Thesun 2009-04-20 Page10 Obama Wins Praise As Summit Ends

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10 theSun | MONDAY APRIL 20 2009

news without borders

Obama wins praise India’s eunuchs avoid polls
over ‘third sex’ dilemma
NEW DELHI: India’s one million eunuchs face a
unique dilemma every election season – do they
stand in the men’s or women’s queue at polling

as summit ends
PORT OF SPAIN: Latin American leaders
are hailing as a success an Americas sum-
lan President Hugo Chavez, was a model
of effusive civility with Obama, telling him,
stations or stay away altogether?
In the past, eunuchs – the term used for cross-
dressers, pre- and post-operative transsexuals
known here as hijras – have largely abstained from
casting their ballots because they are unwilling to
identify themselves as male or female on voter
registration forms.
While some eunuchs do vote by listing them-
mit closing yesterday that consecrated “I want to be your friend” in English and selves as female, many are pushing for an alterna-
President Barack Obama as a positive presenting him with a left-wing book on tive or “third sex” option on identity cards, after
partner in the hemisphere who won over Latin America as a gift. being granted the franchise in 1994.
even die-hard anti-US critics. Chavez felt sufficiently reassured by Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, a prominent eunuch ac-
A formal closing ceremony yesterday Obama to propose naming a new ambas- tivist and founder of NGO Astitva, which works with
was due to set the seal on the Fifth Sum- sador to Washington to restore normal ties. Chavez sexual minorities, has never voted and refuses to
mit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago He had expelled the US envoy to Caracas in “I think the summit has been a great (right) gives
that served to introduce Obama to a region September and Washington had responded do so until there is a transgender option on identity
success by itself, through the quality of the Obama a
where America-bashing has long been ac- by kicking out Venezuela’s ambassador in a cards.
dialogue that occurred between the presi- copy of
cepted as a nationalist reflex. dispute over US activities in Bolivia. dents,” Organisation of American States “It’s the question of the identity of our whole
“Las Venas community,” she said.
In contrast to the previous 2005 sum- Washington said the move to restore Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza told Abiertas
mit in Argentina that ended in discord, the ambassadors was “positive.” reporters. “In spite of so many years of independence we
de America haven’t got our own identity, our own place in the
Port of Spain meeting was humming with Chavez headed a group of left-wing “The presence of President Obama has Latina”
good feelings projected by the young new presidents, including Evo Morales of Bo- certainly made a powerful contribution to constitution of India.”
during a Most eunuchs live on the outer fringes of society,
US president, who promised a cooperative livia, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua and Rafael the positive climate and success of the meeting at ostracised and excluded from decent job opportuni-
partnership of equals with his peers. Correa of Ecuador, who denounced Cuba’s summit,” Insulza said, adding the leaders
“We made a lot of progress. With the absence from the summit and rejected the the summit ties and reduced to begging at traffic junctions in
had held substantive talks on the economic
expectations for tensions that had originally final draft declaration as deficient. in Port major cities or working in the sex trade.
crisis and other issues.
existed, I think the fact that the summit was They said it failed to address Cuba’s Insulza did not believe the summit had of Spain, Despite the stigma surrounding them, a cam-
cordial must be qualified as a success,” exclusion and also did not provide concrete been distracted by a debate over US-Cuban Trinidad on paign to recognise eunuchs as a third sex has
Dominican Republic President Leonel Fern- solutions to the global economic crisis that ties that dominated its buildup. Saturday. yielded some results.
andez told reporters. threatens to send millions in the region Hopes for a rapprochement between They can now write “E” for eunuch on passports
Obama had to field a chorus of calls to back to poverty. Washington and Havana have risen after and on certain government forms, but the quest for
lift the US trade embargo on communist- The more than 60-paragraph declaration, both Obama and Cuban President Raul acceptance at the ballot box – where they have to
ruled Cuba, but that did not stop him from which diplomats worked on for months, Castro signaled they were ready to talk identify themselves as male or female – still eludes
brainstorming with the other 33 heads of commits the hemisphere’s leaders to “Se- to try to end the long-standing ideological them in culturally conservative India.
state on the global economic crisis and curing Our Citizens’ Future by Promoting conflict between their countries. “There has been quite a bit of progress so
regional energy and security challenges. Human Prosperity, Energy Security and Obama told the opening session of the structurally the only thing that comes in is gender
The United States’ first black president Environmental Sustainability.” summit on Friday he wanted a “new begin- politics,” said Ashok Row Kavi, chairman of the
appeared to have been a hit with his coun- Given the objections to the document ning” with Cuba and had made a gesture
terparts from the racially mixed region, even from some presidents, there were doubts Humsafar Trust, a male sexual health NGO.
by easing some aspects of the US embargo
with those who often pilloried his predeces- whether a formal signing would be held. Eunuchs who want to contest in elections for
earlier in the week.
sor, George W. Bush, as the diabolic epitome Regional leaders said that did not de- The US leader also made clear he wanted greater rights have come up against similar prob-
of “imperialism.” tract from the generally positive spirit and Cuba to reciprocate by opening up political lems, even though several have been elected to
The most prolific Bush-basher, Venezue- progress of the meeting. freedoms for its citizens. – Reuters public office as women. – AFP

like London, New York, Tokyo and Calcutta.

Week Ending April 17 Earthquakes
A STRONG aftershock of Italy’s devastating April
Sudden sea rise 6 temblor rocked a wide area, including Rome,
65 miles away. The 4.8 magnitude shaking was
SEA levels have the potential to rise 10 feet in one of around 100,000 aftershocks that have
far less than a century due to climate change, occurred since the initial jolt.
according to a recent study of coral beds in • Earth movements were also felt in western
Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. Writing in the Mexico, southern Peru, the Big Island of Hawaii,
journal Nature, Paul Blanchon of the University Indonesia’s Sulawesi island and western India.
of Mexico says such a scenario is possible within
the next 100 years, reshaping coastlines while
also causing economic and social chaos. The Bengal cyclone
coral clearly shows that oceans rose 6.6 to 10 AN area of disturbed weather swirling over the
feet within 50 to 100 years, Blanchon writes. western Bay of Bengal collected into Cyclone
Such a rise today due to melting of the Green- Bijli just off the coast of India. – Universal Press
land and Antarctic would inundate coastal cities Syndicate

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