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About this book ...............................3 Story ..............................................4 Character Proles ............................6 Basics........................................... 14 Phantom Island ........................... 24 Merchant .................................. 24 Healer/Owl Sage ....................... 24 Blacksmith/Putty Smith .............. 24 Fusionist/Putty Shaman ............. 25 Witch ....................................... 25 Dungeon Monk ......................... 25 Old Man ................................... 25 Granny ..................................... 25 Everybody Else ......................... 25 Unmentionables ........................ 25 Fusion Basics .............................. 26 Title Basics ................................. 28 Random Dungeon Basics ............. 29

Battle Critical Data ........................ 32 Part 1 - A Jill of all Trades ............ 34 Part 2 - Expanding Horizons ......... 64 Part 3 - The Shadow of Sulphur ... 89 Part 4 - Gathering of Braves ....... 112 Advanced Techniques .................. 122 Speed Walkthrough ................... 124 Battle System ........................... 128 Random Dungeons .................... 129 Fusion and Forging .................... 133 How to get all characters ........... 137 How to get all items .................. 138 Skills and Titles ......................... 144 Ultimate Training ....................... 145 Secrets and Spoilers .................... 148 Secrets of Phantom Isle ............. 150 Hidden Characters ..................... 152 Stuff So Secret... ...................... 153 Extra Stages ............................. 154 Data Mines ................................. 164 Title Data ................................. 166 Item Data ................................. 172 Skill Data .................................. 200 Job Data................................... 219 Interview .................................... 239

This is going to take some getting used to. Before now, turn-based strategy games have been really... organized. Fights took place on battleelds that were divided into neat grids, which showed you where you could move at any given time. Victory was a question of the efciency and intelligence with which you manipulated each character, and how well they complemented each other as units of force.

Marona is the only human in your army. The rest of your characters are phantoms, and under ordinary circumstances, they cant interact with the real world. Before a phantom can ght for you, youll have to use Maronas Conne ability to imprison it within an unequipped, inanimate object, such as a tree, rock, or bush. This gives the phantom a temporary body. Just about anything on the map can be used for Connement, with the exception of dead characters or monsters bodies. You can also use your own weapons for Connement, which can be a big help. An object will also inuence the conned phantoms statistics. For example, Conning a phantom in a rock may enhance his Attack and Defense, but as a trade-off, will vastly reduce Speed. Conversely, putting a phantom into a ower bush will raise Intelligence, Resilience, and Speed, but at the cost of HP and Defense. Before you Conne a phantom, make sure that the target objects stat modiers will complement the phantoms role in combat. As a general rule, plants will improve Intelligence, Speed, and Resilience, while rocks and heavier items will boost HP, Attack, and Defense. Always check the modiers on an object before you Conne somebody into it, or you may wind up shooting yourself in the foot. Field Effects On many maps, youll run into objects or monsters thatre generating a special eld effect. This is easy to spot, as an object that has a eld effect in place on it will have a number above it. If you place your cursor on it, lines will appear linking a eld effects generator with its target creatures or objects.

These eld effects provide a variety of enhancements and drawbacks to the objects and monsters they target, such as lowered statistics, stat multipliers, or experience bonuses. If you conne a phantom to an object thats inside a eld effect, that phantom will be affected by whatever advantages and drawbacks that the eld confers. Field effects are cumulative. (Note that a eld effect is inherent to the map, not the object thats generating it. If you steal the object and take it back to Phantom Isle, it wont keep generating the effect.)

If you want to get rid of a eld effect, youll have to destroy the object thats generating it. Ordinary attacks will work, since objects in Phantom Brave have HP and stats just like a character, as will throwing the object off of the map. If you conne a phantom to an object thats generating a eld effect, it wont stop the effect unless that phantom gets killed. If you cant spare the time to destroy a generator, conne a really weak phantom to it and send him on a kamikaze run. The Time Limit Connement seems simple, right? It is, but there are a lot of variables to keep in mind before you start. While Marona can use Conne as often as she wants during her turn, assuming shes got items to use it on, you can only have fteen phantoms on the eld at a time. A phantom equipped with a weapon counts twice, as does any weapon that Marona herself is carrying, so Marona can call a maximum of seven armed friends onto the eld with her.

Phantom Brave, by way of comparison, is less of a game about warring armies, and more a series of pitched, intense melees between groups of individuals. It does away with the concepts of player and enemy turns, in favor of a more uid initiative system based entirely around each characters Speed. The movement grid has been replaced with a freer system based around the expenditure of movement points, and any character can get to where they need to go by jumping over any obstacles in their way.
The strategy in Phantom Brave is a very uid thing, as any ght can change at a moments notice. To win, you need to stay calm, keep your options open, consider each action carefully, and, perhaps, keep a few of these handy tips in mind. Connement Before you can ght, youll need characters to ght for you. This is where Connement comes into play.

Reckendorf here is generating a field effect.

This wouldnt be a problem, but Connement doesnt last forever. Each phantom has a set number of turns that they can stay on the eld, which is listed as Remove on their status screen. At the end of their nal turn, theyll disappear, dropping anything theyre carrying, and possibly taking the item you Conned them into (see Equipment, page 20). With that in mind, you have to be careful about when and where you Conne a phantom. Before you place a phantom in an object, make sure that theyre in position to do as much damage as possible before they disappear. You should also remember that, for whatever reason, the spellcaster classes (Witch, Owl Mage) have a much shorter Remove than any other type of phantom. If its your rst time playing, its a good idea to have a large army. In long ghts, thisll let you bring fresh ghters in to replace the old ones thatre disappearing, without losing any of your combat potential. As a general rule, for every character you bring into the ght, have a phantom of roughly equal ability waiting in the wings to replace him. Nine times out of ten, you wont need your backup team, but its good to have them there just in case. To avoid having to do a lot of extra leveling, try to call a different lineup for each ght. Thatll keep things on an even keel, especially if your backup crew has abilities like EXP Riser.

Press the F button to check on a characters protection effects.

This tree raises Intelligence, so itd make a great body for a spellcaster.

These Scrabbits are affected by two field effects.

This Manticore is being weakened by the other monsters field effects.

To get the most out of your second wave of Connement, use a vanished phantoms weapon as a Connement target. Weapons dont have a Remove, and



theyre counting against your maximum anyway, so why not use em for all theyre worth? If youre taking casualties, dont be afraid to have someone on corpse detail, chucking dead phantoms off the map so you can bring new ones into the fray. Alternatively, you can overkill them and make their bodies disappear, but thatll come back to bite you in the wallet later (see Healing & Souldeath, page 19). dm Every character has a set movement rate, which is given in dm (decimeters). The more dm you have, the further you can move on your turn. To get the most out of your dm, try to move in straight lines along at plains whenever you can. You can clear ledges and obstacles by jumping over them, but jumps use up extra dm. If you have the opportunity, try to throw characters over obstacles whenever possible. Attacking With all that out of the way, lets move on to the important part: hurting people. When you choose the Attack option and select a skill, youll activate a wireframe targeting reticule. This will appear near your character, at the limits of its natural range. Put that reticule on your chosen target, then press S to smack them. Theres not much more to it than that. Many close-combat skills will allow you to move into position to attack, if a given target is out of range and the attacker still has dm. Just place the cursor over your prospective victim, and if the Move ag shows up onscreen, hit S to go and hit him. Most targeting reticules are in the shape of a cylinder, which indicates their horizontal and vertical range. Simply put, if a given enemy is within the cylinder, but above or below it (usually because theyre standing on higher ground), you cant hit them. Theyre too high or too low to be reached by your weapon. Youre going to have to get to their level to punch their ticket. Smaller enemies will often take advantage of this by jumping onto one of your characters heads. If they do, youre usually better off attacking somebody else that turn, as its way too easy to hit your ally by mistake. If a skills target reticule is in the shape of a sphere, as it is with elemental attack spells and archery-based skills, then youll have to hold down the F button to move your character around. Skills with a spherical target dont have the same height restriction as the others; the spells effective within a spherical area with the caster as its center.

The computer knows this, of course, and can be relied upon to exploit it. This is why your opponents are always hopping on top of each other, or onto objects, or onto one of your ghters. For the most part, you can neutralize your enemies range advantages by simply jumping up after them, or Conning a phantom in their general area. Several skills, like elemental attack spells or archery, largely ignore vertical range, so you can use those to knock people off of their perches. Swords and spears have a few skills that hit vertically, like Gale Slash or Centrifuge.

Ground Conditions During a ght, point your cursor at the ground to get an idea of what the local conditions are. On a slippery map, your characters will skid for a certain distance after they move to their target destination. On bouncy battleelds, anyone who hops down from a platform will hop a couple of times before landing. This has more of an effect than youd think. A lot of your available techniques will knock their targets back a few steps, but on a slick surface, youre almost guaranteed to throw your opponent out of bounds (see page 22). Youll also have a hard time navigating narrow paths or positioning your characters. The easiest way to circumvent a negative ground condition is to attack and move at the same time. If you target an enemy whos outside of your current range, many skills will allow you to walk over to that enemy before attacking, as long as you have the available dm. In so doing, youll conveniently ignore any problems that the ground might cause. That isnt always going to help, especially if youre trying to get into position to cast a spell. In that case, try to move in small increments, so you only slide a little bit with every step you take. Try to aim for other characters, so theyll stop your forward momentum, or to move your character on top of an object or corpse. When the ground gets bouncy, theres not much you can do about it. Just try not to jump. If you do, the further you fall, the further youll bounce. If youre lucky, youll wind up halfway across the map without having spent a lot of dm, but more often, youll go out of bounds. Fortunately, the ground doesnt get bouncy often, outside of an occasional Random Dungeon (see page 29). Dirty Tricks

Spells like Mega Fire can affect all characters within their target zone.
With that in mind, youll want to create a wide variety of phantoms, so you can tailor your army to the battleeld. On a at plain, plenty of ghters will get the job done, while a corps of mages and Archers will work best on a map with plenty of ledges and hills. A good standard lineup for your army consists of eight characters: four ghters (Ash, Knight, Owl Knight, Fighter, Amazon, Valkyrie), one Archer, one support magician (Healer, Owl Sage, Putty Shaman), and one attack magician (Witch, Owl Mage). Your ghters will be causing the bulk of the damage here, with the Archer and your mages serving to kill off any weakened opponents. As mages get more powerful, they become less characters in their own right and more like tactical nuclear weapons. One well-placed Giga or Omega spell can turn the tide of a ght. The Healers job is obvious enough, but give her a weapon with at least one attack spell (i.e. Punish). As a support mage, the Healer wont earn EXP very quickly unless you let her take down an occasional weakened opponent. Later in the game, you can teach her some of the more dangerous Healing/Stat-Adjustment skills, like Blinding Light. Maronas a good support magician (be sure to equip her with a wand or cane, to teach her a few new spells), and can provide reinforcements. While shes got the stats to jump into a ght occasionally, especially given her higher-than-average Speed, dont put Marona in harms way if it can possibly be avoided. If Marona gets killed, all your enemies have to do is run out your remaining phantoms clock, and they win. Terrain Height On many maps, youre going to have to take the local topography into account. A character whos standing on a tall ledge doesnt get any stat bonuses, but most of your best moves have a limited vertical range. Whoevers on the high ground is essentially immune to many skills.

If you want to go after an enemy on higher ground, keep in mind that each character can only jump so high. Human characters can usually only climb ledges thatre a little bit taller than they are. Owls, on the other hand, can climb ledges twice their own height. (This is why its handy to have an Owl Knight or two along for the ride.) You can also form human ladders by making your characters jump onto each other. Armed characters are ideal for this, since if somebody jumps onto their head, theyll just stand there, instead of picking up the jumper. If you need to reach high ground in a hurry, use the nearest swordsman for a boost.

Use skills like Beam Arrow to attack enemies above you.

Gale Slash is a Sword skill with a large vertical hit zone.

Here are a few extra combat tips. An enemy with 1 HP hits just as hard as an enemy at full health. Youre better off using a powerful attack if itll nish off an opponent, than you are leaving a weak enemy alive and hitting someone else. Your opponents tend to focus on the weakest members of your army rst. Low-level characters will be the rst to go, followed by spellcasters (an average enemy will hit Witches rst, followed by Healers and nally Fusionists), archers, healers, and nally warriors. With all that in mind, its often helpful to keep a few low-level, expendable phantoms on the battleeld for the express purpose of absorbing stray attacks. Owl sentries work well for this, as they have high Defense and dm. A character with a yellow lifebar and status window is a neutral party. Theyre usually ghting the same enemies that you are and they may help you out, so try and keep them around.



Be sure to exploit an enemys elemental vulnerabilities. A Witch or Owl Mage equipped with the right spells can be the most dangerous phantom in your army, as long as you pay attention to your enemys stats before you attack. This is something of a SRPG classic, but its worth including just the same. Often, your enemies wont rush at you. Instead, theyll sit placidly in one place until you move one of your characters inside their attack range. If youre careful about it, you can use this to get enemies to come after you one at a time. Buy Marona a weapon early in the game, preferably something that raises the Speed of a character whos Conned to it. This comes in handy on several maps, especially if there arent enough objects on it.

Skill-based experience is a little trickier. You earn skill EXP by get this using skills during a ght. Every skill in the game ts into one of seven categories: Physical (the gray sword), Energy (the red sword), Elemental Magic (the yellow lightning bolt), Physical Magic (the yellow ower), Space-Time (the gray arrow), StatAltering (the black skull), and Healing (the red heart). Each character in the game comes with certain skill specialties, as well as a few skills that theyre just no good at. Ash, for instance, is really good with Physical and Energy skills (A rank), but as a mage, hes pretty clueless (D rank in Elemental Magic, E ranks in Physical Magic and Stat-Altering). If he somehow winds up with magic skills, hell be able to use them, but he wont do as well with them as a more magey sort of character would.

the faster theyll earn more SP, and the sooner theyll be able to use the more costly and powerful abilities. You can expedite this process by equipping weapons and items that provide their users with zero-cost skills, such as Healite, Angle Slash, or Burst, so you can earn skill category XP for free. If you want to adjust a characters skill specialties, you can do so by assigning them new Titles (see page 28).

also makes you what is technically referred to as a jerk. When theyre souldead, a characters spirit has been depleted. They wont appear on Phantom Isle at all, and will appear in the Healers menu as Spiritless. Conventional methods of healing are useless. To get them back, highlight their name on the Healers menu and press S. Thisll give you the option to pay a lot of money and sacrice one of your items, destroying it forever and bringing your lost character back from souldeath. Theyll be in the Phantom World, so youll have to have Marona Summon them if you want to use them. For the most part, a character whos recovered from souldeath isnt any better or worse for the experience. The exception is if you sacrice a Changebook or Egg to recover them. Doing so will reset the characters level to 1 and gives you a number of bonus points depending on the level of the item you sacriced. These arent exactly common items, though, so if you decide to sacrice one, youd better make it count.

Healing & Souldeath

When you get stabbed, shot, blown up, set on re, encased in ice, slammed into the ground, hit with a tree, punched, kicked, shredded, shocked, impaled, or hit with supernaturally intense windshear, it stings a little. To restore lost HP during combat, youll need to use skills and spells, as there are no curative items in Phantom Brave. After a battle, visit a Healer or Owl Sage on Phantom Isle. Theyll heal your entire army and restore your spent SP, in exchange for a small donation. When a character runs out of HP, theyll fall over. At this point, you can use a spell like Revive to get them back on their feet, or pay the Healer to restore them when you get back to Phantom Isle. (A dead character will appear on Phantom Isle as a prone body. You can still talk to them, although theyll be understandably grumpy.) A fallen characters body stays on the battleeld, and can be targeted by skills. If a dead character takes enough damage to destroy its body (this is usually some fraction of their full HP), then theyve just suffered souldeath. You can also inict souldeath on a dead phantom on Phantom Isle, by throwing or jumping on them. This

When you attack a target, you earn two kinds of experience: character-based, and skill-based. Character-based experience is simple enough to deal with. When a character defeats an enemy, he gets EXP. That lls up the white bar by his HP, and with enough EXP, hell reach the next level. His statistics improve, and he may learn a new skill. That parts simple. A phantom earns character experience by defeating enemies, or by participating in a battle. In the latter event, a phantom earns a certain amount of bonus EXP just for showing up, even if they were defeated during the ght. This is a great way to hand a new phantom some free levels; Conne them to an out-of-the-way object near the end of the ght and rake in the EXP. Maronas bonus experience is handled a little differently than your phantoms. A phantom will earn bonus experience points based upon the level of the object hes conned in, while Marona earns it based upon her character level. Early in the game, this means that Marona will earn EXP faster than the phantoms, but theyll catch up later on.

Fluffys good with Physical Magic, but thats about it.

Whenever you use a skill, you gain experience for both that skill and its category. When the skill levels up, you get better at it. This is a pretty good excuse for using all of your attacks as often as you can, especially since you can go back to Phantom Isle and rest up after almost any ght. Earning experience in a skill category, on the other hand, improves your facility with all the skills that t within it. When a character gets a new level in a skill category, he earns more SP (special points), which can be spent to use skills within that category. For example, Marona has an A rank in the Healing skill category. When you start the game, she knows the Heal spell, but since shes only got 2 SP in Healing, she can only cast it once a ght. If you keep casting Heal, both that spell and Maronas Healing category of skills will level up. Now, she has more SP, so she can use Heal more often, and when she casts Heal, it restores more HP.

Sacrifice an Egg or Changebook, and a character can start fresh.

When a character defeats an enemy, both he and any weapon hes wielding earn Mana. Unequipped items may also generate Mana while theyre lying around on Phantom Isle. This is a random effect, but hey, its free Mana. This magical energy is necessary for leveling up weaponry, learning new skills from items, and fusion, all of which are explored in the next few pages. Theres not much left to say about it here, really, except that you should hoard this stuff whenever you can. You can earn a lot of Mana in a relative hurry by fusing stolen items to your characters (see page 26).

Bonus EXP is a great way to level up newbie phantoms.

A characters rank in a given skill category determines how fast their skills will level up. The better they are in a skill category, the more effective their skills will be,

Alas, poor Dopey. We knew him well.



Wistaria is a strange place. Literally anything you can pick up, even ower bushes and loaves of bread, has magical powers. There are three ways to get most items in Phantom Brave. You can steal them from battleelds, buy them from the Merchant on Phantom Isle, or be awarded one after a battle. The rst process needs a bit of explanation. Each character has a statistic called an Obtain Rate, which appears on the Conne menu. Your Obtain Rate is determined by your characters Steal and level versus the items Steal and level.

Each weapon has a stat labeled Guard on its status screen, which provides its wielder with another layer of defense. Every time an armed character is attacked, he may Guard with his weapon, letting it take some of the incoming damage. The benet here is obvious: the phantom doesnt get hurt as badly. If a weapon runs out of HP, itll break and disappear, taking all its skills and stat bonuses with it. See the Healer to get your weapons xed. To unlock most of a given weapons abilities, youll need to use it in combat. Every time a character uses a weapon to defeat an enemy, the weapon earns Mana and EXP roughly equal to one-third of what its wielder

To Wield or Not To Wield

One of the rst decisions youll need to make in Phantom Brave is whether you want to fully equip your characters, or leave them mostly empty-handed. Both approaches have good and bad points. Using a lot of equipment gives you plenty of new skills, but its harder to use your Hold and Throw commands effectively. Youll also have a hard time with enemy thieves, and youre automatically cutting your available troops by at least half. An unarmed group of ghters, or a group that shares a few weapons amongst its members, is versatile and mobile. Youll be able to take full advantage of the Hold and Throw commands, to steal enemy weapons or move characters further and faster. Youll also be able to drop more ghters onto the battleeld. On the other hand, the members of an unarmed group will be weaker than armed characters of the same level, and youll need to use a lot of fusion to teach them new skills. An unarmed or lightly armed group tends to rely on O.B. (see next page) to whittle down the enemys ranks, before sending in a couple of armed ghters for the nale. Its up to you. Both approaches have a lot to recommend them, and work better on some maps than others. (Really long Random Dungeons, for example, are a lot easier and faster to get through if you throw most of your enemies O.B.) Experiment with both approaches, and gure out which one works best with your playing style.

Holding & Throwing

On their turn, every unarmed character has access to the Hold command. This handy option lets you pick up anything on the battleeld, whereupon you can toss it a fair distance or use it as a weapon. While a character is holding an object, that character enjoys whatever modications the object gives and can use any skills that the object might teach. To learn what those mods and skills will be, highlight the object and check its Status. If you pick up a living enemy, you can use some of its skills; for example, at the end of Chapter Two, you can pick up Walnut and use his Burgundy attack. This comes at a price, though, as the enemy will inict damage on whoevers holding it when its turn comes up. When a character is holding a dead body, its lone combat skill is typically the Physical Body Swing attack, which is funny but not terrically effective. (Nothing says I own you quite as loudly as beating somebody in the face with his dead friends.) Depending on the bodys class, you may have a couple of other options; for example, holding a dead Dungeon Monk lets the holder use the Return skill. Throwing an object is tactically useful. Most objects you carry will let you use the Toss skill, which gently lobs the item in the direction of, presumably, a friendly target. This lets you throw a weapon to somebody who could really use it, such as a ghter.

A Blacksmith can reveal a weapons hidden skills. A characters Obtain Rate is under your list of phantoms for Confinement.
When a character disappears at the end of their last combat turn, the Obtain Rate determines whether they take the item they were Conned to with them. This is the only way to grab an item off the battleeld and take it home with you. An equipped weapon modies the stats of the character in a variety of ways, which are generally determined by the weapons type. Swords, daggers, axes, and hammers will usually increase Attack, while canes, wands, books, and staves increase Intelligence and Resilence. A character can also use whatever inherent skills the weapon has, assuming that he has the SP. Youll want to match weapons up to characters with appropriate specializations, or youll wind up with a character who has access to a number of powerful special moves, but doesnt have enough SP to use them. Note that equipping a weapon sometimes overrides a characters skills, in favor of whatever skills the weapon has; for example, only unarmed characters can use Strike. If a character and his weapon have the same ability, itll be used at the characters skill level. earned. Your Blacksmith can use that Mana to forge the weapon, increasing its level, HP, and stats, or to unlock its hidden skills. Whenever you wind up with a new weapon, be sure to bring it by the Blacksmith and see what kind of potential it has. Dont automatically raise a weapons level every time you have enough Mana. As the weapon earns EXP, the Mana cost for its next level will go down, to a minimum of 1. If you take advantage of that, you can save Mana for expensive skills and item fusions (see the Fusion section on page 26).

A weapons EXP reduces the Mana cost for leveling up.

A fighter with a weapon can use more powerful skills.

Share your weapons among your crew with the Toss skill.
You can also pick up and toss friendly characters, to let them move further on their turn, or throw unfriendly characters off the map (see Going O.B., next page).



As weve seen, the item a character is equipped with has a profound inuence on the characters abilities. Therefore, it stands to reason that if an armed enemy is giving you problems, you can reduce the threat he poses by taking away his weapon. If you try to use the Hold command on a character whos carrying something, your current character will try to steal from him. If youre successful, youve got their weapon, and can do as you please with it. Theres a certain grim satisfaction in hitting someone with his own sword. If you want to keep whatever you just stole, you have to Conne a phantom to it and let their Remove run out, as mentioned under Equipment. This is the only way to get several special items. The best thief in the game is, by far, the Bottle Mail. The only other standard characters whore decent at stealing are Funguys and Merchants; just about anyone else is lousy at it. You can augment a characters stealing ability with the right title (see screen shots).

Going O.B.
A character who falls off the edge of a map has just gone out of bounds, which the game abbreviates as O.B. If you go O.B. because of your own mistake, such as sliding on a slick oor, then youre ne; the current character will reappear at the closest point on the map to where she fell, with all her DM intact. (However, you cannot press the A button to cancel out of an action that sent you O.B.)

To make new phantoms for your army, talk to Marona on Phantom Isle. For the low, low price of a few bordeaux (because even for ghosts, its all about the cheddar in 04), youll create a new character. The more you pay for the phantom, the more bonus stat points youll get.

Buying Bonus Points:

When creating new characters with Marona, the maximum number of points you can buy is determined by the highest level (L) you currently have for that job, as determined by this formula: experience points = 2 * sqrt(L) + 7 If youre creating a new job for the first time, the maximum will be 3. You can boost this at the start of the game by creating a cheap character with a single experience point. Then create a second character of the same job, and youll be able to buy up to nine experience points.

Once you beat twenty monsters, you can create monsters of your very own.
that, youll be informed upon your return to Phantom Isle that Maronas gured out how to create that kind of monster. From that point on, a monsters made like any other character.

The standard currency in Wistaria is bordeaux. You can earn them by defeating monsters or selling items to the Merchant. Youll also get some money when you clear certain maps. At the start of the game, moneys a little tight. The Healers prices can be steep, especially if shes restoring a bunch of KOed phantoms. You can make up for the lack by selling the Merchant all the weeds, blossoms, and rocks youll inevitably wind up with at the end of a ght. Dont go nuts at the weapons shop. Its worth buying a sword or two for your front-line ghters when you can afford it, but you can steal better equipment early on, or equip your characters with battleeld objects. Once youre sitting comfortably on a fat stack, take another look at the Merchants wares and see what shes got to offer. Remember, the higher the Merchants level, the better her stuff is. If youre still low on money, consider taking in a Random Dungeon or two. Creating a Dungeon Monk is an expensive prospect (at least 505 bordeaux), but you can earn surprising amounts of money in even the cheapest of the Random Dungeons.

If you go O.B., youre sitting this one out.

The real problem with O.B. is when somebody else does it to you. An object or character who gets knocked O.B. by another character is out of the ght for the duration. They arent dead or injured; theyre just gone, as are whatever they were carrying and whatever they were Conned to. (The CPU loves to do this to members of your army, especially in Random Dungeons.) Ash, Marona, bosses, the last enemy on a map, and anyone under the effect of No O.B. or Rooted eld effects are all immune to going O.B. If theyre sent off the map, theyll simply reappear.

At the start of Phantom Brave, your army consists of Ash, Marona, a Soldier, a Merchant, and a Healer. Marona can also create Witches, Fighters, Valkyries, and Dungeon Monks. Over the course of the game, youll nd other human characters on various maps. If you can defeat them, youll learn how to create them as phantoms when you get back to Phantom Isle. (So when I say recruitment, I really mean killing people. Just so you know.) Creating monsters is a little harder. You can recruit every monster in the game, with the exception of Summons, by defeating twenty of them. Once youve done

This Archer isnt a very good thief.

This is a good way to get rid of an annoying enemy, or an object generating an inconvenient eld effect. To send somebody O.B., you have to toss them somehow, either by Throwing them or with a skill that inicts knockback (i.e. Berserker, Skewer, Flying Bomb). You wont get any EXP or Mana for the O.B. opponent, but at least theyre out of your hair. That being said, tossing an opponent O.B. often creates its own problems. When you throw an enemy O.B., any allies it had on the map will level up, instantly gaining the HP, SP, and applicable skills of their new level. This is a great way to trade in a lot of small problems for one big one.

Heres a Bottle Mail to show her how its done.

Note that tossing objects O.B. on Phantom Isle will store them in the Phantom World, just as if youd asked Marona to do it.

Beating enemies like this Titlist will let you create them as phantoms.



The Merchants Prices:

Killing Time on Phantom Isle

Ash and Marona operate out of Phantom Isle, which serves as Phantom Braves hub. This is where youll heal injured characters, recruit new phantoms, buy equipment, receive Bottle Mails, create random dungeons, and occasionally chuck people off the roof of Maronas house for no adequately explored reason. (What? The Mystic was lookin shifty.) What you can accomplish on Phantom Isle is determined by the phantoms in residence. Each Phantom, assuming theyre on the Isle instead of chilling in the Phantom World, can provide you with useful services, as well as the occasional bonus. Lets take a tour, shall we? While You Were Out... Whenever you return to Phantom Isle from another island or a Random Dungeon, you may see a special event which involves one of your characters. The chance of this happening goes up with a characters level. In order to participate in a special event, a phantom or item has to have been on the Isle. If they were in the Phantom World or participating in your last ght, they cant trigger special events.

Unknown Phantom Speak with the Unknown Phantom to receive a few handy battle tips. If youre ever on Phantom Isle while Ash is disabled, youll control the Unknown Phantom instead. Merchant The Merchants job is to sell you weapons, and, occasionally, to serve in a battleeld capacity as a resource redistribution agent (read: she steals things). The higher the Merchants level, the better her items are, and, of course, the more expensive theyll be. Fortunately, the Merchant earns EXP every time you buy something from her. If you dont like what shes got for sale, exit her inventory screen and talk to her again. Shell refresh her inventory with brand new items. Healer/Owl Sage Skinned your knee? Bumped your head? Gotten chewed up by a twenty-foot-tall dragon? Bring your injuries to the Healer, and shell make them alllllll better... in exchange for a small donation. As with the Merchant, the Healer gets EXP when you use her services. Blacksmith/Putty Smith The Blacksmith can use Mana to level up your items and unlock their hidden skills. (Yeah, I dont know what a Blacksmith is going to do with a rock either. Just roll with it.)

While they may seem random, the Merchants prices have a certain mathematical logic to them, as indicated by the following formula. R: rank of item L: level of item P(L): price of item at level L P(1) = 60 + 30*(R - 1) + 3*(R - 1)*(R - 2) P(L+1) = P(L) * (1 + 1/(1+L/2)) Note that the price of an item is unaffected by the title attached to it.

Fusionist/Putty Shaman Bring the Fusionist items and characters, and she can pull em apart and put em back together in exciting new shapes. With a little planning and a lot of Mana, the Fusionist can boost the power of any item or character, but itll cost you another item or character to do it. Shes also been known to hand out a little extra Mana to any objects you leave lying around the Isle. Witch Your main combat spellcaster will help you rearrange your technique lists. Youll probably want to sort your spells and moves by type and cost, just to keep everything nice and neat. Dungeon Monk This dapper fellow is in charge of creating and populating Random Dungeons. Its a dangerous, time-consuming, and expensive hobby, but a good Random Dungeon cant be beat when youre looking to level up your army. Whenever you leave a Random Dungeon, either by clearing it out or by using the Return skill, the Dungeon Monk will get some bonus EXP. Old Man When you return to Phantom Isle, the Old Man may randomly hand out an Experience bonus to another active character or object. He may also randomly raise the level of an item. Granny Granny comes equipped with homemade cookies and expensive Christmas gifts. These allow her to take away any Dark points that a character might have earned. Everybody Else Fighters, Valkyries, Amazons, and other people who hurt people dont do a lot on Phantom Isle. Talking to them is good for a laugh now and again, but thats about it. They may also, on a rare occasion, give Ash some Experience points, Mana, or Bordeaux (see sidebar).

The Merchants Goods:

The level of the Merchant determines not only the item rank of whatever goods shes selling, but also the title rank of her weapons. Lv = Merchants required level WRk = Weapons of this rank or lower TRk = Titles of this rank or lower WRk 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lv 1 3 8 15 24 35 48 63 TRk 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lv 1 7 17 31 71 127

Working For A Living:

Healers and Owl Sages earn XP based on how much you spend to heal your army after a battle: EXP = cost / 40 Merchants earn XP based on how much you spend buying weapons (selling earns you no experience): EXP = cost / 30

Your phantoms like to stay busy.

You can still earn EXP for these characters by using them in battle.

Fusionists can increase your items Mana supply.

Talk to your fighters and you might win a prize.



Going Around, Hat In Hand:

When you speak to your cohorts on Phantom Isle, theres a seemingly random chance that theyll give you a few experience points, Mana, or bordeaux. This is determined, simply enough, by how friendly you are. Every time you speak to a character on Phantom Isle, you get one to three good will points. If you attack that character in battle, youll lose one to three points. You wont get any kind of message telling you this, and good will points arent tracked in any kind of official way.

Unmentionables There are a few more secrets on Phantom Isle which you may not want to miss. Visit page 150 for a few little tidbits that might come in handy when youre rst starting out.

Phantom Braves high-level play begins and ends with fusion. You can rst recruit a Fusionist on the Sylphs Melody map in Chapter Two, or in Random Dungeons with Female enemies. Using her services, you can combine characters and items into a variety of new and interesting congurations.
This does not, however, come for free. In order to fuse actual skills to new characters, youll need Mana. Further, every time you fuse two items or characters, one of them ceases to exist. The rst benet of character fusion is the ability to raise your level cap. At the start of a characters career, he can only reach 100th level, no matter how many XP you earn. A Fusionist can combine a character with an item or another character, and will thus increase the level cap by however many levels the second party had. For example, lets take Ash and his buddy Hunter the Owl Knight, whos 13th level. Right now, Ashs maximum level is 100. If we fuse him with Hunter, Ashs maximum level will rise to 113, and Hunter will sadly cease to exist. If all youre doing is raising a character or items level cap, then fusions free. Youll end up with a single item that can reach a higher level, and contains the combined Mana of both fused objects. You can stock up on Mana easily this way, by stealing items from Random Dungeons and fusing them to your characters. Once you start messing around with skills, things begin to get a little trickier. Most of a character or items

innate skills can be fused to another character or item, but it can be expensive. The amount of Mana that a given fusion will cost is determined by two factors: the level of the Fusionist and the compatibility of the two items to be fused. If youre willing to take a little extra time, you can cheat a bit here. The humble Slime has SSS compatibility with everyone and everything. If you use a Slime as a middleman when you fuse two incompatible items, youll save a lot of Mana in the long run.

The secret power of character fusion: Slimes.

(For a complete list of each characters fusion compatibilities, check page 136.)
Another obvious use for fusion is to upgrade your weapons. For example, its easy to create specially-crafted wands for Marona or a Healer, to impart a wide variety of Healing and Stat-Altering skills that ordinarily wouldnt show up on one weapon. If the Merchant puts a new sword on sale which has a skill youve never seen before, buy it and fuse it with Ashs old one. One of your rst priorities should be to put together a magical superweapon, which has as many Elemental Magic skills as possible. If a single mage has access to all the elemental spells at any given time, using a spe-

Being friendly to your fighters can pay off in the long run.
If your point total with a given character reaches -100, theres a 30% chance that theyll attack you. If you reach 300, 400, or 500 points, theres a 10%, 20%, and 30% percent chance, respectively, that theyll give you some free money, XP, or Mana. Short version: be nice to your phantoms and they may give you a reward. You can only talk to a character once per visit to the Isle.

A Slime is fully compatible with every item and character.

cially fused book, then shell always be able to take advantage of enemies elemental vulnerabilities. Be sure you pay the extra Mana to increase the equipments ability each time, so your new superbook provides as high an Intelligence boost as possible. Then, once the books nished, you can fuse it to your spellcaster to teach her the skills permanently. The same applies to Healers and Marona. In order to be a truly effective support mage, a characters got to have both Healing and Stat-Adjusting spells, but very few off-the-shelf weapons have both skill categories. With Fusion, you can make a wand or cane that has all the spells a character needs. For ghters, fusion isnt quite as crucial, but its still extraordinarily tactically useful. Having as many skills as possible on a single high-level weapon gives its wielder an amazing amount of exibility on the battleeld. To clear some of the optional challenges near the end of the game, youll also want weaponry that raises your Attack and Speed as much as possible.

Any phantom who kills a friendly character will receive Dark points. A character with Dark points may randomly attack another character in a special event when you return to Phantom Isle. Naturally, the more Dark points a character has, the more likely the character is to go rogue. To get rid of Dark points, keep a high-level Granny on Phantom Isle. The Mailbox At the beginning of a chapter, check the Mailbox to see what the tides washed in today. At other times, open the Mailbox to nd letters, the ofcial Chroma Newsletter, and that days copy of the Ivoire Times (Our Motto: Maronas Up To Something, Dammit). These provide helpful hints, character background, and the occasional horrible slander!

To reach the highest character levels, youll have to do a lot of fusion.

Fuse a Dungeon Monk to Marona to teach her the Return skill.

Dont forget that you can also fuse items to characters. This is a good way of teaching a character a few new spells or skills, especially if youre going to a Random Dungeon that has equipment restrictions.



A less obvious use for fusion is to create objects that drastically improve the statistics of a character Conned within them. With the right materials, you can easily make weapons and objects that double a Conned characters stats. This is an invaluable option for some of the harder battles in the game, and well be talking more about it later on in the book. Before you start fusing like mad, though, take a minute to check out your available items and characters. If you can get a brand new skill by waiting a few levels, then theres no reason not to do it. Before you destroy an item by fusing it with something else, make sure that youve maxed out its level and unlocked all its abilities. Otherwise, youre cheating yourself out of part of the fusions value. Some particularly useful character fusions include: Marona and a Dungeon Monk. While itll cost an arm and a leg for anyone but the Monk to use the Return skill, Maronas high Speed means that youll be able to get out of a Random Dungeon at virtually any time. A Witch and a Soldier. The Soldiers Energy Saving ability extends a characters Remove time by one, which comes in very handy for low-Remove spellcasters like the Witch. The problem here is the cost; transferring Energy Saving to another character costs at least 100,000 Mana! An Archer and virtually anyone except for Ash. The Archer comes with Swift Attack, which lets her act the turn after shes summoned, no matter what her Speed is relative to the rest of the characters on the battleeld. Itll cost you a lot of Mana, but having a free turn at the start of the battle is well worth the expense. A Knight and, again, virtually anyone. The Knights Healing Steps skill provides limited regeneration on his turn. In the longer Random Dungeons, this is invaluable. A Titlist, a Hell Corgi, an Archer, and a Blob. Ordinarily, a Blobs low Remove would make it almost useless. Give it the Swift Attack, Explosion and Parting Gift skills, and the Blob becomes a grenade. Upon being Conned, itll enter the battleeld, explode, attack, and explode again, crippling any opponent within its blast radius and immediately disappearing.

and hair are a muddy brown, while other titles colors depend upon the job of the person who has them. A standard title changes the statistics of whatever its applied to. The higher a titles Rank, the better its bonuses are. The most powerful titles can teach unique skills, make fusion more efcient, or improve a characters ability with a given skill category. If you want to make a character whos broken out of her occupational rut and become a master of a skill that shes supposed to suck at, or if youre just interested in providing your characters with nearly free stat bonuses, then youll want to spend some time gathering and improving titles.

titles. You can swap them out with any other titles youve got lying around, thus destroying the gibberish title, or complete the Dungeon to earn its title. To improve a given title, use the Titlist to place the title on a Random Dungeon. Every time you clear a oor of the Dungeon, the title will improve by a small and random increment. When you complete the Dungeon, itll disappear, leaving the improved title behind. The best a Title can get via Dungeoncrawling is: Stats: +100% Guard: +120% Steal: +100 Mv. +50 Skills: +4

Rip the titles off of cheap equipment and use them for your characters.
out with any title on any item or character. A single title can only be placed on one character or item at a time, and you can have a maximum of 128 titles in stock. There are two ways to get new titles for your army. The simplest of the two is simply to bring Marona objects and characters, then have her banish them. All thats left of a banished phantom is his title. The easiest place to nd suitable titled objects for banishment is the Merchants store. When the Merchant reaches 127th level, her wares can have titles that are as high as Rank 6. You can also nd items with high title Ranks in the depths of high-level Random Dungeons.

(For a complete list of titles, see page 166.)

Finally, there are two titles that cannot be achieved via ordinary means: Unliked and Blsphm. Every time one of your characters kills a friendly target, hell get a Dark point. The more Dark points he has, the higher the chance that hell receive the Unliked title as part of a special Phantom Isle event. To get Blsphm, have a character gather 100 Dark points. After the 100th, hell have the Blsphm title, and can learn the special skill Dark Eboreus. To remove the Dark points, keep a Granny handy on Phantom Isle.

Now this Fighter is Cute... and much deadlier.

The rst step is to recruit a Titlist (no snickering in the back) for your army. Theres one lurking at the back of Shining Earth on Monetopia (Chapter Three), but youll have to hustle to defeat him before the Manticore tears him apart. Alternatively, Titlists are in the character rotation in Random Dungeons thatre populated by Male or Feeble enemies. On Phantom Isle, the Titlists job is to manage your titles. He starts off with one Fake and can swap it

Random Dungeons
The Merchants weapons can have surprisingly good titles.
If you feel like doing a little gambling, create a few new characters. When theyre rst made, a characters title is randomly chosen from Ranks 0 through 5. Select a character with a good title, create him, then banish him and keep his title. You can create a Dungeon Monk from the beginning of the game, although hes a pricey phantom indeed. Once hes on your team, you can pay him even more money to come up with a design for a Random Dungeon. While theyve got nothing at all to do with the plot, Random Dungeons can provide endless hours of entertainment. Theyre excellent places to level up your phantoms; they often pose incredible challenges for high-level characters; you can nd all sorts of free equipment lying around inside them; you can nd phantoms inside Random Dungeons that wont show up for a long time in the main campaign, if they show up at all; the Dungeons play an important part in un-

Youve probably noticed that every character and weapon youve run across has a word in front of its name or occupation: Vain Fighter, Saintly Witch, Cunning Putty, and so on. That adjective is a title, and it can affect almost every facet of a character. There are eight ranks of titles, ranging from the uniformly negative names at Rank 0 (Aloof, Crappy, etc.), to Rank 7. A characters color will change depending upon the rank of their title; Rank 0 characters clothes

When Marona banishes somebody, only their title remains.

The second way to generate new titles is to create a Random Dungeon. These new titles tend to be short and completely meaningless, but they are indeed new



locking some of Phantom Braves secrets; and you can use the Dungeons to create and improve titles for your characters.

You can have a maximum of thirty-two Random Dungeons in existence at any one time. Its a good idea to keep a second low-level Dungeon Monk around as you reach the midpoint of the game, so he can make weak Random Dungeons and help level up new characters. When you create a Random Dungeon, youll be able to see seven different qualities that the dungeon possesses. These are, as the name would suggest, totally random; theres no way to pick one over another. Enemy LV: The average level of opponents on the rst few oors of the Dungeon, although the deeper you go, the higher the Enemy LV will get. A higher-level Dungeon Monk means a higher possible Enemy LV. The minimum Enemy LV is 3, while the highest is a mind-boggling 9,999.

objects, and never the two shall meet. So if you walk into a Random Dungeon and see a bunch of trees, every oor containing items will contain trees from that point forward. If you go down a oor and nd a bunch of books, then youll see nothing but books from that point onward. This can make Connement slightly annoying, since youll usually only get one kind of item, and thus one set of stat modiers, for the entirety of the dungeon. The exception is if the dungeons weapons and items are actually, well, random. Check the tables on page 132 for the full story. One thing to keep in mind about the items you nd in Random Dungeons is that they come with a ready supply of Mana. You can clean up on Mana by stealing items from Random Dungeons and fusing them to your characters and equipment. Another handy survival hint is that each oor is generated at the moment you enter. If you use Return to leave the dungeon and reenter, youll nd that the map you left has changed completely. A Random Stage will still be the same kind of Random Stage, but youll be ghting different enemies on a different battleeld. As you progress through a dungeon, you may run into special, randomly chosen Random Stages. These stages can break any or all of the rules the dungeon has operated under to this point; if youve been ghting Putties in a Small, Slippery dungeon, a Random Stage may consist of a bunch of Owls on a Large, Normal oor. A standard-issue Random Stage is one of fteen potential scenarios, chosen randomly. Youll be able to tell which one it is from the introductory screen. The last oor of a dungeon will be randomly selected from one of the Final Stages listed on page 132. These are all geared towards creating a serious challenge. Youll be able to tell which one it is using the table on that page, and the title screen you see before the start of the ght. If you run into a God or a Great King, grab any rare items he might have. Just about anything in the game can show up on the nal oor of a Random Dungeon, with the exceptions of the Snakish, Heliotrope, Shiva,

To recruit an Archer, create a Dungeon with Female enemies.

The rst thing you should know is that this isnt a cheap date. Making a decent Random Dungeon for your level will cost you a fair amount, and if you screw up and decide you need to leave early, that can also be expensive. (Using the Dungeon Monks Return skill costs you a number of bordeaux equal to the current Enemy Level multiplied by thirty. If anyone but the Monk uses Return, via character fusion or by holding his body, then itll cost you ten times as much.) Fortunately, once your crew is powerful enough to handle a few oors in succession, a Random Dungeon will more than repay your initial investment. Youll get the most out of a Random Dungeon if you handle all of its oors in succession. Each stage you clear adds a cumulative 10% Deployment Bonus to the bordeaux you receive, to a maximum of a sweet 700%. You may also be given an item as a reward for clearing a map. Once you decide to enter a Dungeon, youre there for keeps. The only ways to leave are to use the Return skill (ka-ching), or to clear every oor. Always save your game before entering a Random Dungeon!

No. of Floors: The number of maps contained within the Random Dungeon. The minimum is three, while the max is 99. Area: The amount of space youll have to work with inside the Dungeon. You can opt for Small, Normal or Wide. Of the three, Small seems wisest, but be prepared to go O.B. a whole lot. Enemies: Pick from Many (ten or more), Normal (ve to nine), or Few (zero to four). This is another one thats up to personal preference. Most of the crew here at DoubleJump prefers to pick Few, just for the sake of expediency. Ground: This determines the quality of the terrain. Various means itll change from oor to oor, while the other options are self-explanatory. If youve mastered the ne art of using slippery oors to your advantage, then Slippery is your best bet here. Main Foes: This indicates what kinds of monsters youll be ghting. (See the table on page 131.) The seventh space will tell you whether or not theres an equipment restriction on this dungeon. If this space is occupied by a simple line, as in the screenshot to the left, then there isnt. Otherwise, theres a chance youll start on each oor unarmed. Merry Christmas. On the upside, you get a lot more bonus EXP from a restricted Dungeon.

Place titles on Random Dungeons to improve the titles bonuses.

Catnip Cane, Soul Saber, and Remote. The deeper you are, the more likely you are to nd a rare item. Each Random Dungeon comes into existence with a special title, which is usually complete gibberish. Every enemy within a Random Dungeon is sporting the same title as the Dungeon itself, and as such, enjoys any benets that title has to offer. Every time you clear a oor in the Dungeon, the bonuses its title grants will randomly improve. You can use a Titlist to place another title on your dungeon, whichll overwrite and destroy the original. Once again, this means that youve just granted that title to every single enemy within the dungeon. This is great for powering up your titles, but its also great for lling up the dungeon with unexpectedly powerful monsters. If you put a good title on a dungeon, youre running the risk of getting your teeth kicked in. A sneaky trick is to keep a zero-rank title handy for the longest dungeons, preferably one that gives a nice fat negative to all stats across the board (such as Failure). If you slap this on a long dungeon populated by highlevel monsters, youll weaken everyone inside it. Thisll make those long ninety-nine oor hauls a little more bearable.

There are three possibilities for restriction:

1. No restriction (i.e. blank) Youll be armed if you have weapons equipped. 2. Restriction Youll be unarmed. 3. Restriction: various You may or may not be unarmed. There are two more parameters to consider, which you dont get to pick. A Random Dungeon will have two kinds of items within it; this is selected randomly when you rst create the dungeon, and doesnt change. Further, a single oor will be strewn with either weapons or

A new Random Dungeons title will be complete nonsense, but might be good.

The final stage of a Random Dungeon is always a special Random Stage.

Need to leave in a hurry? Pick up your dead Monk.



1 5 6 7

2 4 8

9 10

11 12 13

1 3D Map: Level image in 3D. 2 Episode #: Episode-Map. 3 Episode Name: Name of the Episode. 4 Map Name: Name of the map. 5 Expected Level: The level you should expect to be to win. 6 Object Level: The average level of the objects on the map. 7 Title Rank: Average title rank of the items on the map. The title rank you

conne a character to is stacked onto their own characters title rank bonus. 8 Map notes: Notes... about the maps. 9 Text: Words about the maps. Usually tells you how to win. 10 Map: Top-down map image. Illustrates all the protection effects on the map (see 13). 11 Enemy Data: Information about the enemies on the level. : Indicates a neutral enemy (Yellow Life Bar)

: Indicates an enemy which appears for only one battle. : Indicates an enemy which rst appears on a return visit to the map. T Rnk: Title Rank. Lvl: Level. Exp: EXP gain for killing enemy. Mana: Mana gain for killing enemy. Bor: BOR gain for killing enemy. 12 Screen Shot: Usually something relevant, sometimes not. 13 Protection data: Lists all the protection effects on the map. Color correlated to the arrows on the topdown map (see 10).



Episode 1-1:

The Possessed

Episode 1-2:
The Possessed

Deserted Quarry
Before you begin, create a cheap Fighter. For this, the rst real battle, youll get to experiment with Conning characters wholl have protection effects. Conne the Fighter to the Rock, Ash to the Stone so that its harder for the enemies to nullify the protection effect, and the Soldier to either the Trees or the Weeds. Have those three characters pick up the remaining objects and use them as weapons. Just dont ask why a patch of weeds can kill a monster. Weeds are surprisingly useful weapons, since theyll boost your Speed considerably. If Ash, or any other character, needs healing, bring out the Healer. Have whoevers carrying the Tree toss it near the wounded phantom. Conne the Healer to it on Maronas next turn, then toss her a Weed for the Speed boost. This is a good example of how best to share items among your crew. When the battle is almost over, Conne the rest of the characters into the remaining objects so that theyll receive after-battle bonuses. The neutral Mystic at the far end of the map can be recruited if you kill him. Hes a bit difcult to take on right away, but he can be defeated if Ash and the Fighter make a beeline for him.

Barren Earth
1 1 1 1 1 1
Almost all enemies yield double experience! Yay! The Blacksmith, who you have to kill in order to create a Blacksmith of your own, has a eld effect that doubles most of his stats! Booo! Looking at the protection effects, you can get rid of the Blacksmiths stat boosts while leaving the double experience eld in place. The oddly-colored Slime sitting right in front of Marona is the source of the EXP boost. The three Slimes behind it are generating the stat-boosting effects, so kill them rst. The other Slimes behind them are also affected by the EXP boost, so take care of them next. After all the blue Slimes are killed, go for the weakened Blacksmith. There are more enemies than there were in the last battle. Picking up Weeds to boost your speed would be a bad idea, since itll take several turns to kill most of them. Therefore you need to hit the enemies very hard, and the ideal object here is a Cactus. One idea is to have Marona throw a conning object near a Cactus, preferably a Rock. Then Conne Ash to it, so that on his turn he can pick up a Cactus and start whacking monsters immediately. When you throw something, itll slide and bounce for a bit, so throw the conning object a little short of where you want it to rest.

Slime (x4) Mystic

1 1

1 2

9 12

9 12

10 15

Slime Slime (x5) Blacksmith

Ruined 1 1 1 1 2

0 9 12

0 9 12

1 10 15

Who knew that Weed would make you move faster?




Throw a rock here, so that it will slide and bounce into an ideal position near the Cacti.


Episode 1-3:

The Possessed

Episode 2-1:

Primitive Altar
Heres a rather tame boss battle to close out this episode. Its kind of funny to watch Raphael throw slimes at you instead of charging at you. There arent many good objects here to use as weapons. Buy a WideSword for Ash and your Fighter, as they come with Berserker, an ability that can hit multiple enemies in front of them. Conne those characters to Rocks. Taking out all those Slimes should be relatively easy if you use a Witchs spells and Berserker. Once theyre gone, bring out a Healer, and have her and Marona heal injured characters as they gang up on Raphael. A fun challenge is to try and go after the Boss rst. When hes dead, you can pick up his corpse and swing it around as a weapon. It makes for great fun beating on Slimes with their dead leader. Man, those Slimes have it rough; rst theyre tossed around by their leader, and then they get pounded to death by a ghost wielding their leaders body As a side note, two more characters will appear here on your second visit to this map: an Owl Sentry and an Owl Knight, both of whom are to your left as you enter. Once theyre defeated, youll be able to create them for your own army, and they wont show up here again. Also, on subsequent visits to this map, Raphael will be replaced by an Elite Slime.

Sy lphs Melody
2 1 1 2 2 1
Note: Episode 2 maps become inaccessible after Episode 12 is cleared.

Now that you have a Blacksmith, you might want to buy some weapons before you go any further. If you defeat an enemy with a weapon, itll gain Mana, which the Blacksmith can use to make the item stronger. As for Sylphs Melody, this is more of a bonus stage than anything else, which is meant to introduce you to the Fusionist class. Conne a couple physical attackers to the nearby Mushroom and Driftwood, and a magic user or two to the Weeds in front of Marona. Also note that there is a Bomb on the far side of the map. It gives a considerable boost to Attack to a phantom Conned in it, but it comes with a hefty penalty to HP and Defense. The enemies here are pretty weak for level 2 monsters. You could take them on on even terms if you were at level 1. The Fusionist here is the source of the Experience and Money +50% boosts to the four Summons surrounding her, so go after the monsters rst. If the Summons bunch up, dont hesitate to use Berserker or elemental magic to damage them all at once.

Slime (x9) Aloof Raphael? Slime Elite Owl Knight 1 Owl Sentry 1

1 3 4 3 3

7 57 40 19 19

7 15 27 15 15

8 63 42 21 21

Summon (x4) Quack 2 Fusionist 1 2

7 12

7 12

9 15

Use this ability to damage and knock back several slimes at once.

SPEED +50%


Say, whats a bomb doing way over there? Dont they know how dangerous they can be?



Episode 2-2:

Episode 2-3:

Lifes Cradle
Note: Episode 2 maps become inaccessible after Episode 12 is cleared.

S. Winds Howl
2 2-3 1-2 3 1-2 0-2
Note: Episode 2 maps become inaccessible after Episode 12 is cleared.

Be careful of what youre holding onto in this battle, as you just might lose it. The enemies arent too strong by themselves, but they have a habit of stealing whatever you have equipped and attacking you with it. Also, be very careful of that neutral Funguy off to the side. Itll grab anything it can get its hands on, including characters, and throw them off the map. Start by conning your ghters into the two Rocks up ahead, and put a spellcaster into the Flower. Taking out the rst three Summons should be no problem, but then the stronger ones will start to advance. If you have a character at Level 4 or 5, you could probably take care of the Funguy while youre waiting. Theres no reason to kill it, though, so you might as well not bother. By the time the other, stronger Summons arrive, you can easily take care of them by ganging up on the purple one rst, and then mopping up the stragglers. If you want to steal the Great Long Sword from this map, have Marona sneak away from the melee and Conne your Bottle Mail to it. Come back to this map later and an Owl Sage will replace the Funguy. If you can defeat him, youll earn the right to create Owl Sages of your own. However, he only shows up once.

