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Business Etiquette and Protocol in Brazil Relationships & Communication Brazilians need to know who they are doing business with before they can work effectively. Brazilians prefer face-to-face meetings to written communication as it allows them to know the person with whom they are doing business. The individual they deal with is more important than the company. Since this is a group culture, it is important that you do not do anything to embarrass a Brazilian. Criticizing an individual causes that person to lose face with the others in the meeting. The person making the criticism also loses face, as they have disobeyed the unwritten rule. Communication is often informal and does not rely on strict rules of protocol. Anyone who feels they have something to say will generally add their opinion. It is considered acceptable to interrupt someone who is speaking. Face-to-face, oral communication is preferred over written communication. At the same time, when it comes to business agreements, Brazilians insist on drawing up detailed legal contracts. Business Negotiation Expect questions about your company since Brazilians are more comfortable doing business with people and companies they know. Wait for your Brazilian colleagues to raise the business subject. Never rush the relationship- building time. Brazilians take time when negotiating. Do not rush them or appear impatient. Expect a great deal of time to be spent reviewing details. Often the people you negotiate with will not have decision-making authority. It is advisable to hire a translator if your Portuguese is not fluent. Use local lawyers and accountants for negotiations. Brazilians resent an outside legal presence. Brazilian business is hierarchical. Decisions are made by the highest-ranking person. Brazilians negotiate with people not companies. Do not change your negotiating team or you may have to start over from the beginning. Business Meeting Etiquette Business appointments are required and can often be scheduled on short notice; however, it is best to make them 2 to 3 weeks in advance. Confirm the meeting in writing. It is not uncommon for appointments to be cancelled or changed at the last minute. In Sao Paulo and Brasilia it is important to arrive on time for meetings. In Rio de Janeiro and other cities it is acceptable to arrive a few minutes late for a meeting. Do not appear impatient if you are kept waiting. Brazilians see time as something outside their control and the demands of relationships takes precedence over adhering to a strict schedule. Meetings are generally rather informal. Expect to be interrupted while you are speaking or making a presentation. Avoid confrontations. Do not appear frustrated with your Brazilian colleagues. Dress Etiquette Brazilians pride themselves on dressing well. Men should wear conservative, dark coloured business suits. Three-piece suits typically indicate that someone is an executive. Women should wear suits or dresses that are elegant and feminine with good quality accessories. Manicures are expected. Business Cards

Business cards are exchanged during introductions with everyone at a meeting. It is advisable, although not required, to have the other side of your business card translated into Portuguese. Present your business card with the Portuguese side facing the recipient.

China and the West Modern historys influence on cross cultural (mis)perceptions Breaking cross cultural stereotypes How does culture impact business? Theoretical and practical cross cultural models and examples Steps to effective cross cultural communication

Communicating with the Chinese Beliefs, culture, values, ethics, customs and national character Interpersonal relations Building relationships Communication verbal and non-verbal Social etiquette and protocol Doing Business in China Language tuition Preparing to travel to China Business in China features, traditions and ethics Comparative analysis of Chinese and Western business practices Making appointments Using intermediaries Chinese business etiquette Business entertaining Negotiations Cross cultural man-management Relocating to China Preparing for the move What to bring? Chinese history, culture and values Western perceptions of China Chinese attitudes to foreigners The family raising children, education, holidays Spouse coaching Public behaviour and etiquette Food and drink Transport, shopping and entertainment


Germans value their privacy. Mentally there is a divide between public and private life. As a result, Germans wear a protective shell when doing business. Since intimacy is not freely given, this may be interpreted as coldness. However, this is not the case. After a period of time walls and barriers eventually fall allowing for more intimate relationships to develop. Communication styles in Germany may be perceived as direct, short and to the point. Formality dictates that emotions and unnecessary content do not have a place in conversation. Doing Business - Meeting & Greeting Firm, brief handshakes are the norm when doing business in Germany. When several people are being introduced take turns to greet each other rather than reaching over someone elses hands. Avoid shaking hands with one hand in your pocket. When women enter a room it is considered polite for men to stand. German etiquette requires you to address someone using Herr (Mr.) or Frau (Mrs/Ms) followed by their surname. Only family members and friends use first names. Professional titles should also be used for doctors, academics, etc. Try and establish professional titles prior to any meeting. Doing Business - Punctuality When doing business in Germany, remember that punctuality is a serious issue. Business people work hard and are under a lot of pressure. Germans typically plan their time very carefully. It is considered bad etiquette to be late or early as it shows disrespect for peoples time. Doing Business - Humour A common misconception is that the German sense of professionalism and strict protocol when doing business leaves no room for humour. An element of this true in that jokes are not commonplace. Yet Germans, just as much as anyone else, like to laugh and as long as it is appropriate, tasteful and in context then humour is acceptable. Doing Business - Meetings and Negotiations Germans plan ahead. Therefore, ensure you book meetings at least 2-3 weeks in advance. This is also applicable if you wish to have lengthy telephone conversations. Meetings are usually held between 11-1 p.m. and 3-5 p.m. Avoid Friday afternoons, the holiday months of July, August and December and any regional festivals. Meetings are functional, formal and usually stick to a set agenda including start and finish times. The phrase lets get down to business is definitely appropriate for German business meetings as small talk and relationship building are not priorities. When entering a room the most senior of you should enter first. The most senior German counterpart should be greeted initially before any others present. Wait to be told where to sit. Treat the whole process with great formality. The Germans will analyse proposals thoroughly. Ensure the information you provide is in written format and presented scientifically. Logical conclusions based on empirical evidence will only normally carry any weight. Remember decisions will not be made on your sales technique or charm but on concrete facts that demonstrate a sound opportunity with minimal risk. Decisions are made slowly and methodically. Do not try to rush proceedings or apply pressure. If anything, enquire as to areas in which you may be able to furnish them with additional or more specific information. Try and back-up information with insight from personal experience or professional qualifications. Once a decision has been reached minds are very rarely changed. Doing Business in Germany Germany is an important trade partner for many countries in the world. Learning how to do business in Germany and understanding its culture, business practices, business etiquette and protocol will only enhance the skills of international business people and lead to greater cross cultural success.

