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Gorgeous Geek Chapter LXI: Boiling Point

Chapter LXI: Boiling Point

Well? I don't know... I know you did it. There were many sides of Tiffany that Eunice had experienced over the year. The girl had mood swings that ranged from being overly depressed to quietly blissful. Over the years, Eunice watched as Tiffany felt down and talked very little. Last year, Tiffany failed to find a decent story to type about for the Hitching Post. She was so sad afterwards that Jennifer and Eunice stayed away from her. They really had no idea how to cheer the older girl up. And yet, it took only a smile from Jin to lighten her mood for the rest of the day. From then on, Eunice and Jennifer saw Jin as a cure to all of Tiffany's mood swings. Today though, Eunice watched before her eyes an angry Tiffany. In the past, whenever they did something Tiffany didn't like, she would speak to them with annoyance or bitterness in her voice. But this time, it was outright anger. Tiffany was mad at Jennifer and Eunice didn't know who she should side with. I did it okay? asked Jennifer, glancing away. What's the big deal? You broke one of the most fundamental rules of being an Asian Gossip Girl, said Tiffany, pointing at the front page of her notebook. Rules are meant to be broken. Shut up, said Tiffany, glaring. You're not Kristian Shiratori. You can't get away with sayings like that. Guys, said Eunice, tearing up. Let's get along. Stay out of this Eunie! said Jennifer, sending Eunice a look. Leave Eunice, said Tiffany, indicating down the hall. I don't want you to see this. Shaking from top to bottom, Eunice went to the end of the hallway and watched Tiffany and Jennifer argue back and forth. Although Eunice was closer to Jennifer as friends, she knew that Jennifer did something bad this time. Their job was to spread rumors, not make up rumors. Before Jennifer, none of the Asian Gossip Girls broke this rule. Tiffany had every reason to be angry. She was so strict when it comes to spreading gossip in the first place. Still, Eunice thought that Tiffany should forgive Jennifer this time. Everyone deserved second chances right? Eunie, said Jennifer, suddenly going up to Eunice. We're leaving! Huh? asked Eunice, looking back and forth between Jennifer and Tiffany. What? Eunice, said Tiffany, trying to control her voice. You shouldn't listen to her. What's going on? asked Eunice, panicking. I'm leaving the AGG, said Jennifer bitterly with her hands on her hips. I can't stand Tiffy anymore. She's always making us do the small jobs and now, she's being unreasonable when it comes to one tiny rumor. One tiny rumor? asked Tiffany in disbelief. Do you have any idea what you've done to Cerina and the Drama Club with your lie? She deserves it because she's a flirtatious whore. Even if Cerina is a flirtatious whore, said Tiffany, looking down on Jennifer thanks to her height. You can't make up a rumor like that! If I can spread any rumor I like, I'll

make a million about Jezebelle by now. Tiffany straightened up her posture and closed her eyes. But no, you're supposed to distance your own personal business from your job! Jennifer bit her lip and shouted, If it's a job, I'm quitting! No, I'm firing you. You don't have the rights to leave. Whatever, said Jennifer, grabbing Eunice's arm. Let's go Eunie. You haven't done anything wrong, Eunice, said Tiffany, grabbing Eunice's other arm. You shouldn't listen to her and leave the group. She's being selfish and taking you away. I'm your best friend, Eunie, said Jennifer in reminder. I'm your leader and ally, said Tiffany into Eunice's other ear. Enough! cried Eunice, throwing both their arms off her. I have my own problems to worry about! My parents have already taken away my Internet and television! They're threatening to take away my cell phone and any other communication devices so I can't talk to my friends anymore! Jennifer and Tiffany stared stunned at Eunice. Therefore, I'm not choosing. I can't side with either of you. I'm sorry. In an instant, Jennifer huffed and stomped off in one direction. Tiffany shook her head at the other girl and went the opposite direction. As for Eunice, she sat down in the corner of the hallway and cried to herself. Not only were her parents forcing her to stay isolated from everyone else, her friends were fighting and breaking apart. What was she to do? What should she do? Eunice? Eunice picked up her eyes to meet Jin's. Jin? It was currently lunchtime and Jin just passed by Jennifer on the way to the main quad. Even though he was curious as to why Jennifer was so upset, he couldn't say anything to her because she went pass him so fast. However, he couldn't help but stop at the sight of Eunice in the corner by herself, sobbing. Eunice, are you all right? asked Jin softly, crouching down in front of her. I'm a-okay! cried Eunice, wiping her eyes hastily. Everything is fine! You can tell me, said Jin gently, smiling sweetly at the girl. Eunice blushed. At this close proximity, she noticed that Jin did not have a single blemish on his perfect skin. What's wrong? Although Eunice wanted to tell Jin about her family problems, she decided against the idea. Even if Jin was rumored to be able to solve anyone's problems, she didn't want to burden him with something so personal. Instead, she thought of what was going on between Jennifer and Tiffany. Maybe Jin could somehow get both of them to get along and be together again? Eunice dropped her head on her arms. The thing is... ************************************************* If there was one thing Cerina believed in, it was natural talent. Some people were born with natural talent at art, math, sports, and many more while others have to work hard to match the talented. This was the difference between her and the rest of the Drama Club. She was the talented. They were the hard workers. And this was the single biggest pride she could indulge herself in. At the young age of four, Cerina took up acting. Her parents were both actors in the theatre. Although she didn't believe in inheriting her parents' talents, she was truly blessed with the ability to act out any role given to her. When she was four, she managed to impress her teachers at her acting classes. They told her to pursue acting in commercial and movies and such. She declined. There was a fine line between being on the big screen and on stage. Cerina personally preferred the stage.

