The Anthem Lights of The Heavens

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Disclaimer: Well, considering Im not richer than England royalty, I dont own Harry Potter.

Story: Immediately after the Department of Mysteries, Harry gets assigned an Auror bodyguard. While not happy, Harry doesnt mind the idea of messing with the mans head, or scheming how to put this to the Potter Side advantage. Set after book 5. Spoilers: Books 1-7 probably. Warnings: ???? Pairings: Harry/OMC

Chapter One: Im Numb but I Can Hear You He adjusted the collar of his robe, and straightened himself up, staring straight ahead with a serious face. When the door opened, he got ready to greet his new charge professionally, disappointed to find Albus Dumbledore instead. Caelum Phoenicis, it has been some time, hasnt it, my boy? Dumbledore greeted solemnly, his usual twinkle dim. He swallowed heavily at that. Headmaster. Come now, Caelum. You are no longer a student and now a high-ranked Auror. There is no need to address me so formally. Please, just Albus. Caelum nodded hesitantly, though privately he thought he would always feel a schoolboy in the presence of Dumbledore. Albus, I was expecting Mr. Potter. Minister Scrimgeour informed you that I was to be assigned to Mr. Potter as his personal bodyguard, did he not? he pushed aside those childish feelings and started onto business. Yes, I do understand. He informed me this morning of the arrangement, though Ive just managed to locate and inform Mr. Potter of this. Hell be meeting with you shortly. For now, let us talk more about the details. Sit, Caelum. Politely, he accepted and sat in front of Dumbledores desk. I find it rather odd how the Minister decides to send his best Auror, his former second in command and still the second in command of the Auror forces, to play babysitter to a teenage boy, Dumbledore likewise sat across from Caelum at his desk. But Mr. Potter isnt just any teenage boy, Caelum started out neutrally. He is a prime target of the You-Know-Who. He must be protected at all costs, especially if he is The Chosen One. Regardless of that, Mr. Potter is still the biggest symbol of hope for the people, and I dont just mean for the Ministry or you, sir, but for the Light side. Dumbledore nodded to him, acknowledging that he knew that Caelum and the Minister understood that this was beyond politics now. Very well. So long as it is his safety and not his image that is needed, Dumbledores voice had only a hint of steel, but it was enough to put Caelum on edge and automatically calling up his Auror defensive instincts. Minister Scrimgeour isnt Fudge, Albus, he remembered to use the older mans name. Hes a gruff man and perhaps too aggressive at times, and his temper may get away from him, but he means the best and only wants to help others and do his duty the best he can.

I see. I must confess I am glad Cornelius is no longer is office, Dumbledore admitted. Its been a trying time. Just at the end of last week, he finally acknowledged to the world that Voldemort is back and two days after my Deputy comes back from St. Mungos and Im being hailed to attend an emergency Wizengamot meeting where our Ministers predecessor is being impeached and thrown out of office. Please excuse me if Im rather skeptical if one of the first things Minister Scrimgeour does is assign his best to Mr. Potter. As Ive assured you and promise myself, it is with the best of intentions, he swore. Dumbledore sighed. Then theres nothing more I can do. Please be mindful that Mr. Potter values his privacy and might not be as susceptible or agreeing to this situation. Yes, I understand. I will do my best to keep out of his way and try not to invade too much into his space. Then I think I shall relinquish him to you now, as Im sure hes about to reach my door in about 321 There was a knock on the door and Caelum blinked in surprise, glancing at the Dumbledore. Come in, Harry, Dumbledore called out and Caelum was even more surprised at the familiarity hed shown. Just then, the door opened to reveal a slender teen with a wary look on his face, bright emerald eyes flitting about and silently taking in information. Unruly jet-black hair stood on end as Harry Potter straightened up and looked at them. Sorry Im late, sir. I was just talking to Luna and got side-tracked with the time, Harry said politely, though there was an undercurrent of surliness that Caelum was able to catch. If he looked just a little bit closer between the two, he could see (though it was hard with how subtle and cautious the two were managing to be) that there was a tension that had student and Headmaster in a strained connection. Well leave in just a few minutes, Caelum uncomfortably interrupted. It startled the two out of their tense standoff, with both of them turning to him in surprise. Already? But young Harry here will miss the end-of-the-year feast. Surely he can come home with the rest tomorrow, on the train? Caelum shook his head. Im sorry, but Im under orders to take him now. It would be better to avoid not only the traffic, but also for me to take Mr. Potter early without anyone knowing and therefore enemies unlikely to attack him or grab hold of him. The suddenness of the departure will help.

I suppose its best, Harry cut in, surprising them. Less of a crowd to either be wary of or have to defend against attackers. As you wish, Harry. Please be careful and take care of yourself, Dumbledore acquiesced. Ill have your trunk taken to the train station and inform your relatives in your early departure. Thank you, sir, Harry nodded towards the old wizard before turning to him and curiously appraising Caelum. The Auror stood up and gestured hed lead the way, saying their goodbyes to Dumbledore before leaving. Do you think I can say goodbye to my friends first? Harry asked him. I dont think thats such a good idea but seeing the frowning face, he continued, but if you know where they are, we can see to them quickly. Harry nodded eagerly and they changed roles, with Harry leading the way to the seventh floor, bewildering Caelum at what they could possibly be doing here and whyd theyd have to travel so far. Harry stopped at a tapestry of the odd troll ballet thing that Caelum never got when he attended Hogwarts. Harry glanced at him uncertainly before looking like he decided it would be okay for Caelum to be there. That made the man curious, though he said nothing. Though he raised his eyebrows when he saw the teenager pace three times, his eyebrows raising even more when he saw a door suddenly appear where the barren wall had been. Harry hurried to it and he followed at a more sedate pace, curiosity upping by the minute. Harry? Oh! Whos that? I mean a bushy-haired female stood there in embarrassment, with a red-head hanging unsurely by her elbow. Ron, Hermione, this is my Auror bodyguard, Harry introduced in a blas fashion, though a frown briefly flitted across his face. And these are my friends the brunette is Hermione Granger, the smartest witch of our age, and the red-head is Ron Weasley, brilliant strategist. Both teens flushed red under their friends praise, hesitantly sending greetings his way. He nodded to them. Guys, Im leaving now to go back home, Harry informed them unhappily. Surprise and security and all that, you know? They nodded, just as unhappy, but came over and gave Harry tight hugs, muttering byes and other things too low for him to overhear. Then the girl turned to him.

Please take care of Harry, Hermione said primly. Make sure he has frequent snacks on the train, that he gets enough rest, and make sure to have some cards or whatever to entertain him Hermione! Harry interrupted, scandalized. I can take care of myself just fine Ron took the opportunity to continue from where Hermione left off, leaning in closer and whispering to him, making him even more amused at their antics. And make sure theres some treacle tart, as thats his favorite. Maybe some pumpkin juice because they wont have some where you two are going and since Harrys going to miss the feast, be a real shame to not be able to savor some of it. Oh, maybe you can get a house-elf to pack you some food from the feast instead, then he wont miss out too much Ron! Hermione! Stop it, you two! I got it! Harry rubbed his face in agitation, almost displacing his glasses. Now goodbye, guys. See you when I see you. Ill write! We will too, Harrys friends chorused, both of them winking at the Auror. Caelums amusement intensified. Well see you soon, mate, said Ron anxiously, shaking Harrys hand. Really soon, Harry, said Hermione earnestly. We promise. He ended up taking a side trip to the kitchens and asking for a basket-feast-to-go, getting his charge all embarrassed in remembrance of his friends. Making it to the train station, they saw Harrys trunk sitting by itself in front of the scarlet train. Finding a compartment, Caelum placed the basket on a seat and then retrieved the trunk, easily carrying it and then loading it up in the luggage rack. So, I never did ask your name. Sorry about that, Harry started the talk, anxiously settling into his seat across from Caelum. Its alright. A lot of things were happening quickly. My name is Caelum Phoenicis. You can just call me Caelum, as well be together for an indefinite time, he said informatively. Harry grimaced before wiping it off his face and gave him a strained smile. Well, Im just Harry. Caelumsounds a bit like Salem, huh? Harry joked awkwardly. Yeah, it does Caelum agreed. Just Harry. Harry flushed red, though it did its purpose in relaxing Harry and putting him at ease with Caelum. Umwhy dont you tell me more about yourself? Harry hesitantly ventured.