Doing Business Meeting & Greeting Etiquette When doing business in Mexico you will find that first names are rarely used initially. They are reserved for family and close friends. Wait to be invited to address someone by their first name. Professional titles such as Doctor or Profesor should be used as this recognises their status. Engineers, lawyers and architects are similarly addressed by their appropriate titles. Those without titles should be addressed with Mr. (Seor), Mrs. (Seora) or Miss (Seorita) followed by the surname. Men will shake hands when doing business and in social situations. Women may pat each other on the right forearm or shoulder. Men may want to wait for a woman to initiate a handshake. After a relationship has been established do not be surprised if you are met with a hug.

Doing Business Meetings Business is personal in Mexico. Before doing business there be sure you have contacts that can introduce you or vouch for you. Once an initial contact has been made it is easier to move on and arrange for business meetings. Make business appointments in advance and confirm them with a brief phone call a few days before. Once you arrive in Mexico call again or send a fax to ensure it is known you will definitely be coming. Time keeping is a relaxed affair in Mexico. However, due to the Mexicans long established business links with the US, they are used to Western business people being on time so will also try to do the same. Doing Business Building Relationships Mexicans prefer doing business with people whom they know and trust. Your success in Mexico is therefore dependent upon your ability to establish, build and maintain good relationships. Interpersonal skills are needed to fit in, cultivate relationships and win the favour of others. These can actually be more important than professional experience and know-how. Doing Business in Mexico There are of course plenty of other useful tips for doing business in Mexico. The above mentioned examples of business culture and etiquette are meant to be sign posts to areas business people should become familiar with prior to doing business in Mexico. Investing a small amount of time on cross cultural awareness can positively impact you success.

Doing Business Meeting and Greeting When meeting someone in a business or official context always shake hands. As a male you should wait to see if women extend their hands, if they do not, then simply nod your head and smile. The most common greeting in Iran is salam which originates from the Islamic greeting Asalamu alaykum (peace be upon you). One would also reply with salam. When departing, Iranians will generally usually use, khoda-hafez (may God preserve you). When doing business in Iran, stick to formalities. Once a relationship has been established your Iranian counterpart will quickly start to address you with your first name. Men are addressed with agha proceeded by the surname. So, Alan Jones will be Agha-ye Jones. With women you would use khanoom. So, Samantha Jones will be khanoom-e Jones. Professionals with titles will be addressed similarly, for example, Doctor-e Jones.

Doing Business Dress When doing business in Iran you will notice that most Iranian officials and business people wear clothing comprising of trousers, shirt and jacket. Many officials will be seen with collarless shirts. Ties are very uncommon. As a male you would be expected to be smart and conservative. A suit is standard although wearing a tie is not necessary. Whether doing business in Iran or visiting, women should wear very conservative clothing that covers arms, legs and hair. When in public women must cover their hair with a scarf. However, the last decade has seen incredible changes in what the authorities are willing to tolerate. Women can now be seen wearing make-up, jeans and scarves that barely cover the hair. However, as a foreigner it is best to err on the side of caution. Doing Business Meetings If you plan on doing business in Iran appointments should be made in advance both via telephone and in writing. Prior to arriving in Iran telephone again just to confirm time and place. Business hours are Saturday to Thursday 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Lunch is usually an hour at around 1 p.m. Friday is a holiday. No business will take place so either try and avoid it or ensure you can use it to see some of Iran. There are a few key times to avoid in Iran. No-Rooz is the major holiday for Iranians. Although its roots are in Zoroastrianism, this New Year celebration is an integral part of Iranian culture. All offices, businesses, shops, etc will close for 2-3 weeks. Other times to avoid doing business are Ramazan (the month of fasting), Eid-e Fetr (festival celebrating the end of Ramazan), Eid-e Ghurban (celebrating the end of the pilgrimage) and Ashura (the tenth day of Muharram). Punctuality in Iran is rare. However, it will be expected of you. If you are doing business with government officials in Iran be prepared to be kept waiting. The administration and bureaucracy in Iran can be chaotic, meaning that officials may need to address an important issue before seeing you. Be patient and courteous. If you like tea, do not be afraid to ask for lots of it! Although many Iranians in business and in the higher levels of government will have a good understanding of English, it is best to arrange for your own interpreter to accompany you. At the beginning of any meeting engage in niceties and ask after peoples health, families, work, etc. Wait for your counterpart to initiate the change in conversation to business matters. Doing Business Negotiations Before doing business in Iran appreciate this: Your success is defined by your aptitude to build effective personal relationships combined with a clearly outlined and well presented proposal. Business is personal in Iran. Many businesses are family owned and run. Even within government, officials usually work within networks of friends and associates. If you have influential friends in Iran, do not be afraid to call in favours. Just be prepared to re-pay them in the future. This is all part of doing business in Iran. Building a relationship with your Iranian counterpart(s) is critical. The first meeting should be solely focused on getting to know each other. Once a relationship has been established you can safely move on to business matters. Iranians are astute business people. They enjoy haggling and getting concessions so be prepared for long negotiations. Decision making can be slow. It is most likely that you will meet and negotiate with less senior members of a family or state department first. Once you are seen as trustworthy you will then move on to meet more senior members. Implementing decisions are just as slow. Irans red tape and layered bureaucracy means a lot of waiting. Applying pressure in a non-confrontational way can help speed matters up although the most effective way to do so is to use people of influence to help you. Doing Business in Iran These above examples point to a few considerations one must make before doing business in Iran. By demonstrating an understanding of Iranian culture and etiquette you maximise the potential of your business venture.