Even though there were many other high schools that had better play productions than Wilson High School, Cerina wanted to go there instead. First of all, it was the closest to her house so she didn't have to take the bus to school. She hated public transportation anyways. Second, she thought that if she were to join the Drama Club at an average school, she would stand out above everyone else. After all, she hated anyone else taking the spotlight from her. Before she joined the Drama Club, Cerina checked out their Winter Production. She remembered that day quite well. She sat in the third row from the front at the far right edge. It was a Friday so there were even more parents watching in the audience than usual. She sat next to an overbearing mother who had a camcorder set up and everything to take every moment of her precious child's shining moment. Cerina mocked the woman in her head. Her son or daughter probably had one line in the whole play. It was pitiful how big of a deal the woman made of this. Keeping to herself, Cerina glanced through the program at the synopsis and then at the names of the cast. The main actor was someone name Faith Santana. The first thought that came to Cerina's mind was what a pretty name. She had always liked the name Faith, except for a girl. It was too feminine in her opinion to name a boy Faith. When the play started, a single tall girl with long brown hair had a monologue on stage. When her name was mentioned, Cerina checked the program again to see who was playing her part. Much to her pleasant surprise, the person who played the female lead was none other than Faith. This alone stuck to Cerina throughout the play until it ended a few hours later. Good job, Faith, said Sandara, taking off her clothes in the dressing room in front of Faith. She obviously didn't mind that he was there. In only her bra, Sandara glanced in his direction. Oh right! You're supposed to go to the men's dressing room! Faith combed through his blue hair. He had already took off his wig but he hadn't changed out of his clothes yet. You momentarily forgot my gender, Sandara. Sorry, said Sandara, smiling innocently. It's so confusing sometimes. It's okay, said Faith, taking off his shirt on the opposite side of the room. You didn't do so bad yourself, Sandara. Thanks! said Sandara, laughing. But we know who the real star of the show is. Nonsense. It's a team effort. Sandara wore a scarf around her neck. You look sad a couple of times in the back rooms today, Faith. What's up? Do you think I'll ever get to play a male role? asked Faith, sighing. Honestly? Honestly. Sandara shook her head. We don't have an outstanding actress in the Drama Club. I can never play a main female lead. You're stuck playing those roles for a while, Faith. I thought so, said Faith, staring at himself in the mirror. He had transformed back to himself in a matter of minutes. I just want to know what it's like to play a male role before I graduate high school next year. Faith... said Sandara, frowning. If you want, I can try harder to take your place as a leading female in plays. We'll see, said Faith, picking up his backpack. See you on Monday. See you, Faith. Stay safe! On his way out to the parking lot, Faith received many praises from the other members of the drama club as well as a lot of his classmates. However, he felt slightly

depressed on the inside. He liked acting a lot and it was one of his favorite past time hobbies. Just once though, he wanted to play a man on stage. In heart and soul, he was a male after all. He didn't like how everyone always put him in the other gender when he felt uncomfortable being a woman. Hello. Faith glanced in Cerina's direction. She was right next to him in the parking lot near the front of the school. Hey there. I'll be blunt, said Cerina, pouting. Are you a girl or a boy? Surprised, Faith chuckled. A boy. Your voice was way too high to be a boy on stage today. I'm a boy, said Faith in repeat. He felt uneasy at being called a girl. I'll always be a boy, now and forever. I can act the part of a girl cross-dressing to be a boy, said Cerina in a proud voice. At the mention of her acting, Faith paid her more attention. But I have never acted the role of a boy on stage before. I can't imagine it. It must be hard. You're an actress? asked Faith, interested. Cerina laughed gleefully to herself. A second-rate one compared to you at this point. Faith frowned. How do you do it? How do you act the part of the other gender? An actor has to be versatile. Thanks to this conversation, Faith felt guilty over how upset he was before talking to her. He hated his female roles because he was typecast into them and yet, this person next to him wanted to play the opposite gender and couldn't. He should be more proud of himself to being able to pull off both genders off with ease. I am versatile, said Cerina, feeling insulted. Faith's eyes widened when she said that. She was such a confident-sounding girl. I just can't do a boy. I don't have a dick. Suddenly, Faith burst out laughing at her words. Cerina thought she did something wrong or looked weird so she took off her compact mirror and checked her face in a hurry. However, Faith shook it off and tried to contain his laughter. Faith replied to her in a playful voice, I don't either. Thanks to Faith, Cerina tried out for the Spring Production. She was confident that if she were to try out, she would land the leading role. Like she predicted, she got the leading role for the next play. In turn, Faith finally got his wish. He was a man in the next play. When he was told this, he was so happy. Cerina could still remember the priceless expression on his face. She vowed never to forget it. Before, said Cerina to Sandara one day during one of their practices. I acted for myself... for my own satisfaction. What do you act for now then? asked Sandara, curious. For him, said Cerina, watching Faith scolding the twins nearby for fooling around. He's the only amateur actor I've ever admired in my entire life. Not only is he hard working and talented, Cerina watched him dreamily. He's also androgynous. So lucky! Sandara laughed. Oh Cerina! Back then, Cerina got along with everyone in the Drama Club. Some feared her. Others admired her. Most did both. Faith was really the only one who didn't harbor any special feelings toward her. He was always so objective when it came to her in the club. Outside of the club, he was best friends with her but he didn't treat her like anything special. She knew he knew that the club needed her but he never showed it. Most of the time, she didn't mind because Cerina told herself that she was hopelessly in love with his

talent as an actor. Cerina, said Faith in his calm voice at the lunch tables, breaking through her thoughts. I heard a couple of interesting things about you today. You don't believe them, do you? asked Sandara with a sweet smile. Faith shook his head. Not at all. It's time for Cerina to say, 'Oh darn'! The Caucasian girl tossed her friend a warning look before she turned to Faith, You're okay with the rumors then, Faith? Right then, the twins came to sit with them, waiting for the conversation to take a nasty turn. Sandara shrugged and left their table, thinking that her job here was done. She didn't want Cerina to pick her apart if she and Faith were to fight. I said I didn't believe them, not that I was okay with them, said Faith sternly. Get ready, said Robbie, sitting to Faith's left side. For the Santana lecture, said Jojo, sitting to Faith's right side. Ignoring them both, Faith returned to Cerina, You need to be more careful. You know the Drama Club's reputation rests on your shoulders. Have you been chatting with the Polo team a lot lately? Maybe, said Cerina, grumbling. There you go, said Faith, sighing. That's where the rumor came from. Plus, you have a lot of haters, said Robbie, nodding. You're asking for a rumor to spread really, said Jojo, nodding too. Cerina stuck her tongue out at both of them. I am your leader! Why are you siding with Faith? The two shrugged and hung onto Faith like he was their support. And Faith, don't you care at all about my reputation instead of the club's? Your reputation? asked Faith in disbelief. You are the one to blame for hurting your own reputation. If you're not always so flirtatious, you wouldn't have to deal with this now, do you? Cerina lowered her eyes. Are you jealous at least? No, I'm not. And this rumor doesn't make me jealous either if that's what you're thinking to yourself. I see... The only thing I'm jealous of is your ability to act, said Faith, shaking his head. But at this rate, no one will want to see our production in a couple of months if the main lead is known to be a slut. Cerina nearly jumped at his harsh words. They won't be able to see your interpretation of the character if they won't come to the play at all. Faith, don't be so stern, said Robbie, feeling bad for Cerina. Yeah, said Jojo in agreement. This rumor will die out in no time. Before the play at least. Most likely. Faith got up and shook his head. This is a warning. I really can't tolerate these types of rumors about any member of the Drama Club. If it's you two or even Sandara, I will say the same. It's not just Cerina. Because I'm just another member of the club and group... said Cerina sadly. Yes, you need to understand that, said Faith with a firm nod. I can't give you special treatment. It's already enough that I try to follow you around and make sure you stay out of trouble, only to receive this smack in the face from this rumor. Faith, said Cerina, hurt. You can't protect me like this if you don't really like me. I don't want some guy to protect me for the sake of the club when he has no real feelings for