Alright then, Caelum complied. Im 31 years old. I attended Hogwarts like yourself, graduating with top marks and headlining straight into the Auror program. I went through that quickly and became the youngest Auror in its history, quickly climbing ranks to eventually become the second in command, under Minister Scrimgeours authority, before hed become Minister. When he was elected, I was asked to take over his former position as Head of the Auror Force, but decided to stay in my rank and follow under Gawain Robards, who ended up with the job. Harry stared at him wide-eyed. Wow. Thats impressive. But why didnt you take the higher rank? Caelum frowned. WellI did not think I could contribute as much behind a desk, than I could being able to go out there and physically take charge of my job. PlusI believe there were rumors that the paperwork was deadly. Harry laughed at that, though Caelum found it strange that he was joking so much. He was normally such a serious and straight-laced person They passed the time snacking quietly and then Harry took a nap, leaving Caelum to contemplate the task before him. At the station, he shrunk the basket and slipped it into his pocket, slipping off his robe to reveal his attire of Muggle clothing. He shook Harry awake and let him slowly become alert as he grabbed the trunk and easily took hold of it. Ready? he asked the boy, glad that he was already wearing Muggle clothing and had no need to change. Yeah, Im good, the teen answered sleepily. Caelum led the way out, and he was taken aback to see an odd group of people as their reception, along with the expected trio of Muggles who looked rather disgruntled at being there and appalled at the reception committee. Then he was treated to the startling scene of, of all people, Alastor Moody actually threatening Harrys relatives, after the group of witches and wizards had greeted Harry (and him doubtfully by extension). Even more surprisingly was good-natured Arthur Weasley being a part of it. While not as surprised about Lupin (the man was an old friend of his charges parents and would definitely want to make sure Harry was being taken cared of), he was surprised that Lupin was being threatening at all, considering he knew him to be a gentle man. Even if the threats were worded nicely Besides being surprised that these people, most of whom he knew were more benevolent people and wouldnt dare to make threats, especially against Muggles, he was surprised at who was part of the group. Like acknowledged, Lupin was expected. And while the threatening part

notwithstanding, the Weasleys being there in support of Harry wasnt a surprise. It was Moody, again, and his subordinate Nymphadora Tonks. Anyway, thats not the point, interjected Tonks, whose pink hair seemed to offend Harrys Aunt more than all the rest put together, for she closed her eyes rather than look at her. The point is, if we find out youve been horrible to Harry And make no mistake, well hear about it, added Lupin pleasantly. Yes, said Mr. Weasley, even if you wont let Harry use the fellytone Yeah, if we get any hint that Potters been mistreated in any way, youll have us to answer to, said Moody. Harrys Uncle swelled ominously, alarming Caelum. His sense of outrage seemed to outweigh even his fear of this bunch of oddballs, though Caelum had been warned that Harry Potters relatives werent people who rationally thought much. Are you threatening me, sir? he said, so loudly that passersby actually turned to stare. He mentally groaned at the escalating conflict. Yes, I am, said MadEye, who seemed rather pleased that Harrys Uncle had grasped this fact so quickly. And do I look like the kind of man who can be intimidated? barked Vernon Dursley. Well said Moody, pushing back his bowler hat to reveal his sinisterly revolving magical eye. Vernon leapt backwards in horror and collided painfully with a luggage trolley. Yes, Id have to say you do, Dursley. Caelum inwardly clapped for his former superior. Moody turned away from Vernon to survey Harry. So, Potter give us a shout if you need us. If we dont hear from you for three days in a row, well send someone along He looked over at Caelum. And you, remember those tactics, boy. Keep on your toes and make sure not to bother the Muggles too much. Theyll likely get on your nerves. Keep close to Potter and guard him well. Petunia Dursley whimpered piteously. It could not have been plainer that she was thinking of what the neighbors would say if they caught sight of these people marching up the garden path. But then she heard the second part and her eyes bulged out humorously. What do mean by that last part? Who is he? she nearly shrieked.

I am Caelum Phoenicis, he introduced himself, having a feeling that it would be a moot point. I will be by your nephews side and assigned as his protector for the duration of his vacation and possibly longer. The three Muggles gaped at him in shock, which slowly turned to outrage. He cut them off before they could make a bigger scene. This is final, he said firmly, narrowing his eyes at them. By the order of the Minister of Magic and the Prime Minister of Britain, I am to stay by Harry Potters side and guard him. Will we have any problems? he sounded just a hint threatening, taking his cue from the group near him. They shook their heads quickly, though Vernon seemed pacified by the mention of the Prime Minister. Bye, then, Potter, said Moody, grasping Harrys shoulder for a moment with a gnarled hand. Then he gave an approving glance at Caelum. Take care, Harry, said Lupin quietly. Keep in touch. Harry, well have you away from there as soon as we can, Mrs. Weasley whispered, hugging him. Harry nodded. Caelum could see Harry looked like he could not find words to tell them what it meant to him, to see them all ranged there, on his side. Instead, he smiled, raised a hand in farewell, turned around and led the way out of the station towards the sunlit street, with Vernon, Petunia and their Dudley hurrying along in his wake, and Caelum silently trailing by his side. + + + + + + Somehow, he had thought that earlier the group was just going overboard. Surely, the Dursleys wasnt so bad A minute into the car ride was all he needed to revise that opinion. It started out just tense and silent, and he had thought it was his presence that was making things awkward. But really his presence only expounded on Harrys, when glares were directed more towards his charge and he was just plain ignored. The ride was just the tip of the iceberg, for as soon as they reached the house, the family disappeared into it without a word to their nephew or offer of help. The trunk was popped

opened and slender Harry was already going over to it and ready to get his heavy trunk. Slender Harry versus heavy trunkyeah, not good odds. Grumbling under his breath, he took the trunk from Harry and started up the path, carrying it himself, with Harry slouching by his side. Listen here, you are in charge of him, Vernon immediately spouted, as soon as they stepped through the door. Funnily enough, he was directing it towards Harry and continuing to ignore him. If hes staying here, he stays with you. We have no room here for him and its your responsibility to care of him. Its your job to get him food, cleaned up, and space to stay in. And just because hes here doesnt mean you get to slack off on chores. Then he stomped away without another word. What am I? A pet? he muttered to himself. Well, come on, Harry mumbled, his posture slumping as he trudged up the stairs. The animosity at his presence hed expected seemed to slowly be trickling in. He followed Harry up, bewildered and then disgusted to know that the last door with the variety of locks outside it was Harrys room. He had to fight even more to hide his disgust when he saw the inside. This is it, Harry said blandly. Beds kind of small. Well cram somehow. I can take the floor if I rummage around for a bunch of clothes and make a makeshift bed. Caelum wrinkled his nose. No. I have permission to use magic. Ill just enlarge the room and transfigure a bed. And transfigure you a new one while were at it. Wont they think its me? Harry scowled. No, any magic performed here will be registered as mine. Your wand has the Trace on it, so they can also differentiate. Didnt do that my second year, Harry spat out. Didnt bother to look in and investigate, did they? Caelum frowned unhappily. The Ministry doesnt have the time to look into every case of magic used by underaged wizards and witches. Well they should if theyre going to blame me for a Hover charm I didnt even do! Harry shouted. No one else here is capable of performing magic, so of course theyll send a warning to you, Caelum stiffened up, starting to glare dangerously at the teen. Well, it wasnt me! It was a crazy arse house-elf! But did anyone come to verify that? Merlin, no! Cant be bothered!

You should have tried to file for an appeal, the older man hissed out, though inwardly he knew if that was true, the security was getting lax surrounding the boy as no one was supposed to ever be able to come near him at all. Harry spluttered, looking like that had never occurred to him. I wouldnt have known that, would I? Growing up Muggle-raised and no one bothering to fill me in on that kind of stuff. And I was 12. Caelum bit back his reply, knowing 12 year olds usually didnt think about appeals and grievances and all that, nor would he be thinking of looking up law stuff at that age. Someone should have come to explain things like that to Harry, and the truth was someone should have come to investigate before sending out a warning to him. He had been raised by Muggles, was staying with Muggles, and was an underaged and an orphaned wizard. And he was Harry bloody Potter. Someone familiar with the Wizarding Worlds culture and structure should have seen to him. Besides, Harry started out quietly. Caelum had a feeling he was going to like this next part, though he thought it was going to be as brutally honest as everything else the kid had to say. Its part of what the Ministry is supposed to do, arent they? They dont have the time to do their own jobs? His own words coming back to bite him and knowing that was true (even though he really wanted to defend his institution), he had nothing else to say and decided to just focus on transforming the room, quickly flicking his wand and making it more comfortable for the two of them to stay in together. That night, Caelum was treated to seeing the Dursleys scream up for Harry to come down, and then see them order him about in making them dinner. They never used his name once. Surprised in seeing the Boy Who Lived being able to cook, he pushed aside his surprise and quietly came next to Harry and started to help prep the ingredients as an apology for earlier. Harry paused in his work, before nodding towards him in appreciation. During dinner, Caelum remembered the comment of Harry providing him food and decided that it would be best if he just went upstairs and skipped dinner, saving Harry the trouble. Half an hour later, he was startled out of his thoughts when Harry quietly came in and handed him a plate, moving to his newly transformed bed afterwards and lying down to sleep. He looked down at the measly plate and knew that whether or not it was scraps from the other Dursley members or what the family deigned to leave over for Harrys plate, that this had been half of Harrys portion. He ate it gratefully and thought about the rules hed been assigned. Tolerate the Muggles. Dont attack the Muggles (Its illegal!). Just play by the Muggle requests. Be compliant. Be patient. If they didnt improve within the week, Caelum was going to snap and turn them into slugs and just kidnap the Boy Who Lived and hightail it out of there.