Group Orientation Altruism, team-work and group cohesiveness are all areas greatly stressed within Japanese society. Individual identity is defined by the social group. Consequently, when doing business, the Japanese stress compromise and self-discipline. Hierarchy With its roots in Confucianism, hierarchical structures classify an individuals position within a group and in society. Status is determined by factors such as age, employment, company and family background. The hierarchical system dictates that due respect be afforded to those of higher status. When doing business in Japan be aware of hierarchy and adapt your behaviour accordingly. Respect In order to preserve harmony in society and to maintain the clarity of the hierarchical structure, showing respect to others acts as a crucial social lubricant. Respect is conveyed through language, behaviour, etiquette, body language and other subtle forms of non-verbal communication. Doing Business in Japan - Meeting and Greeting There is heightened sense of formality in Japanese interaction. When doing business in Japan, your suitability in respect to conducting business will be assessed during a first meeting, so always maintain a sense of professionalism. The bow is an integral part of Japanese society. It is used when meeting, getting attention, to show gratitude, to express sympathy or as an apology. Whilst doing business in Japan as a Westerner, you would not be expected to bow. You will most likely be greeted with a handshake combined with a slight nod of the head. Introduce yourself with your full name followed by your company name. It is important to use proper titles when addressing someone, so always establish the position of the other person. The exchanging of business cards when doing business in Japan involves a degree of ceremony. The card is seen to represent the individual, so should be treated with respect. Before travelling to Japan, ensure you have ample cards and have one side translated into Japanese. Include your position within the company on it. Invest in a carry case to store cards and keep this in the inside pocket of a suit jacket. When exchanging, offer your card with both hands or just the right hand. Present Japanese side up. Ensure there is no barrier between you and the recipient such as a table, chair or plant. When accepting always use two hands as this shows deference. Doing Business in Japan - Building Relationships When doing business in Japan a successful relationship with a Japanese colleague or client is based on three factors: sincerity, compatibility and trustworthiness. Sincerity means that you are compromising, understanding and you want to conduct business on a personal level. Compatibility is established when you are seen to be concerned about the personal relationship, the well being of the company and not just focused on financial gain. Trustworthiness relates to the faith put in you to protect from loss face.

Doing Business in Japan Communication The emphasis in Japanese culture on maintaining harmony has developed in such a way as to allow very vague forms of expression. The cultural logic behind this is that by avoiding direct or explicit statements one has a better chance of not causing offense.

When doing business in Japan clarify meanings and dig deeper for more information. The Japanese are implicit communicators. An explicit communicator assumes the listener is unaware of background information or related issues to the topic of discussion and provides it themselves. The Japanese however assume the listener is well informed on the subject and minimises information relayed on the premise that listener will understand from implication. Thus the saying, Say one, understand ten, i.e. you will be expected to understand nine additional points to every one made. Doing Business in Japan - Meetings and Negotiations At a meeting you will always deal with a team as opposed to an individual. Each attendee will be there with a particular expertise so either bring assistance or be sure you are confident enough to handle all the questions you will receive. You will greet the most senior employee first and then others in descending order. The senior employee will be there as a ceremonial representative of the company. The lesser ranking attendees will usually do the talking or negotiating. Meetings usually take place for only one of three reasons: to build rapport, exchange information or confirm previously made decisions. Decisions are rarely made in a meeting. If rapport has yet to be established then this is your priority. It is important not only to build relationships with all the senior figures but all lower ranked ones too. Remember group consensus is important so the opinions of all staff will be taken into account when coming to a decision on any proposal. The Japanese are very detail orientated. Expect lots of questions and lots of questions repeated in different ways. Be sure to have the answers as the failure to do so will look unprofessional. Be sure to bring as much information as possible, in writing, on your company, service, product or proposal. The Japanese like dealing with quiet, sincere and compromising individuals. Extroverts are seen as brash and arrogant. Early on in negotiations remain humble, indirect and non-threatening. Do not disagree openly, do not put people on the spot and always employ diplomatic language when doing business. Be sure to hold off concessions till the end of proceedings. If made early your integrity will be questioned. Silence is considered a virtue. If things go quiet when doing business in a meeting then do not panic. Reflection is taking place. Silence may be also be accompanied by the closing of the eyes. Never interrupt or break the silence. Doing Business in Japan These above examples point to a few considerations one must make when doing business in Japan. Cross cultural awareness in areas such as meeting etiquette, business protocol and approaches to doing business are ways of enhancing your business trip and maximizing your potential.

Egalitarianism Egalitarianism is the most dominant social value in Sweden. Consensus and compromise are ingrained into the business and social life. When doing business in Sweden you will notice the lack out outward signs of hierarchy and status present in many other countries. Doing Business Meeting & Greeting Etiquette When doing business in Sweden the handshake is done swiftly and firmly. Between men and women it is a lot lighter. Men should wait until a woman extends her hand first. If wearing gloves, remove them before shaking hands. Swedes like to establish relationships on an informal level. However, private and business lives are very much segregated so this informality does not equal intimacy. When doing business in Sweden, expect to address a person by his/her first name. Swedes tend to stay farther apart when conversing than many other countries. Personal space is private so with the exception of the handshake, avoid touching. Do not backslap or embrace. Avoid speaking with your hands in your pockets as this is considered bad etiquette.

Swedish communication style is direct and open. This can come across as abrupt but is not meant to be so. When conversing, be sure to listen intently to anyone speaking and not to interrupt. Turns are taken to offer opinions. Doing Business Dress Etiquette

When doing business in Sweden, think conservative. For business purposes, men should wear good quality suits with silk ties and shirts. Women should wear suits or business dresses that are stylish yet understated. Trousers are acceptable for business women in Sweden. The egalitarian values of Sweden mean you should remember to keep a low profile. Avoid wearing anything flashy. Even senior executives do not dress any more elaborately than average employees. Doing Business Meetings and Negotiations

If you plan on doing business in Sweden make appointments at least two weeks in advance. Refrain from scheduling meetings in the months of June, July, or August, as well as late February through early March. These are very popular times for Swedes to go on holiday. During the Christmas holidays many Swedish business people are unavailable. Punctuality is important when doing business and also for social engagements. Never be late. If you must be late for any reason it is absolutely crucial to phone and let someone know. Being late is seen as poor etiquette and will reflect badly on you. Before doing business in Sweden, know that Swedes respect someone who comes to them with knowledge and experience. They are very detail-oriented. Any proposal or presentation must be meticulously planned and logically organized. The first meeting may be low key and very matter of fact. A decision will never be made in the first meeting. At this stage the Swedes will be evaluating you, your company and your proposal. Several meetings are required before all details are cleared and questions answered. Do not show emotions during negotiations. Always remain cool, calm, collected and controlled when doing business.The Swedes value consensus as the only way of making decisions. Therefore, do not channel all your energy into endearing yourself to the top-level executives. In many cases, the power to make a decision will fall to middle managers, who may even pass it over to lower levels. Doing Business in Sweden The above few examples of cross cultural differences in business practices and culture highlight the areas where business people can face challenges when doing business in Sweden. Cross cultural understanding is an important tool for any international business person, company or organisation to acquire when doing business abroad.

