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Guilty Silence Written by: Wes Miller

Copyright (c) 2013 Wes Miller 407-494-7657

Second Draft 4/20/13

1. FADE IN: INT. COURTROOM BATHROOM SERIES OF DISSOLVES A Bible sits in a lap. A sweaty white hand holds it, shaking. Wetness falls onto the words "HOLY BIBLE". JAXSON (V.O.) Ladies and gentlemen, the facts are clear and we are at a point where you have to look deeper than the facts. You have a choice. You have to choose between right and wrong. A hand lays a silver revolver on the Bible. More wetness. White man, TOM HARPER'S pale but flushed face, drenched in sweat. He's distressed. Eyes red. Crying. JAXSON (V.O.) (cont'd) They thought the human condition to have hope in what is portrayed as good would triumph. I'm not asking you to vote on faith in me. I'm asking that you put faith in facts. In courage to change. Courage to believe what is not popular. That's the real human condition at stake here. Courage and faith in our system. Harper opens the Bible. The perfect SUBURBAN FAMILY smiles back in the photograph. INT. COURTROOM DAY DAY

JAXSON STONE, 27, million dollar smile covering a nickel self esteem. Handsome. Two piece suit with no wrinkles. Smile disappears, back to business...Histrionics set in. Jaxson's voice booms. Goes silent. Booms again. JAXSON Today, your faith must be in our constitution. There are days I wake up and reflect on words propounded by pundits. How can you represent people charged with crimes? You know they are all guilty. (MORE)

2. JAXSON (cont'd) Simple,our divine right is to live free. And Ramon Rios is innocent. Jaxson puts his hand on a boyish looking 19 year - old Spanish kid. This is RAMON RIOS. He could be your neighbor's kid. JAXSON (cont'd) I need you to find the courage to do what is right. Not what is popular. What is good. Not what feels good. I need you to believe in your heart. We will find Ramon not guilty. Thank you. Jaxson pauses. Smiles. Nods. Returns to his seat. INT. COURTROOM LATER

The PROSECUTOR, 50, a government suit through and through. Sits stone faced. JUDGE BRAUN, 70, frail, sits on the bench. Be careful, blow too hard and he will fall over. Jaxson and Ramon sit quiet. Ramon sweats. The jury walks in. Sits. Stone faced. A few look angry. They look at no one. The government suit stands. Everyone follows and stands, except the Judge. JUDGE BRAUN What say you? JUROR (reading) Count 1. We the jurors in the above titled case find the defendant, Ramon Rios (beat) Not guilty of murder in the first degree. Not guilty of murder in the second degree. The courtroom erupts with noise. Hugs. Shouts. Swears. It's a courtroom divided. The Judge leaves the bench. All but one of the jurors shake Jaxson's hand. The reporters shoot questions toward Jaxson. REPORTER 1 Mr. Stone, do you think it was fair that the jury was not allowed to (MORE)

3. REPORTER 1 (cont'd) hear about the defendant's other murder charges? REPORTER 2 Mr. Stone, do you feel guilty about the freeing an admitted murderer? REPORTER 3 Why did the judge exclude the confession? Smiling. Confident. Jaxson leaves. INT. COURTROOM BATHROOM BIBLE and REVOLVER. Jaxson bursts into the bathroom. Oblivious to Harper's presence. He uses the urinal. No hurries. Zips. Turns on the hot water. Harper stands. Grips revolver tightly. Jaxson washes his hands. Harper quietly turns the lock. Leans the Bible on the toilet paper holder, upside down Cross. Gathers himself. Pulls the hammer. Jaxson hears nothing. Water too loud. Jaxson fills his hands with water. Stares in the mirror. Smiles, JAXSON Damn I'm good. Jaxson bows his head. CLOSES EYES, WATER SPLASHES his face. Rises. COLD STEEL, against his skull. TOM HARPER Don' mouth. DAY

4. JAXSON (sees the man in the mirror) Mr. - Mr. Harper...what, what, what's goin' on - ...are ... Harper jams the gun into Jaxson's skull. That hurts. Jaxson shuts his trap, raises his arms in submission. TOM HARPER It will never be the same. Every week, I looked forward to Sunday brunch. I wouldn't eat all morning, waiting. The sweet syrup over I dont want Sunday brunch anymore. Eating alone? No. Not for me. O...K. JAXSON

Harper looks at Jaxson. Revolver shaking. TOM HARPER Say you're sorry. Say it matters Say you know that you can't do bad, just to claim it's good. JAXSON I'm doing my job Mr. Harper,look I can get you Quick switch, new target. BANG! Blood sprays before Jaxson finishes his words. Jaxson's hit. Harper drops. Brain matter mixes with water. Clogs the drain. SLURP as water sneaks through. Harper's eyes, dilated. Peaceful. Jaxson's eyes. Fixed. Blinking. Jaxson only hit with blood. No bullet. Black. INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM - UNKNOWN Old apartment, linoleum lined floors. Thin smoke fills the air. Cigarette smoke if anyone asks.

5. Two girls, JENNIFER, 14, OLIVIA, 11, sit on the couch. Faces flush red. Jennifer's nose bleeds. Their eyes are different. Glassy. They have blasted off, not coming back soon. Half empty marijuana bags fill a broken coffee table. Thin white powder lines join the discarded greenery. Two men walk in. Faces unseen. Two piece suits drape them both. One wears a diamond encrusted pinky ring that would make Mr. T envious. UNKNOWN MALE 1 They are supposed to be blindfolded you asshole. TATTOO Don't worry uptown, they won't remember you, they ain't even on this planet. The two men hustle out of the apartment, immediately. BLACK. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Same apartment. Different view. Looking through the bedroom door, a girl lays on a bed. Filthy sheets. Breaking our view of the girl, a big bellied man enters the door frame, leaves the room sweating, tucking in his short sleeve light blue button down shirt. Drops $30.00 on the table. BIG BELLY (to Tattoo) See you tomorrow. As big belly leaves, a slick businessman walks in. Jennifer and Olivia are sleep on the couch. They don't make eye contact. Eyes to the floor. BLACK. EXT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Apartments, mostly abandoned. A straggler here or there. Windows boarded. Doors off the hinges. Surrounded by a chain link fence. Holes ripped through the chains.

6. Jennifer and Olivia tip toe down the stairs. Reach the corner of the apartment building. Round the corner, Tattoo stands there, machete in sheath, TATTOO I own you and you know the payment for unfaithfulness. JENNIFER (to Olivia) Run sissy. Get out of here. Now. Jennifer throws herself at Tattoo. Olivia stares at Jennifer, runs, pain in every stride, but she goes through a hole in the fence, too scared to look back. Tattoo throws Jennifer against the wall. TATTOO That dumb girl don't know her left from her right. What she gonna do? You're my best girl anyway, eight a day. Virgin like...Sweet. Everybody loves you, Tattoo, slowly stalks Jennifer, she's on the wall, nowhere to go. TATTOO (cont'd) (CON'T) But I have to teach you a lesson huh, mija. Tattoo, whips out his MACHETE. Runs his finger along the blade. Draws blood. Licks it. Jennifer's paralyzed. Tattoo inches closer... JENNIFER Oh Dios me ayude (Oh God, help me) I am god. BLACK. Pause. EXT. CITY - DAWN Sun pushes back darkness. Various parts of the city rest in peace. In the suburbs, tree lined streets accented with luxury cars, a housecoat clad man picks up his paper. New neighborhood, no newspapers. No luxury. Dirty streets. TATTOO

7. USED NEEDLE is stuck at gutter lip. HOMELESS MAN pushes a grocery basket, converted into a coffin of his past life. Wheels squeak with every step. Following him, He takes us past the corner church. Church sign reads: "Hell, One Way in, No way out." Alternating blue and red lights blend with the warm rays of the sun. The homeless man passes a driveway, picks up the pace. He wants to part of what is happening, off to the right, we stay and see, EXT. LOPEZ HOME - SAME TIME MALE OFFICERS, drag a handcuffed Hispanic male. We can't see his face, moving too fast. Shoved into the back of a car. Taken away. A baby cries. Screams actually. A lady is covered in a blanket. Fights away to grab the baby. In her arms now, but the screams don't stop. An officer takes out his cell phone, dials. Red and blue lights bounce off of walls. Chaos of a crime crime scene. Neighbors peer through windows. INT. LOPEZ BEDROOM - SAME TIME SOUND FADES. SILENCE. A bedroom. Modern bed, silk sheets. Off white. Blood slowly cascades over the porcelain tile. We follow the stream to, A Spanish man. His head and genital area flooded with a red river. Motionless. DILATED EYES. Dead. It's ALBERTO, 30s. A sheet falls onto Alberto's corpse. Covered by EMS. Red and Blue lights bounce off of the walls.

8. INT. STONE APARTMENT LIVING ROOM - DAY Milky sunlight covers an unlit room. Modern. Everything perfectly in place. Jaxson lays there. Unshaven, flips the channel. He's interrupted when the phone rings. He tries to ignore it but unable, JAXSON (groggy) Hello. DORIS (O.S.) There you are. Are you ok? I was starting to get worried. JAXSON Don't worry. If Im going to kill myself, I'll call you first. And then the police. Um... DORIS (O.S.)

JAXSON Kidding Doris. Well, not really. DORIS (O.S.) Mr. Stone, I didn't mean... JAXSON I know. Just the reality. I'm okay. Thursday. DORIS (O.S.)

JAXSON Oh yeah. Thursday..the... 24th. DORIS (O.S.)

JAXSON 24th. Wow, time flies. DORIS (O.S.) Are you ready? JAXSON As much as I can be.

9. Silence. DORIS (O.S.) I'm sorry Mr. Stone. Me and Melvin are praying for you. So just take your time. JAXSON Thanks for handling everything...and Doris... Yes. DORIS (O.S.)

JAXSON Please stop praying for me. CLICK. Dial tone. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY A bland room not designed for parties. Two suits sit behind a table. One man sits with his back to us. SUIT ONE We are here to address the reinstatement of Jaxson Stone. We see Jaxson's face. Not as handsome as before. Not as radiant as before. Yes sir. JAXSON

SUIT TWO Mr. Stone, you were suspended for six months for neglecting your duties as a lawyer. Neglecting your clients. Making false statements in court. You have submitted letters from colleagues and clients. At that moment, commotion occurs outside the doors. All the men look toward the door. The sound stops and the Suit resumes. SUIT TWO (cont'd) And your record was impressive and we note that you began drinking (MORE)

10. SUIT TWO (cont'd) heavily after a traumatic event that frankly, no one should have to witness. So there are mitigating factors supporting reinstatement. Do you have anything to add? JAXSON Not really. I've completed rehab and frankly just ready to get back to what I know best. Again, the noise. At that moment, the door swings open, in charges a heavy set black woman, LORAL HESS, 50s. Long multicolored dress. Breathing heavy. LORAL Is this-Mr.Stone. I've been looking all around this place, those men tried to keep me out but I got somethin' to say and someone is going to listen. JAXSON Loral? How? Loral is pulling a seat up next to Jaxson. The two suits sit in stunned silence. LORAL Don't be mad Mr. Stone. I saw the note on Doris' desk. I made her tell me what was happening. SUIT ONE Mam, this is a closed proceeding. Loral takes a seat next to Jaxson anyway. LORAL Sir, I won't be long, but Mr. Stone was there for me when no one else was and if you gotta make a decision on to letting him be a lawyer, then you should hear from someone who he lawyered for. The two suits look at each other. What can it hurt? Go ahead. SUIT TWO

11. LORAL Thank you. I came all this way to say one thing. When my boy Johnny was shot in our apartments. No lawyer would take our case. Everyone said no. I went to Mr. Stone and he didn't know what he could do. The apartment people said they didn't have no insurance. Well Mr. Stone found an old insurance policy and got five hundred thousand for my son who needs care around the clock. And guess how much Mr. Stone charged me? Guess. Not sure. SUIT TWO

LORAL One thousand dollars. For all he did. One thousand dollars. He is the best lawyer I know and he changed my life. So whatever you has to do. Then you do it to let this man help other people. INT. STONE OFFICE - NIGHT Empty. Desolate. Jaxson flips on the lights. Jaxson's office is a modern marvel. No clutter. No loose paper in sight. ExceptOn his desk, mail is stacked up. Bills. Light bill,three months behind. Pink slip from the telephone company. Overdraft notices from the bank. Too many to keep track of. He drops a "Reinstatement" letter on top of the bills. Underneath the bills is a book, "Daily Light". Jaxson looks at it. Contemplates, tosses it in the trash. Leaves, LIGHTS OUT. INT. RESTAURANT BAR - NIGHT Upscale restaurant. Dark wood. Low light. A few lonely souls keep each other company.

