Course Outline 2013 / 2014: Faculty of Art

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Faculty of Art

Faculty of Art Office: Room 401 Telephone: 416.977.6000 ext 306 100 McCaul St. Toronto ON M5T 1W1

Course Outline 2013 / 2014

Course Title: Professional Practices & Applications Course Code: PHOT3B19 Course Type: Studio Course Section: 01 Semester Offered: Summer 2013 Course Meeting Time: Tues. & Thurs. 8:30 2:30, Rm 415 Credit Value: 0.5 Pre-requisites: 8.0 credits, including all first-year requirements (5.0 credits) and at least 0.5 credit second-year Liberal Arts Professor: John Jones Contact Information: Office Hours: Tues. & Wed. 2:30 3:00, Room #446 Date: June 10, 2013


In this course, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of applied business practice, portfolio preparation and self-promotion through practical assignments, critiques and skill building demonstrations. This course provides an excellent opportunity to build your portfolio with images that explore the creative potential of editorial and advertising photography .

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: - understand the importance of personal research in the assignment photography field - become proficient in choosing tools and materials to undertake any particular assignment - know how to prepare job quotes as required for assignments - develop a methodology to solve lighting issues - acquire a heightened awareness of the importance of developing a recognizable, personal style - understand business practices as it applies to unincorporated individuals. - build a portfolio and successful marketing strategy to showcase your work - develop a strategy for a success successful and sustainable career in assignment photography.


Assignment #1: The Editorial Portrait: Due: May 16 This project will explore the use of symbols and props in a picture to illustrate a contrived narrative and direct viewer understanding of the theme. This image must be created on location and constructed so as to be used to illustrate a magazine article. Students may choose whatever magazine they wish, but research into the graphical style of that periodical is critical to success. Assignment #2: Illustration: Due: May 23 In this project, students will explore the use of parallel imagery commonly used in todays illustrations to sell a product or service. Reference to current media is stressed. Students may choose a product (still life) to illustrate, or produce a fashion editorial series with the same learning outcomes. With discussion, students will decide if an editorial or an advertising image best suits their concept. Assignment #3: Personal Promotion Part 1: Marketing Your Work Due: May 28 Students will construct a template for a personal marketing tool to be used as an introduction that that will not only draw attention to their work, but also provide relative contact information. The image used may be Assignment #4: Personal Promotion Part 2: Building a Portfolio Due: May 30 For this project, students will design a layout and execute a photograph that will illustrate their emerging style as defined by themselves. This piece will be used as a leave behind or introductory mailer. For this reason, this project will require students to incorporate contact information within the final design. This photograph will also be used as a page for an emerging portfolio. Prints from the first 2 assignments will also be included as portfolio pages.

The Final Grade is based on the accumulated grade weight value of the results of the 3 Projects plus the participation results as follows: Grades for this course will be broken down as follows: Assignment # 1 Assignment # 2 Assignment # 3
Assignment # 4 30% 10% 100%



Participation Total

Projects are reviewed and graded within the following guidelines: - Originality & concept - Problem solving within theme - Specific learning outcomes met as described in project assignment sheets - Technical skill illustrated 2

Appropriate presentation

Interim Grades: Students will be provided with 20% of their final mark (in writing) at least one week before the deadline for withdrawing from courses each semester . Participation: Participation may include some or all of the following: arriving on time, listening to lectures and instruction, being prepared and working in class time, sharing ideas, concepts and creative exploration and conceptual development with other students and cooperating in group projects, analyzing and offering opinions about work in progress and listening to and being an active participant in critique and discussions. Late Work: Late work will not be accepted if more than 7 days after the initial due date. All late work will be subject to a penalty of 10% per week. Students may not re-submit previously graded work or work produced for other courses for evaluation. Please note that because of the nature of Summer Session Courses, no late work for this course can be accepted after May 31, since access to the College will be restricted. SUGGESTED READINGS Ways of Seeing, John Berger, British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books, UK, 1972 The Fast Track Photographer: Business Plan, Dane Sanders, AmphotoBooks, New York, NY, USA, 2010 Hot Shoe Diaries, Big Light from Small Flashes, Joe McNally, New Riders, Berkeley, CA, 2009 Sketching With Light, An Illustrated Tour of the Possibilities of Light, Joe McNally, New Riders, Berkeley, CA, 2012 The Complete Guide to Photoshops Layers, Matt Kloskowski, Peachpit Press, USA, 2008 Photoshop Compositing Secrets, Matt Kloskowski, Peachpit Press, USA, 2012 Photo District News Digital Photo Pro . SUPPLIES The usual materials consistent with working in the black & white or colour darkrooms and computer labs; appropriate film to meet visual and technical requirements for selected image shooting. Although not specifically required for this course, you should also begin to assemble a shooting kit which you can carry in a small / medium sized tackle box which includes the following: 1. Gaffer tape (similar but different than duct tape) 3 Monthly Magazine, USA Bi-Monthly Magazine, USA