Saudi Arabia
Meeting Etiquette Men shake hands. Good friends may greet each other with a handshake and a kiss on each cheek. Women generally hug and kiss close friends. Men and women would not greet each other in public I from outside the family. When Saudis greet each other they take their time and converse about general things. Gift Giving Etiquette Gifts are not the norm as in many other countries. If you are invited to a Saudi's house bring something small as a thank you. Flowers do not make good gifts from a man, although a woman could give them to her hostess.

Never give alcohol unless you are positive they partake. Gifts are not opened when received.

Dining Etiquette Saudis socialize primarily in restaurants and international hotels when entertaining expatriates whom they do not know well. After some time you will be invited to the home. Entertainment will generally be same-sex only. If both sexes are included, they will be in separate rooms. If you are invited to a Saudi's house: You would usually remove your shoes. Dress conservatively. Try to arrive at the invited time. Punctuality is appreciated but not crucial. Show respect for the elders by greeting them first. Accept the offer of Arabian coffee and dates even if you do not normally drink coffee. If you are invited for a meal, understand that there will be a great deal of socializing and small talk before the meal is served. Table manners If the meal is on the floor, sit cross-legged or kneel on one knee.. Eat only with the right hand as the left is considered unclean. Try a bit of everything that is served. Meals are generally served family-style. Honoured guests are often offered the most prized pieces such as a sheep's head so be prepared! There is often more food than you can eat. Part of Saudi hospitality and generosity is to shower guests with abundance. There is little conversation during meals so that diners may relish the food. Business Etiquette and Protocol Relationships & Communication You will need a Saudi sponsor (wakeel) to enter the country. The sponsor acts as an intermediary and arranges appointments with appropriate individuals. Saudis do not require as much personal space as most western cultures. As such, they will stand close to you while conversing and you may feel as if your personal space has been violated. Saudis prefer to work with people they know and trust and will spend a great deal of time on the gettingto-know-you part of relationship building. You must be patient. Since Saudis will most likely judge you on appearances, dress and present yourself well. Business Meeting Etiquette Appointments are necessary and should be made several weeks to one month in advance if at all possible. When meeting with government officials, a firm date will not be settled upon until you are physically in the country. Try to schedule meetings in the morning. You should arrive at meetings on time, although it is an accepted custom to keep foreigners waiting. It is not uncommon to have a meeting cancelled once you arrive. Meetings are generally not private until after a relationship of trust has been developed. This means you may expect frequent interruptions. Others may wander into the room and start a different discussion. You may join in, but do not try to bring the topic back to the original discussion until the new person leaves.

Business meetings start after prolonged inquiries about health, family, etc. Never inquire about a Saudi's wife. Business Negotiating Decisions are made slowly. Do not try to rush the process. The society is extremely bureaucratic. Most decisions require several layers of approval. It takes several visits to accomplish simple tasks. Saudis are tough negotiators. Business is hierarchical. Decisions are made by the highest-ranking person. Repeat your main points since it will be interpreted as meaning you are telling the truth. Do not use high-pressure tactics. Decisions are easily overturned. When discussing price, Saudis will often make an initial offer that is extremely low when they are buying. Conversely, when they are selling, their initial offer will be extremely high. You may need to compromise on a point if someone's dignity is at stake. There is a tendency to avoid giving bad news and to give effusive acceptances, which may only mean 'perhaps'. Dress Etiquette Most Saudis wear long white thobes. You would be expected to wear a suit. Dress well if you want to make a good impression. Business women should make certain that their collarbones and knees are covered and that their clothes are not form-fitting. Business Cards Business cards are given to everyone you meet, although it may be an idea to be selective if you have few in your possession. Have one side of your card translated into Arabic. Be sure to check the translation carefully as there is often confusion with the order of western names.

Etiquette & Customs in Spain Meeting Etiquette When introduced expect to shake hands. Once a relationship is established, men may embrace and pat each other on the shoulder. Female friends kiss each other on both cheeks, starting with the left. People are often referred to as Don or Dona and their first name when in formal occasion as a general rule. Many men use a two-handed shake where the left hand is placed on the right forearm of the other person. Dining Etiquette If invited to a Spaniards home, you can bring chocolates, pastries, or cakes; wine, liqueur, or brandy; or flowers to the hostess. If you know your hosts have children, they may be included in the evening, so a small gift for them is always appreciated. . Table manners