Whimpering cut through his thoughts and he looked over at the teen in the other bed. Casting a quick Tempus, he realized hed been lost in thinking for an hour since Harry had come back into the room. Looking back at Harry, he realized he was having a nightmare. Nono! Sirius, Im so sorry! Harry muttered in his sleep. Sirius? The only person with that name who would have any significance to Harry would be Sirius Black. But how on earth did he know the murderer and why would he be apologizing to him? Hesitantly moving closer to wake the kid up from his nightmare, he gently shook Harrys shoulder. When that didnt seem to work, he went to grab the front of the baggy shirt Harry wore to shake him a little more harshly but have his grip loose from where he was going to grip and shake, when he noticed a slight discrepancy. His hands seemed to have felt some bumps on Harrys chest. Two bumps to be exact. Hands automatically moving to go cup the bumps more, his mind stuttered to a halt. Then it was all just blank and his hands stayed frozen on the pair of breasts that should not be there. Staring blankly and mind still blank, he tentatively squeezed in confirmation. Yes. Harry Potter had a pair of breasts. Small, but a nice pair of warm breasts. What are you doing? His minds gears started rushing to get started and he snapped his head up to stare into pretty green eyes that were currently darkened in anger. Unfortunately, his hands refused to move. Uh He was promptly socked in the jaw.

Chapter Two: How to Train a Phoenix He landed harshly on the ground a little away from her, idly wondering that such a small slip of a boygirl?...could pack a punch. Of course, he was still dazed and didnt know what he was thinking or being coherent at all. When he finally became more conscious, standing up unsteadily, he looked at Harry to see blazing green eyes and a furious face. Then he remembered what he did and what hed discovered, and he basically threw himself away to the opposite side of the room, against the wall on his side. What, uh, um, you Im sorry! he blurted out. Why did you do that? Harry hissed. You were having a nightmare, Caelum hurried to explain before Harry could get any angrier. I was trying to wake you up. Shaking your shoulder didnt seem to work, so I was going to do a loose body shake and grabbed at your front. I just noticed you had-you had-you hadthat you had breasts and I freaked out! Imsosorry! In all his years as a professional Auror and living his life, he had never been so flustered or reacted in such a panicked way not since his Hogwarts years, and even then hed been predisposed to being unflappable. Thankfully, after a few deep breaths, Harry had calmed down. Yes, I am a girl, Harry answered his silent question with a roll of her eyes. Ohwho else knows? She sighed, sitting back on her bed and crossing legs as she sat Indian style. Well, my relatives for one. Though they raised me as a boy and Id thought I was one for the longest time, until Hogwarts. Dumbledore found out at the end of my first year, but decided for my safety, while Im still young and vulnerable, that I should keep pretending to be a boy. He was eventually going to help me tell the truth; in fact, wed planned it for my fifth year had Voldemort not returned at the end of my fourth, and he decided that it was best kept secret not only for my continued safety as a girl but also that it could be used as a helpful disguise of sorts. My friends also know. I see, Caelum quickly processed that, hesitantly moving away from his wall to sit on his bed and face her. So how did this all come about? What do you mean your relatives raised you as a boy? Harry scrunched up her nose adorably, and he was disappointed in himself in not noticing things that could have pointed her sex out earlier through signs like that.

My Aunt and Uncle decided that it would be a cruel joke to raise me as a boy, and they were just too lazy to raise me differently from Dudley anyway. It was easier this way in that they could give me Dudleys old clothes and people would be less likely to be kinder to me and believe their lies if I was a runty boy, as well as avoiding any trouble that came with me being a girl, Harry shrugged. Caelum didnt show his displeasure at that, but his jaw clenched noticeably. He began waving his wand and muttering under his breath, and suddenly there was a curtain being formed between their sides. What are you doing? Harry snapped, frowning at what he was doing and getting some clue about it. I am a gentleman, Caelum stated stiffly. I will further distanced myself in regards to your privacy as is appropriate. Because Im a girl? her eyebrows nearly raised into her hairline. Yes, of course, he hesitated a moment. It wouldnt be as odd if we were both male because no one would assume I could or want to take advantage of you. Now, especially as a minor, its just inappropriate and more importantlyId always been taught to respect a lady and give her much consideration and hold her in high esteem, he finished quietly. Still, Harry stubbornly didnt want to let it go, though she knew now he was just trying to be proper and hold true to his manners. Its not that big a deal, she insisted. Like I care if I have bloke in my room. Im not going to be prudish about it or anything, so you dont have to worry. He sighed wearily, but he was still tense. It would be fine if we were both males. But were not, he emphasized. Youre a young lady and as the older adult here, I have to maintain some sort of decorum and not intrude on you any more than I already am. You may think Im going overboard, but I refuse to act like an uncouth and tasteless ruffian. Harry inwardly huffed, but she eyed him a bit more shrewdly and he might just be imagining this perhaps her eyes had softened a bit towards him. Whatever. Im going to sleep. Goodnight. And yet he still had one more thing to say. Which brings me back to your relatives, he started softly. I cant believe, as they knew youre a girl, that they would so willingly allow me to stay here in your room with you. Alone and unsupervised.

Shed already gone to lie down, her back to him. For a second, he thought she had gone to sleep already, when she finally answered. They dont care. Dont care what Im up to and probably think ill of it anyway. Probably hope you do take advantage or knock me up and get me out of the way and out of their hands. They wouldnt care what happens to me. And then she was back to being silent and he was lying on that bed, wide awake and wondering how he was going to be able to do his job properly. When he woke up it was still dark, but he immediately noticed something out of place. Seeing that the curtain up but no silhouette of the girl he was protecting, he tensed and started thinking of where she could be and what could have gone on while he had been asleep. Only the door opened then, and he automatically turned to it, wand raised and ready to attack if necessary. However, instead, Harry flitted through the door, her slim body encased in a fluffy towel and hair handing around her wet and looking longer than it had the day before. Gaping stupidly, his hand with wand attached sort of hung there for a moment before he put it away and averted his gaze respectfully. She awkwardly walked passed him and slipped behind the curtain to her side. His eyes gazed through the curtain at her outline guiltily, before he tore his gaze away and he lay down and turned his back to her, unwilling to keep staring. Still, images of soft curves, a towel running gently down her front, water clinging Dear Merlin, what was wrong with him? And how was he going to survive this job if he couldnt even concentrate properly? A hand touched his shoulder gently and he jerked violently away, startling Harry. I was just going to say that if you want to take a shower, its best to do it now. The Dursleys dont like me using their shower, so I tend to go at an early time so Im not caught. You should go now too, before they wake up in two hours. Nodding in understanding, he took her advice and hurried to take a shower before her relatives woke up and noticed, and started freaking out about it. He made sure to bring his clothes with him, though he had a feeling that Harry had forgotten and had thought shed be able to sneak back before he woke up. What are you doing today? he asked tentatively, unsure if she wanted conversation. She shrugged, focused on stretching on her bed. The curtain was drawn back to one end, so they could see each other clearly. I probably have to do chores. Youll be bored watching me, trust me, she said nonchalantly.

