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Lesson Plan 1 _ Coon, C. M.

- Fall 2012

Lesson Plan
Title: Algebraic System of Equations Grade Level: Ninth Grade Time Frame: 45 50 minutes Connection to Standards: NYS Common Core Standards for Mathematics Reasoning with Equations & Inequalities Solve systems of equations: 7. Solve a simple system consisting of a linear equation and a quadratic equation in two variables algebraically and graphically. For example, find the points of intersection between the line y = 3x and the circle x2 + y2 = 3. Rationale/Purpose: Students should have knowledge of how to solve functions of equations. Students should also know how to the find slope and the y-intercepts. Both of these concepts will help with furthering knowledge in solving systems of equations. For this lesson students will learn how to graph their equations and be able to find the point of intersection graphically and then by solving them algebraically. Students will also be able to state whether the functions are parallel or not by solving them graphically first and then algebraically. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Objectives The students will be engaged with the lesson given they are writing down notes and asking questions when they are uncertain about the topic. The students will get 85% - 100% of the Bell Work correct. The students will participate during the lesson by answering questions given by the teacher, whether that is giving thumbs up for understanding, asking what the definitions mean or how to use a certain equation. 85% - 100% of the students will understand the material when given the question. A-REI

Lesson Plan 1 _ Coon, C. M. - Fall 2012

The students will work on their class work when given time to work on it during class. They will ask questions if they do not understand the material. The class work will be collected at the end of the period and 85% - 100% of the questions will be correct because of time during the class to ask question. Students will use a straight edge when graphing their 4 to 5 equations, with at least 4 of the 5 correct. 85% - 100% of the students will come in with their homework completed.


Required Materials During the class I will need one of the three, a chalkboard, a white board or a smartboard, and I will need worksheets, graph paper, and straight edges.


Procedures A. Lead-in/Anticipatory Set

Bell Ringer: Evaluate the following set of equations and state their slope and y-intercept. 1. 2. 3. B. Step by Step 1. Introduction Go over bell ringer Ask if there are any similarities the students see in the slopes and y-intercepts 2. Body Have students graph Bell Ringer problems Find any intersections between equations as a class on the board Give a worksheet and have students try problems on their own or with a small group

Lesson Plan 1 _ Coon, C. M. - Fall 2012

Go over algebraic way to find intersections as a class Try examples on the board together Try examples from given class work sheet Ask students if they noticed any similarities between slopes

3. Closure Go over what we did during class Ask questions about the two ways to find intersection and how to tell if the lines are parallel or intersecting. IV. Differentiation A. Advanced If there is a student that is picking up on the material quickly when graphing the equations, I will have the student try to think of a faster way to find the intersections or how to tell if a line will be parallel. If the student excels with finding a faster way to find intersection I will give the student three or four equations to try to find intersections within one problem. I can also have the student tell me how by just looking at the equation if they will know if the equations are parallel or intersecting. V. Homework, if Applicable or Follow-up

Give the students a homework sheet that has similar problems that we did in class. As they go through the homework ask the students to keep in mind any similarities that they may notice about the equations when working on the questions. VI. Assessment/Evaluation A. Assessment of Student(s) Collect the class work to check for understanding and participation See if the students were engaged or not, by if they were participating asking questions, paying attentions or asking each other for help during class work time

Lesson Plan 1 _ Coon, C. M. - Fall 2012

B. Self-Assessment (Teacher) Make notes to how successful or unsuccessful the lesson was for student comprehension. Make note of anything that needs to be changed for next time o Easier/ harder questions o More examples/ less examples o To give homework or not depending on understanding

Adapted by Snowden, P. L. (2012) from: Carmichael, S. B. (Project Coordinator). (2012). Common core curriculum maps: English language arts, grades 9-12. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass.

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