Thesun 2009-04-20 Page08 Asian Cities Costliest For Expartriate Housing

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8 theSun | MONDAY APRIL 20 2009

news without borders

Asian cities costliest

for expatriate housing
by Karen Arukesamy due to “weakening demand”, Asean cities have become relatively more
expensive for expatriate housing
PETALING JAYA: Asian cities compared to the rest of the world.
dominate the world’s costliest loca- Jakarta rose from 41 to 34, Manila
tions for expatriate rental property, moved up from 45 to 40, Bangkok
according to a survey of housing from 48 to 44 and Kuala Lumpur
costs for employees on overseas as- moved up one rung to 36.
signments. Mercer senior associate and
A rental property index of 50 most research manager Marie-Laurence
popular cities for expatriate assign- Sèpède said in a statement that the
Obama ments, from a total of 300 across the world’s housing markets have been
world lists Russia’s Moscow at the sliding since last year, and strong
wins top and Johannesburg, South Africa, currency fluctuations over the past
praise as at the bottom. few months have also had an impact
summit The global index of housing on the cost of expatriate housing.
markets was compiled in October Mercer’s head of informa-
ends last year by consulting, outsourcing tion product solutions for Asean,
pg 10 and investment services provider Puneet Swani, said rental prices in
Mercer. most Asean cities have remained
Tokyo (156.10) sits in second po- stable compared with sharp falls
sition on the index, up from third last in American and European cities,
year due to 17% appreciation in the which accounts for the relatively
value of the yen against the dollar higher rankings of Asean cities this
since September, while Hongkong year.
dropped one place to third (142.10) He said Asean as a region will
due to rental prices decreasing as a continue to grow and remains a
result of reduced demand from the relatively good area for multination-
economic slowdown. Mumbai was als to invest and grow their business
in fourth position (105.10) and New during this downturn.
York in fifth (100.00). “It will be interesting to see what
Other Asian cities moving up the 2010 brings for the housing market
ranking table include Beijing, at sixth in Asean, but if current conditions
place (98.30) with its rental prices are any indication, we may see
stable and its currency linked to the Singapore continue to move down,
US dollar; New Delhi in eighth place with other Asean countries either
(96.60) and Bangalore at 29 (51.80). maintaining the same position or
With Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, moving up marginally,” Swani said.
Manila and Bangkok climbing up Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City is
the rankings and Singapore main- up 11 places to 23rd position (55.10)
taining its position in the top 10, while Seoul dropped five places to
though dropping one place to 10th 16 (73.30).

11 killed in light supplementary credit cards

to his friends.
plane crash
briefs TIMIKA (Indonesia): Eleven
The 47-year-old former
CEO of a charity-run hospi-
people were killed when tal is under investigation for
their light plane crashed in making an unauthorised loan
Indonesia’s mountainous of S$50,000 (RM120,000) to
Madonna suffers Papua province, an airfield a friend. – dpa
injuries in fall official said yesterday.
NEW YORK: US singer and
Timika Air Base com-
mander Easter Haryanto, who
Eagle snatches
actress Madonna suffered is coordinating search efforts, woman’s handbag
minor injuries on Saturday said rescue teams have VIENNA: An eagle shocked
when she was thrown from reached the wreckage of the an elderly Austrian woman
a horse after the animal was Mimika Air plane on a steep on Saturday when it swooped
startled by photographers on slope on Mount Gergaji. down and snatched her hand-
New York’s Long Island. “We confirm that all pas- bag, police in the Tyrolean
The 50-year-old entertainer sengers and crew members town of Kundl said yesterday.
was later released from a hos- are dead. The bodies are still The eagle was apparently
pital with minor injuries and in the plane and we hope to looking for food. The 69-year-
bruises, her spokeswoman Liz transfer them into body bags old woman was walking with
Rosenberg said in a statement. today and fly them to Ilaga her family when the bird of
– Reuters today for identification,” he prey robbed her bag, landed
added. – AFP nearby and started rummag-
Western nations ing through it for food. – dpa
boycott UN meet Singapore monk
GENEVA: Australia and the on the fast lane Nato warships foil
Netherlands yesterday joined SINGAPORE: Singapore’s top pirate attack
a growing Western boycott Buddhist monk has lived a NAIROBI: Nato warships
of a United Nations confer- lavish lifestyle with branded foiled a pirate attack on a
ence on racism over fears it goods and nine gold credit Norwegian tanker, catch-
will be used as a platform for cards, according to a report ing up with the would-be
unfair criticism of Israel. in the Sunday Times. hijackers yesterday after a
The United States an- “We are living in a mod- seven-hour pursuit.
nounced on Saturday it ern world,” the newspaper The dramatic overnight
would stay away, citing quoted monk Ming Yi as chase in the Gulf of Aden
“objectionable” language telling auditors and police came after seven pirates
in a text prepared for the during an investigation into on a skiff tried to board
Geneva summit, which a charity hospital that he the 80,000-tonne MV Front
Iranian President Mahmoud had headed. Ardennes but fled when
Ahmadinejad will address The report said Ming Yi foreign ships approached.
on its opening day today. was a high-end shopper A Belgian ship, the Pompei,
Canada, Italy and Israel who spent on brands like was not so lucky, falling into
have said they will not at- Louis Vuitton and Mont- pirate hands 150km north of
tend the meeting. – Reuters blanc, and had given three the Seychelles. – AFP

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