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Examination Techniques

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan


Views of the examiners

Major reasons of failure in the Examination are:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Selective studies. Failure to understand the requirement of the question. Failure to mould the answers in line with the exact requirement of the question. question Simple calculations are performed using lengthy methods. Wasting time in giving unnecessary and irrelevant details. Failure to organize the answers properly.

Selective studies
Smaller grids are more important from the students point of view. How? Because

T cover the To th grid, id 6-10 6 10 marks k questions ti are always l asked. k d The relative amount of study required to cover the grid is far less as compared to available marks. E ample Example
1. 2 2.

In ML, students emphasize on Contract, Partnership, Sales of Good and Negotiable Instrument Act. Very little emphasis is on Introduction to Legal System, System Trust Act and Carriage of Goods by Sea Act. The coverage of these areas in last three attempts was:
S Session i Autumn 2012 Spring 2012 Autumn 2012 M k Marks 20 18 15

Failure to understand/address the requirement q of the question q

Question required usefulness of a customer database for a bank, which is about to launch its credit card. Students discussed usefulness of the database for a bank with no reference to the specific situation i.e. launching of credit card. Appointment of alternate directors was explained instead of the provisions regarding assignment of office by a director. director Some students described provisions related to casual vacancy. The question required salient features of the direct and indirect approaches in conveying bad news messages. messages Many students gave the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches. Many students discussed Indifference Curves instead of Iso-Quant Curve.

Simple calculations are performed using lengthy g y methods

Example: Depreciation p (20%) ( ) under reducing g balance methods
Cost Depreciation 1st year WDV Depreciation 2nd year WDV Depreciation 3rd year WDV at end of 3rd year 1,000 200 800 160 640 128 512

Alt Alternative: ti WDV after 3 years: Depreciation p (3rd y ( year): ) 1,0000.80.80.8=512 1,0000.20.80.8=128 OR 2000.80.8=128

Wasting time in giving unnecessary and irrelevant details

All I know approach pp What I know approach Confuse the examiner approach Accrued Income is the income which is accrued. Excessive use of BOLD LETTERS, COLOURS etc.

Before the Examination

Read all instructions very carefully. Dont study y late in the night. g Reach the examination centre well before time. Reach your seat at least 5 minutes before the start time.

How to utilize additional time of 15 minutes

Decide the order in which questions are to be attempted. tt t d Understand the key requirements of each question. Underline or highlight the important items in each question (do not write on question paper).

During the Examination

Attempt all questions. In larger questions give think 1 or 2 minutes in deciding: From where to start How to proceed How to conclude Leave space at the end of the answers to add ideas later. Start each answer on fresh sheet.

After the Examination

Start studying the papers of next module In case of failure, failure study the examiners comments and suggested answers to identify your weaknesses Where applicable, pp critically y analyse y why y y you failed to understand the requirements of a question. Try to solve the questions under examination conditions and discuss with your teachers/seniors. teachers/seniors


Extent of details required

Differentiate Between:

List Identify Define Narrate Describe Briefly describe Explain Briefly explain Assess/evaluate

Memorize OR Understand? Remember! Rote learning is discouraged, discouraged but:

Key points and formulas need to be memorized as well as understood. understood Once you know the key points, you should be able to explain p them. Ability to explain require knowledge & power of expression. K Knowledge l d comes from f reading di (course) ( ) books. b k Power of expression comes from writing and reading (any) books. books

Strictly follow the given instructions to avoid cancellation of y your answer book

Write your Name and Roll Number on the top perforated portion of the cover page of the Main Answer Script only. Do not p put y your Name, , Roll number or any y other identification mark on the Main or Supplementary Answer Script under any circumstances except on the detachable portion. portion Avoid writing on the question paper or on any paper other than the Answer Script. Do not write any message or appeal in the Main/Supplementary Answer Book.


Be positive Avoid misperceptions

1. 2.

3. 4.

All students who achieve 50 marks are passed There is no quota system. passed. system There is no negative marking. No matter how bad an answer may be, be there is no effect on other questions. Marking is not tough it is lenient. Consequential mistakes are not penalized.


Wish you Best of Luck!

Th k you. Thank


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