I could help, he offered. She snorted. Used to manual labor? Without magic? she asked. He hesitated and she nodded. Its fine. Stay inside and read a book or something. Ill be within the borders and out of reach of the bad guys. But he really didnt like that. However, sure enough, Harrys Aunt was banging on the door and the sounds of locks being undone was heard. He blinked and looked at Harry questioningly, remembering that they had been undone earlier when theyd gone to take their showers. Up! Get up and make breakfast! It was only when Petunia had gone that Harry answered his question. Dont know if Ill get in trouble with this, but I can unlock and relock the locks wandlessly, she informed him. Its about the only the thing I can consistently do wandlessly. He shrugged at her. Small, wandless things like that were so minor and hard to notice that the Ministry usually overlooked and didnt pay attention to them, so she probably wouldnt have even been registered doing it. She quickly slid a ring on a finger, her appearance becoming a little different and more like what hed been introduced to. He silently wondered about that, but decided to save the question for later. He followed her down, seeing her getting a pan out and some eggs and bacon and calmly stayed by her side as she cooked breakfast. She snuck a few pieces of bacon and a toasted bread with an egg on it to him, and he held it casually in his hand by his side, and out of view in case the Dursleys were to come closer. After she was down, she cleaned up and was then handed a list of chores to do, with Caelum scowling when he saw it. Honestly, were they really expecting her to be able to do all that? And without magic? She flitted outside and he followed, still keeping the food out of view. Once outside, he divided the bacon and they ate it quietly, after which he had taken the bread with egg on it, carefully splitting it in half and balancing the split egg on both halves, transferring one to her and starting to eat his own. Youll need more food if youre going to be doing all that, he said, gesturing to the absurd list. She shrugged, a gesture starting to become quite common between them as an answer. Ill manage.

She started working on the yard and he sat there, watching and frowning the more he watched. She worked hard through the day, cooking lunch and barely getting enough food before going back to work, and the same thing happening for dinner. After, back in her room, he stared hard at her while she sat watching the moon out her window solemnly. Why arent you working on your homework? he questioned, noticing the strange choice. She glanced at him. My stuff is locked up in the cupboard. I dont do homework until I get back to Hogwarts and work on it overnight. He inwardly bristled at that. So when he finally heard the Dursleys go to bed, he angrily waved his wand at the door and went out, ignoring the bewildered girl hed left behind. He went toe the cupboard under the stairs and unlocked that as well, moving to grab her trunk when he froze. He blinked and read the red crayon writing again and cursed under his breath. Harrys Bedroom. He grabbed her trunk and her broom while he was at it, and moved back up the stairs without another word. Inside her room, he put her trunk down and slid it towards her side, throwing her Firebolt at her and letting her catch it before he spoke. Did you ever sleep in the cupboard under the stairs? he asked, voice entirely serious. She grimaced and sighed heavily. How did you find that out? Before he just pursed his lips and stared at her. For the first eleven years of my life, that was my bedroom, she admitted tiredly. But dont tell anyone that. No one else knows and I would prefer to keep it that way. Unhappy about that, he reluctantly agreed for her sake. It was in red crayon near the top, he answered in regards to her earlier question. They both had trouble falling asleep that night. The next morning, after the usual business, Harry had gone to work on the bathroom. That day, she would be working inside this time. Thankfully, since they were in the house, Caelum willingly did the work for her, using his wand to clean it. He drew it out, so that she wouldnt have to already move on to her next task, with the two of them sitting side by side against a wall as he lazily waved his wand around. The Ministry is flawed, she said suddenly. How can you say that? he frowned at her. The Ministry does the best that it can. Sure there are problems, but it isnt flawed.

So you say, she shot back. Youre just a Ministry lackey. He stopped moving his wand, narrowing his eyes at her. I may work for the Ministry, but I am not a lackey, he fumed. The Ministry wants to do its best for the people, by the people. Its what I work for. Good lot they did last year, she glared back. Fudge mucked it, didnt he? And what about Umbitch? Scandalized, he nearly leapt to his feet. Fudge was incompetent, I agree, but hes one person. And Umbridge, while I know shes a disagreeable and crude sort, doesnt deserve such blatant disrespect and outright name-calling. Hes one person, but one person with all the power that mattered, she hissed. And Umbridge! Doesnt deserve it? Doesnt deserve it! So she doesnt deserve such a cruel insult, even when she gets off doing sick things like this? Harry shrieked, showing the back of her left hand into his face, where he could plainly read the words I must not tell lies marring the skin with perfect clarity. He stared at it in horror before Harry shot to her feet and stormed out of the bathroom, leaving him behind. In shock and unable to process such clear evidence of not just the incompetency of a Ministry worker but outright cruelty, Caelum slowly got up to his feet and walked over to the sink. Turning on the tap, he splashed his face as he breathed in and out heavily, numbly looking up to stare at himself in the mirror. Itit cant be But it was true. There was no other explanation, unless he wanted to be completely delusional and lying to himself. Still distressed, he finished up the bathroom and took the list, staring at it with grave eyes, hands gripping it tightly and threatening to rip it. He worked on the rest of the house, glad the Dursleys were gone to London and he could work in peace and be able to use magic, also allowing Harry to get away with a free day. When he finally finished, the house was sparkling clean and spelled to last for quite some time (and making sure Harry wouldnt have to work on it again), he was done much quicker than had Harry had done it herself and by hand. He hesitantly went to Harrys room, hand hesitant on the doorknob, before decisively turning it and entering without a word. Harry was on her bed, knees up as she glared at her wall. He walked over to her, moving to block her view. Just as she was about to complain, he silently knelt down and took her hand, gently running a hand over the carved words and silencing her with his unpredictable actions.

My Ministry would never have condone this, he muttered, staring at the words intensely. The retort died on her lips as his next action made her speechless, her hand cradled between his as he bowed his head over it as if in penitence. She stared before, with dark eyes, she took her other hand and lightly placed on top of his head in acceptance. + + + + + + The week passed on the same, chores and more chores being done by the girl. Caelum helped her cheat when he could, and at night he quietly sat by her and helped and pointed out what he could for her homework. She was quite intelligent and offered up points he wouldnt have thought of, and her mind intrigued him very much so. One night, their first Saturday together, Caelum was once again hesitant. But then he made up his mind and sat next to her, turning to her with a determined air. What else has the Ministry failed in? he asked solemnly. She scrutinized him closely before she shifted closer and began to talk. First year, while it may be minor, I was an 11 year old and alone on the platform, she began. My relatives left me there and I had no idea how to get onto Platform 9 . If there had been a wizard placed there to help guide new children who arent versed in that world, then maybe I wouldnt have been a panicking and scared child that was desperately relying on looking for someone who might know how to get there. Second year was the Hover charm that I never did. Dobby was a house-elf that wanted to keep me safe by preventing me from going to Hogwarts, and was the one whod performed the charm. I was sent a warning without anyone ever checking in for the truth. The next year the school was flooded with Dementors, creatures that make me relive my parents murder over and over. And when the year was nearly over, I almost got killed by them. As well as Sirius Black. She held up a hand to stall his protests. Tell me, Caelum, did Sirius ever get a trial? That silenced him. I know you would know. Youre high enough to know the records and I know you would know all the information you had to as Second in Command. And I know you would be heavily involved in the war effort and that would have been deeply entrenched in the First War.

When he didnt answer, she continued. He never got a trial. He was never questioned and he never got to defend himself. Hes innocent and I know this because I know who the true traitor is. Peter Pettigrew is still alive and he betrayed my parents to the Dark Lord and framed Sirius and sentenced him to hell in Azkaban. In disbelief in what he was hearing, he started to protest. He was quickly quieted as she moved even closer and grabbed his hands, her green eyes boring into his intensely, and he was alarmed to see tears starting to gather. Sirius is my godfather. At the end of last year, he died protecting me because of my stupidity, and he died a guilty man, Caelum. He shouldnt have, she choked out, almost gasping at the end. It wasit was all my fault. Suddenly, he found himself with an armful of a crying girl, and he awkwardly put his arms around her. He grew to be more comfortable, holding her tightly and rocking her gently in his hold. At that moment, he didnt feel the need to go onto her 4th or 5th year just yet, thinking it best to let her rest and cry. He thought, as it was gradually came to him, that no one had let her grieve and come to terms with her godfathers death. That she had been dealt with and then left on her own, and that his own appearance into her life had not helped. Sirius Black died and she had witnessed it, this he knew without any doubt or need of asking. And she blamed herself for it. And apparently, immediately after was the whole mess with the papers and the Ministry and something in his gut told him that the biggest strain between Dumbledore and Harry had happened straight after Sirius death. Which left Harry to be in this sort of limbo without anyone else to help anchor or comfort her in her time of need. He came in and intruded and then she was being sent back to these horrible Muggles, and still she hadnt been confronted and helped with the death of her only real family. That led him to question if they all thought it was okay to just send Harry back here without helping her deal with godfathers death or any help to help her come to any closure at all? It would be horrible for her to have seen him die and then be left alone to deal with it, and to be sent back here of all things. He noticed her quieting down and looked down at her to realized shed fallen asleep, crying herself to sleep in his arms. He gently lay her down and let her sleep it off in her bed, going back to his so that he could think more to what he was learning. What he was learning, he wasnt liking at all. And it made him grieve for the truth and sorrowed that the institution he placed his all faith and love in was so flawed and damaged. It was hard for him to believe and to reconfigure what he learned into what he thought he knew about the Ministry he had trusted.