12. Jaxson sits at the bar. Get's the SEXY BARTENDER's attention. SEXY BARTENDER What can I get ya? JAXSON Something strong. And smooth. The bar tender pours Jaxson a Johnnie Black. Jaxson stares at the glass. Plays a game of chicken. Who's stronger, drink or Jaxson. The bartender watches in confusion. Jaxson gives in. Jaxson reaches for the drink. As he's about to put it to his lips, Ryan? FEMALE VOICE (O.S.)

Jaxson looks over his shoulder. AMANDA TORRES, mid 20s, angelic appearance that could steal your heart. SEXY BARTENDER Let me know if you need anything else. Winks and helps a new customer. JAXSON (to Amanda) I'm sorry? AMANDA Are you Ryan? JAXSON Nope. Sorry. AMANDA Great. I didn't mean to bother you. JAXSON Not a bother. Blind date? AMANDA Yeah, well no, doesn't look like it.

13. JAXSON Unlucky him. Amanda sits down, back to the bar. AMANDA Yeah. Lucky me. EXT. RESTAURANT PARKING LOT - LATER Amanda is at her car. Arguing with a police officer who is writing a ticket. Jaxson steps outside the restaurant. After closing his eyes for a moment, he hears voices getting louder. Squints and sees the beautiful girl from the bar. Distressed. JAXSON Not my problem. Not my problem. Not my problem. Jaxson walks across the street. Motions the officer to the side. They walk away from Amanda. They chat, smile, laugh a little. The officer tears the ticket. Get's in his car and takes off. AMANDA I am so sorry. Gracias. Gracias. Gracias. This isnt my car...I'm in school...I just can't afford a ticket. JAXSON It's nothing. It's what I do for a living. AMANDA What, help damsels in distress? JAXSON No, save people from digging themselves a deeper grave. I'm a lawyer...Does the damsel have a name? Jaxson takes out his card. Writes on the back: UOME 200.00. Scratches his signature. Hands it to Amanda.

14. AMANDA Amanda...Thank - You Owe Me? 200 dollars. Are you kidding? JAXSON Just business. Jerk. AMANDA

Jaxson smiles. Turns, heads into the night. INT. STONE OFFICE - DAY Jaxson shuffles into the office. Three piece suit, portrait of perfection. DORIS Hey there Mr. Stone. Welcome back! Six months out and two appointments on your first day back. JAXSON Yeah. I know you missed me. Wish I could say the same. Jaxson smiles and winks at Doris. They go way back. Doris nods her head toward the conference room. JAXSON (cont'd) Why didn't you say so? DORIS I did, just now. Jaxson shakes his head. Enters the conference room andINT. STONE OFFICE CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Sees Amanda sitting at conference table. Her beauty stops him in his tracks. Just for a second. She's joined by her mother, JUANITA TORRES, late forties, an older version of Amanda, but aged beyond her years. Pleasantries passed. JAXSON Good morn...Good morning. I didn't think I'd see you so soon, is this your sister?

15. AMANDA No, this is mi madre. Sorry for interrupting, but I got a call last night, right after you helped me... my brother is in jail and he needs a lawyer. JAXSON Okay. Did anyone relate the facts of the incident to you? JUANITA (in rapid Spanish) My son is in jail. He is innocent and I need him out now. He needs a good lawyer. We don't have much money...Please. Please. Please. Amanda places a hand on her mother's shoulder. That triggers Juanita. Stops talking, cries loudly, a little melodramatic but genuine. Amanda walks with Juanita outside. Amanda returns and sits next to Jaxson, wiping a tear from her face. AMANDA Sorry, my mother doesn't speak English very well. JAXSON You speak it flawlessly. AMANDA I've been here since I was six. JAXSON So, what are your brother's charges? AMANDA Murder. That's what they say anyway. But, I know he didn't - I don't think he would never do anything like that on purpose. (beat) He's not like that. JAXSON That's pretty serious. Well you have to prepare yourself because people hate murderers. They aren't the same when they get out. The problem is I'm not taking any new cases.

16. AMANDA But I can pay. JAXSON Your mother just said Amanda reaches into her over sized purse, pulls out two stacks of $100 bills. They are wrapped with $10,000 money bands. She drops the bills on table. AMANDA Will this do? Jaxson examines the two stacks. "13" written on both bands. JAXSON (almost speechless) Are you a mafia princess or something? AMANDA No. I'm not a drug dealer or hooker either if that's what you think. JAXSON I didn't AMANDA You didn't have to. JAXSON It's not often that I have someone to drop 20k in cash without having to mortgage a house or kidney. AMANDA I still have my kidneys. Their eyes lock. JAXSON Tell you what. I'm intrigued. I'll visit your brother tomorrow...what's his name? AMANDA Juan. Torres. JAXSON Say that again. AMANDA What? Juan?

17. JAXSON No, the last name. Torres. AMANDA

JAXSON Sorry, I love the way you roll your R's. I can never do that. As they walk out, JAXSON (cont'd) Was it a stand up or did he show? AMANDA Who...Ryan...I don't know, I left right after you...saved me...and charged me. She shoves the UOME card in Jaxson's chest. AMANDA (cont'd) I take it we're even. INT. OFFICE - CONTINUOUS She sashays out of the office. Jaxson watches every move. As Amanda leaves, a dapper dressed devil walks in, VINCENT DELACRUZ, 74, handsome, salt and pepper hair, debonair, an air of sophistication rivaled only by the man who cautions us to "Stay Thirsty My Friends". JAXSON Hi there. How can I help you? DELACRUZ Yes sir. Vincent Delacruz. He extends his hand. Jaxson reciprocates. JAXSON Jaxson Stone. DELACRUZ Just the man I was looking for. I am in need of an attorney. JAXSON Come on in, let's see what we can do for you.

18. They go into the conference room. They take a seat. DELACRUZ Lovely office. The decor is simple, straight lines, clean edges. Modern but lacks the class of the classics. JAXSON Thanks. I don't like a lot of clutter. DELACRUZ Well, I have a case of a civil nature and I wish to pay by the hour. JAXSON What kind of case are we talking about? DELACRUZ I want to sue Marathon Gun's Shop. For? JAXSON

DELACRUZ Negligent marketing. How so? JAXSON

DELACRUZ I lost my child. To a man...mentally disturbed. He was able to get a gun from Marathon. JAXSON That's a tough one Mr. Delacruz. You'd have to prove that they knew or should've known that the guy was dangerous. Or that they failed to follow proper protocol. Where is the shooter? DELACRUZ My sources have informed me that that the owner is notorious for issuing handguns without following protocol. JAXSON Your sources?

19. DELACRUZ You do not achieve my level of success in life without acquiring reliable, trustworthy...and confidential sources. JAXSON Well, I'm not sure I have the resources to prosecute this type of case. With experts it can get expensive. DELACRUZ What would you estimate the costs to be so that you are prepared to prosecute the matter? JAXSON Hard to say. Seventy-Five thousand. One hundred. DELACRUZ Very well. Vincent pulls out his cell phone. DELACRUZ (cont'd) (into the phone) Please make a check out to (to Jaxson) Stone Law Office or Jaxson Stone? JAXSON Stone Law Office. DELACRUZ (back into phone) Stone Law Office for one hundred thousand. Yes. Yes. Bring it in now. Jaxson swallows hard. Surprised. Delacruz hangs up. DELACRUZ (cont'd) My driver is making out the check now and will bring it in momentarily. JAXSON Mr. Delacruz, I guess I should thank you and let you know...I (MORE)

20. JAXSON (cont'd) really haven't practiced in the past six months. DELACRUZ I know. I'm aware of what happened to you. JAXSON And...out of all the attorneys in town... DELACRUZ I figured that you would be in the best position to understand the power of handguns in the hands of the wrong person. Delacruz stands. They pass pleasantries and Delacruz leaves. Jaxson stops at Doris' desk. JAXSON I don't know what's going on with the universe, but we just raked in a hundred and twenty k. DORIS He's back. They high five. Smiles and cheers. The door opens, a proper and unsmiling driver, SALVADORE, 40s, tall and reserved, walks in. Doris and Jaxson play it cool. The Driver passes the check to Jaxson. They nod at each other. Jaxson passes the the check to Doris who stares, wide mouthed. JAXSON I'll forward my retainer agreement to Mr. Delacruz at the address on the check. Driver nods again. Not a man of many words. Leaves. Jaxson and Doris share smiles again.

21. INT. JAIL - LATER Jaxson sits at a table alone, reading messages on his phone. After a few moments, JUAN TORRES, 20's, slim Spanish male, small frame, heavily tattooed. Anger is etched on Torres' face. Juan sits. Stares at Jaxson. JUAN I don't know you. JAXSON I'm Jaxson Stone, your attorney. Juan sits silent. JAXSON (cont'd) That means we communicate. Talk, exchange ideas. No response. JAXSON (cont'd) O..K...Look, you don't know me, but your sister hired me to defend you. So,let's start with the basics...What's your age (no response) Full name? (no response) Where are you from? (no response) JUAN I want to plead guilty. Juan doesn't change his expression. Jaxson doesn't say anything else. Juan moves uncomfortably. Jaxson stoic. JAXSON You don't care about the evidence? The time? JUAN I want to plead guilty. Juan sits expressionless. Jaxson matches. JAXSON All right. Guilty. Simple enough.

22. INT. STATE ATTORNEY OFFICE - DAY As Jaxson turns from speaking with the receptionist at her desk, LISA THOMAS, 28, brunette, well dressed, academically attractive, walks with Jaxson. They sit in Lisa's office. Lisa pulls a file out of her drawer. Drops it on her desk. LISA Rios assigned it to me this morning. JAXSON You? You've never tried a first degree murder case. LISA There's always a first, just bumped up to felony division last month. JAXSON Alright. You sure you want to dance with me on this one? LISA Counselor, the critical question is whether you're ready to put one in your L column. This one is solid case. Finger prints. Victim's items found in his pocket. Your guy shot the victim's pecker off. For Christ's sake, it couldn't get prettier if I painted it myself. JAXSON Confidence. Outstanding. If you're that confident, let me see the file. LISA Yeah, whatever. Don't equivocate. This one stinks. Trust me. Or don't. JAXSON We go way back, of course I... don't trust you. Let's see the file? LISA No. The victim's wallet and jewelry were already returned to the wife. Everything else isn't complete yet, but I'll have it ready by the discovery deadline.

23. JAXSON Did you look into the wife? LISA You know I can't talk to you about that stuff. JAXSON That's cop 101, the spouse is always a suspect. You didn't rule her out did you? Aww, Lisa mistake number 1. LISA Off the record. No. As soon as we found the victim's stuff in his pocket and found out that your client raped her, and admitted to killing her husband she was ruled out. So, thanks Mr. Torres for helping us out. JAXSON Touche. What's the offer? LISA I haven't been authorized to offer anything. JAXSON Come on, give me something. LISA Okay. If he pleads guilty I will agree to 30 years, but Rios has to sign off. JAXSON Come one, 30? That's life for this guy. A little better. LISA Look, why would I plead anything, it's a slam dunk. JAXSON I'm sure Marsha Harding said the same thing about O.J. LISA Touche. Alright, 15. Take it or leave it.

