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Plimmerton Residents Association Newsletter

Whats new in Plimmerton? June 2013

PRA AGM AOK ... prizes, presentations, plans ... and top kai
Local residents who have paid their $15 sub for 2013 were in the draw for four great prizes at the AGM. Are you a winner? Check out the web site to find out. The four fabulous prizes include a terms tuition at Numberworks n Words; a painting of Mana Island by Stuart Nicol; a ten cup coffee card for The Big Salami, and a double movie pass to the Lighthouse If you are one of the lucky winners contact us or ring David 233 6300 to arrange collection of your prize. Thanks to our generous sponsors and supporters.

Denise Carnihan gave an engrossing presentation on Kia Ora School that she and builder husband Chris have set up in a Kenyan slum. Amazing story. Find out more Financial and Chairpersons reports were presented with project reports on Karehana Park, Operation Snapshot and the WW100 project recognising the efforts of Plimmertonians in wartime (part of NZs official commemoration). All these are on The current committee were re-elected for the 2013 2014 year. We will have a profile of committee members on the web site next week. Judi Thomson has stood down and we thank her for her contribution in recent years. Detailed plans and budgets for projects outlined in the newly updated village plan will now be finalised and put onto the web site during June. See whats planned

Defibrillator presented to Plimmerton

Rotary Club of Plimmerton has raised funds for a defibrillator for Plimmerton residents. It will be positioned on the wall outside The Big Salami in the heart of the village. PRA chairman Colin Bleasdale accepted the AED, worth more than $2.5k, on behalf of all residents here with gratitude. We have a link on our web site with a demo of how to work an AED, easy-as apparently to get new features

Our web site is moving to a new host. We will be able to add lots of bells and whistles weve wanted for ages. If you have ideas about how our community site could be even better please contact Sandy

Plimmerton Boating Club floats development options

The boating club is in urgent need of renovation and their design team has come up with two options that you can see on our web site. They are still exploring ideas and refining details so now is the time to talk to them if you would like to have input. The PRA supports planned developments and is working with the boating club to facilitate consultation and communication. All the details next week on

Leona steps up big time in Sky Tower Challenge

Fire fighter Leona Smith was the second fastest female competitor and first in her class at the recent Sky Tower challenge (they have to run up the tower in full fire fighting kit weighing zillions of kilos). A superb effort Leona. And great work too from the four other fire fighters from here who took part. The team says, Thanks to all for supporting our brigade!

Fluffy heaters and sooty chimneys could be death traps...

Fire fighters remind us to clean fan heaters and wall heaters to remove build up of lint and dust (dust at your place? Never!). A fan heater recently caught fire in Pukerua Bay for this reason and it was just a stroke of luck that the occupier was there and the family home was not incinerated. This is chimney fire season. Birds nests and soot build up make great material for fires. It only costs about $45 to get your chimney cleaned and enjoy peace of mind.

Vince cycles for cancer ... hes back!

Vince is back from his mammoth African cycling safari. Not only did our intrepid adventurer raise money for cancer research he achieved a final placing in this international event. See more on his website

ANZAC story: hidden treasure

Last month we discovered a gift from Princess Mary in a dark dusty cupboard. What was inside the box? Follow the story of one servicemans journey from enlistment to discharge. In our next newsletter: Is there a man or woman in your family who served in the Great War (1914-18)? We can help you to research and write up their stories.

Karehana Park planting Friday 31 May 10am

Around the Touhy Petanque Court. Bring gardening kit. Morning tea (lots) supplied to workers. Register your interest to be involved in future working bees with all your family

Our own mini Jurassic Park in the making ... new lizard garden! Planting day ... Monday 3 June, near McDonalds
Stage 1 of an anti tagging project to create a lizard-friendly ecosystem on vacant railway land is about to take off. Passenger trains are not running so a day of planting, pruning, and weeding is planned to get the lizard garden under way. More info lizard No kids for safety reasons. Be part of this ecological and educational effort ... Richard 237 1560 We can all make our gardens more lizard friendly, contact Jenny Whyte at

ERO dynamic ... a quiz with a twist, Friday 28 June

Teams of teachers from local schools, youll know them, will battle to prove they are smarter than their students, Celebrity quiz master and guests add to the mayhem. Lots more info Just $15 (including bubbles and nibbles) for a guaranteed evening of hilarity. Support your favourite teachers. Tickets limited so be quick ... call 233 1498.

Kitchen for Bellyful

Whitirea is now supporting Bellyful by allowing use of the cookery school commercial kitchen on a trial basis for three months. Bellyful provides meals for families with newborn babies and those struggling with illness. Last year they provided more than 1200 meals thanks to local volunteers and supporters. Contact Rebecca Morahan or 021 552 825

Beach signage ... installation soon

Our distinctive and original beach signage will be installed this month. All the mismatched, broken and obsolete signs will be removed ... and it should all look very sharp. Thanks to the team who have worked so hard on design, production and, soon, installation of our new signage.

Mid Winter Swim Sunday 23 June 12pm

After a glorious summer and autumn the weather is decidedly cooler. This can only mean one thing ... Plimmerton Kindergartens mid-winter dip at Karehana Bay is coming up! Festivities start at midday with an on-shore gala and activities for kids, raffles, cakes and lots of hot food and coffee. The swim is at 1pm.

