2013 Newsletters Week 7

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Club News Edition 7 For 2013

JUNIOR CLUB REPORT 7 We certainly have had a busy week, all the team photos were taken on Thursday and Friday night, we should receive these back in approx 6 weeks. Saturday was a huge day with our family day which was a big success. I have never seen such a big crowd at our football ground. The canteen was running out of food at the start of the seniors game luck for IGA that came to our rescue to get us some more bread rolls and hotdogs. It was fantastic to see the Auskick boys and girls at the half time breaks in the reserves and senior games. The children looked like they were having fun in the jumping castle and there were many blue lips around after their slushies. Magoo the clown painted many faces and Manny the wizard mad many balloon sculptures for the children. Ditto (Bravehearts mascot) and FunDa Falcon our mascot got together for some photo opportunities with the children. Thankyou to Kylee Healy and the Auskick committee for coordinating the children's area for the day.. A great job done by all. I hope all those that attended had a great day and it was great to see our U18s Reserves and Senior sides all defeat Manor Lakes in their first encounter against them. Our u14 and U16 teams both had their first loss on the weekend. Our U13 side had a bye so they had a parent vs kids match on the back oval, from what I hear it sounds like they ahad a lot of fun. Next Wednesday 5th June we have a Western Bulldogs player in attendance at training from 4:30pm 5:30pm. If this is not your training night and you would like to attend please call me on 0457 005 767. if we have a parent willing to take photos on this night on behalf of the club could you please contact me. Our next big event is Trivia Night on Friday 28th June, this is an adults only event. Tickets are available from Bomber cost is $10.00 each. Tables are limited to seat 8 per table. This is a BYO drinks and snacks. If you have any items for donations for prizes on trivia night please speak to Bomber. Good luck to all teams for the weekend Adam Kimpton

Important Dates
Trivia Night Friday 28th June at 7:30pm

Di Caprio Restaurant MANIC INK tattooing

Team Auskick Under 9 Under 10 Under 11 Under 12 Under 13 Under 14 Under 16 Youth Girls Coach Paul Trezise Nathan Evans (Evo) Shane Taylor Damian Ramsay Charlie Zammit Brett Cook Frank Lorenzon Lawrie Bomford Jess Heath Steve Tessari Phone 0417 004 880 0413 554 759 Times Fridays Tuesday & Thursday Wednesday & Friday Tuesday & Thursday Wednesday & Friday Tuesday & Thursday Wednesday & Friday Wednesday & Friday Monday & Wednesday 5.00pm start 4.30pm start 4:30pm start 4:30pm start 4:30pm start 4:30pm start 4:30pm start 5:00pm start 6:30pm start

0419 446 496

0409 561 666 0402 917 631 0424 984 013 0413 169 442 0400 720 780 0400 056 120 0417 588 579

Team Youth Girls Under 18 Reserves Seniors Time 10:45am 9:45am 12:00pm 2:15pm H/A Away Bye Away Away Nth. Sunshine Nth Sunshine Dempster Park Phoenix Street, Sunshine Dempster Park Phoenix Street, Sunshine Verses Craigieburn Ground Craigieburn Youth Girls Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn

Map Ref: 26 J 9 Map Ref: 26 J 9

Team Under 9 Bue Under 10 White Under 11B Under 12C Under 13B Time 8:50am 8:50am 10:20am 10:20am 12:05pm H/A Away Home Home Away Away Verses St. Bernards West Footscray Werribee Centrals Hoppers Crossing DeerPark/Caroline Springs Ground St. Bernards oval 2 Beryl Street, West Essendon Wyndhamvale Reserve Oval 1 Honour Avenue Wyndhamvale Reserve Oval 1 Honour Avenue Hogans Road Oval 1 Hogans Rd, Hoppers Crossing Deer Park sports oval Hume Street, Deer Park Map Ref: 25 F8 Map Ref: 41 J3

Under 14B Under 16 C

12:05pm 2:05pm

Bye Home Werribee Centrals Wyndhamvale Reserve Oval 1 Honour Avenue Hallem Reserve Landells Rd, Pascoe Vale