24. They shake, a gentleman's agreement. The DISTRICT ATTORNEY RIOS walks into Lisa's office as Jaxson leaves. RIOS What did he want? LISA He's pleading the Torres matter. District Attorney looks back and then sits at Lisa's desk as we watch Jaxson leave. INT. JAIL - DAY Amanda sits at the visitors table. Juan walks in, sits. They exchange glances, no smiles. Hey. Hey. Silence. INT. STONE OFFICE - LATER Amanda bursts into Jaxson's office in tears. AMANDA Where's Mr. Stone, I need to speak to him now. DORIS (surprised) He's in his office, I'll let AMANDA Thank you. Amanda doesn't wait for an invitation. She bursts into Jaxson's office. Caught off guard, Amanda? JAXSON AMANDA JUAN

AMANDA Juan told me that he's taking a plea. You can't let him do that.

25. JAXSON You really should make an appointment before AMANDA I paid you a lot of money to defend him. You can't take a deal. JAXSON Look Ms. Torres, you may have paid his retainer but Juan is a grown man and if he wants to plea then he will plea. My job is carry out his wishes, not care what the wishes are. AMANDA Not to care? Why are you lawyers all the same, all you see is a guilty person that you get off or that you plea. Pay you and just let you do your job. Give me my money back, I want another lawyer. JAXSON Can't do that. Your brother was caught with the victim's items in his possession, the other victim's blood on his person and confessed to the shooting the man in the head. Keeping him from the gas chamber is a victory regardless of what you may think. AMANDA Did you ever ask yourself why? Did you even read the evidence and look a little deeper? Or did you say it's not your job, not your problem and wash your hands of it. What a great lawyer you are. EXT. STREET - DAY Jaxson walks. Reads a file. A black car pulls next to Jaxson. The front window rolls down. Jaxson peers inside. He sees Delacruz's driver. From inside-

26. DELACRUZ Need a ride counselor? Jaxson recognizes the voice, steps to the window. Sticks his head in, looks to the back. JAXSON Your window stuck? DELACRUZ No, I just prefer not to let it down. A ride? JAXSON Thanks. I'm alright, I'm only a couple of blocks away. DELACRUZ I insist. Gives you a second for an update on my case. Jaxson looks around. Agrees. Opens the front door. The driver reaches and pulls it shut. Nods his head toward the back. Jaxson gets the hint. Walks around, gets in the back. INT. DELACRUZ CAR - SAME TIME Delacruz offers Jaxson a cigar. Jaxson politely declines. JAXSON No thanks. DELACRUZ Where are you headed? JAXSON Court. Not too far from here. DELACRUZ You got that Salvadore? Salvadore nods. DELACRUZ (cont'd) Any movement with my case? JAXSON Actually, I was going to call you tomorrow. I don't know your child's name or even if its guy or girl. I don't know anything.

27. DELACRUZ I'll make an appointment to give you all of the details. Guess you were overwhelmed when I came in. JAXSON Just one of those days. The car pulls in front of the courthouse. JAXSON (cont'd) Appreciate the lift. DELACRUZ No problem. Jaxson moves to open the door. It's locked. Jaxson looks at Delacruz. Delacruz doesn't turn his head, but clearly angry. DELACRUZ (cont'd) On second thought. You should know that I had a son. My only son. He was murdered. Murdered by his wife's lover. Her lover is about to stand trial. And you represent him. JAXSON Your son is Alberto Lopez? DELACRUZ Quick. Nice trait. Still too slow. JAXSON Mr. Delacruz. We have a conflict of interest. I can't represent you and him. DELACRUZ See. Too slow. Here. Delacruz hands Jaxson a document. JAXSON You're waiving conflict? DELACRUZ Of course. JAXSON Well, I don't accept.

28. Jaxson tries harder to open door. JAXSON (cont'd) Come on Mr. Belvedere, unlock my door. DELACRUZ Go ahead. And in case you think about sharing your situation. Remember that I have supported many of our officials in their public pursuits. In fact, I am somewhat of a, how do you say, V.I.P. Besides. Attorney Client Privilege. LookJAXSON

DELACRUZ I know that you plan on taking a plea for Mr. Torres, but that is unacceptable. I need to meet Mr. Torres for myself and I need you to ensure that that happens. What? JAXSON

DELACRUZ Does my English suffer from a lack of clarity Mr. Stone, or are you still shell shocked from watching Mr. Harper take his life before your face? A silent beat. JAXSON He's taking a plea. Let what happens happen. DELACRUZ Unacceptable. A man bold enough to interrupt my bloodline must atone for that. To me. Personally. JAXSON So you want me to represent Torres. Win his case andDELACRUZ I will handle the rest.



DELACRUZ If you refuse or lose...Well, a man who can write a one hundred thousand dollar check without a blink has all the necessary resources to ensure his wishes are carried out. Unlock the door Salvador. Our guest is fully informed. Jaxson opens the door. Looks back. Is this for real? Delacruz's no nonsense stare confirms that it is. Jaxson gets out. Slams the door. EXT. - COURTHOUSE - DAY Downtown bustles. Some walking aimlessly, some with a purpose. Traffic bumper to bumper. An official building surrounded by large columns house "The Orange County Courthouse". Delacruz's vehicle merges into traffic. Jaxson walks up the long and wide stairs. Disappears into the crowd. INT. COURTROOM - DAY In the bustling courtroom, JUDGE ELLER, 64, Caucasian man, wrinkles permanently etched into his face. Sits on the bench God like. He is a fair but firm judge. All lawyers fear him and respect him. LAWYERS, SUSPECTS, and FAMILY MEMBERS fill the room. The courtroom deputy calls each case. As the deputy calls the case name, an individual shuffles to a podium and meets a well dressed lawyer. DEPUTY State of Florida v. Torres Juan Torres is escorted to the Podium, alone, no lawyer.

30. LISA Lisa Thomas, Assistant State Attorney appears on behalf of the State of Florida. JUDGE ELLER Thank you counselor. Mr. Torres. Do you speak English? Juan nods his head, yes. JUDGE ELLER (cont'd) Mr. Torres, when you are asked a question in my courtroom you respond with a yes sir or no sir, or yes Your Honor or No Your Honor. Understood? JUAN Yes sir. I speak English. JUDGE ELLER OK good. Did you hire a lawyer or do we need to appoint one to you? JUAN I thought I had one...but, I guess I need one you to appoint me one. JUDGE ELLER Well, you are charged with murder in the first degree and rape. JAXSON (O.S.) Not guilty on all charges and demands a trial by jury your honor. Jaxson BURSTS through the courtroom door. All heads turn in his direction as he speaks. Lisa's face contorts in confusion. She steps over to Jaxson. LISA What are you doing, we had a deal? JAXSON Listened to some Johnny Cochran last night, got some inspiration. If it doesn't fit. Jaxson mimics a glove slipping over his hand. JUAN What are you doing?

31. JAXSON Trust me, drag it out a little and you'll get a better deal. JUDGE ELLER Nice to see you Mr. Stone. Do you represent Mr. Torres? JAXSON I do your honor. JUDGE ELLER Excellent, bail will be denied. Based on the substantial allegations contained in the arrest affidavit, combined with the fact that the defendant resides near the victim in this case and has ties to other states and other countries, the court denies bail and sets this matter for a pretrial hearing in three weeks. The gavel BANGS. INT. STONE OFFICE - TIME CUT DAY SERIES OF SHOTS: Jaxson studies evidence. Determined. Crime scene. Nothing. LATER: Rape Kit. Looks normal. Wait. The date is off. He hustles to another box. Pulls out "INCIDENT REPORT". Compares the date on the RAPE KIT RESULTS. There was a charge of rape two years before. Alleged suspect: Alberto. What the..? LATER: Senses heightened. Goes back to Autopsy photo. Crime scene photo. Blood sprayed on wall. Lower half of wall pretty clear. Upper half spewed with blood and brain matter. Bullet hole through head. How tall were these people? Autopsy record - Victim 5'7. Arrest Record Juan 5 - 8. Rape Report, Selena 5 - 2. Confusion registers on Jaxson's face. LATER: Cardboard box lays on his desk. TAPE MEASURE, laid. TRACES lines. Grabs SCISSORS.

32. LATER: Witness board on the wall. Officers, Victim, Juan. Jaxson turns, overlooks the city. Cityview blocked, a reflection. A reflection of red eyes and unsteady on his feet. Drink in hand. Jaxson's face turns blank, unapproving of what he sees. EXT.PARK - DAY Sunny day. Overlooking the City of Angles where the devil's play. AMANDA Why did you change your mind about taking a deal? JAXSON (ignoring her question) I met with Juan and well, I have a lot of work to do here. AMANDA Is it that bad? JAXSON Worse. According to the DA anyway. Combine that with the fact that Juan is a little angry with me, its trouble. AMANDA I'm sorry. He...can be difficult. JAXSON Difficult I can handle. Holding back critical information I can't. So, I pretty much have to dig up his defense without his help. AMANDA Do you have a plan or something? JAXSON Sure. I'll review the government's documents, talk to people who know your brother and the dead guy. Look up some info on the wife. Take what I find and prepare for trial. AMANDA I see. (beat) Do you have a Spanish person working for you?

33. Jaxson looks slightly confused. JAXSON Perplexing question, no, why do you ask? AMANDA Because, people don't trust whites or blacks in my neighborhood. So they probably won't talk to you. (beat) Here's an idea, I'm taking paralegal classes and volunteer at the legal clinic, I haven't my intern hours though. JAXSON Hmm, naw, I'm alright. I don't need help. I go solo, besides, the streets can be very dangerous for a pretty little lady like yourself. AMANDA Thanks Mr. Stone, but I can protect myself. After all, I'm going to to be taking you to my streets. So you may need the protection... Sure you're cute, but you lack a certain finesse. I can get information from people and I can empathize with the women and men, well, men are men. Besides, you have a receptionist, so one more teammate can't hurt. JAXSON Me...I need protection. Yeah, alright. Look, I can't answer phones, investigate and prepare for trial, so Doris is a necessary evil so to speak. Tell you what. One day. But if I have to save you from some gun toting gangster, then that's it. Deal. AMANDA

Jaxson leans back, smirks a little, impressive, interlocks his hands behind his head, contemplates... JAXSON (ignoring everything else) I don't lack finesse.

34. MONTAGE: Jaxson and Amanda pour through papers. She's taking notes. Jaxson is making emphatic points punctuated by his hand gestures. EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Grungy, half of the windows are boarded, no one has lived here in years. Condemnation notes plaster the building. INT. GRUNGE APARTMENT - MOMENTS LATER It is a studio apartment. Technology has choked out any semblance of a living quarter. Monitors everywhere. A maze of cables. Dissected PC towers. Ashtrays filled with half smoked cigarettes. Jaxson walks in without knocking. THARSEO, 30 something British guy who is three months overdue for a haircut, Overweight and energetic (Think Jack Black), barrels in, laser focused on one monitor running numbers. To his left, another monitor with a series of numbers. THARSEO Ay-up, look who just walked in. Tharseo does a double take when he looks at Jaxson. THARSEO (cont'd) Oh boy, someone must've gotten sloshed last night. Tharseo rolls his desk chair to Jaxson, serious look on his face, whispers the national secret, THARSEO (cont'd) I have a cure for that. Tharseo scoots back to his monitor, keeping his eyes on Jaxson. Jaxson moves discarded hard drives and sits on a dusty couch. JAXSON You really should call housekeeping.