This boss battle is a chance to make use of everything youve learned so far. The map represents a three-way struggle: youre ghting the Summons and Walnut, the Summons are ghting you and Walnut, and Walnuts ghting you and the Summons. Walnut, the boss, will be a tough nut to crack. Youre going to have to make a choice about how to take him on. A look at the protection effects indicates that one Weed is feeding Walnut Heal 10% HP and Experience x3, while the other is feeding him another Heal 10% HP and Money x3. Youll need to decide whether to destroy one, none, or both Weeds before killing him. Youve got some advantages, too. Marona starts this map with ve objects around her, each of which are affected by Recovery and Strengthen +20% effects. Start off by Conning characters with a low Obtain Rate to these objects. This way, once those characters Removes run out, you can reuse the objects for your next wave of phantoms. Now, just stay where you are and take out the Summons surrounding you, since Walnut will easily take care of the rest. Once theyre all gone, hammer away at Walnut until he nally cracks (pun intended).

Summon (x6) Quack 2 Summon (x3) 1 3 Summon (x2) 2 4 Walnut 6 Fighter Elite 7 Summon (x3) Quack 2 Summon (x3) 1 3 Summon 2 4 Funguy 1 5 Owl Sage 1 5 7 19 28 38 38 7 15 18 21 21 9 21 29 36 36

7 7 19 15 28 18 156 24 103 40

9 21 29 135 82

Dont you just hate it when somebody steals something, throws it away and runs off?


Choose between an easier fight, or more EXP and money.



Episode 3-1:
Meeting Putty

Episode 3-2:
Meeting Putty

Gentle Brook
Note: Episode 3 maps become temporarily unavailable during Episode 16.

Peaceful Hill
3 3-4 1-2 3 3-4 1-2
Note: Episode 3 maps become temporarily unavailable during Episode 16.

Your rst thought when you arrive here is likely to be Where are those red Xs coming from? A look over the character list points to the culprit: a candle-like monster called a Shade, whos producing an effect titled Keep Out: Red. You cant enter the area behind the red barrier, and the Scrabbits inside cant leave. Since its better to ght two groups of four and ve rather than one group of nine, leave the Shade alone until youve defeated the rst group of Scrabbits. Just for a little added incentive, that group has their stats lowered by 20%, and will give out 50% more Mana and EXP. Once the barrier is removed, you may see strange things happen if any of the rst ve enemies are still around. The Scrabbits behind the barrier are apparently wild ones, as theyll attack anyone, friend or foe. If you revisit this stage after clearing it, an Owl Ninja will make a one-time appearance. Be sure to defeat it if you want one for your army.

At rst glance the map seems like a typical bonus map, with a group of four Scrabbits sitting in front of you, each one offering 50% more Money and Experience. Take a look at the very far end of the map, though. There are two more Scrabbits there, under the inuence of arguably the most annoying protection effect ever conceived. At the start of every turn, they both gain a free Level. The source of this effect is the Old Man sitting in the far corner. You must therefore get a strong character across the map as quickly as you possibly can, and Ash is your best choice. Before you bring him out, conne some characters in the objects surrounding Marona so that they can keep those Scrabbits busy. Now throw the Rock near Marona over the nearby outcropping, and Conne Ash to it so that he gets a head start. Itll take Ash about two turns to get there, unless a Scrabbit Roundhouses him in the wrong direction. If everything worked out, those two Scrabbits should only be at level 5 or 6. If they get any higher than that, you could be in trouble. As a last resort, you may have to ditch Ashs weapon and have him throw them both off the map.


Scrabbit (x2) Scrabbit (x5) Scrabbit Old Man Scrabbit (x2) Scrabbit (x5) Scrabbit Shade Owl Ninja 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 12 19 27 46 69 12 15 18 24 27 15 21 28 54 55

1 1 2 1

2 3 5 3

12 19 38 7

12 15 22 15

15 21 37 12

Watch where you throw things! You might hurt someone!


How high is too high, really?



Episode 3-3:
Meeting Putty

Episode 4-1:
A Friend

Shining Earth
Note: Episode 3 maps become temporarily unavailable during Episode 16.

Spirits Path
4 3-4 1-2 4 2-4 0-2
Note: Episode 4 maps become inaccessible after Episode 11 is cleared.

This battle isnt too tough. You have a pseudo-boss monster off in the distance, surrounded and weakened by Shades who are, in turn, being weakened. A lone Titlist in the far corner will soften the Shades up for you, but hell be killed in short order. Marona starts off in a corner, with a bunch of fairly useful conning objects close at hand. Try to hold back on summoning Ash until all the Scrabbits are killed, so that he can focus on the Manticore. The Scrabbits are spaced out quite sparsely and in easily manageable numbers. One word of warning: try to stay at least 40dm away from the edges of the map, lest a character go O.B. Nothing sucks more than having your champion ghter tossed off the map because of some measly little Scrabbit and his Roundhouse skill. By the time you reach the Manticore at the far end, the Titlist will probably be dead, but hell take at least one Shade with him. To ght the Manticore, use plenty of skills that lower a targets stats, like Gravity, Punish, and Wild Swing.

No, your games not broken. You really do have to ght the same battle twice in a row. Fortunately, its not difcult. There are only ve Summons here, four of whom are being affected by some desirable effects: EXP & Mana +30%, and Attack & Defense -30%. The source is a healthy-looking tree near the back of the map. One of the Summons starts off near this tree and will immediately start trying to destroy it. The tree wont last more than two turns. The best thing you can do is get Marona to conne a character to the tree before it gets destroyed. Ash would be ideal, since he can probably handle that Summon by himself. Once thats done, all you have to do is mop up the four weakened Summons. On your second trip through this map, the enemys plan changes slightly. The weakened Summons seem to have a penchant for stealing your equipment and throwing it in a random direction. Other than that, the second ght is identical to the rst.


Summon (x4) Summon Scrabbit (x3) 1 3 19 Scrabbit (x3) 1 4 27 Scrabbit 2 5 38 Shade (x3) Useless 6 11 Manticore Keen 8 226 Titlist 2 7 69 15 18 22 6 45 28 21 28 37 13 178 57

1 2

5 6

38 54

21 25

36 47




Save the Forest! Confine yourselves to the Trees!


Episode 4-2:
A Friend

Episode 4-3:
A Friend

Bloody Fortress
Note: Episode 4 maps become inaccessible after Episode 11 is cleared.

Devils Cry
5 4 2 5 4-6 2-3
Note: Episode 4 maps become inaccessible after Episode 11 is cleared.

This is the rst map that presents a bit of a challenge. There are four objects and three demons surrounding Marona, and all of them are under an Attack -40% effect thats generated by the Ghost in the back. Youll barely be able to scratch the Ghost with your Attack at 40%. There are two more objects at the back of the map, but theyre just outside of Maronas Connement range. Its time to introduce a new strategy. Set up your party beforehand so that theyre equipped with ideal objects for Conning, especially Marona. This lets you circumvent the protection effect by bringing your own objects onto the map. Plan who youre going to Conne to each item, so that theyre used to their fullest. Taking out these Summons shouldnt be difcult now. You should still watch out for the Ghost; bring in characters who have no lower than a -50% resistance to its main elemental spell. You can check to see what element spell it uses in its Ability Status window. The Ghosts element spells will really put the hurt on those characters, doing 6090 damage.

Now heres an interesting map. Marona starts off separated from all the enemies by a barrier. The tree sitting inside this cell with you is the source of the barrier, but dont get rid of it yet. The enemies are divided into two groups, and theyre about to face off against each other. Wait to see who wins. After the ght, therell only be one or two monsters left. Now you can destroy that tree, bring down the barrier, and mop up the weakened survivors. Theres a Title Rank 3 BronzeSwd lying here that is quite powerful at this stage of the game, so youll probably want to steal it. It only shows up on your rst trip here. If you come back a second time, youll nd a Title Rank 3 Spell Book. On your third and subsequent visits, no weapons will appear. Since both the BronzeSwd and Book are unusually high-level and high-Rank, you can use them to rake in some decent bonus EXP at the end of the ght. A low-level Healer makes a good candidate for this, since as a support mage, shell nd it hard to earn EXP normally.

Summon (x3) Summon (x2) Ghost

1 2 2

5 6 8

38 54 93

21 25 31

36 47 83 Summon (x7) Whisp (x5) 2 1 6 7 54 27 25 27 47 110

As if this map wasnt annoying enough, you have to worry about your elemental resistances.



Sit back and watch the fun.



Episode 4-4:
A Friend

Episode 4-5:
A Friend

Cruel Verdict
Note: Episode 4 maps become inaccessible after Episode 11 is cleared.

Tragedys Stage
5 2-5 1-2 7 4-5 2-3
Note: Episode 4 maps become inaccessible after Episode 11 is cleared.

Heres a very kind bonus map. Unfortunately, it wont stay that way for long. The monsters will immediately try to destroy the several objects thatre giving EXP and Money bonuses. Marona begins this map surrounded by four objects under a Strengthen +20% effect, which you should denitely make use of. Advance your troops up the stairs, and save those objects. You can pick them up to use as weapons, or Conne characters to them. Now all you need to do is dispatch the Ghosts before you go after the remaining demons. For those who like keeping even levels, the Ghosts give out double EXP compared to the Summons +60% EXP. If possible, use low-level characters to deliver the killing blows to the Ghosts. You may need to use this map as a levelling ground, as a fairly difcult boss battle is coming up next.

Get ready for a brutally hard boss ght, and make sure Ash is equipped with a good Mace. Your choices for conning are limited, so its a good idea to equip Marona with a good Conning object and toss it near the Summon to her right. Now, Conne two high-Defense characters to the objects near Marona, and send them partway up the stairs. Your goal is to get rid of the monsters at the top of the stairs before the boss and his buddies at the far end come after you. Dont Conne anyone to that tree in the middle of the map just yet. Instead, put a couple more characters into the Crystals at the top of the stairs, and equip them with the Pillars. If Wraith or his monsters reach you before youve dealt with the Summons at the top of the stairs, start knocking the Summons off the map. You can throw them, or use the Pillars Good Shot! Skill. When the Boss reaches your position, summon Ash to the tree in the center of the map and send him after Wraith. The Mace helps here, because it raises the DEF stat of its wielder, and the Bosss attacks are incredibly powerful. Fortunately, he can only use his best abilities twice. Dont panic about characters dying. Since this is the end of the chapter, anyone who doesnt go into souldeath will be brought back for free after the ght.

Summon (x6) Ghost (x2)

2 2

6 8

54 93

25 31

47 83

Summon (x8) 2 6 54 25 47 Ghost (x2) 2 8 93 31 83 Wraith MiniBos 10 676 43 436 Ghost MiniBos 10 169 43 131

Hang on to those Pillars for dear life.




Dont confine Ash here until the boss is nearby.


Episode 5-1:

Scarlet the Brave

Natures Bounty
This is going to be annoying. The Saber Kitties are like Scrabbits, except theyre faster, they hit harder, and there are more of them. This battle is supposed to be a bonus map, since it gives you 30% more EXP, Mana, and Money, but getting through it isnt particularly easy. Start off by Conning several fast characters right outside the Kitties attack range. Let the kitties come towards you; if you advance on them, theyll Roundhouse your character over into their midst and pummel him to death. Youll want to keep at least two characters around who know the Heal spell. A hit-and-run routine works well here. Hit a Kitty, then run outside its attack range. If you get several turns in a row, use them to pummel on a single kitty until its dead. Use Breath and Shield to raise your characters Defense. If the back two kitties retreat to pick up some objects, youre in luck. Thatll lower the chance that an attacking character that gets thrown amongst the kitties will get killed. Leave the blue kitty till last if you can.

Scarlet the Brave

Episode 5-2

Bed of Flowers
7 5-6 2 8 5-8 2
A conga line of Saber Kitties? It looks that way, and therere a lot of them. Fortunately for you, theyre entranced by the music and wont move for a couple of turns. The majority of the Kitties here are weaker than the ones on the previous stage, but watch out for the powerful Kitty standing on the stage. Also, note that the Phonograph is generating 50% more Mana and Experience effects on the two lead kitties. Take advantage of your ambush opportunity. Conne Ash near the back of the line, with the rest of your characters in position near its middle. If youre lucky, you could probably knock out three or four of the brown Kitties before they realize theyre under attack, as long as you dont mess with the Phonograph. Once the Kitties notice youre here, the hard part starts. Hopefully, the Kitties wont gang up on one character and throw him out of healing range, or off the map entirely. Focus on the purple Saber Kitty, since its more of a threat than any of the others. If you can beat one of the brown Saber Kitties in one or two hits, youre strong enough to handle this map.

Saber Kitty (x6) Saber Kitty

1 2

7 9

69 117

27 34

55 81

Saber Kitty (x13) Subtle 7 27 10 Saber Kitty 2 9 117 34 Saber Kitty Leader 10 282 72

22 81 182


Kitty fight!


Leave the blue Saber Kitty till last to get extra EXP.

Live from Forestia, its the kitty conga contest.

Keep the Phonograph around. Its field effects are worth lots of bonus EXP, Mana, and bordeaux.


Episode 5-3:

Scarlet the Brave

Green Cradle
The Saber Kitties closest to you will give out seven times the Mana and EXP when you beat them. The catch is that their Defense is multiplied by seven, too. Its an amazingly awesome bonus, yet you have to throw it away. Sucks, doesnt it? To destroy this eld effect, youll have to attack the rock thats generating it. You have to do so quickly, before the blue Saber Kitty standing on top of it picks it up to use it as a weapon. As soon as the map starts, Conne Ash to one of the Weeds in the area, and send him forward to break the rock with one hit. If the Kitty gets ahold of the rock, you have two choices; either reset, or try and steal the rock without getting too many characters killed in the process. With the rock gone, youre locked in a duel to the death with seven Saber Kitties. Keep your characters away from the edge of the map, or the Kitties will probably Roundhouse them O.B. Dont worry about the Behemoth in the corner. Hes an ally (even if you can kill him it would be more effort than its worth), and will cast defensive spells on your characters if you get within range. In the meantime, hes got his hands full with the four Saber Kitties thatre coming after him.

Scarlet the Brave

Episode 5-4:

Yggdrasil Sleep
8 6-7 2-4 9 6 2
All the Zombies have a lot of HP, and are a couple of levels higher than the monsters youve fought so far. However, since theyre also very slow and have lousy magic resistance, this is actually one of the easier battles so far. If you exploit a Zombies elemental vulnerability, you could easily do over 100 points of damage. This is the rst story map where the ground conditions have a real effect on your movement. If you try to walk onto the slope in the center of the map, youll skid downhill. This makes it possible to travel further than your movement range would ordinarily allow, so use it to your advantage. If you absolutely have to be in a specic location on the slope, jump on top of an object or character. Finally, dont go downhill until youve killed all the lesser Zombies. The Lady Zombie and Zombie at the bottom of the hill will stay where they are until you get close to them. Since theyre the highestlevel monsters on the map, you can make your life a lot easier by leaving them until last.

Saber Kitty (x6) Saber Kitty Saber Kitty (x4) Behemoth

1 2 3 3

7 69 27 55 9 117 34 81 11 188 42 115 25 1930 89 893 Zombie (x7) Lady Zombie Milon Lady Zombie 2 3 4 9 117 34 81 12 228 46 132 13 744 45 408 14 335 55 175

Maybe you can get this bonus later. Much later.


These objects are particularly hard to find.



Episode 6-1:

Unexpected Reward

Innocent Entry
Note: Episode 6 maps become inaccessible after Episode 10 is cleared.

Unexpected Reward

Episode 6-2:

Mischief Garden
9 5-8 2 10 8-9 2
Note: Episode 6 maps become inaccessible after Episode 10 is cleared.

Heres a good bonus map, which you can use as a levelling ground for the time being. The Treasure Chest in the middle of the map is affecting all ve monsters with double EXP, double Mana, double Money, and Strengthen +20% effects. The latter is negligible, so leave the Treasure Chest where it is. A good strategy is to Conne your phantoms to objects that have good resistance to re attacks, as Burning Refuse is the most dangerous skill that the Manticores have. Keep at least two characters on healing duty at all times, including Marona. If you keep your distance from the enemies, you can lure one or two of them to you at a time, while the others just sit and wait. Witches are absolutely amazing here if you take advantage of elemental weaknesses. A properly equipped Witch can drop a Manticore in one or two hits if she uses the right spells. Early in the game, this is the best place to rack up EXP, Mana, and Money. If youre short on cash or levels, use this map to get caught up. Once your characters are all around Level 11, you should get through the rest of this Chapter with ease.

Compared to the last map, this is a cakewalk. There are only six monsters here, and there are four objects with Defense x2 effects just waiting to have someone Conned to them. Go after the Manticores rst. Their shortranged re attacks make them the biggest threat, and can hit everyone within 10 dm of the Manticore. Focus on one monster at a time. As always, keep a couple of healers around, just in case things get dicey. If you kill her on this map, youll be able to create a Granny. Due to her Avoidance effect, youll need to use an attack with a range of at least 15 dm. A spell will work, or skills like Berserker.

Confining someone here will make them a virtual tank.

Manticore (x4) Manticore 1 1 10 239 36 163 13 421 45 244

They may be frail, but no one packs the punch that Witches do.


Manticore Quack 11 174 23 113 Manticore (x2) 1 11 290 39 189 Werewolf Useless 12 78 10 45 Werewolf (x2) Quack 12 187 25 108 Granny 1 7 27 27 33


Awww, man. Why cant my magic-users have such a useful effect?



Episode 6-3:

Unexpected Reward

Hidden Hall
Note: Episode 6 maps become inaccessible after Episode 10 is cleared.

Unexpected Reward

Episode 6-4:

Green Paradise
10 9-10 2 11 10-12 0-2
Note: Episode 6 maps become inaccessible after Episode 10 is cleared.

Heres an interesting arrangement. Each monster on this map is a link in a circular chain of eld effects, with each monster both generating and receiving a protection effect. Dont try and follow the chain, though, as it takes a few zig-zags along the way. Its best to keep your distance and lure a couple monsters over to your position, since the monsters wont move towards you unless you come within their attack range. First, take out the monsters that are to Maronas right. Stay up on the hill as you lure the monsters after you, and take them out. Now youve only got a few more to beat at the bottom of the map, although youll have to go downhill to ght them. Ganging up on these monsters one at a time and exploiting their elemental weakpoints with Witches will wrap this ght up in a hurry. Dont rush to kill the bonus EXP/Mana/Money monsters, since you can get far more from Innocent Entry. Fenrirs are equipped with the Swift Attack skill, just like Ash, which makes them useful for character fusion. Its well worth your time to clear this map a few times, so you can recruit a Fenrir for your team.

This maps inhabited by a pack of powerful monsters, with a Dragon as their boss. Fortunately, there are a bunch of objects near Marona thatre under Defense +50% effects. Dont summon Ash just yet, as youll need him to deal with the boss. Youll need to kill these monsters as fast as you can, since you start this map trapped in a corner. One of the Fenrirs has a Weed equipped, which raises his Speed to around 170; hell get two turns before any of your characters can act, even if they have Swift Attack. Make killing him your top priority. The Manticores shouldnt be a problem, since youve been killing them with relative ease for most of this Chapter, but the Behemoths are going to be a pain. Even without protection effects, Behemoths regenerate 10% of their HP at the start of their turn. Youll need to hit them hard and fast. When the Dragon advances, Conne Ash to one of the objects affected by the Attack +50% effect. Ashs Flying Bomb skill is one of your most powerful attacks, and it should do around 150 damage to the Dragon. Use it to knock the Dragon backwards, then retreat. If you let it get close, it could kill a group of your characters with a single blow.

Fenrir (x2) Fenrir (x2) Fenrir Fenrir Manticore Manticore Werewolf Werewolf

Quack Aloof 1 1 Quack Quack Quack 1

11 11 11 13 11 14 13 12

184 246 307 446 174 297 223 312

23 107 31 142 39 178 45 231 23 113 28 165 27 122 41 180 Manticore Manticore Behemoth Behemoth Fenrir Fenrir Werewolf Dragon Aloof 1 Aloof 2 1 2 1 MiniBos 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 16 282 353 249 327 374 393 514 955 33 42 33 44 42 44 51 64 172 216 192 252 204 214 256 456


Fenrirs Swift Attack makes them dangerous enemies and useful allies.



You will soon learn to fear Dragons.


Episode 7-1:

The Rainbow Bird

Sick Unto Death

Note: Episode 7 maps become inaccessible after Episode 16 is cleared.

The Rainbow Bird

Episode 7-2:

Road of the Lost

11/15 10-12 3 12 12-14 3
Note: Episode 7 maps become inaccessible after Episode 16 is cleared.

The Island of Evil is where Phantom Brave really starts to get challenging. Sick unto Death is a fairly straightforward map; there are three humans here, and each of them is a powerful ghter. Theyll get close enough to attack in a single turn, so youll need to Conne characters with high Speed or Defense. Your choices for Connement are a little limited, so equip Marona with a decent object before you enter this map. One way to win this battle with minimal losses is to steal the humans weapons, whichll dramatically lower their Attack and take away most of their skills. This works well for characters who youre using to bring in better Connement objects; they can drop off their item and steal a weapon in the same turn. As always, exploit any elemental weaknesses your opponents might have. Starting on your second trip to this map, the Fighters and Blacksmith will be replaced by a small group of higher level Fenrirs with their Manticore sidekick. All of them are under the inuence of a eld effect that doubles their EXP value, but theyre all also very fast. If youre only at level 11 or 12, the Fenrirs will act before any characters Marona can Conne, and can easily kill your phantoms with a single hit. This map makes a great levelling ground, but youll have to improve your characters Speed rst.

This is the hardest battle yet, and the local eld effects dont help. Thankfully, all your opponents are stuck with Defense 30% effects, while most of your crew will have to be Conned into objects affected by Defense 10%. There are objects with better protection effects lying around, but theyre on the other side of the map near your opponents. You can reach them safely by going behind the spires. The one bright spot is the Rock featuring an Avoided 10dm effect, which prevents most of your enemies from getting close enough to attack. Conne your best long-range attacker to the Rock and go straight for the boss, as shes the most dangerous opponent youve faced so far. To make things easier, steal her Axe. Send your other characters after the unarmed Amazons. Once theyre gone, summon some attackers with high Defense, like Blacksmiths or Owl Sentries, to deal with the armed Amazons.

Fighter Fighter Blacksmith Fenrir Fenrir Manticore

Aloof 5 6 5 5 5

14 16 17 16 17 18

233 477 573 859 991 1071

38 64 71 64 68 72

122 228 262 387 428 498

Amazon (x3) Subtle 14 128 19 55 Amazon (x3) 1 15 377 51 153 Flame 20 2028 66 828

Its a proven fact that stealing saves lives!



Flames skills make her the deadliest enemy on the map.



Episode 7-2 (Second Visit):

The Rainbow Bird

Road of the Lost

Note: Episode 7 maps become inaccessible after Episode 16 is cleared.

The Rainbow Bird

Episode 7-3:

Life and Death

15 12-14 3 13/16 19 3
Note: Episode 7 maps become inaccessible after Episode 16 is cleared.

When you walk into this stage, youll nd three Lizardmen across the map, each of whom is wielding a no-doubt-displeased Funguy. Each Funguy, in turn, is being fed a Heal 10% eld effect by a Scrabbit, whos hiding behind the rock spires to the Lizardmens left. The Lizardman-Funguy combination can add up to big hurt, so youd do best to distract them. Drop a completely outclassed phantom, such as a low-level Bottle Mail, onto the battleeld. All of the Lizardmen will completely ignore your more dangerous characters in favor of going to smash the Bottle Mail. If you can, keep it just out of their range, and youll get at least one free turn while the Lizardmen chase the Bottle Mail. Dont discount the Funguys, as their attacks often inict Poison. You can also save yourself some damage in the long run by Conning two ghter-types to the Rocks near the Scrabbit. Otherwise, itll pick one up and come after you with Dodge Rock. The Anthill near your starting point has retained its Avoided 10dm eld effect, but it wont do you much good. The Lizardmen can use Bound Strike to reach right through it. If youre strong enough to handle this map, this is a good place to rack up Lizardman and Funguy kills.

As boss battles go, this ones relatively easy. Most of the local monsters are Zombies, and Fox, at the far end of the map, is a weak spellcaster whos feeding the Zombies an Defense +10% effect. Almost everything on the map is under the inuence of a Defense -10% eld, but thankfully, you can get rid of it by destroying the Fish near your starting point. Start off by Conning as many characters as you can, and assign one or two of them to destroy the Fish. Use the others to draw Zombies to you two at a time. If you take them on this way, theyre not much of a threat. When the boss comes after you, steal his weapon and use it against him. Thisll substantially weaken him, while powering up the thief at the same time. On your return trip, youll nd a map infested with Zombies and Lady Zombies, without any protection effects. Despite their level 22 leader, this isnt a particularly difcult battle, so use it to help recruit Zombies for your own army.

Lizardman Lizardman (x2) Funguy (x3) Scrabbit

2 3 3 2

18 18 19 20

826 866 656 709

63 363 66 381 69 278 69 289

Youll need high-powered skills to take on the Lizardmen.


Zombie (x5) Zombie (x2) Fox Zombie (x2) Zombie (x2) Lady Zombie (x2) Lady Zombie Lady Zombie

Aloof 1 Aloof 1 Aloof 1 Leader

14 15 20 14 15 14 15 22

233 343 2028 233 343 233 343 1706

38 51 66 38 51 38 51 144

122 171 828 122 171 122 171 650




Episode 7-4:

The Rainbow Bird

Episode 7-4 (Second Visit):

The Rainbow Bird

Hall of Death
Note: Episode 7 maps become inaccessible after Episode 16 is cleared.

Hall of Death
13 13-15 3 16 13-15 3
Note: Episode 7 maps become inaccessible after Episode 16 is cleared.

If it wasnt for the Speed 30% effect on virtually everything on the map, this battle would be a lot harder than it looks. All of the enemies here are Owls, so youll be able to create almost all the Owl-type phantoms after this ght. A few objects arent affected by the Speed penalty, including a Seed. A character Conned to the Seed has his stats doubled, and warps around the map on every turn. Drop your strongest character into it, and use him to take out the surprisingly deadly Owl Ninja. Conne a couple of other heavy hitters to the Treasure Chest and the discarded weapons. The Chests advantage is that itll prevent the Owls from throwing you O.B. The fastest characters you have left can go into whatever objects are nearby. If you can drop the Owl Knight in a few hits, youre in good shape to clear the rest of the stage. Make it a point to kill the Owl Sage early in the ght, or throw him O.B. Otherwise, hell usually cast Mega Heal on the boss, undoing all your good work.

The good news is that the Speed -30% eld effects gone. The bad news is that the whole map is covered with enemies who are, as a rule, faster than you are, including two potentially devastating Fenrirs. Fortunately, youve stumbled into some kind of object hatefest. Most of the monsters on this map will go after the Rocks, Skulls, Bones, and weapons scattered throughout the area. The Fenrirs wont attack your characters until all the objects have been destroyed, while the Saber Kitties and Funguys could go either way. Conne Ash to the Seed. Thanks to the Strength x2 eld effect, hell be a force to be reckoned with, but hell also start Warping. Luckily, the enemies are spread out so widely that Ashll wind up near one more often than not. If he gets the chance, use high-powered skills like Flying Bomb to injure or kill the Fenrirs. Drop three more ghters into the Treasure Chest, BronzeSwd, and Dagger in the copse of trees. Thisll give them all No O.B. effects, preventing the Saber Kitties from Roundhousing them off the map, but more importantly, theyll actually be able to get to the monsters in time to join the ght. If you need reinforcements, use whatever Rocks are in range. A set of Lv 14 weapons generally a Book, Silver Spear, and Dagger - will be available on your second trip to this map, and theyll be the monsters rst targets. If you want to get one or all of the weapons, youll have to either throw a couple of characters across the map to hold off the Saber Kitties, or hope that an unarmed Ash teleports near them in time.

Owl Sentry (x3) Owl Knight Owl Sage Owl Ninja Lierre

1 3 3 3 -

14 20 20 20 24

292 743 743 743 3171

48 72 72 72 78

153 303 303 303 1134

Watch out for this guy. He can do far more damage than the boss if youre not careful.


Scrabbit Scrabbit Funguy Funguy Saber Kitty Saber Kitty Fenrir (x2)

2 3 2 2 3 2 3

17 17 17 22 17 21 23

481 504 481 895 504 799 1710

59 220 62 231 59 220 75 341 62 231 72 315 82 656




Episode 7-5:

The Rainbow Bird

No Mans Land
Note: Episode 7 maps become inaccessible after Episode 16 is cleared.

The Rainbow Bird

Episode 7-6:

Mortalitys End
14/17 14-17 3
Note: Episode 7 maps become inaccessible after Episode 16 is cleared.

One word of warning: the next two battles are fought consecutively, with no chance for rest between them, so prepare for them ahead of time. Equip Marona with a good Connement item, preferably one with very high Fire resistance and at least a 0% modier to Speed. Youre not expected to win the rst ght, but Raphael has a unique sword that you might want to steal, though youll need a very good thief, such as a 22nd-level Bottle Mail or a high level Merchant. Once youve got the sword, throw it as far away from Raphael as possible and hope Maronas turn comes up soon. Thatll give you the chance to Conne a second Bottle Mail to the sword. If its at level 23, the Bottle Mail will have an Obtain Rate of 100%. If you want to try and beat Raphael, youll need to have high-level characters of your own to even touch him. Stealing his sword will deprive him of most of his best skills, forcing him to attack one of your characters at a time; failing that, try Conning a couple of weak phantoms to objects you arent using. Raphael will usually go after them and ignore your more powerful ghters. On a second trip to this stage, youll encounter three Fenrirs and a high-level Dragon, all under the effects of a Driftwoods Experience/Mana/ Money +60% and Strengthen +30% elds. Once youre around level 20, this is a fast place to earn some extra EXP, but if you try coming back before that point, this map is suicide. It doesnt help that all the monsters start off near Marona.



Be prepared for a very short, difcult ght. Looking at the protection effect map can be a bit of a headache, but the gist of it is that almost every object here has an effect of Offense -40% and Defense -40%. Youll probably want to bring a Conning object for Ash. To get around the effects, knock the objects generating the Offense 30% and Defense 30% effects off the map. This lowers the number of available Connement targets, but Ash should be able to handle the boss on his own. Ashs Flying Bomb skill works well here. Be sure to keep enough SP handy for one last Bomb on Ashs nal turn, so he can inict double damage with his Solemn Vow. You should also note the presence of an Egg and a Mimic which reside on this map, both of which will only appear on your rst visit. The Egg is especially rare, and you should make sure you get it. To reach the Eggs island, have Marona stand as close to the edge as she can and have someone throw her across the gap. Now she can Conne a character to the Egg to steal it; for the best chance of success, use a level 12 Bottle Mail.

If youre up for it, try stealing this guys sword. There are only four like it in the game.

Raphael Fenrir (x3) Dragon

2 3

60 34917 186 6048 16 752 56 339 23 2090 82 772




Walnut Mimic 5 Cerberus (x4) 1 Ghost Leader

26 26 20 27

3870 2012 1216 2836

84 100 66 174

1305 348 331 1116

You can also Confine a character onto the other island, then throw the Egg back towards Marona.


Episode 8-1:

Count Malt is Shaken

Forsaken Glacier
This is another map with slippery terrain, so try and use it to your advantage. If you dont feel like sliding around, there are several objects near the blue Funguys under the Sticky eld effect, whichll prevent a phantom Conned inside them from slipping on the ice. Funguys like to throw characters off the map, so make use of the two Crystals featuring the No O.B. effect. This map isnt hard, but it can be annoying as the closest enemies to you are Funguys. The blue ones are easy to deal with, but the yellow ones are thieving ends. They have a whopping 160 Steal rating, and love to swipe your equipment. Its best to kill them quickly. This map also introduces a few new enemies: the Blob, Mermaid, and Merman. Of the three, the Blob is going to present some problems; its DEF and RES are around 600, and even if you manage to damage it, itll heal itself on its next turn. Youll need to either surround it and slowly whittle away at its HP, or destroy the Crate thats giving it a No O.B. effect.

Count Malt is Shaken

Episode 8-2:

Subzero Field
19 15-19 3 19 17-23 4
Way back in Episodes 3 and 4, you may remember a couple of stages where a few panels marked with red Xs blocked off part of the map. Its the same deal here, except that the panels are yellow, and they conveniently block access to the Lizardman on this map. Its a problem, since the Fish that generates the barrier is guarded by four Mermaids, and you have to either climb up to it or throw a character onto its ledge. Alternatively, you can just Conne a couple of characters behind the barrier, and let them take on the Lizardman. Before you move Marona in that direction, Conne a few characters to the objects in front of the Fenrir so they can deal with it. Fighting the Mermaids is a bit more problematic, since they wont move, and can attack through the wall with their spells. Theyre also fond of healing each other. Its best to slide up to a Mermaid, attack, and slide away to avoid her reprisals. All the enemies on the largest island are covered by a No O.B. eld effect, which is generated by a Stone on the far side of the map. If thats a problem for you, you can get rid of the Stone on the rst round with some precise sliding. Ice skate up to it, then toss it over the edge.

Funguy (x2) Elem2 20 743 72 303 Funguy (x2) Robber 21 761 69 300 Mermaid 2 21 799 72 315 Mermaid 4 21 875 79 345 Merman 4 21 875 79 345 Blob 2 23 99 78 1105 Soldier 4 26 1483 96 500

Fenrir (x2) 4 21 1575 Lizardman 4 22 1471 Mermaid (x3) Elem4 25 1345 Mermaid Healy 25 1345 Soldier 4 26 1483

79 82 93 93 96

586 560 466 466 500

Dont you wish you had a Steal stat this high? Only enemies can have the Robber title.




You arent allowed to walk through those squares, but you can Confine characters on their other side.


Episode 8-3:

Count Malt is Shaken

Episode 8-3 (Second Visit):

Count Malt is Shaken

Demons Grudge
Although there are a lot of enemies on this map, they tend to attack in waves. If you buckle down, keep a defensive mind-set, and take on the monsters as they come, youll do ne. Most of the monsters are on the other side of the wall, and will advance on you if you cross a certain point. Most of the objects youll use for Conning have a Sticky effect; there are also two Crystals near Marona that provide No O.B. The rst group thatll attack will probably be the three Saber Kitties on the stairs off to Maronas right. Thankfully, they arent as annoying this time around. They arent as fond of the Roundhouse throw, and they can be killed with one or two hits. Next, advance onto the wall and either the Funguys or the Merman will come after you. These Funguys arent as likely to steal your equipment and the Mermen are too spread out to be a serious threat. That leaves the Fenrirs and the Granny. Two of the Fenrirs will usually, and oddly, equip the third Fenrir and the Granny, so youre really only facing two of them. Take them out, then kill off their weapons.

Demons Grudge
20 18-20 3

Ice Skating
In Frigidia, youll spend a lot of time on icy terrain. While youll nd a lot of objects beneting from Sticky eld effects, youll probably have more phantoms to deploy than Sticky objects to deploy them in, and Marona doesnt even have that option. Since its got a wider area than other Frigidia stages, Demons Grudge makes a great place to practice ice skating the practice of using slippery terrain to cover vast distances with minimal expenditure of dm. We mentioned it earlier, but this is the rst Episode where its tactically important. Whenever a character moves on slippery surfaces, hell skid a To ice skate, move certain distance beyond his intended about this far at a time. destination; how far you slide is determined by how far you moved, and how much of a slope the terrain might have. This applies to the Move command and getting knocked backward by a skill (i.e. Flying Bomb), but does not apply to any movement you make while youre holding down the F button. (This is a major boon for spellcasters.) You can usually move on slick surfaces if its part of an attack, but that depends upon other factors. If the ground is bumpy or if you have to jump, youre as likely to get hung up on a rock or something as you are to reach your target.

Call For Backup:

The unconscious Neutral Witch lying amidst the Funguys can be a potent ally if you Revive her. All three Funguys are feeding her Strengthen field effects, for a total of +60%. (It kind of makes you wonder how they took her down in the first place.) When she wakes up, shes going to be cranky. Shell happily unleash Giga Ice on whatever enemies are within her range, but shes not going to be very particular about whether any of your characters are in the area. If you revive the Witch, step up your hit-and-run game, and skate away from an enemy after every melee attack.


Incidentally, the unconscious Soldier near the back of the map isnt as handy to have around. The first thing hes going to do upon Revival is steal a weapon from the closest phantom, and then hell go hide somewhere. Dont reward cowardice; leave this guy dead.

Honestly, what is the point of a monster using a human as a weapon?

Saber Kitty (x3) Funguy (x2) Funguy Fenrir (x3) Mermaid Merman (x2) Granny Witch Soldier

4 2 2 4 3 3 5 3 4

21 21 22 21 22 22 26 26 26

875 799 895 1575 938 938 1419 1419 1483

79 72 75 79 79 79 92 92 96

345 315 341 586 357 357 478 478 500

As you can see, To ice skate, move in short steps. Dont youll get results. cover any more than one dm at a time, if you can manage it, and pay attention to when you can use the Move command again. Often, a characters menu will come back up while hes still in forward motion, enabling you to spend more dm to go careening in another direction. Its kind of like skiing, really, complete with the possibility of serious injury.
If you have to hop over something, place the Move

cursor on its edge, take a running leap at it, and try to let your momentum carry you over the top. Its easy to overshoot your target when youre jumping, so keep as many dm in reserve as possible for when you land. Remember that a maps ground conditions dont apply to the objects on the map. You can hop onto Rocks, Weeds, or characters without sliding off of them. This comes in handy on narrow paths like the one near your starting point on Subzero Field; have a few armed characters stand on the road, so you can jump onto their heads en route.



Episode 8-4:

Count Malt is Shaken

Episode 8-4 (Second Visit):

Count Malt is Shaken

Braves Seal
Yikes! The Golem is a level 36 boss monster with insane attack and defense capabilities. Hes also being Strengthened by 50%, his Defense is doubled, and he can Warp around the map. That seal mustve been shoddy. Your rst order of business is to get rid of all his protection effects, by throwing the objects generating them off the map. In total, there are four Trees you need to get rid of. On the rst turn, send Marona sliding around the map, using as little of her dm as possible, to get rid of the Tree generating Warp. If you dont destroy that effect now, theres a chance the boss will Warp next to Marona and kill her with one swing. Conne as many characters as possible to the objects thatre under protective eld effects. At least a couple of them should be unarmed, so they can go skating around the map after the remaining Trees thatre protecting the Golem, and toss them O.B. Without his protective effects, the Golem isnt much easier. If you want to close to melee, slide next to him, attack, then slide as far away as you can. Use your most powerful attacks, and he should go down after ve to ten hits.

Braves Seal
20 20-24 3 20 20-24 3
In the wake of your scrap with the Golem, a pack of ve Merpeople have moved into the neighborhood. Of the lot, the three Mermaids and one of the Mermen are armed with various Weeds, which are generating mild protective eld effects towards their wielders, while their leader is toting a GoldSpear. The general theme here is Speed; they have it, so youd better have it too. Otherwise, at the end of Maronas turn, the forward unit of Merpeople is going to drop a fusillade of elemental spells on you, and youll die without getting the chance to strike back. Start off the round by Conning Ash and an Archer or Fenrir to the Crystals near Marona. With their opening Swift Attack, go dismantle the two closest Merpeople before they can cast Giga Ice a couple of times. The rest of this bout will challenge your ice-skating abilities. Conne your ghters with the highest SPD and RES, then send them sliding across the battleeld to challenge the last three Merpeople. Youre dealing with high-powered spellcasters here, so naturally, dont move your characters around in groups. Their leaders a standard-issue high-level brawler. Hell usually open with Centrifugal, and having thus ditched his Spear, hell press the attack with Psycho Counter. If you want the Spear, and youre willing to drag the ght out for another three turns, equip a Weed to a Bottle Mail before the ght, then Conne it to the Spear and send it slip-sliding away.

Golem Soldier (x5) Witch (x2)

4 4 3

36 6143 131 1614 26 1483 96 500 27 1559 95 511

Mermaid (x3) Merman Merman

3 3 4

27 1559 95 511 27 1559 95 511 27 1630 100 534

Have Marona do some cool ice sliding tricks to reach this tree on the very first turn.




and for our next trick, well cut this Merman without killing the Blacksmith.


Episode 9-1:
Dual Duelists

Episode 9-2:

Minus World
The battles in this Episode are, bizarrely, really easy and straightforward. On this map you have a group of Slimes under double Experience and Heal 20% effects. The latter wont do them much good, since even with it, you should be able to kill these Slimes in one or two hits. The Shades are nothing you havent seen before, and they have a lot less HP than the Slimes. The Mimic, on the other hand, has high DEF but low RES, so a few spells should kill it easily. The only problem you might have comes from the Blob, with its high resistance to both physical and magical attacks. Youll probably have to exploit its elemental weakness to kill it. To make this battle even easier, take a look at the Blobs abilities. Its packing the rst three Heal spells, and equipping it gives its wielder a sizable boost to DEF and RES. If you pick up the blob, you can walk right into the middle of a group of enemies and let them gang up on you. They cant so much as scratch you, and if your characters any good with Healing, you can use the Blobs own spells to compensate for its trample damage. The best course of action is to get a Witch within range of the Blob and kill it quickly. Even though the Blob is sitting well behind the rest of your enemies, you can easily throw somebody over their heads to grab the dead Blob. Whoevers holding it is nearly invincible.

Dual Duelists

A Test of Will
20 20-25 4 21 20-25 4-5
This battle contains exactly the same type of enemies as before. Theyre spread further apart this time, which makes this map a lot easier than the last one. This time, its the Mimics and Shades turn to have a double Experience effect. Theyve also got Strength +10%, but it doesnt really matter.

The narrow bridges on A Test of Will make for great skill practice.

Slime (x4) Shade (x2) Mimic Blob

3 3 3 4

22 27 28 29

938 1403 2223 195

79 95 99 106

357 613 436 1742

Slime (x3) Shade (x2) Mimic (x2) Blob

3 3 3 4

23 27 28 29

1045 1403 2223 195

82 95 99 106

386 613 436 1742


Grab the Blob to become an invincible healing machine.




Episode 9-3:
Dual Duelists

Episode 9-3 (Second & Third Visit):

Wanderings End
This is a really short episode for the games halfway point. I guess this must be the halftime show. The monsters are a little stronger this time, so the Slimes will actually pose a small threat. Theyre powering up the boss with Offense, Defense, and Speed +10%. Even with those effects, the boss isnt much to speak of. Once hes in range, unload on him with your best skills, and hell go down after four or ve good hits. The rest of your opponents are the same monsters youve seen throughout this episode, so you should be able to handle them easily. Yes, that did seem rather easy for a boss ght, and no, its not over yet. When the boss gets back on his feet, hes literally invincible. Fortunately for you, youve got Raphael on your side. Let him distract the boss while you send phantoms after the three Cacti thatre generating the invincibility effect. Once those are gone, Raphael will kill the boss in a hit or two. This ght marks the second appearance of the Heliotrope sword, but you should only steal it if youre powerful enough to take on the boss yourself. If youre a completionist, a couple of level 44 Bottle Mails should be able to snag the sword without a problem. On your return trip, Wanderings End will be populated by seven Mimics and a Blob, all of which are tougher than the rank-and-le monsters in the rest of the Episode.

Dual Duelists

Wanderings End
21 24-27 4-5 21 24-27 4-5
If youre looking to run into a pack of powerful Mimics, then youre in luck. They are apparently having a sock hop here at scenic Wanderings End, with a helpful Blob serving as chaperone. A group of four are sitting directly ahead of your starting point, with three more and the Blob waiting across the bridge. Mimics have high HP, DEF and RES, but their turn only comes up once every couple of weeks. If they get the chance to counterattack, with Slime Drill or Blarney Drop, itll mildly annoy a ghter or nearly kill a spellcaster. The Blob is content to spend most of this ght as the monsters token healer, casting Giga Heal on any wounded Mimic in its vicinity. If the Blob itself takes any serious damage, itll either retreat to the pile of stones in the maps corner and grab a Vase, or completely lose its mind and start throwing Heal spells on your characters. You should also check out the Treasure Chest behind the Blob, at the top of the pile of stones. Its title, Iron, is one of the best you can get at this point in the game, and you can steal this Chest as many times as you want. There really isnt much to this stage. Its utter lack of complications feels almost like a trap, but its exactly what it seems to be. Youll need to use your most powerful techniques to do any serious damage to the Mimics, so this makes a great map for both skill training and stress relief.

Slime (x3) Shade (x4) Raphael? Raphael? Raphael

3 3 -

30 27 36 55 65

2132 1403 8904 27546 43488

110 95 114 171 201

645 613 2340 5133 7038

Mimic (x7) Blob

4 4

32 3269 117 579 36 296 131 2691

Um... Raphael, the guys invincible. What are you attacking him for?



Use the Mimics to train your skills. Youll need the extra SP for the battles to come.



Episode 10-1:
Puttys Mischief

Episode 10-2:
Puttys Mischief

Forbidden Flame
On a straight playthrough your characters will be around Level 22, but the monsters here are all very tough, and hover around Level 30. The maps are still doable at the expected levels, but they are very hard and grueling. If you want an easier time of it, we recommend that you get up to at least Level 30. Its time for a rude awakening. The Fenrirs are the fastest monsters in the game, and dish out moderate amounts of damage, while the Dragons are downright brutal. If youre going to survive this map, you need to take out the Fenrirs as fast as possible. If you can bring one down in one or two hits, youre as powerful as you need to be. Remember to exploit a Fenrirs elemental weakness; if a given wolfs resistance is at 50% or less, a Witch can usually kill it with one spell. Theres a Trolly and a Rock next to Maronas starting point. These are the keys to winning. If you equip a Trolly, itll give your character a Speed boost. On each characters turn, pass the Trolly to the next phantom in line, grab the Rock, and use its Dodge Rock skill to inict massive damage without the Rocks attendant Speed penalty. If a characters open to attack, have them hang onto the Rock to raise their Defense.

Fierce Tyrant
22 25-31 4 23 26-27 4
As with the last map, the Trolly and the Rock can provide the keys to victory. This ghts a little easier, but not by much, as theres a mini-boss towards the back that youll need to track down. Fight defensively, and let the monsters come to you; after a few turns, theyll advance in waves. Use high-Defense characters, like the Blacksmith, Owl Sentry, or Ash to make the most out of the Trolly/Rock strategy. The Lizardmen are a royal pain, as they have great movement, and can attack at long ranges to inict massive damage and Paralysis. Its best to take them out rst. Now, hold your ground and keep your enemies at bay with Dodge Rock and Elemental Magic. Defeating the Golem is going to be difcult, especially after he equips a Rock. Get it out of his hands somehow, by stealing it or using skills that unequip their target, before closing in for the kill. Just keep hammering him, but try to keep your distance. Even unarmed, the Golems attacks are powerful.


Fenrir (x2) Fenrir (x3) Dragon Dragon

2 1 Aloof 1

28 30 34 35

2938 3337 4092 5518

94 96 86 111

885 953 1124 1482

Equipping the Trolly will give your character a huge speed boost, so share the wealth.


Lizardman Lizardman Manticore Manticore Cerberus Cerberus Golem

1 4 1 3 1 2 4

30 32 30 32 30 32 34

2781 3772 3151 4089 3337 4133 5295

96 117 96 112 96 107 124

841 1086 1009 1247 673 793 1455

Dodge Rock will do a lot more damage than your weapons.



Episode 10-3:
Puttys Mischief

Episode 10-4:
Puttys Mischief

Hill of Death
This Episode gets a little easier here. The only enemies you really have to worry about are the two Fenrirs and the blue Dragon towards the back of the pack. If you want some extra EXP, kill the monsters on the right rst; you can only benet from the bonus effect on one enemy in each pair. Theres no Trolly here, but you shouldnt need one. As the Fenrirs approach, kill them off, then take on the Ghosts. Theyll always try to exploit your characters elemental weaknesses, so check the Ghosts technique lists and only dispatch characters whore strong against each Ghosts spells. Dodge Rock will take the Cerberi apart. The Dragons playing coy, so youll have to go after him. Hes a little like the Golem from Fierce Tyrant, but hes not in the same defensive league. His attacks are still dangerous, so once again, play it safe by playing hit and run.

Land of Fire
24 26-27 4 25 29-37 4
This maps got an annoying layout, with monsters at all three corners of a very large battleeld. You can go about this in two ways: send one big group to go around the map in a circle, defeating each group as you go; or dispatch two small groups in opposite directions, then meeting back up at the Dragon, who wont have any Healing effects anymore. Its best to take the long way around, as most of your phantoms will be out of turns by the time they nish with the monsters at one end of the map. As long as Maronas following the big group, she can bring in new characters to replace the ones that disappear. As usual, go after the Fenrir rst. Take out the two Ghosts at each corner next, then confront the Dragon. You might want to knock it off the map instead of defeating it; while the Hell Corgi will gain a level, itll still be the weakest of the three big monsters.

Cerberus (x2) Ghost (x2) Fenrir (x2) Dragon

1 1 2 2

29 30 31 35

3060 1854 3810 5793

93 96 103 116

633 673 1062 1556

Ghost (x6) Fenrir Hell Corgi Dragon

1 5 3 4

32 36 36 36

2187 6410 6529 6826

102 136 125 131

756 756 1287 1794


Before you fight a Ghost, check to see what spells it knows.


Its not just any old hellhound. Its a Hell Corgi.



Episode 11-1:

Paradise Saved?

Episode 11-1 (Second Visit):

Paradise Saved?

Innocent Entry
Note: When you start Episode 11, the stages from Episode 6 will be locked off.

Innocent Entry
26 20-29 1-4 26 20-29 1-4
Note: When you start Episode 11, the stages from Episode 6 will be locked off.

This Episode is a return trip to Verdant Guardiana, and as such, its maps will overwrite the cleared maps from Episode 6. In an interesting twist, your characters will begin this battle without any equipment they might have. Itll be returned to you after you clear the stage, but in the meantime, youll have to rely on whats lying around. The enemies here arent too bright. They wont pick up any of the objects here, let alone the weapons. Since theyll try and ght unarmed, youll have the advantage. Just the same, take advantage of Marona and Healers innate curative skills to keep your characters healthy during the ght. Of your available weapons, Dodge Rock and a Bricks Debris attack do the most damage; Debris also has the advantages of a long range and wide area of effect. The Blacksmith is the strongest opponent on the map, so stay away from him. Dismantle his Fighter escort, then pummel him with your makeshift weaponry.

When you clear Cauldrons squad of Ravens out of Innocent Entry, another pack of monsters will move in. This time, its a bunch of Fenrirs and Manticores, all of whom are under the inuence of a eld effect generated by the Treasure Chest in the middle of the map. If you can take one of them down, youll rake in double the EXP and money, but the extra 30% to their Defense may make that difcult. As with Wanderings End, this is a map where you can level up quickly, but you have to be powerful enough to take advantage of it. A group of 30th-level characters may nd a decent challenge here. One good way of leveling here is to create a high-powered weapon that features a high SPD bonus and an area-effect skill like Geo Slash. With the monsters as tightly grouped as they are, you can usually tag at least two of them with such a skill. Another reason to come to Innocent Entry in Chapter 11 is to stock up on Rank-4 titles. The objects scattered around the map boast an impressive variety of decent names, such as Bl. Belt, Xtreme, andour personal favoriteErotic.

Fighter (x4) Fighter Blacksmith

3 5 6

30 2039 105 617 35 3310 133 889 35 3448 138 926

Manticore (x3) 3 31 3769 108 1178 Fenrir (x2) 3 31 3991 108 1112 Fenrir Leader 34 9208 216 2390


Once its cleared, this stage is a great place to earn EXP and Money.


Youll need some high-powered moves to earn experience on 11-1.



Episode 11-2:

Paradise Saved?

Episode 11-2 (Second Visit):

Paradise Saved?

Mischief Garden
Note: When you start Episode 11, the stages from Episode 6 will be locked off.

Mischief Garden
27 16-29 1-4 27 16-29 1-4
When you return to the Mischief Garden on your second visit, youll nd a Giga Beast overseeing the reintroduction of a few monsters into their natural habitat. Giga Beasts are rare on story maps, so if youre willing to run through this battle a few times, you can recruit one for your team. The string of Speed +50% eld effects remains in place from your rst visit to this map, so this is a good place to get some quick EXP and skill points for your slower characters. Conne your strike team to the objects near Marona, then soften up each of the monsters positions with area-effect skills before sending in the melee ghters for the kill. Unless you can kill the Funguys on the rst round, before they have the chance to act, youre better off going into this stage unarmed. Otherwise, theyre going to take away your most powerful weapons and shove them up your nose. Finally, the Giga Beast may pose a problem unless youre of a comparable level to it. If its weak against re, you can strike at range with a few of the better Energy-based skills, such as Truth Lasher; if wind is its weak spot, use powerful attacks like Deadly Fan or Gale Slash. The basic idea here is to avoid getting within its reach.

There are a lot of Fighters waiting for you on this map, and all of them are packing some pretty good weaponry. When you begin the stage, your biggest problem will be the three Fighters to Maronas right, since they can all hit more than one character at once. Dispose of them quickly by disarming them, then pummeling them with hard-hitting skills like Dodge Rock. If you can lock these guys down before the spearmen get their second turn, youre doing very well. Take note of the objects with Speed +50% effects on them. If you Conne an already fast ghter to them, such as an Owl Knight, itll help you get more attacks in between the Fighters turns. Youll need to take them out as fast as you can; Fighters are slow, but when their turn comes up, they can dish out some serious pain. Dont approach the Fighter and Blacksmith in the far corner until all the lesser Fighters have been defeated. Theyre both tough customers, but they wont come after you unless you get within their range. Youll probably have to crush them through sheer weight of numbers.

Fighter (x8) Fighter Blacksmith

3 5 6

31 2217 108 654 35 3310 133 889 35 3448 138 926

Funguy (x3) Saber Kitty (x3) Hell Corgi Fenrir Giga Beast

1 1 3 3 3

31 31 31 32 32

2016 2016 4435 4330 4811

99 99 108 112 112

595 595 981 1178 1039

When you return to this map, youll encounter the first of the very rare Giga Beasts.

SPEED +50%


Area-effect skills are worth their weight in gold in the Mischief Garden.



Episode 11-3:

Paradise Saved?

Hidden Hall
Note: When you start Episode 11, the stages from Episode 6 will be locked off.

