OUGD303submission Form

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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD303 FINAL MAJOR PROJECT




Doc. Code


SUBMISSION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY 29th May 2013 11.00 1.00pm
RATIONALE An investigation into concept building with a strong focus on format and typography. I consider myself to be a heavily concept driven designer with an interest in the cultural sector, therefore my briefs are tailored to that particular sector.




Staff Use

All work must be clearly presented and labelled with the brief title, your name and any other appropriate information. Please include a printed version of each brief and separate the work appropriately. Your end of module evaluation should be posted to your Final Major Project blog. by the stated Deadline Submitted Brief 1 Brief 2 Brief 3 Brief 4 Brief 5 Brief 6 Brief 7 Brief 8 Owl Records Dialogues Fashion Yearbook Rosie Vohra No Comment LCA Prospectus Marina Typeface End of Year Show pitch

Design Context Title Statement of intent Project File Evaluation

Studio Archive

Title and Brief Summary include a short rationale for each brief identifying why you chose it, what was the focus of the brief and how long you spent on it. Design Context

A publication focused on Studios Ive bookmarked and those who influence my practice and inspire who I am as a designer. The publication is designed and produced to represent a document file as the theme running throughout the publication archiving my favourite studios.

BRIEF 1 Owl Records Branding and identity for a proposed record label in Leeds with a strong focus on local bands and local musical events. I spent around 5 weeks on this brief. BRIEF 2 Dialogues An extension of my atheist brief from last year, with a focus on typography and layout. I spent around 4 weeks on this brief.


Fashion yearbook Live brief Design a yearbook for BA Hons fashion. Due to miscommunication between the group and fashion tutors, this brief was eventually cancelled but we had spent around 10 Weeks on this brief.


Rosie Vohra Branding and identity for third year fine artist, Rosie Vohra with a strong focus on her work. It took me around 11 weeks on this brief.


No Comment A reflection of my 4 years spent living in Leeds. This was in collaboration with second year photographer Charlotte Sanderson. This brief had a strong focus on photography and publication production. I spent around 9 weeks on this brief


LCA Prospectus A pitch for the LCA prospectus. This brief was in collaboration with fellow BA Hons Graphic Design student, Chris Lawson. This brief had a strong focus on finding a strong statement to represent the college as a whole,


Marina Typeface Design a typeface based on letters found on boat sails. This brief had a strong focus on type development. I spent around 4 weeks on this brief. Additional Comments


Date 29/5/2013

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