35. THARSEO They just left. JAXSON I'm stuck. Turn your sweepers on. Sweepers? THARSEO

JAXSON Yes. No joke. Tharseo's cheeriness fades. He does have a serious side. He hits a few keys and the electricity flickers. THARSEO Done. Why the secrecy? JAXSON I'm in some serious stuff man and I have no clue what to do. THARSEO That shooter's family still bothering you? JAXSON No. They stopped a few months ago? THARSEO You need cash? I can create an account and give you access to 10k for two days. JAXSON I'm not trying to lose my license again. But no. It's much bigger. THARSEO Well tell me then bloke, stop making me guess like a bloody plonker. JAXSON I got a client. Squeezing me. You heard of DelaCruz? THARSEO DelaCruz. DelaCruz. Vincent DelaCruz?

36. JAXSON Ding. I need you to do some stuff for me, but you have to keep it closed. Name it. THARSEO

Tharseo pulls out a notepad. Makes a long mark across the paper. JAXSON What's that? THARSEO A reminder. Last favor. We are even. Tharseo scoots the chair across the room. Next to a wheelchair. Transfers. THARSEO (cont'd) I appreciate you not taking your fee in my accident case, but there is a limit. JAXSON You're alright Tharseo. You're alright. INT. OFFICE - NIGHT Jaxson organizes a board. JAXSON Ok, Alberto Lopez. What do you know about him? AMANDA Nothing, I've seen him around a couple of times, but he kept to himself. JAXSON How about the wife? Do you know anything about her? AMANDA No. About the same as her husband. I've just seen her a couple of times. LATER:

37. Red eyes and fatigue plague Jaxson and Amanda. AMANDA (cont'd) I'm hungry. JAXSON I could eat. AMANDA Taste for anything? JAXSON No. I'm open to suggestions. AMANDA No clue...Here's an idea...let's drive and whatever the third restaurant we see, we go in no matter what. Deal? JAXSON Oh man. What if it's a place that's failed the inspection two years in a row or if we see a huge cockroach walking in. They are laughing. AMANDA Major gross...but we will have to do it. JAXSON asked for it. INT. STONE CAR - MOVING Jaxson drives through the city clearly distracted. AMANDA Penny for your thoughts. JAXSON Keep your penny. AMANDA Why are you so closed off. You realize that you can get further in this world when you let people in. JAXSON Yeah well...

38. AMANDA Where are you from? JAXSON South Carolina. AMANDA That's a state. What city? JAXSON Greensville. Parents. Dead. Church. Greedy. Love. Dead. AMANDA JAXSON AMANDA JAXSON AMANDA JAXSON

Amanda looks over at Jaxson at this answer. Me. AMANDA

Jaxson steals a look out the corner of his eye. JAXSON Wouldn't you like to know. INT. NICE RESTAURANT - NIGHT Jaxson doesn't look amused. Amanda fights back a smile. JAXSON $100. A bottle of wine. $100. AMANDA We can leave if you want.

39. JAXSON No. It's kind of a special occasion. AMANDA Special occasion, what's that? JAXSON A new collaboration. SERIES OF DISSOLVES: Jaxson pours wine in Amanda's Glass. Fills his too. Jaxson downs his glass. Refills. Offers Amanda. She's barely touched her glass. Jaxson downs another glass. Conversation flowing. Amanda's glass is slightly reduced, but Jaxson fills his again. Jaxson and Amanda have devoured their prey. Plates near empty. Bottle of wine empty. Glasses stained with memories of fermented grapes. Jaxson's more stained than Amanda's. She barely touched her glass. They stand, walk toward the exit. Jaxson palms his temple. Blood rush. He's tipsy. Not drunk. But tipsy. JAXSON (cont'd) Wow. $100 seems to be a little stronger that Two Buck Chuck. EXT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT By the car now. AMANDA (reaching for the keys) Maybe I should take those. JAXSON I can drive. AMANDA Last time I checked, you were Jaxson and I'm Amanda and I'm not getting in a car with you like that. Plus, if you insist on risking your life, I'll just walk. JAXSON Don't be crazy. That's too long of a walk for you.

40. Amanda isn't negotiating. She's already pounding the pavement. Jaxson goes after her. JAXSON (cont'd) Okay. Okay. Here. Take the keys. Drop me off and pick me up in the morning. With Jaxson at her back, She smiles. Coy. But keeps walking. Jaxson stares at Amanda's back. She's still walking. He's lost for words. Except one: JAXSON (cont'd) (humbly) Please. Amanda stops. Pivots. Says nothing. Walks towards Jaxson. Takes the keys. Beep Beep. Alarm off. INT. STONE APARTMENT - NIGHT Jaxson and Amanda sit on the couch. Music playing. JAXSON I could've driven. AMANDA I'm sure. But I'm not taking chances with my life. JAXSON Seriously? it was six blocks away and my coordination is perfect, See. Jaxson imitates the Drunk test. One foot in front of the other. Stops, TILTS his head back. Eyes closed. Spreads his arms, like Christ on the cross. Tries to touch his nose. Misses. Taps forehead. Tries again. Finger in mouth. Laughter fills the room. AMANDA Sit down! Please. JAXSON Wait wait wait, I got it, watch. Misses again. JAXSON (cont'd) Never mind. I'm tired.

41. Jaxson TURNS ON STEREO, Smooth Jazz, Plops next to Amanda. The saxophone brings a calm electricity into the room. A couple of beats later... Sexy. JAXSON (cont'd)

AMANDA What's sexy? JAXSON (Thinking twice, holds back) The way you took control of the car. Not many women can handle a ride like that. AMANDA (rolling her eyes) I can drive thank you very much. I can handle any car I choose...Yours isn't bad...a little tight in spots, but smooth when you put a little speed to it. JAXSON Isn't bad? A 750, it's sleek. Powerful. Safe. Control in every turn. It's a perfectly crafted machine. You just have to know how to handle it...Why don't you have a car, this isn't New York. AMANDA Just haven't found the need for one yet. My life is really contained in a few blocks. So I can walk nearly anywhere I go. By the way, hand me a card. Jaxson does. She writes on the back, "UOME200." Jaxson reads the writing, smiles a little. AMANDA (cont'd) For the driver in distress. Amanda leans her head onto Jaxson's shoulder. Stereo serenades the two. Eyes heavy. Drifting in and out. JAXSON Do you ever wonder how bad luck can follow one person. Follow them for so long. A person who tries to do (MORE)

42. JAXSON (cont'd) the right thing, but life slaps 'em in the face. No answer. Jaxson fades. Sandman wins this battle. Amanda's eyes are open. EXT. LOPEZ HOME - EARLY MORNING Jaxson parks his car at the curb. Walks toward a house a few houses away. Same house that Juan was arrested in front of. We see the house now, peeling paint. Overgrown grass. Not the worst on the block, but not far from it. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. No answer. One more try. Same result. Jaxson walks to the back. Sees a window. Eyes the air conditioner. The scene is clean. Nothing on the ground. He turns to leave. Slight sparkle in the grass. Kneels to inspect. It's glass. Two small pieces. Jaxson pockets the glass. Continues to walk. Jaxson reaches a sliding door. Tugs on the handle. No resistance. Pulls door a few inches. Triple indicator beeps. Quiet. Alarm not engaged. Jaxson looks around, six foot fence guards against onlookers. In he goes. INT. LOPEZ HOME FAMILY ROOM - EARLY The inside is a study in contradictions. 60 inch flat screen TV. Newer furniture. More expensive than Jaxson's. Paintings cover the walls. Family portraits. The inside belongs in Beverly Hills. Jaxson walks, eyes everything. Touches nothing. Until, He enters the bedroom, INT. LOPEZ BEDROOM - DAY No memory of the violent past. Goes into a third bedroom, now an office. Mahogany desk. Persian rug. Small couch. Fit for a king. JAXSON Something ain't right in OZ.

43. Jaxson sits at the desk. Takes a tissue, rifles through drawers. A pistol. Slides fingers under the lip of the desk. Nothing. Rocks back in the chair. Exhales. Moves out of the chair. Hollow sound echos underneath. Jaxson moves the chair, the floor cover. A secret compartment. It's locked. Looks under the desk. In the desk. No key. Frustrated. Looks at a family picture. There it is. Around Alberto's neck. A key on a chain. Remembers Lisa's voice: LISA (V.O) His wallet, ring and jewelry was given to his wife. Jaxson rushes to the bedroom. Abandons caution. Loots the drawers. Just then, DOORBELL Rings. Jaxson freezes, peers through curtains. Two Spanish men yack it up. Can't understand. Rapid Espanol. They move to their car and wait. Jaxson keeps searching. Finds a blood stained plastic bag. Wallet. Wedding ring. Chain...with key. Runs into office. EXT. LOPEZ HOME - SAME TIME Garage Door opensINT. LOPEZ BEDROOM - DAY Jaxson fumbles with key and lock. Twist. Open. Cash money. Lots of it. Must be a million dollars. Wrapped, marked with "13" like the bills he received from Amanda. He studies them in surprise. Guns. Two to be exact. A notebook. Interior door opens. Voices louder. SELENA (in Spanish) I just dropped Jr. off at day care. He's having a hard time.

44. MAN 1 (in Spanish) Good, we needed to see you know the code. One goes down, we cover his girl and kids. Jaxson pulls out his IPhone. Taps the camera. It's taking forever. Come on. Come on. Anytime now. Voices closer. App opens. Jaxson snaps two quick pictures. Closes the door. Locks it. Covers the floor. Ducks toward the closet. In he goes. Crap. He forgot to replace the chair. The doors open as the closet doors close. Lets a out quick and quiet exhales. One man goes to the desk. Searches the drawers. Man 1 nods toward the closet. Man 2 acknowledges. Man 2 walks toward the closet. Jaxson takes a deep breath. Holds it. Doesn't move. Man 2, stops at the closet. Grabs the door. Selena walks in. Distracts Man 2. He turns, MAN 2 Where he kept the list. SELENA I don't know. He never talked about his business and I never asked. MAN 1 You know the payment for protection. Time to ante up. Man 2 lets go of the closet door. Stalks Selena. She reverses, keeping her eyes on the men. SELENA I don't want or need your protection. I never... MAN 1 You don't have a choice. You get the protection. What you do have a choice in is who. SELENA I don't want any of you disgusting pigs to touch me.

45. MAN 2 That sounds like both to me. Selena retreats into the next room. The men follow. Jaxson exhales deeply. Hears them in the next room, the bedroom. The men laugh. SLAP. FEMALE SCREAM. THUMP. ground. Following dialog in Spanish. MAN 1 Me first, sergeant. MAN 2 She looks so sweet. I want some of that candy. INT. LOPEZ MASTER BEDROOM - SAME TIME Selena, on the bed crying. Man 1 rips at her clothes. She's screaming. Laughs boom. Man 2 holds her down. The screams are loud. INT. LOPEZ BEDROOM - SAME TIME Jaxson is frozen. Understanding nothing, but the slap, the scream. She's loud. Now muffled. Jaxson uses the cover of the scream and slips out the closet. Out the room. INT. LOPEZ HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Jaxson peeps through the cracked door, sees Selena on the bed. Man 1 takes off his shirt. Man 2, covers her mouth. Jaxson runs out the sliding door, EXT. LOPEZ HOME - SAME TIME Muffled scream. Scream full blast. Screams don't stop. Jaxson thinks, Run? Stay? Fight? Call cops? Hurry up man! JAXSON Not my fight. Not my fight. Not my fight. A body hits the

46. Swiftly, gazelle like, he hops the fence. Eyes a brick. Scoops it. In a full sprint, sweating. On the other side of the house, windows. Where are they? Left, Right, Screams from the middle. There. Heaves the brick. CRASH. Glass shatters. THUD. Ouch. MAN 2

The men run to the window. See a figure turn the corner. MAN 1 (to Selena in Spanish) You got a guardian angel or something, we'll be back. No cops. You know the deal. Man 1 puts on his shirt. They tear out after the brick thrower. INT. STONE OFFICE - NIGHT Jaxson scatters into his office. Doesn't speak. Pouring sweat. Slams office door. Opens drawer. His heaven in a bottle: Johnny Walker Red. He drinks. Adam's apple flexes with each swallow. Some noises in the outer office. Jaxson pauses. JAXSON Doris. Doris. No answer. Finishes off his drink. Jaxson looks at the money bands on his phone. Pulls out notebook. Reads. Jaxson closes the notebook. Leans back. Processes. Marvin Gaye sings about being a Troubled Man. Jaxson turns the top of the bottle. Click.Click.Click. SPINS top off. Grabs a shot glass. Pours. Swallows. BURNS going down. Pours another. Burns again.