Paradise Saved?

Episode 11-4:

Green Paradise
28 25-30 1-4 29 21-32 3-4
Note: When you start Episode 11, the stages from Episode 6 will be locked off.

You nally get to take a breather, since this stage is kind of like a bonus map. The two Putties in the middle of the map are surrounded, but before you got here, they disarmed all the Fighters and slapped them with an Experience x2 effect. Think of it as a bribe, so you have some incentive to not let the Putties die here. This is a straightforward brawl. The rst two Fighters are close to your starting location and both have Rank 0 titles, so you can easily lure them over and knock them out. Move forward to engage the four Fighters surrounding the Putties. These four are moderately powerful, but since theyre unarmed, theyre easily defeated. With the Fighters down, you might want to kill the Putties, since its hard to nd these little guys after this battle. On the other hand, you did come here to save them, and its not hard to create a Random Dungeon full of Putties, so go ahead and let them live. Finally, its time to take on another FighterBlacksmith tag team. Again, they pack a serious punch, so disarm them before you proceed with the violence.

Youll cruise through most of this battle. Most of the enemies are total cannon fodder, and theyll only think to come after you once you get close. When you run into the mercenary leader and his henchmen, things will start to get interesting. Not only are they far more powerful than the mooks youve been ghting so far, but theyre packing some powerful skills. The Fighters with knives can drop Hurricane Slash on you, but thats chicken feed. The leaders the one you have to worry about. He has a really vicious eld attack, Mega Crocus, that can hit a group of targets from about 50dm away, for over 300 damage. You cant hide or run away from that kind of punishment, but he can only use it twice. Spread your ghters out to minimize the casualties, or send out a couple of sacricial lambs to trick him into wasting his SP. Once the boss has red off his second special attack, close in on him and try to disarm him somehow. With his axe gone, the boss loses a lot of his power, and can be killed with ease. The same applies to his henchmen, whore packing some nice knives. Steal their weapons, then gang up on the Fighters one at a time for the win.

Fighter Ruined 32 218 10 63 Fighter Useless 32 546 25 157 Fighter (x4) 1 32 2187 102 630 Fighter 5 35 3310 133 889 Blacksmith 6 35 3448 138 926 Putty (x2) 1 26 1290 84 435 Manticore 3 31 3769 108 1178 Manticore 3 32 4089 112 1247 Manticore 4 32 4275 117 1304 Fenrir 3 33 4688 115 1245 Giga Beast 2 39 7686 129 1422

While youre here, try and steal the Pumpkin near the boss. These things are rare, and have some useful skills.

Fighter (x2) Subtle Fighter (x2) Elem2 Fighter (x2) 3 Fighter 5 Blacksmith (x2) 1 Blacksmith 6 Drab -

32 32 32 35 32 35 40

874 2405 2405 3310 2187 3448 11742

40 112 112 133 102 138 126

252 693 693 889 595 926 2838

The rare Giga Beast appears here on your second visit..


Move an Old Man or Granny here. The boss will waste a Mega Crocus on them.



Episode 11-4 (Second Visit):

Paradise Saved?

Episode 12-1:
For Castile

Green Paradise
Once again, Green Paradise is anything but. Reentering this map, youll stumble into a confrontation between a number of large monsters and a quartet of Putties. The source of their disagreement appears to be the Experience and Mana x2 eld effects that each Putty is generating towards each monster. If you stay out of the way for the rst few turns, the monsters will ignore you and lay into the Putties, who will obligingly die. Since this cuts the eld effects, this is an undesirable circumstance. Instead, Conne a few ghters to the Defense +50% items near Marona and sneak up on the Behemoth and Hell Corgis. Use Flying Bomb or similar techniques to throw all but one monster across the map, so you can take them on one at a time. Since most of these monsters enjoy using re-based attacks (i.e. Burning Refuse), try not to send anyone into this ght whose Fire resistance is worse than 0%. This means that the majority of the monsters will come after you, with the exception of the Giga Beast. Itll remain focused on the Putties until all of them are dead, and only then will it attack your characters. While its still very strong, youll be able to put it away with minimal difculty if you let it use up most of its SP on the Putties.

Bloody Fortress
24 26-27 4 25 29-37 4
Note: When you start Episode 12, the stages from Episode 4 will be locked off.

Episode 12 marks your second visit to the Isle of Healing Waters. Despite the ominous name, this is an easy ght, especially after the mercenary smackdown of the last Episode. Most of the enemies are just low-level small fry, and even the two big monsters arent much of a threat. Since both the Cerberus and Behemoth are slower than snails and wont approach unless you get close, you can smack them both around with impunity. Whos next?! There are several Bricks and Pots lying around this map which may randomly have a couple of useful skills. The Pots may have a few levels of the multihit melee skill Clay Barrage, which isnt ordinarily available until a Blacksmith unseals it. The nice thing about this ability is that it inicts Amnesia status on its target, preventing it from using most of its skills. The Bricks may have the Brick Mania attack. Its quite a bit more powerful than Debris, and inicts a bigger Defense penalty, but it only hits one target. Both of these skills will help you take down the Behemoth, whos slow, but is still the biggest monster on the battleeld.


Summon (x5) Cerberus Behemoth Hell Corgi (x2) Manticore Behemoth Giga Beast Putty PuttyShaman Putty Smith Putty Monk Putty Mage 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 36 36 36 45 39 39 39 39 39 6529 5550 4897 11767 3660 3660 3660 3660 3660 125 125 125 155 123 123 123 123 123 1287 1544 1716 1940 903 903 903 903 903

3 3 3

32 2405 112 693 38 6771 132 1136 38 5643 132 1722


Your choice is between easy EXP and dead Putties, or more EXP and lots of fire damage.

Use a Bricks skills to lower the Behemoths high Defense.


Episode 12-2:
For Castile

Episode 12-3:
For Castile

Devils Cry
Note: When you start Episode 12, the stages from Episode 4 will be locked off.

Cruel Verdict
31 30 2-4 32 30-34 2-4
Note: When you start Episode 12, the stages from Episode 4 will be locked off.

This is just as easy as the last battle, but its got a peculiar layout. Two sets of barrier tiles, in green and blue, split this map up into three strips, with Marona caught in the middle. Both barriers are set up to protect their sources, as are a number of the monsters you have to kill. The answer is, of course, to Conne a few characters straight through the barrier. Keep a Witch and a couple of Owl Knights with Marona, then drop some ghters on the other sides of the barrier tiles. The rest is simple violence. If you can knock the Pillars out of the Summons hands, get Marona to Conne a character to them. Theyll be invincible. You can also help your comrades, who are ghting their way to get to the pillars, by using long range attacks to hit things on the other side of the barriers. Even displacement attacks, like Killer Spin, can vault a character through the barrier panels to the other side. Its quite wierd that you can use attacks to hit things on the other side, but thrown objects just bounce off an invisible wall when they hit a barrier panel. Oh, and before you ask, the Toss and Pass abilities wont go through barrier panels.

This battle is a lot of fun. All the monsters have weakened Attack and Defense, and come with big Experience bonuses. Even better, Walnut will join you for this battle. Just Conne all the characters you can, and smash through the Summons.


Its open season on Summons!

Summon (x6) Summon Cerberus Behemoth

3 4 3 3

32 41 38 38

2405 4803 6771 5643

112 148 132 132

693 1138 1136 1722 Summon (x5) Summon (x2) Summon Walnut 3 4 5 33 41 44 30 2604 4803 6045 5562 115 148 165 96 732 1138 1353 1683


Youll need to toss these Pillars off the map if you want to lower the barriers.


Use Walnuts Burgundy to fry these monsters.


Episode 12-4:
For Castile

Tragedys Stage
Note: When you start Episode 12, the stages from Episode 4 will be locked off.

Once Sacred Sword

Episode 13-1:

Broken Harmony
33 34-36 3-4 34 36 4
Note: When you start Episode 13, the stages from Episode 2 will be locked off. Stage 2-3 will be closed permanently.

The boss here is a hell of a lot stronger than before. Most of his attacks are extremely powerful, especially Soul Burn, which does over 1000 damage! Ouch! Just to make things even more annoying, its hard to move in this stage without being perilously close to the edge of the map. The Summons just love to throw your characters around, and its highly likely that a thrown phantom will go O.B. Fortunately, the Summons are still really easy to kill. Split your force into three groups. Your main assault team should go straight up the stairs, dismantling anything that gets in their way, while you leave a couple of men behind to kill off the Summons to either side of your starting point. Once this half of the map is clear, go pick on the boss. This is another one of those slacker bosses, who wont mess with you until you come to mess with him. This means you can set up your phantoms for maximum impact the moment he gets into range. Hes very fast, so hes likely to get at least three or four attacks off, but hell run himself out of SP doing it. Keep your Healers well away from him, but within range to drop a Revive on anyone who needs it... and someone will need it.

The three monsters here are all at level 60, but are weirdly linked. Each of them have their stats lowered by 60%, with the other two monsters are each generating half of that eld effect. When you kill one, youll cut your victims eld effects, strengthening both of the survivors. The last monster standing will ght at full strength. Its best to go after the Lizardman rst. Hes giving out EXP and Money bonuses, and unlike the Werewolves, can inict Paralysis. Once hes down, gang up on the Werewolves one at a time. When you return here, the enemies will be lower-level, and the Strengthen eld effects will be gone. The downside is that youll have to make do with 10% bonuses instead of doubled EXP and money. To get the most out of the bonus effects, throw the Werewolves off the map to level up the Lizardman. Bring a high-level object with you that lowers its users Speed, then throw it to the Lizardman once you enter. Now you can use it as a guinea pig for skills that increase its EXP, Mana, and bordeaux value, such as the Merchant, Fusionist, and Blacksmiths various Punches. When you kill it, youll rake in the loot.

Summon (x4) 3 35 Summon (x4) 4 38 Summon (x2) 5 40 Cerberus 3 36 Wraith Flexing 45 Giga Beast Flexing 45

3034 3933 4696 5876 53490 26745

122 138 151 125 352 352

815 990 1135 1029 11760 4410

Werewolf (x2) MiniBos 60 20950 223 Lizardman MiniBos 60 20950 223 Werewolf (x2) 1 48 9535 150 Lizardman 1 48 9535 150

3628 3628 1918 1918

[1] WEAKEN 30%, MANA X2





Beware. Characters will die here, no ifs, ands or buts.

[1] = First Visit [2] = Second Visit

+10% +10% [2] STRENGTH +10%


The return visit is easier, but youll have to work for better rewards.


Episode 13-2:

Once Sacred Sword

Cursed Cradle
Note: When you start Episode 13, the stages from Episode 2 will be locked off. Stage 2-3 will be closed permanently.

Operation Desert Rescue

Episode 14-1:

31 30 2-4 36 40-42 5
At rst blush, this stage may look a little intimidating, since the advancing monsters are sporting a Heal 20% effect. Ignore it; you can compensate for their healing with sufciently harsh beatings, delivered by the fastest phantoms you can muster. As usual, the Fenrirs will lead the charge, and as usual, theyre fully capable of tearing your characters to shreds. As usual, take them out rst and do it quickly. The Manticores Burning Refuse attack is enough to justify making them your next priority. If youve got too many monsters on your hands, use skills like Flying Bomb to knock them away from you. Once youve disposed of the Fenrirs and Manticores, all you have to do is mop up the Healers and their Summon. Itll be faster if you pummel them with assorted weaponry, as theyve got abnormally high RES. Another way to dispatch the Fenrirs and Manticores is to equip a high-level Bone. Its not for you, though; its for them. The more powerful a Bone gets, the more of an HP penalty it inicts on its user. Throw it to the monsters, and their maximum HP will plummet, allowing you to kill them with one hit. Continue to throw the Bone to each monster in turn, weakening them and picking them off one by one. This is a high-risk tactic, since whoever tosses the monster a Bone will have very low HP at the end of their turn, but you can offset this by teaching your designated Bone-thrower the Heal spell.

With so many monsters packed into so little space, and so few objects initially available for Connement, this map can be a little overwhelming. At the start of the ght, the battleeld will be divided by a barrier. The Blob whos generating the Keep Out effect will die on his third turn, owing to the Damage 40% effect that its been saddled with. That gives you three turns in which to kill off as many Summons on your side of the map as possible. Theyll be busy trying to toss you off the map. Characters with Swift Attack are worth their weight in gold here. Once the barrier drops, the Summons waiting on the other side will cross over and join the party. This is where things get complicated, as there still isnt a lot of room to move and all the Summons want to throw you around. This is what we like to call the mosh pit of the damned scenario, and it is funny yet frustrating. You can buy yourself time by throwing an occasional Heal spell on the Blob. When the Summons on your side of the barrier are toast, let the Blob die and welcome your new friends with open arms. Finally, youll nd two more Summons wielding Rocks on the far side of the map. Once the barriers down, go deal with them via the usual one-two punch: disarm them, then beat them with large weapons.

Summon (x9) Summon (x2) Summon Blob

2 3 4 4

45 46 47 60

5616 6239 6910 1338

148 158 169 213

1234 1347 1466 6955

Fenrir Fenrir Manticore Manticore Manticore Healer (x2) Summon

Subtle 2 Subtle 1 3 3 3

48 48 48 48 48 49 50

4577 12014 4322 10806 11886 7390 7805

60 157 60 150 165 168 171

901 2366 954 2386 2624 1515 1574



Heal the Blob to keep the Summons from swarming you.


Those Healers can be a pain. Kill those monsters fast.


Episode 14-2:

Operation Desert Rescue

Unforgiving Sun
Youll start off stuck in the wolfs den, so to speak, imprisoned by barrier tiles with a highlevel Fenrir and Manticore. Both monsters are helping to generate the barrier, so youll need to defeat them both to escape. Try to avoid standing against the edges of the barriers, as the Summons wandering around outside can hit you with normal attacks. As usual, when you need to kill something quickly, a high-powered elemental spell delivered against an opponents weak spot is the way to do it. This works wonders here, as the Fenrir and Manticore are both weak against magic, but youll have to make sure the Witch stays alive until her turn. Try dropping Shield on her right after shes Conned. If you want to play it safe, or at least safer, against these two beasts, start by throwing the annoying Fenrir at the Manticore. One powerful monster is easier to take care of than two of them, and itll make the Manticore even more vulnerable to magic than it already is. Its Attack will climb a bit, but its not drastically stronger than it was before. Kill the Manticore, and the Fenrir will have taken some damage as a result of the Manticore Guarding with him. Thisll make it a little easier to deal with. When the big monsters are gone, the barriers will drop, and youll have to mix it up with the Summons outside. Youve got a few more handy objects in case you need reinforcements, but once again, keep away from the edges of the map. These Summons are just as throw-happy as their predecessors were.

Operation Desert Rescue

Episode 14-3:

Famished Earth
37 41 5 38 42-44 4-5
All enemies here give out double the Experience, but almost all objects are Grounded. Any character Conned to a native object cannot move. The obvious solution is to destroy the object generating the Grounded eld effect, but its on the other side of the map, guarded by deadly Fenrirs. Youll either have to bring in a lot of your own Connement objects, or gure out a way to knock that Cactus off the map on the rst turn. Lets take the latter approach, just for grins. Make sure Ash (or some other high-Mv character with Swift Attack) has access to the Delayed Strike skill, which can be unlocked in Bronze Swords, and equip Marona with an object to Conne him to. When the battle starts, get Marona as close to the center of the map as possible, so she can throw her object towards the Cactus. Youll need to hit the sweet spot here, so Marona throws her object as far as possible while keeping it within the range of her Conne ability. Drop Ash into the thrown object, then Conne everyone youll need into the items near Marona. On Ashs turn, move him on top of the strongest Fenrir, and use Delayed Strike to knock the Cactus off the map. Hell probably immediately get chewed up by the Fenrirs, but Ash did not die in vain. The rest of your characters can now move freely. With your biggest problem solved, your next task is to take out the Fenrirs. If you have to, toss them off the map. The Zombies are easy to beat, even if they do get a couple of extra levels from the Fenrirs O.B.

Summon (x5) Manticore Fenrir

3 4 4

48 6992 165 1458 54 17076 193 3421 54 18081 193 3231

Zombie (x4) Fenrir (x2) Fenrir

3 4 5

48 6992 165 1458 54 18081 193 3231 57 21854 212 3733




Throw the confining object here so that it rests just inside Maronas Confine Range.


Episode 14-4:

Operation Desert Rescue

Bone-dry Death
You dont have much to work with on this map, but thats okay. Drab and his companions are right in front of Marona. Use her Revive spell to get them back on their feet, and theyll take care of business. For extra power, equip a nice Level 40 axe or sword on Marona, and throw it on top of Drab before you revive him. Hell get up, equip the weapon, and go to town. All you have to do now is keep Drab and his goons healed while they ght this battle for you. Drab has only gotten more powerful since your scrap with him a few Episodes back, so this wont take any time at all. Eventually, all thatll be left of the monsters are a couple of shell-shocked survivors, sitting well behind what used to be their lines. Drab and company wont go after them because theyre too far away, so youll have to punch their ticket. No big deal.

Siennas Request

Episode 15-1:

39 46 5 40 48 4-5
This is one of the easier bonus maps late in the game. There are only six enemies here, sitting on a wide open plain. Take care of the Manticores rst. The Merman is holding the Crystal thats generating this maps eld effects, so leave him for last. Since that Mermans Crystal is slowing him down, you can use him as a cash cow by exploiting the various Punch abilities. Since these all have a slight knockback effect, you can keep the Merman stuck on the opposite side of the map. Equip the local Weeds to your Fusionist, Merchant, and Blacksmith, and theyll be able to add bonuses to the Merman that much faster. They may even get through all of their turns before the Merman acts, if their Speeds are high enough. Now, choose someone to land the killing blow, and get all that extra EXP and Mana for himself.


Revive Drab first, then bring out a Healer to wake up the rest of his troops.

Summon (x4) Summon (x3) Summon Summon Summon Summon Fighter Fighter Blacksmith Drab

4 5 6 3 4 5 3 5 6 -

50 55 70 45 50 55 40 45 45 50

8160 11018 22231 5883 8160 11018 4305 6418 6686 21288

179 205 270 155 179 205 138 138 176 156

1645 2053 3376 1293 1645 2053 1040 1040 1470 4293

Merman (x3) Manticore (x2) Summon Merman (x2) Mermaid

3 4 4 3 4

60 60 65 60 65

12802 204 22754 213 16670 213 12802 204 16670 213

2217 4173 2697 2217 2697


No, the game isnt playing tricks on you. The effect is coming from the Crystal hes holding.



Episode 15-2:
Siennas Request

Episode 15-3:
Siennas Request

Lupine on Ice
Another day, another vicious Fenrir who needs to die right damn now. Ordinarily, wed tell you to just chuck him off the map and be done with it, but no! Everyone here is under the inuence of a No O.B. effect, which is being generated by the Crystal one of the Mermen is holding. If you want to destroy the Crystal, Conne a swordsman near the Merman and disarm him with a Hurricane Slash. The Crystal will slide off of the map on its own. The next time Marona gets a turn, grab the Fenrir and send him packing. Now make shsticks out of the Merpeople, and this ones in the bag.

Frozen Lance
41 49 1-5 42 49 3-4
There are a lot of places on this map where its easy to fall off. Fortunately for you, most of the local Connement objects have a Sticky eld effect on them, whichll keep you from sliding around. The monsters have one of those too, which is coming from the Crystal in the mouth of the Manticore opposite Marona. Just to complicate their lives, Conne Ash to the Tree right in front of the Manticore and knock it off the map. Once youve got your enemies sliding around, theres a good chance some of them will misstep and go O.B. In the meantime, youll have to watch out for the Merpeople, wholl pelt you with Giga-class attack spells. Set up a couple of Healers well away from the Merpeople as a trauma unit, so anyone who catches a Giga spell can retreat and get patched up. Whatever you do, dont destroy the Crystal thats generating your enemies Offense 50% and Defense x2 effects. If you do, expect the body count to go up; youll have enough problems with the Merpeoples Giga spells without increasing their repower. The Merman holding down the back of the map wont move unless somebody comes within his range. Be sure to Conne one of your ghters into an object that wont give him the Sticky effect, so he can ice-skate over to the Merman and back.

That Fenrir needs to go now.

Merman (x3) Mermaid Fenrir Summon

3 4 6 4

60 60 60 68

12802 13384 26187 18878

204 213 232 241

2217 2318 4284 2939

Merman (x3) Merman (x3) Mermaid Manticore Summon Summon

3 4 4 4 4 5

60 60 65 61 62 65

12802 13384 16670 23806 14641 17395

204 213 231 217 220 241

2217 2318 2697 4305 2466 2815

Use a Hurricane Slash to knock the crystal out of the Mermans hands and off the map.



Knock this Manticore off the map, and itll be easier for monsters to go O.B.



Episode 15-4:
Siennas Request

Episode 15-4 (Second Visit):

Siennas Request

Iced Shadow
In this very special performance of Phantom Brave On Ice, your mastery of iceskating on slippery terrain will be tested to its limits. Youll need to be able to cross the map while using very little of your dm, and to be able to do so consistently. At the outset, Conne an Owl Knight to the Rotten Tree next to Marona, then send her skidding across the map towards the Treasure Chest. Conne ve more characters here, one of whom should be Ash, to the Chest and the Defense +50% objects. Slide Ash towards the Summon carrying the Crystal, as its generating the No O.B. effect on all your enemies. Make sure that when Ash arrives, hes in position to disarm the Summon with a Hurricane Slash, and in so doing, send the Crystal sliding off the map. Next up, its the Owl Knights turn to play shufeboard. Skate over to the blue Summon whos causing the Damage 10% effect, adjust the Knights position, and knock the Summon off the map with a Flying Bomb. Line this shot up carefully, so the Summon doesnt get caught on any of the little outcroppings or walls when you throw him. Those are your two major obstacles. At this point, you can either mix it up with the Summons in a grand melee, or toss the rest off the map and gang up on the last one. The Summons strength comes from their numbers.

Iced Shadow
43 54 5 43 54 5

Making a Better Blade:

If you havent spent much time with the Fusionist, now is the time to get to know her, because shes quickly going to become your best friend. Sorry, Ash. Not only can the Fusionist help your phantoms gain almost any skill in the game, she can also combine items together to make a customdesigned superweapon, capable of striking down even the most stubborn boss... and the last few bosses in Phantom Brave are as stubborn as they come. When youre making a superweapon, focus on SPD, as its the most important stat in the game. Use your fastest weapon as a base (Daggers, Ktnas, and Dark Wpns work well; Axes do not), and combine it with whatever items you have handy. The Merchant is a good place to start, but since newly purchased weapons dont have any Mana, its not an ideal solution. Instead, send your Bottle Mail into the highestlevel Random Dungeon youve got, and steal all the high-SPD, high-Mana items you can find. It doesnt really matter what type you use, since theyll all be consumed in the fusion process, but Misc Weeds and Trollies will do the most to boost your weapons SPD. Bring your ill-gotten objects to the Fusionist and slap them all together. Use any leftover Mana to level your uberweapon up, slap a decent title on it, and youll have a game-breaking ubersword before you know it. You can repeat this process for all your phantoms weapons. Uberweapons are great for players who prefer a smaller, heavily armed group, since it lets you experiment with a wide variety of skills. If your style tends more towards unarmed combat, then two to four uberweapons should be more than enough. With all the Holding and Throwing tricks Phantom Brave has to offer, you can easily share the weapons among the members of a much larger group. Incidentally, an uberweapon is also a great tool for leveling up, since it allows your phantoms to take on Random Dungeons with a much higher Enemy LV than they could deal with by themselves. You should try to be at least 50th level by the start of Episode Sixteen, and at least 90th level when you enter Chapter Twenty.

Summon (x7) Summon Summon Summon Manticore

6 4 4 Boss Boss

67 68 70 80 80

19697 18878 20452 77319 131442

258 241 248 738 738

3106 2939 3106 10458 18824


Whats My Name?:
Before you go much further, kill some time on Icicle Island. There are plenty of objects with great titles thatre just lying around, ready to be stolen.

Position the Owl Knight here, so his Flying Bomb will knock the Summon O.B.




Episode 16-1:
Sibling Enmity

Episode 16-2
Sibling Enmity

Bamboo Co. 1F
Note: Episode 3 maps are closed for this Episode, but will return once Episode 16 is cleared. Episode 16 maps are removed from the list once its cleared.

Bamboo Co. 8F
44 42-54 0-5 45 52 4-5
Note: Episode 3 maps are closed for this Episode, but will return once Episode 16 is cleared. Episode 16 maps are removed from the list once its cleared.

For your rst bout, you hold all the cards. The Scrabbits and Summons start off in a tight group, while all the Connement objects you need are right on either side of Marona. Make sure you Conne a Witch or Fusionist to one of the Flowers or Weeds. When youve brought out all your characters, the monsters will make a beeline for any spellcasters they see. They wont be able to get close enough to attack on this turn, though, so take this opportunity to catch the Summons in a pincer attack. Thatll just leave the Scrabbits, whore hopping about and occasionally grabbing a character for one of their trademark Roundhouses. Theyre annoying, but there are only three of them.

The last map was just a warm-up. It may take you a few tries to clear this stage. The trick is to determine who the biggest threat is on any given turn, and whether he can be killed. Youre further handicapped by the way the Connement objects are arranged. Theyre not only very limited, but theyre grouped together in different locations as far from each other as possible. All the monsters are also affected by Attack +30%, Defense 10%, and Experience x2 eld effects, all of which are generated by the Phonograph. That leaves you with a decision to make: do you destroy the Phonograph? Wed say no, as youve been forced into a defensive role anyway. You might as well clean up on EXP. You need to deal with the three Ghosts immediately, followed by the Scrabbit whos equipped with a Fungus. If youve got a choice between the two, go after the Scrabbit, since its easier to stay outside the Ghosts attack range. With those monsters gone, the rest are cake. Make sure you bring in at least two characters who both know the Revive spell and are strong attackers.

Scrabbit (x2) Scrabbit Summon (x4)

3 4 5

62 14005 211 2145 64 15974 227 2619 60 13966 223 2419


Scrabbit (x2) Scrabbit Summon (x3) Ghost (x3)

3 4 5 5

62 64 60 62

14005 15974 13966 15278

211 227 223 230

2145 2619 2419 3088


Catch the Summons between two groups of phantoms, and theyll fall like dominoes.

Dont confine any characters to this coloured crate.


If this monster is weak to Wind, use Gale Slash. If not, stand on the banister and attack it with magic.


Episode 16-3
Sibling Enmity

Episode 16-4
Sibling Enmity

Bamboo Co. 12F

Note: Episode 3 maps are closed for this Episode, but will return once Episode 16 is cleared. Episode 16 maps are removed from the list once its cleared.

Bamboo Co. 19F

46 53-60 5-6 47 54 5
Note: Episode 3 maps are closed for this Episode, but will return once Episode 16 is cleared. Episode 16 maps are removed from the list once its cleared.

This map may be a maze, but with a few phantoms who can attack at long range, itll be over before you know it. Look for the three Skulls, as theyre the source of the barrier panels. Youll probably need to get rid of the green barrier last; that Skull is just behind the red barrier. Start off by Conning your characters, and then toss the Notice Board off the map to get rid of the negative protection effects. Now, keep your distance and pick off the Summons as they come down the path. Odds are good that theyll never get the chance to attack you. The Shade will grab the Treasure Chest on its rst turn, thereby boosting its Speed, and will proceed to use Giga Fire until its out of SP. That makes it a threat, but its got so few HP that you can easily kill it before it becomes a serious problem. Do so, and stay away from the green barrier until its removed. Once all the Summons and the green barrier are gone, youll just have to dispatch a couple of Mimics.

The Hell Corgi at the far side of the map is another monster whos essentially glued to the oor. He wont bother you until you bother him. Each of the six Mimics are under Mana +30% and Money +40% effects, but they work in pairs. If you kill one of the Mimics in a set, youll destroy the eld effect on the other. Fortunately, theyre also all being affected by negative elds, whichre generated by the objects youre Conning phantoms into. When you get right down to it, this is really a bonus map. The Mimics will pay out huge bonuses, theyre weaker than usual, and theyve got low RES. This is a great place to get skill experience for some of your attack spells. As for that Hell Corgi, forget about it. Itll be over in two hits; you hit it, it hits the oor. Note that on the red Mimics side of the map, all of the objects will enhance a Conned phantoms Attack, Defense, and Resilence. Make sure that any character you Conne over there is truly powerful, such as a 50th-level Amazon with an equally potent weapon, because the Mimics will be hard to beat.

Summon (x2) Summon Summon Summon Mimic (x2) Shade

1 2 3 4 5 5

60 62 63 64 60 65

11639 13368 14634 15974 18156 15655

186 201 214 227 223 241

2016 2252 2432 2619 1935 3378

Mimic (x3) Mimic (x3) Hell Corgi

5 6 5

64 21669 237 2186 64 22572 247 2278 67 37819 248 4473

On the other side of the map, youll nd objects that increase Speed and Intelligence. The temptation is to Conne a couple of magic-users in that area, but the Mimics will make short work of them if theyre given the opportunity. Unless youve got a mage who can kill the blue Mimics with one high-volume spell, keep her in reserve for the moment.

Hit your enemies from across the gap. Itll take forever for them to reach you.


ATTACK -20% DEFENSE -20% MANA +30% MONEY +40%



Episode 16-5
Sibling Enmity

Episode 16-6
Sibling Enmity

Bamboo Co. 24F

Note: Episode 3 maps are closed for this Episode, but will return once Episode 16 is cleared. Episode 16 maps are removed from the list once its cleared.

Bamboo CEO Room

48 55 5 49 50-58 0-6
Note: Episode 3 maps are closed for this Episode, but will return once Episode 16 is cleared. Episode 16 maps are removed from the list once its cleared.

Marona walks onto the map to nd herself surrounded by Summons, with no handy Connement objects to speak of. The closest item is a Seed thats at least two turns away from her. Before you start this ght, equip Marona with a Weed to boost her Speed. Thisll let her retreat to the Boxes across the map. Once youve got a few phantoms on the map, this becomes one of the easier ghts in the game. Drop the Summon hiding among the boxes, then go after the others. There are only ve of them, and they arent much of a threat with a full corps of phantoms coming after them.

Settle in for a long ght. The monsters here arent much to speak of, but this is a huge battleeld with a sparse population. On Maronas rst turn, head straight for the ve Connement objects nearby. Itll take you about two turns, and during that time, the blue Summons will be destroying the Vases thatre powering the barrier panels. Conne a few ghters, but keep your best characters in reserve. By the time your phantoms can act, the barrier will be down and youll have a gaggle of blue Summons coming after you. Youll have just enough time to take them out before another wave of brown Summons arrives, one of whom is carrying a Treasure Chest. Kill the latter Summon rst, so you can use its Chest to Conne a sixth character. While youre bashing Summons, try not to get too close to the Corgis or the Behemoth. Youre better off ghting those three one at a time, using Ash or a powerful ghter such as an Amazon.

Summon (x5) Summon

5 6

67 18909 248 2982 72 24033 277 3562

Summon (x2) Summon (x6) Hell Corgi (x2) Behemoth

5 4 5 6

66 65 70 82

18142 16670 42684 51772

244 231 259 315

2898 2697 4861 9570

Equipping Marona with a Weed will help her escape this trap quickly.

That summon is hiding here in the middle of all those crates.



Position a character just outside the Corgis movement range to lure it out.


Episode 17-1

The Shadow Resurrected

Sick Unto Death

Note: Episode 17 maps will be closed when youre instructed to return to the Island of Evil for Episode 18.

The Shadow Resurrected

Episode 17-2

Road of the Lost

50 52-58 5 51 59-86 5-6
Note: Episode 17 maps will be closed when youre instructed to return to the Island of Evil for Episode 18.

Be very well prepared before you start this Episode. Make sure all your characters and items are above Level 50. From here to the end of the story, there are fteen battles to be had on the Island of Evil. This rst stage is a bit problematic. There are only three Summons here, each equipped with weak weapons. Since the three Summons are the source of the Unarmed effect on all objects lying on the ground, you cant bring any of your weapons into the fray. There is a way around that rule, however. Have Marona bring in an object with decent Connement defense against Wind, and put Ash in it. Since youre going to be using objects for your weapons, conne an Owl Sentry or Blacksmith to the Stone, a Healer to the Driftwood, and a Witch to the Starsh. Have Marona steal the Book from the Summon, and on her next turn, give it to the Witch. The Healer can use the Dead Tree near her as her weapon, and the Owl Sentry or Blacksmith should use the Rocks Dodge Rock ability as his attack of choice. Now that youve got the Summons outnumbered and outgunned, you should win easily.

The Dragon and Lizardman, by themselves, make this a challenge. Youll begin the stage closer to the Behemoth and Cerberus, so go after them rst. Conne Ash nearby, so he can knock the Summon off the map and get rid of your enemies enhancements. Use a press gang of powerful attackers, like Owl Knights and Amazons, to surround and beat down the Cerberus. Once its gone, dispatch the Behemoth with spellcasters. That was just a warm-up. The Dragon and Lizardman are next. Naturally, dont ght them both at once, as they can both kill one of your characters in a single hit. Keep a few Healers towards the back of the ght, and try to dispatch the Lizardman rst. Once its dead, use hit-and-run tactics to whittle away at the Dragons HP. Finally, go kill that scared and lonely Summon, whos been hiding in the back all this time. Take note of the Rock near the Behemoths group. Its got a DEF of nearly 1000, and can be an extremely potent weapon. Equip it, and youll have a much easier time damaging the Dragon.

Summon Summon Summon

5 1 7

65 17395 241 2815 66 15119 204 2415 67 20485 269 3230

Lizardman Dragon Cerberus Behemoth Summon Summon

4 7 4 6 4 5

64 64 69 69 69 73

15974 36116 35376 32043 19653 23971

227 257 244 266 244 270

3929 5922 3626 6570 3022 3511

Have Marona bring an object thatll protect a phantom against Wind.




Move your characters towards this group, to give yourself more time before the Dragon and Lizardman arrive.


Episode 17-3

The Shadow Resurrected

Life and Death

Note: Episode 17 maps will be closed when youre instructed to return to the Island of Evil for Episode 18.

The Shadow Resurrected

Episode 17-4

Hall of Death
52 60 5-6 53 50-89 3-6
Note: Episode 17 maps will be closed when youre instructed to return to the Island of Evil for Episode 18.

Three Summons are carrying a Skull and two Bones. If they get an attack off, they can do some serious damage, but their weapons come with heavy HP penalties. Try to kill them all before they get a turn. Otherwise, let the demons come to you. Theyre too spread out to be a serious problem. If the Ghost starts to get a little too close, send it back the way it came with a Drill Kick or Flying Bomb. If you want to make this battle even easier, theres a Fish on the far corner of the map with an Invincibility effect. The problem isnt getting there, though; its getting there before the ghts over.

As usual, keep your eyes on the Funguys. Theyre all excellent thieves, and love to use your own stolen equipment against you. Theres also a Fenrir to worry about, but itll sometimes reduce the threat it poses by picking up a Rock, reducing its Speed. The pink Summon at the edge of the map is just begging to be pushed off. You might as well do that, then take on the Cerberus. Kill the Funguys before they can rob you blind; if they toss your weapons off the map, grab the equipment scattered around the Treasure Chest. Now, its you and your crew vs. a surprisingly docile Fenrir and four vastly outclassed Summons. I think you might win. Be careful not to advance on the Fenrir too soon, or it wont bother to grab the Rock. If this happens, get someone to forcefeed the Rock to the Fenrir by throwing it at him, thus negating his enormous Speed advantage.

Summon (x2) Summon (x3) Summon Summon Summon Ghost

4 5 6 5 5 5

64 64 64 66 74 67

15974 227 16669 237 17363 247 18142 244 24894 273 18909 248

2619 2733 2847 2898 3603 2982


Only use these weapons when youve got nothing better.

Cerberus 4 66 31296 234 Funguy (x2) Robber 70 17785 216 Fenrir 5 70 38415 259 Summon (x3) 5 66 18142 244 Summon 6 75 26917 288 3332 2701 5510 2898 3851

Use a wide-range attack to kill all three Summons in one shot. The invincible fish.



Didnt we meet this guy a few episodes back?


Episode 17-5

The Shadow Resurrected

No Mans Land
Note: Episode 17 maps will be closed when youre instructed to return to the Island of Evil for Episode 18.

The Shadow Resurrected

Episode 17-6

Mortalitys End
54 62-75 5 55 69-100 1-6
Note: Episode 17 maps will be closed when youre instructed to return to the Island of Evil for Episode 18.

As long as that pink Summon is alive, none of your opponents can fall off the map, and they can all skid very long distances. Youll start off near a handful of Conning objects, including a couple of handy Bombs. The Summons Slippery effect is their best friend and worst enemy, since it lets them cross the map almost instantly, but it also means that theyll go ying if you look at them funny. Think of this as a game of full-contact shufeboard. If you use skills that inict Knockback and set up your shots right, none of the Summons can get anywhere near you. Theyll y off into the far corners of the map and come running back your way, only to get nailed again. If youve got a weapon with the Geo Slash skill, its incredibly effective here. The Summons will frequently slide off the edges of the map as they try to move. Keep your characters away from the edges of the battleeld whenever possible, as a Summon might unexpectedly wind up next to them. A Summon may continue sliding even after the end of its turn, so listen for the characteristic sound effect that comes with a character being beamed back onto the map, and check the area to nd out where that Summon wound up.

Your rematch with Walnut plays out much like the bout at the end of Episode 7. Itll be harder this time, as theres now a Damage 20% effect on most of the objects on the map. On top of that, most of the objects near Maronas starting point will Weaken a Conned phantom by 20% and drop their Offense by 30%. Equip Marona with an object that provides a Conned phantom with high Fire resistance, Attack, and Defense, then Conne Ash to it. If hes at level 55, wielding a sword of roughly the same level, thisll be over before you know it. Conne a few weaker characters near Ash. Walnut will predictably attack them instead of Ash, which leaves him wide open for a few Hurricane Slashes. A Changebook has appeared on this map, in the same place that the Egg was in Episode 7. If you want it, youll have to get it the same way you got the Egg, by throwing Marona onto the island. If you return to this map before the start of the next Episode, youll nd its one of the best story maps to hunt Giga Beasts. The catch is that the next Episode also takes place on the Island of Evil, so once Chapter 18 starts, you cant come back here.

Summon (x5) Summon (x2) Summon

4 5 6

66 17386 234 2777 67 18909 248 2982 76 27925 292 3950




Walnut - 85 Mimic 6 85 Giga Beast (x2) Elem2 70 Dragon Elem2 75

91596 49614 39127 47374

261 326 237 254

11748 3916 4456 6778

Curiously, this is the only object on this island which isnt affected by any of the protection effects.


Episode 18-1
Battle Plan

Episode 18-2
Battle Plan

Sick Unto Death

Note: Episode 17 maps will be closed once youre instructed to return to the Island of Evil.

Road of the Lost

56 56-66 2-6 57 69-100 1-6
Note: Episode 17 maps will be closed once youre instructed to return to the Island of Evil.

This ght plays out like the rst battle in Episode 17, on the same terrain. Between then and now, somebody has dropped a new Fish on the battleeld, and its generating an Unarmed effect towards every object on the map. Thanks to two of the Ghosts and one of the Summons, the Fish is also Invincible, Resistant, and immune to O.B. Its tempting to build a strategy around destroying the Resistant effect on the Fish, then using it to Conne a character. One of the Summons will almost always start the ght by grabbing the Fish, which messes up that plan. Instead, focus on getting rid of the Ghosts, who can do a thousand points of damage or more with their Omega spells. If you bring in a good Connement object for Ash, hell get a free shot at killing at least two of the Ghosts before they can move, preferably the ones whore providing the Fish with its invincibility. With them gone, Conne a few more characters, equip them with battleeld objects, and send them out to destroy the remaining monsters.

Because you just cant keep a giant patricidal skeleton down, its time for another battle with Wraith. The good news is that his backup consists of a single Ghost and a Summon, so youve got him outnumbered. The bad news is that Wraith has got a number of protection effects going, including an Avoided 15dm. That works both for and against you, as you cant get close enough to use your best melee attacks, but neither can Wraith. The only skill hes got is Vortex, which does heavy damage to any targets in the area, but he can only use it a few times. Heres the plan: knock out the Ghost and Summon, then destroy all the items thatre giving Wraith his protective effects. Leave Avoided 15dm intact. Now, gang up on Wraith from a distance, using long-range skills and spells to whittle away at his HP.


Ghost Summon Wraith Dragon

5 5 Boss 5

72 72 80 80

23072 23072 309276 61855

266 266 738 295

4104 3420 41832 8366

Ghost (x2) Ghost Summon Summon

2 6 1 6

69 70 71 78

17944 22231 18496 30020

223 270 219 300

3311 4051 2775 4151

That Invincible effect looks tempting, but you probably cant use it.



Leave that tree alone. Its your best ally.

Dont confine characters to these objects as theyll get a lot less Bonus EXP after the battle.


Episode 19-1:
Warriors Bonds

Episode 19-2:
The Possessed

Life and Death

Now that is a lot of Manticores. Fortunately, most of them are Rank 0, and the rest are Rank 3, so theyre much weaker than their levels would seem to indicate. Theyll also equip themselves with Rocks and Crystals, whichll slow them down. Otherwise, theyd probably overrun your position. Just the same, keep the Manticores off of you by using wide-range skills like Geo Slash, which can inict Knockback on multiple enemies, or use Omega-class spells to thin the herd. If a Manticores Rock or Crystal is increasing its Defense to the point where its hard to damage it, disarm it or steal its weapon. The bonuses on this stage are nice, but they arent anything you should focus on getting. To make the sheer number of these monsters easier to handle, try throwing a Manticore to one of his unarmed buddies. The second Manticore will equip the rst one and wont let it go until its been killed. Thats one less monster to worry about when youre being swarmed. You can deal with it later by having another monster hold onto it for you.

Hall of Death
58 69-100 5 59 70 5-6
This isnt going to be easy. Youre up against another pack of high-level Manticores, and theyve got better titles than the last batch. This wouldnt be a serious issue, except that there are only three objects on this map. One is the Flower near Marona, and the other two are surrounded by Manticores. Equip Marona with a Connement object before you enter this map. It needs to provide excellent modiers for Attack, Defense, Speed, and Fire resistance. Further, make sure that whoever you intend to Conne rst has high innate Speed and is armed with a powerful Knife. You need to be as fast as possible. On Maronas rst turn, throw her item so it lands just outside the monsters attack range, but dont Conne anyone yet. If you wait a couple of turns, the Manticores will start picking each other up, which reduces the number of enemies you have to ght at once. Once theyve got each other nicely in hand, drop your rst character into the item you threw. For the rst few turns, this characters virtually on his own. Use Maronas Healing spells to keep him on his feet while he dispatches the Manticores. If he needs the backup, slowly move Marona within Connement range of the other items on the map, then unleash a couple of Amazons or Owl Knights while the Manticores arent paying attention. Once your characters turns are used up, Conne another character to the objects they were in, so the new arrival will immediately equip the weapon the rst phantom dropped.

Manticore (x8) Aloof 72 26148 177 4104 Manticore (x4) 3 79 46531 267 6737 Manticore Manticore (x9) Manticore (x2) 3 3 6 71 34587 240 5494 72 34954 244 5643 67 33485 258 5591

Dont confine a character to these objects as theyll get a lot less Bonus EXP after the battle.



That Flower is the only Confining object you can use, so bring in something more suitable.



Episode 19-3:
Warriors Bonds

Episode 20-1

No Mans Land
After those last two stages, this ones kind of an anticlimax. Once again, your crew is up against a vastly overmatched herd of highlevel Summons. The only one who might pose a threat is the Elite. One thing you should note about this map is the presence of the powerful Permanent protection effect. If you Conne a phantom to a Permanent object, the phantom can stay on the battleeld indenitely. Down in the corner of the battleeld, tucked away from the Summons main force, are two more Summons. One of them is holding a Cactus with a Rank-6 title thats being targeted by a Strengthen +40% eld effect. That Cactus is just begging to be stolen, but its fragile. Steal it from the Summon, rather than using Hurricane Slash to knock it out of the Summons hands, and Conne a Bottle Mail to it. Now you can use that Rank 6 title for one of your own characters.

Mortalitys End
60 71 5-6 61 20-105 3-6
This is a large map with a lot of roads, but there arent enough enemies to really pose a threat. Theyre spread out in pairs, way too far apart to back each other up, so you can easily take them on two at a time. Create two groups of phantoms, with at least three characters in each squad. One should be a Healer or similarly-equipped support magician, while another needs to be a ghter Conned to a Permanent object. Send one group straight ahead, and the other down the path to Maronas left. Eliminate the Dark Knights as you go, and eventually, your teams will meet back up in the darkened section of the map. There are two more Knights waiting for you, and theyve been passing the time by casting Braveheart on each other, so they can do more damage than the rest. Keep your HP up to guarantee a win.


Even if you kill a Dark Knight, they arent creatable.

Summon (x2) Summon (x4) Summon (x2) Summon Summon 1 6 6 6 Elite 73 73 74 75 82 19976 24970 25931 26917 41418 225 281 285 288 378 2926 3657 3753 3851 5482 Summon Dark Knight (x2) Dark Knight Dark Knight (x2) Dark Knight Dark Knight Werewolf (x2) Lizardman (x2) Cerberus Behemoth Giga Beast 5 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 75 63 65 68 69 70 65 72 72 73 85 25840 39912 47836 49248 53833 58690 21744 30282 38069 32960 67170 277 195 221 210 223 237 201 233 244 247 287 3697 6633 7741 7668 8278 8913 3519 4488 3762 6437 6461

Youll learn to appreciate this powerful field effect.


Dont confine character to these objects as theyll get a lot less Bonus Exp after the battle.



Episode 20-2:

Episode 20-3

Hells Appeal
You might be in trouble. Dark Knights arent exactly pushovers, and their leader, Dark Raphael, has an amazingly high Speed. Whatll save you, yet again, is that theyre waiting to see what you do before they attack. Equip your characters with powerful, highlevel weapons to boost their Attack and Speed. We recommend that you level a few decent Swords and Knives up to around Level 60. As usual, Conne your characters to objects with decent protection effects, then move them about halfway up the staircase in front of you. Thisll draw the spearmen into your attack range. If they swarm you and youre getting overwhelmed, use powerful knockback skills (i.e. Geo Slash) to buy yourself some breathing room. Dont hold back against the Dark Knights, but save some SP for the showdown with Dark Raphael. If everythings gone your way, youll defeat the Dark Knights without getting Dark Raphaels attention. Move your army forward to stand between the two sets of stairs before you take him on, and when you have the chance, disarm Dark Raphael. You can steal his Heliotrope to complete your collection. Also note that there are a couple of unconscious Knights here on this map. To create Knights of your own, youll have to Revive these guys, then knock them out yourself.

End of Eternity
63 28-110 1-5 65 50-90 3-6
This is it: the nal map, where youll ght two battles back-to-back. Both your characters and weapons should be around Level 65, with the highest possible ranks. Equip your characters with weapons that provide nice high Speed bonuses, such as Weeds and Knives.

Round 1: Dark Sprout

Your rst battle is a straightforward match with Dark Sprout. On top of Sprouts already impressive stats, hes equipped with the powerful Shiva, and beneting from Speed, Attack, and Defense +60% eld effects. Since Sprouts so ridiculously fast, start by Conning all your most powerful characters to the objects in the circle. Make sure a couple of them have high Speed (Amazons or Owl Knights equipped with Knives, Shortswords, or Weeds), so they can reach the Crystals generating Sprouts Offense and Defense +60% effects. On Ashs turn, destroy the Crystal in front of Marona to end the Speed +60% eld effect. You cant just toss it O.B., so youll have to break it. Afterwards, move Ash between Sprout and Marona to run interference; otherwise, Sprout will head straight for her. After Sprouts turn, destroy the other two bonus Crystals immediately, then Conne as many characters as you can. Dont forget to mobilize a couple of Healers, to patch up or Revive any fallen ghters. Now that Sprouts been weakened, start pelting him with Hurricane Slashes. If youre

Dark Knight (x3) Dark Knight (x2) Dark Raphael Knight (x2) Werewolf (x4) Lizardman Giga Beast

1 3 5 5 5 5

70 70 80 70 70 70 85

53355 58690 77319 25610 32013 32013 73276

216 237 246 259 259 259 313

8103 8913 10458 3241 4861 4861 7048

Dark Sprout

90 107526 276 13113

Knock this sword free with a Hurricane Slash, and use a Lv 49 Bottle Mail to steal it.




The sword named after the god of destruction is up for grabs.


Episode 20-3 (Second Visit):


Episode 20-3 (Third+ Visit)


End of Eternity
lucky, one of them will knock Shiva out of his hands, whichll limit his offensive options even further. Continue to press your attack, and try to stay out of his attack range if at all possible. Even weakened and disarmed, Sprouts still a threat. As an added bonus, once hes been disarmed, Sprout wont even try to reclaim Shiva. You might as well take it for yourself, by Conning a Level 59 Bottle Mail to the sword.

End of Eternity
65 50-90 3-6 65 50-90 3-6
smashed as soon as possible. We recommend you use an Owl Knight and an Amazon. Finally, bring out a Healer using one of the Flowers near Marona. On Maronas second turn, start Conning your strongest characters in anticipation of the destruction of the nal blue Crystal. Positioning will become vitally important, as youve got to keep your characters spaced out in such a way that theyre as far away from Sulphur as possible, while still being able to attack him if he moves in any direction. Dispatch your healers to the opposite ends of Sulphurs movement radius, so they can cover all the characters in their range as well as each other. If youve got two healers, they should be like two points on a line running tangent across Sulphurs movement radius; if youve got three, position them like points on a triangle. Use the maps overhead view to doublecheck on your positioning. The idea here is to force Sulphur to have to choose which group of characters hell hit with an Omega spell, and to make sure that any group of characters he destroys can be instantly Revived. You should always Revive characters as a group, but if you can only bring one back, target unconscious Healers, followed by whoevers fastest. Whatever you do, dont get too close to Sulphur. If you do, hell use Terminate, whichll wipe out any characters within its range regardless of their level or statistics. If too many characters get Terminated, youll have a very hard time recovering. Therefore, dont hit Sulphur with any attacks thatll leave the attacker within Terminates range. Hit-and-run works well for highly mobile characters like Owl Knights; otherwise, use skills that inict Knockback. The advantage to the latter is that youll not only keep Sulphur the hell away from your characters, but its a good way to knock him towards another ghter, who can then knock him even further back. If Sulphur is bouncing from phantom to phantom like a pinball, hes not setting up for Terminate. If a spellcaster has a moment to spare, cast Braveheart on your ghters to maximize their damage potential. This is especially potent when combined with Ashs Sacred Vow.

Round 2: Sulphur
If you thought Sprout was too easy, heres the challenge you were looking for. Sulphurs unbelievably powerful, and when he attacks, your characters die. If one survives, it was a uke, and you should be thankful. Sulphur specializes in attacks with an extremely wide area of effect. He uses customdesigned Omega spells with larger areas of effect than yours; a single Omega spell will inict around 1000 points of damage to a character with 0% resistance. His other attack, Terminate, hits any- and everything within 24dm of Sulphur, and can do as much as 7000 points of damage! Just to top things off, there are four Crystals on the map, each of which are feeding Sulphur Invincibility effects. Obviously, those have to go. Are you ready? On Maronas opening turn, Conne no more than four phantoms. Drop Ash next to the Crystal on Maronas far right, so he can destroy it, then get a head start on breaking the Crystal behind Sulphur. Conne two more high-Speed ghters next to the last two blue Crystals, so they can be


100 ??? 306 26780

Funguyx2 Funguyx2

Dark 100 ??? 306 5356 5 100 ??? 367 6427


Hey, no fair. The Final Boss isnt supposed to be invincible! Thats cheating!



Congratulations! Now, at last, its safe to go check out the Secrets & Spoilers section.




Dungeon Crawling Most materials for building up your superweapons stats will come from Random Dungeons. Youll usually want to apply the Failure title to your Dungeons, so that you can handle enemies three times your level. An ideal Dungeon has high Enemy LV, Few enemies, and a small area.

Save the World As Fast As You Can

A Speed Walkthrough for Phantom Brave.
This walkthrough will show you how to clear the main story as quickly as possible, while still obtaining all of the rare and unique items along the way. This is mainly a commando mission for Marona, so she just needs a good weapon, and an occasional helping hand from her phantoms. Making the Dark Wpn Since Marona is, to say the least, not a combat machine, youre going to need to seriously boost her stats. The best way to do that is with a powerful, custommade weapon. Heres what we want to end up with. The skills youll need are listed on this table, along with the weapons where they can be found. Empath Dark Wpn SPD %: 100 SPD: 4500+ ATK: 5000+ Skills Burst Fire Slash Top Spin Geo Slash Chi Chopper Lightning Spear Weapons Dark Wpn Dagger Dagger StoneKnife SacredSwd DragonSpr

00:03 Tutorial 1 complete 00:05 Prep 1 complete 00:12 Prep 2 complete 00:18 Prep 3 complete 00:30 Prep 4 complete 00:41 Prep 5 complete 01:48 Dark Wpn complete 01:51 Episode 1 complete 47/44/ 8/11 * 01:56 Episode 2 complete 51/44/10/14 02:03 Episode 3 complete 54/44/11/16 02:13 Episode 4 complete 54/52/15/20 02:20 Episode 5 complete 58/55/19/24 02:27 Episode 6 complete 62/60/23/27 02:37 Episode 7 complete 70/60/32/29 02:46 Episode 8 complete 75/60/35/32 02:52 Episode 9 complete 75/60/42/34 03:00 Episode 10 complete 75/60/47/37 03:04 Episode 11 complete 75/60/51/40 03:10 Episode 12 complete 75/60/56/43 03:12 Episode 13 complete 75/60/59/44 03:17 Episode 14 complete 75/60/66/46 03:21 Episode 15 complete 75/60/74/48 03:31 Episode 16 complete 75/60/86/52 03:41 Episode 17 complete 75/60/92/54 03:42 Episode 18 complete 75/60/94/55 03:47 Episode 19 complete 75/60/99/57 04:11 Clear Game save * Merchants Lv / Bottle Mails Lv / Maronas Lv / Maronas Energy SP

Always have the Bottle Mail gather one item per oor. These can be sold for money, farmed for Mana, or used in combinations to build stats. Remember that conned characters get EXP based on the level of the items theyre conned to, so drop your low-level characters into high-level items. Thankfully, the Failure title wont apply to the Dungeons items. As usual, to clear each oor in a hurry, toss most of the enemies O.B., then kill the last one as fast as you can. The First Steps Start a new game. Before we really crack into the story, were going to take the steps we need to make Maronas Dark Wpn. Get the hidden 500 bordeaux, Changebook, and Bottle Mail on Phantom Isle (see page 150) Go through Tutorials 2, 3, and 4. Use the Bottle Mail to get the Snakish on Tutorial Map 3. Buy a Lv 2 Dagger and equip it to the Merchant. Buy a Lv 2 StoneKnife and equip it to Ash. Keep going through Stage 1-1 until Ash is at Lv 4. Make a Dungeon Monk. Make a Dungeon with an Enemy LV of 3 and Feeble enemies. Enter the Dungeon, kill a Titlist, and Return to Phantom Isle. Create a Titlist. Make a Dungeon with Female enemies at Lv 15. Apply the Failure title. Kill an Archer and a Fusionist.

