment
3 Surface water Agency to fulfil its regulatory and monitoring functions, and to maintain the relevant
public register(s). The Environment Agency may also use and/or disclose it in
4 Sewer
connection with:
5 Waste
offering/providing you with its literature/services relating to environmental
f) Amenity 1 Odour matters
2 Noise consulting with the public, public bodies and other organisations (e.g. Health
3 Dust/fibres/particulates and litter and Safety Executive, local authorities, emergency services) on environmental
4 Pests, birds and scavengers issues
5 Deposits on road carrying out statistical analysis, research and development on environmental
g) Monitoring and records, 1 Monitoring of emissions and environment
providing public register information to enquirers
maintenance and 2 Records of activity, site diary/journal/events
reporting investigating possible breaches of environmental law and taking any resulting
3 Maintenance records action
4 Reporting and notification to the preventing breaches of environmental law
Environment Agency
assessing customer service satisfaction and improving its service
h) Resource efficiency 1 Efficient use of raw materials
Freedom of Information Act/Environmental Information Regulations request.
2 Energy efficiency
The Environment Agency may pass it on to its agents/representatives to do these
things on its behalf. You should ensure that any persons named on this form are
The term ‘permit’ for the purposes of this form includes: licences,
informed of the contents of this data protection notice.
authorisations and consents. ____________________________________________________________________
Disclosure of information
Understanding your non-compliance scores
The Environment Agency will provide a copy of this report to the public
Non-compliance findings are classified using our published Compliance register(s). However, if you consider that any information contained in this
Classification Scheme, (CCS). report should not be released to the public register(s) on the grounds of
This scheme categorises breaches of permit conditions based on their potential commercial confidentiality, you must write to your local area office within
for environmental impact as shown below. If you wish to discuss further any twenty working days of receipt of the assessment form indicating which
comments made by the officer on this form, contact your local area office or for information it concerns and why it should not be released, giving your
more details of the CCS scheme, see the Environment Agency’s website or reasons in full.
contact your local office.
Customer charter – What can I do if I disagree with the compliance
CCS category Description assessment report?
1 If you are unable to resolve the issue with your site officer, you should firstly
A non-compliance which has a potentially
discuss the matter with the officer’s line manager, Area Environment Manager or
major environmental effect
Area Manager. If you wish to raise your dispute further, this can be done through
2 A non-compliance which has a potentially our official Complaints and Commendations procedure phone our general enquiry
significant environmental effect number 08708 506506 (Mon to Fri 08.00–18.00) and ask for the Customer Contact
3 A non-compliance which has a potentially team, alternatively you can send an email to enquiries@environment-
minor environmental effect If, after following our Complaints and Commendations procedure,
you are still dissatisfied, you can make a complaint to the Ombudsman. For advice
4 A non-compliance which has no potential on how to complain to the Parliamentary Ombudsman phone their helpline on
environmental effect
0845 015 4033.

CAR1v09 page 2 of 2
Compliance assessment Report ID:

report A/090313/KP3732PL

Finished product storage
New spill kit station
Main production line
Stack (including Cerebus unit)
Oil storage
Acid tanks
Effluent plant ( including new pH measurement & recording)
New Ferrous Sulphate tank area (proposed)
Outside areas
- Acid tanks ( new)
- Surfacing

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