47. TOM HARPER (V.O.) Say you're sorry. Pours another. And another. The ritual ends several shots later. BANG. Harper's gunshot rings in his head. Jaxson falls back into chair. A picture of Tom Harper and family sits on the desk. The same picture Harper left in the Bible. The Obituary. The words: "A beloved husband and father" stare at Jaxson. He trashes the the Obituary. Picks up the Verdict form. "Ramon Rios"..."Not Guilty". Jaxson frames the verdict form. Hangs it in line with similar memories. Pulling back revealing a lot of them. "Not Guilty." "Not Guilty." "Not Guilty." Silence until, Lenny Kravits, Bring it On, blasts, SAME TIME, WHAM. Jaxson rushes the wall. Reckless abandon. Let's it all out. Tears all of the framed victories off the wall. CRASH. Jaxson stomps the memories. Wood CRUNCHES under his angry strikes. Attacks the desk next. The neat office resembles a war field of debris. Pain mingled with pleasure, all combined under broken glass and stained papers. Jaxson hits the bottle, no glass. Pours out a little liquor over the pile of papers. Admires his masterpiece. Lights a match, FLAMES. JAXSON stares as the amber lights illuminate Jaxson's face, JAXSON Fuck all y'all.

48. INT. OFFICE - EVEN LATER (CONFESSION) Amanda comes into the office. Flips on the light. Jaxson is face down on the couch. Two Johnny Red bottles are tipped in front of him. His impeccable office is unrecognizable. Foam covers burned debris is in the middle of the floor. She rushes over to Jaxson, she sees he's breathing, and pulls back at the reeking smell of alcohol. She nudges Jaxson awake. Half sober, Money. Money? JAXSON AMANDA

JAXSON The money you gave me. The money to save your brother. Where did it come from? AMANDA (surprised, after a beat) I told you...I saved it. JAXSON Actually, you didn't say anything. AMANDA Well I saved it. Jaxson powers his phone on. Photo album open. He shows it to Amanda. She doesn't look. More assertive. JAXSON Look at it. Handing phone back. Amanda sees the cash. Looks identical to the cash she handed Jaxson. Tears form in her eyes. Desperation in her voice. She knows she is caught. AMANDA You can't make any assumptions. JAXSON Assumptions? I may be from the south, but I'm not a slow country boy. The money you gave me had the same wrappers. Marked the same way. (MORE)

49. JAXSON (cont'd) The same 13. Same color. Same denominations. Amanda turns away. Unable to face Jaxson. AMANDA They will kill me. JAXSON Wait a second. You and DelaCruz came in the same week. Did you... Amanda doesn't say anything. Jaxson puts more distance between him and Amanda. Why me? JAXSON (cont'd)

Amanda shakes her head. Why me? JAXSON (cont'd)

AMANDA You needed the money. You're the best. Or used to be. Just got your license back. Hungry Vincent said. No one would believe you if things went bad. JAXSON Vincent. Who is he to you? AMANDA Believe it or not...I don't want to see you driving and crashing. Leave. JAXSON

Tears stream Amanda's face. She forces a smile. AMANDA I've prayed for forgiveness. God forgave me. I forgave me. If you choose not to, then, so be it. Amanda walks toward the door. Stops, AMANDA (cont'd) The only way I could open my heart to you was by forgiving myself. Jaxson says nothing. Amanda storms out.

50. ESTABLISHING SHOT - STATE COURTHOUSE DAY Downtown bustles. Some walking aimlessly, some with a purpose. Traffic bumper to bumper. An official building surrounded by large columns house "The Orange County Courthouse". INT. COURTROOM - DAY TITLE: State v. Torres The courtroom is empty except for a few observers and the lawyers, Torres, Judge, jury and court reporter. JAXSON Ladies and gentlemen, when I first began speaking with you, I told you that Juan Torres sits here innocent. Amanda arrives at the trial with sunglasses on her face. The two thugs from Selena's house are with her. They sit on the last row. Jaxson, pauses, looks at her, and continues with his strong delivery. JAXSON (cont'd) (CON'T) The prosecution in their vague argument could not present you with any facts powerful enough to strip Mr. Torres of this Constitutionally protected presumption. At the end of this trial, I will ask you to protect our Constitution, protect our justice system and protect Juan Torres. Thank you. JUDGE ELLER Prosecution, call your first witness. LISA Your Honor, the State calls Officer Tucker to the stand. OFFICER TUCKER, 25, is at the stand. He raises his right hand.

51. COURT REPORTER Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole, truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? I do. OFFICER TUCKER

LISA Can you introduce yourself to the jury? OFFICER TUCKER I am Officer Byron Tucker. I am an officer with the Sanford Police Department. LISA Officer Tucker, on February 13, were you called to 1155 Tant Street, the scene of an alleged rape and burglary? OFFICER TUCKER Yes. I was the responding officer. LISA When you arrived, did you make contact with anyone? OFFICER TUCKER Yes I did. There was an adult male, adult female and a toddler child? LISA Did you ascertain the identity of the individuals? OFFICER Yes. I identified Selena Lopez. The Alberto Lopez and Alberto Jr. TUCKER the female as adult male as the child as

LISA Can you describe their demeanor? JAXSON Objection. Calls for speculation. JUDGE ELLER Overruled.

52. OFFICER TUCKER Yes. The adult female was wrapped in a blanket laying in a fetal position on her couch. The toddler was hugging the female. LISA Did anyone appear to be injured? OFFICER TUCKER Yes. Mrs. Lopez had bruising on her face and it appeared to be recent. She looked very upset as well. LISA Did you speak with the individuals? OFFICER TUCKER The victim told me that her neighbor Juan broke into her place, physically assaulted her, raped her and took her wallet and a couple of rings. LISA Thank you. No further questions. Lisa takes a seat at her table. JUDGE ELLER (already ready for Jaxson to sit down) Mr. Stone your witness. Jaxson stands at his table, looks down at his pad and without looking at the witness begins his questions. JAXSON Officer Tucker, you did not process the alleged crime scene did you? No. OFFICER TUCKER

JAXSON You didn't take any prints? No. OFFICER TUCKER

JAXSON You aren't an investigator are you?



JAXSON You weren't in charge of interrogations in this case? No. OFFICER TUCKER

JAXSON The bruises that you said you saw on the complaining witness, you don't know when she received them? OFFICER TUCKER They were recent. JAXSON Not my question don't know when she received those bruises do you. OFFICER TUCKER An exact time, no. Jaxson is walking the courtroom questioning the witness. No notes. JAXSON Where are the pictures that you took of those bruises? Pictures? OFFICER TUCKER

JAXSON Yes, show the jury exactly what you saw. OFFICER TUCKER I didn't take any. JAXSON No you didn't did you. How about the alleged point of entry. Show the jury the pictures of the alleged point of entry. OFFICER TUCKER I didn't take any pictures of the point of entry.

54. JAXSON Officer, you were the first law enforcement representative that arrived at the scene, the first point in time after this alleged crime and the people called here to judge the facts do not have any objective evidence that they can see and judge for themselves do they? LISA Objection. Badgering. JUDGE ELLER (quickly) Sustained. JAXSON That means that they have to rely on you and your ability to recall the facts in order to determine the demeanor of the complaining witness and the alleged crime scene, correct. OFFICER TUCKER Yes. I guess so. JAXSON Officer, you would agree that the truth today is the truth yesterday? I would. OFFICER TUCKER

Jaxson is in a rhythm, moves next to the jury. JAXSON You wouldn't expect the truth to change would you? Lisa stands up quickly. LISA Objection. Badgering the witness. Before Jaxson can respond, JUDGE ELLER Sustained. Jaxson ignores the Judge, keeps going.

55. JAXSON Officer you wrote a report in this case didn't you? Yes. OFFICER TUCKER

JAXSON I see you have it with you, take a look at it and tell the jury where you noted that the complaining witness had bruises. Officer Tucker takes a few seconds. OFFICER TUCKER It's not in there. JAXSON No it's not. How about where you describe what you saw at the alleged point of entry? OFFICER TUCKER (Irritated) Its not there either. JAXSON No its not. How about the alleged statement that the complaining witness said that her attacker was Juan. OFFICER TUCKER Its not there. JAXSON So there is nothing in your report, that supports what you are saying here today? OFFICER TUCKER Sgt. Smith... JAXSON I'm not asking about Sgt. Smith. Sgt. Smith wasn't there when you allegedly heard these statements had the observations was he? Note: During the early part of Jaxson's cross - examination, Officer Tucker has been very forthright, very sure of himself. Now, as he starts getting tougher, he begins to falter.

56. OFFICER TUCKER No. He wasn't. JAXSON Officer Tucker, you were suspended when you finished training school for falsifying evidence weren't you? OFFICER TUCKER Now, wait a minute, that was sealed! The jurors stir in their seats. Lisa leaps to her feet, screams, LISA Objection your honor, Officer Tucker is not on trial and I ask that you instruct the jury to disregard that question! Judge Eller bangs his gavel several times. JUDGE ELLER That objection is overruled. You sponsored this witness and you should have known his professional background. Juan wants to smile but doesn't. On a mission, Jaxson continues without hesitation. JAXSON Officer, any record written by you that supports the testimony that you provided today? OFFICER TUCKER (at a whisper)


JAXSON It's department procedure to document all important findings in your report isn't it. Yes. OFFICER TUCKER

JAXSON No further questions.

57. Jaxson walks back to the table, sits. Juan slides a note to Jaxson. Two words..."Thanks". "Sorry". JUDGE ELLER The jury is dismissed for the day. Its 4:45. Jury, don't discuss the case with anyone. We will resume tomorrow morning at 9 sharp. INT. JAIL - NIGHT Jaxson sits. Waits. Impatient. In comes Juan. Takes a seat. JUAN You were pretty good in there. I aint seen no one fight for me like that. JAXSON I know about DelaCruz? Jaxson slides the notebook toward the middle of the table. Juan looks. No recognition. JAXSON (cont'd) Your sister knows DelaCruz. For the first time, Juan looks up with an expression. But his words dont follow the expression. JAXSON (cont'd) Yeah. I know Amanda is working with DelaCruz. JUAN She doesn't work for him. Juan turns reds. Veins bulging in his temples. JAXSON I need to know more about this guy. JUAN I can't tell you anything about something I don't know. JAXSON I don't think you understand what is goingJUAN I can't tell you about Cruz. I can't tell you what happened at (MORE)

58. JUAN (cont'd) Alberto's. I can't say nothin about nothin. I don't wanna die. JAXSON You don't want to die? Who said anything about dying? Juan stands. Guard. Juan. Guard. JUAN JAXSON JUAN

Juan waits at the door for the guard to let him out. EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT Foggy. Filthy. Empty. A shiny red Cadillac sits in the shadows. Al Green, Let's Stay Together, plays. Smoke slithers through the crack in the window. Jaxson approaches the Cadillac. Dressed like he grew up in the area. Black pants. Black hoodie. The Cadillac man's face doesn't stand out. That's because his HUGE diamond rings and colorful rayon shirt hold our attention. We barely make it past the gold teeth to see his bright blue eyes. White boy, gold teeth, in a red Cadillac? Yeah, strange I know. He gets out as Jaxson approaches. JAXSON You got it? CADILLAC MAN Do I got it? Do a fat chick jiggle? You got the bread? JAXSON Is fat meat greasy?