Place the Archers here to knock down the Whisps for you.
Complete and exit the Dungeon to build EXP for the Dungeon Monk, Merchant, and Bottle Mail. After you clear the Dungeon, create a Fusionist. Get your Merchant, Bottle Mail, and Dungeon Monk up to around Lv 25. Restricted Dungeons work best for this, because they give higher bonus EXP. Creating the Dark Wpn Now youre ready to make Maronas sword of doom. A Dark Wpn starts with an ATK % of 100, and a SPD % of 70, which makes it a perfect starting point for this project. Buy one from the Merchant, at the lowest Lv you can get. Lv 15 will work, but 10 would be even better. Place the Default title on the Wpn, so you can get an accurate idea of what its base stats are. Next, save your game. Stop by the Dungeon Monk, make an unrestricted Random Dungeon with Lv 80 enemies, and, of course, stick it with the Failure title. Drop by the rst stage of your new Dungeon and take a look around; if it doesnt have Weeds and Misc Weeds for you to steal, reload your last save and try again. A good way to gather items from Random Dungeons is to equip Marona with her Dark Wpn, Conne the Bottle Mail to the object you want, and throw him the Dark Wpn. You can run down his turns faster that way. Just remember to throw Marona the Dark Wpn on the Bottle Mails last turn. You need these Weeds to raise your Dark Wpns base SPD percentage to at least 85%. Steal at least seven of them, then fuse them with each other and with the Dark Wpn according to the chart below.
Dark Weed Dark Weed Dark Wpn 70 + Weed 70 = Dark Wpn 75 70 + Weed 70 = Weed 75 Wpn 75 + Weed 75 = Dark Wpn 80 75 + Weed 75 = Weed 80 Wpn 80 + Weed 80 = Dark Wpn 85

You dont consciously have to build up ATK, but if you follow this method, youll end up with over 5000. SPD is the most important stat. If its high enough, most of the enemies will never get a turn. The skills listed are all Energy skills, since Maronas Energy prociency is slightly higher than her Physical prociency. Use Burst unless theres a group of enemies you can take out with a multi-target skill. Obviously, to make this weapon, youll need a Fusionist and a Blacksmith.

The Rest of the Army Our secondary goal is to get all the rare and unique items, so were going to need to train a Merchant up to level 75, and a Bottle Mail to level 60. Ash and four Archers will also be useful in some battles.

This is ann ideal dungeon for getting materials to raise SPD.



Well get the SPD up to at least 100% later, using Trollies from the story maps. Be sure to steal an extra item from the Dungeon, and dont fuse it with anything. Were keeping it around to use as an aid in leveling. By the time you get all the Weeds, your grassy Dungeons Enemy LV should be around 135, with the native Misc Weeds SPD clocking in at over 1000. When youre combining Misc Weeds, put the Failure title on the Dark Wpn, and the best title you can spare on the Misc Weeds. This is the best way to get the most out of your item combinations. If you arent having any luck nding good titles on items in the Dungeon, wait until your Merchant gets to Lv 31. Shell start selling items with Rank-4 titles, the best of which for our purposes is Doki. You should only need six or seven Misc Weeds to get the Dark Wpns SPD above 3200. Now, apply the Doki title to the weapon. Once the Merchant reaches Lv 71, you can buy an item from her with the Empath title, whichll improve our Dark Wpn even more. Final Steps Were not quite done yet. Apply the Flat title to Marona so shell gain Energy SP faster. As they become available, buy weapons from the Merchant that have the skills you want, and transfer them to the Dark Wpn via fusion. Until the Merchant and Bottle Mail reach desired levels, well have to give them some EXP in battle. Combine the Merchant and Bottle Mail with Dungeon Monks, to give them EXP. Riser. Put your best EXP-boosting title on that extra item you kept from the dungeon. Equip it on Marona, and give the Dark Wpn to whoever youre leveling. At the beginning of each battle, have Marona throw down the item and Conne the leveling character to

it. On that characters rst turn, toss Marona the Dark Wpn. Then just win the battle. Because you Conned the character to a high-level object, theyll rake in tons of bonus EXP. Do this for the rst seven or eight Episodes, alternating which character gets Conned to the object, and youll reach the levels you need in no time. To make this go even faster, once the Bottle Mail reaches Lv 50 or so, make a Lv 300 Dungeon and steal a new item out of it. The Story Begins With your new Dark Wpn, most story maps are a snap to clear, but well need to make a few special notes along the way. 1-2: Make a Blacksmith after this map, if you dont already have one 4-3: Make four Archers before this battle. You only need two now, but later youll need all four. Use them to knock the Whisps down. 6-1: Clear this map twice, so the Bottle Mail can steal two Trollies. Fuse them to the Dark Wpn to raise its SPD% to 95%. 6-3: Burst cant reach one of the Fenrirs, so use Fire Slash to nish it off. 7-5: After 7-4, return to Phantom Isle. Equip the Merchant with the Dark Wpn, and Marona with something else. Ash and the Bottle Mail should remain empty-handed. When the battle with Raphael begins, throw Maronas item near Raphael and Conne the Merchant to it. On the Merchants rst turn, throw the Dark Wpn to Marona, then steal the Heliotrope. Conne Ash to a nearby Rock. On his rst turn, grab the Heliotrope from the Merchant and throw it to the ground. Conne the Bottle Mail to the Heliotrope and throw the Dark Wpn to it. Run down the Bottle Mails turns, and throw the Dark Wpn back to Marona before it leaves with the Heliotrope. Now send Marona and her Dark Wpn after Raphael, and kill him. 7-6: Move to the edge closest to the other island, and Conne the Merchant to the item Maronas holding. On the Merchants turn, throw the Dark Wpn to Marona, then pick up the CurseTree and move near Walnut. Conne Archer #1 to the Wither Tr near the edge of the island, and Archer #2 to the Rotten Tr near Walnut. Throw the Dark Wpn to Archer #2, then move Marona near the Skull.

If Archer #2s turn comes up next, move her closer to the edge and end her turn. Archer #1s job is to throw Marona to the other island; Archer #2s is to stand on top of Archer #1 and throw Marona the Dark Wpn. As Marona, go over to the Egg and Conne Ash to the Skull. As Ash, pick up the Mimic and move away. Now Conne the Bottle Mail to the Egg, and throw it the Dark Wpn to run down its turns. Conne your other two Archers to the Bone and Deadwood near the islands edge, and use them to ferry Marona and the Dark Wpn back across. Now go kill Walnut. 9-3: Repeat your tactics from 7-5 to steal Raphaels new Heliotrope. Once Ash has thrown the Heliotrope, have him pick up Raphael. Otherwise, Raphael will steal the Dark Wpn, which would be slightly disastrous. 10-1: Steal another Trolly with your Bottle Mail.

then throw her the Dark Wpn. On her turn, steal the Heliotrope from Dark Raphael. Again, have Ash pick up Dark Raphael during this, so he wont kill Marona. While the Bottle Mails got the Dark Wpn, you might as well use him to take out a couple of Dark Knights. 20-3: Repeat your tactics from 7-5 to steal Shiva from Dark Sprout. Before you throw the Dark Wpn to the Bottle Mail, destroy the Speed +60% Crystal. Again, youll need Ash to hold Dark Sprout back. Unfortunately, Sprout will kill Ash with trample damage; the moment that happens, kill Sprout with the Dark Wpn. At the start of the bout with Sulphur, Conne all four of your Archers to the invincibility Crystals, then send them on kamikaze runs against Sulphur. When they die, the invincibility will drop, allowing Marona to nish Sulphur off with a couple of Lightning Spears.

The finished product.

10-2: Steal a second Trolly on this map, then fuse them together to get a 95% SPD equip rate. When you fuse this new uber-Trolly with the Dark Wpn, itll nally have a 100% SPD equip rate. Youre nally done combining, so take the Dark Wpn to the Blacksmith and level it up. Youll get a nice little bonus. 12-2: Use Ash and your Archers to throw the Pillars out of bounds, and get rid of the no-entry zones. 17-6: Get the Changebook the same way you got the Egg in 7-6. 20-2: Keep the Dark Wpn equipped on Marona. Conne the Merchant to the Crystal near Raphael,

Marona is about to let the Archers toss her and her weapon across the chasm.

Mission accomplished.



Advanced Battle Techniques

The Master Class If youve gotten this far, then you know your way around the game. Youve got some experience, and you dont need us to tell you what to do. However, we can almost guarantee that you havent thought of everything. These are a few of the esoteric advanced techniques weve picked up along the hundreds of hours weve spent with Phantom Brave, presented here as matters of curiosity and style. Add a few of these tricks to your strategy, and youll see some interesting new results. Boosting EXP, BOR, and Mana If you attack an item or enemy with EX Punch, each use will increase the EXP you earn for defeating it by 20%. For items, the increase also applies to the deployment bonus you get for conning characters to them. The effect is capped at +1000%, or 50 uses per item/enemy. Prot Punch and Mana Punch work the same way, increasing BOR and Mana, respectively. Near-Invincibility Use a title to increase Maronas Guard to 100%, then have another character pick her up. Maronas body will absorb nearly all the punishment, even after she dies. The equipping character only suffers 1 HP of damage. Slow Down Enemies Throw items that reduce SPD such as Rocks to enemies, so theyll be forced to equip them. If suitable items arent already on the battleeld, have Marona bring one with her. Water Cans and some dead Trees are especially useful, because they also lower HP and DEF. This is a good technique for slowing down bosses.

Be careful that you dont raise the wrong stats while you are lowering SPD. For example, dont use a Rock to slow down a boss that you plan to take out with physical attacks, since its DEF will be increased. Exchange Items in One Turn If youd like to have two characters switch items, throw the rst characters item on top of the second character. Then use Hold on the second character to take their item. The item you tossed will fall and the second character will automatically equip it. Ally + Enemy Combos If you pick up an enemy, youll have access to some of their skills. For instance, you can use this technique on Walnut to use his rare Burgundy skill. On the enemys turn, it wont be able to act, but be careful, because youll still suffer trample damage.

Deployment Bonuses Near the end of a battle, deploy all the characters you can, even if they wont get to do anything. Theyll get bonus EXP just for having been Conned. Increasing SP As noted earlier, a characters maximum SP in a given skill type is increased when he has gained enough experience using skills of that type. Use titles to increase your prociencies in order to increase SP at a faster rate. You can also use character/character fusion combinations to increase SP. The maximum SP for the beneciary will become that of the materials if the materials is higher. The following skills cost 0 SP to use, so theyre good for increasing a characters maximum SP: Physical: Toss, Pass, Angle Slash, Lunge, Smash Energy: Firebomb, Burst Elemental Magic: Hot Wax, Shock, Thwap Physical Magic: Sunower Power, Petal Wind Space-Time: Haste Stat Altering: Breath, Chakra, Meditation Healing: Healite, Karma, Nummy Bread See the skill lists on page 200 for more details. Efcient Skill Leveling The story map No Mans Land, in Episode 19, features objects with the Permanent protection effect. Conning characters to these objects will keep them from being removed, so this is an ideal map for skill leveling. Use skills like Barrel Shufe to put enemies into the Gamble status. Now they cant soul die, so you can attack them freely. Combinations can also be used to increase skill levels. Transfer a skill from the material that the beneciary already has, and the materials skill EXP will be added to that of the beneciary.

Weve already covered the fundamentals of Dungeoncrawling earlier in the book. This sections for serious adventurers, whore looking to take on the toughest battles that Phantom Brave has to offer. While were at it, we might show you a couple of ways to cheat. After all, everyone likes having an unfair advantage. Keep Multiple Dungeon Monks The range of Dungeons that can be created by a Dungeon Monk increases with his level (see table on page 131). A Lv 600+ Dungeon Monk will give you access to high-grade Dungeons, which are good for leveling, but keep two more Dungeon Monks around as well, at Lv 1 and Lv 60, respectively. That makes it easier to create lower-grade Dungeons, which are useful for obtaining rare items. Always use the Lv 600+ Dungeon Monk to enter Dungeons. That way hes the only one who gains EXP, and you can keep the other two at constant levels. Keep increasing his level and eventually hell be able to create Dungeons with Lv 9000 enemies on the rst oor. If you have any Old Men, keep your other Dungeon Monks in storage so that they wont gain extra EXP. The Return Skill Dont go into a Random Dungeon when youre broke, as using Return costs money. As noted earlier, Returning to Phantom Isle costs [30 x current Enemy Lv] bordeaux. If anyone other than the Dungeon Monk tries to use Return, itll cost ten times as much. Youll want to equip your Monk with items that raise Speed, because otherwise, his turnll come up once every three years or so. Once youve built up a sizeable amount of cash, consider transferring the Return skill to Marona. If she dies, someone else can pick up her body to use Return, just as with the Dungeon Monk. Thankfully, it wont cost ten times what Marona would pay. Modifying Dungeon Titles A Dungeons title can be changed with the Titlist. Changing a Dungeons title is not like changing titles for characters/items, as doing so will destroy the Dungeons existing title. All enemies in the Dungeon have the Dungeons title, and share the titles advantages and drawbacks. If a title has skills attached, all enemies will be able to use those skills. Dungeon titles dont affect the titles attached to the items within Dungeons, nor does it affect their stats. One of the main uses for changing a Dungeons title is to weaken enemies. Rank 0 titles such as Failure (-80% to all stats) can be applied to Dungeons, which allows you to take on Dungeons that you otherwise wouldnt be able to clear. The Failure title reduces a characters

Using this powerful skill, Ash can really mop up the Summons at the end of Episode 2.
Enemy + Enemy Combos Assuming your enemies are unarmed, you can force one enemy to equip another by throwing them at each other. On its turn, the thrown enemy will cause trample damage to the enemy holding it, and wont be able to take any other actions. Win With O.B. In most battles, you can throw every enemy out of bounds except for the last one standing. When you throw an enemy out of bounds, some of the remaining enemies may level up, so try to reduce the HP of the nal enemy rst. Use multi-target Knock Back skills such as Geo Slash to get rid of multiple enemies in one turn.

Advanced Random Dungeon Strategies

The Darkest Depths Many of the rarest items and greatest challenges in Phantom Brave can both be found in the same place: the Random Dungeons. If you plan to take on the ercest maps in the game, youll be spending a lot of time in the Dungeon Monks custom creations.

Wraith wont be acting anytime soon with that rock in his hand.

Remember that you wont receive EXP for enemies who went O.B.



Teach your most powerful character the Revive skill, so they can bring Marona back to life should it be necessary. It costs 15 SP to use, so increase their max Healing SP with Healite or another skill that costs 0 SP. Multi-target basic skills are useful in some situations as well, since they consume 0 SP. Heres a list of such skills: StarFlash, Frigid Breeze, Rapid Growth, Time Attack and Antique. Obtain and Retreat One of the best reasons to enter a Random Dungeon is Mana farming. The random items scattered throughout the Dungeons oors have Mana in them, ready for stealing.

It hardly seems fair to the enemies.

EXP and BONUS to nothing, so you wont receive any EXP from killing enemies in Failure Dungeons. However, since the items arent affected, phantoms will still get EXP after battles just for being Conned. This is a good way to build levels, especially for newer characters. Marona will also gain EXP after battles. Enemy Level The deeper you go into a Dungeon, the higher the enemies average level will get. Given the base enemy level on oor 1, the enemy level at any other oor is determined by the following formula:
Enemy Lv = (1 + (oor - 1) x 0.1) x base enemy Lv

You can level much faster with +700% EXP.

Leveling Titles with Dungeons Each time a oor in a Dungeon is cleared, the Dungeons titles stats will improve. The following stats may increase: HP, ATK, DEF, INT, RES, SPD, Mv, Guard, and STEAL. EXP, Bonus, and the elemental resistances will never increase. A title may also acquire new skills when a oor is cleared, to a maximum of 4. Here are the maximums. Basic Stats Guard Steal Mv Added Skills +100% +100 +120 +50 4

Enter a Dungeon, use your Bottle Mail to obtain the best item on the oor, and leave. Use the item in fusions to increase stats (or just extra Mana), or sell it for lots of money. This trick works best with high-level Failure Dungeons, perhaps with the help of a weapon that increases SPD signicantly. Weeds and Trollies work well for this purpose, until youve made something better. The idea is to have your Bottle Mails turn come up twice or more before any enemies have the chance to act. Have the Bottle Mail throw Marona the SPD-increasing item on his last turn, to ensure a speedy retreat. Dungeons with large or wide areas are also helpful for avoiding enemies.

Dont mind us. Well leave after we grab some stuff.

Random Stages Some Random Stages are more difcult than the normal Dungeons oors. Theyll often give out hefty rewards, but its a gamble. If you come across a Random Stage that you cant handle, return to Phantom Island, apply a rank 1 title (and a rank 0 title if youre using one) and go back in. The Random Stage will be gone, though the normal enemies will have leveled up slightly.

Title Rk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Base Enemy LV +0 +1 +3 +6 +10 +15 +21 +28 No. of Floors +0 +3 +6 +9 +12 +15 +18 +21

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Type Male Female Feeble Puny Warrior Mage Artisan Beast Giant Creepy Horror Owl DemiMan Furry Putty Slime Common Shroom Weird Various Enemies Fighter, Blacksmith, Titlist, Mystic, Dungeon Monk, Knight Valkyrie, Fusionist, Witch, Healer, Merchant, Archer, Amazon Titlist, Old Man, Granny Soldier, Putty, Slime, Whisp Fighter, Valkyrie, Mystic, Knight, Soldier, Owl Knight, Owl Sentry, Owl Ninja, Boar, Amazon, Merman, Putty Monk Witch, Healer, Owl Mage, Owl Sage, Mermaid, Putty Mage Blacksmith, Fusionist, Titlist, Dungeon Monk, Merchant, Putty Shaman, Putty Smith Manticore, Fenrir, Hell Corgi, Giga Beast, Cerberus, Behemoth Dragon, Golem, Manticore, Fenrir, Hell Corgi, Giga Beast, Cerberus, Behemoth, Werewolf, Lizardman Zombie, Lady Zombie, Golem, Cerberus, Behemoth, Mimic, Lizardman Zombie, Lady Zombie, Cerberus, Ghost, Whisp Owl Knight, Owl Sentry, Owl Ninja, Owl Mage, Owl Sage Boar, Merman, Mermaid, Scrabbit, Saber Kitty, Werewolf Scrabbit, Funguy, Saber Kitty Putty, Putty Monk, Putty Shaman, Putty Mage, Putty Smith Slime, Shade, Mimic, Blob Boar, Merman, Mermaid, Zombie, Lady Zombie, Slime, Shade, Mimic, Blob, Ghost, Whisp, Scrabbit, Saber Kitty Funguy Funguy, Bottle Mail, Prinny No. 4-17 will randomly appear

The base enemy level can be increased by changing the Dungeons title (see table). Note that you will see a much bigger jump in the enemy level if youve already cleared several oors of the Dungeon, because the change to the base enemy level will be carried over to the current oor. For example, a Dungeon with a base enemy level of 10 will have an enemy level of 100 on the 91st oor. Now, if you give the Dungeon a rank 1 title, the enemy level on the 91st oor will become 130. Note that if you increase the number of oors in a Dungeon that previously had the Failure title, youll have to reapply Failure if you still want to ght weakened enemies. Reapplying Failure to the Dungeon is also prudent if youve cleared so many oors that the rst Failures impact has been diluted. Bonus EXP The more oors that you clear consecutively, the higher the bonus youll receive. The bonus for unrestricted Dungeons starts at 0%, while the bonus for restricted Dungeons starts at 50%. In both cases, the bonus increases by 10% for each oor cleared, to a maximum of 700%.

Since you cant improve Bonus and EXP, get the Dungeon Monk to give you values of 55% for both when you create the Dungeon. Clearing the nal oor in a Dungeon will destroy the Dungeon, and youll receive the Dungeons title. Now you can reapply it to a second Dungeon, and start the cycle over again. Tips for Rapid Clearing If youre in a Dungeon for the long haul, it goes without saying that you should try to make them with small oors and few enemies. The only reason to make a Dungeon with any more monsters is if youre trying to recruit a Bottle Mail or Boar. Even then, we recommend that you try to do your recruitment in shorter Dungeons. Unless you can kill every opponent in the Dungeon with one hit, youll probably want to throw as many enemies as possible out of bounds. Thisll level up the remaining opponents, but ghting one tough monster will still go a lot faster than ghting three to six. Slippery oors give you nearly innite movement range if you take the time to get used to them. (See the Ice Skating sidebar on page 67.) Dont neglect character fusion. A Knights Healing Steps skill is useful for those long Dungeon treks.

Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dungeon Monk Lv 1 8 18 32 60 104 156 240 410 600



Type Short Swords Swords Axes Big Axes Spears Maces Staves Books Blades Magic Items Weapons Knife, Dagger, StoneKnife, Iron Ktna, Silvr Ktna, Gold Ktna Sword, WideSword, LongSword, BronzeSwd, Iron Sword, Blade, Steel Swd, SacredSwd, GildedSwd Stone Axe, Axe, BronzeAxe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Silver Axe, Gold Axe, Dark Axe Battle Axe, Big Axe, Giant Axe, Devil Axe Spear, BronzeSpr, LongSpear, Iron Spear, Steel Spr, Silver Spr, Gold Spear, SnowSpear, DarkSpear, Dream Spr, Spirit Spr, DragonSpr Mace, Hammer, Dark Wpn Wood Cane, Cane, StoneCane, Bronze Stf, Iron Staff, Steel Staff, Silver Stf, Gold Staff, Snow Staff, Fusion Stf, Dark Staff, Dream Stf, Star Staff, Dead Staff, SpiritStaff Book, Used Book, Dictionary, Spell Book, Secret Bk, HintGuide, Encyc., Must-read, Lthograph, Cert., Netherbk, DivineBook Random weapons other than Staves and Books Random Staves and Books

Title Showdown! Melee! Last Battle! Summon <enemy type> Team Join Forces Beat the Boss! Self-styled God Level Power Contents x1.1 10 strengthened enemies will appear x1.2 10 yellow team and 10 red team enemies will appear x1.2 +10% 7 enemies will appear as a <enemy type> Corps x1.5 +20% 5 enemies will appear as a <enemy type> Team. More enemies appear depending on No. of Enemies x2.0 +40% A red team Great King and 10 yellow team regular enemies will appear x2.0 +40% A Great King will appear. More enemies appear depending on No. of Enemies x2.5 +50% A Deity will appear. More enemies appear depending on No. of Enemies
much EXP the item has acquired. If the items got an empty EXP bar, itll require the full amount, while an item with a full bar will only require 1 Mana. Naturally, leveling an item up will empty its EXP bar. The mana required for leveling an item with no EXP is given by these formulas:
penalty = (1 + 0.5 * (item level - Blacksmith level)) Mana cost = penalty * (item level * 15 + 5)

Type Trees Dead Trees Rocks Plants Grass Flowers Cacti Gardening Boxes Fish Bones Tools Food Items Objects Tree, Old Tree, Sapling, Giant Tree, Cursed Tr, SpiriTree, Sacred Tr Dead Tree, Rotton Tr, Wither Tr, Deadwood, CurseTree, Wight Tree, BlaspheTr Rock, Stone, Crystal, Anthill, EvlRockWd, PoisonRock, Rock Weed, SacredRck, Devil Rock Weed, Flower, Sunower, Cactus (Rank 2), Cactus (Rank 7), Flower, Misc Weed, Stump, Driftwood Weed, Misc Weed Flower, Sunower, Blossum Cactus (Rank 2), Cactus (Rank 7) , Cactus (Rank 12) Vase, Seed, Pot, Water Can Crate, Treasure, Barrel, Phonogrph Fish, Starsh Skull, Bone Brick, Trolley, Bomb, Pillar, Sign Mushroom, Pumpkin, Fish, Bread Random objects other than Food

Fusing & Forging

Putting It All Together Heres where Phantom Braves versatility really starts to show. Using the services of a Blacksmith and Fusionist, you can use any item in the game, from weapons to battleeld objects to characters, as the ingredients for improved and customized new models. The best swords and phantoms arent found or recruited, but made and, in this section, well teach you how best to do it. FORGING Forging is performed by a Blacksmith. To learn how to create one of your own, kill the Blacksmith on stage 1-2, or in a Random Dungeon populated by Male or Artisan enemies. Unlocking Skills The primary use of forging is to activate an items hidden skills. When you nd or buy them, most items only have two or three skills, out of a list that can go as high as ten. See page 200 for our complete item skill lists. The mana requirement for unlocking skills is always equal to the base amount, regardless of the Blacksmiths level. You can nd this amount in the item and skill data sections on page 172. Leveling Items The Blacksmith can also level up items. Unlike characters, items dont level up on their own after acquiring enough EXP. The items EXP bar will simply remain full. You have to increase their level manually with a Blacksmith. Theres only one exception here, and thats the EXP gifts that the Old Man randomly hands out when you return to Phantom Isle. If an item gets the Old Mans EXP bonus, and that EXPs enough to ll up its bar, the item will automatically gain its next level. The Mana required for leveling items depends on how

The penalty can be between 1 (no penalty) and 501 (max penalty). Its useful to note at this point that in general, youll get better value for your Mana with fusion. Theres no reason to pass up an occasional level, especially if itll only cost you 1 Mana, but a weapons next level will usually cost you more Mana, and get you less of a bonus, than if youd simply fused an object to your weapon. FUSION Fusion (a.k.a. combining) requires a Fusionist. You can nd one on stage 2-1, or in random dungeons. Fusion can power up characters and items in a variety of ways, from improving their stats to giving them new skills. First, choose the item or character that youre powering up (occasionally referred to below as the beneciary), then choose the item or character that youre planning to fuse to it. The second item, the material, will be destroyed in the process. Some power-ups require Mana, while others do not, as detailed below. Mana Transfer The rst effect of fusion is the transference of Mana. Simply, the materials Mana is added to that of the item its being fused to. This happens automatically during a combination, and you dont lose any Mana during the transfer (unless, you spend it on something else). This is how the Mana farming mentioned in other sections works; you collect battleeld objects with ready supplies of Mana, and fuse them with whatever weapon youre working on. An item or character can contain a maximum of 9,999,999 Mana (and yes, it is possible to spend that much).

Title Lone <enemy type> <enemy type A> and <enemy type B> Bite the Dust! Good Night Chance! Cursed strike You! <enemy type> close call! Brigands Minor <enemy type> Team! Powerful <enemy type> Desperate! Lucky! In the bag What the...!? Level Power Contents x2.0 +40% Only one strong enemy will appear Appearing enemy and item drop will be random 10 enemies with Poison status will appear 10 enemies with Sleep status will appear 10 enemies with Paralyze status will appear 10 enemies with Amnesia status will appear 10 enemies with Dazed status will appear 10 enemies with Gamble status will appear 10 enemies who can use Carry will appear x0.1 15 weak enemies will appear x1.5 +30% 5 enemies will appear as <enemy type> Fighting Team x1.5 +30% 15 strong enemies will appear Many of a given item will appear Many of a given item will appear No enemies will appear and you clear the stage



Maximum Level When new characters are created, they will have a maximum level of 100. To raise them higher than that, youll need to increase their maximum level. Items have maximum levels as well, but these will vary depending on the level of the item you obtain. During fusion, an objects maximum level is increased by an amount equal to the materials current level. The maximum level can be increased all the way to 9999. Note that the beneciarys maximum level is increased, and not his, her, or its current level; item fusion doesnt give you any bonus EXP. An increase in maximum level happens automatically during the combination, and again, doesnt cost any Mana. Max SP This only applies when the beneciary and the material are both characters. If the materials max SP in a category is higher than the beneciarys, the beneciarys will be set to that value. This applies to all seven SP categories. This is another free automatic Fusionist service, available from all outlets worldwide. Skill Transfer Most skills can be transferred between items and/or characters, which allows you to customize your skill selections. Each item/character can hold a maximum of 32 skills. If youve got too many, see the Witch on Phantom Isle, and erase a few of your useless abilities. Transferring skills to characters that already know them will cause the skill experience values to be added together, thus leveling up the skill. This is the only way to increase the skill level of passive abilities like Mana Monger. See the item, skill, and job data sections for the base Mana requirements. Conne Efciency This applies only when both the beneciary and material are items. For each stat, if the materials Conne efciency is greater than or equal to the beneciarys, the materials will increase by 5%. If the material is a Combo item (sometimes won from clearing oors in Random Dungeons), the increase will be 10%. Equipment Ability This applies only when the beneciary is an item. This function can increase the stats of an item, the equip rate, or both. The beneciarys stats will be increased if the materials stats are higher, although its stats will never decrease (its not possible to make an items stats worse via fusion, although you can increase any stat penalties that it might provide for someone that equips it). The beneciarys new stats will be set to the average of the beneciarys old stats and the materials stats. Titles can affect the amount by which an items stat in-

Formulas in action:
Confine efficiency increases by 5% if the materials Confine efficiency is greater than or equal to that of the beneficiary. HP 10% ATK -10% DEF 0% INT 20% RES 10% SPD -20% 10% -10% 0% 20% 10% -20% 15% -5% 5% 25% 15% -15%

In order to maximize the efciency of your fusions, you should always put the Failure title on the beneciary, and the best title that youre willing to part with on the material. Items with titles of up to rank 6 can be bought from a 127th-level Merchant, so you should always have a ready supply. An items equip rate is increased by combining materials with equal or greater equip rates. The beneciarys equip rate will increase by 5%, unless the material is a Combo item, in which case it will increase by 10%. The materials equip rate can also be a few points lower than the beneciarys, and still cause an increase. An equip rate thats four points below the beneciarys will cause an increase of one; three points will cause an increase of two; and so on. Compatibility The base Mana cost for transferring skills, increasing Conne efciency, or increasing equipment ability is multiplied by two factors to determine the actual cost. The rst factor depends on the Fusionists level:

The second factor is the items compatibility. Each item/character falls into a compatibility category (see table below). Each combination of two categories has a compatibility rating from F to SSS. See the table for these ratings, then use this table to determine the compatibility factor for skill transfer, equip ability, or Conne efciency. The nal Mana cost is then determined by the following equation:
cost = base cost * penalty * compatibility

Equip rate increases by 5% if the materials equip rate is greather than or equal to that of the beneficiary. HP 50% ATK 30% DEF -10% INT 40% RES -20% SPD -20% 80% 30% 10% 20% -30% -10% 55% 35% -5% 40% -20% -15% and

Compat. Rating SSS SS S AA A B C D E F Equip Ability 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 Conne Efciency 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Skill Transfer 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

Stat increase when both beneficiary material have the Default title. HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 808 555 313 736 266 176 871 514 404 453 480 232 839 555 358 736 373 204

penalty = (beneciary level + material level) / (2 * (Fusionist s level + 1))

The penalty can range from 1.0 (no penalty) to 10.0 (max penalty).

Stat increase when the beneficiary has the Failure title and the material has the Master title (+25% to all stats). Note that the result will also have the Failure title, so Default must be reapplied to see the true result. Notice the significantly higher gains achieved than just using Default titles for the components. HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 161 111 62 147 53 35 1088 642 505 566 600 290 254 164 106 189 107 60 1271 820 534 945 539 303


creases. The following equation shows how to calculate the new stat, with titles taken into account: b = beneciary stat with Default title m = material stat with Default title bt = 1 + beneciary title % mt = 1 + material title %
stat = bt*b + bt*((bt*b + mt*m)/2 - bt*b)

Note that the beneciary will still have the title you gave it, so to calculate the items new Default stat, use the following formula:
s = stat / st



Type Warrior Magic Support Nature Normal BeastMan Beast Slime Fairy Spirit Dragon Sword Axe Spear Staff Book Tree Plant Rock Dead Tree Food Vase Skull Tool Bomb Interior Items/Characters Ash, Laharl, Fighter, Valkyrie, Knight, Archer, Amazon, Owl Knight, Owl Sentry, Zombie, Lady Zombie Myao, Witch, Titlist, Owl Mage Marona, Healer, Dungeon Monk, Mystic, Owl Sage, Flonne Fusionist, Scrabbit, Saber Kitty Etna, Mid-Boss, Merchant, Blacksmith, Owl Ninja, Merman, Mermaid, Old Man, Granny Werewolf, Lizardman, Boar Manticore, Fenrir, Giga Beast, Behemoth Soldier, Slime, Shade, Mimic, Blob Putty, Putty Monk, Putty Shaman, Putty Mage, Putty Smith Ghost, Spirit Baal, Dragon, Golem Short Sword, Sword, Dark Wpn, Snakish, Heliotrope, Shiva, Soul Saber Axe, Mace Spear Attack Staff, Support Staff, Catnip Cane Book, Changebook Tree, Weed, Flower Mushroom, Sunower, Cactus, Pumpkin Rock, Crystal, Brick Dead Tree, Stump, Driftwood Fish, Starsh, Bread, Egg Vase, Treasure, Seed, Barrel Skull, Bone Crate, Pillar, Trolly, Sign Bomb, Remote Bottle Mail, Pot, Water Can, Phonograph, Candle, Hourglass


The Gangs All Here. There are eight unique characters in Phantom Brave, and Marona can learn to create up to fty-two kinds of phantoms. That makes a total of sixty possible character types for your army. Most humans and monsters must be defeated in battle a certain number of times before they can be created. You can hunt for enemies on the story maps, or in Random Dungeons (see page 129). When you begin the game, Marona and Ash are your only unique characters. See the Secrets & Spoilers section on page 152 for details about the other six. HUMANOID JOBS At the beginning of the game, you can create the following jobs: Dungeon Monk, Fighter, Healer, Merchant, Soldier, Valkyrie and Witch. To create the rest, you have to kill one enemy character for each job. The table in the next colum lists the story map where each humanoid job debuts. MONSTER JOBS Monster characters require you to kill twenty members of that species before you can create them. You can get
Job Amazon Archer Blacksmith Fusionist Granny Knight Mystic Stage 7-2 Road of the Lost Random dungeon only 1-2 Barren Earth 2-1 Sylphs Melody 6-2 Mischief Garden ! 20-2 Hells Appeal ** 1-1 Deserted Quarry Job Old Man Owl Knight Owl Mage Owl Ninja Owl Sage Owl Sentry Titlist Stage 3-2 Peaceful Hill 1-3 Primitive Altar * Random dungeon only 3-1 Gentle Brook * 2-2 Lifes Cradle * 1-3 Primitive Altar * 3-3 Shining Earth

* The owls only appear once when you revisit these stages, then they disappear, whether you killed them or not. ** You cant unlock the Knight by killing a Dark Knight, so you need to revive one of the unconscious Knights and kill him. You can only do this on your rst visit to 20-2. ! At the start of episode 11, the maps from episode 6 are inaccessible. Granny can also be found on 8-3 (Demons Grudge).

one Bottle Mail for free, but you cant create any more until youve defeated twenty of them (see the Phantom Island section for more details). No, you cant create more Bottle Mails by killing your own Bottle Mail twenty times. Good idea, but no. The only non-boss monster you cant create is the Summon. The following table lists each monster job and the best story map to hunt for them. Alternate stages are listed in cases where the primary stage becomes inaccessible as the story progresses.


Job Behemoth Blob Boar Bottle Mail Cerberus Dragon Fenrir Funguy Ghost Giga Beast Golem Hell Corgi Lady Zombie Lizardman Manticore Mermaid

Stage 6-4 Green Paradise 9-2 A Test of Will Random dungeon only Random dungeon only 7-6 Mortalitys End * 10-1 Forbidden Flame 6-3 Hidden Hall 8-1 Forsaken Glacier 10-4 Land of Fire 17-6 Mortalitys End 10-2 Fierce Tyrant 11-4 Hell Corgi * 7-3 Life and Death * 7-2 Road of the Lost * 19-1 Life and Death 8-2 Subzero Field

Qty 2 1 4 2 6 4 6 2 1 2 4 3 12 4

Alternate Stage 11-4 Green Paradise *

Qty 1

10-3 Hill of Death 10-1 Forbidden Flame

2 5

11-4 Green Paradise *

5-4 Yggdrasil Sleep 10-2 Fierce Tyrant

1 2

Job Merman Mimic Prinny Putty Putty Mage Putty Monk Putty Smith PuttyShaman Saber Kitty Scrabbit Shade Slime Werewolf Whisp Zombie

Stage Qty Alternate Stage 15-3 Frozen Lance 6 9-3 Wanderings End * 7 EX-5 Throne Room * 5 11-4 Green Paradise * 1 11-4 Green Paradise * 1 11-4 Green Paradise * 1 11-4 Green Paradise * 1 11-4 Green Paradise * 1 5-2 Bed of Flowers 15 3-1 Gentle Brook 8 3-3 Shining Earth 3 1-3 Primitive Altar * 10 20-2 Hells Appeal * 4 4-3 Devils Cry ! 5 5-4 Yggdrasil Sleep 8


* Appears on subsequent visits ! Once Devils Cry becomes inaccessible in Chapter 12, you cannot nd Whisps on story maps, but you can rack up Whisp kills by killing the tutorial Whisp. You wont get a Phantom Island event telling you that they can be created, so youll just have to keep checking Maronas Create menu.




There are 100 weapons and 61 objects in Phantom Brave, for a total of 161 different items. Since each type of item has unique skills, its worth your time to nd them all and give them all a try. Some of these abilities are funny, while others are improbably dangerous (only in video games would a Pumpkin be an engine of destruction), but theyre all worth checking out. In this section, our trained treasure hunters will discuss where to nd the rarest items, and how best to add them to your collection. Storage You can possess a maximum of 120 items. You can see the total number of items you have by going to the Status or Order menus and pressing R. Stealing and Obtaining Most objects and rare weapons need to be stolen from battleelds by Conning characters to them, with the occasional rare exception. The success rate for stealing an item from a target is based on the Lv and STEAL rating of the character and target character. This formula gives the approximate success rate:
Success % = (Character STEAL/10) * (10+Character Lv) - (Target STEAL/10) * (10+Target Lv) + 40

Raising your Bottle Mails STEAL with a title means it wont have to be leveled as high to steal or obtain items. The suggested Bottle Mail levels below assume it has a STEAL of 70, so if youve increased its STEAL, use the formula to determine the level.

The nal Special weapon is the Changebook. You can get one on Phantom Island (see page 150), one from 17-6 (using a Lv 34 Bottle Mail), and as many as you like from Random Dungeons. Changebooks are obtained from Random Dungeons in the same way that you get rank 10-14 weapons (see below). The primary use of the Changebook, along with the Egg, is transmigration (see page 145). Weapons of ranks 1 through 10 can be purchased from the Merchant. See page 25 for a chart of how and when the Merchants inventory changes. Rank 1-9 weapons can also be found in Random Dungeons, strewn about the oor. Higher ranked weapons must be obtained from bosses in Random Dungeons. The nal stage of a Random Dungeon may or may not contain a boss. Only three types of Final Stages have bosses: Self-styled God, Beat the Boss! and Join Forces. A Final Stagess boss will be a centrally located enemy labeled as a Great King or Deity. Whether the boss has an item, and what rank the item is, is determined by the number of oors in the dungeon, and the listed Lv of enemies on the nal stage. Note that if you return to Phantom Island from the nal stage, and then go back into the Dungeon, the boss will never have an item. The following table shows which weapon ranks the boss could have:

Checklist Of Items To Get:

Dungeon 1, floor 99 Rk Item 16 Divine Swd Dungeons 2 and 3, floors 91+ Rk Item 14 Sacred Stf 15 Prize Ktna 15 Spirit Swd 15 Star Axe 15 Demon Axe 15 Divine Spr 15 Divine Stf 15 DivineBook Dungeon 3, floors 11-89 Rk Item 13 Snow Ktna 12 Snow Swd 14 Prize Swd 14 Dark Axe 12 DevilSpear 14 SacredSpr 12 Wisdom Stf 11 BlackStaff 13 Devil Staff 11 Cert. 13 Netherbk Changebook (if you want more) 12 Devil Tree 14 DivineTree 12 Cactus 12 Devil Rock 12 Skull Tree 14 Angel Tree 14 Candle 15 Hourglass 15 Egg (if you want more)


If Target Lv Character Lv > ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 Success % = 1/2 normal 1/3 normal 1/4 normal 1/5 normal 1/6 normal 0%

Weapons Ninety of the weapons are divided into ranks, ranging from 1 to 16. Higher-rank weapons are generally more powerful and have better skills. The other ten are Special weapons, and have no ranks. Nine of the Special weapons are unique. The following table lists how to obtain them, as well as the level your Bottle Mail has to be to steal and/or obtain the item with 100% success:
Weapon Heliotrope Lv14 Heliotrope Lv35 Source Steal from Raphael in 7-5 Steal from Raphael in 9-3 (2nd part) Heliotrope Lv40 Steal from Dark Raphael in 20-2 Heliotrope Lv50 Receive from Raphael after 20-2 Soul Saber Lv50 Receive from Sienna after EX-6 Soul Saber Lv477 Steal from Sienna in EX-6 Shiva Steal from Dark Sprout in 20-3 Snakish Tutorial 3 Catnip Cane Steal from Hidden Character in EX-8 Steal Lv Obtain Lv 22 23 23 44 27 90 30 308 49 486 59 1 759

Floors Enemy Lv Rank 11+ 91+ 99 50+ 200+ 200+ 10-14 (except the Sacred Stf) 10-15 (including the Sacred Stf) 10-16

If the target is an enemy, subtract 10% from the success percentage. Obtaining uses the same formula, except that the item is the target instead of another character. STEAL is determined by the job of the character/item, but can be inuenced with titles. The Bottle Mail makes the best thief, with a natural STEAL of 70. You can attempt to steal an item every turn, but an attempt at obtaining an item results in the character being removed. If you only have one Bottle Mail, use it strictly for obtaining, and leave stealing to another character. You can improve a lesser thiefs STEAL rating with the right title.

The Divine Swd is the only rank 16 weapon. In order for it to appear, you must clear all the oors in the Dungeon in succession, without returning to Phantom Island. Even then, its not guaranteed to appear. If you are hunting for the other weapons, you can return to Phantom Island from the second to last stage and save your game. When you go back in, and clear the second to last stage, if the last stage isnt a boss stage, or it doesnt have the item you want, just reload your save. If the boss is carrying a Rank 10 weapon, reload; you can buy those from the Merchant. Once youve obtained the item you want, you can return to Phantom Island, use a title to increase the number of oors in the dungeon, and go back in to face another boss and collect another item. The following weapons may also appear on oors other than the last stage, if the enemy Lv requirements are met: Cert., Gold Ktna, Gilded Swd, Devil Axe, Dark Axe, DragonSpr, and SpiritStaff.

Note that all the Heliotropes and Soul Sabers are counted as separate weapons, because their stats increase at different rates. The Snakish looks just like a Long Swd, but it has a skill (Snake Beater) that cant be obtained anywhere else and a special version of Ice with a slightly longer range.

Objects Objects have ranks from 1-15. Rank 1-10 objects can be found in the story maps (see page 140), and in Random Dungeons. Objects of rank 11-15 must be obtained from random dungeon bosses; the requirements for them to appear are the same as for rank 10-14 weapons. You can also obtain one Egg (rank 15) from 7-6 (Lv 12 Bottle Mail). The Remote is the only object that cant be obtained from a Random Dungeon. Its only found in EX-10, but you can repeat this stage to get as many as you like. It has a STEAL of 100, and its Lv 4000, so you need a Lv 5728 Bottle Mail (!) to obtain it.



A Devil Rock may also appear in the random dungeons on oors other than the last stage, if the enemy Lv requirements are met. Efcient Hunting of Rare Items You can collect all the rare items using three different random dungeons. The dungeons should have these parameters in common: Area: Small Enemies: Few Ground: Normal (Slippery is better if you can handle it) Main Foes: Various Unrestricted Items inside: various

The dungeons native enemies and items dont have to be Various, but itll help to alleviate the boredom of plowing through ninety-nine oors in rapid succession. A small area and few enemies will help you clear oors quickly. Dungeon 1: Divine Swd Enemy LV on Floor 1: 19+ No. of Floors: 99 For this dungeon, you have to clear it all at once. You dont want to make the starting enemy LV too high, even if you can handle higher Lv enemies. The reason is that the Divine Swd has a STEAL rating of 100, which

is higher than the Bottle Mail. If the Divine Swds Lv is higher than 7000, you wont be able to obtain it, even with a Lv 9999 Bottle Mail (unless you have a title on that raises STEAL). Therefore, dont make the starting enemy Lv higher than 650, unless you have a really good Bottle Mail with an equally good title. Dungeon 2: Three rank 15 items + Sacred Stf Enemy Lv on Floor 1: 20+ No. of Floors: 91 or 92 After you get an item from oor 91 (or 92), use a rank 1 title to increase the oors by three. This will allow you to get an item on oors 91, 94, 97, and 99 (or 92, 95, 98, and 99).

Dungeon 3: Four rank 15 items + everything else Enemy Lv on Floor 1: 25+ No. of Floors: 11 After you get an item from oor 11, use a rank 1 title to increase the oors by three. This will allow you to obtain 27 items of rank 11-14 (weapons) or 11-15 (objects). Thats enough to get everything plus a few extra Changebooks/Eggs if you want. Youll get the rank 15 stuff on 92, 95, 98, and 99.

Ep 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 3-3 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 9-1 9-2 9-3 10-1 Name Deserted Quarry Barren Earth Primitive Altar Sylphs Melody Lifes Cradle S. Winds Howl Gentle Brook Peaceful Hill Shining Earth Spirits Path Bloody Fortress Devils Cry Cruel Verdict Tragedys Stage Natures Bounty Bed of Flowers Green Cradle Yggdrasil Sleep Innocent Entry Mischief Garden Hidden Hall Green Paradise Sick unto Death Road of the Lost Life and Death Hall of Death No Mans Land Mortalitys End Forsaken Glacier Subzero Field Demons Grudge Braves Seal Minus World A Test of Will Wanderings End Forbidden Flame

Maps where the number of objects changes depending on the visit have the values separated by /.

1 1

1 3 1

1 6 6 1 1 4 1 1 7 1 1 3 3 3 1

2 3 7 4 8 7 5 5 7

7 8 2 3 4 5 7 3 4 1 1 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 2

1 3 2 4 1 1 1

1 2 3 3 1 1 2 1

1 1

1 1 2

1 1 6 3 2 2

4 4 2

3 4 4 7 8 6 3 2 4 6

1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2

4 7 3 1

12 4

4 4 5 1

1 1

2 1 2 2 2 2 1/0 1/0 2 1 5 6 1 6 1 1 6 7 7 7/10/7 2 3 2 1 1 4

2 3 2 2 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 12 7 12 10 2 1 1 2 1 1/0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1/0 2/3 2 0/1 1/0 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1

1 2 2

1 2 1

3 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 8/5 4 3 0/3/3

1 1 1

1 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2

3/4 7/6

4 3/2 9 4 2

3 1

2 0/1 1/4


0/2/2 1 1 1 1

0/2/2 1 1



Ep 10-2 10-3 10-4 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 13-1 13-2 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6 18-1 18-2 19-1 19-2 19-3 20-1 20-2 20-3 EX-1 EX-2 EX-3 EX-4 EX-5 EX-6 EX-7 EX-8 EX-9 EX-10

Maps where the number of objects changes depending on the visit have the values separated by /.

Name Fierce Tyrant Hill of Death Land of Fire Innocent Entry Mischief Garden Hidden Hall Green Paradise Bloody Fortress Devils Cry 1 1 Cruel Verdict Tragedys Stage 1 Broken Harmony Cursed Cradle Swelterland Unforgiving Sun Famished Earth Bone-dry Death Desperation 1 2 Lupine on Ice 3 Frozen Lance 2 Iced Shadow 2 Bamboo Co. 1F Bamboo Co. 8F Bamboo Co. 12F Bamboo Co. 19F Bamboo Co. 24F Bamboo CEO Room Sick unto Death Road of the Lost Life and Death Hall of Death No Mans Land Mortalitys End 1/0 Sick unto Death Road of the Lost Life and Death Hall of Death No Mans Land Mortalitys End Hells Appeal End of Eternity ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? 4 ???? ????

1 1 2 3 1/3 3 3 1 1 5 6 8 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 5 1 2 2

1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1/0

3 2 2 3 2 1/2

2 2 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 2 1 1 2 2 1 0/1 1 1 2 1 1/3 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 2 2

1 1 1

1 1

1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 2 6 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 6 1 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 4 1 1 1

4 4 3

2 3

11 4

1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

1 1 1/2 1 1/2 9 4 4 5 1

1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1

1 3 2 1

2 6 2 3 1 1 1 1

3 4 2 1 1 1 2

1 1

1 1 1

3 5 8 6 1

1 1 1 1

1 2

2 3 2

1 2 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 4/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 6 6 6 8 2 1 1 3 4 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 26 2 1 18 3 2 6 3 2 1 2 3 1 1 1

1 1

2 1

1 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 6 5 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 7 8 9 20 1

2 5 1

1 1

1 1 1 2 2

1 1

6 6 1 4 16 16 2 1 1 5 1 2 2 2 2 3 7 2 1 3 6 2 4

7 3 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2



Most skills can be found on purchasable weapons, easily obtainable objects, or jobs. The following table lists rare skills that are only found on rare weapons or titles. Although not listed in the table, skills found on the Egg, Candle, Hourglass, and Remote could also be considered rare since the objects themselves are difcult to obtain.
Skill Burgundy Calamity Calamity Drive Comet Shower Dark Eboreus Death Baloon Dimension Slash Energy Orb Epiphany Gaea Freeze Galaxy Beam Heliotrope Hydra Fire Ice * Invisislash Omega Thunder Snake Beater Spear Storm Spiral Slash Thors Axe ** Winged Slayer Wrath of Heaven Item Soul Saber DevilSpear Demon Axe Catnip Cane Shiva Prize Ktna Divine Swd BlackStaff, Devil Staff SacredSpr Wisdom Stf Sacred Stf Heliotrope Dark Axe, Star Axe Snakish Spirit Swd Plasma Snakish Divine Spr Snow Ktna Prize Swd Divine Stf Title

Mad Skills:
Not all skills are created equal. Some are incredibly dangerous, while others are worth using once for the humor value, and then quickly forgotten. Obviously, youll want the major Elemental attack spells (Fire, Ice, Wind, etc.), Heal, and Revive. This is a section for other dont-miss skills you should have in your bag of tricks. Flying Bomb: a deadly powerbomb that does excellent damage. Mincemeat: get it as early as you can. A great low-level fighters skill. Deadly Strike: nearly invaluable on one certain story map. Otherwise decent. Hurricane Slash: may disarm its target. Berserker: the first multitarget knockback skill, and one of the best. Aura Blade: you cant have too many line-affecting attacks. Geo Slash: inflicts heavy knockback on a wide area. Deadly Fan: an excellent area-effect Spear skill. Beam Arrow: an Archers base attack. Acid Rain: Ice damage combined with Poison. Bone Train: with some work, it can be a valuable tool for Witches. Chloro-Fill: causes amazing damage and heals the user, but arms a surviving target. Secret Garden: a damaging area attack for a Fusionist or Scrabbit. Shark Bite: the only reason to wield a Fish. Punish: for a Healer in a tight spot. Stun Rod: inflicts decent damage and Paralysis at range. Blinding Light: a low-cost attack spell for Marona or a Healer. Karma: get it from a Mystic to help build SP. Gross Water: Poisonous damage at range. Saint Ray: an excellent non-elemental area-effect blast.


Really Big Numbers There are powerful characters, and then there are powerful characters. Its possible, by creating the right weapons and carefully developing your phantoms, to create an army of warriors that is not only capable of taking on the most dangerous bosses in the game, but of punting them over the horizon like a soccer ball. After reading this section, youll have all the information you need to break Phantom Brave in a variety of interesting new ways. Ever wanted a weapon with stats of around ten million? Check out the next few pages. ULTIMATE CHARACTERS When you create a character, you can choose how many experience points to give them. The creation gets rapidly more expensive as you increase the experience points. These points are then assigned to the characters level up stats. The maximum experience points you can purchase for a job is given by working out the following formula:
experience points = 2* (highest level of that job) + (6 or 7)

SPD rst, followed by ATK or INT; as weve said, SPD is the most important stat in the game. Even with transmigration, however, a character can only become about a tenth as powerful as an item. WEAPON RECIPES A phantom is really only as good as the weapon hes carrying. An ordinary phantom, at level 9999, can go from a powerful character to a one-man force capable of making Sulphur cry like a little girl, entirely based upon whatever hes wielding. Ordinary weaponry isnt good enough for our purposes. We need something better, and in this section, were going to make just that. General Preparation The recipes use rank 6 titles, so you need a Merchant whos reached level 127. To steal all the items you need, train your Bottle Mail up to at least level 3333. A high-level Dungeon Monk, capable of creating Dungeons with a starting Enemy LV of 9000 (in other words, with 9000th-level enemies on the rst oor), would also be helpful. If you create such a Dungeon, then apply either ve rank 6 titles, or six rank 5 titles. That way, you just have to clear one oor to get the enemy level to 9999 (which is where it needs to be). Finally, you need a Fusionist. The higher her level, the better, since her level reduces the mana cost of your combinations.

Lord Blsphm Legend



Mighty See note ** Oni Revive

* Snakish has a special version of the Ice spell. It has a slightly larger range than the normal spell. ** As you clear oors in a Random Dungeon, random skills may be added to the dungeons title, to a maximum of four. This is the only way to get Thors Axe, making it perhaps the rarest skill in the game.