me. Cerina lowered her tone. It feels wrong and misleading. I can say the same for you, said Faith, not backing up to his leader. You cling onto me and you treat me differently than everyone else like you have feelings for me when I know you don't. The wife and husband are bickering again, said Robbie, leaving with his brother. Who's the wife and who's the husband? asked Jojo, smirking. With that question, the two laughed and clapped hands before they went off to see Jezebelle since she wanted to know how the Drama Club reacted to Cerina's rumor. During fourth period, she told them ahead of time she would be outside the boys' gym and indeed, she was there with Kirk. She was already dressed in her tennis uniform. Faith is her best friend? asked Jezebelle to make sure. They're friends but, said Robbie, glancing at Jojo. They're not too, said Jojo, shrugging. Complicated relationship? Both of the twins grinned. Bingo! Does Faith happen to have a crush on me? asked Jezebelle carefully, remembering something Cerina said earlier today. The twins didn't say anything. On one hand, they knew well that Faith had a crush on Jezebelle. On the other hand, they talked to him about it and he said he wasn't going to pursue his feelings because of his cultural situation. Should they tell Jezebelle the truth or not? She didn't really have eyes for anyone but Jin anyways... I get it, said Jezebelle, acknowledging their silence. Run along now. I have some things to talk about with Kirky. The twins didn't like the sound of this so Robbie stayed and asked, Are you really dating Cerina, Kirk? Jojo didn't want to leave either. Or is it a casual relationship? I don't know about her end, said Kirk, yawning. He looked tired. Robbie and Jojo wondered how many girls he hurt since last Friday when he got together with Cerina. But I never have serious relationships. They're too fucking boring and mentally exhausting. Leave before I hurt you two, said Jezebelle threateningly. Since the twins didn't want to upset Jezebelle, they left in a hurry. They disliked Kirk greatly but they knew that he had nothing over Jezebelle. They simply didn't like how much attention she gave him in comparison to everyone else she got along with. At last, Jezebelle and Kirk were alone again. I thought you said that you want to be the most popular person in school. And? You're not, said Kirk accusingly. Your boyfriend is. Same thing, said Jezebelle, shrugging and leaning against the wall. He listens to everything I say most of the time so it doesn't matter much who is the most popular person. Jezebelle glanced over at Kirk. Shouldn't you be more unhappy about your girlfriend and her situation? Quite honestly, even if something were to happen to you, I wouldn't give a fuck and we're much closer. Why should I give a shit what happens to her? Though apparently, someone else does, said Jezebelle, watching Jin inside the boys' gym with the members of the Polo team. Sure thing Jin, said the Captain of the Polo team. He was grinning at Jin. We'll make sure to tell everyone that Cerina's just a good friend of ours. We don't want people to actually take that rumor seriously. Thanks for telling us about it.

No problem, said Jin, beaming. The next time we have a house party, make sure to come Jin Song. Another boy laughed. In return for this favor of course. All right, said Jin, nodding. He began to leave the gym. I'm just thankful that we can resolve this misunderstanding between the Polo team and the Drama Club. Catch you later Jin. Nice talking to you Jin! When Jin went inside to ask them to free Cerina from that rumor, Jezebelle was by herself outside, waiting for him. When he came back though, he noticing Kirk chatting with her. Jin wasn't too happy at the sight of this but he didn't say anything and pretended that it didn't bother him at all. Done, said Jin with a smile. Jezebelle giggled darkly at him. Did you use your Jin magic on them? Jin magic? asked Jin, lost. No, I only asked them to tell everyone the truth. And why would you do that? asked Kirk, frowning. What business do you have with Cerina? It's not like you're her fucking friend or some crap like that. It's true that I might not be friends with Cerina but, said Jin, looking back and forth between Kirk and Jezebelle. I am friends with Tiffany, Jennifer, and Eunice. They're breaking up because of this rumor and I want to set things straight again for their sake. How noble, said Jezebelle sweetly. Besides, said Jin, pumped up. I didn't fight all those monsters and level up all the way to a hundred to just walk around and look good! Kirk groaned. Jezebelle giggled, knowing Jin too well. I did it to help everybody and to change Wilson High into a nonprejudice and open-minded school! So idealistic, said Kirk, spitting. He's actually doing well, said Jezebelle defensively for Jin. Odette Dixie has been calling him nearly every night in order to report to him what she's been eating. Instead of throwing up like she usually did the past, she calls him instead. She's not far from graduating from anorexia. She even knows what it's like to be hungry. Yes, said Jin happily. It's that scratchy feeling in your stomach. Victoria Hopkins is able to dress however she pleases and is not so dependent on Jordan and Monika for everything anymore, said Jezebelle, wrapping her arms in front of her chest. Even that scary Tasha girl is taking tennis seriously now. He's doing quite well for someone who is so idealistic. That's nothing, said Kirk, shaking his head. There's still a lot of shitty stuff in this school. There's a lot of fucked up things left. You haven't even encountered some of the worst this school has to offer yet. How about this Kirky? asked Jezebelle, smirking to him. Jin turned to her, knowing this tone too well. If we can get the Elites and the Pimp Juice to get along, you'll swear to support us. The Elites and the Pimp Juice? asked Kirk in disbelief. Are you fucking kidding me? Those crackers will never be friends with those brainiacs. It's like asking real athletes to read and hardcore nerds to play a sport and be pro at it. What the fuck are you two smoking? The hell? There is Lydia, said Jin thoughtfully. She's on the science team and she's a cheerleader so it is possible. She's also dating Eddie, said Kirk, annoyed. And I fucking hate Eddie. Your hate doesn't matter, said Jezebelle, pouting. It's still a fact that there are

