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IN GUIDANCE OF Mr.V.K. Gupta sir

Asst Professor Deptt. of civil engg.

Submitted by Group -5 ,civil-A, final year students Student name (roll no): Pankaj Yadav (0806400066) Rituraj Rastogi (0806400083) Ritesh Yadav (0806400082) Roopesh kumar (0806400086) Pranjul Rajput (0806400070) Priyanshi Dubey (0806400076) Rishi yadav (0806400081) Neeraj Tyagi (0806400065) Rohan chaudhary (0806400084) Sarthak Gautam (0806400091) Rohit Maurya (0806400085) Ramveer Tyagi (0806400079) Sachin gupta (0806400087) Prateek agarwal (0806400074) Prem prakesh Gupta (0806400075) Rajeev Patel (0806400078)

Productive is one of the most commonly used buzz words in industrial engineering. It is a measure of how well resources are utilized to produce output. The term, productivity, symbolize the following: It relates output to input in any system, where some value addition is performed on the input resource. It is a quantitative measure of performance. It integrates performance aspects of quality, efficiency and effectiveness.

Productivity is formally defined by Organization of European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) as, Productivity is the quotient (ratio) obtained by dividing output by one of the factors of production. Thus, it is possible to speak productivity of capital, investment or raw materials according to whether output is being considered in relation to capital, investment or raw materials, etc. Before we explain further, it is important to not that productivity is oftenly a misunderstood term. Any particular value of productivity carries relevant meaning only when it is known how the productivity has been calculated. For example, the productivity of labor and productivity of capital should no be directly compared. We will further explain it later in this chapter. Secondly, productivity and production, though related in many ways, are different. Thirdly, quite often the terms, efficiency, effectiveness and productivity are confused with each other. To avoid indiscriminate use of these terms, some clarifications are provided.

Characteristics of production
Economic well-being is created in a production process. Production means, in a broad sense, all economic activities that aim directly or indirectly to satisfy human needs. The degree to which the needs are satisfied is often accepted as a measure of economic well-being. The satisfaction of needs originates from the use of the commodities which are produced. The need satisfaction increases when the quality-price-ratio of the commodities improves and more satisfaction is achieved at less cost. Improving the quality-price-ratio of commodities is to a producer an essential way to enhance the production performance but this kind of economic well-being cannot be measured with production data. Economic well-being also increases due to the growth of incomes that are gained from the more efficient production. The most important forms of production are market production, public production and production in households. In order to understand the origin of the economic well-being we must understand these three processes. All of them have production functions of their own which interact with each other. Market production is the prime source of economic well-being and therefore the primus motor of the economy.

Productivity is in this economic system the most important feature and an essential source of incomes.

Average and marginal productivity

Real output / Real input.

A producing company can be divided into sub-processes in different ways; yet, the following five are identified as main processes, each with a logic, objectives, theory and key figures of its own. It is important to examine each of them individually, yet, as a part of the whole, in order to be able to measure and understand them. The main processes of a company are as follows:

Main processes of a producing company

real process income distribution process production process monetary process market value process

Operational Cost
Operating cost is the sum of those expenses and owner experiences by working a machine on a project. These include 1. Fuel: Fuel expense is best determine by measurement on the job. Good service records tell the owner how many gallons of fuel of a machine consumes over what period of time and under what job conditions. Hourly fuel consumption can then be calculated directly. 2. Lubricant( lube oils, filters and grease): It depends on the maintenance practices of company and the conditions of the work locations 3. Repairs: It is a mean normal maintenance type repairs. These are incurred on the job sight where the machine is operated and would include the cost of parts and labour.Major repairs and overhauls are accounted for as ownership cost. 4. Tyres: Tyres for wheel type equipments are a major operating cost because they have a short life in relation to the iron of a machine. Tyre cost will include repair and replacement charges. It is very difficult to estimate because of variability in tyres. 5. Replacement of highwear items.

