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IB Economics Markschemes Definitions

Abnormal profits (HL) see supernormal profits Actual growth is an increase in real output for an economy over time. It is measured as an increase in real GDP. Aggregate demand is the total spending in an economy consisting of consumption, investment, government expenditure and net exports. Aid is official aid is provided to a country by another government or governmental organization such as UN or EU. tied aid is granted on the condition that it is used to buy goods or services from the donor country. Allocative efficiency (HL) exists where price is equal to marginal cost (or marginal social cost) and resources are allocated in such a way that neither too much nor too little is produced from societys point of view. Anti-dumping is government legislation [= the imposition of tariff] against the selling of imported goods at a price below their production costs Appreciation is an increase of the value of the currency, expressed in terms of another currency, in a floating exchange rate system. Average costs (HL) is the total cost divided by the quantity produced. Business cycle is the periodic fluctuations in real national income/output/GDP around the productive potential or long term trend of the economy. Its stages are slump/trough, recovery/expansion, boom and recession. Centrally planned economy is an economic system where resources are allocated by the government or a central planning authority Comparative advantage (HL) implies that one country is able to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another. Consumption is spending by individuals and households on domestic consumer goods and services over a period of time. Current account (balance) is a record of the revenues earned from the export of goods and services and the expenditure on imports of goods and services. current account deficit is where the value of total imports of goods and services are greater than the value of total exports of goods and services

current account surplus is where revenues from the exports of goods and services are greater than the spending on the imports of goods and services. Cross elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of the demand for one good to a change in the price of another good. Crowding out (HL) is a situation where the government spends more (government expenditure) than it receives in revenue (mainly taxation), and needs to borrow money, forcing up interest rates thereby reducing investment and consumption Demand is the quantity of goods and services that consumers are willing, and able to buy at each possible price (over a given period of time). Depreciation is a fall in the value of one currency against another currency in a floating exchange rate system. Developing countries are characterized by low per capita income high rates of poverty low standard of living low HDI ranking/value Dumping is the selling of a good in another country at a price below its cost of production. Economic growth increased real output for an economy over time and it is measured by an increase in real GDP OR it is an increase in the potential output of the economy where the PPC shifts outwards. Economic development is a broader concept than economic growth involving welfare improvements to the standard of living including health, education and shelter. Economies of scale (HL) are a fall in long run unit costs that comes about as a result of a firm increasing its scale of operations. Equilibrium price is the market-clearing price, set where Demand equals Supply. Exchange rate is the price of one currency expressed in terms of another, preferably with an example. Externalities are . negative externalities they are costs to a third party caused by the production, or consumption of a good (or service) or that they occur when MSC is greater than MSB in the market for a good or service.

Factors of production are the four types of resources used in the production process: land, labor, capital (and possibly entrepreneurship / management / enterprise). Fiscal policy is the use of government spending and taxation to to shift the AD curve. Floating exchange rate is where the exchange rate (i.e. price of one currency in terms of another) changes according to the market forces of demand and supply. Foreign direct investment is the establishment of production units by multinational companies in a foreign country. Free good is unlimited in supply and has no opportunity cost Free trade exists where there is trade between different countries without government intervention/regulation. Free trade area is an agreement whereby there is free trade among member countries, but each member can maintain its own trade barriers in trade with non-member countries GDP or national output is the total value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a given time period (usually one year). GDP per capita is a measure of real output/ income/ expenditure in the economy in one year per head of the population. real GDP or real output is the value of all final domestic goods and services, adjusted for inflation. Gini Coefficient is a measure of inequality in the distribution of income. Human resources are the labor force of a country. Import substitution policies are designed to encourage the domestic production of goods, rather than importing them. The strategies encourage protectionism. Income elasticity of demand is the measure of the responsiveness of demand of a good or service to a change in income. Indebtedness is the amount of money that a country owes to other countries and/or international institutions. Indirect taxation is an expenditure tax or a tax levied on goods and services imposed by the government. Infrastructure involves essential facilities and services such as roads, airports, sewage treatment, railways, telecommunications and other utilities typically provided by the government.