some who are both smart and athletic. They're rare, but they do exist and Lydia is a living example of it. And she's the prettiest in our grade too, said Jin in addition. So you do notice attractive women? asked Jezebelle, interested. Jin flushed. I heard it from Kristian. Oh, said Jezebelle, amused. Of course. You only have your eyes set on video game chicks anyways. Before Jin could refute that, Jezebelle continued, Kirky, they'll get along in no time. You'll see. Then you can't say that Jin doesn't deserve his popularity. Whatever, said Kirk, waving it off and walking off. I'm going home. After Kirk left, Jin threw his arms around Jezebelle and forced her into a hug from behind. Even though Jezebelle didn't mind it as much as before, she hated hugs in general so she struggled and freed herself from Jin's attack. Jezebelle was wrong about him. He was only predictable half of the time. The other half, he was so random like this. She did not see the hug coming. What was that for? asked Jezebelle, keeping a safe distance between them. You sided with me against Kirk. I'm so happy Fi. You're happy over the strangest things, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. She regained her composure and walked with him toward the tennis courts. I have a tennis game today. You're not coming because Coach won't let you be team manager until your injuries heal. Yet he allows you to play tennis... You're replaceable, said Jezebelle, smirking. I'm not. You're playing against Polytechnic High at their home court, said Jin worriedly. After they took you away two days ago, I don't feel safe letting you go alone. What if they plan to ambush you at their own school? This time, you have no reason to justify the war if one breaks out again. Besides, there are a lot of smart people there... Suddenly, Jezebelle's face lit up. That's it! That's it? asked Jin, confused. Did I say something wrong? No, on the contrary, you said something right, cocktail shrimp. I don't know what I said right though... Think about it, said Jezebelle, amused now. Polytechnic is well-known for being one of the most prestigious high schools in the United States. Their math teams and science teams are incredible. Their music program is top-notch. And of course they are the best in sports, sending more players to the NFL than another other high school in the country. You know a lot about Poly, said Jin in amazement. I went through freshman year, hearing those lines repeated in every class. But what did that have to do with what I said? asked Jin, tilting his head and backtracking what they were talking about. He failed. I'm so confused... We're coming back to what I said earlier to Kirky about you and I being able to convince the Elites and the Pimp Juice to get along, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. She really needed to explain everything to Jin sometimes. There are more than one way for people to get along. They don't have to like each other. They just have to prefer each other over a third fraction. I get it, said Jin in awe. It's like when heated rivals have to work together for that one match to defeat that boss! Jezebelle blinked. Sure. She thought about it. Exactly. That's it. You're so smart, Jin. I'm proud of you. Jin was beaming now. I'm glad then.

That's why, said Jezebelle, fondly placing her hands on his shoulder. While I'm off with the rest of my team to play tennis against them, you find a way to gather as many Wilson High students to watch us play. Think of it as them going to an away football game to support their schools' sports team. With all the extracurricular activities, said Jin slowly. I don't think the Elites can come. The basketball team can't come either because they have practice after school. I really don't know if there's any way I can convince them otherwise. I never said to convince them, said Jezebelle, interrupting Jin much to his surprise. I said 'as many Wilson High students' which implies anyone from this school will do. Do you understand? Jin shook his head. But you said you would get those two groups in particular to get along through their dislike of Poly... I will but that's for me to worry and for you to sit back and watch. Jin frowned. I should help you. I feel bad that you're always doing all the work. Jin gave her a small, shy smile. I want to hold my position as the most popular boy in school too, with or without your help Fi. I feel that if I don't do something, I don't deserve it. It doesn't matter for crap whether you deserve it or not, said Jezebelle coldly at Jin. Jin dropped his head. You want to be popular in order to change things, to make a difference no? You want to be popular in order to relieve Jordan of the stress. You want to be popular in order to do things like asking the Polo team to help Cerina a minute ago. Yeah... said Jin, picking his head back up. Yeah... that's right. So what if I'm the one that did most of the work? You get to do what you want. I get to help you achieve your popularity like I wanted to do. We're both satisfied in the end. True, said Jin, agreeing with her. I'll leave those two groups up to you then. I expect a large turnout at our match today with your Jin magic, said Jezebelle, rubbing his shoulders affectionately. Think of yourself as a magician or wizard or something in those video games of yours and you need to convert all those people to your side. You're the only one who can do it. A warlock then, said Jin, excited. Maybe a mage! Jezebelle tried not to roll her eyes. Go for it. Now if you'll excuse me... Fi, said Jin, stopping Jezebelle from leaving. Good luck with your match today! I don't need luck, said Jezebelle, smirking. At her words, Jin thought over his words and went, I'll be there to cheer for you right after school with everyone else! You need to show those girls that you're not to be underestimated! That no one is better than you! That's my boy, said Jezebelle, waving lazily over her shoulder. When they split up then and there, Jin confirmed to himself that he had to convince as many people as possible to come to Jezebelle's tennis game. He had no idea why she wanted so many people to watch when their school wasn't known for tennis but he obeyed her anyways. Since she wanted it, he wanted it too. If he had to make a guess, he would say she wanted this to happen to get as many Wilson High students on their campus to pay back for what happened last time. Hopefully, he could keep this from becoming violent. As for Jezebelle, she played with her hair and said, Time to measure how far your popularity reach at this school. ************************************************* After Sandara had to endure Cerina for most of the day, she was glad to be back where she was most comfortable with- her Hispanic Club. Although Sandara was a junior, she was president of the club. No one voted against her. Today, she managed to have a

Hispanic representative talk about their culture to the rest of the club. She sat in the back, nodding at what the man was saying. Sandara! Sandara turned around to meet a bright smile from a short, Hispanic boy she knew well. Even though he was shorter than her, he was in her grade and one of the pure Hispanics in her school. They were becoming rarer in her school. Joseph Cruz asked to talk to her outside of the classroom quickly. Since Sandara knew what the speaker was going to say anyways, she agreed to it and left the classroom with the shorter boy. You tricked me, said Sandara in amusement, meeting Jordan's eyes. Sorry Sandara, said Joseph Cruz, giving her a thumbs up. But I'm a sucker for a lovesick young man! I am not in love with her, said Jordan, frowning at Joseph Cruz. Joseph Cruz nudged Jordan with a twinkle in his eyes. If you and your partner are looking for dance lessons in the future, call me. You may join us if you please, said Bailey, waiting for Joseph Cruz and Sandara with Jordan outside the classroom. We're always looking for new dancing couples to join our program. Salsa this weekend? asked Joseph Cruz, excited. Bailey grabbed his hand as they walked down the hallway together. Maybe Rumba? Or both? asked both in unison. We still got it, said Joseph Cruz, punching the air. It's nice to be able to talk to Jordan without worrying anymore, said Bailey with a soft look in her eyes. Joseph Cruz nodded. It is. Watching them, Sandara chuckled to herself, They're cute. Joseph Cruz is actually not that bad, said Jordan admittedly, watching them leave the hallway. I didn't like him so much before because he took Bailey away from the Populars. I was wrong about him. He's pretty funny and cool. This is why you shouldn't judge people. Jordan smiled down at her. I'm beginning to learn that the hard way. That's usually the case, said Sandara, shifting her attention to him now. Are you here to ask me out? If you want us to be at Bailey and Joseph Cruz's level, it will take a lot of hard work especially with someone like you and someone like me. You can be really direct, said Jordan, amused. I'm actually being very subtle, said Sandara, puffing her cheeks. I can easily say that you're not good enough for me. But that would be rude. Sandara smirked with a playful look in her eyes. Who cares. Anyways, said Jordan, remembering why he was here. I want to apologize for having to ask you for that favor yesterday. It's probably not necessary anymore because things are already going out of hand. With your clique? I'm not really part of any clique at the moment. Sandara placed a hand on her hip. Is it because you've been overthrown? You don't feel like you're good enough to stay in the Populars? Something like that... It's probably better that way, said Sandara, leaning against the lockers and smirking at her. I like this defeated Jordan Greene better. He actually knows I exist.