Ownership cost:
Owrership cost is the cumulative result of those cash flows and owner experiences wheter or not the machine is productively employed on a job. Most of these cash flows are expenses(outflows) , but a few are cash inflows. The effecting ownership cost are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Purchase expense Salvage value Tax saving from depreciation Major repairs and Overhauls Property taxes Insurance Storage cost


A time and motion study (or time-motion study) is a business efficiency technique combining the Time Study work of Frederick Winslow Taylor with the Motion Study work of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.After its first introduction, time study developed in the direction of establishing standard times, while motion study evolved into a technique for improving work methods. The two techniques became integrated and refined into a widely accepted method applicable to the improvement and upgrading of work systems. This integrated approach to work system improvement is known as methods engineering and it is applied today to industrial as well as service organizations, including banks, schools and hospitals. Time and motion study have to be used together in order to achieve rational and reasonable results. It is particularly important that effort to be applied in motion study to ensure equitable results when time study is used. In fact, much of the difficulty with time study is a result of applying it without a thorough study of the motion pattern of the job. Motion study can be considered the foundation for time study. The time study measures the time required to perform a given task in accordance with a specified method and is valid only so long as the method is continued. Once a new work method is developed, the time study must be changed to agree with the new method.


1 Time study 2 Criticisms 3 Motion studies 4 Taylor Vs. the Gilbreths 5 Direct time study procedure 6 See also 7 References 8 External links

Time study
Time study is a direct and continuous observation of a task, using a timekeeping device (e.g., decimal minute stopwatch, computer-assisted electronic stopwatch, and videotape camera) to record the time taken to accomplish a task and it is often used when:

there are repetitive work cycles of short to long duration, wide variety of dissimilar work is performed, or process control elements constitute a part of the cycle.

The Industrial Engineering Terminology Standard defines time study as "a work measurement technique consisting of careful time measurement of the task with a time measuring instrument, adjusted for any observed variance from normal effort or pace and to allow adequate time for such items as foreign elements, unavoidable or machine delays, rest to overcome fatigue, and personal needs." The systems of time and motion studies are frequently assumed to be interchangeable terms, descriptive of equivalent theories. However, the underlying principles and the rationale for the establishment of each respective method are dissimilar, despite originating within the same school of thought. The application of science to business problems, and the use of time-study methods in standard setting and the planning of work, was pioneered by Frederick Winslow Taylor. Taylor liaised with factory managers and from the success of these discussions wrote several papers proposing the use of wage-contingent performance standards based on scientific time study. At its most basic level time studies involved breaking down each job into component parts, timing each part and rearranging the parts into the most efficient method of working. By counting and calculating, Taylor wanted to transform management, which was essentially an oral tradition, into a set of calculated and written techniques. Taylor and his colleagues placed emphasis on the content of a fair days work, and sought to maximize productivity irrespective of the physiological cost to the worker.For example, Taylor thought unproductive time usage (soldiering) to be the deliberate attempt of workers to promote their best interests and to keep employers ignorant of how fast work could be carried out.This instrumental view of human behavior by Taylor, prepared the path for human relations to supersede scientific management in terms of literary success and managerial application.

In response to Taylors time studies and view of human nature, many strong criticisms and reactions were recorded. Unions, for example, regarded time study as a disguised tool of management designed to standardize and intensify the pace of production. Similarly, individuals such as Gilbreth (1909), Cadbury and Marshall heavily criticized Taylor and pervaded his work with subjectivity. For example, Cadbury in reply to Thompson stated that under scientific management employee skills and initiatives are passed from the individual to management, a view reiterated by Nyland.In addition, Taylors critics condemned the lack of scientific substance in his time studies,in the sense that they relied heavily on individual interpretations of what workers actually do.However, the value in rationalizing production is indisputable and supported by academics such as Gantt, Ford and Munsterberg, and Taylor society members Mr C.G. Renold, Mr W.H. Jackson and Mr C.B. Thompson.

Motion studies
In contrast to, and motivated by, Taylors time study methods, the Gilbreths proposed a technical language, allowing for the analysis of the labour process in a scientific context.The Gilbreths made use of scientific insights to develop a study method based upon the analysis of work motions, consisting in part of filming the details of a workers activities while recording the time.The films served two main purposes. One was the visual record of how

work had been done, emphasising areas for improvement. Secondly, the films also served the purpose of training workers about the best way to perform their work.This method allowed the Gilbreths to build on the best elements of these work flows and to create a standardized best practice.
Taylor's theory (Principles of Scientific Management, 1911)was given practical application by Frank Gilbreth who invented time and motion studies when he devised a method of working that cut the number of motions when laying a brick from 18 to 5. In a method study there is accurate observation and recording of existing work methods, from which a new method might emerge. Work measurement is the use of accurate observation and recording to determine the time it would take for a qualified worker to complete a specific job to a required level of performance. These are also time studies. Times can be measured by (a) synthetic timing - the time for each component of a job is measured; (b) pre-determined motion time study - the times for different human motions required for the job are added up to arrive at an overall time; (c) analytical estimating - used when there are non-repetitive one-off jobs, the time is calculated from a knowledge of the operations and skills required.