Remain standing until invited to sit down. You may be shown to a particular seat. Always keep your hands visible when eating. Keep your wrists resting on the edge of the table. Do not begin eating until the hostess starts. Use utensils to eat most food. Even fruit is eaten with a knife and fork. If you have not finished eating, cross your knife and fork on your plate with the fork over the knife. The host gives the first toast. An honoured guest should return the toast later in the meal. It is acceptable for a woman to make a toast. Indicate you have finished eating by laying your knife and fork parallel on your plate, tines facing up, with the handles facing to the right. Do not get up until the guest of honour does. Business Etiquette and Protocol Relationships & Communication The Spanish prefer to do business with those they know and trust. It is important that you spend sufficient time letting your business colleagues get to know you. Once you develop a relationship, it will prevail even if you switch companies, since your Spanish business colleagues' allegiance will be to you rather than the company you represent. Face-to-face contact is preferred to written or telephone communication. The way you present yourself is of critical importance when dealing with Spaniards. It is best to display modesty when describing your achievements and accomplishments. Communication is formal and follows rules of protocol. Avoid confrontation if at all possible. Spaniards do not like to publicly admit that they are incorrect. Trust and personal relationships are the cornerstone of business. Spaniards, like many societies, are concerned that they look good in the eyes of others and try to avoid looking foolish at all times. Business Negotiation Spaniards place great importance on the character of the person with whom they do business. Hierarchy and rank are important. You should deal with people of similar rank to your own. Decision-making is held at the top of the company, since this is a hierarchical country. You may never actually meet the person who ultimately makes the decision. You may be interrupted while you are speaking. This is not an insult, it merely means the person is interested in what you are saying. Spaniards do not like to lose face, so they will not necessarily say that they do not understand something, particularly if you are not speaking Spanish. You must be adept at discerning body language. Spaniards are very thorough. They will review every minute detail to make certain it is understood. First you must reach an oral understanding. A formal contract will be drawn up at a later date. Spaniards expect both sides to strictly adhere to the terms of a contract. Business Meeting Etiquette Appointments are mandatory and should be made in advance, preferably by telephone or fax. Reconfirm in writing or by telephone the week before. You should try to arrive on time for meetings. The first meeting is generally formal and is used to get to know each other. Do not be surprised if no business is actually conducted during the first meeting. Agendas are often used but not always needed to be followed too strict. Make sure all your printed material is available in both English and Spanish. Not all businesspeople speak English, so it is wise to check if you should hire an interpreter. Several people may speak at once. You may be interrupted while you are speaking. Decisions are not reached at meetings. Meetings are for discussion and to exchange ideas. Most Spaniards do not give their opinion at meetings. Therefore, it is important to watch their non-verbal communication.


Dress Etiquette Business dress is stylish yet, conservative. Dress as you would in the rest of Europe. Elegant accessories are important for both men and women. Business Cards Present your business card to the receptionist upon arriving. Have one side of your card translated into Spanish. Hand your card so the Spanish side faces the recipient.

Communal Mentality For generations until the 1930s, Russian life centred on the agricultural village commune, where the land was held in common and decision-making was the province of an assembly of the heads of households. This affinity for the group and the collective spirit remains today. It is seen in everyday life, for example most Russians will join a table of strangers rather than eat alone in a restaurant. Everybodys business is also everyone elses, so strangers will stop and tell someone that they are breaking the rules. Etiquette and Customs in Russia Meeting Etiquette The typical greeting is a firm, almost bone-crushing handshake while maintaining direct eye contact and giving the appropriate greeting for the time of day. When men shake hands with women, the handshake is less firm. When female friends meet, they kiss on the cheek three times, starting with the left and then alternating. When close male friends meet, they may pat each other on the back and hug. Naming Conventions Russian names are comprised of: First name, which is the persons given name. Middle name, which is a patronymic or a version of the fathers first name formed by adding '- vich' or 'ovich' for a male and '-avna' or '- ovna' for a female. The son of Ivan would have a patronymic of Ivanovich while the daughters patronymic would be Ivanovna. Last name, which is the family or surname. In formal situations, people use all three names. Friends and close acquaintances may refer to each other by their first name and patronymic. Close friends and family members call each other by their first name only. Gift Giving Etiquette Gift giving using takes place between family and close friends on birthdays, New Year, and Orthodox Christmas. If you are invited to a Russian home for a meal, bring a small gift. Male guests are expected to bring flowers. Do not give yellow flowers. Do not give a baby gift until after the baby is born. It is bad luck to do so sooner.


Russians often protest when they are offered a gift. Reply that it is a little something and offer the gift again and it will generally be accepted. Dining Etiquette If you are invited to a Russians house: Arrive on time or no more than 15 minutes later than invited. Remove your outdoor shoes. You may be given slippers to wear. Dress in clothes you might wear to the office. Dressing well shows respect for your hosts. Expect to be treated with honour and respect. Offer to help the hostess with the preparation or clearing up after a meal is served. This may be turned down out of politeness. Asking 'are you sure?' allows the hostess to accept your offer. Table manners are generally casual. Table manners are Continental -- the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating. The oldest or most honoured guest is served first. Do not begin eating until the host invites you to start. Do not rest your elbows on the table, although your hands should be visible at all times. You will often be urged to take second helpings. It is polite to use bread to soak up gravy or sauce. Men pour drinks for women seated next to them. Leaving a small amount of food on your plate indicates that your hosts have provided ample hospitality. Do not get up until you are invited to leave the table. At formal dinners, the guest of honor is the first to get up from the table.

Russian Business Etiquette and Protocol Relationships & Communication Russians are transactional and do not need to establish long-standing personal relationships before they do business with people. It is still a good idea to develop a network of people who you know and trust. The Russian word svyasi means connections and refers to having friends in high places, which is often required to cut through red tape. Patience is essential. It is best to err on the side of formality when you first make contact. Sincerity is crucial as it is required to build trust, and trust is needed to build a relationship. Most Russians do not trust people who are 'all business'. An indication that you have successfully developed a personal relationship is being asked for a favour by that person. Business Meeting Etiquette Appointments are necessary and should be made as far in advance as possible. It often takes roughly 6 weeks to arrange a meeting with a government official. Confirm the meeting when you arrive in the country and again a day or two in advance. The first week of May has several public holidays so it is best avoided. You should arrive punctually for meetings. Typical Russian schedules are constantly changing and everything takes longer than expected, so be prepared to be kept waiting. Meetings can be cancelled on short notice. The first meeting is often a vehicle to determine if you and the company you represent are credible and worthy of consideration for future business dealings. Use the time effectively to demonstrate what differentiates your company from the competition. Expect a long period of socializing and getting-to-know-you conversation before business is discussed.


