Auditory Visual and Kin Terms

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MODES OF THOUGHT- The Communication Language Of The Subconscious (modalities) If you listen to what people are saying, youll

discover exactly how theyre processing their thoughts. There are three primary communication modalities that we should be aware of; Visual, Auditory,
kinesthetic (VAK):

Some think best in pictures (visual), some in sounds (auditory), and some process thoughts through our bodies (kinaesthetic). Of course, we all switch from mode to mode; but most of us prefer one mode of processing over others. For example, if you want to sell a car to a visual person, youll need to focus on the overall effect of the design: do they like the colour? Do they like the visual layout of the dashboard. If the person is auditory; youll focus on sound of the engine (for a sports car lover), the quality of the stereo, the quiet inside the car, etc. And, for the kinaesthetic person: the comfort, the accessiblity of the functions, the feel of the steering wheel, and so on. The same applies to teaching and learning. For example, people in kinaesthetic mode may not understand an explanation that paints a picture. People in auditory mode may appear to be staring out of the window all through your lesson, when what they are actually doing is paying you the courtesy of turning their best ear towards you. People who look up in the air when you ask them a question are searching for a picture in their minds eye. People who look down towards the hand they write with are checking out new information with their feelings. People who fidget in class are just trying to get the information into their muscles. Visual people think very fast - they need to keep up with their pictures; Auditories are slower at giving a response. Kinaesthetic take the longest to give you an answer. People in visual mode will say things like: Look! If you see what I mean. From my point of view. Lets get this into perspective. Watch it! Picture this. Look here! I cant see the point. See you soon. Theyre thinking in pictures, and imagining that you are doing the same. Theyre probably also talking very fast. Visual: I see, this is a blind spot, it is nice and colourful, can you throw some light on this topic?, looks forward to things; this demonstrates.
Visual people tend to primarily think in images. They look upwards or straight ahead when they are thinking. Visual people can often talk very fast, as they can have their 'visual' thoughts very quickly. Visual people when asked to think of themselves on a beach will 'see' themselves in their mind's eye. Visual people tend to use, and relate best to, sentences with words related to sight, appearance, color and such like (e.g. "I see what you mean." or "What are you trying to show me?"). They like to see pictures and graphs.


Visual Phrases:

Visual Phrases: I see what you mean. Take a look at this. This is hazy to me. That was short-sided on my part. "Take a peek at this." "Sight for sore eyes." Other Visual words are: view, show, reveal, envision, appear, dawn, illuminate, foggy.
"I see what you are saying..." "That looks good." "That idea isn't clear." "I'm hazy about that." "I went blank." "Let's cast some light on the subject." "Get a new perspective." "I view it this way..." "Looking back on it now..." "A colorful example..."

Visuals understand what you say by what they see. Remember that these types of people turn words into pictures and images. Because of this fact, they understand communication best when it paints a picture for them. This type of communicator will say things like: -"I wonder what you will look like once I'm through with you" - "The look on your face shows me your scarred shitless" - "When I'm done with you, you will look like ground beef" - Usually have high pitched and/or strained tonality - Will usually show quick bursts of words and generally have a fast tempo
- the next one strips me bare to the bone

- Predicates(words) for the visual include: Appear Disappear Foresee Imagine Overview Scope - Vague - Enlighten


Wee Clear Show Watch Look

Phrases that visuals might use include: I see what you mean That's not clear to me Don't keep me in the dark Point out what you mean I am just seeing red Just give me the big picture Get a new perspective on this matter

These phrases could also be the template that you can work from when communicating with a Visual in the deescalation stage.

Visual Preference
are neat and orderly speak quickly are good long-range planners and organizers are observant of environmental detail are appearance-oriented in both dress and presentation are good spellers and can actually see the words in their minds remember what was seen, rather than heard memorize by visual association usually are not distracted by noise have trouble remembering verbal instructions unless they are written down and often ask people to repeat themselves are strong, fast readers would rather read than be read to need an overall view and purpose and are cautious until mentally clear about an issue or project doodle during phone conversations and staff meetings forget to relay verbal messages to others often answer questions with a simple yes or no would rather do a demonstration than make a speech like art more than music often know what to say but can't think of the right words sometimes tune out when they mean to pay attention


People in auditory mode will use phrases like: Listen! A little bird told me. Music to my ears. That rings a bell. I hear what youre saying. A harmonious discussion. That sounds about right. A word in your ear. Speak soon. Sounds are their medium, and they think they are yours too. It sounds good, it rings a bell, loud and clear. Auditory people think in terms of sounds
and voices. They are often conscious of speaking to themselves. They speak slower than visual people do. Auditory people might well remember phone numbers by hearing the tones, and might think of themselves on a beach by hearing sounds of the sea. They tend to look to the side or down to think.

Auditory people like to hear explanations and do not want to read a lot of material (e.g., they say things like, "I hear your argument." or "I said I would like to."). It is for auditory people that we often read aloud in a group instead of people all reading to themselves. Auditory Phrases:
Listen to speak, the words unsettled words a handwritten word.... as I wander (wonder) through spoken words. and its silent voice held no recognizable tone.

"I hear you." "That rings a bell." "It sounds good to me." "Everything just suddenly clicked." "Listen to yourself." "That idea's been rattling around in my head." "Something tells me to be careful." "I can really tune in to what you're saying."

I hear what you are saying. Please make this loud and clear. That doesnt ring a bell. To tell the truth... "I am telling you word for word." I voiced my opinion." Other Auditory words are: listen, tune in/out, be heard, attune, harmonize, sound(s), overtones, all ears.

Auditory Preference
talk to themselves while working are easily distracted by noise are frequently eloquent speakers like music more than art


move their lips and pronounce the words as they read enjoy reading aloud and listening can repeat back and mimic tone pitch and timbre find writing difficult, but are better at telling speak in rhythmic patterns

learn by listening, and remember what was discussed rather than seen are talkative, love discussion, and go into lengthy descriptions have problems with projects that involve visualisation, such as cutting pieces that fit together can spell better out loud than in writing


Stripped of my/their worth Didnt look like me/you/him/her/it It makes me feel uncomfortable and self-conscious to speak slowly over the phone with my colleagues listening in" This is a kinesthetic statement. They "feel" uncomfortable, so the reply should make them consider the feelings of the other party "So, it's causing you to feel some anxiety? Well how would you feel if you were the other person and they couldn't understand you because you spoke too fast? Would they feel more or less inclined to buy from you?" (The non-NLP response would be to say - "Well, you need to see it from their point of view, they can't hear properly if you talk too fast".)


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