59. Cadillac man looks at Jaxson like he's crazy. Jaxson laughs. Guess he's not blending in too well. Cadillac man is serious. Cadillac man pops the trunk. FROM THE TRUNK Jaxson's eyes are wide open. Cadillac man smiles big. Gold teeth blinging. IN THE TRUNK CHROME SHINES. POLISHED BLACK GLIMMERS. Guns. Too many to keep track of. MP5's. Glock 17. Glock 9. Bulletproof vests. Jaxson's eyes are wide open. Speechless. TRUNK CLOSES. EXT. APARTMENTS - NIGHT In the 'hood. Loud music blasts. Mexicans, gathered on steps. Liquor bottles being passed, right behind the blunts. UNKNOWN SPANISH GUY (O.S) Yo, Tasso, give me a shotgun nigga. Jaxson, in jeans and hoodie, walks toward the group. Hand checks the spine of his back. It's there. 9 MM, Glock. Chrome. Loaded. Ready. Big guy, bald, Spanish, eyes Jaxson. BALD SPANISH GUY (in Spanish) Yo. Check out this Bolillo. He lost his way back to the jungle. A Spanish chick makes monkey sounds. Jaxson hears them. Keeps moving. Jaxson, about to pass them, but Bald Spanish Guy steps in front of Jaxson. Flanked by two hombres. Fighting posture. If Jaxson was an MMA fighter, he

60. would throw a quick strike to the big oaf's throat. Drop him. But he's not. He uses his primary weapon, JAXSON I have no problem with you man, I'm looking for... BALD SPANISH GUY Too bad monkey, cause we have a problem with you. The three throw up gang signs. Without a beat, bald guy lifts his shirt. A FORTY - FIVE. Jaxson WHIPS out his chrome. Not Wild West fast, but not bad. SIDE GUY Oh shit...he's packing. They stand off. The other two RUN into the house. GRIPS TIGHTEN on the pistols. Bald guy, EYES DARK. Not afraid to kill. Jaxson, EYES DESPERATE. He won't be stopped. Bodies pour out of the house. Bad idea coming alone. From the crowd, Stone? UNKNOWN MALE

Jaxson, hand still. Sweating. Barrel inches from his face. Doesn't take his eyes off of the death maker. But manages a firm, Yeah. JAXSON

We see Ramon, the Not Guilty client when this story began. RAMON What you doin' here. Bruno put that shit away, this here my lawyer. Bald Spanish guy, Bruno, doesn't budge. RAMON (cont'd) Are you deaf or dumb. Put it away...Now. Ramon approaching now. Voice backed with authority. Bruno backs down. Pulls gun back. Jaxson drops his chrome. Bruno steps to the side. Eyes glued on Jaxson.

61. RAMON (cont'd) Are you loco coming out here at night all by yourself. You owe me one, I just saved your ass. JAXSON I was actually looking for you. I need your help. RAMON You just got my help. Don't be walking through here like you're invincible. This ain't city hall. Since when you rock hoodies and carry pieces. I took you for a downtown preppy boy. JAXSON You only know what you see. I need five minutes. RAMON (reluctantly) Three. I'll give you three. (beat) Two Forty Five. EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT On the porch, Jaxson shows Ramon the pictures. The notebook. Ramon shuffles Jaxson in the house. INT. HOUSE - NIGHT Music blasting outside. Jaxson and Ramon sit at a small kitchen table. RAMON Why do you think I could help you with this shit? JAXSON I pay attention to everything. Jaxson rests his elbow on the table. Points to his wrist. Looks at Ramon. Ramon pulls his shirt sleeve up, reveals a Tattoo. 18 inked on his wrist. RAMON So you knew?

62. JAXSON I suspected. No proof, so I can argue what I like. (beat) Does this mean anything to you? Jaxson opens the notebook. Hands it to Ramon. Ramon flips through it. Drops it. RAMON MS - 13. These muthas are ruthless. They done murked pregnant women, old folks, kids, they don't care. Don't nobody cross these fools and you better not tell no one that I seen this. (beat) They call this the Bible. Every crew has one. (indicating) See here...Alberto, OLD. Original Leader. Jaxson points to the addresses in the notebook. JAXSON What about this? RAMON That means that there's somethin' at these places worth some real scrilla. What it is? Don't know. But it's worth a lot. JAXSON And the X's? RAMON Murked. Dead. See here..."Devil's Souls" No longer here and souls belong to the devil...And your 3 minutes is up. JAXSON So, Anthony 42311? RAMON Killed, April 23, 2011. JAXSON What about all the letters on these pages?

63. RAMON Not sure man. Haven't seen that before. JAXSON (pressing forward) Does the name DelaCruz mean anything to you. RAMON The dude with antique shop on Olympia? Yeah. We know him well. Loaded. Evil. They called him Killer Cruz in his hey day. An OG. Claiming he's retired. Pushing antiques. But that nigga runnin shit from his shop. Why you think that fool do antiques? Jaxson looks clueless. RAMON (cont'd) Gives him reason to travel. When he travels he bring back whatever he can sell. JAXSON If. You wanted to wreck his shop? RAMON That there is ya key. Pointing at the book. RAMON (cont'd) That book is strong. Turn it in, jara los perros won't know what to do wit it, but it has all of their locations. Jaxson nods as to say thanks. Gets up to leave. RAMON (cont'd) Counselor! Jaxson turns around. RAMON (cont'd) Gracias. I was innocent you know. You did good. Jaxson turns back to the door. Heads out.

64. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Courtroom relatively quiet today. Amanda and the two minions have their normal seat. Jaxson looks over his shoulder and at the trio. DETECTIVE PRITCHARD, 42, sits on the witness stand. LISA Detective Pritchard did you make contact with an individual named Juan Torres? DETECTIVE PRITCHARD Yes I did. LISA Where was he when you made contact? DETECTIVE PRITCHARD Based on the victim's identification to us, myself and Sgt. Smith proceed to 1148 Tant and we made contact with an individual that identified himself as Juan Torres. LISA Do you see that person in the courtroom today? Yes I do. DETECTIVE PRITCHARD

LISA Can you identify him for the record? DETECTIVE PRITCHARD Yes. He is sitting in the white shirt with the dark pants. LISA Your Honor, let the record reflect that the Detective has identified the Defendant. JUDGE ELLER It will so reflect.

65. LISA Detective, when you contacted the defendant did you search his person and his residence. DETECTIVE PRITCHARD Yes I did. LISA Before you made contact with the defendant, did the victim tell you about any items that were forcibly removed from her home? DETECTIVE PRITCHARD Yes. It was reported to us that the perpetrator took several items. Um..the perpetrator took a wallet, a couple of rings and that he held a knife to the victim and left with that as well. LISA Did you ever recover any of these items? DETECTIVE PRITCHARD Yes. I advised the defendant that I needed to interview him regarding a crime and that I asked for consent to search his home and person. And he said yes. When we searched his pocket, we found a pocket knife and two rings, which was consistent with what the victim told us. We then searched his bedroom and found a wallet with the victim's identification inside of it. At that time, we placed the defendant under arrest and transported him to the law enforcement center. LISA (smugly) Thank you Detective. No further questions. JUDGE ELLER (already exasperated) Your witness Mr. Stone.


Aren't you supposed to do a thorough and complete job in an investigation? DETECTIVE PRITCHARD Yes. I always do. JAXSON Always? OK, well lets talk about that. In doing a "complete" job, lets talk about your theory of how Mr. Torres entered into the residence. The alleged point of entry was next to a window with a 9"x16" entry correct? DETECTIVE PRITCHARD That is correct. JAXSON The air conditioner was still in the window when you arrived true? Yes. DETECTIVE PRITCHARD

JAXSON And no one reported that it was ever removed from the window did they? DETECTIVE PRITCHARD No they didn't. JAXSON OK, then, tell the jury how this grown man was able to fit through a 9"x16" hole. DETECTIVE PRITCHARD What do you mean, he crawled in it. Jaxson walks to his table, opens a brief case and sits a cardboard cut - out 9x16 over Torres' head as he asks the next question. JAXSON No, detective, tell the jury how this man sitting here, fit in a 9"x16" square space, just like this 9x16 cardboard cut - out.

67. Jaxson places the cardboard on Juan's head and spins the cardboard over Torres' head. The cardboard gets stuck on Torres' ears. Several of the jurors laugh audibly. JAXSON CON'T So, either you got it wrong or he didn't fit? LISA Objection you honor, this Exhibit was not provided to the State in discovery or properly introduced. It is inappropriate. JAXSON May I respond? JUDGE ELLER No. I don't want to hear from you. Objection sustained. EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT Jaxson sits in his car. Attention focused on a house, white, small. White picket fence, your grandmother's house. Jaxson almost falls asleep. Takes a huge swig of Red Bull. Jaxson moves to start the car. When, A white van pulls into the driveway of the house. No one enters or exits. The back door flies open. A man gets out. Looks around. Coast is clear, Four girls, different backgrounds, are joined together at the waist. Dirty, young, afraid. JAXSON Unbelievable. The van leaves.

68. Jaxson cranks the car. Low beams on. In pursuit. EXT. CITY - NIGHT The white van drops off one man downtown. They don't notice Jaxson's BMW. The van continues. So does Jaxson. Van pulls into a business parking lot. Through a gate. Jaxson pulls to a curb a block away. Jaxson pulls his chrome pistol out of the glove compartment. Crouching, runs toward the fence. Stops behind a car near the fence. Watches: Man in van, changes the tags. Jaxson looks at the building marquee, The Other World Antique Shop, among others. The van's passenger door opens. Amanda gets out. Sunglasses on at night would draw the attention of onlookers if there were any. She's walking into the shop. But something is different. The big guy behind her pushes her. They disappear inside. Jaxson thinks. Thinks. And Thinks. What should he do. Amanda stumbles back outside the door. Obviously from a hard push from the big guy behind her. She turns. Spits on him. He wipes it. We are in close now. We recognize the guy from the dingy apartment at the beginning of the story. Just older. He cracks a smile. Punches Amanda in the gut. She falls to her knees. Breathing ragged and heavy. Trying to catch her breath.

69. TATTOO Stupid Punto. I think you want to see your punk brother and his abagado put to sleep. Amanda starts crying pleading. AMANDA I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just tired. It won't happen again. Jaxson's eyes wear his regret. He gets it now. INT. THARSEO APARTMENT - DAY Tharseo reads. Jaxson reads. THARSEO This is amateurish. What? JAXSON

THARSEO It's a code. A two three five code. Whoa. 235? JAXSON

Tharseo wheels over to Jaxson. THARSEO Yeah. Look. Every second letter. Then every third letter. Then every fifth letter. JAXSON Sounds like a Fibonacci sequence. Exactly. THARSEO

JAXSON I can't believe you found so much on the guy. I couldn't find anything with Lexis or Westlaw. Are you sure? THARSEO They are limited by federal regulation. And, I'm a ghost. Yes I'm sure. They grew up together. (MORE)

70. THARSEO (cont'd) Hung together. Like brothers. No wonder he knew you were going to take a guilty plea. What are you going to do. JAXSON I think it's time to flip the script. Meaning? THARSEO

JAXSON Mr. DelaCruz has gone unnoticed way too long. I think he needs to know that he isn't a ghost anymore. THARSEO What ya gonna do? JAXSON What projects do you have ready? THARSEO Hmmm. What effect do you want? JAXSON I want him electronically blind. THARSEO I love you. Hey manJAXSON

THARSEO No...I love newest project. Sent through text message. As soon as it's read, it infects the phone. It links to every device that the phone has connected with in the last thirty days. It collects all passwords. Changes them. Reroutes all attempts to my database. By the time they realize what hits's too late. JAXSON And the other. Tharseo tosses Jaxson a package. Jaxson looks in the package. A passport with a new identity for Jaxson.