Taylor Vs. the Gilbreths

Although for Taylor motion study remained subordinate to time study, the attention he paid to it demonstrated the seriousness with which he considered the Gilbreths method. The split with Taylor in 1914 on the basis of attitudes to workers meant the Gilbreths had to argue contrary to the trade unionists, government commissions and Robert Hoxie who believed scientific management was unstoppable.The Gilbreths were charged with the task of proving that motion study particularly, and scientific management generally, increased industrial output in ways which improved and did not detract from workers' mental and physical strength. This was no simple task given the propaganda fuelling the Hoxie report and the consequent union opposition to scientific management. In addition, the Gilbreths credibility and academic success continued to be hampered by Taylor who held the view that motion studies were nothing more than a continuation of his work. While both Taylor and the Gilbreths continue to be criticized for their respective work, it should be remembered that they were writing at a time of industrial reorganization and the emergence of large, complex organizations with new forms of technology. Furthermore, to equate scientific management merely with time and motion study and consequently labour control not only misconceives the scope of scientific management, but also misinterprets Taylors incentives for proposing a different style of managerial thought.

Direct time study procedure

Following is the procedure developed by Mikell Groover for a direct time study: 1. Define and document the standard method. 2. Divide the task into work elements. Steps 1 and 2 These two steps are primary steps conducted prior to actual timing. They familiarize the analyst with the task and allow the analyst to attempt to improve the work procedure before defining the standard time.

3. Time the work elements to obtain the observed time for the task. 4. Evaluate the workers pace relative to standard performance (performance rating), to determine the normal time. Note that steps 3 and 4 are accomplished simultaneously. During these steps, several different work cycles are timed, and each cycle performance is rated independently. Finally, the values collected at these steps are averaged to get the normalized time. 5. Apply an allowance to the normal time to compute the standard time. The allowance factors that are needed in the work are then added to compute the standard time for the task.


Simulation is a quantitative method which describes a process by developing a model of that process and then conducting a series of organized trial and error experiment to predict the behaviour of the process over time. Many real life problems are complex in nature to describe and thereafter solved by mathematical models where as in simulation, the mathematical models are built which cant be solved and are run on trial data to simulate the behaviour of the system. Mathematical system applications may not be solved for a number of reasons. Unavailability of input data, the number of unknowns in the equations, the ambiguity about the exact nature of the relationships among the variables, the complex nature of system etc are only a few of the reasons that may hinder a solution to a system of equations. Simulation under these circumstances is the only method available to the decision maker to observe the system. Simulation does not derive absolute answer like the other research models say linear programming. Generally, the simulation if used is adopted is only the last available method, these methods are encouraged when the actual observation of the system is either practically impossible or very expensive. Simulation is not precise. It only gives an idea about the uncertainty or risk of the possible outcomes. The decision maker still has to take his own decision for the course of action. Simulation only helps to take such decision. It is essentially a computerized oriented process and immense quantity of calculations are involved that cant be practically done manually. In most simulations, data are synthetically generated from the expected distribution of probabilities and is called Montecarlo Simulation Method.

The steps of simulation are as follows:1) Def. of given problem. 2) Formulation of the mathematical system which represents the problem that will be simulated. 3) Identification and collection of inputs like the probability and distribution of the input variables. 4) Running the simulation which involves the following:a) Drawing values of the input variables on a random basis depending upon the probability distribution of input variables. b) Obtaining an answer by using the selected values to the mathematical formulation. c) Repeating the process to generate a number of sample answers. d) Obtaining the statistics i.e., the mean and the probability distribution of answers. e) It is assumed that the answer for the real world problem would also have the same statistics i.e., mean and standard deviation of the sample answers. 5) Making a decision with the knowledge of the statistics of the possible outcomes.

