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1. 2. In here, there are three compound, a.

Calculate the mass percent of each element in the compound

i. first is

, here knowing that mass compound = 0,15 grams, mass = 0,138 grams, mass of = 0,0566grams.


Measuring mass and percent of C : Mass C = mass of = 0,138 grams = 0,03766 grams C %C = = x 100% x 100% x x

= 25,1008 %C Measuring mass and percent of H : Mass H = mass of x x

= 0,0566 grams

= 0,0063339 grams H %H = = x 100% x 100%


= 4,2226%H Measuring percent of O : %O = 100% - percent of C percent of H =100% - 25,1008% - 4,2226% = 70,6686%O Second is N in NH3 , here known that mass compound = 0,200grams, mass of NH3 = 0,0238grams. Measuring mass and percent of N:

Mass H = mass of NH3x = 0,0238grams NH3 x =0,0195889 grams N %H = = iii. x 100% x 100%

= 9,79445%N Third is Cl in AgCl, here known that mass compound = 0,125grams, mass of AgCl = 0,251 grams. Measuring mass andpercend of Cl : Mass H = mass of AgCl x = 0,251grams AgCl x = 0,0620941grams Cl %H = = = 49,675%Cl x 100% x 100%


Determine the empirical formula for the compound In here, the compound that want to calculate its empirical formula is for . Knowing that , ,

. So, gone into effect : x: y : z = : :

=0,003135: 0,00628 : 0,003148 =1:2:1 So, the empirical formula is CH2O


Ar X = %relative abundance X1.Ar X1 + % relative abundance X2.ArX2 100% 107,868 = x%.107 + (100-x)%. 109 100% 107,868 = 107x + (100-x) .109 100 107,868 = 107x + 10900 109x 100 10786,8 = 107x 109x + 10900 -113,2 = -2x x = 56,6 so,the relative abundance on isotope And the relative abundance on isotope are 56,6 % are (100-56,6)% = 43,4%

4. Electron in subshell :
S=2 P=6 D = 10 F = 14 G = 18 H = 22 72 = -2 -1 0 1 2 So the n and m is : n=6 m = -2

5. C = 3.00 10
= 546 nm = 546 10m

6. The Born-Harber cycle theory is the theory that show the reaction by separating that reaction into some reaction. And from that problem, thereaction are:

K(s) K(g), Cl2 (g) Cl(g), K(g) K+(g) Cl(g) Cl-(g), K+(g) + Cl-(g) KCl(s), K(s) + Cl2(g) KCI(s)

90.0 kJ 119 kJ 419 kJ 348 kJ -704.2 kJ : -424,2 kJ

The sign (-) negative show that this reaction is exothermic 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 2NO + Cl2 2NOCl Initial NO Concentration Initial Cl2 Concentration -3 (mol dm ) (mol dm-3) 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.30 0.10 (a) The rate law for the reaction is Rate = k [NO]x [Cl2]y = k [NO]2 [Cl2] (b) Rate = k [NO]2 [Cl2] 2.53 x 10-6 mol dm-3 s-1 = k (0.10 mol dm-3)2(0.10 mol dm-3) 2.53 x 10-6 mol dm-3 s-1 = k (10-2 mol3 dm-9) k= k = 2.53 x 10-4 dm6 mol-2 s-1 Initial Rate of Formation of NOCl (mol dm-3 s-1) 2.53 x 10-6 5.06 x 10-6 10.1 x 10-6 22.8 x 10-6

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