Have all printed material available in both English and Russian. Russians expect long and detailed presentations that include a history of the subject and a review of existing precedents. Meetings are frequently interrupted. It is common for several side conversations that have nothing to do with the topic of the meeting to be carried on during the meeting. At the end of the meeting, expect to sign a 'protokol', which is a summary of what was discussed. Business Negotiating Meetings and negotiations are slow. Russians do not like being rushed. It is a good idea to include technical experts on your negotiating team. Hierarchy is important to Russians. They respect age, rank and position. The most senior person reaches decisions. Russian executives prefer to meet with people of similar rank and position. Russians see negotiations as win-lose. They do not believe in win-win scenarios. Have written materials available in both English and Russian. Russians view compromise as weakness. They will continue negotiating until you offer concessions. Russians may lose their temper, walk out of the meeting, or threaten to terminate the relationship in an attempt to coerce you to change your position. Russians often use time as a tactic, especially if they know that you have a deadline. Be cautious about letting your business colleagues know that you are under time pressure or they will delay even more. Nothing is final until the contract is signed. Even then, Russians will modify a contract to suit their purposes. Do not use high-pressure sales tactics as they will work against you. Dress Etiquette Business dress is formal and conservative. Men should wear business suits. Women should wear subdued coloured business suits with skirts that cover the knees. Shoes should be highly polished. Business Cards Business cards are exchanged after the initial introductions without formal ritual. Have one side of your business card translated into Russian using Cyrillic text. Include advanced university degrees on your business card. Hand your business card so the Russian side is readable to the recipient. If someone does not have a business card, note their pertinent information.

Etiquette and Customs in Romania Meeting and Greeting Initial greetings are formal and reserved: a handshake, direct eye contact, and the appropriate greeting for the time of day. Some older Romanians kiss a womans hand when meeting them. Foreign men are not expected to kiss a Romanian womans hand. Close friends may kiss and hug each other when they meet. When kissing, expect to kiss twice, once on each cheek starting with the left cheek. Allow your Bulgarian friends to determine when your relationship has reached this level of intimacy.


Titles People are addressed by their honorific title (Domnul for Mr. and Doamna for Mrs.) and their surname. Friends may address each other using the honorific title and the first name. Only close friends and family members use the first name without appending the honorific title. Gift Giving Etiquette If you are invited to a Romanians home, bring flowers, chocolates, or imported liquor to the hosts. Give an odd number of flowers. Even numbers are used for funerals. Roses and carnations are always well received. A gift for the children is always appreciated. Gifts are generally opened when received. Dining Etiquette Arrive on time if invited to dinner. You may arrive up to 15 minutes late for a party. Dress in clothes you might wear to the office. Check to see if there are shoes at the front door. If so, remove yours. Expect to be treated with great honour and respect. Table manners follow established protocols of good behaviour. Wait to be told where to sit. There may be a seating plan. Table manners are Continental -- hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating. Leave your napkin on the table. Do not put it in your lap. Wait for the host or hostess to say pofta buna (good appetite) before you begin eating. Always keep your hands visible when eating. Keep your wrists resting on the edge of the table. Expect to be offered second and even third helpings. You will have to insist that you cannot eat any more, as refusals are seen as good manners and are not taken seriously. It is acceptable to soak up extra sauce or gravy on your plate with your bread. To indicate you have not finished eating, cross your knife and fork on your plate. When you have finished eating, place your knife and fork across your plate with the prongs facing down and the handles facing to the right. Business Etiquette and Protocol Romania is still governed by a great deal of bureaucracy. Personal relationships are crucial if you want to cut through the red tape. Much business involves overlapping local bureaucracies, which make conducting business a time consuming process that requires perseverance. Building Relationships Romanians prefer to do business with people who are down-to-earth and do not brag about their accomplishments or financial achievements. They pride themselves on using proper etiquette in all situations and expect others to do the same. When in doubt, start out in a formal style and allow your business colleagues to progress the relationship to a more personal level. As long as you are considered an outsider (someone who is not family or a friend), you will be treated with utmost formality. Once your Romanian colleagues get to know you, they will think of you as an insider, which lets them treat you more informally. This is not a process that can be rushed. Once a relationship has been developed, it is with you personally, not necessarily to the company you


represent. Therefore, if you leave the company, your replacement will need to build their own relationship. If at all possible in this situation, introduce your replacement to those with whom you do business. Business Meeting Etiquette Appointments are necessary and should be scheduled 2 to 3 weeks in advance, preferably by letter. It is often difficult to schedule meetings in July and August, which is a common vacation time. Businesspeople are often unavailable during the two weeks before and after Christmas and the week before and after Easter. Arrive on time and be prepared to wait. Punctuality is common in entrepreneurial companies or those that frequently do business in the international arena. When dealing with state-run companies, you will most likely be kept waiting. Meetings are generally formal and follow old-world rules of courtesy. Wait to be told where to sit. There is often a strict protocol to be followed. Do not remove your suit jacket without permission or until the most senior ranking Romanian does. Expect to spend time getting to know people before delving into the business purpose of your visit. Presentations should be factual and easy to understand. Include facts and figures to back up your conclusions. Avoid hyperbole or making exaggerated claims. Negotiating Business is hierarchical. Decision-making power is held at the top of the company. Most decisions require several layers of approval. At times it may appear that no one wants to accept responsibility for making the decision. It may take several visits to accomplish a simple task. Romanians can be tough negotiators. Romanians are concerned about being taken advantage of by foreigners. Hire your own interpreters for meetings and negotiations. Base sales on confirmed, irrevocable letters of credit. Use local banks that are correspondents of western banks. Romanians have a tendency to tell others what they think they want to hear. Avoid confrontational behaviour or high-pressure sales tactics. Decisions are easily reversed. Use an indirect negotiating style. Being too direct is viewed as poor manners. Contracts function as statements of intent. It is expected that if circumstances change, the contract will accommodate the revised conditions. Do not change members of a negotiating team before a decision is reached or the relationship-building process will have to begin anew. Business Card Etiquette Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual. If your company has been in business for more than 50 years, include the founding date on your business card. Romanians are impressed by stability. Include any advanced university degrees on your card. Have one side of your business card translated into Romanian.