71. THARSEO You can disappear right now. Take the money they gave and put this mess behind you. It's not your fight. EXT. ANTIQUE SHOP - DAY DelaCruz gets out of his car. Escorted by Salvadore. They notice an envelope on the door. Salvadore pulls it off. Opens it. Reads it. Passes it to DelaCruz. DelaCruz looks at it. It is a photograph of him as a young man. His mug shot as a young man. Name next to it, Alberto Lopez. Next page is a picture of DelaCruz with a young girl. Another picture of DelaCruz with the District Attorney, Rios. DelaCruz pulls out his phone. Reads the text from an unknown number. "ILUVU" DelaCruz ignores the text. DELACRUZ Stone. Maybe he is better than we thought. Let him know just how serious we are. Salvadore nods. EXT. AIRPORT - DAY A large 737 lands on the tarmac. Jaxson stands outside the airport. Sunglasses on. Travelers dodging him. Duffel bag in hand. He walks inside. INT. STONE HOME - NIGHT Close on the door. He didn't leave. Jaxson walks into his living room. Picks up a folder off the desk. Drops the duffel bag. Walks out until something catches his attention.

72. He notices a manilla envelope on the chair on his couch. This wasn't there before. His name is written across the front in all capital letters. He stands. Frozen. Takes a step. Looks around. Who's here? He hesitantly takes slow steps to the envelope. Opens it. Pulls outPictures. Doris. Tied. Naked to her bra. Another picture. From behind. No bra. Two men. The two men from Selena's house. One with his shirt off. Another picture, Doris on the ground. Tears staining her face. Another picture. Doris, blank stare. Bullet hole in her head. Jaxson drops the pictures. Falls back on the wall. Stunned. All alone. INT. STONE HOME - LATER Jaxson sits on his couch. Bottles in front of him. One full. One empty. A soft knock at the door. Jaxson opens in. Amanda is there. Sunglasses on. Hold's up her phone with a message from an unknown number: "Come see me. We need to talk." JAXSON How do you know it's from me? AMANDA The same way you knew I would know who it's from. You okay? He steps to the side, letting her in.

73. Amanda sees the bottles. AMANDA (cont'd) Trying to dull something? Debating. On. JAXSON AMANDA

JAXSON Whether it's all worth it. AMANDA If it's worth the thought then it is. Maybe. So... JAXSON AMANDA

JAXSON I know that you did it to protect Juan. Amanda looks surprised at Jaxson. But offers no response. JAXSON (cont'd) I know that you only lied to me so that they won't do anything to him, or me, but they are going to kill him regardless. Call me crazy, but Amanda almost looks relieved. AMANDA How did youJAXSON I followed a van. And. AMANDA

JAXSON I saw you go in. I saw him hit you. Amanda embarrassed, walks to the window, looks outside.

74. AMANDA There are so many things about me that you don't know Jaxson. Things I can never repeat. JAXSON Do you trust me? I do. AMANDA

JAXSON Then let me in. Completely in. FLASHBACK: SUPERIMPOSE TITLE: THREE MONTHS AGO INT. LOPEZ HOME FAMILY ROOM - NIGHT Juan is standing over Selena. She's sleeping. He jumps on her. Straddles her. She wakes, gives a shriek, She's laughing. JUAN Shh. Before the boy wakes up. SELENA Well kiss me and I'll stop. They kiss. JUAN We have everything ready. Do you have everything? SELENA Yes. My bags are in the closet. I took some of the money. Its enough for us to disappear for a while. Let me get Jr. JUAN When is he coming back into town? SELENA In the morning. Juan looks in the bag, sees bills with 13 on wrappers.

75. Selena leaves the room. Seconds later, she walks back in. Terror on her face. Behind her is Alberto, her husband. Gun extended. Angry but composed. Juan is gathering bags out of the closet. Back to Selena and Alberto. Juan. SELENA (cont'd)

Juan turns around, his smile disappears. ALBERTO Do you think you can take my number one girl? JUAN It's my fault. She didn't want me here. But SELENA Alberto, I'm sorry...I'm still your number one girl. ALBERTO When I was a boy, I had a Pit Bull. Gigi. She followed me to school. She would wait outside the school. All day. One day I was trying to feed her. I went to move her bowl and she bit me. My papa came home and snapped her neck. I screamed and cried. Papa told me that when a dog bites you once, you have to put it down because it will bite you again. Always. SELENA Alberto... Alberto waives off Selena. Sends her a look that could kill. ALBERTO And you. Were you going to replace my money when she left? I own her. My property. You want to take a man's property. JUAN She's not property. Alberto takes aim. Juan looks around. In the door,

76. Juan slaps the lamp. Lights go out. BANG. BANG. Muzzle flashes light the darkness. Screams. A light comes on. Alberto is on the ground. Amanda stands where Alberto was. Smoking gun in hand. Eyes steeled. Everyone frozen. The baby starts crying. Amanda. SELENA

Selena runs to Amanda. Hugs her. They hold on for a while. JUAN Mijo, what are you doing? SELENA You all must leave now. Go. Go. This is my problem. JUAN No. No. They will kill you if they thinkThe baby's cries are adding to the frustrations. Juan looks around. Eyes the door. Eyes the wallet, jewelry on the dresser. Looks at Amanda. JUAN (cont'd) Go home. Now. Before anyone comes out. Wait. Here. Juan hands Amanda the wrapped bills. She leaves. Juan looks at Selena. JUAN (cont'd) I love you. Do you trust me? Yes. SELENA

JUAN Do you love me? Yes. SELENA

JUAN I need you to promise one thing. No matter what happens. Never repeat (MORE)

77. JUAN (cont'd) what happened tonight. Never. Promise? Promise! SELENA I promise. JUAN I love you. Before she can respond, Juan punches Selena. Hard. She is out. Juan kisses Selena's tears and kisses her on her lips. Lays her down gently. Dials 911 on the phone. He covers the phone with a shirt. Screams into the phone distorting his voice911 OPERATOR 911, what's your emergency? JUAN I just heard gunshots and a man jumped out of the window and went into a red house. Help, come quick. CLICK. Juan snatches items off of the dresser. Kicks the air conditioner out of the window. Pauses. Looks back at Selena. Jumps. FADE OUT: INT. STONE NIGHT - PRESENT DAY JAXSON And Selena? AMANDA She was brought from El Salvador at 10. Was sold to Alberto. Got pregnant by him. So he married her to keep her close. JAXSON How are you able to deal with all of this without cracking. God. AMANDA

JAXSON That simple?

78. AMANDA That simple. I pray. I feel his forgiveness and protection. Do you pray? JAXSON Not since I was 10. And my mom disappeared. I prayed she would come back. Never did. So I stopped. AMANDA Well. Pray with me. JAXSON I don't... AMANDA You don't need to. Amanda lights candles. The entire living room is lit with her homemade candles. She grabs Jaxson's hand, they kneel. AMANDA (cont'd) Lord, I come before you today knowing that all power is in Your hand. Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then. Put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually: "The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in Him and I am helped. He is not only with me but in me, and I in Him."In Jesus name. Amen. INT. STONE HOME - NIGHT Amanda, sleeps. Jaxson stands in the doorway. Flips off the light. He moves to the living room. Stares at one photo of Doris. Scared look on her face. JAXSON I'm sorry ol' girl. I should've been there.

79. Jaxson pulls bottles out of various cabinets, closet. Empties each one. Down the DRAIN. ANOTHER. And ANOTHER. Last bottle. Jaxson studies the quarter inch remaining. One last hit? Tips bottle towards his lips. Stops. Down the drain. Bottles break as he dumps one after the other in the trash. EXT. LAKE - DAWN Still waters. The golden hour. Light illuminating the calm ripples. Jaxson is in thought. Holding Amanda's hand. Tossing a rock. Rippling the water. AMANDA I have to go before they know I'm gone. JAXSON I'll protect you. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Selena Lopez sits on the stand. Jaxson looks like he hasn't gotten any sleep. LISA I know this is hard Mrs. Lopez, but please tell the jury what you were doing before you were attacked by the defendant. SELENA I was sleeping. Alberto Jr. was in his room sleep. I woke up and he had a knife to my neck. I screamed and then he pushed it really hard against my neck. He...(she begins to lose composure) LISA Its OK Selena. You're doing great.

80. SELENA He told me not to scream or he would kill me. LISA And then what happened. SELENA I asked him not to kill me because my son was in the next room. LISA What did he do? SELENA He said "well you better be quiet." LISA What happened next? SELENA ...He ...took off my pajama pants... and my panties, and... LISA It's OK. Just tell the jury what he did, he can't hurt you. LISA (cont'd) Did you want him to? No. SELENA

Lisa turns to walk toward her seat but intentionally glares at Juan as she does. LISA Nothing further. JUDGE ELLER We will recess until Monday. It will be your witness by then Mr. Stone. INT. JAIL - NIGHT Jaxson and Juan sit at the table. JAXSON I know what happened. Juan, a stone statue.

81. JAXSON (cont'd) (testing Juan) Yes - sir - e, I know everything. She spilled it, boy did she spill it. I know you didn't shoot Alberto and I know you're protecting her. What I don't get, is how you think being quiet, not helping your defense is going to help her. I think its time for you to spill it all. Juan's veins bulge. EXT. CITY - NIGHT Jaxson's BMW moves slowly over a few streets. He sees a lady walking. Dressed in heels too high and a skirt too short. He pulls along side her, we see her face, it's Jennifer again. Her heavy make - up barely hides her girlish qualities. Hey baby. JENNIFER

JAXSON Hey there. You look nice tonight. What's your name. JENNIFER Thank you baby, they call me Honey Hollywood. Sweet and flashy. I like your whip. Mmmm, black is my favorite color. She walks to the driver's window. Leans in as, JAXSON So...How much for... For what? JENNIFER

JAXSON You know, for...various services. JENNIFER Which kind daddy, open that mouth? JAXSON Which kind?

82. JENNIFER Yeah, come on sexy black, time is money, know what I'm sayin. JAXSON Ok, for like a blow job, how much? 50. And for JENNIFER JAXSON

JENIFER 100 for everything. JAXSON Okay. Do you have a hotel or something? JENNIFER No, the's enough room back there. Okay. JAXSON

Jennifer walks around, get's in. Jaxson drives with Jennifer pointing him where to go. They pull behind an abandoned building. Jaxson parks. INT. STONE CAR - NIGHT Jennifer starts to pull off of her shirt, revealing her pink bra. JAXSON Wait a Jaxson hands her five twenties. (beat) JAXSON (cont'd) (CON'T) How old are you? JENNIFER Does it matter? (beat) Old enough to handle my business, know what Im sayin. JAXSON Listen...I don't want anything... but to talk.

83. Jennifer is confused. Quickly, JENNIFER Ha ha ha. Look trick, you ain't gettin this cash. It's for my sex appeal. And my undividable attention. JAXSON I'm not asking for the money back. JENNIFER Well...clock is ticking. JAXSON Why are you doing this? She is used to this question. JENNIFER (almost rehearsed) I have bills to pay. Mouths to feed, know what I'm sayin'. JAXSON I bet. I'm sure that house you live in is expensive, but I'm sure the men in the white van pay the bills. This unnerves Jennifer, not the usual John talk. She glances at Jaxson. Trying to read his eyes. He doesn't looks away, JENNIFER Look, I don't know who you are, but JAXSON I can help. JENNIFER I don't need help. Jennifer buttons her blouse and reaches to leave. Jaxson firmly places his hand on her shoulder. She melts at the first non - sexual touch in a long time. JAXSON Wait. Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength (MORE)

84. JAXSON (cont'd) to bear it. It's a prayer I just learned. Jennifer softens, melts into the seat. JENNIFER Who are you? JAXSON I'm not a weirdo, I'm just regular guy that tasked with saving a life. I know that the people watching the house are bad guys, so I didn't want to take a chance on you getting caught up. So... JENNIFER You have no idea how bad they are. Jennifer raises her long blond mane, shows Jaxson, the back of her neck - a long scar. JENNIFER (cont'd) (CON'T) The only time I tried to know what I'm saying. No one can save me. They own the police. I gotta go. JAXSON Listen, a wise lady once told me that we all need to be saved from something. It didn't hit me dont know me, but I bet we're not that different. Liquor was my savior. And you, you have to be Honey Hollywood to keep the pain away. But we can't do it on our own. Took me a while and a special person to help understand that, but... JENNIFER You say you a lawyer? JAXSON Yes. How old are you? 15. JENNIFER

Neither knows how to proceed. Jennifer wipes away tears.

