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Cyberweaponry is the newest and perhaps most complex arms race under way.

The Pe ntagon has created a new Cyber Command, and computer network warfare is one of t he few parts of the military budget that is expected to grow.

Iran launched its first domestically-produced satellite Omid (Hope) in 2009, an endeavour that made it the ninth country with the ability to launch satellites. A week after Iran sent a monkey into orbit, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he is ready to become the country's first astronaut. In 2010, Iran launched a Kavoshagar-3 rocket that delivered a rat, two turtles a nd a worm into space. Western powers suspect Iran of using its space programme to develop ballistic mi ssiles. Iran denies the allegations. Indians sometimes refer to these as a "string of pearls," which includes China's force deployments in Tibet, access to a Myanmar naval base, and Chinese constru ction of a deepwater port in Hambantota, Sri Lanka, and another in Gwadar, Pakis tan. Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) announced revival of its movement for a separate st ate of Gorkhaland out of parts of north Bengal centred around the Darjeeling hil ls.On July 18 last year, a tripartite agreement was signed between the GJM, and the state and central governments for setting up a new autonomous, elected GTA a hill council armed with more powers than its predecessor, the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council formed in the late 1980s.The long-standing agitation on the demand for forming a separate state out of the northern West Bengal hills has led to t he loss of many lives over the past two decades, besides hitting the region's ec onomic mainstays tea, timber and tourism. state-owned Chinese energy companies move in to rehabilitate the giant oilfields in the south of Iraq, such as Rumaila and Halfaya.

Carter Doctrine of 1980, which stated that the US would use military force if ne cessary to defend its national interests in the Gulf. But the US is changing. Its exhausting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the 2008 fi nancial crash and the resulting recession, and alarm about fiscal deficits, have engendered a mood of introspection. The reduced public appetite for an aggressi ve foreign policy is prompting some to even speak of a new isolationism. prospect of energy self-sufficiency of US who will look after strait of Hormuz

R.K.Pauchari commitee :To suggest alternative route to mythological ram setu Setusamudram shipping canl project :linking Palk strit and gulf of Mannar will a llow large ships to get to India's east coast from west without navigating aroun d Sri lanka

Bangladesh mass protest : Death for war criminals of 1971 & a ban on politics of religion

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