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What is a crusade: linguistically, & historically. Impact of the crusade.

Invasion of the Franks not crusaders per se. They called themselves pilgrims. Necessity of redefinition. Salah el-din, modus operandi existing amongst diverse Muslim and Christian groups. Letter. As a son trusts his father to king of Jerusalem. Many definitions of Crusades: o 1095-1291: 7 major campaigns. o Spanish Crusade, since not Levantine not considered part of it o 2nd 7th all failed. Crusaders v. middle easterners. 3 main political groups in Europe: o English o French o Germans o Also Flanders Flemish & Germans moved to invade East. Reaching far north west of Syria. Agenda to have Jerusalem. How is it to be ruled? 200 yrs of crusading period. Vital element, Italian republics. All interested as merchants, to eliminate Muslim middle men. Silk road. Divided Syria. Navy, Seljuks as land warriors. Antioch besieged for 9 months. Sans rescue. Crusaders suffering from shortages. Settled in eastern Anatolia. Crusaders after economic not religious interest. Captured city south of Aleppo. Cannibalism. Deliberate to spread rumours & fear reputation of themselves. No resistance. Feudal lords supported them. Ibn al- Athir. Fatimids worked with Crusaders against Seljukids. 1099- crusaders ransacked Jerusalem. 1st crusade achieved its aim. 4 entities of crusaders. Crusaders acquired different local tastes. Nosaira- alawite, mowahiddin- druze, & maronites, all reacted differently. Sunni response to crusader settlement not passive but unsuccessful and unorganised. o Tughtoki 1113: With help of western Iranian & seljuks annihilated king. Jerusalem wiped of soldiers. Headed back to Damascus. King assassinated by friend. Hired Assassins. Tughtokin. Lost chance. o Ilghazi: 1119: Son of tughtoki. Antioch wide open. Didnt take over despite having 20000 turkish cavalrymen. o Balak: 1122-3 o Zanki: 1144 o Zengi: 1146

Heroes sans political change on the ground. Sallah el-din (hereby known as SED): o Legend? o Ethnic kurd from north of caucuses. From Tbilisi. Father vassal to Zanki. Born in Takrit. o One of the first to lead a very ambitious project to establish a Turkish empire. Landmark of battle. Turkification & Sunnification of middle east. Movement from central Asia to outer Mongolia. All were Turkmen. SED wanted niche for himself. His friend and historian, Abu Ahama, gave up decadent life. Zanki is 1st real hero of crusades. United various regions. Recaptured 1st principality, Antioch and Odessa. Killed immediately after. His son continued the work. 1 of the commanders who were sent to Egypt was SED. SED was appointed prime minister to Fatimid caliphate. o Stopped Friday sermon. Loyalty being declared to Abbasid instead of Fatimid. 1171 SED fought and protect his life. Burned Cairo. 35000 people. Early career shrewd & very violent. o SED led civil war against other shafii leaders. Hence letter in 1174. o Took him 10/12 years until the capture of Aleppo. Successive wars to unite Syria. SED as united. o Attempt by crusaders to go to medina and desecrate prophet. o 4th Sat. 4th July 1177. Another face of SED. After capturing King. Humanistic humble. King of J. 3 days of thirst from Frankish side. Kings dont kill kings. Gave him water. o 2 years of confrontation, only Acra lost. 12-14 docs Richard & SED diplomacy. Proposed that RLHs sister would marry SEDs brother. As Muslim King & Christian Queen. Crusaders minting Arabic coins with Muslim Imam. Also in Spanish territory. Dialogue of civilisations existed. 4th crusade, European Christian fiasco. o Muhammed al fath. 6th crusade SED had Jerusalem, nephew surrendered back to crusaders. Brothers fighting each other. 1229 surrendered, and returned later etc Main drive of the crusades. Al Hakim. Destruction of church: Early factors to create excuse. Ordered reconstruction. Of church of Holy Sepulchre. Pre- Ottoman Turkey. 1071-77. Turkification, systematic learning system. Arabisation did not materialise. Coins.

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