I want to apologize for that too, said Jordan, sighing. And polite too, said Sandara, observing Jordan from top to bottom. It's amazing, isn't it? Jordan looked lost now. I've been in the same grade as you for the past two years. I've actually been in a couple of your classes before but you don't know I exist. There are lots of girls and boys you gave the same treatment. We're not good enough to catch your attention. You are Jordan Greene. I hate to look back at what I was and what I'd done, said Jordan in a guilty voice. At least, said Sandara, lowering her tone. You repented. Some people never see the error of their ways. I see... Sandara shook her head. I shouldn't be saying these types of things to you. Seriously though, I don't really mind any of these things you've done. You don't have to apologize to me. I'm just another girl going to the same school as you. I wouldn't say that, said Jordan quickly and defensively. I really admire you. I think it's amazing how you can stand up for yourself and fight back against the errors of your culture. If there are more people like you, we would stop having such stereotypes about everyone around us. Sandara laughed. Thanks. You're really getting on my good side today, Jordan. Oh, that's good. I mean, said Sandara, pointing at his shirt. How did you know I'm a USC fan too? Blinking, Jordan gasped, You are? I work at USC, said Sandara, amused. Of course I support them. Awesome. I want to go to USC someday. You do? asked Sandara, surprised. I do, said Jordan, lowering his eyes sadly. Except my grades are not good enough and USC is expensive as fuck. I don't have the grades or finance to go to USC. There's a way around that, said Sandara, biting her bottom lip. Though I probably shouldn't have told you that. Oh... Sandara shrugged it off. My family is first generation immigrants. There's no way I have the money to go to USC either but I found a way to go to USC all expense paid for four years. Jordan dropped his jaw in awe. Since you're a USC fan, I'll tell you a bit about it. If you work for USC for a couple of years in high school, they'll pay you to go there. Really? That's why I'm volunteering in the hospital there, said Sandara, looking around to make sure no one was listening on them. Even though I'm not getting paid there now, it will help me in the long-run when I go there after high school. Suddenly, Sandara smirked at the thought. Also, there are benefits of being Hispanic in this country. For one thing, you'll get into almost every university you apply to as long as you have decent grades. I had no idea, said Jordan, blinking. You're white so you'll have to work your ass off a lot harder than I do. Jordan shook his head. Sadly, I already knew that. Though, you do know a lot of things that I've never heard of. That's why Kristian likes me so much, said Sandara, puffing her cheeks and then releasing air from her lips. He says I'm really good when it comes to stuff like this. I hang around the right type of people and catch on to interesting things. I can see that, said Jordan, having a different opinion of her. It's not easy to volunteer for USC though, said Sandara warningly. You need to get

some training experience at your local hospital for a couple of months before you're allowed to work for USC. I can't help you there so if you wish to go to USC one day, you'll have to figure all the steps out for yourself. I'll keep that in mind and, said Jordan, beaming at her. Thanks. I can't help it, said Sandara, tilting her head. You're wearing that cool t-shirt! Jordan laughed and shook his head. Where is Kristian? He's not here in school today and I miss him already. He's out with his girlfriend. Sandara pouted. Taken people have all the fun. Sick of being single already? asked Jordan, mocking her. Upset, Sandara smacked Jordan's shoulder. I'm not falling for that, Jordan Greene. Sandara glanced at the door. I should be returning to my club now. In the future, if you need to apologize for anything, send a text instead. Jordan handed her his cell phone in which she punched in her number quickly. I'm not rich so don't overdo it. I understand, said Jordan, pocketing his cell phone. Jordan, said Sandara, capturing his attention immediately. I really like your relationship with Jin. I envy you guys. Jordan blushed at the mention of Jin. Even though he's your rival, you two are very close or so I heard. Sandara smiled widely. Are man crushes in nowadays? I have no idea, said Jordan, embarrassed. Sandara puffed her cheeks again and thought about it. It's kind of scary for us girls to see that kind of friendship in boys. Jordan frowned, not understanding. I mean, it's like a girl must get in between you two to be part of the fun and it's such a hard position to be in. And the drama! You have no idea what kind of soap opera I'm stuck in right now, said Jordan, groaning. The drama I have to endure every day because of my friends and the other people of the school. Jordan thought about how Jin thought he had feelings for Rin when he didn't and how Kristian misunderstood them yesterday. It sucks. I do have an idea, said Sandara, insulted. I'm in Drama after all and believe me, the Playmakers have their share of drama. Cerina herself is a walking drama queen. Jordan smiled at Sandara. We have more in common than I thought. She returned the gesture. I suppose, though they're very different. USC and drama? What the hell? With that, Jordan laughed and opened the door for her to return to her club. As for him, he had to think about what to say to Jin later today. Should he be honest and tell Jin that he had the wrong idea about him and Rin? Or should he try to keep it a secret altogether? What would Kristian say if he heard about this? ************************************************* Running around school campus, Rin searched the school for Kristian. She didn't know why everything around her looked so deserted. The atmosphere seemed heavier than before too. She didn't run around long before she was approached by a young man. There was something familiar about him. She couldn't exactly see his face though. Hello? asked Rin, uncertain. Hey Rin-chan. Rin tilted her head. You know my name? Please follow me, Rin-chan. Usually, Rin wouldn't follow a stranger around but for whatever reason, she listened to him and followed him close behind. Judging by his tone and body, Rin could tell he was