Doing Business - Meetings & Greetings


Shake hands when meeting and parting. In social settings with friends kissing is the norm. Faire la bise refers to the little air kiss people trade upon meeting. When doing business in France, use first names only after being invited to do so. Use Monsieur or Madame followed the surname. The French will sometimes introduce themselves using their surname first, followed by their first name. If you speak French stick to the vous form until told to use tu. Dress well. The French draw information on people based on their appearance. Your business attire is a reflection of your success and social status. Always try to be tasteful, stylish and conservative. Women are advised to dress simply but elegantly. Accessorizing and wearing make-up is practised widely by business women. Doing Business - Cuisine The French are passionate about food, so lunches are the norm when doing business in France. These usually consist of an appetizer, main meal (with wine), cheese, dessert and coffee and normally take up to two hours. This is a time for relationship building. Do not begin eating until the host says, bon appetit. Pass dishes to the left, keep wrists above the table and try to eat everything on the plate. Be careful with adding salt, pepper or sauces to your food as this may imply you find the food tasteless. If eating in a restaurant, the person extending the invitation always pays. Be sure to reciprocate this gesture. Doing Business - Meetings and Negotiations If you plan to travel to France on business, meetings should be booked in advance in writing or by phone. Holidays in France are usually taken in July or August so these months should be avoided. Christmas and Easter are also periods where business winds down. Punctuality is a relaxed affair. Being fifteen minutes late is perfectly acceptable and the further south you travel, the more flexible this becomes. When doing business in meetings remain polite and courteous at all times. Avoid personal questions. Try not to appear over friendly as this may be construed as suspicious. The French communication style is direct, questioning and probing. Ensure you have a carefully planned proposal that has been logically organised and presented. The French are most receptive to low-key, rational presentations and arguments that clearly highlight benefits. Negotiations can become passionate. Argumentation is not meant to be confrontational but rather a means to analysing your case logically. You will be judged on your demeanour combined with your ability to present your arguments coherently. Avoid exaggerations as the French do not appreciate hyperbole. If a stalemate has been reached when doing business, the French will continue to state their position. The emphasis is on you to take apart their arguments and approach the issue from a different angle. Similarly, once decisions have been reached the only means of overturning it would be through a well argued defence of your case. Doing Business in France Doing business in France is a challenging and exciting affair. However, this is dependent on those doing business there preparing themselves for cross cultural differences and approaching situations with an openmind through appreciating differences in etiquette, approach and style in business.

Turkish Society and Culture Islam Islam is the religion of the majority of Turks although the state is fiercely secular. Islam emanated from what is today Saudi Arabia. The Prophet Muhammad is seen as the last of Gods emissaries (following in the footsteps of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, etc) to bring revelation to mankind. He was distinguished with bringing a message for the whole of mankind, rather than just to a certain peoples. As Moses brought the


Torah and Jesus the Bible, Muhammad brought the last book, the Quran. The Quran and the actions of the Prophet (the Sunnah) are used as the basis for all guidance in the religion. Among certain obligations for Muslims are to pray five times a day at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and evening. The exact time is listed in the local newspaper each day. Friday is the Muslim holy day although this is not practised in Turkey. However, most males will attend the congregational afternoon prayer. During the holy month of Ramazan all Muslims must fast from dawn to dusk. Fasting includes no eating, drinking, cigarette smoking, or gum chewing Etiquette & Customs in Turkey Meeting and Greeting Etiquette When meeting shake hands firmly. When departing it is not always customary to shake hands although it is practised occasionally. Friends and relations would greet each other with either one or two kisses on the cheek. Elders are always respected by kissing their right hand then placing the forehead onto the hand. When entering a room, if you are not automatically met by someone greet the most elderly or most senior first. At social occasions greet the person closest to you then work your way around the room or table anticlockwise. Greet people with either the Islamic greeting of Asalamu alaykum (peace be upon you) or Nasilsiniz (How are you? pronounced na-sul-su-nuz). Other useful phrases are Gunaydin (Good Morning, pronounced goon-ay-dun), iyi gunler (Good Day, pronounced ee-yee gun-ler) or Memnun Oldum (pleased to meet you). Gift Giving Etiquette Gift giving has no real place in business relationships or etiquette. Relationship building and the like will usually take the form of dining or sight seeing trips rather than lavish gifts. However, if a gift is given it will be accepted well. It is always a good idea to bring gifts from your own country such as food stuffs or craft items. Be aware that Turkey is a Muslim country. Before giving alcohol to anyone be 100% sure that they drink. The only time you would need to give any great thought to gifts would be if you were invited to a Turks home for dinner. The most usual gifts to take are pastries, (especially baklava) and decorative items for the home such as ornaments or vases. Flowers are not usually taken to a host but can be if felt appropriate. It is best to ask a florist for advice on what is best to take. If the host has children take some expensive sweets or candy. Dining Etiquette Most business entertaining will take place in restaurants. Turks enjoy food and the meal is a time for relaxing and engaging in some good conversation. The protocol of Turkish hospitality dictates that the host always pays for the meal. The concept of sharing a bill is completely alien. You may try and offer to pay, which may be seen as polite, but you would never be allowed to do so. The best policy is to graciously thank the host then a few days later invite them to do dinner at a restaurant of your choice. It may be a good idea to inform the restaurant manager that under no circumstances are they to accept payment from your guests. Evening meals may be accompanied by some alcohol, usually the local tipple called Rak (pronounced rak-uh). It will comprise of a few courses with the main course always meat or fish based, accompanied by bread and a salad. Turks smoke during meals and will often take breaks between courses to have a cigarette and a few drinks before moving onto the next. Tea or Turkish coffee is served at the end of a meal sometimes with pastries. Turkish coffee is a national drink and should at least be sampled. It comes either without sugar, a little sugar or sweet. Turkish coffee is sipped and allowed to melt into the taste buds so do not gulp it down as you would instant coffee. Never drink to the bottom of the cup as it will be full of ground coffee and taste awful.