You can get up to 206 experience points using character creation. To get up to 300 points, youll need to use transmigration. Transmigration can increase the experience points for any character except Marona. Attack a dead character to destroy their soul, and bring them back to life using a Healer. Using any item will bring them back to life, but using a Changebook or Egg as the sacricial item will cause a transmigration. The characters level will be reset to 1, and you can reallocate the experience points. The number of experience points you get after a transmigration is based on the total of the items level, the characters level, and the total item and character levels used in the characters previous transmigrations, as determined by the following equation:
experience points = (3*total level) + 3

There are also a number of rare skills which are unique to the hidden characters. See the Secrets & Spoilers on page 152 for the details.

You need a total level of 29403 to reach the maximum of 300 experience points. Stealing three level 9999 Eggs or Changebooks from random dungeon bosses is the easiest way. Up to 100 experience points can be allocated to a given stat. Experience points should be allocated to

This is the only way to get Thors Axe. Good luck.

You can take on any enemy with this, and it only takes an hour to make.



QUICK YET POWERFUL Heres a recipe for making a weapon with over one million points in ATK and SPD. Its more than powerful enough to defeat anything in the game. The beauty of it is that the recipe can be completed in about an hour, after youve completed the general preparations above. A Dark Wpn is an ideal weapon choice, because of its 100% equip rate for ATK and 70% equip rate for SPD, so buy one from a Merchant. Youll need 19 9999thlevel Weeds or Misc Weeds to increase the Wpns stats. In each step below, rst apply the Failure title to the beneciary and the Chief title to the material. The beneciary is always listed rst.
W = Weed 5x 3x 2x 1x 1x W(2) W(3) W(4) W(6) Dark = W + W = W(2) + W = W(3) + W = W(4) + W(2) Wpn = Dark Wpn + W + W + W + W + W(2) + W(3) + W(4) + W(6)

stats in order to reach 9,999,999. The equip rates will also need to be raised to 100% (or a bit more in some cases). The point of using a maxed title is to decrease the total number of components in the recipe. Using the Failure title on beneciary items also contributes to this, because it tricks the game into thinking an items stats are far lower than they actually are, thus giving you better value for your combination Mana. The recipe takes at least 40 hours to complete, not counting the preparation phase. Step One - Preparation

First, you need to create an auxilliary part (called P). Heres the recipe for P. The number of times each step needs to be done is also listed.
300x Skull-A = Failure Skull + Chief Misc Weed 150x Skull-B = Failure Skull-A + Techno Skull-A 75x P = Failure Skull-B + Techno Skull-B

Ultimate Recipe Reference Data:

Skull HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD Stat 120000 60000 120000 140000 100000 50000 Eq% -70 -20 -40 80 50 60 Eq% -20 20 -5 -35 40 60 Eq% -75 -15 -35 80 50 65 Eq% -70 -10 -30 85 55 70 Eq% -65 -5 -25 90 60 75 Eq% -60 0 -20 95 65 80 Eq% -60 0 -20 95 65 80 Eq% -60 0 -20 95 65 80 Eq% -60 0 -20 95 65 80 P(6) Stat HP 936663 ATK 935748 DEF 936663 INT 1069689 RES 1098535 SPD 900442 P(7) HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD Stat 1039623 1027863 1039623 1174989 1212969 994240 Stat 1402664 1365914 1402664 1561428 1624366 1331453 Stat 1728619 1663183 1728619 1901248 1990012 1631163 Eq% -60 0 -20 95 65 80 Eq% -55 5 -15 100 70 85 Eq% -55 5 -15 100 70 85 Eq% -55 5 -15 100 70 85 Eq% -55 5 -15 100 70 85 Eq% 70 130 80 60 60 70 Eq% 70 130 80 105 75 90

-- Choose and Obtain Your Base Weapon

Any weapon or object in the game can be used to create an ultimate weapon, but some are more suitable than others. Youll save yourself a lot of time if you use a base weapon that starts with high equip rates. This recipe uses a Divine Swd, so youll have to make adjustments if you use something else. For our purposes, only the equip rates are important. The items stats dont matter at all.

The rest of the recipe uses P as the only component besides the weapon itself. A number in () next to P indicates the number of total Ps. In all the combinations below, put the Failure title on the beneciary and the HiScor title on the material. The beneciary is always listed rst. For steps where two or more fusions are involved, do the fusions from left to right. For example, to make P(11), combine P(6) with P(2), then combine the result with P(3). Weapon-A is your base weapon (as noted above, our example is a Divine Swd). Heres the progression:
18x 13x 9x 7x 4x 1x 3x 2x 1x 1x P(2) = P + P P(3) = P(2) + P P(4) = P(3) + P P(5) = P(4) + P P(6) = P(5) + P P(7) = P(5) + P(2) P(11) = P(6) + P(2) + P(3) P(15) = P(11) + P(4) P(20) = P(15) + P(5) Weapon-B = Weapon-A + P(1) + P(1) + P(1) + P(1) + P(1) + P(1) + P(2) + P(3) + P(5) + P(6) + P(7) + P(11) + P(15) + P(20)

Misc Weed Stat HP 40000 ATK 110000 DEF 40000 INT 40000 RES 130000 SPD 80000 Skull-A HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD Stat 128000 136500 128000 156000 155000 105000



Your SPD % will have increased a bit, so just add a few more Trollies to get it up to 100%. Finally, apply another Chief title to the nished product, and you should have seven-digit ATK and SPD. ULTIMATE If our quick yet powerful weapon isnt enough for you (youre obviously some kind of megalomaniac), try for the ultimate weapon. An items stats can go up to 9,999,999. You can raise the equip stats higher, by having greater than 100% for equip rate, but its unnecessary because a characters stats are also capped at 9,999,999. The basic idea here is to raise the weapons stats to around 5 million, and apply a title with +100% to all

-- Choose Your Weapons Color

Titles will change the color of the weapon depending on the titles rank. Apply titles of various ranks to the weapon to see which color you want.

Stat 192000 204750 192000 234000 232500 173250 Stat 288000 307050 288000 351000 348750 285862 Stat 446400 460575 446400 526500 531843 435939 Stat 588960 598747 588960 684450 696627 571008 Stat 717264 723102 717264 826605 844933 692570 Stat 832737 835021 832737 954544 978408 801976



-- Improve Your Chosen Title

Apply your title to a Random Dungeon and level it up. You can max out all the stats except Guard and Steal in about two trips through a 99-oor Random Dungeon. If you want to max Guard and Steal, itll take another two or three runs. You cant increase EXP and Bonus, so if you want the max of 55% for these, have a Dungeon Monk make you a Dungeon with these parameters. Bear in mind that the color for random dungeon titles will be that of a rank 0 title (which usually doesnt look good; its often a sort of muddy brown). Step Two - Raise the Stats As you go through the recipe, compare the stats at each step to the stats listed in the boxes. They should be similar. Dont worry if your stats are a bit lower. To raise stats, well be using level 9999 Skulls and Weeds. You need 300 of each. You only have space for 120 items (less if youve done some collecting already), so youll need to combine as you go.

Dont try to take a shortcut by combining a P(11) onto Weapon-A as your rst step. That wont increase the stats as much as fusing six P(1)s, P(2), and P(3) onto Weapon-A one at a time. Step 3 - Raise the Equip Rates Use seven Breads to raise the HP % from 70 to 105. Your ATK % is 130 and doesnt need to be increased. Use sixteen Rocks to raise DEF % from 80 to 105. Your INT % is 105 and doesnt need to be increased. Use one hundred twenty-eight Books or Staves (specically, the Must-read, Lthograph, Star Staff, Dead Staff, or Spirit Staff) to raise RES % from 75 to 100. If you have an extra Divine Stf, youll only need 64 of the above items to get to 95%. Combine them with your weapon rst, then use the Divine Stf to get to 100%. Use fteen Trollies to raise SPD % from 90 to 110. Now apply your ultimate title, and the equip stats should all be 9,999,999+. If you started with a highlevel Divine Swd, you might not need to raise HP %, DEF %, and SPD % above 100. If you started with a very low-level Divine Swd, and obtained a lot of below average Skulls and Weeds, you might need to use a few more Trollies to raise SPD % to 115.

Stat 2097036 1997877 2097036 2283849 2402515 1969281

Weapon-A Stat HP 0 ATK 0 DEF 0 INT 0 RES 0 SPD 0 Weapon-B Stat HP 4996741 ATK 4522329 DEF 4996741 INT 5169645 RES 5582107 SPD 4575514

Fnl Weap with title Stat Eq% HP 9993482 105 ATK 9044658 130 DEF 9993482 105 INT 9999999 105 RES 9999999 100 SPD 9151028 110

It doesnt get any better than this.





new stack and jump. With your rst new high score, youll get 300 bordeaux. The reward increases by 60 for every new record you set beyond that -- 360, 420, 480, and so on -- until maxing out at 780 bordeaux, with a stack of forty-seven large Rocks stretching up from the top of the tree. It can be tricky to jump from the roof to the treetop. To make it easier, pick up another character, such as the Soldier, and bring him with you. Drop him on the top of the roof, then use him as a stepping stone to add altitude to your jump.

There are a few hidden treasures on Phantom Isle, available to anyone who cares to do a little exploring. None of these are particularly game-breaking. Theyre more like helpful bonuses to help you get started. The further you are in the game, the less any of these items will matter.

The Bottlemail you befriend with this stunt is well worth the trouble.
5. You can recruit the Bottlemail at any time, but its easiest to do it right after the rst tutorial battle, because your characters wont equip each other.

There are ve spots on Phantom Isle where you can nd some hidden cash. To receive the money, jump around the areas indicated by the shot captions below, until a window pops up. You have to land on a certain point on the map, as opposed to walking over it.

You only have one chance to get the special Snakish sword, and its hidden in one of the last places youd expect.

I hope youre not afraid of heights.

Jump up here for a rare Changebook.

You can do this before you go to the Deserted Quarry, and we recommend you do. The Bottle Mail is very useful for stealing weapons and objects during battle. Heres how you do it: 1. Throw the Merchant, Unknown Phantom, Soldier, and Healer on top of the tall tree next to Maronas house. 2. On the edge of the tree closest to the house, stack these characters on top of each other to make a pile thats four characters high. 3. You can climb up this stack by jumping on each character. The edge of Ashs foot will just barely t. 4. At the top, jump up to claim your Bottle Mail. Youll need to have Marona summon it from storage before you can use it.

Acquire the Bottle Mail, as listed above, and enter the third tutorial map. The game will try to teach you about the ne arts of Holding and Throwing items. Instead of making use of the sword as the tutorial dictates, Conne a phantom with a high Obtain Rate to it. The Bottle Mail has a 100% chance of successfully obtaining the Snakish, even at rst level, which makes him the best choice. The Snakish may look like an ordinary sword, but it has a special skill that you cant get anywhere else. It makes a great weapon for Ash in the early Episodes of the game.

We intentionally left these three characters out of the main character prole pages to avoid spoiling the storyline for you too soon. However, they werent secret enough to leave out of the main job list. That leaves here as the place for their proles...

Thirty years ago, Sienna - a.k.a. Scarlet the Brave - singlehandedly defeated Sulphur and saved Ivoire. Now shes coming after you.


Jump onto the roof of Maronas house to earn 100 bordeaux.

If you can reach the top of the tall tree next to Maronas house, youll earn a Changebook. This is an excellent weapon for a Witch at the start of the game, since it teaches the Mega Fire skill.

After youve received the Bottle Mail and Changebook, you may think your adventures in stacking are over. If you think this, you are wrong. Wrong, I say! Once you start collecting items on Phantom Isle, you can start on your greatest challenge yet. By piling up a giant stack of items on top of the tree next to Maronas house, you can earn a little extra bordeaux. The higher the stack goes, the more money youll earn. The reward system here is based around height, and not the number of objects youve gotten in a stack. For the purposes of stackability, the larger Rocks are just about perfect, followed by Trees, Signs, and Stumps. Anything else just isnt tall enough.


Ordinarily, wed call your second ght with Sulphur a rematch, but instead, its your rst meeting with him. This isnt the weakened, freshly-reawakened Sulphur of Maronas time; its the full-power demon lord who singlehandedly terrorized a continent. Isnt time travel fun?


Jump on the ground at these four spots to get a total of 400 bordeaux.

To take a shot at the record, climb to the top of your

Prinnies are the souls of dead sinners, reincarnated into the hapless and explosive slaves of the Netherworld. All things considered, they seem fairly upbeat about it. (Dood!)




HP 40 A/20

ATK 34 A/20

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 26 28 A/18

RES 26 A/18

SPD 26 B/15

HP 20 C/12

ATK 17 D/10

Growth Rate DEF INT 13 14 Res. ALL

RES 13 St 30

SPD 13 Gd 15

HP 5 Rm 4

ATK 15 Mv 70


Equip Rate (%) INT RES -5 5 Th 60 Jm A BP 10

SPD -5 EP 10

When you begin the game, Marona and Ash are your only unique characters. The rest will join you here after you defeat them in the maps indicated in the following job data chunks. Unfortunately, when they join you, theyll be Lvl 1, instead of whatever level they were when you fought them.

Once youve beaten the main game, you can move on to the extra maps, as indicated by our walkthrough, where some of our favorite characters are waiting to meet Marona and Ash. Before we give you the goods on the Extra levels, lets introduce you, in no particular order, to the folks youre about to meet, so youll be more prepared.

Behind every great Overlord, theres a great woman, pointing and laughing while hes not looking. Etna fullls that role for Laharl, and does so admirably. She still has an army of Prinnies at her beck and call. Joins after: Extra Map 2.
Name Made of Money (20) Type P P F F B B SP Dep 0 0 16 ATK Attr Effect Mana T S S M S Area Dist CYL CYL CYL 8 8 8 Rng 0 0 14 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 36/36 6/0 Un Eq Ltd S B C C Lv 1 1 1 SPD -15% Learn Notes +1% BOR per skill Lv

HP 50 S/22

ATK 38 S/23

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 28 24 B/15

RES 24 B/15

SPD 28 B/15

HP 25 D/10

ATK 19 E/5

Growth Rate DEF INT 14 12 Res. ALL

RES 12 St 15

SPD 14 Gd 20

HP 0 Rm 4

ATK 20 Mv 60


Equip Rate (%) INT RES -10 10 Th 60 Jm C BP 10

SPD -5 EP 10

Strike BodySwing PrinnyRaid Doubles

32 SPD

SPH 48

Laharls journey to become the Overlord of the Netherworld was documented in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Hes an evil megalomaniac who wants to conquer everything he sees... but in a fun way. Joins after: Extra Map 4.
Name Strike Overlords Wrath Body Swing Doubles Type P F A F B SP Dep 0 0 16 ATK 40 ATK Attr Effect Mana T S M S S Area Dist CYL CYL CYL 8 8 8 CYL 48 Rng 0 14 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 Un Eq Ltd B C C Lv 1 1 1 Learn Notes



HP 32 B/15

ATK 24 B/15

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 20 34 S/25

RES 32 S/25

SPD 24 B/15

HP 16 B/15

ATK 12 S/25

Growth Rate DEF INT 10 17 Res. ALL

RES 16 St 20

SPD 12 Gd 10

HP 0 Rm 3

ATK 10 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 15 5 Th 50 Jm D BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10

A former assassin and Angel Trainee, Flonne has become a full-time resident of the Netherworld. Fortunately, she doesnt let a little thing like living in hell affect her cheerful disposition. Joins after: Extra Map 2.
Name Mana Monger (10) Shock Holy Arrows Body Swing Doubles EP 10 SPD -20 BP 10 Type P P F C F B SP Dep 0 0 16 INT Attr Effect Mana T S M S S Area Dist CYL 16 CYL 48 CYL CYL 8 8 Rng 0 12 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 Un Eq Ltd S B C C Lv 1 1 1 1 INT -15% Learn Notes +1% mana per skill Lv HP 0 Rm 4 ATK 20 Mv 60 DEF 20 Equip Rate (%) INT RES -20 20 Th 60 Jm B


HP 60 S/23

ATK 38 S/22

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 30 26 A/18

RES 26 A/18

SPD 26 A/20

HP 30 D/10

ATK 19 D/10

Growth Rate DEF INT 15 13 Res. ALL

RES 13 St 15

SPD 13 Gd 20

25 RES


Thats right, ladies; the Dark Adonis is back. Despite all his formidable powers, both as a ghter and as a lover, the warrior currently known as Mid-Boss still cant seem to nd a shirt. Joins after: Extra Map 5.
Name Strike Adonic Shot Body Swing Type P F A F SP Dep 0 42 0 ATK HP Attr Effect Mana T S M S Area Dist CYL CYL 8 8 CYL 24 Rng 0 12 0 Vert 6/1 12/8 6/0 Un Eq Ltd B C Lv 1 1 1 Learn Notes


HP 50 A/18

ATK 36 A/18

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 26 40 S/30

RES 34 S/30

SPD 26 B/15

HP 25 B/15

ATK 18 B/15

Growth Rate DEF INT 13 20 Res. ALL

RES 17 St 20

SPD 13 Gd 15

HP 10 Rm 3

ATK 20 Mv 60

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 30 20 Th 60 Jm C BP 10

SPD 10 EP 10


HP 200 A/20

ATK 100 A/20

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 80 100 A/20

RES 80 C/12

SPD 60 C/12

HP 100 C/12

ATK 50 C/12

Growth Rate DEF INT 40 50 Res. ALL

RES 40 St 10

SPD 30 Gd 5

HP 0 Rm 4

ATK 0 Mv 60


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 60 Jm C BP 50

SPD 0 EP 50

Previously seen in Rhapsody, Myao makes an explosive return in Phantom Brave. She doesnt seem like a bad sort, considering how fond she is of incinerating you. Joins after: Extra Map 8.
Name Shock Omega Ice Omega Wind Body Swing Type P F C C F SP Dep 0 INT 35 INT 35 INT 0 Attr Ice Wind Effect Mana T S M M S Area Dist CYL 16 SPH 60 SPH 60 CYL 8 Rng 0 17 17 0 Vert 6/1 Un Eq Ltd B C Lv 1 1 1 1 Learn Notes

36/36 36/36 6/0

The nal boss of La Pucelle: Tactics has seen better days. In Disgaea, he could be found in his tower, banished to the form of a Prinny after his defeat at the hands of Laharl. In Phantom Brave, he returns for an encore performance, but hes not quite what anyone expects... Joins after: Extra Map 9.
Name Strike Super Nova Body Swing Type P F S F SP Dep 0 0 ATK 48 INT Attr Effect Mana T S M S Area Dist CYL CYL 8 8 SPH 64 Rng 0 20 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 Un Eq Ltd B S C Lv 1 1 1 Learn Notes



We also found some stray Prinnies in Ex-7 which dont appear normally.

HP 1230 S

ATK 570 S

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 480 600 S S

RES 460

SPD 480 S

HP 615 S

ATK 285 S

Growth Rate DEF INT 240 300 Res. ALL

RES 230 St 50

SPD 240 Gd 5

HP 0 Rm 6

ATK 0 Mv 70


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th ?? Jm ? BP ??

SPD 0 EP ??

The ultimate Prinny and the ultimate challenge, Pringer-X is waiting for you at the true end of Phantom Brave. (Does not join.) :(
Name Prinny Barrage Pringer Beam Body Swing Type P E S F SP Dep 0 0 ATK 64 INT Attr Effect Mana T M M S Area Dist SPH 24 CYL CYL 0 8 Rng 5 24 0 Vert 8/2 6/0 Un Eq Ltd B S C Lv 1 1 1 Learn Notes 12/12

Despite the huge volume of information we have so thougtfully provided throughout the guide, there are a few things which we must leave out of the guide. Those things are: how to calculate the exact EXP gained for killing enemies after level 100 and bosses with invisible bonus titles; Pringer Xs complete stats; the formula for Mana cost when increasing Equipment Ability and Conne Efciency during fusion; how to calculate post-battle bonus EXP for Marona and the phantoms; and the exact formula for your success rate when youre stealing an item.

Since we are obsessive about such things, we will eventually nd this info and Okay. Whered they go? post it to the Errata and Additions section of our message boards, found at

The following ten pages will give you the info youll need to nd and complete all the extra maps in the game.



Extra Map: 1

Unlock by: Clearing the game

(Appears in upper left corner of the map)

Verdant Guardiana
Note: This is a one-time battle, and will be removed from the map list after completion.

Unlock by: Completing Extra Map 1

Extra Map: 2

Overlords Castle
Note: This is a one-time battle, and will be removed from the map list after completion.

Hey, its Laharl. Whats he doing way out here in the middle of nowhere? You can go straight to this map after completing the game. No leveling is required. Since Laharls on his own, this battles pretty simple; just gang up on him using your most powerful attacks. If your usual skills just arent cutting it, no pun intended, feel free to use one of those handy Rocks thatre lying around. If youre using a good strong character like Ash, their Dodge Rock attack could do 750+ damage to Laharl. Laharls probably going to try and counterattack at some point, but dont worry about it. Any time he comes after you, hell probably just kill a character. No big deal. Try not to bunch your phantoms up, as Overlords Wrath will plow through groups at long range. As long as you keep the Revive spells coming and the Dodge Rocks ying, youll beat Laharl in short order. Now, give chase...






Its time to max out your characters levels, or at least to reach their rst level cap. If you havent fused anything to your phantoms for some reason, their maximum level is set at 100. If you want to stand a chance on this map, equip your 100th-level characters with some Rank 10, 100th-level objects. Speeds very important, so use fast weapons such as Knives. Etnas Book is affecting every object on the map except herself with a Damage 10% effect, while Flonnes Book is providing her team with a Heal 20% bonus. Hit Etna rst; you probably wont be able to disarm her, but if you do, either destroy her Book or toss it into the repits lining the center path. If you hit Etna with an elemental skill that exploits the Books weakness, itll be destroyed faster. Once Etnas down, focus on the Prinnies. Theyve got low HP compared to their masters, so you can probably kill each one with one or two hits. That leaves Flonne, whos a deadly ghter in her own right, but now youve got her outnumbered. As with Etna, destroy Flonnes Book before you start in on her. Keep a couple of very fast support mages around, because any character whos hit by any attack here will probably be killed. Revive them immediately. As a bonus, youll recruit Flonne and Etna! ...well, sort of.

Note: Weve changed the term Expected Lvl to Equivalent Lvl. This is to reect the fact that the stats of the character or item at this stage of the game can be easily manipulated. You dont necessarily have to level grind, but its a milestone as far as stats are concerned to be around (e.g., having the equivalent of level 6000 stats on a level 30 character or item).


Weak 150 ??? 1596 41233

Prinny (x3) Flonne Etna

1 -

150 ??? 456 11781 180 ??? 546 16836 180 ??? 546 16836


Look for Flonnes Encyclopedias weak point, so you can destroy it faster.


Temper, temper.

For an Overlord, he sure is weak. You can take him on right after you finish the game.


Extra Map: 3

Unlock by: Completing Extra Map: 2

Overlords Castle
Note: This is a one-time battle, and will be removed from the map list after completion.

Unlock By: Completing Extra Map: 3

Extra Map: 4

Overlords Castle
Note: This map stays until Extra Map: 5 is completed.

Its time to really start taking advantage of the Fusionists services. You need to start breaking your characters level limits and powering up your items. As weve said before, Knives are an excellent weapon for these high-level challenges, since Speed is the most important factor, followed closely by Attack. Use the Fusionist to attach the Swift Attack, Healing Birth, and Healing Steps skills to your characters. You can nd these abilities on Archers (or Fenrir, or Werewolves), Mystics, and Knights, respectively. When youre ready, march on the castle. The advantage to having Healing Steps is that you can ignore that stupid Damage 10% eld effect on every object in the room. Conne Ash to something close to the Prinnies and use an area-effect skill (Geo Slash, Crescent Slash, Ground Breaker, etc.) to hit all of them at once. Hopefully, thisll kill all three in one shot. Next, destroy Flonnes Book to end its Heal 20% eld effect, before settling in to pummel both her and Etna. Fighting Laharl will be bad enough without his having two spellcasters at his back.







You dont have to worry about any eld effects this time, but youre still in for a hell of a ght. Your phantoms should all be around Level 250 by now, with your Healers packing weaponry to enhance their Speed. Knives would be counterproductive, so use high-level Weeds (or Staves that have had a lot of Weeds fused to them) instead. Youre up against Laharl again, whos brought three Prinnies to back him up. The Prinnies, however, have all equipped Crystals. Thus, theyre too slow to do anything but serve as speed bumps on your path to Laharl. As usual, try to disarm Laharl with a Hurricane Slash or similar skill before unleashing all your most powerful techniques. Pick and choose your shots carefully, though, to avoid knocking Laharl towards somebody who youd rather not see killed. We lost this ght once because we accidentally Flying Bombed Laharl right next to the last standing Healer. Beating him is really a question of arithmetic; if your strongest ghters can deal at least 2500 damage per hit, and your Healers are fast enough to constantly Revive anyone who gets killed, you should be able to take Laharl down. Your prize for beating Laharl is a hysterically funny cutscene. Hell also join your army.

Laharl will be a pain ( pun intended, we swear), but make sure that your Healer, your Flonne, and Marona all have Speeds above 1000. That way, it should be easy to drop Revive on any character Laharl kills. Try to get rid of his sword somehow. Even without it, hes still very powerful, but itll make things easier.

Prinny (x3) Flonne Etna Laharl

2 Blah

150 180 180 250

??? ??? ??? ???

478 546 546 3402

12370 16836 16836 144589

Prinny (x3) Laharl Prinny (x3)

3 270 ??? 897 41141 SlfMade 400 ??? 6633 447733 5 290 ??? 1051 51685


Power up your characters as if you were fighting Laharl again.



Hes only level 400?!


Extra Map: 5

Unlock by: Completing Extra Map: 4

Unlock By: Clear a Random Dungeon with an Enemy LV of 300+

on the final floor. The dungeon must have 30 or more floors.

Extra Map: 6

Note: When this map is completed itll replace Extra Map: 4, at the Overlords Castle.

Island of Evil
Note: This battle is one-time only, and will be sealed immediately upon completion.

This ghts a lot like the last one: your opponent is an immensely powerful ghter with a few Prinny sidekicks. Mid-Boss is incredibly strong, and can easily kill off entire groups of characters with a single blow. Fortunately, you have a few advantageous eld effects to work with. As his rst move, Mid-Boss will throw his Axe at somebody, but hell never try to reclaim it. He doesnt need it, anyway; his Adonic Blast is quite enough on its own.






This isnt as bad as it looks. Yes, Sienna is affecting everything on the map with a Damage 30% eld, but one way or another, thisll be over before you know it. Sienna wont start swinging until her second turn, so Conne as many characters with Swift Attack as you can. Thatll let you get quite a few free hits on her before she starts ghting back. After that, press your advantage with high-Speed ghters. As with Mid-Boss, if you can do at least 2000 damage to her with every hit, youve got a good chance to win. There is one more thing to consider, though. Sienna will give you a Soul Saber after you defeat her, but its a weaker version of the one she ghts with. You may want to steal the better version during the ght.

Conne Ash near the Prinnies, and again, wipe them all out with a single multi-target skill. Keep your Healers behind the front lines, and constantly Revive anyone Mid-Boss knocks out. If your Healers Speed is high enough that you can keep your characters on their feet (a Speed of around 2000 should do the trick), and your ghters can hit Mid-Boss for about 2000 damage a shot, you should be able to knock him out eventually. As a reward for beating him, the Dark Adonis will come with you. Thats right, ladies; MidBoss is now on your team. Damn straight.

To get the improved Soul Saber, youll need to give a Blob (yes, a Blob; we know what were talking about, thank you) a high-rank Title that dramatically improves its Steal stat. If its Steal is 20, itll need to be at least Level 1785; if its Steal is 40, itll need to be Level 856. Thisll take some time, but its all worth it in the end. While youre at it, fuse an Archer or Fenrir with the Blob to give it the Swift Attack skill.

An extremely handsome young... shot.

Prinny (x3) Mid-Boss Prinny Prinny Elem4 Healy 6 400 450 430 450 ??? ??? ??? ??? 1447 1356 1555 1695 97687 102831 112753 128538


500 ??? 1506 126756

While youre ghting Sienna, disarm her with a Hurricane Slash. On Maronas next turn, Conne your uber-Blob to the Soul Saber. The Blob will go one turn after Marona, and upon completing its action, will instantly disappear, taking the Soul Saber with it. Yes, you could use a Bottle Mail instead, but this way, you dont have to worry about keeping one of those fragile little guys alive for three turns. This map is closed off immediately after you complete it, so this is your only chance to obtain the powered-up Soul Saber.




Mid-Bosss HP is so high that he doesnt need a weapon.

This version of the Soul Saber is far stronger than the one Sienna gives to you, so grab it.


Extra Map: 7

Extra Map: 8

Unlock by: Completing Extra Maps: 1-6

Island of Evil
Note: This battle is one-time only, and will be sealed immediately upon completion.

Unlock By: Clear a Random Dungeon with an Enemy LV of 500+ on the final floor (the dungeon must have 50 or more floors.) and unlock Extra Map 6.


Note: This battle is one-time only, and will be sealed immediately upon completion.

You might want to go ahead and complete Ex 8 before coming here. Even though this stage is easier to unlock, you dont have to be as powerful to clear Ex 8.





Myao doesnt just talk big; shes also a vicious magic-user. The challenge here is that you dont have a lot of objects to use for Connement. Half of whats available is near Myao, leaving you with only six to work with. The Funguys are relatively harmless. Yes, they are as gods, but compared to Myao, theyre very slow. You can probably drop a Funguy with one hit from Overlords Wrath or some comparable attack. Myao acts a bit like a toned-down version of Sulphur. Shell go after the closest group of characters and level them with an Omega spell, doing about 20,000 points of damage. To beat her, youll need to pull out the same conveyor-belt strategy thats worked up to this point; bring out a few healers with Speeds of around 4,000, so they can Revive your characters as fast as Myao can incinerate them. Retaliate with your usual array of punishing skills. If youre hitting Myao for at least 5,000 damage a shot, youre doing well. This map is also your only chance to grab the unique Catnip Cane from Myao. Use the same uber-Blob strategy that nabbed the Soul Saber back on Ex 6. Upon her defeat, Myao will join your crew.

Was Sulphur a little too easy for you? Well, youre in luck, because hes back in a big way! Thats right, Sulphurs returned (...well, either that, or you have; its all very complicated), and this time, hes sporting about nineteen hundred additional levels! But thats not all; for a limited time, hes got eld effects boosting his stats through the roof! The new and improved Sulphur isnt quite as annoying as the rst one. The doubled stats are a problem, but they arent as big of a nuisance as the Invincible effects were. That aside, if you arent doing at least 20,000 points of damage per hit, and your active characters Speeds arent at least 12,000, just go home. At the start of the battle, Conne Ash next to the Crystal producing the Speed x2 effect, so he can destroy it and slow Sulphur down. Other phantoms and remember, most of your main ghters should have Swift Attack by now should be dropped into objects next to the other protective Crystals. If youre lucky, Sulphur will target somebody whos standing next to a Crystal, and will accidentally destroy it.

As in your last ght with Sulphur, positioning is key. Send a couple of healers to either end of the map, so they can cover the rest of your characters. Sulphur will destroy anyone who stays within melee range of him, so send him reeling with knockback skills and Overlords Wrath. ...and no, Sulphur will not join your party. Hes too evil for that.


2000 ??? 6006 10035030

Myao Funguy (x2)

- 1000 ??? 3006 503506 Robber 900 ??? 2706 408156



yeah, go ahead and break those objects. These stats are just way too high.

This one-of-a-kind weapon will never be seen again. Myao doesnt bring it with her.


Extra Map: 9

Unlock By: Clear a Random Dungeon with an Enemy LV of 1000+

(lower right corner of the map; its invisible)

on the final floor (the Dungeon must be 99 floors deep) and unlock Extra Maps 6 & 8.

Unlock By: Completing Extra Map: 9

Extra Map: 10

Baal Castle
I dont think anyone was expecting Baal to look like this. Its kind of shocking, really, but not as much as his stats. Theyre... way up there. If you go after him with Level 6000 characters whore wielding Level 5000 weapons, you should just barely be able to squeak out a win. Lets crunch some numbers. You need an Attack of at least 225,000, and 250,000 would be better. Youll also need all your characters to have Speeds between 35,000 and 45,000. All of this is before you start making your own custom Connement objects, which should boost a characters Speed and Attack by at least 50%. Thats right. Were talking stupid powerful here. Keep boosting stats until numbers lose all meaning. Then boost them some more. Just to test the waters, have somebody run up and smack Baal once at the start of the ght. If he just did at least 100,000 points of damage, youre good to go. Reset and start over. Now, equip Marona with your custom Connement object, toss it, and put your strongest character into it. Conne two more attackers to the Rocks, an attack mage to the Tree, and a few healers to whatever else is handy.

Baal Castle
6000 3599 6
After you defeat Baal, return to his Castle to encounter this monstrosity. To give you an idea of how strong Pringer X is, imagine ghting ten Baals at once, all of whom have an Invincibility effect thats being generated from somewhere behind them. You only thought you were on the path of stat maxing before, little person. If you intend to beat Pringer X, its time to take off the kid gloves. The key to achieving this is to create the strongest weapon possible, using a combination of titles and fusion. Heres the recipe: 1: Go through a few Random Dungeons, stealing as many high-level objects as you can. 2: Give each of these Dungeons the same high-Rank title, so you can max out its bonuses. 3: Create a character with a Failure title, and have Marona banish it. 4: Pick any weapon you want from your inventory, and give it the Failure title. 5: Combine all these items youve been stealing with your chosen weapon. Try to get its base stats up to around 125,000. 6: Improve the Equip ratios to at least 100%. You can go as high as 200%, but thatll take too many items. 7: Give your chosen weapon the maxedout title. Its stats should be in the millions now, with a Speed of at least 500,000.



Pringer X

6000 ??? No Need A lot!


By the time Baal gets a second turn, have your characters spread out as far as possible. The object here is to make sure all your healers get at least one turn in between each of Baals, because when he acts, somebody dies. Dont let your characters come within 40dm of each other, because if they do, Baal will kill them both, and you wont be able to Revive both characters in one turn. When youre victorious, Baal himself will join you. It seems that something is missing...

your new ultimate weapon. Just to hedge your bets, be sure that your best ghter, whoever he is, has Swift Attack.

Three turns of this and Pringer X will be a junk heap.

If youre looking for the Castle of Baal, move the map cursor here.
Baal SuprOL 4000 ??? 84042 280490210

Youre not done yet. Go back into the Random Dungeons to replenish your item supply, then sit down and start making a powerful custom Connement object. A 60% modier to all stats is good enough for our purposes; as with the weapons Equip ratios, you can go higher, but its almost not worth the cost in items. Now, nally, youre ready to take Pringer X on. Equip Marona with your new Connement object, and give your best ghter

When the battle starts, move her as far as you can towards the Remote, and throw the object so it lands just inside her Connement range. Conne your best ghter to said object, and destroy the Remote. (If youre trying to complete an item collection, dont worry about stealing the Remote. You can come back to this map after you beat Pringer X and nd a new one.)

Pringer X is now vulnerable. Hell start coming after Marona, but youre now free to go to town on him with the best weapons in your arsenal. Baals Super Nova or Laharls Overlords Wrath are both great. After two or three hits, Pringer X will be toast.





R A N K 1


HP +5

ATK +5

DEF +5

INT +5

RES +5

SPD +5

E/B Notes 10 Fire (F+10%, W-5%, I-5%)

1 Name: The titles name

need for a property Rank Up.

4 Experience and Money Effects: These numbers are displayed in-game as EXP and BONUS (these two values are always the same, with the exception of titles of random dungeons). This affects the experience, BOR, and mana received when a character is defeated (or an item is destroyed). Be aware that this only affects the experience of the one who is defeated. The title of the character who defeated it doesnt affect the experience at all (see page 18). Items with EXP bonuses will also yield more EXP after the battle when characters are conned to them.

2 Stat Modiers: Amount by which the title affects each stat. Shown in % 3 Property Modiers: The number by which properties are affected. Since in the game properties are displayed as letters, we have given them numerical represenations, and change rank according to the following rules. F=1-3 E=4-6 D=7-10 C=11-14 B=15-17 A=18-20 S=21 or higher Combined with the Job data from page 219, it should be simple to nd out what kind of title you

5 Notes: Skills and resistances given by the title. If its special/unique, there will be a * next to the explanation. 6 Rarity: Rarity and difculty to fulll acquirement conditions is indicated by the system: : Only found in random dungeons on oors 11+ : Only found in random dungeons on oors 31+ : Only found in random dungeons on oors 61+ Enemy titles are titles you cant get.

R A N K 0

R A N K 1

Name Failure Crappy Ruined Meager Useless Subtle Quack Aloof Default Spoiled Snobby Clumsy Normal Common Fake Fond Weepy Foolish Irked Novice Newbie Squire Hungry Scared Bully Dense Mean Unruly Buff Muscle

HP ATK DEF -80 -80 -80 -70 -70 -70 -60 -60 -60 -50 -50 -50 -40 -40 -40 -30 -30 -30 -20 -20 -20 -10 -10 -10 0 0 0 +4 0 0 -2 +4 -2 0 -2 +4 0 -2 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 0 +2 0 -2 0 +2 0 0 0 +2 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 -2 0 +2 0 0 -5 +5 -5 0 -5 -5 +5 0 -5 -2 -2 -2 +3 -3 +2 +2 +3 -3 +15 -5 -5 -5 +15 -5

INT -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 -2 0 0 +4 0 0 0 -2 0 +2 0 0 -2 +5 0 0 +7 -2 -2 -5 -5

RES -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 -2 0 0 0 +4 0 0 0 -2 0 +2 0 0 -5 +5 0 0 +3 -3 -5 -5

SPD -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 0 0 -2 0 -2 +2 0 0 0 -2 0 +2 0 +5 +5 0 +1 -3 +3 -5 -5

-10 -8 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-10 -8 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0

-10 -8 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0

-10 -8 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0

-10 -8 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-10 -8 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

E/B Notes -10 -100 -8 -95 -6 -90 -5 -85 -4 -75 -3 -60 -2 -40 -1 -20 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R A N K 2

Name Sturdy Ground Endure Haste Harried Saintly Vendor Comic Stupid Vain Brash Cunning Cool Remiss Rash Sullen Upset Breezy Impish Combo Desired So-so Trustd Serious Adamnt Great Cute Mild Calm Hassle Winsom Slight Relaxd Drunk Smooth Natural Folklor Sweet Roving Tribute Fire Wind Ice Healing Frndly Elastic Fresh Sprkly Glossy Nice Cheery Easy Silky

HP -5 -5 -5 -5 +2 +1 0 -2 0 -2 0 +1 0 +4 -1 +3 0 0 -3 0 +5 +7 +3 +2 +6 +4 +5 +7 +11 +2 0 +7 +6 +10 0 +12 +5 0 +10 +7 +5 +5 +5 +5 +10 +10 +10 0 0 +10 0 +5 +10

ATK -5 -5 -5 -5 -2 +3 0 +2 -1 -1 -2 -1 +1 0 +3 0 +3 0 0 0 +5 +7 +3 +2 +6 +4 +5 +3 +2 +8 +5 +7 +6 +10 +10 +8 +5 0 +5 0 +5 +5 +5 +5 0 +5 +5 +10 +5 +5 +10 0 0

DEF +15 -5 -5 -5 -2 -2 +3 +2 -2 +3 -2 -2 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 0 +5 +7 +3 +2 +6 +4 +5 +7 +11 +2 +5 +7 +6 +5 0 0 +10 +5 +10 +6 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 0 0 +5 +10 0 0 +10 +10

INT -5 +15 -5 -5 -2 -2 -2 +2 0 0 +3 -1 -2 -1 0 -3 0 0 +3 0 +5 +2 +8 +7 +4 +8 +3 +3 +2 +8 +5 +7 +6 0 +10 +5 0 +10 0 +8 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 0 +10 +10 +5 +5 +5 +5 0

RES -5 -5 -5 -5 +1 -2 -1 -2 0 0 +1 +3 -2 -2 0 0 -3 0 0 0 +5 +2 +8 +7 +4 +5 +3 +7 +2 +2 +5 +7 +6 +5 0 0 +10 +10 +10 +9 +5 +5 +5 +5 +10 +5 0 0 +10 0 +5 +10 +5

SPD -5 -5 -5 +15 +3 +2 0 -2 +3 0 0 0 +3 -1 -2 0 0 -3 0 0 +5 +5 +5 +10 +4 +5 +9 +3 +2 +8 +10 -5 0 0 +10 +5 0 +5 -5 0 +5 +5 +5 +5 0 +10 +5 +5 0 +10 +10 0 +5

0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 +2 -1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +2 0 0 +2

0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +2 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 +1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +2 0 0 0 +3 -1 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +2 0 -1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 -1 0 +2 0 0 +1 -1

0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +2 0 -1 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 -1 +1 0 0 +2 0

E/B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -95 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 10 10 10 10 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5



Cannot attach/detach

Fire (F+10%, W-5%, I-5%) Wind (W+10%, F-5%, I-5%) Ice (I+10%, F-5%, W-5%) Heal



R A N K 3

R A N K 4

Name Ichiban Fine Deluxe Major Lively Slick Buffer Fncied Bwa Proper Danger Nature Happy Shcked Neo Beaten Secret Quaint Pretty Sexy Active Strong Sentry Smart Seren Quick Chic Chosen Ripe Inocnt Pure Genki Idol Sated Cleany Favord Great! NewTyp Classy Flawles Excel Altrnat 1stClas Vet. Famous Smiley Gossip Erotic Muscled Rock Doki Smarty Rugged Young

HP +10 +15 +5 +10 +10 0 +10 +20 +20 +8 0 +15 +20 +10 +10 +20 +10 +10 +12 +5 +30 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +5 +15 +10 +5 +15 +15 +15 +10 +15 +10 +15 +15 +10 +20 +10 +5 +10 +20 +30 +10 +30 0 +30 +30 0 +15 0 +20

ATK +10 +15 +5 +15 +20 +20 +10 0 +10 +8 +20 +15 +10 0 0 +5 +10 +10 +12 +5 +2 +30 +2 +2 +2 +2 +10 +5 +5 +15 +10 +10 +15 +15 +5 +5 +15 +15 +20 +30 +10 +15 +20 +10 +30 +20 +10 +15 +30 +10 +30 0 0 +30

DEF +10 +15 +5 +5 +20 +10 +20 +20 +20 +8 +5 +15 +10 +10 +20 +5 +20 0 +8 +5 +2 +2 +30 +2 +2 +2 +10 +15 +15 +10 +5 +5 +10 +5 +10 +15 +15 0 +20 +20 +10 +5 +10 +20 +10 +30 +10 0 0 +30 0 0 0 +30

INT +10 +5 +15 +15 0 +10 +10 0 0 +20 +20 0 +10 +10 +10 +5 0 0 +12 +25 +2 +2 +2 +30 +2 +2 +15 +10 +5 +10 +15 +5 +5 +10 +10 +15 +15 +15 +10 +5 +30 +25 +20 +20 +5 +10 +30 +30 0 +10 +30 +30 +30 0

RES +10 +5 +15 +5 0 +10 +10 +20 +10 +8 +5 0 +10 +10 +20 +5 0 +20 +8 +10 +2 +2 +2 +2 +30 +2 +5 +10 +15 +5 +5 +10 +5 +15 +15 +5 +15 +15 +20 +5 +15 +15 +10 +10 +5 +10 0 +15 +30 +10 0 +30 +30 0

SPD +10 +5 +15 +10 +10 +10 0 0 0 +8 +10 +15 0 +20 0 +20 +20 +20 +8 +10 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +30 +15 +5 +10 +15 +10 +15 +10 +5 +5 +10 +15 +30 +10 +10 +15 +25 +20 +10 +10 +10 +10 +30 0 0 +30 +15 +30 +10

0 +1 0 +1 +2 0 +3 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +2 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 +2 +1 0 +1 0 +1 +2 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +4

0 +1 0 +1 +1 +2 0 0 0 0 +3 +1 0 0 +1 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +2 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +2 +1 +2 0 +1 0 0 +2 0 0 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 0 0

0 0 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +2 +1 +2 0 +1 +3 +4 0

0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +2 0 +1 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 +2 +1 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 +1 0 +1 0 +3 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 +1 0 +2 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 +2 0 +1 0 +2 0 0 0 0

0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 +2 0 +1 0 0 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 +2 +1 0 +2 0 0 0 0

E/B 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Dodge Rock Shield Braveheart Power Combo Sumo Stump F+10%, W-5%, I-5%

R A N K 4

Surprise Ice Good Shot! W+10%, F-5%, I-5%

I+10%, F-5%, W-5% Braveheart Shield Magic Boost Magic Wall

R A N K 5

The Hunt

Seeding Icy Breath

Magic Boost Pyramid Power

Dryad Lash, Heavy Lifting W+10%, F-5%, I-5% W+10%, F-5%, I-5% Balsa Bazooka Twin Tower Close Call

Name Hyper Liked RedHot Gusty Chilly Healy All-Use Pulsing Pleasd MyHero Xtreme Bl.Belt Prayer Flat Rowdy Casual Best GradeA TheTop Super Genius GREAT! Screwy Trimph Phenom Mint Empath Dream Stormy Choice Aspire Dvoted Oath Angry Courag Emo Heroic Iron Naked Wisdom Antevil Speedy Alchem Mecha Misc. Regal Giant Rainbw Sensual Love Built

HP +15 +20 +15 +15 +15 +15 +20 +10 +15 +15 +20 +15 +20 +10 +20 +20 +20 +40 0 +10 0 +40 +20 +20 0 +40 +10 0 +20 +30 +20 +20 +15 +30 +10 +20 +50 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +15 +25 0 +40 +10 +15 +30 +20

ATK 0 +5 +15 +15 +15 +15 +10 +20 +10 +20 +15 +20 +10 +20 +20 +15 +20 +30 +10 +30 +20 +10 0 +30 +40 +10 +40 0 0 +30 +20 +20 +15 +30 +20 +30 +10 +50 +10 +10 +10 +10 +15 +40 +15 +40 +40 +10 +15 0 +35

DEF +10 +20 +15 +15 +15 +15 +10 +15 +15 +20 +15 +15 +15 +10 +15 +20 +20 +10 +20 +30 +20 +40 0 +30 +40 +10 +10 +40 0 +30 +15 +25 +15 +20 +20 0 +10 +10 +50 +10 +10 +10 +40 +10 +25 +5 +40 +10 +15 +40 +10

INT +30 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +20 +10 +10 +10 +15 +15 +10 +15 +20 0 +30 +30 +30 +10 +40 +10 0 0 +10 +40 +40 0 +25 +15 +35 0 +20 +40 +10 +10 +10 +50 +10 +10 +15 +10 +15 +40 0 +10 +15 +40 0

RES +20 +20 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +20 +10 +10 +10 +10 +20 +20 +10 +10 +20 +10 +30 +10 +20 +10 +20 +20 +40 +30 +10 +40 +40 +10 +15 +25 +20 +20 +10 0 +10 +10 +10 +10 +50 +10 +40 +40 +25 0 0 +40 +40 0 +35

SPD +15 +10 +15 +15 +15 +15 +20 +10 +20 +15 +20 +20 +10 +15 +15 +10 +20 +20 +30 +10 +30 +10 +40 0 0 +30 +40 0 +20 +20 +25 +15 +20 +20 +40 +30 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +50 0 +5 +15 +35 0 +40 +20 +10 +10

0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +2 0 +2 0 0 0 +2 0 +2 0 0 0 +4 +1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +3 0 0 +5 0 0 0 +1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 +1 0 +1 0 +4 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +2 0 +3 +3 +2 +1 0 +1 0 +2 +2 +3 0 +1 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 +4

+3 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 +1 +1 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +3 0 0 0 +2 0 +1 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +3 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 0 +2 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 +3 +2 +1 +1 0 0 +3 +2 0 0 +1 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0

0 +1 0 0 0 0 +3 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 +2 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +2 0 0 0 +2 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 +1 +4 0 +1 +3 0 0

+1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +4 0 +1 0 0 +1 +2 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +3 +1 +4 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +3 0 0 0 +2 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 +5 0

E/B 15 15 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Notes Swim, Fishy! I+10%, F-5%, W-5% Mega Fire F+20%, W-10%, I-10% Mega Wind W+20%, F-10%, I-10% Mega Ice I+20%, F-10%, W-10% Mega Heal Veggie Lunch

Trample Roundhouse

Cruel Drop

Flash Bang Magic Boost

Grand Swing Dark Sleep Double Trouble Dream Chant Bud Ballet W+20%, F-10%, I-10%

Tossup Wrath of Earth, Wrathquake, F+20%, W-10%, I-10% Braveheart Braveheart Armor Break Shield Magic Boost Magic Wall Speed Up Magic Wall Kindling Flying Trout I+20%, F-10%, W-10% Ogre Stomp Rainbow Slash Love Chant Allergy Attack



R A N K 6

R A N K 7

Name Master Atomic Omni Sun Uber Chief Galaxy Techno Unique Shining Proud Bestial Robot Oni UFO 10Year Astro Whole Paradis My Explod Twister Frigid Fixed Violent Our ???? Elusive Sky HiScor DieNow S.Alloy Treasr Enigma 133t Gen. Mighty Space Miracle No.1 Serene Meh!? Lord Legend Ultimat Astral Electro Revive Perfct Delay Atlants Eternal MyOwn

HP +25 +50 +20 +10 +40 0 +30 +20 +10 +50 +10 +40 +20 +40 0 +10 0 +25 +20 +50 +25 +25 +25 +25 +20 +30 +20 +30 +25 +30 +20 +20 +30 +20 +30 +30 +20 +20 +25 +40 +20 +60 +40 +20 +20 +10 +20 +20 +20 +40 +50 +30 +50

ATK +25 +50 +30 +40 +10 +50 +20 +20 +10 +40 +20 +50 +20 +40 +10 +40 +50 0 +20 +15 +25 +25 +25 +25 +20 +30 +25 +25 +30 +20 +30 +25 +20 +30 +30 +50 +40 +20 +5 +60 +20 +20 +30 +40 +30 +15 +20 +10 +60 +20 +30 +50 +10

DEF +25 +50 +25 +30 +30 0 +15 +20 +20 +30 +30 +50 +50 +40 +20 +10 +25 +50 +20 +10 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +20 +30 +25 +30 +30 +30 +25 +20 +30 +50 +30 +20 +35 +10 +30 +30 +40 +20 +40 +20 +20 +20 +20 +60 +40 +20 +50

INT +25 0 +30 +20 +10 +50 +35 +20 +30 +20 +40 0 +20 +10 +30 +40 +10 0 +45 +50 +25 +25 +25 +25 +30 +20 +30 +20 +20 +20 +25 +20 +30 +25 +30 +10 +30 +40 +60 +20 +40 +20 +20 +40 +40 +35 +55 +60 +30 +10 +20 +30 +10

RES +25 0 +25 +20 +40 0 +30 +20 +50 +10 +30 +10 +40 +20 +40 +10 +15 +50 +25 +15 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +30 +25 +20 +25 +20 +30 +25 +25 +30 +10 +20 +30 +30 +30 +10 +30 +30 +20 +30 +45 +55 +60 +20 +20 +10 +20 +50

SPD +25 0 +20 +30 +20 +50 +20 +50 +30 0 +20 0 0 0 +50 +40 +50 +25 +20 +10 +25 +25 +25 +25 +30 +20 +25 +20 +30 +25 +25 +25 +20 +30 +30 +30 +40 +50 +25 +20 +60 +20 +20 +40 +20 +55 +10 +10 +30 +30 +30 +30 +10

0 0 0 +4 0 +2 0 0 0 +3 0 +6 +3 +3 0 0 +2 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 +2 0 0 0 +5 0 0 0 +5 +2 0 0 +4 +1 0 +1 +1 0 0 +1 0 +7 +3 0 +4 0

0 +3 +1 0 0 +2 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 0 0 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 0 +4 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 0 +4 0 0 +1 0 +6 0 +1 +2 +2 0 +3 +1 +1 +1 +2 0 +1 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 +2 +1 0 0 +2 +2 0 +1 0 +1 0 +1 +2 0 0 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 +5 0 0 0 +2 +1 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 +2 +2 0 0 0 0 +2 0

0 -1 +1 +2 0 0 +2 0 0 +2 +4 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +4 0 0 +2 +1 0 +1 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 0 0 0 +3 +7 0 +3

0 +3 +1 0 0 0 +1 +5 0 +1 0 0 +2 0 +4 +6 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 +1 0 +3 0 +1 0 +2 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0

0 0 +1 0 +3 0 0 0 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 0 +1 0 +2 +1 0 +2 0 0 0 0 +2

0 -1 +1 0 +3 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +4 0 0 +5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0 0 +4 +1 0 +1 0 +1 +4 0 +1 0 0 +2

E/B 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Notes Megaton Bomb Solar Bomb

R A N K 7

Galaxy Beam

Chi for You Elegant Slash Dragon Breath Stump Stack Winged Slayer Nullication Falling Objects F +20%, W -10%, I -10% Giga Fire F +30%, W -15%, I -15% Giga Wind W +30%, F -15%, I -15% Giga Ice I +30%, F -15%, W -15% Giga Heal Wrathquake Present Box Gale Slash Gold Rush Gigaton Bomb Excavation

Name Plasma Champ Immortl Genesis Origin ZeroG Persist Cnquer Shaky Univers

HP +30 +35 +35 +30 +35 +30 +35 +25 +35 +25

ATK +35 +35 +25 +30 +30 +35 +25 +35 +35 +25

DEF +35 +30 +35 +25 +25 +25 +30 +25 +25 +30

INT +25 +30 +25 +35 +25 +25 +35 +35 +30 +30

RES +25 +25 +30 +35 +30 +30 +25 +30 +25 +35

SPD +30 +25 +30 +25 +35 +35 +30 +30 +30 +35

0 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 +3 0

+7 +2 0 0 0 0 +3 +1 0 0

0 +2 0 +7 0 0 0 +6 0 0

0 0 0 0 +6 0 +2 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 +1 +7 0 0 0 +6

0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 +4 +1

0 +1 +7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

E/B 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Notes Omega Thunder Omega Heal, Revive

Graviton Bomb Ritual

Name Unliked Blsphm HP -10 +30 ATK -10 +30 DEF -10 +30 INT -10 +30 RES -10 +30 SPD -10 +30 -3 -30 -3 -30 -3 -30 -3 -30 -3 -30 -3 -30 -3 -30 E/B Notes -50 See page 29 50 Dark Eboreus *See page 29

Name Minibos Keen Dark Robber Elite Ebony Leader Flexing Boss S.Boss BigBoss Rank 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 HP +50 +50 0 0 +50 +5 +75 +100 +125 +150 +155 ATK -5 0 0 0 +10 +5 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 DEF -5 0 0 0 +10 +5 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 INT -5 0 0 0 +10 +5 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 RES -5 0 0 0 +10 +5 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 SPD -5 0 0 0 +10 +5 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E/B 20 50 0 0 50 +5 100 150 200 250 300 Notes

Gothic Chant STEAL +120 Berserker Gothic Chant


Name Weak Blah SlfMade SuprOL HP +50 +100 +130 +155 ATK +30 +50 +70 100 DEF +30 +50 +70 100 INT +30 +50 +70 100 RES SPD +30 +30 +50 +50 +70 +70 100 +100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E/B Notes 250 350 450 600

InvisiSlash Spear Storm

Heaven Dro Calamity Drive Dimension Slash Gigaton Bomb Speed Up Electrostar Wrath of Heaven, Revive

Secret Garden, El Dorado, W +30%, F -15%, I -15%




Short Swords


Short Sword Data

Name Knife Rk 1 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd St Skills HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 9 11 7 7 5 5 -10 0 -10 -20 -20 20 0 40 0 0 0 30 10 7 1-4
The important characteristic of Short Swords is that their SPD Equip Rate is higher compared to swords. They are the recommended weapon for jobs where SPD is most important, until you can buy Dark Weapons from the Merchant.