much older than her. He was most likely in his mid-twenties. As they traveled across the football field, the school became much clearer. The gloomy atmosphere from before disappeared as well. Out of nowhere, there were a lot of people around her, both students she recognized and didn't. Actually, some were either too young or old to be high school students. Mistakes, said the man next to her. She noticed that he had dark hair now. Mistakes are necessary to become wise. Sometimes, things don't go your way. You fail at them so that you yourself don't fail. He stopped and petted her on the head. Do you understand, Rin-chan? Who are you and where am I? asked Rin, observing the area around her. In this world, people you know are at the age they want to be the most. What in the world is going on? The man gave her a gentle smile. Look around a bit. You'll see for yourself. Again, Rin obeyed the man and went around, searching. She saw someone who resembled Jin so she went over. It indeed was Jin except he looked a couple of years younger. Actually, he was wearing that Legend of Zelda t-shirt that he wore often back in ninth grade. Rin blinked. This was freshman Jin playing his video games against the fence. Then, she noticed the person sitting next to him. It was a Korean boy at around the age of ten and when he grinned, Rin knew it was Bo. At the sight of her, he ran over and hugged her around the waist. Miss, said Bo, grinning. May you help me tie my shoelaces? Rin narrowed her eyes. I know what you're up to. Ten-year-old Bo broadened his grin and went away. Curious, Rin left the football field and went inside the main building. In one of the offices, she noticed a blonde man filing paperwork at his desk. He was undeniably handsome so there was no doubt in Rin's mind that it was none other than Jordan. She went inside and noticed that he was a counselor now. Judging by his appearance and face, he was around thirty or so. May I help you? asked he. Rin blinked. I don't know. If you have any relationship or family problems, said older Jordan kindly with a soft smile. You may talk to me about it. Feeling awkward, Rin left the room in a hurry. Where was she? Why was everything so strange? She went down the hallway and noticed that the Asian Gossip Girls were sitting in their usual area. Tiffany was about eleven or twelve. Eunice was in her mid-twenties. Jennifer looked almost the same except taller. Rin could only assumed that Jennifer was now a senior in high school. Without talking to them, Rin continued on until she was out in the quad. There were so many people she recognized that were not their usual age. Where was Kristian though? At the corner of the quad, she noticed Vance sitting by himself with his fantasy book in front of him. Like Bo, he was around his elementary school age. He didn't say anything to her when she passed by. He simply kept his dark, gloomy eyes on the pages of his book. Rin couldn't take it anymore and crossed the quad. Mommy. Looking down, Rin noticed a little girl with long, curly hair. She was carrying a teddy bear twice her size. She looked no older than four or five. She was wearing a puffy, light pink dress and a matching hat. She kept walking around in circles, saying the same word over and over. When she spotted Rin, she went up to her. Excuse me, said she, tugging onto Rin's sleeves. Have you seen Mommy?

I don't know who your Mommy is, said Rin, pitying the girl. Do you know what she looks like or who she is? Suddenly, the girl turned around, hugging the teddy bear closer to her. You're treating me like a child. Everyone else does. With that, the pretty girl ran away. Rin frowned after her. She thought about how she yearned for her father when she was younger too. This world was so depressing for some reason. Rin wondered what age she was now. Curious, she went up to one of the windows to check her face. Expecting herself to look younger, Rin was surprised at what she saw. It's odd isn't it? asked her guide, who appeared out of nowhere behind her. I look exactly the same as I do now, said Rin, frowning. Did you expect otherwise? Rin blinked. I don't understand. It's because unlike everyone else, you haven't put much thought into it, said the man, snickering at her. Rin turned around and glared at him. You don't know much about what you want in life or what you want out of anything. Yes, I do, said Rin firmly. I want to be a surgeon. But is that what you really want to do? asked the man mockingly. Or is it because you want to be better than your father? To spite him? To tell him off for leaving your mother and you behind? What do you know about me? asked Rin, angry. Everything actually. Lies, said Rin, scowling. You don't know anything about me. Listen to me, Rin-chan, said he, moving up closer to her. If your father never left your mother and you, would you even consider being a surgeon? Rin frowned and glanced away. How am I supposed to know? Exactly. You don't know. You might have suddenly wanted to be a firefighter or a writer or a mathematician even, but you don't know that because your father has already left you and forced you to become a surgeon to chase after him. That's not true. All your life, you've been wanting things, not because you want them but because someone else wants you to want them. Too many 'wants', said Rin under her breath. And why are you lecturing me? What right do you have to lecture me? Happiness is like the wind that goes through those doors that we don't even remember leaving open, said the man in amusement. In other words, be more flexible, Rin-chan, both to yourself and to others. Your ability to make random comparisons out of nowhere is so reminiscent of Kristian, said Rin, pouting. He lectures me sometimes too for no reason. Why are you with him? asked the man, changing the subject. What do you want from him? Companionship? I want him to be with me, said Rin immediately, annoyed at the man's implication that she was only with him because she needed a close 'companion'. I want him to be mine because he's my boyfriend. Rin blushed slightly at admitting this, but since this bizarre world was probably not real anyways. Though you do sound like one of those radio personalities with a mature yet playful voice... Rin felt a sudden attraction to the man, though she didn't want to admit it. Who are you really? He smirked. You haven't figured it out yet? Rin shook her head. Not at all.

You're such a dummy, Rin-chan, said he, licking his lips. Suddenly, Rin sat up straight on her bed and gasped for breath. What an odd dream. What happened in the dream anyways? She remembered being extremely attracted to the dark-haired man in her dream. She also remembered a couple of words like 'wants' and 'wind' and 'mistakes' and 'mommy'. The only event she remembered clearly in her dream was the one where she admitted that she wanted Kristian for no other reason except that she was her boyfriend so he belonged to her. Wasn't this what she was lacking in her relationship with him before? At last, Rin calmed down and laid her head back down on Kristian's arm. She didn't notice him sleeping next to her until now. She smiled at him and watched him sleep. For whatever reason, she felt content. The man of her dream was so dreamy and mature and good-looking. She believed he was gentle and helpful too. In addition, he seemed to like her too. He reminded her of someone even though she couldn't figure out who. Good morning, said Kristian, opening his eyes and noticing her in front of him. Rin blushed and muttered, Good morning. Is it morning though? asked Kristian, stretching his other arm. He glanced at the clock on her wall. It's actually past lunchtime. Fifth period already? Fifth period, said Rin, popping her eyes open. We fell asleep together again? It's a sign I tell you, said Kristian, groaning and hiding his eyes under his free hand. On the night of our honeymoon, we're both going to fall asleep instead. Watch. It's going to happen. I can see the future. I can see the future too! cried Rin, sitting up straight now. I'm going to fail a class of Harvard because I can't wake up in time to go to my classes! You're exaggerating, said Kristian sleepily. All because of a phone call from you that'll keep me up all night! At her words, Kristian was fully awake now. He remembered what happened. They were trying to talk about their relationship on top of Rin's bed when he and Rin became sleepy. Then, he recalled her falling asleep first so he placed her head on his arm. After that, he couldn't remember anything at all. They slept for six hours straight because neither of them had a wink of sleep the previous night. Rin-chan, said Kristian, grabbing a hold of her arm right when she was ready to leave the bed. We haven't resolved anything in our relationship again. We're still at where we started this morning. Can't we do it after band practice? asked Rin, nervous. Kristian had a puppy look on his face now. I have to run errands remember? Then, I can't be with Rin-chan until the next morning... What do you want me to do then? asked Rin, sighing. We both have school, homework, and other things in our lives. We can't just dismiss them to spend more time with each other. That's why, said Kristian, refusing to release her arm. We should talk now. Now? asked Rin in disbelief. But then my perfect attendance- Rin-chan! cried Kristian, losing his patience. Is your perfect attendance more important than our relationship? Opening her mouth to reply 'yes', Rin stopped herself in time and thought about how insensitive that comment would be in general. She was going to say it as a joke but from the look on Kristian's face, he was in no mood for jokes. For the first time in a while, she didn't want to say something that could potentially hurt Kristian or their relationship. After all, just a few hours ago, she thought he was not hers anymore. The feeling she felt then