Example:- Problem related to the simulation

A tyre mountain crane is used to lift material to the upper floors in a housing complex under construction. Various workers, groups accumulate the material at the ground and summon the crane which takes more or less half a day to set up, lift materials and unloading these in the upper floors. The management has kept a record and desire the probability distribution of calling the crane as shown:-

Event No call a day Single call a day Two call a day Three call a day Four call a day

Probability 15% 32% 26% 18% 9%

Cumulative Probability 15% 47% 73% 91% 100%

The management is interested to know about the utilization factor of the machine. A simple simulation can be setup to study the problem. The expected number of daily calls of a crane. Event Expected number of calls 0 0 1 0.47 2 1.56 3 2.73 4 4.00 8.56% 8.76/5 = 1.95 calls per day 2 calls per day As the crane can clear two calls a day. One crane would be sufficient but a queue will form. A series of random number normally distributed between zero to one is generated in a computer or otherwise it will be supply. When a random number exceeds a particular cumulative probability distribution, the corresponding numbers of calls are put into the tabular form. Table 9.12 The outcomes of the experiment are progressively shown in the table. In table, the crane is never idle whereas the backlog of the calls is accumulating at the end of the day.

If a second crane is added to the simulation and is again simulated as shown in table 9.13. In this crane, there is no backlog but the ideal time of the crane has reached 19.5 days i.e., 47.5% of the total crane time. If the process is repeated many more times and statistically calculated, we would have an idea about the number of cranes to be employed in the housing project. The decision maker may compare the relative cost figure for the crane idle time and call backlog to decide the feasibility of employing the second crane.




Excavating equipments

Hauling equipment

Excavating and hauling equipments

Power shovel Back hoe Drag line Clam shell Dumpers Trucks Bulldozer Scraper loader shovel Grader

Earth excavating equipments:

Dragline In a dragline , a bucket is connected to a cable , which is attached to a long

crane . The soil is excavated by dragging this bucket against the soil to be excavated . In dragline , bucket falls under the gravity load which loosens the soil . It is used for excavation as well as loading the material in the truck . Dragline can also be used for underwater excavation.(see fig:1)



Backhoe-Backhoe is hydraulic excavator with a bucked attached to hydraulic controlled boom and stick . In backhoe , the excavation bucket moves in downward and backward direction during excavation . The difference between power shovel and backhoe is the movement of bucket . Backhoe may be crawler or rubber wheel mounted . Backhoe is more suited for the excavation below the ground , such as excavation for basements in building construction or trenches for laying sewer lines . The learning requirements for backhoe is same as power shovel.

Fig: Backhoe:weel base and crawer base(line diagram)

Power shovels - Shovels also called power shovels are the hydraulic excavator . In the shovel , a excavation bucket is attached to the hydraulically controlled boom & stick . The bucket moves in a forward and upward direction . The bucket can be swung around depending upon the type of the shovel and load the soil in the truck. The shovels may be either crawler or rubber tire carrier mounted . They are many variations , depending upon the manufacturers. Its capacity is dependent upon the manufacturer specifications . A construction engineer needs to enquire about the bucket capacity , cutting height , output , etc to plan the construction work. Clamshell-Like dragline , clamshell bucket is designed to excavate the soil in vertical direction . The bucked is like an inverted jaw , having a biting motion . Generally it is used for excavating soft soil and stockpiling it . The bucket can be opened and closed with the help of a cable or by hydraulic control . It is designed in such away that it is half opened when dropped and gets closed when the bucket is filled . it can stock pile the soil up to 20-30m of height and at a diameter up to 60m . It is often used in mining industry.(see fig:3)



Reeving diagrams for power crane fitted (a) with clamshell or (b) with scoop and for shovel fitted (c) with forward dipper or (d) with back hoe (backdigger or drag-shovel)

Earth Hauling Equipments:

Introduction: Hauling is defined as the movement of material from one place to another. The equipments used for transportation of material are known as hauling equipments or simply haulers. Haulage jobs in construction sites involve transportation of building materials, carriage and disposal of excavated earth and haulage of heavy construction equipment.Road haulers for haulage may be classified, according to the method of dumping the load, as follows. 1. Dump trucks (a) Side or rear dump trucks (b) Bottom dump trucks 2. Dumpers 1. Dump Trucks: These are used for earth moving purpose. Dumping of earth can be done on the rear, on the sides or at the bottom of the truck. The selection of the type of dump trucks for a specific job depends on the soil condition and the nature of the haul road.