Name Rk

4 Conne Ability (%): The modication to a characters stats when conned to the item. The characters collective stats are modied by the given percentage. Can be enhanced with combinations. 5 Equip Ability (%): The percentage of the items stats that are added to the character when equipped with the item. Can be enhanced with combinations.

6 7

1 Name: The Items name. 2 Rank: The items rank (different from Title Rank). Special weapons dont have ranks. 3 Stat Increase: This represents how the items stats increase when it gains one level. SPD only increases by half of the listed modier at each level up. Since the increase amount for special weapons uctuates as they level, their amount will be listed as such.

6 GUARD (%): The percentage of any damage/healing effects that the equipped item absorbs. The higher this number the higher its recovery rate as well. 7 STEAL rating: The higher this value, the harder it becomes to steal, and the lower the Obtain Rate will be (see page 20). 8 Learned Skills: Skills the item can learn. The number corresponds to the Skill Table Key described below.

Knife Dagger StoneKnife Dirk BronzeDag Katana IronKtna SteelKtna SilvrKtna GoldKtna SnowKtna PrizeKtna

HP 1 9 2 10 3 10 4 11 5 11 6 11 7 12 8 12 9 13 10 13 13 17 15 20

Stat Increase ATK DEF INT RES 11 7 7 5 12 7 7 6 12 7 8 6 13 8 8 6 13 8 8 7 14 8 9 7 14 9 9 7 15 9 10 8 15 9 10 8 16 10 10 9 20 13 14 12 23 16 16 15

SPD 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 14 14 18 20

HP -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 0 10

Conne Ability (%) ATK DEF INT RES 0 -10 -20 -20 0 -10 -20 -20 0 -10 -20 -20 0 -10 -20 -20 0 -10 -20 -20 0 -10 -20 -20 0 -10 -20 -20 0 -10 -20 -20 0 -10 -20 -20 0 -10 -20 -20 10 0 -10 -10 20 10 0 0

SPD 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 40

HP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10

Equip Ability (%) ATK DEF INT RES 40 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 47 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 80 5 5 5 95 10 10 10

SPD 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 57 65

Gd St Skills 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 20 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 30 50 1-5 1-5,7 1-4,7,10 1,2,7-9,11 1-3,6,10,12 1,2,11,13,17 1,2,12,14,16 1,2,11,13,16,17 1,2,9,11,15,20 1,2,10,13,17,19 1,2,10,14,18,21 1,2,16,22

ID Name 1 Angle Slash 2 Burst Type P F F F F E F E D D E C E E D B D D B D C B C SP 0 0 3 4 6 9 8 5 9 16 11 20 21 23 15 32 26 17 28 30 40 45 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK SPD HP ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK Attr Fire Wind Wind Fire Wind Fire Ice Wind Wind Fire Effect Mana 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1800 2400 3750 4500 T Notes S S M M M M M S S M S M M M S M M S M M M M


ID Name 5 Gambit Type P D SP 11 Dep ATK Attr Effect Wind Mana 240 T Notes S DEF -7%

3 4 5


9 Needed Mana: Basic rate when forging or combining this skill. The needed mana can change based on item compatibility or the Fusionists level, so only the basic rate is shown. 10 Target: Target of the skills attack/effect. Single or multi. 11 Notes: Effects other than status abnormalities and special effects that occur when you use this skill. Skills highlighted in pink can not be combined or erased.

3 Fire Slash 4 Berserker 5 Top Spin 6 Ground Breaker 7 Gale Slash 8 Sword Dance 9 Killer Spin 10 Geo Slash 11 Hurricane Slash 12 Crescent Slash 13 Aura Blade 14 Twin Beam 15 Delayed Strike 16 Celestial Slash 17 Gaea Sword 18 Frigid Edge 19 Hurricane Cut 20 Vacuum Slash 21 Spiral Slash 22 Death Baloon

1 ID: Corresponds to the skill numbers explained in part 8 above. 2 Name: Skill name. 3 Type: The skill type. There are 7 in all (Physical, Energy, Elemental Magic, Physical Magic, Space-Time, Stat Altering and Healing) corresponding to their icons (see the Skill Data lists starting on page 200 for details). : : : : : : : Physical Energy Elemental Magic Physical Magic Space-Time Stat Altering Healing

5 SP: The skills SP consumption per use. 6 Dependence: What stat the skills power and effect draws from. Draws from six stats: HP, ATK, DEF, INT, RES, SPD. Skills that dont (support) are not dependent on any stat. 7 Attribute: The attribute the skill does damage with. Can be re, wind, ice, or no attribute. 8 Effect: The skills additional effects are represented by icons used in the game. Status abnormalities are included as well (see page 200 for the complete list). ...Poison ...Sleep ...Paralyzed ...Amnesia ...Dazed ...Gamble ...Unequip Self ...Unequip Target ...Knock Back ...Transport ...Absorb

4 Power: The skills power. There are 7 total ranks (S>A>B>C>D>E>F).









Sword Data
The most balanced weapon for physical attacks, swords increase HP and DEF in addition to ATK.

Axe Data
Axes have the highest ATK power, at the cost of a big SPD penalty. Ideal for taking out single targets; axe skills also reduce DEF.

Name Sword WideSword LongSwd BronzeSwd IronSword Blade SteelSwd SacredSwd GildedSwd SnowSwd PrizeSwd SpiritSwd DivineSwd ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Rk 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd St Skills HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 11 12 7 6 4 6 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 15 8 1,2,4,5,8 11 12 12 13 12 13 12 14 13 15 13 15 14 16 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 9 6 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 8 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 8 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 8 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 8 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 8 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 10 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 10 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 10 -8 22 -8 -18 -18 2 12 -5 25 -5 -15 -15 5 0 30 5 5 5 48 50 52 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 15 9 1,2,4,5,8,9 15 10 1-4,6,9,10 15 11 1,2,6-8,10,14 15 12 1-3,5,9,11,12 15 13 1,2,10,12,16,18 15 14 1,2,11,13,15,17 15 15 1,2,10,12,15,16,19 15 20 1,2,8,10,14,20,21 17 25 1,2,4,8,9,14,21

Name StoneAxe Axe BronzeAxe IronAxe SteelAxe SilverAxe GoldAxe SnowAxe DarkAxe StarAxe BattleAxe BigAxe GiantAxe DevilAxe DemonAxe Rk 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd St Skills HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 12 13 8 6 5 6 -10 30 0 -25 -25 -10 0 70 5 -30 0 -40 20 8 1-4 13 14 13 15 9 9 6 6 7 7 8 8 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 6 -10 30 8 -10 30 8 -10 30 8 -10 30 8 -10 30 10 -10 30 10 -5 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 -25 -25 -10 0 0 -25 -25 -10 0 0 -25 -25 -10 0 0 -25 -25 -10 0 0 -25 -25 -10 0 0 -25 -25 -10 0 5 -20 -20 -5 -5 10 0 72 5 -32 0 -42 20 9 1-3,5,6 75 10 -34 0 -45 20 10 1,2,4,6,7 77 10 -36 0 -47 20 12 1,2,5,8 80 10 -38 0 -50 20 13 1,2,4-6,10 82 15 -40 0 -52 20 14 1-3,7,8,11 85 15 -42 0 -55 20 16 1,2,6,9,12 95 20 -48 0 -61 20 20 1,2,8,13

10 55

14 16 10 15 17 11 16 18 11 16 19 12

10 60 10 10 63 10 10 65 10 15 70 10 20 77 20 30 90 25

10 14 17 10 12 16 18 10

10 18 21 13 10

14 21 24 16 12 11 14 4 6 8 12 14 14 16 8 9 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 6 8 8 10

40 10 -15 -15 0

0 100 25 -30 0 -45 25 40 1,2,10,15 0 120 35 -20 0 -30 30 50 1,2,6,11,15 75 20 -20 -20 -50 25 12 1,2,4,5 80 23 -24 -24 -55 25 14 1,2,7,9

14 17 20 13 11

10 20 40 1,2,10,18,22

15 24 27 19 15 13 16 10 50 20 -5

15 22 25 17 14 13 14

0 -10 -10 10 40 100 35 10 10 20 30 50 1,2,21,23

30 10 -30 -30 -20 5 30 10 -30 -30 -20 5

16 100 70 50 60 40 40 20 50 30 20 20 40 70 130 80 60 60 70 50 100 1,2,12,19,24

16 18 10

30 10 -30 -30 -20 10 85 26 -28 -28 -60 25 16 1,2,11-13 30 10 -30 -30 -20 10 90 29 -32 -22 -65 25 20 1,2,9,14 25 125 40 -30 -30 -60 35 50 1,2,12,16

Name Angle Slash Burst Fire Slash Berserker Ground Breaker Gale Slash Sword Dance Killer Spin Geo Slash Hurricane Slash Crescent Slash Aura Blade Twin Beam Delayed Strike Celestial Slash Gaea Sword Frigid Edge Hurricane Cut Chi Chopper Vacuum Slash Mincemeat Winged Slayer InvisiSlash Dimension Slash Type P F F F F F E D D E C E E D B D D B D C C A B S S SP 0 0 3 4 9 8 5 9 16 11 20 21 23 15 32 26 17 28 32 30 25 55 45 65 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK SPD HP ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK Attr Effect Fire Wind Fire Wind Fire Ice Wind Wind Mana 60 120 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1800 2100 2400 3000 6000 7500 9000 T Notes S S M M M M S S M S M M M S M M S M M M S M S M

10 18 20 11

15 25 27 17 15 14 16 20 50 30 -10 -10 0

ID Name 1 Smash 2 Burst 3 Mole Whack 4 Power Combo 5 Wild Swing 6 Gambit 7 Cleave 8 Casualty 9 Dark Spectre 10 Chain Attack 11 Grand Swing 12 Gaea Dragon 13 Misery 14 Big Wheel 15 Hydra Fire 16 Calamity Drive Type P F F E E E D D C C B B B A A S S SP 0 0 3 6 9 11 13 15 17 20 22 24 27 30 33 40 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK HP ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK Attr Wind Fire Effect Mana 60 120 180 240 300 450 600 750 900 1200 1500 2400 3000 7500 T Notes S DEF -1% S S DEF -5% S DEF -6% S DEF -8% S DEF -7% S DEF -9% S DEF -10% S DEF -11% S DEF -12% S DEF -13% S DEF -12% S DEF -14% S DEF -13% S DEF -15% S DEF -20%







Hammers / Dark Weapon

COMBINATION CLASS >> Axe (Hammer) / Sword (Dark Weapon)

Spear Data
Spears have ATK on par with swords and also boost INT and RES, making them suitable for magic ghters.

Hammer Data
These weapons come with sword, spear, and axe skills, but youre better off using one of the dedicated types instead.

Name Spear BronzeSpr LongSpear IronSpear SteelSpr SilverSpr GoldSpear SnowSpear DarkSpear DreamSpr SpiritSpr DragonSpr DevilSpear SacredSpr DivineSpr Rk 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 HP 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 18 20 Stat Increase ATK DEF INT RES 10 7 6 8 10 8 6 8 11 8 6 9 11 8 7 9 12 9 7 9 12 9 7 10 13 9 8 10 13 10 8 10 13 10 8 11 14 10 9 11 14 11 9 11 15 11 9 12 16 12 11 13 19 15 13 15 21 17 16 18 SPD 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 16 18 HP -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 10 Conne Ability (%) ATK DEF INT RES 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 10 -10 -10 0 15 -5 -5 5 20 0 0 10 30 10 10 20 SPD -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 10 HP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Equip Ability (%) ATK DEF INT RES 50 0 5 25 53 0 5 30 55 0 5 35 57 0 10 35 60 0 10 35 62 0 10 40 64 0 15 40 65 0 15 40 67 0 15 45 70 0 20 45 72 0 20 45 75 0 20 50 82 0 30 55 90 0 35 60 105 10 50 75 SPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Gd St Skills 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 33 35 40 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 30 40 50 1-5 1,2,4,6 1-4,7 1,2,5,6,8 1,2,6,9 1-3,5,8,10 1,2,5,9,11 1,2,6,12 1-4,7,8,10 1,2,5,6,9,11,12 1,2,8,13 1,2,9,14 1,2,10,15 1,2,11,16 1,2,12,17

Name Mace Hammer Rk 3 5 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP 11 12 12 6 6 6 -10 -10 20 -10 -10 -10 0 11 14 14 5 5 6 -10 -10 20 -10 -10 -10 0 Equip Ability (%) Gd St Skills ATK DEF INT RES SPD 50 50 0 0 0 40 12 1-3,5-7 60 80 0 0 -20 40 15 1,2,4,8-10

ID Name 1 Smash 2 Burst 3 Power Combo 4 Wild Swing 5 Centrifugal 6 Truth Lasher 7 Casualty 8 Geo Slash 9 Hurricane Slash 10 Chain Attack Type P F F E E E D C E C B SP 0 0 6 9 10 15 15 16 11 20 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK HP ATK ATK ATK Attr Fire Effect Mana 120 180 180 240 450 480 540 750 T Notes S DEF -1% S S DEF -6% S DEF -8% M M S DEF -10% M S S DEF -12%

ID Name 1 Lunge 2 Burst 3 Skewer 4 Serial Stinging 5 Centrifugal 6 Truth Lasher 7 Pincushion 8 Power Strike 9 Deadly Fan 10 Ascension 11 X Rush 12 Halo Slash 13 Hurricane Stab 14 Lightning Spear 15 Calamity 16 Epiphany 17 Spear Storm Type P F F E F E D D C E B D D C A C B A SP 0 0 3 6 10 15 10 12 24 16 20 30 40 28 45 37 55 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK Attr Fire Wind Wind Wind Fire Effect Mana 60 120 180 240 300 450 600 750 900 1200 1500 2400 3000 4500 7500 T Notes S S S M M M S S M S M M M S M M M

Dark Weapon Data

High ATK and SPD makes this an ideal weapon for assassins. Just hope that your target doesnt survive your rst attack, since the Dark Weapon lowers your defenses.

Name DarkWpn Rk 7 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd St Skills HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 11 18 10 8 10 12 -10 10 10 -10 -10 -10 0 100 -50 0 -50 70 40 18 1-7

ID Name 1 Angle Slash 2 Burst 3 Pincushion 4 Ascension 5 Delayed Strike 6 Hurricane Cut 7 Mincemeat Type P F F D B B D A SP 0 0 10 16 15 28 25 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK SPD ATK ATK Attr Wind Wind Wind Effect Mana 300 750 1050 1800 3000 T Notes S S S S S M S




Staves (Energy/Space-Time)



Staves (Support/Healing)


Staff (Attack)
Good for magic users with low DEF, attack staff skills also lower your targets SPD.

Staff (Healing)
These staves are excellent for Marona. Theyll give her something to do besides Conne.

Name WoodCane BronzeStf IronStaff GoldStaff DarkStaff DeadStaff WisdomStf SacredStf Rk 2 2 4 4 7 8 12 14 HP 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 15 Stat Increase ATK DEF INT RES 6 6 10 9 7 7 11 10 7 7 12 10 8 8 13 11 9 8 14 11 10 9 15 12 11 10 16 13 15 13 20 17 SPD 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 12 HP -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -10 Conne Ability (%) ATK DEF INT RES 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 10 -20 20 20 SPD -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 0 HP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Equip Ability (%) ATK DEF INT RES 0 20 40 40 0 25 45 45 0 25 50 50 0 30 50 50 0 35 55 55 0 40 60 60 0 45 65 65 0 60 80 80 SPD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Gd St Skills 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 8 10 10 12 14 16 25 40 1,5,8 2-4 1,5,8,10 2-4,6,7 2,3,6,7,9 2,3,7,9,11 2,3,9,12 2,3,9,11,13

Name Cane StoneCane SteelStaff SilverStf SnowStaff FusionStf DreamStf StarStaff SpiritStaff BlackStaff DevilStaff DivineStf Rk 1 1 3 3 6 5 9 7 10 11 13 15 HP 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 13 18 Stat Increase ATK DEF INT RES 6 6 11 9 7 7 11 9 7 7 12 10 8 7 12 10 8 8 13 11 9 8 13 11 9 8 14 12 10 9 15 12 10 9 15 12 11 9 16 13 12 11 18 14 17 16 23 19 SPD 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 14 HP -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -15 0 Conne Ability (%) ATK DEF INT RES 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 0 -30 10 10 5 -25 15 15 20 -10 30 30 SPD -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -5 10 Equip Ability (%) HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 0 0 20 40 40 0 0 0 25 45 45 0 0 0 30 50 50 0 0 0 30 50 50 0 0 0 30 50 50 0 0 0 35 55 55 0 0 0 35 55 55 0 0 0 40 60 60 0 0 0 40 60 60 0 0 0 45 65 65 0 0 0 55 75 75 0 0 0 75 95 95 10 Gd St Skills 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 40 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 22 30 50 4-6 1-3 4-7 1,2,9,11,12 4,5,7,8 1-3,10,13,14 4,5,7,18 1,2,15-17 1,2,9,10,19 4,5,8,20 4,5,18,20 4,5,21

ID Name 1 Force 2 Haste 3 Gravity 4 PK Rush 5 Acid Rain 6 Warp Attack 7 Pyramid Power 8 Flare Sphere 9 Pole Blast 10 Lightning Bomb 11 Graviton Bomb 12 Gaea Freeze 13 Galaxy Beam Type P F F E F D E E E D D C B SP 0 0 1 1 4 5 8 10 12 14 22 37 45 Dep INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT Attr Ice Fire Wind Ice Effect Mana 30 60 180 240 300 450 600 750 1200 3000 4500 T Notes S S SPD +20% S SPD -20% S M S SPD -20% M SPD -20% M M SPD -25% M M SPD -30% M SPD -40% M

ID Name 1 Breath 2 Punish 3 Stun Rod 4 Healite 5 Blinding Light 6 Heal 7 Mega Heal 8 Giga Heal 9 Espoir 10 Revive 11 Braveheart 12 Shield 13 Magic Boost 14 Magic Wall 15 Enfeeble 16 Armor Break 17 Nullication 18 Saint Ray 19 Red Moon 20 Energy Orb 21 Wrath of Heaven Type P F E F F D C B D C C A SP 0 1 2 0 1 2 8 15 5 15 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 16 28 34 50 Dep RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Attr Fire Effect Mana 30 120 30 80 400 1200 100 500 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 900 1500 2400 7500 T Notes S DEF +15%, RES +15% S ATK -10% S S S INT -10% M M M M M M ATK +35% M DEF +35% M INT +35% M RES +35% M ATK -35% M DEF -35% M RES -35% M M M M







Special Weapons

Shiva, Snakish and Soul Saber) COMBINATION CLASS >> Sword (Heliotrope, Staff (Catnip Cane) / Book (Change Book)

Book Data
Books offer most of the standard elemental spells. Theyre the best INT-boosting weapons, but dont provide DEF bonuses.

Special Data
Statistically, these arent the best weapons, but theyre valuable for the unique skills they provide.

Name Snakish HP 12 Stat Increase ATK DEF INT RES 13 8 6 4 Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd St Skills SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 5 50 5 0 0 0 15 10 1,2,5-10,14 0 0 0 0 0 80 40 0 20 20 25 70 1,2,18 80 40 0 20 20 25 70 1,2,18 80 40 0 20 20 25 70 1,2,18 80 40 0 20 20 25 70 1,2,18 85 35 0 20 20 25 70 1,2,10,15,16 75 35 40 35 20 25 70 1,2,17 75 35 40 35 20 25 70 1,2,17 20 30 50 30 0 10 20 4,11-13

Name Book UsedBook Dictionary SpellBook SecretBk HintGuide Encyc. Must-read Lthograph Cert. Netherbk DivineBook Rk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd St Skills HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 7 4 3 12 7 6 -20 -20 -20 20 10 -10 0 0 0 50 40 0 10 8 1-3 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 9 13 14 15 16 8 8 9 9 6 -20 -20 -20 20 10 -10 0 6 -20 -20 -20 20 10 -10 0 6 -20 -20 -20 20 10 -10 0 6 -20 -20 -20 20 10 -10 0 8 -20 -20 -20 20 10 -10 0 8 -20 -20 -20 20 10 -10 0 8 -20 -20 -20 20 10 -10 0 8 -20 -20 -20 20 10 -10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 45 55 45 59 50 62 50 65 55 67 55 70 60 72 60 80 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 9 1,6,7 10 10 1,10,11 10 11 1,14,15 10 12 1,18,19,21 10 13 1-4 10 14 1,6-8 10 15 1,10-12 10 16 1,14-16 12 25 1,17-20

Heliotrope Lv14 16-19 19-22 10-13 9-11 8-10 10-14 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 Heliotrope Lv35 17-20 20-23 12-14 9-11 8-11 14-16 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 Heliotrope Lv40 18-21 21-24 12-15 9-12 8-11 14-16 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 Heliotrope Lv50 15-17 18-20 11-12 8-10 7-9 10-12 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0 Shiva Catnip Cane 19-22 22-26 13-16 10-14 8-11 12-16 -10 20 -10 -20 -20 0

17 10 18 10 19 11 20 11

18-20 16-18 12-14 21-24 16-20 14-16 -20 0 -30 -10 -10 -10 10 50 20 90 50 10 35 70 3,19

9 10-14 -20 0 -30 -10 -10 -10 0 Soul Saber Lv50 17-19 20-23 12-14 8-10 Soul Saber Lv477 22-25 25-28 15-18 11-13 10-13 14-18 -20 0 -30 -10 -10 -10 0 Changebook 9 6 6 14 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 11

22 13 10 -15 -15 -15 25 15 -5 25 16 12 -10 -10 -10 30 20 0 0 0 40 30 10

13 13 10

88 75 10 15 30 1,3,4,7,8,11,12

ID Name 1 Angle Slash 2 Burst 3 Force 4 Thwap 5 Fire Slash 6 Snake Beater 7 Berserker 8 Gale Slash 9 Geo Slash 10 Hurricane Slash 11 Fire 12 Mega Fire 13 Giga Fire 14 Ice 15 Aura Blade 16 Dark Eboreus 17 Burgundy 18 Heliotrope 19 Comet Shower Type P F F F F F F F E E C F E D F E C D B A SP 0 0 0 0 3 3 4 8 16 11 2 8 15 2 21 35 10 27 38 Dep ATK ATK INT INT ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK INT INT INT INT ATK HP HP ATK INT Attr Fire Ice Wind Fire Fire Fire Ice Fire Effect Mana 60 120 300 480 540 80 400 1200 80 750 10000 10000 10000 10000 T Notes S S S S M M M M M S M M M M M M M S M

15 15 12 12 28 19 14

0 100 90 15 20 50 1,4,5,8,9,12,13

ID Name 1 Thwap 2 Fire 3 Mega Fire 4 Giga Fire 5 Omega Fire 6 Wind 7 Mega Wind 8 Giga Wind 9 Omega Wind 10 Ice 11 Mega Ice 12 Giga Ice 13 Omega Ice 14 Thunder 15 Mega Thunder 16 Giga Thunder 17 Heal 18 Mega Heal 19 Giga Heal 20 Espoir Type P F F E D C F E D C F E D C E D C D C B SP 0 2 8 15 35 2 8 15 35 2 8 15 35 3 10 18 2 8 15 5 Dep INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT RES RES RES Attr Fire Fire Fire Fire Wind Wind Wind Wind Ice Ice Ice Ice Effect Mana 80 400 1200 3500 80 400 1200 3500 80 400 1200 3500 80 400 1200 80 400 1200 100 T Notes S M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M


Snakish: Easily missed in the tutorial battles; a great rst weapon for Ash. Heliotrope: Carries a skill of the same name, which is useful for taking out bosses.

Shiva: Comes with Dark Eboreus, so its better than gaining 100 Dark points. Catnip Cane: Comet Shower is an excellent multi-target non-elemental spell. Soul Saber: The only way to get Burgundy. Changebook: The rst weapon you can get. Great for Witches. Also used for transmigration.







Weeds / Flowers


Tree Data
These provide elemental spells in the Physical Magic category. I know. Its nuts.

Weed Data
You may look a little silly, but they offer Physical Magic skills and a respectable Speed boost.


Name Tree Old Tree Sapling Giant Tree Cursed Tr SpiriTree Sacred Tr Devil Tree DivineTree Rk 1 1 2 3 5 7 9 12 14 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 16 15 16 18 14 14 17 13 14 11 10 9 8 9 5 4 7 5 8 6 7 8 5 7 5 9 12 6 13 8 8 12 13 8 17 15 9 5 9 7 7 11 16 8 14 4 6 8 10 4 6 6 6 8 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 15 20 -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 30 10 -20 10 -20 10 -20 10 -20 10 -20 10 -20 10 -20 15 -15 20 -91 60 50 80 85 60 40 0 10 -20 -20 40 -20 -20 20 -30 -10 10 -25 -35 35 40 30 55 50 10 -40 30 -20 50 -30 25 -15 45 -30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 40 St 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 30 Name Weed Misc Weed Rk 1 10 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 4 7 8 11 6 16 0 -20 0 0 20 10 0 20 -10 20 -30 70 10 4 11 4 4 13 16 0 -20 0 0 20 10 -20 20 -5 -35 40 60 10 St 8 8

30 -10 30 45 10 20

Name Grass Shot Dryad Lash Leaf Toss Camo Cutter Burning Refuse Kicking Grass Stealth Slash Devil Storm Blazing Field Type P F E E D D D D D B SP 0 1 2 4 6 9 11 17 15 Dep SPD SPD SPD SPD INT ATK SPD SPD SPD Attr Wind Wind Fire Wind Wind Fire Effect Mana 20 40 80 100 150 300 400 600 T Notes S M S M M M M M S

35 -50

70 -20 -10 50 -40 20

50 -15 -25 60 -20 45

Flower Data
Some of the best Physical Magic spells come out of Flowers.


Name Arbor Day Thorns Leaf Cutter Tears of Sap Eco Swing Foliage Storm Bark Cyclone Eco Batter Treants Wrath 6 Feet Under Type P F E E D E E D D D C SP 0 2 4 6 9 12 15 18 21 25 Dep HP INT ATK RES HP INT ATK HP INT INT Attr Wind Wind Wind Wind Effect Mana 40 80 120 160 200 300 400 600 800 T Notes S M M S M M M M M M Name Flower Blossom Rk 1 10 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 5 4 13 8 8 -10 -10 -10 25 15 0 -20 -10 -45 60 25 20 10 6 5 6 14 10 6 -10 -10 -10 25 15 0 0 -20 -25 60 45 -20 10 St 8 8

Name Petal Wind Steel Magnolia Chloro-ll Forget Pollen Flower Fairies Wonder Pollen Carnivation Bud Ballet Wreath Toss Secret Garden Type P F E E D D D D D B C SP 0 1 3 4 10 8 12 22 13 25 Dep INT INT INT INT RES INT INT ATK ATK INT Attr Effect Wind Wind Wind Mana 30 80 120 200 300 400 500 600 900 T Notes S S S S RES -20% M M S DEF -10% M S M




Mushrooms / Sunflowers



Cacti / Pumpkins


Mushroom Data
These are clearly bad mushrooms, since they seem to poison people.

Cactus Data
Paralyze multiple enemies and increase your attack, but itll cost you DEF.

Name Mushroom Rk 2 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 12 4 10 6 8 0 10 0 10 0 -10 30 45 0 30 -10 -35 30 St 8

Name Cactus Cactus SP 0 3 9 6 10 12 15 24 20 Dep ATK ATK INT HP ATK INT ATK INT ATK Attr Effect Mana 30 80 120 160 200 300 500 800 T Notes S M M S S M S M S Cactus Rk 2 7 12 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 3 3 3 12 13 14 9 10 11 11 11 11 7 7 7 6 6 6 -10 -10 -10 30 30 30 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 80 85 -25 -30 -35 35 -20 -10 35 -20 -10 35 -20 -10 10 10 10 St 8 8 8

Name Mush Boom Spores Fungus Fire Decompose Spring Cap Mushare Fungtoss Allergy Attack Mushroom Trade Type P F E E E D C C D B

Name Sticker Cactus Rain Cactus Drill Storm of Spikes Cactus Kabobs Absorb Skewer Thorn Cyclone Cact Attack Type P F F E E D C D C A SP 0 4 8 12 16 12 24 15 25 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK INT ATK INT INT ATK Attr Effect Mana 60 100 200 300 450 650 800 1000 T Notes S M M M M S M S M

Sunflower Data
For multi-target re spells and a big boost in INT, equip a Sunower.

Name Sunower Rk 2 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 9 8 8 12 5 8 0 -10 -10 30 10 -10 30 30 -40 60 -20 -20 15 St 8

Pumpkin Data
Tasty in pies and deadly in a ght.

Name Rk 10 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 12 16 8 10 7 6 50 5 -20 0 0 -20 50 60 -25 25 -25 -30 40 SP 0 3 7 12 14 22 24 27 28 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK HP ATK ATK ATK ATK Attr Effect Mana 50 100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 T Notes S S S S M M M M M St 8

Name Sunower Power Helio Shot Sun Slash Sun Shower Solar Flare Tanline Sun Crisis Solar Bomb Solar Laser Type P F E D E C C B C B SP 0 3 6 10 11 15 18 15 26 Dep INT INT ATK INT INT RES INT HP INT Attr Effect Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Mana 60 100 150 200 300 400 600 900 T Notes S M S M M M ATK +10% M S M

Pumpkin Name Pumpkin Pass Pumpkin Dunk Charge Attack Pumpkin Hammer Dance-off Pumpkin Parade Jack-o-Lantern Dance Party Giganto Pumpkin

Type P F E D D C D D C A







Crystals / Bricks


Rock Data
Great Physical weapons with a grab-bag of skills, but you move like... well, a rock.

Crystal Data
These grant you amazing powers and even more amazing SPD penalties.

Name Rock Stone Anthill EvlRockWd PoisonRck Rock Weed SacredRck Devil Rock Rk 1 2 7 6 5 7 8 12 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 12 16 6 7 12 0 20 50 -30 20 -30 0 30 85 0 0 -65 50 8 11 8 9 12 8 7 11 13 10 13 12 7 7 16 14 16 15 15 15 14 5 6 8 7 8 10 12 9 8 10 7 7 11 9 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 50 -30 50 -30 50 -30 50 -30 50 -30 50 -30 50 -30 20 -30 20 -30 20 -30 20 -30 0 10 0 20 30 40 10 50 30 10 20 70 -10 60 -15 65 65 70 70 0 10 30 50 20 -60 15 -60 40 -65 10 -65 15 -55 50 -70 20 -70 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 St 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Name Crystal Rk 3 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 7 12 8 15 8 0 20 20 -30 50 -30 -20 20 40 30 40 -60 50 St 8

Name Meditation Crystal Rain Crystal Sword Refraction Crystal Beam Crystal Guard Prism Bloom Carat Storm Prism Ray Immortal Light Type P E E E D D C B A SP 0 2 4 10 14 15 22 26 33 36 Dep RES ATK RES RES RES INT RES RES Attr Ice Ice Ice Effect Mana 50 100 200 300 400 600 800 1200 1800 T Notes M INT +15% M RES -5% S M RES -10% M M DEF +30%, RES +30% M RES -10% M M RES -15% M RES -20%

20 -30 -20 20 -30 -10 20 -30 -20

55 -15

Name Rock Punch Dodge Rock Power Launcher Wrath of Earth Diamondize Ogre Stomp Rock Bomb Wrathquake Gigaton Press Type P F D E D C C D A SP 0 2 5 8 15 13 16 20 26 Dep DEF DEF DEF INT DEF ATK ATK DEF Attr Fire Effect Mana 40 80 120 200 300 400 600 900 T Notes S S S M M ATK +30%, DEF +30% S M M M

Brick Data
These are obviously bricks of plastique. Equip one for some versatile Physical attacks, and a few surprises.

Name Brick Rk 3 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 9 17 8 13 8 8 -10 5 40 -25 0 0 30 50 -25 40 -25 -30 40 St 8

Name Mortar Debris Brick Mania Pile it Up Sandstorm Oven Baked Shrapnel Twister Maim Cube Type P F D D D C C C B A SP 0 2 7 13 11 15 21 24 19 Dep ATK ATK ATK INT ATK INT ATK INT INT Attr Wind Fire Wind Wind Effect Mana 50 100 150 200 300 400 600 800 T Notes S DEF -1% M DEF -2% S DEF -3% M DEF -4% S DEF -5% S DEF -6% M DEF -7% M DEF -8% S DEF -9%




Dead Trees



Stumps / Driftwood


Dead Tree Data

A Dead Tree provides skills based on RES, in exchange for a high HP penalty. These make good weapons for Blobs.

Stump Data
A blend of Physical attacks and magic adds up to pure offense.


Name Dead Tree Rotten Tr Wither Tr Deadwood CurseTree Wight Tree BlaspheTr Skull Tree Angel Tree Rk 1 2 3 4 5 8 10 12 14 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 6 7 8 7 6 7 6 7 8 10 12 9 14 13 11 9 9 12 7 6 5 6 6 6 8 6 8 10 10 13 9 10 11 12 15 13 14 13 12 11 11 14 14 11 13 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 -30 -30 -30 -30 -30 -30 -30 -25 -20 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 10 -10 15 20 -5 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 20 20 -10 -40 20 -10 -45 20 -10 -40 20 -10 -40 20 -10 -35 20 -10 -30 30 -10 50 -20 25 -5 35 20 45 20 40 35 30 53 55 45 -10 45 -15 40 -15 40 -20 45 -30 50 -5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 10 St 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 30 Name Stump Rk 4 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 18 12 8 6 6 8 -30 0 0 5 10 5 60 60 10 -20 -20 -40 15 St 8

Name Stumped Raging Stump Falling Blocks Warning News Crazy Darts Stump Slice Sumo Stump Timber! Stump Stack Type P F E D E C C C C B SP 0 1 4 8 10 13 18 25 24 Dep HP HP ATK ATK HP ATK HP ATK HP Attr Effect Mana 30 60 90 120 200 350 500 700 T Notes S S S M S M S M M

45 -20 45 -25 15 -15 30 3

20 -10 -40 -10 25 30 -5 -37 0 -35 33

50 -20 13 -7

Driftwood Data
Driftwood makes lousy Conne fodder, but great weaponry.

55 -15

55 -15

Name Rk 2 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 12 7 7 12 8 -30 5 0 10 5 0 30 50 -35 -10 60 -35 15 St 8

Name Frigid Breeze Thors Finger Deadwood Icy Breath Lightning Rod Gale-otine Ritual Humid Slash Crimson Hell Type P F E D C D C F B B SP 0 2 5 12 11 13 17 21 25 Dep RES RES ATK RES RES ATK RES INT RES Attr Ice Wind Fire Fire Effect Mana 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 700 T Notes M S S M DEF -10% M S S M M


Name Driftwood Drop Balsa Bazooka Rollingwood Kindling Camp Fire Rafting Fun Elegant Slash Splash Fire Dance Type P F E E D C D B A B SP 0 5 10 8 12 23 19 25 31 Dep ATK ATK ATK RES RES RES ATK RES INT Attr Fire Fire Ice Fire Effect Mana 60 120 180 240 400 600 800 1000 T Notes S M M S M M M M M




Fish / Starfish



Bread / Egg


Fish Data
Slap someone around with a large trout. Shark Bite is a powerful multi-target ice skill.

Bread Data
This yeasty morsel serves up delicious Healing.

Name Fish Rk 8 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 12 14 8 10 7 6 20 20 -5 -15 -10 0 40 70 -10 -40 -10 10 20 St 8

Name Bread Rk 10 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 17 6 6 8 12 10 40 5 -25 -20 0 10 100 -30 -30 10 30 20 20 St 8

Name Fish Slap Brain Sturgeon Fresh Squish Swim, Fishy! Smells Fishy Salmon Fry Flying Trout Fishy Friends Shark Bite Type P F E D D D C D B A SP 0 2 4 9 13 11 22 23 27 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK INT INT ATK ATK ATK Attr Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Effect Mana 60 120 180 250 350 500 700 900 T Notes S S S M M S M M M

Name Nummy Bread Moldy Bread Yeasty Bread Nourishment Type P F D C A SP 0 10 16 24 Dep RES HP RES RES Attr Effect Mana 100 300 700 T Notes S M M M ATK +25%, HP +25%

Egg Data
Frankly, its more useful for transmigration than as a weapon.


Starfish Data
This ninja-style sea life wields paralytic skills. Wield a Starsh to boost ATK and SPD.

Name Egg

Rk 15

Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 10 9 12 13 16 11 10 -10 -10 20 50 10 55 -10 -25 40 85 -10 30

St 20

St 8 Name Yolk Attack Hatch Power Pigeon Egg Fried Eggs Type P F D C C SP 0 8 12 16 Dep RES RES RES RES Attr Fire Effect Mana 200 400 500 T Notes S DEF -3% M ATK -10% S INT -20% M RES -30%

Name Starsh Rk 1 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 6 12 9 8 9 14 -10 20 0 0 0 0 -30 50 20 -50 20 60 10

Name StarFlash Starsh Cutter Stuck on You Twinkle Bomb FallingStarsh Echinoderm Shooting Star Starcopter Electrostar Type P F D D C C C B A B SP 0 1 3 9 10 17 14 24 36 Dep SPD SPD ATK SPD SPD RES SPD ATK SPD Attr Effect Mana 70 140 210 300 500 700 900 1200 T Notes M S S INT -10% S M M M S DEF -10% M DEF -10%




Vases / Treasure



Seeds / Barrels


Vase Data
Anything could be hiding inside, including huge RES bonuses and Stat-Altering offensive skills.

Seed Data
To raise your HP, lower your DEF, and send angry plants after people, equip a Seed.

Name Vase Rk 4 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 7 8 7 12 14 10 10 -10 0 5 5 0 -30 20 -30 30 50 20 25 St 8

Name Seed Rk 1 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 14 7 6 13 11 8 20 -15 -5 10 0 10 50 -25 -15 50 30 -30 15 St 8

Name Antique Shatter Gross Water Fire Prison Fragrance Summon Attack Sugar Water Fireworks Ancient Mist Type P F E E D D C A B B SP 0 1 6 9 16 13 18 19 27 Dep RES ATK RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Attr Ice Fire Fire Effect Mana 50 100 200 300 400 600 800 1100 T Notes M S DEF -5% M S M S M M M

Name Rapid Growth Seeding Mystery Seed Green Thumb Big Harvest Tangled Ivy Coconut Bomb Soils Blessing Briar Patch Type P F E D D D C D C B SP 0 1 7 5 13 11 16 19 27 Dep INT HP RES INT HP INT ATK RES INT Attr Effect Mana 60 120 180 240 320 400 600 800 T Notes M S M M M S SPD -25% M M M

Treasure Data
Buy your way out of trouble. Treasure Chests are perfect for Titlists and other Space-Time masters.

Barrel Data
Their skills are weak, but Barrels provide excellent bonuses to HP, ATK, and INT.

Name Treasure Rk 10 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 12 8 8 12 8 12 20 30 30 0 -10 -30 40 -25 -30 60 -25 50 40 St 8

Name Barrel Rk 5 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 12 14 9 10 9 4 40 0 0 -10 0 -20 60 60 -50 60 -50 0 25 St 8

Name Treasure Strike Gold Rush Excavation Lost Ark Mimic Army Treasure Beam Pandora Present Box El Dorado Type P F F E C D C B B B SP 0 4 8 12 10 19 16 23 27 Dep INT SPD HP INT HP SPD INT HP HP Attr Effect Mana 100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 1200 T Notes S M M M S M S M M

Name Barrel Toss Sky Rocket Barrel Drop Lock and Stock Close Call Barrel Shufe Barrel Beam Pyromaniac Squeaky Slammer Type P F E D D D C D C C SP 0 1 2 7 11 14 22 26 32 Dep ATK ATK HP HP ATK ATK INT INT HP Attr Fire Fire Fire Effect Mana 30 60 90 150 250 400 500 700 T Notes S S S S S S M M M




Skull / Bone



Crate / Pillar


skull Data
An Energy ghters best friend, but youll have to compensate for major HP and DEF losses.

Crate Data
What they lack in Physical power, they make up for in hilarity.

Name Skull Rk 10 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 12 6 12 14 10 10 -30 -20 20 20 20 0 -70 -20 -40 80 50 60 10 St 8

Name Crate Name Unload Mystery Box Heavy Lifting Surprise Lookout Below Magic Trick Flying Wonder Twin Tower Hex Box Rk 6 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 4 15 15 7 7 10 20 20 0 -10 -10 -10 0 50 50 -40 -40 30 25 St 8

Name Skull Blaster Wispys Will Death Shadow Passing On Dying Breath Skull Circle Bone Head Lovely Eye Gallant Skull Type P F E D D E C C C B SP 0 4 8 12 22 15 24 31 29 Dep INT INT INT SPD INT INT INT INT ATK Attr Fire Effect Mana 200 300 400 500 700 900 1200 2000 T Notes S M S S M S M M M

Type P F E D C C B C B B SP 0 4 3 7 14 11 14 19 22 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK DEF ATK SPD DEF INT Attr Fire Fire Effect Mana 40 80 120 200 300 400 600 800 T Notes S M S S M S S S S

Bone Data
Sure, youve got no HP, DEF, or RES, but all your skills drain HP.

Pillar Data
These are great weapons, but dont expect to get a turn very often.

Name Bone Name Femur Club Bone Train Gothic Chant Calcium Guard Calcium Rain Bonerang Bone Spray Them Bones Giga Dark Rk 10 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 13 15 6 6 12 8 -40 -20 10 10 10 10 -70 75 40 0 -70 35 5 St 8

Name Pillar Type P F E E D C C C B SP 0 5 8 8 12 20 19 31 29 Dep HP HP HP HP HP ATK SPD HP Attr Effect Mana 200 300 200 500 700 900 1200 1500 T Notes S S M M ATK +30%, DEF +30% M M S M M Name Stone Pillar Good Shot! Heavy Lifting Heavenly Pillar Drillar Marble Slam Surng Spiral Pillar Parthenon Rk 5 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 15 14 14 2 7 13 50 50 50 0 0 -70 50 50 50 0 -10 -80 50 St 8


Type P F E E D C C B C B SP 0 4 6 10 13 16 21 28 31 Dep HP HP HP ATK ATK DEF HP ATK INT Attr Effect Mana 40 80 120 160 200 400 600 900 T Notes S S S S S S M M M




Trolly / Sign



Bomb / Remote


Trolly Data
A rare vehicle for massive Speed enhancements.

Bomb Data
Lowers DEF and teaches explosive Energy skills. Great for kamikaze runs.

Name Trolly Rk 6 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 10 12 4 4 14 -10 20 0 -30 -30 30 -20 20 40 -20 -20 90 15 St 8

Name Bomb Rk 4 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 9 9 9 9 8 -25 50 -15 0 0 0 -50 80 -80 80 -80 50 5 St 8

Name Streetcar Trolly Inferno Manual Break Cross Trainer Reckless Refreshments Danger Trolly Train Wreck Ghost Train Type P F E D D D C C A B SP 0 3 6 12 9 18 17 19 26 Dep SPD SPD ATK SPD SPD ATK SPD SPD INT Attr Fire Ice Effect Mana 70 140 210 280 400 500 700 1000 T Notes S M S M S M S S S

Name Firebomb Water Grenade Thunder Bomb Bomb Attack Dud Flash Bang Cluster Bomb Megaton Bomb Gigaton Bomb Type P F E E D C C C B A SP 0 4 8 12 10 16 22 26 40 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK ATK Attr Effect Fire Ice Fire Fire Mana 80 160 240 400 600 800 1000 1500 T Notes S M DEF -5% M INT -5% M ATK -5% S RES -5% M SPD -5% M ATK -10% M SPD -10% M SPD -15%

Sign Data
A surprisingly effective weapon for an Elemental spellcaster.

Remote Data
No negative equip/conne rates and a powerful, yet suicidal, skill.

Name Sign Rk 7 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 10 14 14 10 10 5 20 15 -15 -15 0 -10 20 50 60 -30 30 25 St 8

Name Remote Rk 8 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd St HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 30 24 18 22 16 29 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 100

Name Sign Thwack Storm Warning Falling Objects Wind Advisory Type P F D C C SP 0 8 14 18 Dep DEF INT INT INT Attr Ice Fire Wind Effect Mana 150 300 550 T Notes S M M M

Name EMP Wave Suicide Bomb Type P F S SP 0 30 Dep ATK HP Attr Effect Mana 2000 T Notes S M




Pot / Water Can



Phonograph / Candle / Hourglass


Pot Data
Daze your enemies with a Pot over the head.

Phonograph Data
Slows you way down but increases INT.

Name Pot Rk 2 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 7 13 14 13 7 7 -10 10 10 5 5 -10 -30 40 55 40 -40 -35 20 St 8

Name Phonogrph Name Noise Pollution Forte Lullaby C Sharp/B Flat Rk 8 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 8 13 13 10 8 10 20 0 10 -20 -10 -25 10 50 50 40 -45 15 SP 0 9 12 28 Dep INT INT INT INT Attr Fire Effect Mana 100 200 500 T Notes M M S M St 8

Name Pot Smack Bomberry Clay Barrage Needle Wood Thorn Cannon Jar of Clone Blunt Weapon Ghost Bloom Pratfall Type P F E E E D D C B A SP 0 1 4 11 18 17 21 24 28 Dep ATK ATK ATK ATK INT INT DEF INT DEF Attr Effect Mana 70 140 210 280 400 500 700 1000 T Notes S M S M M S S S M

Type P F E C B

Candle Data
Very good INT and SPD but skills arent impressive.

Name Candle Name Hot Wax St 8 Flametoss Dark Sleep Magic Circle Rk 14 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 8 10 13 15 11 16 10 15 -10 40 20 -5 -5 0 -15 75 -35 85 5 St 15

Water Can Data

Are a few good Stat-Altering spells worth the HP, DEF, and SPD loss?

Type P F E D C SP 0 8 11 23 Dep INT INT RES INT Attr Effect Fire Fire Mana 100 300 500 T Notes S M S M

Name Water Can Rk 5 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 9 12 9 14 10 8 10 10 0 -10 0 0 -30 50 -40 60 40 -20 15

Name Sprinkler Heaven Drop Scrub and Wash Cold Rain Dark Rain Sacred Water Cruel Drop Bubble Trouble Frozen Drops Type P F D D D D C C B B SP 0 5 8 14 21 18 26 22 34 Dep INT RES ATK INT INT RES INT ATK INT Attr Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Effect Mana 80 160 240 400 600 800 1000 1200 T Notes S S S M DEF -10% M INT -10% M RES +30% M S M

Hourglass Data
Superb SPD equip rate and skills that reduce enemies SPD.

Name Hourglass Name Time Attack Astral Sand Slow Down Speed Up End Continuity Rk 15 Stat Increase Conne Ability (%) Equip Ability (%) Gd HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD HP ATK DEF INT RES SPD 11 8 7 16 13 16 -20 0 -10 0 0 50 -50 -10 0 40 30 115 10 St 20

Type P F E F C SP 0 11 7 6 32 Dep SPD SPD SPD SPD Attr Effect Mana 150 250 250 700 T Notes M SPD -20% M SPD -15% S SPD -50% S SPD +50% M SPD -50%



Physical Skills
Physical attacks arent subtle. They rely largely on pure brute force.

Name Chomp

P SP Dep Attr Effect F 3 ATK -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 100 S 8 0 6/0 S *

Notes Name P SP Dep Attr Effect F 0 ATK B 24 ATK B 16 ATK D 2 HP C 14 ATK F 0 ATK F 4 ATK C 20 ATK C 21 DEF E 4 F 0 Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with S M 10 0 6/0 B (Snakish) Notes (Soul Saber) Angle Slash Annihilate Ascension Barrel Drop Barrel Shufe Barrel Toss Berserker Blarney Drop Blunt Weapon Body Movin Body Swing Bolt Cannon Bonerang Bound Strike Brain Sturgeon Brick Mania Calamity Drive Casualty Centrigual Chain Attack Charge Attack Chomp Clay Barrage Cleave Close Call Coconut Bomb Cooperation Crazed Attack Cyclone Cutter

2 3 4

8 9 10 11 12 1314 15



1 Name: The skills name. 2 Power: Ranking of the skills power. This is ranked by letters of the alphabet. S is the highest and F is the lowest (S>A>B>C>D>E>F). For skills where the effectiveness wont change no matter who uses them (like Support skills), the skill power isnt listed. 3 SP Cost: How much SP is consumed when you use the skill. 4 Dependence: What stat inuences the skills power. Skills with Support effects arent dependent on stats. 5 Attribute: Reects the attribute of the attack. The four types are Fire, Ice, Wind and None (-). 6 Additional Effects: Things the skill can also do under certain conditions. When combining special effects that increase and decrease stats (i.e., DEF+10%) the upper limit you can reach is +100% and the lower limit is -50%. Effects such as Mana Up, Experience Up and BOR Up (those which give +20% per use) have a limit of +1000%. See chart below for details. 7 Needed mana: Mana needed to learn this skill when forging and combining. When transferring it will change based on the Fusionist level and item compatibility. 8 Target: Number of targets of the attack/effect. S: Single target skill M: Multiple target skill

9-12 Attack Range: The range of effect for the attack. (All measurements in dm). 9 Area: Shape of area of attack. : Cylinder : Sphere : Pyramid 10 Distance: Length (for pyramid), distance from the character to the center (for cylinder) or radius of the movement range (for sphere). 11 Range: Radius (for cylinder and sphere) or width (for pyramid). 12 Vertical: Represents the altitude of where the character using the skill is standing (page 16-17 for details). Altitude is calculated as the height from the center. Attack will be in range when the average of the characters height and the center point of the area of attack is under this number. *With a cylinder, when range is 0 it becomes a single target attack. For more detail on the range of these attacks see page 16-17. 13-15 Use conditions: Conditions you need to meet to use the skill. They are explained below. 13 Unarmed: Can use while unequipped. 14 Equip: Can use while equipped.

15 Limited: Skills that can only be used when conditions about who knows the skill are met. S (Self): The character himself has to know the skill in order to use it. You cant use it if youve equipped a character or item that knows the skill. E (Equip): You must equip a character or item that knows the skill in order to use it. Even if the character himself knows the skill you cant use it without this. B (Basic): Basic skill of an item or job. Basic skills of equipped items take priority over innate ones. C (Combination): - Skills you can use by equipping another character who knows the skill. You cant use it by combining with an item. None (-): No conditions to meet to use. 16 Learnable with: What/who can learn it. Jobs and items are represented by their icons in the game. Icons with an * indicate an Enemy Only skill. Icons with indicate the skill is only learned by Dark version of that job. Skills which can be learned by equipping certain characters with certain items or characters will be displayed in brackets. Example:

28 14 14/0 S 12 28 16 16 0 0 0 0 6/4 6/0 6/0 6/0 B Title: Elite

750 S 60 S

250 S S

120 M 400 M 500 S 200 S S

24 36 6/0 0 9 24 8 12 40 24 12 8 10 10 12 12/8 S 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 12/0 E C

C All humanoid characters and most monsters. - [ E + ]

B 21 ATK C 20 HP D 11 ATK

1000 S 700 M 100 S 60 S

6/0 S 6/0 6/0 6/1 6/1 E * DEF-12% Title: Lord DEF-3% DEF-20% DEF-10%

E 2 ATK Ice D 7 ATK S 40 ATK C 15 HP E 10 ATK B 20 ATK D 7 ATK F 3 ATK E 4 ATK D 13 ATK D 11 ATK D 16 ATK E 0 -

100 S 7500 S 450 S 180 M 750 S 100 S 100 S 140 S 300 S 150 S 400 M S

(Fenrir or Cerberus + Tree) Some skills can be learned by using titles, so these are also indicated. 17 Notes: Additional information about the skill. Effects which alter stats by a percentage will be listed here.