was painful... so painful that she didn't want to try it out again. Definitely not, said Rin in resignation. Our relationship is very important to me. Kristian blinked in surprise at her answer. It is? What do you mean by that? You know it is! Yes, said Kristian, unsure whether this was Rin or not. Yes, it is. Using her free arm, Rin grabbed a hold of Kristian's hand on top of her arm and removed it. Then, she placed it on her chest and sat close to him with a serious expression on her face. Kristian was panicking, even though he knew he really shouldn't. Rin-chan, said Kristian, gulping. That's really not the place where you should- I had a dream, Kristian, said Rin solemnly. I want to hear about your dream too but can you please move- Shaking her head stubbornly, Rin continued, The man in my dream asked me what I wanted. I realized that I didn't want anything really. I've always hated perverted high school boys but it wasn't like I couldn't stand them and wanted them all to die. I didn't care enough I guess except to whine and complain about to Jin. That's nice and all but Rin-chan, said Kristian, watching his own hand instead of her face. May you please release my- There is one thing I want though, said Rin, pressing his hand even closer to her chest. Kristian was trying to control his breathing now. And I know that I want this out of purely selfish reasons but I don't care. I want Kristian to continue being my boyfriend. Within seconds of Rin saying that, she found herself pinned under Kristian by the wrists. He was panting. Rin didn't try to push him off or anything since she was too shocked to even move. Did he even listen to a word she said? She screamed at him, asking him the very question on her mind. Gulping, Kristian nodded painfully. Can I be real honest with you right now? asked Kristian, breathing hard. Yes, we should do that, said Rin with a smile now. Let's be honest with each other. Let's have a heart to heart conversation for once. Good because I can't hold it in anymore. Hold what in? Despite Rin's innocent question, Kristian couldn't be that way with her anymore. He mentally blamed her because she was the one who kept his hand there even though he kept trying to tell her that he couldn't stand it anymore. Back when he groped her without her bra at night in this very room, he already knew he was going to lose it so he ran out of her room in a hurry. This time, she kept it there for way too long. It was not his fault, Kristian told himself again. He couldn't help it. He hadn't done it with a girl for a couple of months now and she was the one he thought about for the past three weeks. Now, she had to go and tell him that she wanted to stay his girlfriend, all the while with his hand right there. Kristian! Rin gasped accidentally out loud because she felt his hand under her skirt. Her face was flushed in embarrassment. No one had ever touched her there before. No one. She didn't even know what it felt to be touched down there until now. Unlike her, Kristian seemed to know exactly what he was doing. I promise you I'm doing this to help you later. Rin blushed, disliking his expertise-type of tone. You're only saying that so I don't stop you. Confession time then, said Kristian, keeping his other hand around her left wrist just in case she tried to run away. His voice was low and shaky. There hasn't been a single night since we first dated except for days we accidentally fall asleep when I haven't

thought of you without clothes on. Kristian! cried Rin, reddening. Your turn. Her mind was blank right now because of how unbelievable she felt because of his single hand under her skirt. She tried to think of something quickly in response to the confession he just made that he probably wouldn't admit otherwise. I really like your... said Rin, unable to find the right words. Cockiness? Kristian laughed. Try again. I already knew that. No, you didn't! Go again, Rin-chan, said Kristian, lowering his head to her neck. Honestly, said Rin with a sigh. She was feeling warm now. Whenever you were with a new girl for the past few years, I was so jealous. Kristian picked up his head and stared into her shifty eyes. I thought to myself that you were such a man slut and that you were probably only interested in them because they were so cute and innocent. Kristian frowned at her. Though, I also thought to myself that I didn't really quite fit your standards because I'm not cute and innocent at all. Back then, I couldn't understand why I would want to fit your standards in the first place since I hated you so much. I was confused and I kept most of these thoughts to myself. I kissed them more passionately in front of you to make you jealous, said Kristian quickly, glancing away and removing his hand from her. You're horrible. I know I am. Rin pouted and continued. I pretended to scold you for not doing your homework so I could be around you more often. I pretended to not do my homework even if I did finish my homework so that you'll come over and scold me. Surprised, Rin's eyes widened. You did? You don't believe me? asked Kristian, smirking. Blushing, Rin glanced away. No. I don't. I knew you were going to say that. Overwhelmed by what she just heard, Rin wrapped his arms around his neck and forced him down into a kiss. Unprepared at first, Kristian didn't kiss back but he did immediately after. While they kissed, Kristian pulled her skirt down automatically. Rin didn't mind or notice at all. Breathing hard, Kristian moved his lips to her neck now. I love making you mad because you make the cutest faces then, said Kristian through kisses. Rin gasped and continued, I keep denying my own feelings for you because I'm really afraid that once you have me, you'll lose interest in me and move on with another girl. Fuck no, said Kristian, lifting his head up and gaping at her. I want to marry you! You said that to the rest of them! cried Rin with a sad look on her face. I mean it this time, said Kristian, outraged. Rin pouted at him. How do I prove it to you that I'm serious this time? Rin made a gentle face now and pulled him down to her. I know you're serious about me. You don't have to prove it. It's just my own pride and logic telling me not to trust you. I have pride too and I don't care about it, said Kristian, biting her playfully at the nape. As for logic, who gives a fuck about it when you fall for someone? But logic is all I have sometimes, said Rin after she gasped when he bit her. You have me now, said Kristian, smiling down on her.