Pascoe Vale

U14B Track Good Weather Cloudy A frustrating day against the benchmark of the competition where we didn't play our best footy but we hung in there and fought it out till the end. Our discipline on the ground to focus on the football was great and we have developed in that area. Quick ball movement was missing. We will learn from the experience and we need to improve individually and collectively to overcome this hurdle. The effort put in by the players was great and if we gave it our best shot effort wise then you can be proud of your efforts and work to improve your game fitness and skill wise. We did outscore them in a qtr so we are able to do it.. Special Thanks to Liam, Zeb, Brenton, Kuol and Soni for the outstanding games they played They were winning the ball but more importantly working so hard to create opportunities for their teammates. I know they were exhausted. Joshua Mould was an inspirational leader and played an incredible game, against all the odds he would somehow find a way to get his hands on the ball and he did move the ball quickly not once or twice but all the time, he took risks most came off and away he went. He ran all over the ground all day long helping his teammates creating plays and kicking goals..Sensational game against quality opposition, you can be very proud of your efforts Josh. I know he was exhausted. Final Score San Lakes12.12.Wyndhamvale 9.4 Goals Soni 3,Josh 2,Chase,Jordan,Kuol,Bull 1. Best Josh,Soni,Liam,Zeb,Brenton,Kuol,Lucas and Chase

UNDER 16 WYNDHAMVALE V ST. BERNARDS It was due to happen and it happened this week, on our interstate trip to St. Bernards we lost our first match. Once again, one poor quarter cost us dearly. After an even first quarter we fell asleep in the second and let St. Bernards run free. The second half was much better but the damage had been done. If it wasnt for a great game by Stefan who stopped numerous goals for us by sacrificing his own game and playing down back, things would have been worse. A couple of others also ran their guts out for us, Mozza and our first gamer, Jimmy. Our accountability was very poor this week, we cant let opposition players have any room to run free. We must be right with them and give ourselves a chance of gaining possession in a contest. We all need to analyse our games and work out what we need to improve on (including the coach). One area we have to improve on is our work rate. Too many times we let a team mate battle it out with two or three opponents and didnt run hard enough to assist. As I said after the game St. Bernards played the best they could and we played the worst we have this year. We will get a chance to make up for this later in the year. We now need to concentrate on this weeks game against Centrals. Wyndhamvale 4 - 12 - 36 Goals:- Ayor, Dani, Mozza, Paday Best:- Stefan, Jimmy, Mozza, Rocket, Sheldon, Dom Thats all folks Bomber. St. Bernards 12 - 12 - 84

Under 9s Match Report Not Submitted Under 11s

Match Report Not Submitted

Under 10's Today we versed sunshine away. We started off really fast. It looked good when the team moved the ball to the forward line together. We were then able to kick a goal fairly quickly because of the great team work. The pressure around the ball was fantastic stuff by all players. Chasing and tackling was done perfectly. Marking the ball was of a very good standard and all players picked up their game this week. Our biggest issue of manning seems to have finally sunk in and you are all making an effort to pick up an opponent. The coaching staff were very happy with all your efforts and it was great to verse a team of the same ability. You must all remember to play in the position you are given, as you will all get a turn to play each position on the field. Congratulations to Aaron mould for receiving the heartland award. Brandon was given a job to do in the first quarter and he didn't stop until the last siren. Well done buddy!!! Nicholas snagged the first goal after a great mark and that gave the team the confidence they needed to keep it going for four quarters. Gunny finally kicked his first goal then in the second half, Braiden, Dylan,Xavier and Cody also kicked goals. Although we don't score, we know it feels great to get that ball through the big sticks!! I want to hear BIG voices next week!!!! Well done our little superstars.

Under 12s Wyndhamvale 2-1-13 defeated by St. Bernards 3-2-20 This week we were at home to St. Bernards. Congratulations to Jake.S who was playing his 50th Game, well done from everyone at Wyndhamvale football club. Now with our salary cap in the black we were able to bring in our new rookie from under 11s, so well done to Brayden (Great first effort!). It was a very even game with my boys only playing two quarters of football, we only went down by a handful of points. I think that this was due to partying hard the night before and on the drinks (red cordial) or playing X Box. We all woke up thinking that it was going to be a walkover, but this was definitely not the case. Our opposition had 4 of their A grade players on the ground, but we didn't let them run away with a big win. My most important role as a coach is to make sure that you all get to have a go, and that you are all still having fun, so it is great to see that you are all still enjoying your footy.. Your task this week is: NO more partying, girls, late nights and drinking (red cordial) I WANT more school work, helping mum and dad, eating all of your vegetables!!! Goals: Jake.S, Arden Best: Tommy, Dekki, Vinny, Jake.S., James, Charlie Well Done Boys! Charlie

For all club info go to our web site: www.wyndhamvalejuniorfalcons.com Join up as a member to receive Newsletters, Game times and Match Reports


