Proposed 10th Amendment Res. 5

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Five for Freedom Proposed Resolution 5- Divestment of Assets of Insolvent Banks

Whereas, The 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people," and Whereas, through various entreaties and Resolutions already submitted, the People of Colorado and the State General Assembly have both pleaded and demanded the federal government and its agencies cease and desist its un-Constitutional activities in mandating and imposing upon the State those federal mandates, programs, fiscal and odious financial obligations that have no Constitutional authority; and Whereas, the US Congress enacted various un-Constitutional legislation; HR 1424, 1586 and other policies and regulations collectively known as the Toxic Asset Relief Program (TARP), and Whereas, successive Congresses and Executive Administration, using the TARP legislation as a carte blanche authorization to bail out insolvent banks, financial institutions, insurers and auto manufacturers in, as yet, unaudited transactions amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars of odious obligation of the taxpayers, and Whereas, the Federal Reserve Corporation (FRC) separately initiated it's own toxic asset purchase programs, wherein the FRC traded toxic assets from Money Center and large-to-medium Banks in exchange for US Treasury Bills and Notes previously held or newly purchased as assets by the FRC, aided and abetted the Congress and US Treasury in the TARP by creating, out-thin-air, ~$1 Trillion to purchase those toxic assets, Treasury Bills and Notes ultimately on obligation of the taxpayers, and Whereas, the FRC, through such un-Constitutional legislation and policies has continued to aid and abet successive US Congresses and Executive Administrations through further debasement of both the Federal Reserve Note, known as the 'dollar,' and of US Treasury Bills and Notes by creating out-of thin-air more dollars to directly purchase those Bonds and Notes further guaranteeing the massive inflation of the dollar, jeopardizing the credit of the united States, and Whereas, even after the purchase of those toxic assets from banks and large financial institutions many of the largest of those banks and converted financial institutions remain demonstrably insolvent and, now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that, the _________________________ County Republican Party, its elected officials and candidates shall, in order to protect the People of Colorado at each and every opportunity presented in their capacity as current and future elected officials:

Introduce, support and assist the enactment, by all available and possible means, the passage of legislation that enacts into law and directs the divestment, from any city, county and state government reserve, pension and PERA asset funds, all holdings and accounts, that portion which is currently held in those banks and financial institutions, and further directs the replacement of those divested asset funds with reliable and returnable assets of known, demonstrable and independently audited value, to include but not limited to at least 25% Precious Metal funds and/or physical metal holdings, in protected and audited Colorado-based storage and exchange; Colorado-based corporate and business equities; and then, other out-ofstate or foreign equities and assets that competent equity and asset management prudence may dictate, as expeditiously and efficiently as possible with the least expense to the people during a period not to exceed 3 years time from enactment.

Votes Yea_____________Votes Nay_____________ County_______________Precinct #____________ Precinct Sec._____________________________

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