36 12 8/4 30 16 8 18 12 12 24 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 6/6 6/0


Absorb: The skill heals its user while damaging its target. (Chomp) Amnesia: The character cannot use any skill that involves spending SP. (Fire Prison) Cure Status: The target loses all negative status effects. (Espoir) Dazed: The aficted character cannot earn EXP. (Summon Attack) EXP Up: The target is worth 10% more EXP. This can be inicted repeatedly, and is cumulative. (EX Punch) Gamble: Most attacks will miss the aficted character, but if one hits, the character is KOed. (Barrel Shufe) Knock Back: The target is moved backwards on the map. Many Physical skills inict Knockback in various degrees. (Flying Bomb) Mana Up: The target is worth 10% more Mana. This can be inicted repeatedly, and is cumulative. (Mana Punch) BOR Up: The target is worth 10% more bordeaux. This can be inicted repeatedly, and is cumulative. (Mega Bonus) Paralyzed: The aficted characters dm and SPD go down. (Fireworks) Poisoned: The aficted character takes damage every turn. (Spores) Restore HP: The target regains some lost HP. (Heal) Revive: The target is brought back to life after being KOed. (Revive). Suicide: The users HP are reduced to zero. (Suicide Bomb) Sleep: The aficted character will not get a turn until he wakes up. (Sleep Powder) Transport: The user will be moved a certain set distance when he uses a skill with this effect. (Delayed Strike) Unequip Self: Using the skill disarms the character. The character must be armed to use the skill. (Dodge Rock) Unequip Target: The target of the skill may be disarmed. (Hurricane Slash)

6/0 S 6/0 E

6/1 6/0 8/2 6/0 C Title: Doki


D 11 HP D 7 ATK

400 M 300 S

35 25 6/0 S 30 0 6/1 - [ + ] DEF-5%



Name Danger Trolly Dark Spectre Deadwood Debris Delayed Strike Dodge Rock Doppleganger Double Slash Double Trouble Dragon Drop

P SP Dep Attr Effect C 17 SPD C 17 ATK D 5 ATK D 2 ATK -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 500 S 600 S 100 S 50 M 36 12 10 40 36 24 8 12 12 12 12 2 24/36 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -



P SP Dep Attr Effect -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 240 M 1200 M 100 M 120 S 80 80 S S 36 48 12/1 0 0 12 14 16 11 8 16 10 24 16 18 24 16 8 18 12/0 12 10/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 6/0 C Title: Smiley * * *(Raphael?)


Ground Breaker F 9 ATK DEF-11% Halo Slash Hammer Throw DEF-2% Heavenly Pillar Heavy Lifting Title: Major Heavy Lifting Heliotrope D 30 ATK E 6 -

6/1 6/0 6/2 -

D 10 ATK E 6 HP D 3 ATK B 27 ATK

B 15 SPD Wind D 2 DEF C 14 E 0 C 8 -

1050 S 40 S

6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 C C C Title: Empath

1000 S S

10000 S 540 S 600 S 7500 S 420 S 100 S 150 S 200 S 400 S 90 S

6/1 6/0 6/0 S

Hurricane Slash C 11 ATK Instant Death Invisislash + ] * + ] Killer Spin King Javelin King of Beasts King Smash King Sword Lockand Stock RES-5% + ] Lookout Below Lunge Mach Throw Manual Break *(Raphael?) [ * + ] Mega Crocus Mincemeat Misery Mole Whack Mortar + ] Title: Sky DEF-7% *+ + ] Mush Dance Mushroom Drill Pass Pincushion Pot Smack Power Combo Title: Beaten Title: Triumph DEF-13% B 24 ATK S 45 ATK D 9 ATK E 3 ATK D 6 ATK D 6 HP C 12 ATK D 7 HP C 14 DEF F 0 ATK D 12 ATK D 6 ATK D 23 ATK A 25 ATK A 27 ATK E 3 ATK F 0 ATK B 26 HP C 12 ATK - 0 -

600 S 400 S 200 S M


6/0 S 6/0 - [ B - [ - [ +

6/0 - Spirit Sword, Title: Gen. 6/0 6/0 - [ + ]

Dragon Hammer D 8 ATK Fire Dragon Punch Dragon Shot Dream Chant Drill Kick Drillar Dud Emerald Pain Epiphany Falling Blocks Fang Slash Flying Bomb Flying Wonder Fresh Squish Gaea Sword Gaean Punch Gale Slash Gambit Ghostly Pal Golem Lance Golem Punch Good Shot! Grand Swing E 0 ATK Fire F 6 HP C 12 ATK C 11 ATK C 13 ATK C 10 ATK -

32 32 6/0 30 8 8 30 32 20 0 26 40 8 8 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/0 6/0

300 S 500 S 300 S 160 S 400 S 600 S 4500 M 60 50 S S

6/0 S 6/0 6/0 6/0 - [ - [ C - [ * DEF-10% + ] DEF-5% + ] + ]

] Title: Dream

6/1 S 6/0 6/0 6/0 - [

200 M S

40 10 24/36 14 32 36 0 8 0 6/4 6/6 6/0

D 21 SPD Wind B 37 ATK D 4 ATK E 3 ATK E 5 ATK C 14 SPD D 4 ATK D 26 ATK E 5 DEF -

16 10/0 0 0 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 -

500 M 140 S M

48 14 12/6 8 12 10 8 0 0 0 0 6/0 6/1 6/1 6/0 B

200 S 400 S 120 S 1350 M 50 S

6/1 S 6/0 6/0 - [

3000 S 1500 S 60 S S

DEF-14% DEF-5% DEF-1%

15 14 12/6 12 24 32 12 12 12 12 10 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/0

800 M 250 S 100 S 300 S S

28 10 18/0 24 40 18 8 15 12 0 6/0

- [ + ] - [ + S ]

E 8 ATK Wind D 11 ATK Wind D 6 DEF B 22 ATK E 0 HP E 4 HP B 22 ATK -

300 M 240 S 200 S 600 S 40 S S

26/1 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 - [ - [ B -

2 18/18 0 0 0 0

D 10 ATK Wind F 0 ATK E 6 ATK -

6/4 6/0 B Title: Buffer DEF-6%

120 S 80 S

6/1 6/0 E

Power Launcher E 5 DEF Pratfall A 28 DEF

900 S

6/1 -

1000 M

50 10 12/36



Name Prinny Barrage Pumpkin Dunk

P SP Dep Attr Effect E 0 ATK E 3 ATK -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 50 M S 24 24 28 18 8 40 12 16 24 12 8 5 12/12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 B E E B C - [ B * * Title: Bl. Belt *(Raphael?) [ + ] + ] Title: Rainbw + ] *


Name Streetcar Strike Stump Stack Stumped Suplex Surng Sword Dance Tasty Timber!

P SP Dep Attr Effect F 0 SPD F 0 ATK B 24 HP F 0 HP D 18 HP B 21 HP D 5 ATK E 4 -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with S S 8 8 0 0 6/0 6/1 B B B


Physical-based humanoids (except Archer and Owl Ninja), bosses, plus a few monsters.

Pumpkin Hammer D 12 ATK Pumpkin Pass Punch Raging Stump Rainbow Slash Rampage Reckless Rock Crusher Rock Punch Rollingwood Roundhouse Serial Stinging Shatter Shroom Stomp Shroom Vendor Sign Thwack Skewer Slime Darts Slime Drill Slime Mole Slime Press Slime Slash Slimurai Smash Soul Crush Spintastic Spiral Pillar Spring Cap Squash Stone Pillar F 0 ATK E 0 -

200 S 30 50 S S S S

700 M S

12 10 12/12 8 0 36 18 12 0 6/0

Title: Robot

500 M 400 M 360 S 150 S 500 M 50 S

10 14/0 S 8 24/36 0 0 -

E 1 HP E 4 ATK D 8 ATK D 9 SPD E 5 ATK F 0 DEF E 10 ATK E 3 ATK F 6 ATK E 1 ATK F 0 HP E 3 DEF F 0 DEF E 3 ATK E 3 ATK C 16 DEF C 16 ATK C 24 DEF

6/0 6/0 C

200 S 280 S 100 S S

*(Raphael?) [

C 25 ATK - 0 -

50 12 12/6 20 24 18 12 8 36 12 25 12 18 16 2 12/12 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/0 S Title: Xtreme


Toss Train Wreck Trample Twin Tower Unload

A 19 SPD D 4 ATK B 19 DEF F 0 ATK C 12 ATK

700 S 200 S 600 S S

120 M 100 S 120 M 50 S S

60 15 8/2 8 12 28 12 12 14 16 30 12 24 24 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6/0 S 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/1 B - [

6/1 S 6/4 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/4 6/0 B - [ + B - [ + ] ]


Vase Cannon Volcano Warning News Wild Fang Wild Hit Wild Swing Winged Slayer

200 S 400 S 90 50 M S S

+ ] DEF-10%

C 14 ATK Fire E 8 ATK F 0 ATK E 3 DEF E 9 ATK B 55 ATK -

- [ + ] B - [ Title: Oni *(Raphael?) [ +

100 S 60 S S

6 18/18 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 6/1

100 S 400 S 200 S 600 M 500 M 200 S S S

180 S 6000 M 300 S 900 M

6/0 S - [ - [ + - [ - [ B B C B B + ] + + ] ] DEF-5% DEF-1% ]

40 22 18/6 12 48 0 8 6/0 -

2 24/36 8 6/6

Wolfang X Rush

C 12 ATK Wind D 20 ATK -

15/4 -

D 18 ATK Wind D 6 ATK F 0 ATK E 0 ATK A 18 -

36 12 9/3 12 10 12 24 0 24 12 16 0 0 0 0 6/0 6/1 6/6 6/0

Energy Skills
Energy skills charge your weapons with power, to strike multiple or distant targets.

2000 S 600 M 160 S S S

C 28 ATK D 10 ATK F 0 ATK F 0 HP

12 14/1 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 6/0

Name 1-way Ticket Aura Blade Aura Blaster

P SP Dep Attr Effect D 24 Fire -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 1200 M 750 M 200 M 36 10 10/2 36 40 14/0 15 6 12/12 - C - [ + ]


E 21 ATK D 18 ATK



Name Bark Cyclone Beam Arrow Beast Strike Big Wheel Bomb Attack Bomb! Bomberry Bone Head Breath Slash Bubble Trouble Burgundy Burst Cact Attack Calamity Celestial Slash Chi Chopper Chi for You Cluster Bomb Cobalt Blues Crescent Slash Cross Trainer Crystal Sword DarkEboreus DeadlyFan Death Baloon Death Shadow Demon Curse

P SP Dep Attr Effect D 15 ATK Wind F 0 ATK -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 300 M S 0 24 20 36 12 8/2 2 12/12 0 0 6/0 B *(Raphael?)


Name Electrostar Elegant Slash Falling Starsh

P SP Dep Attr Effect B 36 SPD B 19 ATK C 10 SPD D 8 -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 1200 M 600 M 300 M 200 M 60 M 25 20 8/2 48 18 6/6 36 12 8/4 25 30 6/0 0 18 25 E E - C (Snakish) Title: Electro Title: Proud

Notes DEF-10%

C 12 ATK Fire A 30 ATK -

150 S 2400 S 240 M 300 M 70 M

6/1 - [ + ] E E - [ * (Snakish) + ]

DEF-13% ATK-5%

Far Cry Fire Slash Fire Storm Firebomb Flamethrower Flash Bang Frigid Edge Gaea Dragon

D 12 ATK Fire D 7 ATK E 1 ATK C 24 INT -

36 10 10/2 30 24 40 12 10 8 24/36 6 24/36 8 24/48 6 0 8/2

F 3 ATK Fire B 23 ATK Fire F 0 ATK Fire D 18 Fire -

12 8/0 0 0 6/0 S 6/0 B - C -

800 S S

900 M 800 M 1000 S 10000 M 0 S

500 M 600 M 1500 S 1200 S 300 S 480 M 1500 M 1800 M 1500 M 3000 S 100 M 2400 S 1200 M 300 S 200 S 1000 M 40 S M

26 36 8/0 42 12 24/36 10 40 12

D 16 ATK Fire B 22 ATK Ice D 10 HP Fire F 0 ATK A 25 ATK -

C 16 ATK

Title: TheTop


6/0 -

B 17 ATK Ice B 24 ATK -

0 12/12 0 0 6/1 DEF-12%

48 12 14/2 10 12 0 0 6/0 6/0 E

(Soul Saber)

Gale-otine Geo Slash Gigaton Bomb Hurricane Cut Hurricane Stab

C 13 ATK Wind E 16 ATK A 40 ATK -

6/0 -

1000 M 3000 M 1200 M 2100 M 300 M 800 M S

40 12 14/4 44 14 24/36 Title: S.Alloy, Ultimat SPD-15%

C 45 ATK Fire D 32 HP Fire C 32 ATK E 14 SPD -

22 20 14/4 48 48 14/4 -

D 28 ATK Wind C 40 ATK Wind S 33 ATK Fire E 13 INT -

48 12 20/0 50 16 16/4 12 0 6/1 - [ + ] DEF-15%

36 18 10/10 0 20 8/0 S * Title: Shining ATK-10% INT-10%

Hydra Fire Lifeless Eyes

C 22 ATK Fire C 14 ATK Ice E 20 ATK Fire D 12 SPD -

60 16 6/6 18 0

10 10 14/2 12 56 24 8 0

6/1 -

Lightning Spear A 28 ATK Lovely Eye Magic Trick Marble Slam C 31 INT

6/4 E Title: Atomic SPD-10% SPD-10%

600 M 210 M 100 S 10000 M 600 M 4500 M 300 S 500 M 9000 M 1200 M 300 S 500 M 500 M

19 16 10/6 40 10 12/36 10 0 -

8 12/12 0 0 6/0 6/0

B 11 ATK Fire C 16 DEF B 26 ATK -

E 4 ATK Ice C 35 HP -

6/0 Title: Blsphm

16 12 8/4 56 35 14/6 -

Megaton Bomb Myosotis Mystery Box Needle Wood

44 12 24/36 24 0

E 24 ATK Wind C 45 ATK D 8 INT -

C 14 SPD Wind E 4 ATK Fire E 11 ATK C 13 DEF D 12 SPD -

6/0 E E - [ - [ + ] *+ ] Title: Giant

68 18 16/12 28 0 6/0 E - [ Title: Bestial + ] *+ ]

50 10 8/4 24 30 12/0 12 24 12 12 0 40 0 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/4

210 M 300 S 400 S 600 S 450 S 200 M 400 M

C 35 ATK Fire -

36 16 18/4 48 30 12/12

Ogre Stomp Passing On

Dimension Slash S 65 ATK Dragon Breath Dragon Cannon Dying Breath Echinoderm

B 32 HP Fire D 5 ATK E 22 INT C 17 RES -

35 40 12/0 S 22 0 6/0 - [ E E

Phantom Release C 17 ATK Power Strike Prinny Bomb Refreshments C 12 ATK

45 30 10/4 36 12 24/36

D 16 ATK Fire C 18 ATK Ice

12 8/6 8 8/2



Name Rising Dragon Rock Bomb Sandstorm

P SP Dep Attr Effect B 24 ATK -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with S 18 0 4/4 -


Name Vacuum Slash Water Grenade

P SP Dep Attr Effect C 30 ATK Wind E 4 ATK Ice E 4 INT Fire D 20 ATK Fire B 14 HP -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 2400 M 80 M 48 24 12/0 32 7 12/24 E - [ * [ + ] + ]


C 16 ATK Fire C 11 ATK Wind

400 M 200 S 160 S 700 M 400 S 400 M S

40 12 12/36 24 27 0 0


6/0 6/0 E - [ B E E (Snakish) Title: Sun * Title: Mighty *+ ]


Wispys Will Wolf Cannon Zombielite

200 M 400 M 400 S

36 10 12/24 24 10 8/0 24 0 6/0

Scruband Wash D 8 ATK Ice Shooting Star Shoulder Devil Shrapnel Skull Blaster Skull Circle Sky Rocket Snake Beater Solar Bomb Soul Burn Spear Storm Spiral Slash B 14 SPD D 12 ATK -

32 10 24/36 24 0 6/1

DEF-6% DEF-7%

C 21 ATK Wind F 0 INT C 15 INT -

40 13 12/2 24 18 10 2 16/16 0 0 6/0 6/0

Elemental Magic Skills

Elemental Magic specializes in devastating spells that exploit a targets weak point.

700 S 30 S M

Name Acid Rain Barrel Beam Beast Bomb

P SP Dep Attr Effect F 4 INT Ice D 22 INT Fire D 22 INT Fire -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 180 M 400 M 600 M 400 M 900 S 200 S 500 M 800 M 800 M 200 S 300 M 80 S M 36 7 16/12 - [ - C E E E + ]


E 1 ATK Fire F 3 ATK Ice C 15 HP E 20 HP A 55 ATK Ice -

36 48 12/1 24 0

28 10 12/4 32 8 12/36

600 S M

6/0 -

40 30 18/2 S 32 20 16/4 -

Beating for Two E 12 Bone Spray Bone Train Calcium Rain DEF-10% Carat Storm Cruel Drop Ectoplasm INT-10% + ] Falling Objects Femur Club Fire

35 45 12/2 10 12 36 0 0 8/0 8/0

7500 M 3750 M 700 M 900 S 70 S M

C 19 ATK E 5 HP D 12 HP

B 40 ATK Fire -

36 16 18/2 20 12 24 24 25 0 12 30 0 36 36 8 0 0 14/6 6/0 6/0 E E B E - [

Squeaky Slammer C 32 HP Starcopter Starsh Cutter Star Flash Stuckon You Suislime Sun Slash Surprise Terminate Thors Axe Thunder Bomb Top Spin Tossup Trolly Inferno Truth Lasher Turbulence Twin Beam Twinkle Bomb A 24 ATK D 1 SPD F 0 SPD D 3 ATK B 25 HP

6 24/36

C 26 INT Ice C 26 INT Ice D 8 -

36 13 36/24 36 10 24/36 8 0 6/0 - C B Title: Fire Title: Rowdy * Title: Astro

3 12/24 0 6/0

140 S 1000 M 100 S 120 S M

C 14 INT Fire F 0 HP -

38 10 24/36 8 24 0 0 8/0

18 10/10 0 0

D 6 ATK Fire C 7 ATK S 36 HP S 36 ATK E 8 ATK -

6/0 6/0 Title: Shocked

F 2 INT Fire B 31 INT Fire E 8 INT Fire E 10 INT Fire F 0 INT -

5 18/18 14 16/0 -

Fire Dance Flametoss Flare Sphere Force Frozen Drops INT-5%

1000 M 100 M 450 M S

24 10/0 S 0 6/1 - Title: Learn in Random Dungeon DEF-18% - C Title: Oath

30 20 14/2

4500 S 160 M 180 M 300 S 70 M

38 10 8/4 18 0 8 0 6/0 B

9 12/24

E 6 ATK Wind D 6 -

16 14 10/0 24 0 6/0

B 34 INT Ice C 17 INT Fire B 29 HP -

1200 M 300 M 1500 M 1200 M 1200 M 1200 M 1200 M

16 10/4 8 6/2 - [ E Title: Explod Title: Frigid + ]

Galaxy Shot Giga Dark Giga Fire

E 3 SPD Fire D 15 ATK Fire C 14 ATK Wind D 23 ATK C 9 SPD -

50 10 8/4

42 14 24/36

240 M 400 S 900 M 210 S

40 11 16/5 18 0 6/0 - [ + ]

D 15 INT Fire D 15 INT Ice C 18 INT -

48 13 28/28 48 13 28/28 48 13 28/28 48 13 28/28 -

Giga Ice Giga Thunder Giga Wind

48 12 12/6 40 2 24/36 E

D 15 INT Wind

Title: Twister



Name Gothic Chant Grudge Bomb H2 Oh Yeah Hex Box Hot Wax Ice Ice

P SP Dep Attr Effect E 8 HP F 0 INT -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 300 M S 30 12 8 24/36 0 6/0 E B - [ B Title: Dark*, Ebony* * + ]


Physical Magic Skills

Physical Magic is the ability to control the forces of nature.

D 14 INT Ice B 22 INT -

400 M 800 S 80 S M M

36 12 24/36 30 8 24 24 0 0 6/0 6/0

Name 6 Feet Under Title: Ice, Neo (Snakish) Absorb Allergy Attack Arbor Day Balsa Bazooka Title: RedHot Title: Chilly Big Harvest Blazing Field Briar Patch Title: Gusty Bud Ballet Burning Refuse Cactus Drill Cactus Kabobs Cactus Rain * Title: Plasma Camo Cutter Camp Fire Cap Attack INT-10% Carnivation Chloro-ll * Clone Fruit Crazy Darts *+ ] + ] Crimson Hell Dance Party Dance-off Decompose Devil Storm Dragon Prayer Dragon Specter Title: Wind Driftwood Drop Dryad Lash

P SP Dep Attr Effect C 25 INT C 12 ATK D 24 INT F 0 HP E 5 ATK D 13 HP -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 800 M 450 S 500 M 60 S M 30 12 12/36 24 0 12 0 6/0 E Title: Built


F 0 INT Fire F 2 INT Ice F 2 INT Ice Fire

5 18/18 6 18/18 -

12 12/6 0 6/0 B -

Lightning Bomb D 14 INT Magic 8Ball Mega Fire Mega Ice Mega Thunder Mega Wind Omega Fire Omega Fire OmegaIce Omega Ice OmegaThunder Omega Wind Omega Wind PsychoCounter Pyromaniac Shock Siren Song Soul Eater Spitre Sprinkler Storm Warning Them Bones Thunder Thwap Wind Wind Advisory E 16 -

750 M 800 M 400 M 400 M 400 M 400 M 3500 M M

40 10 10/8 24 14 12/4 36 36 36 36 - C

36 10 8/1 0 36 0

Title: Erotic

E 8 INT Fire E 8 INT Ice D 10 INT -

8 22/22 8 22/22 8 22/22 8 22/22 -

240 M 600 S 800 M 500 M 100 M 100 M 300 M 60 80 M M

16 6/0 0 6/0 Title: Stormy

B 15 SPD Fire B 27 INT -

20 8/0

E 8 INT Wind C 35 INT Fire B 15 INT Fire C 35 INT Ice B 15 INT Ice B 40 INT -

D 22 ATK Wind D 6 INT Fire E 8 ATK D 16 INT F 4 ATK D 4 SPD -

18 15 12/0 0 12 8/2 E E E - C

60 17 36/36 60 24 36/36 S 60 17 36/36 60 24 36/36 S 60 17 36/36 60 17 36/36 60 24 36/36 S 12 0 6/0 S B - C - [ - [ B E

24 10 10/2 24 40 18 28 6 18/18 8 7 8 8/4 6/0 10/4

3500 M M

3500 M 3500 M M

C 35 INT Wind B 15 INT Wind E 3 INT Ice C 26 INT Fire F 0 INT D 11 -

C 12 RES Fire D 10 -

240 M 200 M 400 S 80 S

20 10 8/2 18 32 24 13 0 0 0 0

100 S 500 M S

D 12 INT E 3 INT D 6 HP C 10 HP B 25 RES C 27 ATK C 14 HP E 6 HP

6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 E E E * [ + ]


24 14 8/0 16 18 18 0 0 0 6/1 6/0 6/0 -

200 S 120 S 700 M 800 M 300 M 120 S t400 M 600 M 500 S 20 S M

150 S 100 S 300 M S


52 14 26/26 32 16 5/2 40 11 18/36 36 0 0 28 12 25 2 12/12

C 18 INT Fire F 0 INT Ice E D INT Ice C 31 SPD E 3 INT F 0 INT -

24 16 8/4 28 30 2 12/24 6 24/36

150 M 1200 M 80 80 M S M

34 15 8/0 24 16 24

D 17 SPD Wind D 17 INT D 12 HP F 0 ATK -

14 10/2 14 10/0 0 0 6 6/0 6/0 - [ - [ B Title: Smiley + + ] ]

5 18/18 0 6/0 B

F 2 INT Wind C 18 INT Wind

5 18/18 -

550 M

46 12 24/36

E 1 SPD Wind

5/1 -



Name Eco Batter Eco Gunner Eco Swing Fish Slap Fishy Friends Flying Trout Foliage Storm Forget Pollen Fresh Wind Frigid Breeze Fungtoss Fungus Fire Gallant Skull Ghost Bloom

P SP Dep Attr Effect D 18 HP E 1 INT -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 400 M 50 S 20 14 14/0 28 0 14 0 6/0 - [ + ]


Name Mystery Seed Odiferous Petal Wind

P SP Dep Attr Effect D 7 RES E 16 INT -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 120 M 300 M S 0 0 28 16 8/0 14 16/0 2 16/16 - [ B E - [ B Title: Atlants Title: Sated Title: Persist + ] + ]


E 9 HP Wind F 0 ATK Ice B 23 ATK Ice D 22 ATK Ice E 12 INT Wind D 4 INT -

160 M S

12 8/0 0 6/0 B Title: Misc.

F 0 INT Wind -

Pumpkin Parade D 22 ATK Pumpsicle Rafting Fun Rapid Growth RES-20% *+ ] Ritual Salmon Fry Secret Garden Seeding Shark Bite Skewer Slime Shower Smells Fishy Soils Blessing Solar Flare Solar Laser Splash Spore Title: Cleany DEF-10% Sporedom Spores Stealth Slash Steel Magnolia Title: Mecha Sticker

400 M 50 S

36 30 12/4 36 0 6/0

700 M 500 M 200 M 120 S 50 S M

24 18 10/0 0 0 10 20 24 18 12 14/4

E 4 INT Ice D 23 RES F 0 INT F 17 RES -

400 M M

40 12 12/12 24 28 15 0 18 3 12/24 0 0 6/0 6/0

14 10/2 0 0 6/0 6/0 - [ B E E E B -

400 S 350 S 900 M 60 S

E 3 INT Wind F 0 RES C 15 ATK E 9 INT B 29 ATK B 24 INT -

C 11 INT Ice C 25 INT E 1 HP -

4 16/16 0 6/0

12 14/0 0 6/0

300 S 80 M

24 10 24/36 42 10 14/2 24 0 6/0

A 27 ATK Ice D 24 INT D 17 INT D 13 INT C 19 RES -

900 M 650 M 800 M 250 M 600 M 200 M 900 M 800 M S

24 14 8/8 0 12 18/0 E - [ + ]

2000 M 700 S 1000 M 900 M S

36 10 12/4 25 50 36 8 12/2

Giganto Pumpkin A 28 ATK Gigaton Press Grass Shot Green Thumb Helio Shot Humid Slash Icy Breath Jack-o-Lantern Jar of Clone Kicking Grass Kindling Leaf Cutter Leaf Toss Lightning Rod A 26 DEF F 0 SPD D 5 INT E 3 INT

48 10 18/36 48 16 24/36 8 40 24 0 6/0

8 24/36 9 24/24 -

C 11 INT Fire B 26 INT Fire A 25 RES Ice F 0 -

180 M 50 M

8 24/36 5

40 15 24/24 42 21 24/36 12 8 0 16 12 8 8 36 24 0 0 6/0 6/0 - C - [ + ]

6/1 E E -

B 21 INT Fire C 12 RES Ice D 24 ATK D 17 INT D 9 ATK -

500 M 150 M 600 M 400 S 150 M 180 S 80 40 M S

48 12 22/22 45 10 18/18 32 10 18/36 24 0 6/0


100 S 30 M

10 10/0 5 0 0 6 8 2 20/0 6/0 6/0 20/0 6/6 6/6 B E Title: Bwa

D 11 SPD Wind E 1 INT F 0 ATK -

300 M 30 S S

12 10 10/2 28 24 24 12 28 0 6 0 6 0 6/0

D 8 RES Fire E 4 ATK Wind E 2 SPD Wind D 11 RES -

8/0 6/1 5/1 6/0 - [ + - [ + B ] ]

Storm of Spikes E 12 ATK Stump Slice Sumo Stump Sun Crisis Sun Shower C 13 ATK C 18 HP

200 M 200 M 350 S 400 M 150 M S

200 M 400 S 500 M S

Magic Mushroom C 15 HP Maitake Bomb Mush Boom Mushare C 20 HP F 0 ATK C 12 INT

B 18 INT Fire E 10 INT Fire

48 11 12/4 24 14 7 0

36 10 8/2 16 0 6/0

8/2 6/0 B Title: Hyper SPD-25%

Sunower Power F 0 INT Fire Swim, Fishy! Tangled Ivy D 9 ATK Ice C 11 INT -

200 M 800 S

30 12 24/36 30 0 6/0

180 M 320 S

40 10 10/2 40 2 24/36

Mushroom Trade B 20 ATK



Name Tears of Sap The Hunt Thors Finger Thorn Cannon Thorn Cyclone Thorns Treants Wrath Viridian Copper Wonder Pollen Wrath of Earth Wrathquake Wreath Toss

P SP Dep Attr Effect D 6 RES -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 120 M 300 S 50 S 30 10 24/36 30 10 30 48 24 0 0 6/0 - [ + ]


Name Graviton Bomb Gravity Haste Lost Ark Lullaby

P SP Dep Attr Effect D 22 INT F 1 INT - 0 -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 1200 M 30 S S 0 12 12 22 8/4 0 0 6/0 6/0 B E Title: Zero G

Notes SPD-30% SPD-20% SPD+20%

C 18 ATK Ice E 2 RES D 18 INT C 15 INT E 2 INT D 21 INT D 10 INT D 8 INT D 8 INT D 20 ATK -

6/0 E E Title: Brash *

280 M 800 S 40 M

8 24/36 0 4 6/0

C 12 INT C 12 INT A 19 INT F 0 INT F 0 ATK F 10 ATK D 10 HP D 9 -

300 M 200 S 800 S 250 S S

40 10 18/24 30 48 8 12 0 6/0

6/2 -

Maim Cube Mana Punch Matter Transfer Mega Bonus

2 18/18 0 0


600 M M

25 15 24/24 36 10 12/2 0 36 10 10/4 9 12/36 Title: Angry Title: Violent, Angry

6/0 S 6/0 B

300 M 120 M 600 M 600 S

500 M 400 S 150 S S M

40 13 22/22 S 16 16 14 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 6/0 E - C B * * DEF-6% ]

Mimic Army Morphin Noise Pollution Nova

35 36 8/4 24 0 6/0 -

B 13 ATK Wind

F 0 INT B 28 INT

36 10 12/36 S 12 0 28 24 0 24 0 6/0 - [ +

Space-Time Skills
Space-Time skills bend reality to destroy an opponent.

Oven Baked P-Beam PK Rush Pandora

C 15 INT Fire D 32 INT E 1 INT B 16 INT B 31 INT D 13 INT -

300 S 60 M S

16 8/4 0 0

6/0 6/0 E DEF-4% SPD-25% Title: ???? *

800 S 900 M 150 M 600 M 1000 M M

Name Astral Sand C Sharp/B Flat Comet Shower Continuum EMP Wave EX Punch El Dorado End Continuity Excavation Forte Gaea Freeze Galaxy Beam Ghost Train Gold Rush

P SP Dep Attr Effect E 11 SPD -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 150 M 500 M 10000 M S S 25 10 12/4 40 12 14/4 -


Parthenon Pileit Up Pole Blast Present Box Pringer Beam Prot Punch Psy Clone

16 12/0 8 12/0

B 28 INT Fire A 38 INT F 0 INT F 0 ATK F 0 ATK B 27 HP C 32 SPD E 8 HP E 9 INT C 37 INT -

E 12 INT Wind B 23 HP S 64 INT F 0 ATK D 7 SPD E 8 INT F 7 SPD - 6 -

34 16 12/6 24 10 10/4 0 8 8 E

48 16 12/12 12 14 8 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 B B

24 8/2 S 0 0 6/0 S 6/0 - [

250 S 150 S 300 M 250 S 250 S 2000 M M

250 S 1200 M 700 M 200 M 100 M 3000 M 4500 M 1000 S 100 M

6/0 S E E SPD-40% Title: Galaxy Title: Treasr Title: Atlants SPD-50%

] SPD-20% SPD-50%

48 13 18/24 36 12 24/36 18 7 14/1

Pyramid Power Slow Down Speed Up Suicide Bomb Time Attack Treasure Beam Treasure Strike

32 10 8/2 8 8 0 24 0 0 6/0 6/0 B

Title: Altrnat

Title: Speedy, Astral


30 35 10/2 0

S 30 HP F 0 SPD C 19 SPD F 0 INT

24 14/6 3 24/36

20 15/5 -


B 45 INT Ice B 26 INT F 4 SPD -

52 25 12/1 32 0 6/0 E E

600 M S

36 10 10/2 - E 28 2 16/16 B DEF-8%

24 10 6/0

Title: HiScor


B 24 INT Wind

600 M

24 12 12/4



Name Vortex WarpAttack

P SP Dep Attr Effect C 21 ATK D 5 INT -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with M 24 12 16/0 S 32 0 6/0 * *


Name Magic Wall

P SP Dep Attr Effect - 3 - 0 - 3 -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 80 80 M M M 36 24 36 20 0 9 22/22 4 16/16 B Title: UFO


Title: Seren, Antevil, Alchem RES+35% INT+15% RES-35% INT-20% RES-10% RES-15% ATK-10%

240 S


Meditation Nullication

9 22/22 0 6/0 -

Stat Altering Skills

Stat-Altering abilities can enhance your statistics, or lower your opponents.

Pigeon Egg Prism Bloom Prism Ray Punish Notes

C 12 RES D 22 RES B 33 RES F 1 RES

400 S 600 M 1200 M 30 S

15 10/0 -

30 13 36/24 12 0 0

6/0 -

Name Ancient Mist Armor Break Braveheart Breath Calcium Guard Chakra Cold Rain Crystal Beam Crystal Guard Crystal Rain DHA Dark Rain Dark Sleep Diamondize Enfeeble Espoir Fire Prison Fireworks Fragrance Fried Eggs Hatch Power Heaven Drop Immortal Light Magic Boost Magic Circle

P SP Dep Attr Effect B 27 RES - 3 - 3 - 0 - 8 - 0 -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 1100 M 80 80 M M S 48 15 24/36 36 36 12 9 22/22 9 22/22 0 6/0 B Title: Iron

Red Moon Refraction

C 28 RES Fire E 10 RES C 18 RES - 3 -

1500 M 200 M 600 M 80 M

24 8/4 RES-10% RES+30% Title: Lively, Sentry, Naked DEF+35%

50 10 12/0 12 36 28 28 14 8 10/0 -


Sacred Water Shield Stun Rod

Title: Slick, Strong, Courag, Heroic ATK+35% DEF+15%,RES+15% ATK+30%,DEF+30% DEF+10%,RES+10%,SPD+10% DEF-10%

9 22/22 0 0 0 6/0 6/0 6/0 B


120 S 400 S S

200 M 250 S 240 M 300 M 400 M 50 M

30 10 24/36 8 10 0 0 5

Summon Attack C 13 RES Yolk Attack F 0 RES

6/0 S 24/4 -


D 14 INT Ice D 14 RES - 15 -

12 12/0 DEF+30%,RES+30% RES-5% + ] INT+30% INT-10% Title: Phenom ATK+30%,DEF+30% ATK-35% Name Antique Blinding Light Energy Orb Flower Fairies Giga Heal Gross Water RES-30% ATK-10% Title: Serene RES-20% Title: Smart, Excel, Genius, Wisdom INT+35% Heal Healite Karma Love Chant Mega Heal Moldy Bread P SP Dep Attr Effect F 0 RES F 1 RES C 34 RES D 10 RES B 15 RES Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 30 M S 24 12 3 16/16 0 B INT-10% Notes

30 10 24/24 24 24 4 16/16 8 14/0 - [

E 2 RES Ice - 4 -

Healing Skills
Healing puts an ally back together, or takes an enemy apart.

200 M 400 M 300 S 200 M 80 M

D 21 INT Ice D 11 RES - 15 - 3 - 5 -

28 14 8/2 15 0 6/0 -

26 10 24/24 36 36 28 9 22/22 9 22/22 0 6/0 -

6/0 -

100 M 200 S 800 M 300 M 500 M 200 M 80 S

2400 M 200 M 1200 M 100 M 80 M S

48 16 20/2 26 10 32/32 48 13 28/28 30 24 14 8 6 12/24 5 18/18 0 0 6/0 B Title: Healing Title: Fixed

D 9 RES Fire B 19 RES Fire D 16 RES -

30 10 16/0 0 8 15 20

18 8/0 5 6 10/2 6/0 -

E 6 RES Ice D 2 RES F 0 RES F 0 RES D 6 RES C 8 RES D 10 HP -

C 16 RES Fire D 8 RES D 5 RES A 36 RES - 3 -

2 12/24 -

250 S 300 M 400 M 100 M

6/0 S - [ + ] Title: Healy

1800 M 80 M

52 15 36/24 36 0

18 10 10/6 36

9 22/22 16 8/6 -

8 22/22 -

C 23 INT

500 M

30 10 16/0



Name Nourishment Nummy Bread Omega Heal Revive Saint Ray Shiitake Soup Sugar Water Tanline Veggie Lunch

P SP Dep Attr Effect A 24 RES F 0 RES A 35 RES - 15 RES D 16 RES D 8 RES A 18 RES -

Mana T Area Dist Rng Vert Un Eq Ltd Learnable with 700 M S 0 12 12 14/6 0 -

Notes ATK+25%,SPD+25%

6/0 B * Title: Immortl Title: Revive, Immortl

3500 M 500 M 900 M 150 S 600 M 300 M 500 S 7500 M 300 M

60 17 36/36 36 0 8 0 20 16 9 22/22 14 14/0 0 6/0 - [ + ]

14 10/0 8 0 8/0 6/0 - C Title: Pulsing Title: Revive ATK+10%

C 15 RES Fire C 14 -

Wrath of Heaven A 50 RES Yeasty Bread C 16 RES

44 22 18/4 40 8 24/36 -

Passive Skills
Passive skills are always in effect. They can fall under any other skill category, but are listed separately here for convenience. In the Learnable with column, numbers in () indicate that jobs skill level.

Name Big Bang Chartreuse Conne Energy Saver EXP. Riser Healing Birth Healing Steps Made of Money Mana Monger Parting Gift Return Solemn Vow Swift Attack

Mana 1000 100000 1000 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000 10000 100000



Ltd S S S S S S S S S S S S S

Learnable with (30) (20)

Notes Field dmg when conned Soul death immunity Summon phantoms +1 Remove

(10) (20) (10) (20) (20) (30)

(20) (10)


+1% EXP per skill Lv Restore HP when conned Regen HP on your turn +1% BOR per skill Lv

(10) (10) (20) (20) (20) (10) (10)

+1% mana per skill Lv Field dmg when removed Pay BOR to escape random dungeon 2x ATK & INT on last turn Able to act right after conne



HP 30 E/4 ATK 10 E/6 Lv1 Stats DEF INT 12 12 E/5 RES 18 D/8 SPD 22 B/15 HP 15 B/15 ATK 5 A/20

Growth Rate DEF INT 6 6 Cost RES 9 St 10 SPD 11 Gd 10 HP 0 Rm 0 ATK 5 Mv 60 DEF 0

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 10 10 Th 60 Jm B BP 10 SPD -10 EP 10

Name Chartreuse Conne Strike Body Swing Toss Heal Tossup Espoir Revive Type P P P F F D D SP Dep 0 0 0 2 6 5 ATK RES Attr Effect

Mana T S S S M S M M Area Dist 8 8 20 24 24 36 36 Rng 0 0 2 5 0 9 9

Vert 6/1 6/0 12/12 18/18 6/0 22/22 22/22 Un Eq Ltd S S B C S C Lv 1 1 1 1 1 3 8 10 15 Learn

Notes Souldeath immunity Summon phantoms

Throw item at target (0 dmg)

15 RES

1 Job title: The job name. 2 Face: A characters graphic. 3 Starting Values: A characters stats at 1st level, plus or minus 2. 4 Growth Rate: How much each stat increases as character level goes up. SPD increases by half the listed value at each level up. 5 Equip Rate: The percentage of the characters stats thatre applied to those of anyone who equips him as an item. 6 Properties: A characters base skill prociencies. These can be changed with titles. See page 28 for details. 7 Cost: BOR needed to create this job with a rank 1 title. or 7 Res. (Resistances): Only appears on bosses. Resistances to attacks by weapons with certain additional effects. ALL: Guards against all abnormalities, stats cannot be affected STAT (Status): Guards against status abnormalities D/R (DEF/RES): Unaffected by DEF/RES Down 8 Other Stats: Stats for each job. St (Steal): Ability to steal items. The higher this number, the harder it will be for enemies to steal from the character and the easier it will be for the character to steal from them. Obtain rate will also go up. Gd (Guard %): How much damage will be diverted to this character when you equip them. Rm (Remove): Number of turns before character is removed from battle (0 = never removed). Mv (dm): Jobs movement rate Th (Throw dm) - How far the character can throw items. Jm (Jump): How well they can jump. The S>A>B>C>D... scale indicates how high. BP (Money given): Parameter that determines BOR earned when this job is defeated. EP (Exp given): Parameter that determines EXP earned when this job is defeated. 9 Skills: The jobs main skills. See details on the skill reference, page 200. Name: The skills name. For passive skills whose effectiveness increases with skill level, the characters initial skill level is indicated in (). Type: Skill type P (Power): Base damage done to target. Ranked on S>A>B>C>D... scale. SP: How much SP is consumed when the character uses the skill. DEP (Dependence): What stat inuences the skills power. Attr (Attribute): Attribute of the attack. Fire, Ice, Wind and None (-). Effect: Extra things the skill can also do under certain conditions. Mana: Base Mana needed when forging or combining to learn this skill. For characters who cant act as a combine material, this will always be None (-). T (Target): Number of targets of the attack/effect (Single/Multiple). Area: Shape of area of attack. Dist (Distance): Movement range (in dm). Rng (Range): Radius or width. Vert (Vertical): Altitude. Un (Unarmed): Can use while unequipped. Eq (Equip): Can use while equipped. Ltd (Limited): Special limits S (Self) E (Equip) B (Basic) C (Combination) None (-) Lv: The level at which a character earns a skill. If the skill is learned by equipping an item, this is listed as (-). Learn: Indicates when the skill is learned by equipping something else. Notes: Same as skill data, plus brief descriptions for some of the skills that arent self-explanatory.



HP 30 E/4 Name Chartreuse Conne Strike Body Swing Toss Heal Tossup Espoir Revive Type P P P F F D D 0 0 0 2 6 5

ATK 10 E/6

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 12 12 E/5 Attr Effect

RES 18 D/8

SPD 22 B/15 Mana -

HP 15 B/15 T S S S M S M M -

ATK 5 A/20

Growth Rate DEF INT 6 6 Cost Rng 0 0 2 5 0 9 9 Vert 6/1 6/0 12/12 18/18 6/0 22/22 22/22

RES 9 St 10

SPD 11 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 1 1 3 8 10 15 S S B C S C -

HP 0 Rm 0 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 60


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 10 10 Th 60 Jm B BP 10


SPD -10 EP 10 Name Shock Body Swing Fire/Ice/Wind Mega F/I/W

HP 20 F/1 Type P F F F E E D C 0 0 2 8 12

ATK 8 F/1

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 8 28 A/20 Attr Effect

RES 22 B/15

SPD 20 E/6 Mana 80 400 400 1200 3500 T S S

HP 10 D/8

ATK 4 D/7

Growth Rate DEF INT 4 14 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 5 8 45 13 17 Vert 6/1 6/0 18/18 22/22 12/2 28/28 36/36

RES 11 St 10

SPD 10 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 9 19 25 50 B C C -

HP -5 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 40

DEF -5

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 20 15 Th 40 Jm D BP 10

SPD -5 EP 10


Area Dist 8 8 20 24 24 36 36

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Souldeath immunity Summon phantoms

SP Dep INT -

Area Dist 16 8 24 36 35 48 60

Un Eq Ltd




Throw item at target (0 dmg)

Beating for Two Giga F/I/W Omega F/I/W

15 INT F/I/W 35 INT F/I/W

15 RES


HP 28

ATK 20 B/15

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 10 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 18 F/2

SPD 24 F/2 Mana 100 200 200 600

HP 14 D/10 T S S M S S S

ATK 10 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 5 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 12 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 10/0 6/1 6/0 6/0

RES 9 St 10

SPD 12 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 4 12 12 18 B C C S C C

HP 0 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 70

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 50 Jm S BP 10

SPD 5 EP 10

HP 36 A/20 Name Solemn Vow Swift Attack Strike Body Swing Toss Flying Bomb Doppleganger Rising Dragon Type P P P F F E C B 0 0 0 5 14

ATK 30 A/20

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 22 D/7 Attr Effect

RES 22 E/5

SPD 24 C/12 Mana T S S S S S S

HP 18 E/6 -

ATK 15 E/6

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 11 Cost Rng 0 0 2 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 12/12 6/1 6/0 4/4

RES 11 St 10

SPD 12 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 1 3 10 30 35 S S B C S S C -

HP 0 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 60

Equip Rate (%) DEF INT RES 10 5 0 Th 60 Notes 2x ATK & INT on last turn Able to act right after Conne Jm C BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10

B/15 Name Strike Body Swing Hammer Throw Flying Bomb Body Movin Double Trouble Type P F F E E E C 0 0 6 5 4 8


Area Dist 8 8 0 8 24 12

Un Eq Ltd



Area Dist 8 8 20 8 8 18

Un Eq Ltd

Throw item at target (0 dmg)


24 ATK

HP 20 C/12

ATK 24 B/15

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 10 24 B/15 Attr Effect

RES 10 F/1

SPD 24 F/2 Mana 80 400 1200 800 3500 T S S

HP 10 F/1

ATK 12 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 5 12 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 5 8 13 14 17 Vert 6/1 6/0 18/18 22/22 28/28 12/4 36/36

RES 5 St 10

SPD 12 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 9 25 25 50 B C C -

HP -5 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 15 Mv 70

DEF -5

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 15 -5 Th 35 Jm S BP 10

SPD 5 EP 10


HP 24 D/10 Name Swift Attack Beam Arrow Body Swing Doubles Type P P F F B 0 0 16

ATK 28 A/20

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 14 16 F/3 Attr Effect

RES 20 C/12

SPD 22 E/4 Mana 100000 1500 T S S S

HP 12 E/5 -

ATK 14 D/7

Growth Rate DEF INT 7 8 Cost 55 Rng 2 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0

RES 10 St 10

SPD 11 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 40 S B C C

HP 0 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 20 Mv 60

DEF -10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 10 Th 80 Jm A BP 12

Name SPD 0 EP 10 Shock Body Swing Fire/Ice/Wind Mega F/I/W Giga F/I/W Magic 8Ball Omega F/I/W

Type P F F F E D E C

SP Dep 0 0 2 8 16 INT -

Area Dist 16 8 24 36 48 24 60

Un Eq Ltd




SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 24 8 8

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Able to act right after Conne

15 INT F/I/W 35 INT F/I/W



HP 24

ATK 12 F/2

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 10 18 F/3 Attr Fire Effect

RES 24 F/2

SPD 24 B/16 Mana 80 100 400 500 1200 800 3500

HP 12 D/10 T S M S M M M M M M

ATK 6 A/18

Growth Rate DEF INT 5 9 Cost 30 Rng 0 5 0 9 8 9 13 14 17 Vert 6/1 6/0 22/22 22/22 22/22 28/28 12/4 36/36

RES 12 St 10

SPD 12 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 5 9 15 20 25 50 B C C -

HP 0 Rm 5 Learn

ATK -5 Mv 60

DEF -5

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 10 15 Th 40 Jm S BP 10

SPD 5 EP 10

HP 30 E/4 Name EXP. Riser (10) Strike Body Swing Tossup Drill Kick Doppleganger Type P P F F D C C 0 0 6 14

ATK 10 E/6

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 12 12 E/5 Attr Effect

RES 18 D/8

SPD 20 B/15 Mana 1000 300 300 1000

HP 15 B/15 T S S S S S -

ATK 5 A/20

Growth Rate DEF INT 6 6 Cost Rng 0 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/1 6/0

RES 9 St 10

SPD 10 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 9 12 25 S B C C S C

HP 0 Rm 0 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 60


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 10 10 Th 60 Jm B BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10

F/2 Name Shock Heal Body Swing Espoir Mega Heal Revive Giga Heal Magic 8Ball Omega Heal Type P F D F C B E A 0 2 0 5 8


Area Dist 16 24 8 36 36 36 48 24 60

Un Eq Ltd



SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 8 8 24 8 8

Un Eq Ltd

Notes +1% EXP per skill Lv

15 RES 15 RES 16 35 RES

11 ATK




HP 28 A/18 Name Strike Body Swing Hammer Throw Flying Bomb Tossup Double Trouble Type P F F E E D C 0 0 6 5 6 8

ATK 26 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 22 12 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 12 F/2

SPD 24 D/10 Mana 100 200 300 600 T S S

HP 14 F/2

ATK 13 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 11 6 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 12 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 10/0 6/1 6/0 6/0 -

RES 6 St 10

SPD 12 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 4 12 12 18 B C C S C C

HP 0 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 70


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 50 Jm S BP 10


SPD 5 EP 10 Name Shock Magic Boost Body Swing Magic Wall Nullication

HP 14 F/1 Type P F F 0 3 0 3 3

ATK 10 F/1

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 6 14 F/3 Attr Lv1 Stats DEF INT 12 24 C/12 Attr Effect Effect

RES 10 F/2

SPD 12 F/2 Mana 80 80 80 T S

HP 7 E/4

ATK 5 F/3

Growth Rate DEF INT 3 7 Cost 55 Rng 0 9 0 9 9 Vert 6/1 6/0 22/22 22/22

RES 5 St 5

SPD 6 Gd 5 Lv 1 1 1 5 15 B C -

HP -10 Rm 2 Learn

ATK -10 Mv 35

DEF -10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 70 -10 Th 30 Jm D BP 6

SPD -10 EP 4


Area Dist 8 8 0 8 24 12

Un Eq Ltd


SP Dep INT -

Area Dist 16 36 8 36 36

Un Eq Ltd

Notes INT +35% RES +35% RES -35% Equip Rate (%) INT RES 20 15 Th 45 Notes Field dmg when Conned Jm D BP 10




HP 22

ATK 10 E/4 0 0 2 8 12 INT -

RES 18 E/4

SPD 18 B/17 Mana 1000 80 400 400 T

HP 11 E/6 M S S M M M -

ATK 5 D/8

Growth Rate DEF INT 6 12 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 5 8 45 Vert 6/1 6/0 18/18 22/22 12/2 -

RES 9 St 10

SPD 9 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 5 15 19 S B C C

HP -5 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 45


SPD -10 EP 10

HP 20 F/1 Name Shock Body Swing Fire/Ice/Wind Mega F/I/W Giga F/I/W Magic 8Ball Omega F/I/W Type P F F F E D E C 0 0 2 8 16

ATK 8 F/1

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 8 26 A/18 Attr Effect

RES 20 E/4

SPD 24 E/6 Mana 80 400 1200 800 3500

HP 10 B/16 T S S M M M M M

ATK 4 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 4 13 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 5 8 13 14 17 Vert 6/1 6/0 18/18 22/22 28/28 12/4 36/36

RES 10 St 10

SPD 12 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 9 25 25 50 B C C -

HP 0 Rm 3 Learn

ATK -10 Mv 50

DEF -5

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 20 10 Th 35 Jm S BP 10

SPD 5 EP 10

E/4 Name Big Bang (30) Shock Body Swing Fire/Ice/Wind Mega F/I/W Beating for Two

Type P P F F F E E

SP Dep

Area Dist 16 8 24 36 35

Un Eq Ltd

SP Dep INT -

Area Dist 16 8 24 36 48 24 60

Un Eq Ltd


INT F/I/W INT F/I/W Lv1 Stats DEF INT 14 14 F/1 Attr Fire US Effect


15 INT F/I/W 35 INT F/I/W

HP 24 D/9 Name Made of Money (20) Type P P F F F F D 0 0 0 24

ATK 18 E/5 ATK ATK -

RES 12 E/6

SPD 24 D/9 Mana 1000 250 500 1200 T S S S

HP 12 F/2 -

ATK 9 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 7 7 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 0 13 10 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 22/22 10/2 -

RES 6 St 20

SPD 12 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 1 10 20 S B S C S C

HP 5 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 45


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 40 Jm A BP 10

SPD 10 EP 10

SP Dep

Area Dist 8 8 8 40 36

Un Eq Ltd

Notes +1% BOR per skill Lv +20% BOR per use +20% EXP & BOR per use


HP 34 C/12 Name Mana Monger (20) Strike EX Punch Body Swing Hammer Throw Tossup 1-way Ticket Type P P F F F E D D 0 0 0 6 6 24

ATK 20 D/8

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 22 12 F/1 Attr Fire Effect -

RES 12 F/2

SPD 16 D/10 Mana 1000 250 100 300 1200 T S S S

HP 17 E/4 -

ATK 10 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 11 6 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 0 12 0 10 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 10/0 6/0 10/2 -

RES 6 St 15

SPD 8 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 1 4 10 20 S B S C C C C

HP 15 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 55

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 55 Jm C BP 10

SPD -15 EP 10

Strike Prot Punch Body Swing Mega Bonus 1-way Ticket


10 ATK



Area Dist 8 8 8 0 24 36

Un Eq Ltd

Notes +1% mana per skill Lv +20% EXP per use

HP 30 E/6 Name EXP. Riser (20) Return Strike Body Swing Type P P P F F E D 0 0 3 24

ATK 14 D/8

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 18 18 F/1 Attr Fire Lv1 Stats DEF INT 28 12 F/1 Attr Effect Effect

RES 10 F/2

SPD 14 C/12 Mana 1000 10000 300 80 1200 T S S

HP 15 F/1 -

ATK 7 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 9 9 Cost 505 Rng 0 0 20 9 10 Vert 6/1 6/0 8/0 10/2 22/22

RES 5 St 15

SPD 7 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 1 5 8 20 S S B C S C

HP 15 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 45

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 10 0 Th 40 Jm D BP 10

SPD -15 EP 10


SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 8 8 0 36 36

Un Eq Ltd

Notes +1% EXP per skill Lv Pay BOR to escape random dungeon


HP 22 C/12 Name Energy Saver Strike Toss Pass Body Swing Hammer Throw Spintastic Type P P F F E A 0 0 0 0 6 18

ATK 16 D/10

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 12 8 D/10 Attr Effect

RES 10 D/10

SPD 16 D/10 Mana 100000 100 100 2000

HP 11 D/10 T S S S S M S -

ATK 8 D/10

Growth Rate DEF INT 6 4 Cost 10 Rng 0 2 2 0 12 0 Vert 6/1 12/12 18/18 6/0 10/0 6/0

RES 5 St 20

SPD 8 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 5 1 5 40 S B S S C C C

HP 0 Rm 7 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 45

Equip Rate (%) DEF INT RES 5 5 5 Th 40 Notes +1 Remove Throw item to target (0 dmg) Jm C BP 7

Chi for You SPD 0 EP 7 Enfeeble 1-way Ticket


14 SPD


ATK -35%

SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 8 20 40 8 0 24

Un Eq Ltd

HP 32 S/22 Name Healing Steps (10) Strike Body Swing Type P P F F 0 0

ATK 28 D/10 ATK -

RES 12 F/1

SPD 12 F/1 Mana 2000 T S S

HP 16 F/2 -

ATK 14 D/10

Growth Rate DEF INT 14 6 Cost 55 Rng 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0