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Scissors Pliers; needle nose and regular Plastic cloths pins Plastic clamps (Wall Mart sells cheap) Screwdriver with interchangeable bits Instant glue Small and large utility knives Clear fishing line @ 4 ~ 6 lb strength Plasticine Small pieces of reflective card (silver one side, white on the other) Small socket set (Canadian Tire or Wall Mart) Any other useful items you can think of

Attendance Policy: Since students benefit from an active involvement with faculty and with their fellow students, the College requires that they attend and participate fully in classes on a regular basis. Marks are not assigned for attendance. However, a student with three or more unexcused absences may be assigned a failing grade for that course. Students who are more than 30 minutes late for a class may, at the discretion of the faculty member, be marked absent. Academic Considerations for Religious Observance: A student who foresees a conflict between a religious obligation and any scheduled class assignments, including the final examination or critique, must notify his/her instructor in writing and in the case of final examinations and critiques must make a written request to the appropriate Faculty Office within three weeks of the first class. Late requests for an exam or critiques deferral are subject to a fee of $70. Plagiarism and Student Conduct: Each student has final responsibility for her or his conduct. Students are expected to be aware of and abide by the regulations as they have been established in OCAD's current academic and nonacademic policies, which can be found on the OCAD website at These policies outline the responsibility of students to conduct themselves appropriately, reflecting the highest standards of integrity in non-academic as well as academic behaviour. All allegations of misconduct will be reported and investigated as per the current policies. Respectful Work & Learning Environment OCAD University supports a respectful work and learning environment that values and promotes principles of diversity and inclusion, and one that does not tolerate discrimination, harassment and/or bullying. Members of the OCAD University community are encouraged to view the Respectful Work & Learning Environment policy at the following link: ment_policy.pdf Student Prep: On average students should expect a minimum of six hours per week completing work and doing assignments outside of class time. 4

HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION Health and Safety is paramount to all students and staff at OCAD. While prescribed materials in this course have specific health and safety concerns that will be covered in class, some element of material exploration will take place on the part of the student. It is critical that your faculty member or the technician on duty be approached with any questions re: specific materials or tools that the student is otherwise unfamiliar with in order to ensure proper and safe handling . All members of the
OCAD community are required to abide by the OCAD Health & Safety Policy. It is posted on the Health & Safety buletin board on level 1 of 115 McCaul Street and at the following link: Insert additional Health and Safety information that pertains to this course and studio space. CONTACT INFORMATION OCAD University Phone Directory: Writing & Learning Centre 113 McCaul St., Level 5 (rm 1501) 416-977-6000 Ext. 229 Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm Health & Wellness Centre 51 McCaul St., Level 2 416-977-6000 Ext. 260 Monday - Friday, 8:30am -12:00 noon and 1:00pm - 4:30pm Centre for Student with Disabilities 51 McCaul St., Level 2 416-977-6000, Ext. 339 Fax: 647-438-9731 Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm (Wheelchair accessible via elevator on south side of 1st floor) Finance Office 115 McCaul St., Level 1 (red building at Dundas & McCaul), Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm Student Accounts Clerk: 416-977-6000, Ext. 317 Cashier Office: 416-977-6000 Ext. 295 Financial Aid & Awards Student Centre, 51 McCaul St., Level 1 5

416-977-6000, Ext. 250 Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm Campus Life & Career Development Student Centre, 51 McCaul St., Level 1 416-977-6000, Ext. 250 Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm OCADU Student Union 51 McCaul St., Level 1 416-977-6000 Ext. 341

DISCLAIMER Course outlines are planning documents and may be amended as the course proceeds. Students will be notified and consulted about all changes. See Calendar for details.

WEEK BY WEEK OVERVIEW Week One date morning afternoon Video: Naked in the House 1 Project #1 Editorial Location Portrait Presentation: editorial location portraits Planning your shoot: working with layouts and editorial restriction Critique: Project #1 Project #2 Illustration Working with Models and Products Slide Presentation: Contemporary lustration and Advertising Photography

May 14 Introduction to course General discussion: goals and motivation Slide Presentation: Current Trends in Applied Photography Exercises in Creative Thinking May 16 Taking care of business: Setting up your business Establishing your day rate Building a Portfolio

Week Two morning May 21 Taking Care of Business: doing a Job start to finish Business Concerns: Taxation Issues Video: Naked in the House 2 May 23 Doing a shoot: Job quotes Hiring models Hiring stylists Hiring assistants Location scouts date afternoon Project #3 Personal Promotion Part 1 Production: darkroom/studio/Mac

Project #4: Personal Promotion Part 2 Critique #2 Illustration

Week Three May 28 Getting ahead in Applied Photography What do You Own: Copyright Issues Critique: Project #3 May 30 Production: darkroom/studio/mac lab Individual consultation Production: darkroom/studio/mac lab Individual consultation

Final Critique and show

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