The next day had him as troubled and he wasnt sure if he was ready to confront Harry again, though it looked she was even less ready for him. What happened 4th year? he went straight into it, eyes aggrieved. I was forced into a tournament I never wanted to be in, she said hoarsely. And I had lies and rumors plastered all over the papers defaming me without the ability to fight back, as well as information and falsehoods printed without my permission. I was a minor and I know that almost all of that had to have been libel. I was not given the opportunity to tell them to stop or to tell my own side, or even the chance to see what they could print out about my own self and be reached out to come to any agreement about anything. There was no consent to anything and I have been denied my rights. It was the same the summer and during 5th year, where I had initially been unaware of the attacks on my person. And that is not including the fact Umbridge sent over two Dementors during the summer to attack me, to which shed confessed to doing right after threatening to Crucio me. I was tried in front of the entire Wizengamot for a case of underaged use of magic and expelled prior to that, again without an investigation. I suffered a whole year of writing with a Blood Quill with Umbridge for detention, as well as her abusing her power of authority over me. She never taught us useful defensive magic and used illegal methods on the students throughout the school year, including the Blood Quill and use of Veritaserum on minors. I was called a liar and an insane, even by the Ministry. Caelum swallowed harshly at that, wiping a hand down his face in regret. She should not be allowed to get away with all that, he gritted his teeth. Is she? she asked tentatively. He hesitated and that was enough to give her the answer she needed. She cursed loudly and kicked her bed, wiping her things off her desk angrily as she clenched and unclenched her left hand, glaring at the stark letters. She wont, he promised, throat tightening up. I promise she wont. She couldnt. Or else the Ministry he believed in would be dead.

Chapter Three: To Swallow Ones Pride Harry was once again working diligently on the yard, first trimming the flowerbeds. Her hands were aching by the time there was a shadow above her, blocking the sun. She looked up and saw Caelum over him, thankfully keeping the sun off, andholding hotdogs? Whered you get those? she asked. Store, he answered as he took a bite and finished off his. Then he sat on his haunches and held out the second one. Unlike you, I have free reign and money to go anywhere. Id rather not let us be subject to starvation, no matter what these Muggles might think. She frowned and was about to refuse when he gave her a look. She was inwardly appalled. She knew that look and had received many a time from her friends. Only Ron and Hermione were allowed to use that look on her. Just accept it, he interrupted before she could refuse. Dont think of it as charity. I know you dont like things being given to you because youd rather work for it, but just think of it as survival. You have a lot of work you have to do outside and theyre not doing you any favors starving you. Why are so obstinate with me anyways? I know for a fact that you dont act like this with everyone else about you giving you things Harry lightly flushed red, turning her head away as she examined her shoelaces. She sighed before shrugging and looking back at him with embarrassed eyes. I dont know you, she said simply. And youre Ministry and intruding was left unspoken. She started picking at her nails shyly. My hands are kinda dirty, she muttered. And I have to get this done. It was quiet between them before Caelum moved closer and held up the hotdog, feeding her by hand. One of his hands moved to the small of her back to steady her as she moved from working to taking a bite from him every once in awhile, his touch feeling warm She couldnt look at him the entire time. What do you have to do next? I have to paint the fence. He glanced at it. Didnt you just do that last week? Yeah, but I have to do the shiner, she huffed. Okay. Im going to clean up and then go around and meet the neighbors, he said nonchalantly, getting up and crumpling the hotdog paper.

She looked at him weirdly. Why would you want to do that? He gave her a mysterious smile. Youll see. He watched her for a couple more seconds before he went inside. Ignoring the aunt and cousin, he washed his hands and then went back out to go to a random house. He had luck on his side, considering the house hed gone to seemed to be the home of one of Petunias friends, Yvonne. If that woman can have actual friends He knocked on the door and plastered a kind smile on his face. The woman who opened it looked at him half in wariness and more in greediness for gossip. Hello, you must be Yvonne? Rolands, she smiled plastically. I see Petunias mentioned me. I hope you dont mind me saying so, as Ive only seen you over there? Yes, Im currently staying over there, he avoided making his fake smile looking as plastic as hers. I was wondering if I could come in and ask some questions? Why of course! she unnecessarily answered loudly. She invited him in and after the usual pleasantries, he was soon sitting in her living room with tea in hand and the lady herself sitting in front of him. Now, Mr. Phoenicis, what can I do for you? And of how, let me just say how unique and lovely your name is, she complimented. Thank you. Please, just Caelum, he continued to fake his smile. Oh, even your first name is so exotic, she fluttered her eyelashes. Call Yvonne in return then. Yvonne, he widened his smile just the slightest. You see, Im sure the Dursleys have spread all sorts of unpleasant rumors as to my presence here. I would like to start by clearing that up. You see I am a social worker from the school assigned to be on standby and observe Harry Potters living conditions. There has been rather troubling notations made about Harry at school. Attentive, St. Brutus is then? she asked curiously. And there was his opening. He tried to make sure the name of the school was new to him. St. Brutus? I dont believe I understand you, Yvonne, he tried for a more politely confused smile.

Her eyes subtly lit up, as if shed just stumbled upon information that might be gold. St. Brutus Center for Incurable Boys? Or something like that? The name was rather long, though Petunia always spouted it about when it came to her nephew. Bingo. Caelum arranged his features into an unhappy but perplexed look. Im sorry, Yvonne. But Harry doesnt go to this St. Brutus. In fact, werent you aware Harry is a girl? Quite understandable of the misunderstanding, what with the clothes shes forced to wear and having to keep her hair up. Yvonne gasped. Oh my! I had no idea. All this time I was unaware of such fact. What travesty. That poor girl, having to live practically like a boy. Doesnt Petunia have any girly clothes she can hand down to her, or at least buy her some new things? He shook his head, imitating sadness. Oh dear heavens, its hard to believe, but the majority of the money is spent elsewhere. I wonder thoughI have noted that their son has so many things, many new and quite a bit are broken. They downplay the money situation a lot and try to make out that theyre brokebut like I saidI cant help but wonder Broke, you say her eyes took on a glint, and her lips curved in a shit-eating smile. Why, Petunia brags about money all the time. Its hard to believe she can claim poverty. Then again, you never know. Which is lie and which is not Its sad to think that Harry is forced to wear such clothing since, as Ive made notes on, probably forever. Though, I suppose since theyre already rags, theyre the perfect clothes for her to work in. I worry about it though, how much she works. She tells me she doesnt mind and shes happy to do it, but it always seems to be strained. Can you give me an account of how long shes been doing such a heavy load of chores? Yvonne gained a calculating, and dare he say it, worried look. You knowfor the longest time, thats all I remember ever taking note of her. Shes always seemed to be working whenever I see her. That prized lawn, especially the garden, Petunia likes to boast about? Not her work. Its certainly Harrys. Ive seen the girl working on it enough. What a shame, Caelum murmured. She cooks for them too, you know? Its always very delicious, though she never gets to really sample her cooking. I especially adore the lemon meringue pie.

Yvonnes eyes flashed. That pie is hers? Its always been my favorite! Ive always thought it was Petunias! Why that shrew she muttered. Caelum patted himself on the back for taking care to remember to learn the exact favorites of this woman and made another note to tell Harry that her lemon meringue pie is very loved. Harry needed compliments, even if its indirect ones like this. What did you say you were here for? As a what? To observe the family on behalf of Harrys wellbeing. As a social worker, Caelum hid his grin. After allwhat with the oversized clothing the Dursleys insist Harry wears, who knows just the kind of things that can behidden. Now aint that just the most obvious hint of abuse he could come up with. Even if it wasnt true, which he very much doubted, the Dursleys wouldnt be looked at the same way ever again. And that was just on top of everything hed hinted and pointed out. Now, Im sorry, Yvonne. I really want to hurry through the neighborhood and get an account of Harrys life from everyone elses point of view, so that I can rush back to Harrys side. Poor girls alone and shes working really hard right now. Id like to at least keep her some company while shes at it. She didnt get to eat much from the Dursleys earlier, and Id like to try to make sure shes okay and watch over her in the meantime. Yes, I understand. Just earlier, werent you kindly feeding her some food youd managed to buy, while she worked diligently? Yvonne slyly slipped and Caelum only felt the minutest of wariness. She was good this woman, if she managed to catch you off guardIts very sweet of you, Caelum. Very devoted and affectionate. Why, a very gentleman out for his lady. He didnt seem to be too bothered about this strangely. In fact, he could capitalize on this. Caelum smiled sadly at her, setting his cup of tea firmly back on the table. I admit, Ive grownfond of her, he mimicked just the right about of reluctance and resignation in his voice. These days, Ive watched over her closely and have grown to worry over her and care largely about her, especially as Ive been more or less forced to room with her in her small room she complains not and puts up with my presence, the sweet girl. In school, I admit to being rather partial to herbut now He sighed and leaned back in weariness. To tell the truth, I think I He left it trailing, feeling it would have more impact to leave it off and for her to fill it in herself. He settled for rubbing a hand down his face in exhaustion and slumping over. How inappropriate, he muttered at a perfect volume for her to hear, but for him to pretend it was meant to be quiet and not heard.