(a) Side or rear dump trucks: These are heavy duty trucks with a strongly built body which is hinged on the truck chasis at the rear end and one side respectively, and can be fitted to the rear in the case of rear dump and to the hinged side in case of the side dump, through the action of hydraulic jacks. These trucks are suitable for hauling wet clay, sand, gravel, quarry rocks, etc.

(b) Bottom dump trucks These are similar to semi trailers in which their front is supported on the rear of the hauling tractor and their rear is resting on their own wheels. The body of the truck remains in the same position and the discharge of the material takes place through its bottom after opening of two longitudinal gates. The gates are hinged to the side of the body .These trucks are suitable for used in hauling free flowing material, such as sand, gravel, dry earth, hard clay, etc. 2. Dumpers: Dumpers are high speed pneumatic wheeled trucks with short chasis and strong bodies. The loading, hauling and dumping is done very fast compared to other equipment using the dumper. The dumpers are suitable for short hauls on rough roads and specially where a shuttle movement is required.



Excavating & Hauling equipments

Bulldozers A dozer which is popularly called bulldozer is a self contained tractor power unit with a blade attached to its front . The are used for pushing the materials , land clearing , striping , towing other pieces of constructions , assisting in loading side hill cutting , backfilling & spreading , etc . The amount of material a dozer can move depends upon the size of the blade , tha is the amount of material that can remain in the blade. Dozers can be classified as a. Crawler type b. Wheel type Dozers are generally used for haulage distances less than 50m.

Fig:(left)A Liebherr bulldozer with a multi-shank ripper and (rightside) scraper.

Scrapers-Scrapers is a large steel bowl attached with the cutter at the bottom , which is molded on the wheel. It is a multipurpose equipment which is used for excavation the soil , transporting it and spreading it at the other place . The basic operating parts of the scrapers are bowl , apron, ejector . During excavation , the cutting edge is lowered to scrape the soil . the cutting edge is raised when the bowl is filled . The material is spread after transporting a short distance . There are various types of scrapers , such as pusher loaded , self loading , etc . Scrapers can be used for a haulage distance of 100m to 1500m . Scrapers are not suited for hard rock , muddy soil and certain types of sands which does not pile up in the scrapers .


Hoisting is the operation of lifting a weight from one location to the other and moving it to the another location which is a reasonable distance and dumping it. Now a days, many big projects such as, construction of dam, industrial building etc. require hoisting equipment. Hoisting equipment includes jacks, winches, chin hoist and cranes. As a hoisting equipment, crane is the only single machine which, as a single piece, is capable of providing three dimensional movement of weight. It does hoisting operation speedily with safety and provision.


a. b. c. d. e.

Stationary or derrick crane Mobile cranes Overhead or gantry cranes Traveller cranes Tower crane

a. Derrick Or Stationary Cranes:- derrick cranes consists of a mast, a boom and a bul wheel on which the boom rotates about a vertical axis and guys or supporting member. These cranes are either electrically operated, diesel operated or electrically -diesel operated. A typical arrangement of a derrick crane is shown in fig. below.

Images of Derrick Or Stationary Cranes

b. Mobile Crane :- These type of crane mounted on a mobile units which is either crawler type or wheel type (truck mounted). Truck cranes have high mobility while crawler mounted cranes move slowly. Crawler type cranes are capable of moving on rough terrain. These cranes are used for transportation of load to shorter distances.

Image of Mobile Crane c. Traveller Crane:- Travelling or bridge cranes have their crabs moving on girder which are supported on legs instead of an overhead gantry tracks as used in overhead cranes. The legs are capable of moving on track laid on the floor.

Image of Traveller Crane d. Tower Cranes:- Tower cranes are actually a derrick crane mounted on steel tower. Tower crane are usually used in for industrial and residential high-rise building. These are commonly used for assembly of industrial plant with steel structure. The main parts of tower crane are under carriage, slewing platform, tower with operators cabin and jibs. The tower has truss structure welded from steel bars and channel.