85. JENNIFER (cont'd) (CON'T) I gotta go, I said too much. They gonna kill me. JAXSON No. They won't. Not if you listen and trust me. JENNIFER I don't trust anyone. Jaxson places her hand on his heart. JAXSON I bet. You feel that beat. I'm real. I'm here. I'll help you. I have a few pictures I need you to look at. Can you? Jennifer nods in agreement. Jaxson shows her pictures of Juan, she doesn't know him. Of Alberto, Of DelaCruz, no. Wait, the ring. DelaCruz is wearing a huge pinky ring. JENNIFER Not his face, but his ring. The ring. The first day I was there, it was blurry, but I saw the ring. It was the hugest I ever saw. Him and another man, an old man, came in and left out really fast. JAXSON Good job Jennifer. One more. Of AmandaJENNIFER Yes. Yes. She was there. She was on the bed. JAXSON On the bed? JENNIFER They did her real bad. Then she disappeared. JAXSON Three days, hang in there for three days. Don't mention this to anyone. (MORE)

86. JAXSON (cont'd) Where are they keeping you? What's your name, your real name? Jennifer gets out. Looks behind her. JENNIFER Jennifer. My name is Jennifer. INT. COURTROOM - DAY The spectators in the court are restless. Lisa is not here yet. Jaxson is missing too. Jaxson pours in, wearing the same suit as before, different tie. Not fooling anyone. Lisa comes in moments later. Judge motions them to the bench. JUDGE ELLER Mr. Stone, Ms. Thomas, I notice that you two are showing up at the same time. Anything we need to put on the record OR we need to discuss off the record. Anything? JAXSON No your honor, just a coincidence. LISA No your honor. We had a long meeting with the witness this morning. State apologizes. JAXSON Defense too Your Honor. JUDGE ELLER Very well, please proceed Mr. Stone. JAXSON You didn't have any cuts on you did you? SELENA I don't remember. JAXSON There was no blood found in the bed Mrs. Lopez. If you were cut, there would be some blood somewhere wouldn't there?

87. SELENA I don't know. JAXSON If he didn't put the blade hard enough against your neck to even scratch you, how did that wake you up? SELENA I...I'm not a hard sleeper. Jaxson looks at Juan who is getting angry. Jaxson presses forward. JAXSON Funny, how is it that you are a light sleeper but you slept through the intruder breaking glass out of your window? I...I... SELENA

Selena looks to Lisa Thomas for help, but Lisa is overly committed to taking notes right now. JAXSON You slept through someone struggling and wrestling their way through that small space. Selena doesn't respond. Jaxson looks at the jury and sees that that point hit home with a couple by slight nods of the head. He moves to the next point. JAXSON (cont'd) Now, I'm going to show you a copy of State's Exhibit 1, that's a picture of your home as it looked the day you say you were attacked, isn't it? Yes. SELENA

JAXSON What I find odd is that if someone broke in, cracking the glass from the outside, the pieces would have fallen inside. (MORE)

88. JAXSON (cont'd) (beat) But, if the glass was cracked from the inside out, glass would've fallen to the outside, like in Exhibit 14. Can you explain that? SELENA (whispering)


JAXSON I'm sorry, what was your answer? SELENA (a little louder but still unsure)


Jaxson has found his rhythm. His questions are short and quick. JAXSON Where was your wallet? SELENA I don't remember. JAXSON Where were your rings? SELENA I don't know. JAXSON How did Mr. Torres know where to look? SELENA I don't know. Selena is starting to shake and Juan's hand is turning red and shaking from squeezing it so hard from trying to hold by his anger. JAXSON Why didn't he take all your jewelry? SELENA I don't know. JAXSON Why weren't his finger prints found on the window?

89. SELENA I don't know. JAXSON Why is it that the rape kit found no signs of trauma Mrs. Lopez? SELENA I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't remember everything. (beat) (unsure) He raped me. He did. She has shouted unconsciously; the whole Courtroom stares at her in silence. Jaxson looks at the jury, they are paying attention and he realizes how far he's pushed her and feels he is close so he pushes forward. A tear rolls down Juan's face. Jaxson changes tactics and approaches Mrs. Lopez, hands her a tissue, talks softly. JAXSON It has to be hard to be afraid isn't it? SELENA (nodding while speaking softly, childlike)


JAXSON It has to be hard to be brave while being afraid. Selena slightly raises her head to look at her attacker, both Juan and the two goons are in the line of sight. SELENA (still nodding while speaking softly, childlike)


Jaxson walks back to the podium. Picks up a glass of water. Jaxson looks at Juan, looks around the gallery. All eyes on him. He looks down at his notebook. (beat), JUDGE ELLER Mr. Stone...Do you have any more questions for this witness?

90. JAXSON Nothing further. Juan relaxes. Selena breathes. Jaxson walks to his table. He sits. Selena stands, JAXSON (cont'd) Except, Ms. Lopez, this isn't the first time that you cried rape before is it? LISA Objection your honor, rape shield protects the witness from these types of questions. Jaxson's standing again, Round 2. JAXSON Actually your honor, the questions here go toward motive and intent, not propensity for sexual promiscuity, thus, the rape shield laws do not apply in this situation. JUDGE ELLER I will give you a little leeway Mr. Stone, but make it quick. JAXSON Ms. Lopez, it's true isn't it that you filed rape charges against your husband three years ago? Selena looks toward Lisa. Lisa doesn't return the favor. SELENA No, that's not true. Jaxson pulls a sheet out of a folder. Hands a copy to Selena. JAXSON I'm handing you Defense Exhibt 45. This is a Rape Report that identifies you as the victim doesn't it. SELENA (know she's caught in a lie)


91. JAXSON And it identifies the suspect as Alberto Lopez doesn't it. Yes. SELENA

JAXSON Your husband used to beat you didn't he? No response. JAXSON (cont'd) He would rape you, over and over wouldn't he. Whenever he wanted it, you had to give it to him. Selena cries. Lips shake. On the edge. No response. The courtroom is frozen. JAXSON (CON'T) The truth is, you had an affair with Juan, killed your husband and set Juan Torres up to take the fall didn't you? SELENA (at a whisper)


At the same time, Juan Springs to his feet. Screaming, JUAN No she didn't - I did. I raped her. I did it. I killed that bastard. He made me. She's innocent. He's unhinged, walking toward the jury as guards descend on him, JUAN (cont'd) (CON'T) Lock me up. I deserve it. Kill me if you can. Kill me. I'm evil. I'm evil. She was my The guards wrestle Juan to the ground. A thud in the face silencing him. Eller bangs the gavel. Over and Over. JUDGE ELLER Order. Order.

92. FADE OUT. Blackness. JAXSON (V.O.) No further questions. INT. STATE ATTORNEY OFFICE - DAY Lisa walks in. Notices a thick manilla envelope on her desk. On the front reads, "Your Promotion inside". She opens it. Pictures. Records. A coded page. A deciphered page. Her mouth is agape. Her phone rings. LISA Lisa Thomas. JAXSON (O.S.) Merry Christmas. LISA Stone. What is this? JAXSON (O.S.) What does it say? LISA Your promotion inside. Exactly. How didJAXSON (O.S.) LISA

JAXSON (O.S.) Don't ask. Just don't wait until it's too late. LISA So I guess you trust me after all. She packs up the materials. Turns off the lights and leaves. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Packed courtroom. The two minions are there again. Amanda is there. District Attorney Rios sits by the door. Her and Jaxson make eye contact. They linger.

93. Several guards surround Torres. The lawyers and the Judge are at their respective places. The jury walks into the courtroom expressionless. They take their seat. JUDGE ELLER Will the defendant please rise. Jaxson and Juan stand. Juan doesnt flinch. JUDGE ELLER (cont'd) I understand that the jury has reached a verdict. The Foreperson stands. FOREPERSON That is correct your honor. JUDGE ELLER What say the jury? FOREPERSON (reading) In the case of State v. Torres, on the charge of rape in the 1st degree ... we the jury find the Juan Torres NOT GUILTY. On Count 2. NOT GUILTY. The crowd reacts. District Attorney Rios and his two minions leave. Amanda rushes to the front. Catches eye contact with Selena. Selena lets out a slight smile. Jaxson looks back. Tharseo is in the crowd. He nods in approval. Out of nowhere two men stand with carbon plated guns, open fire. Several bodies hit the ground. Lisa ducks under the table. The Judge ducks. SERIES OF SLOW MOTION SHOTS play over Sam Cooke's, "A Change Gonna Come" and this voice over.

94. ANCHOR Two stories today. One tragic and one uplifting. The ruthless gang MS - 13 has suffered the largest raid and bust in Florida history. 23 counts of murder. Human trafficking. More than three dozen women have been found living in horrible conditions and apparently sex slaves under the direction of Vincent DelaCruz. In more tragic unrelated story, Orlando attorney, Jaxson Stone and three unidentified people were killed during an attack in court. An investigation is pending. A special report tonight at 10. INT. COURTROOM - DAY A white sheet is placed over Jaxson, confirming his death. A white sheet falls over Amanda and Juan still holding hands. Selena is down closer to the door. Others are down. INT. COURTROOM HALLWAY - DAY Tharseo is wheeling away. Not crying. EXT. TORRES HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Lisa exits an unmarked car. EXT. ANTIQUE SHOP - DAY DelaCruz is led out in handcuffs. EXT. PROSTITUTION HOUSE SWAT team executes a raid on this house. Haggard and abused kids are escorted to safety, led by JENNIFER.

95. INT. LOPEZ HOME - DAY Police search home. Find underfloor safe. Guns there. A little cash. Most missing. No more millions. FADE TO: EXT. LONELY CAFE - DAY Sun shines and normally foot traffic moves too and from. We see a man reading. Sexy legs approach touch the man's shoulder. He turns around, and it's Jaxson. A bag drops on the table. It's Lisa. She sits, touches Jaxson on the arm. Hey. LISA

JAXSON Were you able to get what we agreed on? LISA In the bag. How's everyone? JAXSON Shaken up, but ok. Ready for a new start. LISA What are you going to do? Jaxson slides a picture to Lisa. It's an old Victorian Home, boarded up. JAXSON Figured I'd open a home. Help girls stuck in bad situations. LISA And for money? JAXSON We'll make due. Pulls out a handful of money wraps. "13" written across them.

96. LISA No more Jaxson Stone in the courtroom. What will I do with myself? JAXSON You'll be plenty busy with your new promotion, Ms. District Attorney. LISA Yeah, guess I will. Lisa stands. Looks back, LISA (cont'd) Was she worth it? JAXSON (ponders) She still is, and more. Lisa stands to leave. Amanda, comes with 5 kids laughing and smiling. Two jump on Jaxson, now Terrance. Hug him tightly on his neck. Lisa smiles, leaves. Jaxson passes the bag to Amanda. She opens it. Passports. Birth certificates. Pictures of Amanda, Jaxson, Juan, Selena, Alberto Jr. Names of Sarah, Terrance, Julio, Rebecca, Julio, Jr. FADE OUT.

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