He didnt see it, but he could just see her face lighting up in equal interest and sympathy, as she leaned over and patted his shoulder. Dont you worry, Caelum. Dont give up. Give it some time, she advised. I think its rather appropriate myself. A little like the fairytales. Yeah, I can see that, he thought sarcastically. Prince Caelum off to rescue Princess Harry from the evil step Dursleys, so they can live happily ever after. But he knew that he had been right to appeal to the womans feminine and romantic side for added sympathy. Besides, a thing like this definitely appealed to a gossipmonger like her. Forbidden romance between an older man and a younger girl, not to mention the situation of school staff and schoolgirl and also the saving her bonus? It was probably a dream come true for Yvonne Rolands. And I think that girl deserves affection for once, and for someone to actually show they care, she finished with a dramatic, and yet oddly sincere flourish. Thank you so much, he smiled grateful, just deciding against some watery eyes. I think I should get going now. If you could, please try to pass it on that I will be trying to talk to everyone else and hoping to talk about Harrys home life. If Yvonne was a real gossip, then his wonderful rumors would be spread through the neighborhood before he could even take a step off the porch. And that would make it so much easier to talk to everyone, especially as they would definitely now be a lot more willing and less wary in talking to him. By the way, Caelum, what school does Harry really go to? she asked curiously before he could leave. He smiled charmingly at her. St. Clairs Academy for the Gifted. Its a very exclusive boarding school. Her parents had gone there and had made sure that Harry would attend as well. There. Harry was now a very mysterious and gifted girl at an extraordinary school, and James and Lily Potter were no longer drunks and unemployed. But he had managed to do his self-appointed mission well. The Dursleys craved normality and treasured their precious reputation at all costs. He had gone through brilliant lengths to put that reputation into tatters. It was a small revenge on Harrys behalf, but it would do for now.

Besides, it was rather appropriate. Their reputation was what they prized and worried about the most. And now all their hard work crumbled in just the matter of hours it took Caelum to smear their name all over the neighborhood. Afterwards, he headed back to her side, carefully watching over how she was putting the last minute touches of the paint. She wiped the back of her hand against her sweaty forehead before standing up wearily. Need some help? She looked over at him, lips briefly turning up into a smirk before disappearing. Instead, a grimace appeared and a hand flitted up to lightly touch her shoulder. I hope thats nothing serious, she muttered. Something wrong? he asked quietly, coming closer worriedly. My shoulder hurts a bit, she frowned, experimentally moving it. She winced in pain at the result. Lets get you inside, he firmly grasped onto her and led her in. After a quick clean up, he led her to her room and sat her down on her bed. Turning to his trunk, he rummaged through one of the compartments and grabbed a salve. It might be a slight sprain or just overworked. Either way, this should take care of it soon enough, he held up the salve. Shirt off, he ordered. She did so quickly, giving him pause and inwardly grimacing. You should be a little more hesitant and reticent by the way, he said reprovingly, but he didnt say any more so she just rolled her eyes and kept silent. Scooping a generous amount onto his fingers, he sat behind her and rubbed it into the injured shoulder. He gently pulled down the bra strap on that side and moved her hair to the other side, before he started massaging a little more firmly into the muscle as his other hand held her down firmly. Mm, that feels good she murmured, eyes closing at she leaned back into his ministrations. She started to moan a little bit, and his own eyes briefly flittered close. He tried to ignore the feel of her bare skin under his hands, or that she was half naked in front of him. The sound of her low moans reverberated through his body and it was all he could do just to make himself only tense up.

He didnt know if it was the talk he had earlier with Yvonne that was making him react like this or if he was just messed after all the things hes done in his life, but he was pretty sure he shouldnt be so affected by a 15 year old, small slip of a girl. Where were you earlier? I mean, why did you have to go talk to the neighbors for anyways? her voice brought him back from his thoughts. He shook his head and focused on her, instead of the wild direction his thoughts were taking him. Went talking, is all. By the way, I was thinking of going shopping. More like, getting you some proper clothing to wear so you can actually go out and look like a girl. She turned slightly in his hold, arching an eyebrow at him. The whole neighborhood thinks Im a boy. Itll bring up too many troublesome questions. They might start thinking Im a crossdresser, she smirked at that. He hid his own smirk. Technically, you are. And anyways, that was part of the talk I had with them. They are now aware of your true gender, milady. Her eyes comically bulged. Wait, what? Now you definitely have to tell me what you did all day with those people. So with great relish, Caelum unveiled his master plan to her and recounted the talks hed had with the people hed visited that day. Iyouthats just brilliant! You completed tore down the Dursleys without lifting a finger or even physically touching them! she exclaimed in awe, admiration visibly shining in her eyes. He inwardly puffed up in pride, though he turned red at her blatant happiness and gratefulness towards him. But it was all worth it for her. Caelum shrugged. They loved their reputation more than their niece. I took it upon myself to destroy it and take it from them in retaliation, he told her sincerely. This time it was her time to blush, though she quickly shook it off. Instead, she went back to his suggestion of shopping. Shopping? When and where would we shop? she indulged him in the idea that she would go in the first place. Muggle London, now, he said dismissively. And how are we going to get there?

He smiled, already a little mischievous at this point. Theres anti-apparation field here, but we can walk to Magnolia Crescent where I can apparate us over to a good spot. Well just have to walk over there, which would work in his favor if they were seen having a nice stroll outside together. Soon enough, Harry found herself being escorted down the street and Magnolia Crescent in no time, though she wasnt quite sure how they ended up talking to that moment exactly. For Caelum, hed managed to glance at Yvonnes home as they walked passed, seeing the woman at her window and peeking out curiously. Catching sight of him, she gave him two thumbs up and an encouraging and slightly disturbing grin. Finding a slightly hidden place, he Side-Apparated her with him to an alley in London. Then he pulled her along as he found stores that were fine to go shopping in, though he had to spend time persuading her to go along with him. She was being very reticent on the idea of shopping at all, and even more obtuse at the idea of shopping for her. However, after the initial begging and crack down on her, she was strangely indulgent of him and went along quietly with his requests. Youre choosing then, she huffed, averting her eyes with her face slightly red. Fine with me, he smiled gently. But dont hesitate to add or ask for anything that catches your eye, okay? From then, he was happy to note she seemed content and satisfied with his choices, and that she didnt hesitate to give her input or ask for anything that she liked. Sometimes, though, hed have to observe her closely and prod her. Like now. You like those boots? he smile in amusement, seeing her eye a particular pair but look away every time she was caught staring. Theyre nice, she ducked her head, going to pretending to examine a coat. They are nice and snugly. Perfectly warm for British weather, he said idly. Bring it over. She hid her smile so he wouldnt see it, but he caught it anyway. They started finishing up with shopping, with Harry in a good enough mood to laughingly model some clothes for him in the stores runway. The catcalls and whistles from some of the men there made her blush and rethink, and for some reason put him on edge. He controlled himself well enough and decided to take her out for dinner, so that she didnt have to cook for the family and so that she could enjoy a night out for herself and be treated for once.

This is nice, she commented out of nowhere as she took a bight out of her chocolate hazelnut torte. He gave her a glad smile. Thank you, she muttered, looking away with a red tint to her cheeks. He couldnt count how many times hed been successful in making her turn red that day, but it was a very satisfying turn out. Anything else you want to do before we have to go back? he asked, finishing up. Can we go to Big Ben? she surprisingly asked. Surprised, but not deterred, he agreed and she beamed at him. Can we go inside? she asked oddly. He shrugged it off and just said yes, though when he finally understood later, he was much more confused and questioning. But as she wouldnt elaborate, he just took her in and cast disillusionment spells on them both, before sneaking them in and then up the tower. Inside the big clock tower, Harry sat in awe on the floor, next to the face. She watched the inner workings of the clock quietly, slightly mesmerized, but looking content all the same. He joined her wordlessly, sitting beside her and watching the gears working also. It is rather peaceful in here, isnt it? he murmured. Cant hear anything but the gears, and well you, since youre close enough. And you, she returned. Its peaceful enough to drown out all the thoughts and everything else outside of here for at least right now, she ended solemnly. He hesitated before reaching over and squeezing her arm comfortingly. Her hesitation was much longer before she leaned on him, and he put his arm around her.