Rin blushed. That's true... Are you the sensitive type? asked Kristian, putting down her arms gently and pulling her shirt up slowly. Around here? Glancing down at her chest, Rin stuttered, I-I am a-actually. Beautiful. Actually, no, please don't go there, said Rin, reddening now. Kristian had a suspicious look on her face. It's too embarrassing. I'll kill you if you touch me there. Now, you're just asking for it. Ring glared at him. Kristian! If you touch me there, you're dead! Before Kristian could test his limits, they heard someone clap. Kristian turned around to see Takashi at the door with his hands together. Rin shrieked and knocked Kristian off the bed. After they organized themselves a bit, Kristian went up to Takashi with an angry look on his face. I swear, said Kristian, tossing Rin a look. Every man in your life is a cock block. Why don't they just all come here at once and film us already? Takashi coughed. Just letting you know, I believe you two are a real couple. That's nice, said Kristian, bitter now. However, now we have a completely different problem, said Takashi, leaving the room without a look back. Quickly, Rin chased after him down the stairs along with Kristian. Rin's mother was busy dusting the kitchen when Takashi went up to her and gave her a stern look. Ms. Hamada greeted him, Rin, and Kristian before she offered to bake some cookies. Instead, Takashi stopped her from moving anywhere. This is the exact reason why the Hamada family never accepted you, said Takashi mercilessly toward Rin's mother. Rin wanted to say something in respond but Kristian stopped her. Your entire family was born and raised here, adapting this awful American culture. Not only are you Americanized, Rin-chan here has been Americanized as well. She's already having intercourse before marriage. I do not wish to be rude, Takashi, said Rin's mother calmly. But isn't the age of consent lower over there in Japan? Children over there are as guilty as children over here. No matter, said Takashi, annoyed. It's forbidden for a Hamada. I believe it is better to be more open-minded with children of this generation and talk about these things with them, said Ms. Hamada, holding herself up against the kitchen counter. Otherwise, they'll learn it from the Internet or television anyways. I knew it, said Takashi, standing up to her. It's under your care that she's like this. You've always been so easy-going and carefree with her, saying such nonsense to her even though she's only sixteen! Listen, said Rin, going up to Takashi. At least, Mother raised me. What did Father do? He went back to Japan and became a surgeon there instead. Ms. Hamada told Rin gently not to involve herself but Rin refused and continued, You people have no right to bash Mother for raising me the way I am now because you people didn't even try! It is thanks to the Hamada family that there's even a roof over your head! Rin glared. If you keep imposing your ways on Mother, we're both more than happy to live on the streets on our own with our hard-earned money! We don't need your money! We don't need Father's money! Not if it subjugates Mother to this kind of treatment! You think you know everything, said Takashi, amused at Rin. You're probably going to grow up into a nobody and then, elope with your boyfriend. That's almost what your mother did.

Losing her temper, Rin started pushing him, Out now! Actually, Takashi-kun, said Kristian, following Rin and Takashi to the door. Since your family is so worried about Rin-chan having intercourse before marriage, I might as well let you know this before you go. Kristian, what are you doing? asked Rin warningly. Leave it to me, said Kristian with a smirk. Anyways, Takashi-kun, you and your family over there have nothing to worry about. Rin-chan here is pregnant with my child so I'll take full responsibility of her. Rin gaped at him. Takashi's eyes widened in disbelief. Although if her father wants to meet the face of the bastard who did the deed to his daughter, he should take a plane over here and face me himself. I'm not going to settle for you fighting his battles for him. I'll remember that, Kristian Shiratori, said Takashi, opening the front door. Tell her old man I say hi, said Kristian, waving after Takashi. Once he shut the door, he received a murderous look from Rin. Hey. I only did it for you. By this rate, you'll see him sooner than you thought. I don't want to see him though! cried Rin, angry. I hate him! Rin-chan, said Ms. Hamada in a disappointed voice. Please don't hate your father. He is a really wonderful person once you get to know him. I don't care, said Rin stubbornly. He is the one who left us behind remember? Your father chose his country and his family back in Japan over us, said Ms. Hamada, lowering her eyes sadly. You may not agree with his decision, Rin-chan, but it is the decision he made after thinking about it for a week. Your father is a very honorable person. He said he'll return to them so he did. There's nothing we can do about it. Even so, why must he keep checking up on us like this? He loves you very much, Rin-chan, said Ms. Hamada, giving her daughter a loving look. You are the reason he almost stayed behind. You are his daughter in every way and you act so much like him sometimes. Rin shook her head frantically in disagreement in which her mother laughed. It's true though! He's a stubborn and virtuous perfectionist. He is the follow-the-rule type of person and wants to live a safe, normal life. Though he is very cold and practical unlike Rin-chan... I don't care for our similarities, said Rin, shaking her head still. One day, Rin-chan, said her mother, heading back inside the kitchen. Please listen and get along with your father again. He really is a straightforward and loving father. He wouldn't be checking up on you if he didn't care. I don't want to hear anymore, said Rin under her breath. Oh, congratulations on getting knocked up Rin-chan! At her mother using their slang language, Rin cried after her, What the hell Mother? Noticing that Kristian was snickering at her, Rin grabbed his arm and dragged him along. You're going to explain to her this instant that we never did those things! She's getting all happy for no reason! Kristian licked his lips. It's going to happen eventually so why deny the inevitable? Kristian, shut up! Do it now! Sighing, Kristian went inside the kitchen, Mother-in-law, I have some bad news for you... Kristian said something quickly inside to her before he poked his head out to search for Rin, who was at the living room window making sure her cousin leave their property. Allow me to repeat myself. We'll have kids eventually right? Reddening, Rin shyly fumbled with her hands. Maybe. "We have time until I have to go run errands," said Kristian, checking his cell phone.

He grabbed a pair of Rin's shoes and forced her out the door despite her protests. "Let's go on that date I owe you from last weekend." "Now?" "Now." *************************************************** On the bus ride to Polytechnic High School, Jezebelle kept to herself. She sat in the back of the bus with her eyes outside the bus. Tasha and Sophronia were chatting in the front of the bus. Venus and Yvette were working out the order of the matches today. Several times, Yvette glanced back at Jezebelle with a suspicious look on her face. Roselle was typing on her laptop by herself quietly. The other freshmen girls were playing a card game, giggling and fooling around. Jezebelle thought about everything that happened in freshman year back at Poly and frowned. We're here, said the bus driver loudly. The girls excitedly leave the bus one by one. Since Jezebelle sat in the back of the bus by herself, she was the last one to leave. She took her time to get off the bus. When she did, everyone was already picking up their rackets and other equipment from the bus storage on the bottom. While Jezebelle did this along with the others, she kept glancing at the familiar gates of her former high school. How does it feel to play against your former team? asked Yvette, wearing a pink visor next to Jezebelle. Jezebelle smirked. Great actually. From your experience, said Yvette, placing her left hand on her hip. Do you think we'll be able to win against them? They're much better than our team in general, said Jezebelle frankly. But I know all their weaknesses and strengths. I'm the one who trained most of them after all. Jezebelle flung her hair back and wore her visor as well. Since they don't have me as Singles One and to guide them, they'll fall apart and... Jezebelle smirked. It'll be our victory. I guarantee it. Yvette shook her head. You shouldn't be overconfident. You're injured. It's a nice handicap, don't you think? After Yvette left her alone, Jezebelle felt a strong pain in her shoulder. This pain was nothing compared to yesterday but Jezebelle knew it would kill her after the match. She didn't care though. She was going to worry about that later. If she could train this team to how it was now, she could easily pull them apart. In addition, Jezebelle had something extra that would guarantee their victory, though it was going to depend on Jin and his ability to gather as many supporters as possible in a short amount of time. Without her help, Jezebelle wanted to see just how far Jin had come since that video game geek she met in his bedroom on that first day. It was already determined back then that they would be a couple. Now, however, it was out of both desire and benefits. And maybe something more.

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