RES 6 St 10

SPD 6 Gd 25 Lv 1 1 1 S B C

HP 10 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 20 Mv 50

DEF 20

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 60 Jm D BP 10

SPD -30 EP 12

Throw item to target at long distance (0 dmg)

SP Dep

Area Dist 8 8

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Regen HP on your turn




HP 16 F/1 Name Shock Braveheart Body Swing Shield Armor Break Love Chant Dream Chant Type P F F D C 0 3 0 3 3 6

ATK 10 F/1

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 4 14 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 12 F/3

SPD 10 F/2 Mana 80 80 80 300 500 T S

HP 8 F/3

ATK 5 E/4

Growth Rate DEF INT 2 7 Cost 55 Rng 0 9 0 9 9 10 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 22/22 22/22 10/6 6/0

RES 6 St 5

SPD 5 Gd 5 Lv 1 1 1 5 15 B C -

HP -10 Rm 2 Learn

ATK -10 Mv 35

DEF -10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 60 0 Th 30 Jm D BP 6


SPD -10 EP 4 Name Healing Birth (20) Strike Chakra Karma Body Swing Shield Hammer Throw Heal Braveheart Mega Heal Beating for Two P

HP 28 C/14 Type P F F F E D C E 0 0 0 0 3 6 2 3 8 12

ATK 24 D/8

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 16 16 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 20 F/2

SPD 20 F/1 Mana 1000 250 250 80 100 80 80 400 400

HP 14 C/12 T S S S S M M M M M M -

ATK 12 B/15

Growth Rate DEF INT 8 8 Cost 35 Rng 0 0 0 0 9 12 5 9 8 45 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 22/22 10/0 18/18 22/22 22/22 12/2 -

RES 10 St 10

SPD 10 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 7 15 19 S B S S C C C

HP 5 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 60

DEF -5

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 5 10 Th 60 Jm B BP 10

SPD -5 EP 10


Area Dist 16 36 8 36 36 18 8

Un Eq Ltd

Notes ATK +35% DEF +35% DEF -30%


Area Dist 8 8 8 8 36 0 24 36 36 35

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Restore HP when Conned DEF +10%, RES +10%, SPD +10%



DEF +35%

12 ATK

ATK +35%


HP 24 F/3 Name Shock Heal Body Swing Espoir Mega Heal Revive Giga Heal Omega Type P F D F C B A 0 2 0 5 8

ATK 14 F/2

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 14 18 E/5 Attr Effect

RES 28 D/7

SPD 18 E/5 Mana 80 100 400 500 1200 3500

HP 12 B/15 T S M S M M M M M

ATK 7 A/20

Growth Rate DEF INT 7 9 Cost 25 Rng 0 5 0 9 8 9 13 17 Vert 6/1 6/0 22/22 22/22 22/22 28/28 36/36

RES 14 St 10

SPD 9 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 5 9 15 25 50 B C -

HP 5 Rm 5 Learn

ATK -5 Mv 50

Equip Rate (%) DEF INT RES -5 15 20 Th 45 Notes Jm C BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10


HP 32 B/17 Name Strike Body Swing Body Movin Double Trouble Type P F F E C 0 0 4 8

ATK 26 A/18

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 18 12 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 14 F/1

SPD 22 F/1 Mana 200 600 T S S S S

HP 16 F/1

ATK 13 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 9 6 Cost 25 Rng 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 7 St 10

SPD 11 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 9 18 B C C C

HP 5 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 60


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 60 Jm B BP 10

SPD 0 EP 10


Area Dist 16 24 8 36 36 36 48 60

Un Eq Ltd


SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 8 8 24 12

Un Eq Ltd


15 RES 15 RES 35 RES


HP 28 C/14 SPD -10 BP 10 EP 10 Name Strike Cooperation Roundhouse Suplex Type P F E E D 0 0 3 18

ATK 24 D/8

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 16 16 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 14 A/18

SPD 26 F/2 Mana 100 500 T S S S

HP 14 F/2

ATK 12 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 8 8 Cost 25 Rng 0 0 0 10 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/1 14/0

RES 7 St 20

SPD 13 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 4 24 B C S S

HP 5 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 -5 Th 50 Jm S BP 10

SPD 15 EP 10


HP 34 A/20 Name Strike Body Swing Tossup Double Trouble Type P F F D C 0 0 6 8

ATK 28 B/15

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 22 12 F/1 Attr Effect

RES 12 F/2

SPD 16 F/1 Mana 300 600 T S S S S

HP 17 F/2

ATK 14 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 11 6 Cost 25 Rng 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 -

RES 6 St 10

SPD 8 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 9 18 B C C C

HP 10 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 60

Equip Rate (%) DEF INT RES 10 0 0 Th 60 Notes Jm C


Area Dist 8 14 8 0

Un Eq Ltd


SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 8 8 24 12

Un Eq Ltd


HP 32 D/8 Name Type P F F D C C E D C C E B Shroom Stomp SPD -10 BP 10 EP 10 Spore Cap Attack Veggie Lunch Mushroom Drill Eco Gunner Shiitake Soup Maitake Bomb +20% mana per use Magic Mushroom Shroom Vendor Mush Dance 0 0 10 14 1 8 20 15 3 26

ATK 12 F/2

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 20 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 20 B/16

SPD 16 F/2 Mana 200 500 250 50 150 500 400 100 800 T S S

HP 16 D/8

ATK 6 B/16

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 10 Cost 45 Rng 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 Vert 6/0 6/0 8/2 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 8/2 6/0 6/0 18/0

RES 10 St 40

SPD 8 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 15 25 B C C C -

HP 10 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 50

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 10 Th 60 Jm C BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10


Area Dist 12 12 20 16 24 28 8 36 28 12 28

Un Eq Ltd



HP 22 F/3 Name Mana Monger (20) Shock Mana Punch Body Swing 1-way Ticket Type P P F F F D 0 0 0 24

ATK 12 E/5

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 14 24 D/8 Attr Fire Effect -

RES 14 A/18

SPD 18 C/11 Mana 1000 250 1200 T S S S

HP 11 D/7 -

ATK 6 D/7

Growth Rate DEF INT 7 12 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 0 10 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 10/2 -

RES 7 St 15

SPD 9 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 1 20 S B S C C

HP 5 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 45

Equip Rate (%) DEF INT RES 0 15 10 Th 45 Notes +1% mana per skill Lv Jm D


12 ATK


Area Dist 16 8 8 36

Un Eq Ltd




HP 44 A/20 Name Wild Fang Body Swing Far Cry Crazed Attack Fire Storm King Sword Mach Throw King Javelin Wild Hit Type P F F D D B C D E E 0 0 8 11

ATK 30 E/6

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 26 12 F/2 Attr Fire Effect

RES 14 F/2

SPD 18 F/2 Mana 200 400 800 400 500 100 50 T S S

HP 22 F/2

ATK 15 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 13 6 Cost 105 Rng 0 0 30 25 0 0 8 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/6 6/0 6/0

RES 7 St 12

SPD 9 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 12 15 34 B C C S S -

HP 10 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 15 Mv 50

DEF 15

Equip Rate (%) INT RES -5 -10 Th 40 Jm D BP 15


SPD -5 EP 20 Name Grudge Bomb Body Swing Fire/Ice/Wind Ectoplasm Magic Boost Mega F/I/W

HP 24 D/8 Type P F F F D E D C C D E D E C 0 0 2 8 3 8

ATK 18 E/4

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 12 24 A/18 Attr Effect

RES 22 F/2

SPD 20 F/2 Mana 80 200 80 400 1200 3500 600 400 50 200 100 500

HP 12 C/12 T S S M S M M M M S S S S S M

ATK 9 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 6 12 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 5 0 9 8 13 17 0 0 0 0 0 16 Vert 6/0 6/0 18/18 6/0 22/22 22/22 28/28 36/36 6/0 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 18/4

RES 11 St 15

SPD 10 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 3 5 8 16 38 65 B C C -

HP 0 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 50

DEF -5

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 10 15 Th 45 Jm S BP 12

SPD 0 EP 10


Area Dist 12 8 25 35 18 16 32 16 18

Un Eq Ltd


SP Dep INT -

Area Dist 12 8 24 8 36 36 48 60 12 24 20 12 18 36

Un Eq Ltd




23 ATK 12 ATK 12 ATK 3 3 ATK DEF

INT +35%


DEF -5%

Giga F/I/W Omega F/I/W Phantom Release Shoulder Devil Fresh Wind Ghostly Pal Soul Eater Demon Curse

15 INT F/I/W 35 INT F/I/W 17 ATK 12 ATK 3 6 4 INT DEF INT Wind Fire

DEF -6%

35 ATK


HP 36 A/18 Name Strike Body Swing Hammer Throw Trample Volcano Bomb! Type P F F E D C D 0 0 6 4 7

ATK 30 E/6

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 26 8 F/1 Attr Fire , Effect

RES 8 C/14

SPD 16 F/1 Mana 100 200 400 300 T S S

HP 18 F/1

ATK 15 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 13 4 Cost 45 Rng 0 0 12 0 0 8 Vert 6/1 6/0 10/0 6/0 6/1 24/36

RES 4 St 10

SPD 8 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 5 13 B C C S -

HP 20 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 50

Equip Rate (%) DEF INT RES 5 -5 0 Th 50 Notes Jm C BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10


Area Dist 8 8 0 18 12 30

Un Eq Ltd

HP 52 S/22 DEF 10% Name Golem Punch Body Swing Blarney Drop Golem Lance Gaean Punch Lifeless Eyes Type P E F C B E E 0 0

ATK 28 B/16

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 28 12 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 28 D/8

SPD 12 F/2 Mana 400 600 50 100 T S S

HP 26 E/6

ATK 14 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 14 6 Cost 155 Rng 0 0 12 0 0 10 Vert 6/0 6/0 12/8 6/0 6/0 14/2

RES 14 St 5

SPD 6 Gd 25 Lv 1 1 18 B C S -

HP 15 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 45

DEF 15

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 15 Th 60 Jm D BP 18

SPD -30 EP 18


14 ATK

SP Dep HP -

Area Dist 12 8 0 12 12 10

Un Eq Ltd


20 ATK 22 ATK 5 DEF 13 INT



HP 32 D/10 Name Wild Fang Body Swing Fire/Ice/Wind King of Beasts Far Cry Mega F/I/W Giga F/I/W Omega F/I/W King Sword Mach Throw King Javelin Wild Hit Beast Bomb Type P F F F D D E D C C D E E D 0 0 2 6 8 8

ATK 28 F/2

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 18 28 B/16 Attr Effect

RES 18 F/2

SPD 20 F/2 Mana 80 150 200 400 1200 3500 400 500 100 50 600 T S S

HP 16 F/2

ATK 14 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 9 14 Cost 105 Rng 0 0 5 0 30 8 13 17 0 8 0 0 8 Vert 6/0 6/0 18/18 6/0 6/0 -

RES 9 St 10

SPD 10 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 5 10 12 15 35 80 B C S C -

HP 10 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 45

Equip Rate (%) DEF INT RES 0 10 -10 Th 50 Notes Jm C BP 12

SPD 0 EP 18


Area Dist 12 8 24 18 25 36 48 60 16 32 16 18 32

Un Eq Ltd

HP 12 D/8 Name Squash Punch Fire/Ice/Wind Mega F/I/W Giga F/I/W Type P F E F E D C E B D 0 0 2 8

ATK 10 D/8

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 10 26 C/12 Attr Effect

RES 16 D/8

SPD 26 D/10 Mana 80 400 1200 3500 300 1000 800

HP 6 D/10 T S S M M M M M M M

ATK 5 D/8

Growth Rate DEF INT 5 13 Cost 15 Rng 0 0 5 8 13 17 14 18 10 Vert 6/0 6/0 18/18 22/22 28/28 36/36 16/0 10/10 12/4

RES 8 St 20

SPD 13 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 8 18 40 70 B C -

HP 5 Rm 6 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 45


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 15 10 Th 40 Jm D BP 12

SPD -10 EP 9



SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 12 8 24 36 48 60 0 0 36

Un Eq Ltd



22/22 28/28 36/36 6/0 6/6 6/0 6/0 12/36

15 INT F/I/W 35 INT F/I/W 12 ATK 12 ATK 3 3 ATK DEF Fire


15 INT F/I/W 35 INT F/I/W 16 INT 25 HP 17 INT -

DEF -5%

Omega F/I/W Odiferous Suislime Slime Shower

22 INT




HP 30 D/10 Name Squash Punch Roundhouse Suplex Slime Slash Slimurai Slime Darts Slime Mole Suislime Type P F E E D D D E C B 0 0 3 18 6 3 25

ATK 18 D/10

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 16 10 D/8 Attr Wind Effect

RES 10 C/12

SPD 16 D/8 Mana 100 500 500 200 100 200 1000 T S S S

HP 15 D/8

ATK 9 D/8

Growth Rate DEF INT 8 5 Cost 15 Rng 0 0 0 10 12 0 0 2 18 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/1 14/0 9/3 6/0 6/0 24/36 10/10

RES 5 St 20

SPD 8 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 5 36 B C S S -

HP 10 Rm 6 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 45

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 40 Jm D BP 10


SPD -10 EP 10 Name Grudge Bomb Body Swing Ectoplasm Roundhouse Phantom Release

HP 24 B/16 Type P F F D E C D E D E C 0 0 8 3

ATK 20 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 14 20 D/8 Attr Wind Fire Effect

RES 22 F/2

SPD 20 F/2 Mana 200 100 600 400 50 200 100 500 T S S S S S S S S S

HP 12 F/2

ATK 10 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 7 10 Cost Rng 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/1 6/0 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 18/4

RES 11 St 5

SPD 10 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 5 10 B C C S -

HP 0 Rm Learn

ATK 5 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 5 10 Th 50 Jm S BP 10

SPD 0 EP 10


Area Dist 12 8 8 0 36 12 30 24 0

Un Eq Ltd



Area Dist 12 8 8 8 12 24 20 12 18 36

Un Eq Ltd



18 ATK

17 ATK 12 ATK 3 6 4 INT DEF INT

DEF -5%

Shoulder Devil Fresh Wind Ghostly Pal Soul Eater Demon Curse

DEF -6%

16 ATK

35 ATK


HP 24 E/6 Name Grudge Bomb Body Swing Heal Ectoplasm Mega Heal Giga Heal Omega Heal Phantom Release Shoulder Devil Fresh Wind Ghostly Pal Soul Eater Demon Curse Type P F F D D C B A C D E D E C 0 0 2 8 8

ATK 14 F/2

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 16 20 F/2 Attr Wind Fire Effect

RES 26 B/16

SPD 20 F/2 Mana 80 200 400 1200 3500 600 400 50 200 100 500 T S S

HP 12 F/2

ATK 7 A/18

Growth Rate DEF INT 8 10 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 5 0 8 13 17 0 0 0 0 0 16 Vert 6/0 6/0 18/18 6/0 22/22 28/28 36/36 6/0 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 18/4

RES 13 St 15

SPD 10 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 3 5 16 32 70 B C C -

HP 0 Rm 4 Learn

ATK -5 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 10 15 Th 45 Jm S BP 20


SPD 0 EP 4 Name Parting Gift (30) Wild Fang Body Swing Far Cry Fire Storm King Sword Mach Throw King Javelin

HP 36 D/8 Type P P F F D B C D E E 0 0 8

ATK 20 A/18

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 28 16 F/2 Attr Fire Effect

RES 28 F/2

SPD 16 F/2 Mana 1000 200 800 400 500 100 50 T

HP 18 F/2 M S S M S S M S S -

ATK 10 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 14 8 Cost 105 Rng 0 0 30 0 0 8 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/6 6/0 6/0

RES 14 St 8

SPD 8 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 12 34 S B C C S -

HP 10 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 45


Equip Rate (%) INT RES -10 10 Th 50 Jm C BP 15

SPD 0 EP 20


Area Dist 12 8 24 8 36 48 60 12 24 20 12 18 36

Un Eq Ltd


SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 12 8 25 18 16 32 16 18

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Field dmg when removed


23 ATK 12 ATK 12 ATK 3 3 ATK DEF

15 RES 35 RES 17 ATK 12 ATK 3 6 4 INT DEF INT

DEF -5%

DEF -6%

Wild Hit

35 ATK


HP 40 B/16

ATK 32 S/22

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 24 C/12 Attr Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Effect

RES 24 F/2

SPD 16 F/1 Mana 500 1200 400 800 1000 600 300 500 300 200 T

HP 20 F/1 M S M M S M S M S S S S

ATK 16 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 12 Cost 155 Rng 32 0 36 40 0 6 0 14 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0 8/0 12/0 6/0 8/2 6/0 10/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 12 St 5

SPD 8 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 15 19 38 B C C S S -

HP 10 Rm 2 Learn

ATK 15 Mv 50

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 5 0 Th 60 Jm C BP 20

SPD -20 EP 20

HP 46 A/18 Name Strike Body Swing Chomp Hammer Throw Tasty Zombielite Clone Fruit Type P F F F E E B D 0 0 3 6 4 14 6

ATK 24 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 18 14 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 10 D/10

SPD 14 F/2 Mana 100 100 150 400 200 T S S S

HP 23 F/1

ATK 12 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 9 7 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 10/0 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 5 St 5

SPD 7 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 3 5 8 B C S C C -

HP 25 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 40


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 -5 Th 45 Jm D BP 10

Name SPD -15 EP 10 Dragon Punch Body Swing Flamethrower Dragon Breath Dragon Drop Breath Slash Bolt Cannon Dragon Prayer Dragon Cannon Dragon Specter Dragon Shot Dragon Hammer

Type P E F D B D D B D D D F D

SP Dep 0 0 18 32 7 ATK HP ATK

Area Dist 32 8 26 35 12 12 12 0 22 28 30 12

Un Eq Ltd



Area Dist 8 8 8 0 12 24 24

Un Eq Ltd


16 ATK 21 ATK 17 INT 5 12 6 8 ATK HP HP ATK





HP 24 D/8 Name Strike Roundhouse Cooperation King of Beasts Instant Death Type P F E E D B 0 3 0 6

ATK 28 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 14 16 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 16 A/20

SPD 26 F/1 Mana 100 150 600 T S S S S S

HP 12 F/1

ATK 14 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 7 8 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 8 St 10

SPD 13 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 12 42 B S C S S

HP 0 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 50

DEF -5

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 50 Jm A BP 10


SPD 15 EP 10 Name Continuum Fire/Ice/Wind Body Swing Mega F/I/W Giga F/I/W Omega F/I/W Sporedom SPD -10 BP 10 EP 10 Vase Cannon Pumpsicle

HP 20 F/1 Type P F F F E D C E C E 0 2 0 8

ATK 10 F/1

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 8 28 A/18 Attr Effect

RES 24 C/14

SPD 16 C/14 Mana 80 400 1200 3500 100 200 50 T S

HP 10 F/2

ATK 5 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 4 14 Cost 30 Rng 0 5 0 8 13 17 0 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0 22/22 28/28 36/36 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 12 St 25

SPD 8 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 10 25 60 B C -

HP -5 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 20 15 Th 50 Jm C BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10


Area Dist 8 8 14 18 16

Un Eq Ltd


SP Dep INT -

Area Dist 12 24 8 36 48 60 8 36 36

Un Eq Ltd





24 ATK

15 INT F/I/W 35 INT F/I/W 2 4 INT INT Ice 12 ATK


HP 24 D/10 Name EXP. Riser (10) Continuum Body Swing Sporedom Psy Clone Galaxy Shot Type P P F F E D C 0 0 2 7

ATK 20 F/2

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 14 24 F/2 Attr Fire Effect

RES 22 B/16

SPD 16 A/20 Mana 1000 100 150 300 T S S S S

HP 12 F/2 -

ATK 10 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 7 12 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 0 0 8 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/2

RES 11 St 25

SPD 8 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 S B C -

HP 5 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 50

Equip Rate (%) DEF INT RES 0 10 10 Th 50 Notes +1% EXP per skill Lv Jm C


Area Dist 12 8 8 8 8

Un Eq Ltd


HP 26 B/16

ATK 24 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 16 18 F/1 Attr Fire Effect

RES 20 D/10

SPD 16 D/10 Mana 100 200 500 100 150 300 T S S S S

HP 13 F/2

ATK 12 E/4

Growth Rate DEF INT 8 9 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 8 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/1 6/1 14/0 6/0 6/0 6/2

RES 10 St 25

SPD 8 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 4 12 24 B C S S S -

HP 10 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 5 Th 50 Jm C BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10

17 INT


HP 26 C/12 Name Mana Monger (10) Matter Transfer Body Swing Roundhouse Sporedom Vase Cannon Pumpsicle Type P P F F E E C E 0 0 3 2 4

ATK 20 E/6

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 18 20 F/2 Attr Ice Lv1 Stats DEF INT 10 24 F/2 Attr Ice Effect Effect -

RES 20 D/8

SPD 16 C/12 Mana 1000 100 100 200 50

HP 13 C/12 T S S S S S S -

ATK 10 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 9 10 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 10 St 25

SPD 8 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 4 S B C S -

HP 15 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 50

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 5 Th 50 Jm C BP 10

Name SPD -10 EP 10 Matter Transfer Body Swing Roundhouse Flying Bomb Suplex Sporedom Psy Clone Galaxy Shot

Type P F F E E D E D C

SP Dep 0 0 3 5 18 2 7 ATK ATK ATK HP INT SPD

Area Dist 12 8 8 8 0 8 8 8

Un Eq Ltd



Area Dist 12 8 8 8 36 36

Un Eq Ltd

Notes +1% mana per skill Lv


17 INT

12 ATK


HP 22 F/1 Name Mana Monger (10) Continuum Heal Body Swing Espoir Mega Heal Revive Giga Heal Omega Heal Sporedom Vase Cannon Pumpsicle Type P P F D F C B A E C E 0 2 0 5 8


RES 28 C/12

SPD 16 B/16 Mana 1000 80 100 400 500 1200 3500 100 200 50 T S

HP 11 E/4 -

ATK 6 A/18

Growth Rate DEF INT 5 12 Cost 30 Rng 0 5 0 9 8 9 13 17 0 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0 22/22 22/22 22/22 28/28 36/36 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 14 St 25

SPD 8 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 1 8 10 18 25 60 S B C -

HP 0 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 0 Mv 50

DEF -5

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 15 20 Th 50 Jm C BP 10


SPD -10 EP 10 Name Shock Body Swing Fire/Ice/Wind Heal Psycho Counter Mega F/I/W Mega Heal Siren Song Giga F/I/W Giga Heal Spitre H2 Oh Yeah DHA

HP 20 F/1 Type P F F F D E E C D D B C D 0 0 2 2 3 8 8 11

ATK 10 F/1

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 10 26 A/18 Attr Ice Fire Ice Effect

RES 26 E/6

SPD 16 F/2 Mana 80 80 100 400 400 150 1200 1200 300 400 200 T S S

HP 10 E/6

ATK 5 B/16

Growth Rate DEF INT 5 13 Cost 55 Rng 0 0 5 5 0 8 8 0 13 13 16 12 8 Vert 6/1 6/0 18/18 18/18 6/0 22/22 22/22 6/0 28/28 28/28 8/4 24/36 14/0

RES 13 St 10

SPD 8 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 5 5 8 15 15 15 35 40 B C S C -

HP 0 Rm 4 Learn

ATK -10 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 15 15 Th 50 Jm C BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10

SP Dep

Area Dist 12 24 8 36 36 36 48 60 8 36 36

Un Eq Ltd

Notes +1% mana per skill Lv


Area Dist 16 8 24 24 12 36 36 18 48 48 24 36 24

Un Eq Ltd






INT -10%


15 RES 15 RES 35 RES 2 4 INT INT 12 ATK

15 INT F/I/W 15 RES 18 INT 14 INT 4 -

INT +30%




HP 30 D/10 Name Swift Attack Wild Fang Body Swing King of Beasts Far Cry King Sword Mach Throw King Javelin Wild Hit Type P P F F D D C D E E 0 0 6 8

ATK 30 E/6

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 18 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 14 F/2

SPD 28 F/2 Mana 100000 150 200 400 500 100 50

HP 15 C/12 T S S S M S M S S -

ATK 15 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 9 Cost 105 Rng 0 0 0 30 0 8 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/6 6/0 6/0 -

RES 7 St 10

SPD 14 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 10 12 S B C S C -

HP 10 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 70


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 -10 Th 50 Jm S BP 17


SPD 10 EP 18 Name Healing Steps (10) Wild Fang Body Swing King of Beasts Far Cry King Sword P

HP 48 B/16 Type P F F D D C D E E 0 0 6 8

ATK 20 E/4

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 14 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 24 F/2

SPD 14 F/2 Mana 2000 150 200 400 500 100 50 T S S S

HP 24 F/2 -

ATK 10 D/8

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 7 Cost 105 Rng 0 0 0 30 0 8 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/6 6/0 6/0 -

RES 12 St 10

SPD 7 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 1 10 12 S B C S C -

HP 10 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 45

DEF 15

Equip Rate (%) INT RES -10 5 Th 50 Jm D BP 20

SPD -10 EP 15


Area Dist 12 8 18 25 16 32 16 18

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Able to act right after Conne


Area Dist 12 8 18 25 16 32 16 18

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Regen HP on your turn


12 ATK 12 ATK 3 3 ATK DEF

12 ATK 12 ATK 3 3 ATK DEF

DEF -5%

Mach Throw King Javelin Wild Hit

DEF -5%


HP 30 C/12 Name Big Bang (20) Parting Gift (20) Prinny Barrage Body Swing P-Beam Prinny Bomb Type P P P F F D D 0 0

ATK 26 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 22 20 E/5 Attr Fire Effect

RES 22 D/10

SPD 22 S/22 Mana 1000 1000 200 T

HP 15 E/5 M M S S M M -

ATK 13 E/5

Growth Rate DEF INT 11 10 Cost 10 Rng 0 0 16 12 Vert 6/0 6/0 8/4 8/6

RES 11 St 20

SPD 11 Gd 80 Lv 1 1 1 1 S S B C -

HP 5 Rm 6 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES -20 5 Th 50 Jm C BP 10

SPD 5 EP 10


HP 10 F/2 Name Strike Body Swing Shield Magic Wall Type P F F 0 0 3 3

ATK 12 F/2

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 12 F/1 Attr Effect

RES 28 F/1

SPD 28 A/18 Mana 80 80

HP 5 A/18 T S S M M

ATK 6 E/6

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 6 Cost 1005 Rng 0 0 9 9 Vert 6/1 6/0 22/22 22/22

RES 14 St 70

SPD 14 Gd 80 Lv 1 1 6 12 B C -

HP 0 Rm 3 Learn

ATK -10 Mv 75

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES -10 15 Th 50 Jm S BP 10

SPD 15 EP 10

SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 12 8 0 0

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Field dmg when Conned Field dmg when removed

SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 8 8 36 36

Un Eq Ltd


DEF +35% RES +35%

32 INT 16 ATK


HP 18 E/4 Name Made of Money (20) Squash Punch Heal Mega Heal Giga Heal Omega Heal Slime Slash Odiferous Suislime Slime Shower Type P P F E D C B A D E B D 0 0 2 8

ATK 8 E/4

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 50 24 A/19 Attr Wind Effect

RES 50 D/10

SPD 18 B/16 Mana 1000 80 400 1200 3500 500 300 1000 800 T S S

HP 9 D/7 -

ATK 4 D/7

Growth Rate DEF INT 25 12 Cost 1005 Rng 0 0 5 8 13 17 12 14 18 10 Vert 6/0 6/0 18/18 22/22 28/28 36/36 9/3 16/0 10/10 12/4

RES 25 St 5

SPD 9 Gd 30 Lv 1 1 1 1 10 25 50 S B C -

HP -30 Rm 1 Learn

ATK -30 Mv 20

DEF 30

Equip Rate (%) INT RES -30 30 Th 20 Jm D BP 30


SPD -30 EP 1 Name Strike Body Swing Fire/Ice/Wind Psycho Counter Mega F/I/W Siren Song Giga F/I/W Omega F/I/W Spitre H2 Oh Yeah DHA

HP 28 A/18 Type P F F F E E D D C C D 0 0 2 3 8 11

ATK 26 D/8

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 16 24 B/16 Attr Ice Effect

RES 14 F/2

SPD 16 E/4 Mana 80 100 400 150 1200 3500 300 400 200 T S S

HP 14 E/4

ATK 13 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 8 12 Cost 55 Rng 0 0 5 0 8 0 13 17 16 12 8 Vert 6/1 6/0 18/18 6/0 6/0 22/22 28/28 36/36 8/4 24/36 14/0

RES 7 St 10

SPD 8 Gd 15 Lv 1 1 5 8 15 15 35 80 B C S C -

HP 5 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 15 Mv 50

DEF -5

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 10 -5 Th 50 Jm C BP 10

SPD -10 EP 10


Area Dist 12 8 24 36 48 60 36 0 0 36

Un Eq Ltd

Notes +1%BORperskillLv


Area Dist 8 8 24 12 36 18 48 60 24 36 24

Un Eq Ltd





INT -10%

15 RES 35 RES 18 ATK 16 INT 25 HP 17 INT

15 INT F/I/W 35 INT F/I/W 18 INT 14 INT 4 Fire Ice -

INT +30%




HP 32 E/6 Name Wild Fang Body Swing Burning Refuse King of Beasts Far Cry King Sword Mach Throw King Javelin Wild Hit The Hunt Type P F F D D D C D E E C 0 0 6 6 8

ATK 26 E/4

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 26 24 F/2 Attr Fire Ice Effect

RES 16 B/16

SPD 20 F/2 Mana 100 150 200 400 500 100 50 300 T S S

HP 16 F/2

ATK 13 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 13 12 Cost 105 Rng 0 0 12 0 30 0 8 0 0 0 Vert 6/0 6/0 8/2 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/6 6/0 6/0 6/0 -

RES 8 St 20

SPD 10 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 8 10 12 B C S C -

HP 10 Rm 3 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 60


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 50 Jm B BP 18


SPD 0 EP 17 Name Strike Body Swing Chomp Hammer Throw Tasty Zombielite

HP 44 C/14 Type P F F F E E B D C E 0 0 3 6 4 14 6 4

ATK 22 A/18

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 14 18 F/1 Attr Ice Effect

RES 12 F/2

SPD 16 F/1 Mana 100 100 150 400 200 200 50 T S S S

HP 22 F/1

ATK 11 D/10

Growth Rate DEF INT 7 9 Cost 30 Rng 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 10/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 6 St 5

SPD 8 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 3 5 8 B C S C C -

HP 25 Rm 5 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 40


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 45 Jm D BP 10

SPD -15 EP 10


Area Dist 12 8 0 18 25 16 32 16 18 30

Un Eq Ltd



Area Dist 8 8 8 0 12 24 24 36 36

Un Eq Ltd




12 ATK 12 ATK 3 3 ATK DEF

DEF -5%

Clone Fruit Vase Cannon Pumpsicle

12 ATK

18 ATK


HP 34 B/16 Name

ATK 28 D/8

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 20 14 F/1 Attr Wind Fire Fire Effect

RES 14 D/10

SPD 22 F/1 Mana 100000 600 50 300 100 200 150 400 T S S S S S S S S

HP 17 F/2 -

ATK 14 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 10 7 Cost 55 Rng 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 8/0

RES 7 St 5

SPD 11 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 32 S B C S -

HP 10 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 10 Mv 55


Equip Rate (%) INT RES -5 -5 Th 60 Jm B BP 15

SPD 5 EP 15

Type P P F E B E C E D C D

SP Dep 0 0 3 5 8 ATK ATK ATK ATK

Area Dist 8 12 16 40 12 12 16 20 24

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Able to act right after Conne

HP 28 D/10 Name Squash Punch Slime Drill Blarney Drop Slime Slash Slimurai Slime Darts Slime Mole Slime Press Type P F E C C D D E C C 0 0

ATK 12 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 28 8 D/8 Attr Wind Effect

RES 12 D/8

SPD 16 D/10 Mana 400 400 500 200 100 200 600 T S S S

HP 14 D/8

ATK 6 D/10

Growth Rate DEF INT 14 4 Cost 15 Rng 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 2 8 Vert 6/0 6/0 6/0 12/8 9/3 6/0 6/0 24/36 6/6

RES 6 St 20

SPD 8 Gd 40 Lv 1 1 15 28 B C S S -

HP 10 Rm 6 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 45

Equip Rate (%) DEF INT RES 15 -5 5 Th 40 Notes Jm D BP 8

SPD -10 EP 13

Swift Attack Strike Double Slash Instant Death Fang Slash Wolfang Rock Crusher Rampage Beast Strike Wolf Cannon

24 ATK 12 ATK

SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 12 8 12 0 36 12 30 24 24

Un Eq Ltd

DEF -7%

16 DEF 20 ATK 18 ATK 6 3 ATK ATK


12 ATK 20 ATK

DEF -5%

16 ATK 24 DEF


HP 42 A/18

ATK 30 A/19

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 18 20 D/9 Attr Fire Effect

RES 20 C/13

SPD 24 E/5 Mana T S

HP 21 E/4

ATK 15 F/3

Growth Rate DEF INT 9 10 Res. STAT Rng 0 12 0 Vert 6/1 14/2 6/0

RES 10 St 10

SPD 12 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 B C

HP 5 Rm Learn

ATK 10 Mv 60

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 5 Th 60 Jm B BP 30

SPD -10 EP 30

HP 32 B/17 Name Healing Birth (10) Strike Body Swing Bound Strike Morphin Rainbow Slash Aura Blaster Cyclone Cutter Turbulence Emerald Pain Type P P F F D D E D D C D 0 0 9 4 7

ATK 30 D/7

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 26 12 F/2 Attr Wind Wind Effect

RES 14 F/2

SPD 18 D/10 Mana 1000 100 150 50 200 300 400 600 T S S S S S

HP 16 F/1 -

ATK 15 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 13 6 Cost 55 Rng 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 12/12 6/1 6/0 6/0 -

RES 7 St 5

SPD 9 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 13 5 S B C S C -

HP 10 Rm 4 Learn

ATK 5 Mv 50

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES -5 5 Th 60 Jm C BP 15

Name SPD -5 EP 15 Strike Burgundy BodySwing

Type P F D F

SP Dep 0 10 0 ATK HP -

Area Dist 8 48 8

Un Eq Ltd




Area Dist 8 8 24 16 12 15 30 18 20

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Restore HP when Conned


HP 40 B/16 Name Strike Chomp Type P F F F D B 0 3 0 6 14

ATK 24 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 12 16 E/4 Attr Effect

RES 10 F/3

SPD 14 F/1 Mana T S S S S S

HP 20 F/1

ATK 12 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 6 8 Res. D/R Rng 0 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 5 St 10

SPD 7 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 10 28 B S C -

HP 0 Rm Learn

ATK 20 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES -10 20 Th 45 Jm D BP 30

SPD -10 EP 30

11 ATK


Area Dist 8 8 8 24 24

Un Eq Ltd


18 ATK 14 ATK 21 SPD


DEF -5%

Body Swing Clone Fruit Zombielite




HP 100 B/16 Name Soul Crush Annihilate Terminate Omega F/I/W Vortex Nova Type P E B S B C B 0 36

ATK 36 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 30 34 E/4 Attr Effect

RES 30 F/3

SPD 26 F/1 Mana T S

HP 50 F/1

ATK 18 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 15 17 Res. D/R Rng 0 14 24 24 12 10 Vert 6/6 14/0 10/0 16/0

RES 15 St 10

SPD 13 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 1 1000 1000 B S S S S S

HP Rm Learn

ATK Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES Th 45 Jm D BP 30


SPD EP 30 Name Shock ViridianCopper BodySwing

HP 24 E/5 Type P F D F 0 0

ATK 18 E/5

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 12 18 E/4 Attr Effect

RES 14 D/10

SPD 16 E/6 Mana T S

HP 12 E/4

ATK 9 F/3

Growth Rate DEF INT 6 9 Res. D/R Rng 0 10 0 Vert 6/1 12/2 6/0

RES 7 St 10

SPD 8 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 B C

HP 0 Rm Learn

ATK -10 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 20 15 Th 60 Jm D BP 30

SPD -5 EP 30


Area Dist 12 28 0 60 24 36

Un Eq Ltd



Area Dist 16 36 8

Un Eq Ltd




15 INT F/I/W 21 ATK 28 INT

36/36 12/36


HP 28 B/15 Name Strike Type P F E C F 0 3 0

ATK 26 A/18

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 20 16 F/2 Attr Ice Effect

RES 12 E/4

SPD 20 F/3 Mana T S S S S

HP 14 F/3

ATK 13 F/3

Growth Rate DEF INT 10 8 Res. D/R Rng 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/0

RES 6 St 10

SPD 10 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 1 B S C

HP 10 Rm Learn

ATK 15 Mv 55

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES -5 -5 Th 50 Jm B BP 30

SPD -5 EP 30


Area Dist 8 8 18 8

Un Eq Ltd



HP 42 S/22 Name Strike Omega Thunder Omega Heal Body Swing Type P F B A F 0

ATK 36 S/22

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 26 B/16 Attr Effect

RES 24 C/12

SPD 26 E/6 Mana T S

HP 21 E/4

ATK 18 D/10

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 13 Res. ALL Rng 0 17 17 0 Vert 6/1

RES 12 St 5

SPD 13 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 1 B C

HP 5 Rm Learn

ATK 15 Mv 60


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 5 0 Th 60 Jm C BP 10

Roundhouse SPD -10 EP 10


Cobalt Blues Body Swing

14 ATK

INT -10%

SP Dep ATK 40 INT 35 RES 0 -

Area Dist 8 60 60 8

Un Eq Ltd



36/36 36/36 6/0

HP 60 S/22 Name Strike Berserker Dragon Punch Body Swing Type P F F E F 0 4 0 0

ATK 40 S/25

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 32 24 F/3 Attr Fire Effect

RES 26 F/3

SPD 22 E/5 Mana T S

HP 30 F/3

ATK 20 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 16 12 Res. D/R Rng 0 36 32 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 13 St 10

SPD 11 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 1 B B C

HP 10 Rm Learn

ATK 40 Mv 60

DEF 20

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 10 10 Th 60 Jm C BP 30

SPD -70 EP 30


Area Dist 8 24 32 8

Un Eq Ltd




HP 36 S/22 Name Healing Steps (10) Strike Body Swing Type P P F F 0 0

ATK 32 A/18

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 16 F/3 Attr Effect

RES 14 F/3

SPD 24 F/3 Mana T S S

HP 18 F/3 -

ATK 16 F/3

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 8 Res. Rng 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0

RES 7 St 10

SPD 12 Gd 25 Lv 1 1 1 S B C

HP 10 Rm Learn

ATK 20 Mv 60

DEF 20

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 60 Jm D BP 30

SPD -30 EP 30


HP 72 A/20 Name Strike Soul Burn Vortex Body Swing Nova Type P F E C F B 0 20 0

ATK 28 A/20

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 22 16 A/20 Attr Effect

RES 24 A/20

SPD 16 A/20 Mana -

HP 36 D/10 T S M M S M

ATK 14 D/10

Growth Rate DEF INT 11 8 Res. D/R Rng 0 30 12 0 10 Vert 6/1 18/2 16/0 6/0 12/36

RES 12 St 5

SPD 8 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 1 45 B S S C S

HP -99 Rm Learn

ATK -99 Mv 50

DEF -99

Equip Rate (%) INT RES -99 -99 Th 60 Jm C BP 40

SPD -99 EP 40

SP Dep ATK -

Area Dist 8 8

Un Eq Ltd

Notes Regen HP on your turn


Area Dist 8 40 24 8 36

Un Eq Ltd


21 ATK 28 INT


HP 34 A/18 Name Strike Mega Crocus Body Swing Type P F D F 0 0

ATK 28 C/14

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 20 14 F/2 Attr Effect

RES 14 F/2

SPD 20 F/2 Mana T S

HP 17 F/2

ATK 14 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 10 7 Res. D/R Rng 0 14 0 Vert 6/1 12/6 6/0

RES 7 St 10

SPD 10 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 B C

HP 15 Rm Learn

ATK 15 Mv 50


Equip Rate (%) INT RES -5 0 Th 50 Jm C BP 30


SPD -10 EP 30 Name Strike Hurricane Slash Body Swing

HP 46 A/19 Type P F C F 0 0

ATK 34 A/20

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 24 26 D/10 Attr Effect

RES 22 C/14

SPD 26 E/4 Mana T S S S

HP 23 E/6

ATK 17 C/11

Growth Rate DEF INT 12 13 Res. D/R Rng 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0

RES 11 St 10

SPD 13 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 B C

HP 5 Rm Learn

ATK 10 Mv 60


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 5 5 Th 60 Jm C BP 30

SPD -10 EP 30


Area Dist 8 48 8

Un Eq Ltd

Notes DEF -10%


Area Dist 8 8 8

Un Eq Ltd






HP 46 A/19 Name Strike HurricaneSlash BodySwing Type P F C F 0 0

ATK 34 A/20

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 20 26 D/10 Attr Effect

RES 22 C/14

SPD 26 E/4 Mana T S S S

HP 23 E/6

ATK 17 C/11

Growth Rate DEF INT 10 13 Res. D/R Rng 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0

RES 11 St 10

SPD 13 Gd 10 Lv 1 1 1 B C

HP 5 Rm Learn

ATK 10 Mv 60


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 5 5 Th 60 Jm B BP 30

SPD -10 EP 30


Area Dist 8 8 8

Un Eq Ltd



HP 34 A/19

ATK 26 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 16 14 F/1 Attr Wind Fire Effect

RES 12 F/2

SPD 20 F/1 Mana T S S S S S S S S

HP 17 F/3

ATK 13 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 8 7 Res. D/R Rng 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 6 St 10

SPD 10 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 4 8 13 19 26 34 B C S

HP 15 Rm Learn

ATK 10 Mv 55

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 70 Jm B BP 30

SPD -25 EP 30

Name Strike Body Swing Fang Slash Rock Crusher Wolfang Beast Strike Rampage Instant Death

Type P F F E E C C D B

SP Dep 0 0 3 5 ATK ATK ATK

Area Dist 8 8 40 12 12 20 16 16

Un Eq Ltd


DEF -7%

12 ATK 12 ATK 8 ATK 24 ATK


HP 34 S/21

ATK 26 C/12

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 18 14 F/1 Attr Wind Fire Effect

RES 14 F/2

SPD 20 F/1 Mana T S S S S S S S S

HP 17 F/3

ATK 13 F/1

Growth Rate DEF INT 9 7 Res. D/R Rng 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0

RES 7 St 10

SPD 10 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 4 8 13 19 26 34 B C S

HP 15 Rm Learn

ATK 10 Mv 55

DEF 10

Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 0 Th 70 Jm B BP 30

SPD -25 EP 30

Name Strike Body Swing Fang Slash Rock Crusher Wolfang Beast Strike Rampage Instant Death

Type P F F E E C C D B

SP Dep 0 0 3 5 ATK ATK ATK

Area Dist 8 8 40 12 12 20 16 16

Un Eq Ltd


DEF- 7%

12 ATK 12 ATK 8 ATK 24 ATK


HP 30 A/18 Name Strike Flying Bomb Myosotis Body Swing Type P F E C F 0 5 0

ATK 26 C/13

Lv1 Stats DEF INT 20 18 F/2 Attr Wind Effect

RES 16 F/2

SPD 20 F/2 Mana T S S S S

HP 5 F/2

ATK 13 F/2

Growth Rate DEF INT 10 9 Res. D/R Rng 0 0 0 0 Vert 6/1 6/1 6/0 6/0

RES 8 St 10

SPD 10 Gd 20 Lv 1 1 1 1 B S C

HP 5 Rm Learn

ATK 20 Mv 70


Equip Rate (%) INT RES 0 5 Th 50 Jm S BP 30

SPD -10 EP 30


Area Dist 8 8 24 8

Un Eq Ltd


14 SPD



An Interview By You
For this guide, we wanted to include an interview with Nippon Ichi, but we wanted to be sure we asked the all the right questions the ones that were burning in the fans minds. What better way to do that than to let the fans ask the questions themselves? It seemed reasonable to us, so we posted an invitation on several public message boards, for people to send their questions to us and be answered by NIS within this guide. With a bit of luck, we were able to have the questions answered personally, by Phantom Braves Director and game designer Yoshitsuna Kobayashi. For the following questions, we divided them into categories and included the screen names of those who did the asking.
Yoshitsuna Kobayashi Director, Phantom Brave

The Present (Mitsukai William) Was Ashs design based on Laharls?

Mr. Harada, who previously worked on Disgaea, was the illustrator for both. However, no, Ash is not based off Laharl.

(Kenneth Sutanto) What was the main reason for putting Pleinair into Phantom Brave?
Pleinair is very popular, so we included her as a character to symbolize NIS.

(Grifn) Are the universes of La Pucelle, Disgaea and Phantom Brave connected, since they seem to share certain characters?
The universes of La Pucelle, Disgaea, and Phantom Brave may seem similar because the creators are the same, but they have no connection.

(Kenneth Sutanto) Whats the idea behind linking Disgaea characters into the Phantom Brave world? Is it some kind of an Easter Egg from the game?
Yes, exactly.

(Master of Monster) How long does it take to make a game like Phantom Brave?
Approximately 12 months.

(Kenneth Sutanto) Why does the Archer class in Phantom Brave look exactly the same as the one in Disgaea?
Since the Archer was a very popular character in Disgaea, we put her in as a guest appearance.

(Master of Monster) Whats the hardest part of making a game like this? Whats the fun part?


Hardest Part: Debugging the game, since there is so much to go through. Fun Part: The entire game development process is fun. If the creators cant enjoy creating the game, you cant make a really fun game.

for gaming products. Do you forsee this as a great way to market your products?
Of course. That is why we felt it would be a good time to start up our US subsidiary.

Why do you choose to revisit this theme?

We usually try to create a ow from a normal life, to a tragic incident, to the beginning of the game. We tend to begin with a tragedy, because then you get to know the game more quickly. Basically, though, the storys style is based off of the scenario writers preferences.

(Disgaea Fan) How did you come up with the idea of having a game take place in the netherworld? It really is a refreshing change from other RPGs.
The Netherworld was a convenient way for the creators to come up with extraordinary settings. It allows the creators to use their imaginations to their fullest extent.

(sfox8) Are the monsters and characters in your RPGs based off of anything in real life?
Some are and some arent. We will base any design on real life if something is interesting enough.

(RedCoKid) Why did you decide to place a larger emphasis on user created characters in Phantom Brave than in Disgaea or La Pucelle? In other words, why are so many unlockable special characters only available after the ending?
Character creation is one of the ways this title gives the player freedom. Many unlockable characters are available before as well as after the ending. We wanted our players to be able to continue to enjoy the game even after the game ends.

(RedCoKid) Also, NIS RPGs tend to have bittersweet endings, as opposed to other games happier conclusions. Why is this?
We try to make happy endings, but we feel a normal happy ending lacks punch, so we like to make it a little more interesting.

(Master of Monster) How many games has NIS released and when was the company founded? Which consoles have you developed for in the past?
A total of twenty-ve titles: ve for PS2, fteen for PSOne, and ve for others (PC and Saturn). Our company was founded in 1994.

(cosmo babylon) Yuichi Harada and Yoshiharu Ryoji Nomura are two of my absolute favorite artists right now. How long have they been with Nippon Ichi? How did they come to work for the company?
They are former NIS employees working independently. We receive priority attention from them regarding artwork.

(RedCoKid) Why do you use 2D sprites instead of 3D models?

We feel the expressiveness and warmth of 2D graphics cannot be replicated by 3D.

(DeadToRights) Is there anything that had to be edited or removed for the US market?
No, there is nothing we left out. Both English and Japanese dialogues are in there too.

(Geo15) Seeing as how Rhapsody, Disgaea, La Pucelle, and Phantom Brave are all 2D RPGs, and the fact that Disgaea and La Pucelle both sold well in the American market, do you think that 2D games can still sell well in this generation of 3D games?
Yes, as mentioned above, game quality is not determined by 2D or 3D graphics. As long as we keep developing titles that have our fans approval, we will do ne.

The Future (Disgaea Fan) Is there any chance of developing another game featuring Laharl, Etna, Flonne and Vyers/Midboss?
There is a possibility, but we have no plans right now.

(yazarc) Naturally, Nippon-Ichi must be excited to have a North American branch now. Was this a decision that they were thinking about before the success of Disgaea and La Pucelle in the US?
Yes, we are very excited. Plans to open a US branch began in early 2003. The unexpected level of success of Disgaea and La Pucelle has denitely had a favorable effect on our start-up. We thank Atlus and Mastiff for their help.

(RedCoKid) Do you feel pressure by gamers or the gaming industry to use 3D models to increase consumer sales or to earn easy product approval?
There is no pressure because we realize that there are gamers that prefer 2D. The quality of a game is not determined by 2D or 3D. Some games might be better off 3D and some are better off as 2D. NIS does not say No to 3D because we will use 3D for titles best suited for it.

(Travis Harville) Are you planning to make a game where the casts of La Pucelle, Disgaea, and/or Phantom Brave join forces?
We have no plans at the moment, but your idea might come true in some form.

The Past (Mitsukai William) Disgaeas style reminded me of The Nightmare Before Christmas. Was that an inuence?
Its possible I might have been inuenced, since I love that movie, but story-wise, no, I dont think so.

(sfox8) Would you be interested in starting a series based on Disgaea, sort of like Final Fantasy?
We are interested in a series. The Disgaea World will continue to be used for the future.

(xxtrizz) As you may know, the growing intrigue with Anime style products here in the western part of the world is making headway

(RedCoKid) All of Nippon Ichis RPGs (including Rhapsody, Angels Present, La Pucelle, Disgaea, and Phantom Brave) share a powerful theme in which young teenagers cope with the loneliness created by the death of both parents by making new friendships.

(Golden Philemon) How well was Phantom Brave received in Japan in comparison with Disgaea and La Pucelle? Phantom Braves warm story and game system was received really well.

(sfox8) Are you interested at all in MMORPGs? Do you have any plans for one?
We are interested in it, but have no plans yet.



(Kenneth Sutanto) Are you planning to link Phantom Brave characters to any new games in the future?
Not at the moment. We might include the characters in other titles as guest appearances. If we decide to develop Phantom Brave 2 they might show up in there.

(Disgaea Fan) Since manga is growing in popularity here, are there any plans to release the manga based on Disgaea or Phantom Brave (in North America)?
Were thinking about it. Since we have the Japanese content, it is possible.

(Geo15) Does NIS America have any plans for future titles after Phantom Brave as of now, or is the company taking its time with its rst game?
We do have plans.

(Kenneth Sutanto) Are you planning to sell Nippon Ichi goods in North America, such as Digital Arts, Coloring Books, etc; Perhaps opening Rosenqueen Company branch in North America?
We will consider opening Rosenqueen if we feel that the demand is there.

(yazarc) Is Nippon-Ichi going to strictly focus on releasing its own games here in the US, or are they going to release works of other Japanese publishers?
Our main focus is to release NIS titles, but if we nd other titles that suit us and will also appeal to the US users, we will help to bring it over.

(Master of Monster) Are there any sequels to Disgaea or Phantom Brave in the works? Do you intend to revisit any of these old worlds or characters?
Its a secret for now.

(Charade Maru) Is there any chance that the cellphone game, Mugen Disgaea, will be brought over to the U.S.?
We are considering it, but the cell phones sold in North America cannot handle Mugen Disgaea yet. Also cell phone game demand in North America differs from Japan. We will have to see where the industry is heading before we decide.

(Daria) I love collecting RPG related toys and plushies and the Disgaea trading gures were absolutely adorable. Do you have any tie-in toys planned for Phantom Brave?
We will try to open an online store at NISAs web page as soon as possible to sell some game related goodies.

(Master of Monster) Are there any plans to re-release your older games in North America through NIS America?
Unfortunately, no.

(DeadToRights) Now that Nippon Ichi Software has opened a new American subsidiary, what can we look forward to in the future from NIS?
You can expect to see NIS titles as well as titles from other companies. We would like to expand our NISA world.

(Esper) Will you ever re-release (or remake) Rhapsody?

There are no plans for a re-release.

(cosmo babylon) Are there any plans for NIS to branch out, and put their old characters into new genres? Id like to see a Marjoly Family shooting game.
No plans at this moment. As our company gets larger, there will always be a possibility. Your support will help us to create titles that you hope to see.

(Kenneth Sutanto) Are you planning to have a Music from La Pucelle, Disgaea and Phantom Brave concert, by Tanpei Sato, either in Japan nor North America?
Last year in Japan we had a charity concert with Tanpei Sato. We have no plans on having a solo concert in both Japan and in the US.

(Grifn) Are there any future Strategy RPGs similar to Phantom Brave/Disgaea that are in the works for the PS2?
Its still a secret.

(Golden Philemon) Is Nippon Ichi interested in publishing any other Marl games here, like Little Princess or Angels Present?
There are no plans to do so at this time.

(Grifn) Have you considered doing animated cutscenes?

Yes, we plan to include it depending on the game.

(Disgaea Fan) Would you ever consider releasing a soundtrack and/or an artbook as an extra in future Nippon Ichi releases?
Yes, if the demand is there we will consider it. For Phantom Brave, a special soundtrack bundle version was available for pre-ordering at participating retailers.

(Grifn) Will we ever see the Disgaea, La Pucelle, or Phantom Brave characters outside of their own games, such as in anime or manga? (The phantoms are right; a Phantom Brave anime would be cool...)
The manga is on sale in Japan and we are considering anime. If the fans demand anime we will create it.

(Master of Monster) Does NIS have any interest in developing for the Nintendo DS or GBA? Will you develop games for any systems besides the PS2?
Since we have a license agreement with Nintendo, there is a possibility. We will decide after we study the market. At the current moment we have announced that we will develop for the PSP.

(xxtrizz) Will you still hold business ties with publisher Atlus even after opening a branch here in the States?
YES, we would like to continue to hold a close tie with Atlus.

In Conclusion (DJPubba) Thank you very much for taking the time to answer everyones questions. It was very considerate of you to talk to the fans themselves. Any last comments?
Please look forward to our future titles and we thank you for your continued support.

About Possible Merchandising (Sunny Panchigar) Will you be releasing a Phantom Brave artbook in the United States?
No plans at this moment.

(Master of Monster) Whats next for NIS America?

Its still a secret.

(RedCoKid) Are there any plans to rehire the Marl Kingdom series and La Pucelle artist to create artwork in future games?
There are no plans to do so at this time.




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