Inflation is a sustained increase in the general or average level of prices. Inflationary gap refers to inflationary pressure created by the current (or SR) equilibrium being above the full employment (or LR) equilibrium. Informal markets refer to markets in which economic activity is not officially measured/ recorded. Interest rates is the price of capital or the price of borrowed/loaned money, usually expressed as a percentage. Investment is expenditure by firms on capital equipment and is an injection into the economy. Inward-oriented policies see import substitution Managed exchange rates is a system where the exchange rate is determined by market forces, but the government/Central Bank intervenes from time to time in order to keep it within a certain band (= range). Market is the interaction between buyers and sellers in order to exchange goods or services (to make an economic transaction). Market economy is an economy where resource allocation is determined mainly by market forces of demand and supply. Maximum price is the upper limit imposed by the government below which the price may not fall. A maximum price is usually set below the equilibrium to aid relatively poor consumers. Merit goods are goods or services with strong positive externalities] that would be under-provided by the market and so under-consumed. Minimum price is the lower limit imposed by the government below which the price may not fall. A minimum price is usually set above the equilibrium to aid farmers. Monetary policy is a demand-side policy with the Central Bank using changes in the money supply or interest rates to affect AD. Monopolistic competition is a market when there are many buyers and sellers, producing differentiated products, with no barriers to entry. Multinational corporations are companies that have productive units in more than one country. Multiplier (HL) is the ratio of the induced change in national income to the increase in the level of injections and it is equal to the reciprocal of the mps + mpt + mpm.

NGOs are non-government organizations that exist to: promote sustainable economic development and/or humanitarian ideals.

Nominal is the value of an economic variable that has not been adjusted for the effects of inflation. Normal profit (HL) is the amount of revenue needed to cover the total costs of production, including the opportunity costs. (Official) foreign (currency) reserves are reserves of foreign currencies held by the Central Bank or the government of a country. Oligopoly is a market where few large firms dominate the industry, with at least one other characteristic such as interdependency of firms, high barriers to entry, homogeneous or differentiated product with example, imperfect information. collusive oligopoly is where a few firms act together to avoid competition by resorting to agreements to fix prices or output. Opportunity cost is the cost of an economic decision in terms of the next best alternative foregone. Poverty cycle involves low incomes which lead to low savings and low investment which ensure low incomes in the future. Potential growth is an increase in the potential output of an economy through an increase in the quantity/quality of resources Price elasticity of demand is a measure of the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in the price of the good.

Price discrimination (HL) exists when a producer charges a different price to customers for an identical good or service.
Product differentiation (HL) is where a producer attempts to distinguish her product from those of competitors, with the aim of making demand less price elastic. Productive efficiency (HL) exists when production is achieved at lowest cost per unit of output. This is achieved at the point where average total cost is at its lowest value. Progressive tax is where the higher the level of income, the higher the percentage of taxation that is paid (or the higher the average rate of taxation). Property rights give people a legal right to own property/assets. Quotas are import barriers that set limits on the quantity or value of imports into a country. Real price is the nominal price of a good or service adjusted for inflation. Recession is at least two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth.

Resource allocation is concerned with how resources (land, labor, capital and management) are distributed in an economy. Regressive taxes is where the proportion of income paid in tax falls as the income of the taxpayer rises or where the average rate of tax falls as income rises. Unemployment is people of working age (those in the labor force) actively seeking work at the current wage rate but cannot find one. unemployment rate is the number of workers without a job, who are willing and able to work, expressed as a percentage of the workforce.

Subsidy is a payment made by the government to producers in order to reduce the costs of production or to increase output.
Supernormal profits (HL) refer to a situation where all costs, including opportunity cost, are more than covered by revenue, OR profits that are above the level that is sufficient to keep the firm in an industry. Supply is the willingness and ability of producers to produce a quantity of a good at a given price (in a given time period). Supply-side policies they are policies designed to shift the AS curve to the right. They may include tax cuts, reductions in welfare payments, promotion of training etc. Sustainable development is the development needed to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Structural unemployment is long term unemployment that occurs when there is a mismatch between the skills of unemployed workers and the jobs available or that exists as a result of rigidities in the labor market. Tariff is a tax on imports. Terms of trade deterioration is where the average price of exports falls relative to the average price of imports, or making it more expensive to buy imports, in terms of exports that need to be sold. Trade cycle: see Business cycle Tradeable permits are permits to pollute, issued by a governing body, which sets a maximum amount of pollution allowable. Firms may trade these permits for money. Wage is the payment for labor/working real wage is the payment for labor/working adjusted for inflation.

World Bank is an international organization whose main aims are to provide aid and advice to developing countries, as well as reducing poverty levels. World Trade Organization is an international body that encourages the reduction of trade barriers between its member nations.

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