Chapter Four: Girl on the Verge It was very quiet in the room, but it was a comfortable quiet. The two were on her bed, looking over her potions essay. For once, and he was actually allowing such laziness, he was letting her just lay back and use his lap as a pillow as he sat Indian style on her bed, while he looked over her work and corrected it. This is the last time Im doing this, you know, he told her in amusement. She smirked up at him. Im serious. The very last. Were going to stick to working on the corrections together, he said, even as his eyes darted around and he marked off, crossed out, and rewrote things on her parchment. Its not like I dont learn from the corrections, she pointed out. You correct it and I see what I did wrong. Hermione does this with me and Ron all the time. Good for Miss Granger. However, youre not as productive if you dont help out in the corrections. And youll remember more, he argued, lightly tapping the parchment onto her face before he went back to reading and correcting. The sound of locks turning grabbed their attention and Caelum nervously darted from her bed and sat on his. She rolled her eyes, but didnt say anything. She didnt really see the point in him moving away like that or even just caring what the Dursleys thought. Vernon angrily stomped into the room, eying Caelum uneasily before glaring at her. Alright, girl. Were going out of town for a few days. Youre not to steal anything or touch anything in this house, got it? Dont blow the house up or youll regret it! his mustache bristled and he turned and walked right back out the door, slamming it for good measure. Locks were heard turning back to their original position. You uncle needs to have a heart attack. Harry bit back a snort, looking at the Auror in slight shock. That he said that with a straight face (bar the brief smirk she saw flit across his lips), so bluntly and nonchalantly, put another point for him in her book. You never know. One of these days she said sarcastically. So what to do with a few Dursley-free days? Trash the house, he said helpfully. Take all the food and run. Maybe some furniture too. She finally broke out in giggles at that, collapsing back onto her bed and trying to calm herself down.

You must be a closet klepto, she shook her head. Anyways, well just go with the days. How about tonight? Whats for dinner? Were invited to the Hasue household, he told her, surprising her with the news. They, and the next door neighbors the Yamamoto family, are getting together and asked if wed like to come. Sounds good to me, she agreed, though she was still very surprised. What time are we expected? Around six. We can get ready around five and walk over at thirty five. They, willingly for once, tidied up around the house and then got themselves ready for the dinner. Arm in arm, they headed over to the home across the street together and was met by a pretty young girl, who actually looked to be around Harrys age, maybe a year or two older. Hello! she greeted them, a slight accent to her voice. Please come in. Im Seri Hasue. My husband is getting the table ready. Our son Takuma should be coming down soon. Please to meet you, both of them said. Not to be rude, but you look young to have a son already, Harry blurted out. Caelum mentally rolled his eyes and pinched her shoulder, giving her a really? look. She shrugged. I grew up with the Dursleys. Did you really expect me to have a consistent installation of tact? I can be the most tactless person out there, Ill have you know. He sighed in exasperation, but Seri laughed delightedly at her. No, no. Its fine. And youre absolutely hilarious. I love it. Anyways, Takuma is adopted. Both of his parents died and Yasuharu and I took him in. It wasa rough time, her happy smile turned strained near the end. Okaa-san, Im coming in a second! a young males voice called out. And thats Takuma, Seris smile became happier again. She led them to the dining room, where a much older male had just finished putting down the plates. He turned to them in surprise, a hand reaching behind his head and scratching it in embarrassment. Ah, h-hello. Sorry for the mess. Weve just been busy Yasuharu, they guessed, gestured around the home.

Harry waved it off, grinning unrestrainedly. Nah, mess is good. Mess means homey and looks lived in. Caelum chuckled and inwardly shook his head at her, though outwardly he nodded his head in agreement to his words. K-Konban wa, the young males voice from earlier spoke from behind them. They turned around to see a young boy awkwardly standing there. Im Takuma. Hello there! Im Harry and this is Caelum, Harry cheerfully greeted him, finding this whole get together thing not to be so bad. Makio and Yuriko should be here soon, Yasuharu told them, helping his wife get the steaming hot food onto the table. The Yamamoto family? Caelum clarified, with Harry looking confused until he spoke. Yes, the door bell rang and interrupted them. That should be them. Takuma-kun, can you get the door? Hai, Otou-san, Takuma spoke in Japanese, hurrying to the front. Soon enough, an equally age-gapped couple entered. The older man waved hesitantly and introduced himself at Makio, while the younger girl smiled brightly and introduced herself as Yuriko. Yuriko looked to be around Seris age as well. Harry and Caelum reintroduced themselves and soon enough they were all sitting at the table with the exotic food on display. I hope you dont mind eating some Japanese food, Seri smiled shyly. It is all I can make and its not very good. Its not poison, Seri-chan, Yuriko rolled her eyes, smirking. Dont mind her, she directed to the English couple. Her food is good at least. I can teach you some different food for you to try cooking, if youd like, Harry offered, glad and hopeful of making more friends her age. That way, you can have different meals to try and mix it up from Japanese meals. That would be wonderful, Seri was beaming happily at her. Petunias lemon meringue pie is yours, right? Yuriko asked. Harry nodded and both girls actually squealed, startling their husbands and making Caelum amused, though he hid it. Youre a fantastic cook, Yuriko gushed.

I wish I can cook like you, Seri continued. Harry laughed awkwardly, blushing bright red at the compliments. T-Thank you. Anyways, how long have you all lived here? I dont recall seeing you before, Harry changed the subject, embarrassed and not used to being complimented on her skills. All of us, actually, moved here around the same time, Makio answered her. Yuriko and I moved here to be away from politics. And Seri, Takuma, and I moved here to distance us away from the last place wed lived in, Yasuharu explained, though it was rather confusing. I think all of us arrived her at least twothree months ago? I think you were still in school, Seri added, though her eyes turned curious. Oh, you mean St. Brutus? Harry asked, ingrained to answer about that school. You mean St. Clairs, right? Caelum nudged her gently and she laughed in embarrassment. Right, right. Damn, I cant play along and pretend Im a menacing criminal anymore. Youre pathetic, Caelum face palmed. The rest of the table laughed and they started to talk amiably for the rest of the dinner, enjoying the tonkatsu, yakisoba, and miso soup that was accompanied with rice. Harry noted that Takuma was very quiet through it, though occasionally a small smile or laugh would escape him. So Takuma, what school are you attending? Harry asked kindly, trying to bring the kid out of his shell. The Japanese grownups looked slightly nervous, but they quickly hid it. However, Caelum had caught the looks and frowned to himself, wondering about it. Stonewall, Takuma answered shyly, giving her a small smile. Harry grinned in surprise. Really? You know, I almost went there. I had my uniform ready and everything went and dyed gray, courtesy of my aunt. Takuma scrunched up his eyebrows in question and Harry provided the story. That drew another round of laugh from everyone, though Takumas quickly died off and he looked confused. But why? Why would your aunt be like that? Even the story of that fake school, he asked in frustration. Harrys smile faded and she looked at the boy uneasily. Then she laughed, sounding obviously bitter, and shrugged helplessly at him.

You know, I dont actually know myself. She, and the rest of the family, have always been like that. Theyve never liked me and I never knew why that was. Takuma scowled. But theyre your family! How can they be so mean? How can you deal with something like that? Its just not fairHow can you forget how much people would just look at you and glare? Harry tilted her head. Are you talking about me still, Takuma, or you? she asked shrewdly. Seri tensed and tried to speak up and change the subject, but Yasuharu put a hand on hers and shook his head. Takuma flinched at the question and looked hesitant, before he resolved himself and forged forward. My mother was murdered and my father was attacked and put into a coma. I was blamed for it and the whole town thought I was the devils child. Thingsthings happened and I was blamed for more disappearances. I was all alone until Seri and then she was gone, Takuma started shaking and Harry covered his hand with hers. She was gone and I was alone again, and they all started coming after me. I was afraid and kept having people, only for them to get hurt or disappear. Harry stared at him hard, making the others antsy and wondering what she would say next. The only way I can comfort people when it comes to this, is to make them feel like their life wasnt too bad and know others have it worse and make them feel better about themselves Harry, Caelum interrupted, but she shook her head at him. She took a deep breath and then blasted her own life back at the boy. Both of my parents were murdered, but my so-called family told me they died in a car crash and were unemployed drunks. I slept in a cupboard under the stairs until I was accepted into my parents school, where the Dursleys worried and practically forced me to move into Dudleys second bedroom. They were unwilling to let me go to St. Clairs and they wanted to keep me as miserable as possible. From the moment I could reach the stove with a stool, I was forced to learn to cook for them. I do all the chores around the house, let them spread around to the neighborhood that Im some kind of hooligan and a liar, and got in trouble for whatever Dudley does there and at school. When I do finally go to St. Clairs, things are still trouble. Apparently, Im famous for surviving my parents murder and for somehow getting rid of the murderer, who is a dangerous cult leader. Can you imagine being 11 and being stared at in school, because youre known for living when your parents didnt? And not just looked at being guilty, but like your some kind of celebrity and

