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Q1) Determine the thevenins equivalent circuit between the terminals A&B For the circuit shown in figure 11.1 .

Answer: First we are about to find the thevenins resistance. To find the thevenins resistance we remove the resistance RL and open circuit the AB terminals. Then we remove the voltage source and short circuit it. See figure 11.2

We can easily find the thevenins resistance now. Rth = (5//10 + 3)

Now we have to find the thevenins voltage. For this we remove the load resistance RL . See figure 11.3

Note that there is no current flow through 3ohms resistance as it is open ended from point A. Hence in nodal equation we dont have to add the current through this resistance. Applying nodal equation method to point c,

(V-30)/5 + (V-0)/10 = 0

V = 20V From figure 11.3 you can see that, VA = VC VA = VTH Therefore V = VTH VTH = 20V

Q2) Find the equivalent e.m.f of the network when viewed from terminals A&B and the equivalent resistance of the network when looked from terminals A&B and the current through load resistance RL . Refer figure 11.4

Answer: Current in the network after load resistance has been removed (figure 11.5)

I = 24/(12+3+1) I = 1.5A. Applying Ohms law on 12 Ohms resistance, Voltage across A and B = VTH = 12 Ohms x 1.5A

Now we are about to find the RTH

It is very easy. Just remove and short circuit the voltage source and find the equivalent resistance as seen from A&B terminals. NOTE: YOU SHOULD LEAVE THE INTERNAL RESISTANCE OF THE VOLTAGE SOURCE THOUGH YOU REMOVE IT. SEE FIGURE 11.4.(a)

Rth = (3+1)//12 = 3 Ohms

Hence we have find the thevenins equivalent circuit. So we can easily find the current through load resistance. See figure 11.5.(a)

ILOAD = 18 / (3+15) ILOAD = 1A Q3) determine the thevenins equivalent circuit between the terminals A&B. you may refer figure 11.6


This network contains a current source. So it will be important to you to understand how to deal with a current source in thevenins theorem. Figure 11.7 shows the circuit to find RTH. Note that two terminals between the current source has been open circuited while the voltage source do the opposite.

RTH = 5 + { [ (10//10 ) + 2 ] // 3 } RTH = 7.1

From figure 11.8

Voltage at point C = Vc = Vth (as there is no current through 5 resistor)

We have grounded the point B to make our calculation easier.

Nodal equation to point C (VC 0)/3 + (VC-VD)/ 2 = 0 5VC 3VD = 0 -------------------------------------------(1) Nodal equation to point D (VD - VC)/2 + VD/10 + (VD -5)/10 1 = 0 7VD 5VC = 15 ---------------------------------------(2) By solving 1&2 Vc = 2.25V VC = VTH VTH = 2.25V Q4) In order to determine the unknown voltage V0 and the resistance R in the circuit shown in figure 12.1 , power dissipation at the variable resistor RL is measured, for the different values of R. the maximum power dissipation at the variable resistor RL is measured as 147mW when the resistance RL is set to 3k. Determine the values of V0 & R.

It is reccomended to workout previous problems before this. And you should try to solve this problem without looking at the answers given below. Dont even look at single word in the answers if you didnt try to solve it atleast three times.

Answer: It says that the maximum power dissipation at RL occurs at 3k. So you may understand that the thevenin resistance RTH is also 3k. This is one of the most important practical usages of thevenins theorem. This is the combination of both maximum power transfer theorem and thevenins theorem.

If you still cant understand this method, consider the tehvenin equivalent circuit with the load connected. Now this circuits it exactly equivalent to the original circuit given. So instead of the given circuit we can use the thevenin equivalent circuit with load connected. Now, you may see that there are only two resistances available (RLOAD and RTH). According to maximum power transfer theorem, to get the maximum power output these two resistance values should be equal. This means, At maximum power dissipation, RLOAD = RTH So as it given in the problem, at maximum power dissipation Rload = 3k

Therefore RTH = 3K Now we can find the resistance R

From figure 12.2 [ (R+2) // 3 ] + 1 = 3 (all values in k)

[ (R+2)*3 / R+5 ] + 1 = 3

3R + 6 = 2R + 10 R = 4

Now we have find R.

We have given that the maximum power dissipation in RLOAD is 147mW at RLOAD = 3. Apply,

p = V2/R


147mW = V2/ 3k V = 21v This is the voltage across load when the maximum power dissipates, See figure 12.2(a).

So VTH/2 = 21V VTH = 42V Now see figure 12.3

Note that VC = VTH = 42V We have grounded the point B. Apply nodal equation to point C (VC V)/2k + (VC 0)/3k 12mA 13mA = 0 (42 V) /2k + 42/3k -25mA = 0 (42 V) x 10-3/2 = 11x10-3 42 V = 22 V = 20v But this is not what we need. We need to find V0 V = V0 + V1 (see figure 12.3) V0 + V1 = 20 ---------------------------(1) Applying nodal equation to point B (0 V1)/ 4k + (0 - VC)/ 3k + 13mA = 0

-V1/4 + (-42)/3 +13 = 0 -V1/4 -1 = 0 V1 = -4v -------------(2) substitute (2) on (1) V0 = 24v

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