CONTINUOUS BLENDING Materials are managed with Continuous Blending using belt scales and variable frequency conveyor drives. Live aggregate feeding with 30-ton bins; 2-6 bin arrangements are available. WEIGH BRIDGE Throughout the rated production range, belt scales with weigh idlers and fully variable speed drives ensure optimum precision. A load cell accurately indicates the weight of the aggregates, while the computer controls adjust for the production rate. Completely accurate speeds for aggregate blending are possible. TWIN-SHAFT MIXER Astec mixers are in-house designed and built to ensure productivity and reliability. Shaft-driven, high-torque folding action delivers a uniform concrete mix for the shortest mix times allowable. With over 35 years experience, Astec builds twin-shaft mixers that you can count on to deliver consistent mix. Self -Erecting Cement Silo The silo features a mass flow control system with weight change monitors feeding information into the microprocessor control. Both split-compartments and pairs are available. Air-bag suspensions give the silo a smooth ride on even the poorest road conditions, and allow the frame to be lowered to act as the foundation on a properly prepared grade.
Astec Roller Compacted Concrete plants incorporate advanced features including weigh bridges, a twin-shaft mixer and self-erecting silo that help you manage profitable production.


CONTINUOUS BLENDING Aggregates are placed onto the collecting conveyor from individual feed bins in layers, allowing dry cement to be spread in between these layers. Continuous, even distribution of material is delivered on fullyshrouded conveyors, through to the discharge head. A water distribution system delivers a continuous curtain of water, sprayed around the falling aggregates to produce uniformly wet materials. Self-Erecting Cement Silo The silo features a mass flow control system with weight change monitors feeding information into the microprocessor control. Both split-compartments and pairs are available. Air-bag suspensions give the silo a smooth ride on even the poorest road conditions, and allow the frame to be lowered to act as the foundation on a properly prepared grade.
Astec Portable Dry Concrete Plants are designed and manufactured for quick set-up and easy transporting. Easily add pre-wired and preplumbed components to expand capacity as your needs change.



a. CONTINUOUS BLENDING Materials are managed with Continuous Blending using belt scales and variable frequency conveyor drives. Live aggregate feeding with 30-ton bins; 2-6 bin arrangements are available. b. WEIGH BRIDGE Throughout the rated production range, belt scales with weigh idlers and fully variable speed drives ensure optimum precision. A load cell accurately indicates the weight of the aggregates, while the computer controls adjust for the production rate. Completely accurate speeds for aggregate blending are possible. c. TWIN-SHAFT MIXER Mixers are in-house designed and built to ensure productivity and reliability. Shaft-driven, high-torque folding action delivers a uniform concrete mix for the shortest mix times allowable. With over 35 years experience, builds twin-shaft mixers that you can count on to deliver consistent mix. d. Self -Erecting Cement Silo The silo features a mass flow control system with weight change monitors feeding information into the microprocessor control. Both split-compartments and pairs are available. Air-bag suspensions give the silo a smooth ride on even the poorest road conditions, and allow the frame to be lowered to act as the foundation on a properly prepared grade.


a. CONTINUOUS BLENDING Aggregates are placed onto the collecting conveyor from individual feed aggregates to produce uniformly wet materials. b. Self-Erecting Cement Silo The silo features a mass flow control system with weight change monitors feeding information into the microprocessor control. Both split-compartments and pairs are available. Air-bag suspensions give the silo a smooth ride on even the poorest road conditions, and allow the frame to be lowered to act as the foundation on a properly prepared grade.


a. Easy to move Easy to erect Complete three-load plants and four-load plants for PCC, CTB, and RCC are available with working capacities from 80 yd3 up to 350 yd3 for single mixers. Dual mixer arrangements are available. Air-bag suspensions give the equipment a smooth ride on even the poorest road conditions, and allow the frame to be lowered to act as the foundation on a properly prepared grade. b. SELF-ERECTING Twin-shaft Mixer The twin-shaft mixer quickly incorporates materials into a consistent, uniform mix. The unique design includes a proprietary automated wash-down system utilizing pre-positioned nozzles inside the mixing chamber. The system is screening deck mounted at the top of the agg bins. Properly graded materials allow for exact consumption of cement for every mix design. Vibrating decks are standard and provided for each bin. Screens are long lasting and easy to access for maintenance. Additional decks and by-passes are available. Whether you use loader-charged conveyors or drive-over hoppers, the flow of aggregates is supplied by a vertical elevator, greatly reducing the footprint of your plant. c. TWIN-SHAFT DECK MIXERS In wet mix configurations, twin-shaft deck mixers are incorporated into your Production Tower using a modular section that is universally matched to the tower structure. This greatly simplifies first set-up or a future up-grade.

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