Transmission Gully ... fantastic virtual trip and all the latest
Check this out.

The old people are revolting!

More hilarity from Mana Little Theatre. On Wednesday 3 Friday 5 July @ 8pm, Saturday 6 July 3pm, Wednesday 10 Saturday 13 July 8pm. A NZ comedy by Devon Williamson, booking 233 8889.

Thanks and goodbye from Angela at Scene@Plimmerton

Due to a change in my circumstances and the inability to find a buyer, this iconic little Plimmerton gift shop sadly has to close. Thanks to everyone who has supported the business since Ive been there. You are such a lovely community to be amongst. Thank you Angela and good luck from everyone here. You can now visit Paul and Jay at the Four Square for your dry cleaning and repair service.

Caspian terns photographed in Plimmerton

Recently we have been treated to visits by families of Caspian Terns at Plimmerton. Quoting from the Forest & Birds website Caspian Terns are found around the worlds coastlines and off most continents except South America. They were first recorded in New Zealand in the 1860s, but were not common until the 1970s. They now have a conservation status as protected rare native birds, and are classified as nationally vulnerable. ( See magic images from local camera aces Taffy Parry and Murray Cave

GOPI inlet photographs on show locally

A full list of winners is available at Winning photos can be seen displayed at the Lighthouse Pauatahanui from June 7-22

Gig guide
Fran Barton and Kevin Clark ... Jazz n other stuff at Plimmerton Boating Club Sunday 23 June 6.30pm. Bookings essential, call Sandra 233 1592 Rodger Fox Big Band - Mulled Wine concerts, Paekakariki Hall Sunday 26 May 2.30pm Tickets $20 and $10 for students and kids, Girls Night Out Mana Montessori fundraiser, 6 June at Lighthouse Cinema 7pm. Tickets are $25 and include goodie bag, spot prizes and supper ... raffles, silent auction too. Phone 234 1489 or Music and poetry at the Metro Lydney Place, 2 June 4-6pm, open mic. Koha for guest artists

Search for NZs best chippie

Vote today at Our lovely chippie owners are heading home to Greece from the end of June until early September ... enjoy a well earned break!

Business news from the village ...

In the Remax building ... kitchen design, architecture and real estate Michael Bennington, architect ... 550 1275 Romina Roncato, kitchen designer (new and refurb, plus laundries and wardrobes) 027 253 2534 Romina and Michael are both locals. We will be featuring their work on the web site during June. Next door is another local, Jason Clark who sells real estate from Tawa to Pukerua bay. Call in anytime and have a chat about your real estate situation.

Topor has new owners but its still that Polish place Val and Steve have taken over at Topor and plan to keep the Polish flavour with well loved favourites on the menu. Call in for an after work drink and delicious food or book for dinner 233 9939. New Northpoint studio for Pure Balance Deidre Lee is opening a brand new purpose built yoga studio at 9 Northpoint Street ... watch for the grand opening in July. You can join anytime with a three month membership. Family Store Clothes Sale Thursday 30 and Friday 31 May. Be in for great bargains. And while you are thinking about it have a good clean out and drop off quality clothes and items to the Family Store next week ... during working hours please! Vella Winter Warmers Call in to say hello to the friendly team at Vella and enjoy their Tuesday and Wednesday special ... take away regular coffee and a scone of your choice ... just $6! Book for that special lunch or dinner 233 9111 Keep an eye out for their new winter menu ... coming soon.

Accommodation opportunities
House for rent from June to end of year Two bedroom furnished with garage, or unfurnished with no garage! Be in quick, call Tamas 021 071 9335. House sitters available for Summer hols A local resident tells us that she is getting married in January and has family coming over from Ireland. She is looking for a house in this area for her mum, sister and husband and three little girls. She guarantees that your home will be kept in pristine condition and they are happy to look after your cats too. Needed from 17 December till the third week of January. Take the worry out of your holiday and make this wedding perfect for Lorraine and her partner. Contact or 233 8656 or 021 239 1411

Short term rental available during winter months Central village, near train, self contained, suit single or double 233 6321. One bedroom flat in Cluny Road Cluny Road flat available from mid-June, pleasant sea view, private, backyard and carport, $220 week neg. Phone 0220 133 244

Plimmerton quilters celebrate 25 years with Pataka exhibition

Congratulations to the local quilters (who number currently 137) who are showing 25 of their finest quilting achievements at a prestigious exhibition at Pataka. The show runs till 16 June. If you are a novice quilter talk to them and see their amazing work.

Some children and families in our community are in need

Non perishable food can be dropped off to the Salvation Army on the corner of Warspite Ave and Fantame Street from Monday to Friday 9 4 pm (closed 12-1).

Crime Stoppers works!

When you see people or vehicles lurking where they hadnt oughta be call Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 For local information about nefarious goings on contact our community constable

Friends of Mana Island

Opportunities for you to get involved in environmental projects working with DOC and other volunteers

La Leche League is here to help

For information and help for breastfeeding mums contact For meeting info and local advice call Janet 233 1815, Lorraine 233 6513, or Neroli 234 6651

Miraculoss weight loss clinic opens in new centre, in Palmers

A tried and true weight loss programme available now in Plimmerton. Contact Kimba or Fiona 233 8820.

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Support your community its the best!

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