youre supposed to be happy about that kind of thing. They were expecting me to be all glad to be known for it. And then Harry was speaking all about her years at Hogwarts, filtering it to fit in with the Muggle World as she could. and just this last year, my godfather died saving me, she finished off heavily. There was a daunting silence that Harry went ahead and decided to break it. So you see, Takuma, lifes kind of funny like that. You just trudge on and face forward. But hey, its alright! We both had sucky lives; we should form a club! Harry ended cheerfully. Caelum pinched her arm and had a deadpanned look on his face. It went well until you added that last part. Harry pouted. Sorry. But Takuma was smiling widely, actually looking like he was feeling much better. And him? Harry jerked her head towards Caelum. Not a social worker. Hes my bodyguard. Caelum sighed and lightly hit her head, causing her to pout at him, though she briefly winked at Takuma and shot him a grin. After all my hard work, ruined because you just had to tell the truth about me, he rolled his eyes. Psh, its not like you were lying. Well, except about the social worker part. Everything else was truth, she pointed dryly. Are you two dating? Takuma blurted out. The two stared at him dumbfounded. Didnt I just say hes my bodyguard? Harry refrained from gaping. Oh, you mean like Whitney Houstons The Bodyguard? Yuriko asked innocently, too innocently. Harry really did gape. She and Caelum glanced at each other and then at the group in front of them, before trading another look of disbelief before both of them uncharacteristically started to mutter and avoid looking at each other. Do we really ?

No, no just exaggerating The others traded amused and knowing looks over the twos heads. After the dinner, they decided to split the group. Well, sort of. Takuma was going to go up and work on his homework, while the grownups went off to sit and talk. Harry went to go with him. Harry, where are you going? Caelum stopped her. She looked at him like it was obvious. Letting the grownups talk, she said sarcastically. Technically, Seri and I are only two years older than you, Yuriko pointed out in amusement. Yeah, but you two are married, therefore you two are all grown up, Harry winked at her. Traitors. Enjoy your men. Im off to be a little kid! Then she took Takumas hand and skipped up the stairs. Caelum shook his head. Good for her. Thats the first time Ive actually seen her act carefree and her age. Mind you all, Harrys usually got pessimism oozing out of her to the wahzoo. Makio raised his eyebrows. Really? She seems so lively, its hard to believe that. Caelum frowned, scrutinizing the group closely. That is strangeit seems you four have managed to make her lose her walls and bring down her guard somehow. Ive never seen her act so lighthearted and relaxed until now, with you all. Seri beamed happily. Im glad. Ive seen her around sometimes, always looking kind of deep in serious thought or always so burdened. The Auror nodded at that, a dark look briefly crossing his face. I hope her talk with Takuma will be fruitful though, Caelum acknowledged the real reason Harry had gone up with Takuma. I think Takuma really needs it and we appreciate it, Yasuharu said quietly. Seri and I would like to talk to him or get him to speak to anyone, but hes been reticent and its hard for him to talk about it, especially to us. I think Harry will be a great help, Seri smiled softly. Thoughwas all she said true, or just something she said to cheer up Takuma? Caelum grimaced slightly. Unfortunately all true. And though she doesnt realize it, I am sort of a social worker, in addition to being her bodyguard, as Im being charged to make note of her

living arrangements and treatment and to report back about it. You might as well use tonight as a gossip point with the others in the neighborhood; itll make you popular with the juicy tidbits and bring you into the fold and be accepted. Besides, itll help Harry not having to have to repeat it all herself when shes eventually questioned about it, as well as save her the awkwardness and unhappiness of retelling such things. Seri nodded idly, still thinking. I hope she will be alright after having told us all that. I hope this second talk with Takuma wont Shell be fine, Caelum waved it off. Shes survived this far and weve been working on it. Shes a strong girl, though Im trying to get her to rely on me at least a little bit. Shell have me as well this time. They talked about other things, until it was late and Takuma had gone to sleep and Harry had finally come back down. There, Harry and Caelum quietly greeted their hosts and the Yamamoto couple goodbye before setting off back to Number Four. Inside the strangely and yet thankfully empty house, Harry did a full-body stretch, yawning as she did so, before telling him she was planning on taking a bath for once and fully enjoying herself and relaxing in it. She also added that she wasnt going to rush herself like usual. He nodded and let her go, knowing it was a luxury only affordable because the Dursleys were gone. Tired himself, he rubbed the back of his neck and trudged up to their temporarily shared room, plopping down onto his bed face-down. He sighed, closing his eyes as he resigned himself to waiting for Harry and relaxing while he did so. His eyes opened slightly, seeing something peeking out from under his bed. Stretching his arm, he used his fingers to push whatever it was from under the bed and then grabbing it. Sitting up, he looked closer at the box, tensing and freezing in that position as he stared in disbelief at the box. A Post-It was stuck on top, reading a single word. Enjoy. He flung it away from him angrily, the box hitting the wall violently. The box of condoms laid on its side against the wall, broken open for the individual packets to spill out and spread around it messily. Still disgusted and furious beyond belief, Caelum rushed over and shoved the packets back into the box, looking furtively at the door every once in a while as he worked. Then he sped back to his bed and threw the damn thing back under it, to hide like some dirty little secret. He couldnt believe Harrys Uncle. And he knew it was the man because, even if it was one word, he recognized the handwriting of the short note and he could just hear the mocking sneer of the mans voice while reading it. He didnt know if Petunia was in on it, but if she was shame on that woman.

Who did they think he was? As if he would just take advantage of his young charge like that, and that they would actually give him the invitation to do sothat was just-just-just sick! What was wrong with these people? Who did the Dursleys think he and Harry were? And damn it all, just how did they think of Harry? Hussy. He flinched, just remembering one time where he actually caught Petunia glaring at Harry while the girl worked on the garden, hissing the derogatory term hatefully to herself as she watched her niece. These people hated abnormality, but they were the ones so very abnormal. He flinched when he heard the door opened and closed as he feigned sleep, hearing Harry cautiously tiptoe pass him and to her side of the room. He didnt want her to find out about her familys disgustingprank, sick idea of a joke, whatever you want to call it A joke like thisand at Harrys expenseit was just unforgivable. Especially as he was sure they were partly serious, hoping to humiliate and deride Harry more, or wish ill on her and hoping that he would hurt their niece in such a way. Hell, he could even (remembering Harrys casual comments earlier on) think that they wanted him to knock her up or something, anything to get her out of the way and off of their hands. He had a hard time falling asleep. The next morning, Caelum went to the store to buy them some eggs for breakfast. When he came back, he felt his stomach drop as he saw Harry standing by the kitchen table, gazing blankly at the box of condoms he didnt think she would find. He flinched and put the bag of groceries onto the counter and approached her hesitantly. Harry: I know, she said abruptly. But then her voice softened and her face scrunched up half in pain and half in confusion. I dont understand them either. I dont know why they would do a thing like this. I didnt even think they could sink this low. Theyre idiots, he insisted, feeling bad about the whole thing and unreasonably guilty for some reason. I was cleaning, she muttered, shoving the box away. I found it under the bed. Itsyours, she offered, turning away from it and busying herself at the sink. He swallowed heavily, averting his eyes as he grabbed the box and threw it away. Even if he wanted one, he wouldnt use those considering where they came from and who had bought them and the reason why it was bought.

He touched her shoulder gently. Hey, Ill make breakfast this time. Im reasonable with scrambled eggs and toast. Why dont you take a shower and get ready for the day? Her head nodded jerkily. You should be flattered, her lips twitched upwards slightly. Vernon thought highly enough of you to buy the max size. His face turned red and he sputtered nonsense, inwardly wincing. But at least she okay enough to joke around. But not apparently as okay as he thought, hearing the sound of sobs traveling from the bathroom. Turning off the stove, he walked and stood before the bathroom door, indecision warring in him. Then he took a breath and made that decision. Entering, he saw her sitting on the toilet seat, her knees bent and clutched into herself as her arms wrapped around them tightly. She was crying into them before he entered, and then she was looking up miserably at him, tears running down her face. He dropped to his knees before her, reaching out to embrace her and burrowing his head into her stomach as she let go of her legs and let them unfold. He let her cry on him.

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