Wyndhamvale 4.5.29 def. Jacana 4.3.27

Round 7 saw us host Jacana at home. After a big win against them earlier in the year, we expected the opposition to come out hard with a much tighter contest in tough conditions at home. After an even first quarter, Jacana kicked away with use of the breeze in the second quarter and took a two goal lead into half time. In the absence of Kerry, fill in coaches Steve and Colin made some changes at half time that helped us open up space in the forward line in the third quarter, including moving a few midfielders into other positions around the field. In a physical game, Kirra and Andy were able to give us a real target in the forward 50 and we were able to claw back and only trail by 4 points at time. Early in the last quarter, Kirra was able to kick a check-side from the boundary into the wind to give us the lead, and it was a lead we didnt give up. Despite fierce pressure from Jacana and the ball living between the wing and their full forward line for almost the whole quarter, our backline defence, including Bridge, Millsy and Anna, wouldnt be denied. Wyndhamvale, led brilliantly by our inspirational skipper Jess Heath, who was celebrating her VWFL 50th career match, were able to hold out Jacana and win by 2 points. Goals: Kellee, Heathy, Kirra, Nicole Best: Andy, Heathy, Bridge, Anna, Kirra, Millsy

Congratulations to our Youth Girls coach Jess Heath Who played her 50th game For the senior women's on the weekend

Notice to all Parents & Friends The Front of the club rooms is a No Smoking Area. All smokers please use the smoking area that is near the carpark

Under 13s Kids versus Parents scratch match.

The stage was set for an epic battle between our never say die U13 side and their parents on Sunday morning. Aside from a few sleepy heads and couple of red eyes the players took to the field. Play was fierce until halfway through the first half when in the middle of the oval there was a stacks on taking place started by Cam's Dad. That sort of play should not be encouraged during a game, very disgraceful. Cookie took a screamer of a mark but that was soon forgotten when Cookie later viciously tackled Trae. Another disgraceful display of unsportsmanlike behaviour. That too was soon forgotten though when Cookie did a big smother, legendary but we know it hurt. The Mums meanwhile were down in the forward line kicking all the goals, showing the Dads how it's done. Great display of girl power! Boys, take note. During the 1/2 time huddle the boys detected an invader in their midst, yet again Cam's Dad, trying to get the juice on how to win the game. Because at half time, the boys were up 32 points to a measly 26 points scored by the parents. Remember, the Mums scored most of that! Half time behaviour was disgusting, first a big biffo in the centre and then someone gets dakked. Awful stuff. Second half started off with another painful smother by Cookie. Paul spoiled 2 chances for goal. There was a small stacks on in the middle but nothing to rival the first one. Ricky took a brilliant mark but then Adam took him out. Lucky these parents weren't up for report. A Mum took an awful wayward kick for goal but it was redeemed later by Lisa who kicked a pearler, passed to her by Darren. Big Bad Brad finally got out of bed and made it onto the field half way through the game. Must have had a great sleep, he had some good plays. There was a great rolling play halfway through, ball goes to Cookie, to Darren, to Cookie, to Darren, to Adam, to Cookie to Paul to Cookie who then produced a very bad kick. Cam got the ball but was savagely attacked. Terrible. Coops then kicked a brilliant goal. Wee Man was taken down. Boog let a ball go through, Cookie tried to touch it -didn't work. Another great goal to the kids. Mums kick another goal, umm hello Dads, are you there? Valiant tackle by Cam on Cookie, Cam couldn't budge him though, more training for him! Ricky kicks another goal for the kids. Inside scoop: Cookie declares this was a stupid idea. Feeling the pain much? Adam smothers a great kick by Coops, then Darren cheats by soccering the ball. Boog then brings the ball down, passes to Jake, passes to Cam and .........he misses! Even more training for him. Mums are getting frustrated by the lack of scoring by the Dads and really start in with the tackles. Cookie is sprung throwing the ball to his team mates, forgotten how to handball? Then he has an awful shot for goal.

Parents need to practice what they preach, they went down to the kids, final scores: Kids 86, Parents 51 Youth Girls Wyndhamvale 14-8-92 Def Altona 3-6-24

Last years record against Altona was 1 all in the home and away and we just got over the line against them in the prelim final in a come from behind win in the last quarter. So going into this game we knew it wouldn't come easy! But wow have we improved as a team! They scored the opening goal with a quick centre clearance but from then on we completely controlled the played and they didn't score until the last quarter. Our 2nd and 3rd quarters were amazing listening to everything the coaches were saying. KKs front and centre work was perfect reading off Stace at full forward. Our centres work rate was superior to Altonas lead by Sabrin, running a muck all over the ground. Everyone was prepared to work both ways over the field working into space and run and carrying the ball. Tiff had a day out at full back, even asking at 3/4 time if Altona thought she was wearing their jumper because she took so many uncontested marks in their goal square. A very solid four quarter performance. We now look towards Craigieburn on Saturday, where we really need to practice our run and carry and using the fat side of the ground, before we play Sunbury the following round. Go vales!! Goals: KK 5,Naomi 3, Stace 3, Bridget 2, Sabrin Best: KK, Tiffany, Naomi, Brooke, Sarah, Tori

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