Business Etiquette and Protocol Relationships & Communication Turks prefer to do business with those they know and respect, therefore spend time establishing a personal relationship. Relationships are fostered in the office, over extended lunches, dinners, and social outings. Courtesy is crucial in all business dealings. Turks do not require as much personal space as many other cultures and will stand close to you while conversing. Do not back away, as this can be construed as unfriendly. Discussions may start slowly, with many questions that may seem irrelevant to the purpose of your visit. It is extremely rude to insist that your colleagues get to the point. Ask about his/her family without prying. Questions about children will be welcomed. The Turks are proud of their country and will enjoy answering questions on their culture and history although be sure to avoid political history. Most Turkish men love football (soccer) and usually support one of three teams: Galatasaray, Beikta or Fenerbahe. Asking after their teams recent fortunes will always produce lively and animate responses. Once a relationship has been established, communication is direct. It is vital that you maintain eye contact while speaking since Turks take this as a sign of sincerity. Business Meeting Etiquette Appointments are necessary and should be made 1 to 2 weeks in advance, preferably by telephone. Many Turks take vacation during July or August, so it is best not to try to schedule appointments at that time. It is also not a good idea to schedule meetings during Ramazan (Ramadan). Punctuality is expected although you should be prepared to be kept waiting. First appointments are more social- than business-oriented since Turks prefer to do business with people they know. Small talk helps establish a rapport. Do not immediately begin discussing business. Have all printed material available in both English and Turkish. Presentations should be well thought-out, thorough, and backed up with visual aids such as maps, chart and graphs. Business Negotiation Etiquette Always come to Turkey knowing two things. Your success is defined by your ability to build effective personal relationships combined with a clearly outlined and well presented proposal. Business is personal. Although this is changing with the influx of big multi-nationals and a more corporate culture in some of the larger companies, many businesses are still family owned and run. Turks will want to do business with those they like, trust, feel comfortable with and with those that can provide a long term relationship. If they feel you are hiding something or there is an element of suspicion about your motives you may not get very far. Building a relationship with your Turkish counterpart(s) is therefore critical. The first meeting at least should be solely focused on getting to know each other. Once a relationship has been established you can safely move on to business matters. As well as looking to the person, Turks are also astute business people. Ensure your proposal clearly demonstrates the mutual benefit and profitability of any agreement or partnership. Turks are primarily oral and visual communicators so in addition to written statistics, projections and the like try to present information vocally or with maps, graphs and charts. Decision making can be slow. It is most likely that you will meet and negotiate with less senior members of a family first. Once you are seen as trustworthy and your proposal financially viable you will then move on to meet more senior members. A decision is ultimately made by the head of the family/company. When negotiating, the Turks will start at extremes in order to gage your response. Prior to negotiations know your target figure and work slowly towards it through meaningful concessions. When conceding ensure you present this as a favour and a decision made out of respect and liking for your counterpart(s).


Try and concede only once you have gained agreement on a reciprocal concession on a separate or related issue. Do not use deadlines or pressure tactics as the Turks will use this to their advantage and reverse the tactic by threatening to cancel agreements or end negotiations. Be patient. It may not always be necessary to focus on financial benefits when negotiating. It is just as useful to point to areas such as power, influence, honour, respect and other non-monetary incentives. Business Dress Etiquette Business dress is conservative. You will be expected to wear a suit and tie. Similarly women should wear smart professional outfits. In the summer, and especially in the cities of Istanbul, Izmir and Anakara the weather is very hot and humid. It is acceptable to just wear a shirt with trousers and in most cases to not wear a tie. Outside the big cities and especially in the East of Turkey both women and men should wear more conservative clothing. Women are advised to refrain from exposing their legs and arms and to ensure clothes are not tight-fitting. Men should not wear shorts. Naming Conventions When addressing a Turk the most common method is to call a man by his first name followed by bey (pronounced bay). So, Ertan Gonca, would be Ertan Bey. Similarly a womans first name would be followed by hanim (pronounced ha-num). Where professional titles exist such as Doctor or Professor, always use them either on their own of before the first name. Curiously this is also the case with many other professions such as lawyers Avukat or engineers Muhendis. Within Turkish companies and organisations senior ranking staff will be addressed accordingly. A common example is Mr. Manager, Mudur Bey. A common phrase you will hear Turks using is efendim (literally my master). You may hear this from a waiter, a secretary, taxi driver, doorman, shop staff and many others. It is simply a polite way of addressing people you are not familiar with. Business Card Etiquette Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual. Use both hands to exchange cards. Present your business card to the receptionist when you arrive. Have one side of your business card translated into Turkish. Although not a business necessity, it will impress your business colleagues. Quite often Turks do not give their business card unless they are certain that they wish to establish a business relationship.

Netherlands (Holland)
Dutch Society & Culture The Role of the Family The Dutch see the family as the foundation of the social structure. Families tend to be small, often with only one or two children. Relatively few women work outside the house full-time as compared to many other cultures. This allows mothers to be more available to their children throughout the entire day. Dutch Demeanour Appearances are important to the Dutch. They are disciplined, conservative, and pay attention to the smallest details. They see themselves as thrifty, hardworking, practical and well organized.


They place high value on cleanliness and neatness. At the same time, the Dutch are very private people. They do not draw attention to themselves and do not value the accoutrements of success highly prized by other western societies. They dislike displays of wealth, as they run counter to their egalitarian beliefs. They do not boast about their accomplishments or their material possessions. Egalitarianism The Dutch are egalitarian and highly tolerant of individual differences. Their children are raised without gender biases. There is practically no abject poverty in the country because of the social programs, which, however, also increase the tax burden on workers. This egalitarian outlook is carried over into the workplace. Even in hierarchical organizations, every person has a right to their opinion and to have it heard. The boss may be the final decision maker, but he/she will typically want input from the workers and will strive for consensus. Everyone is valued and shown respect. Dutch Privacy The Dutch are reserved and formal when dealing with outsiders. They are private people and do not put their possessions or emotions on display. Self-control is seen to be a virtue. The Dutch do not ask personal questions and will refuse to answer should you be foolish enough to intrude on their privacy. Personal life is kept separate from business. If a friendship develops at work and is carried into the personal arena, this camaraderie will not be brought into the office. Personal matters are not discussed with friends, no matter how close. Etiquette and Customs in The Netherlands Meeting and Greeting The handshake is the common form of greeting. It is firm and swift, accompanied by a smile, and repetition of your name. Shake hands with everyone individually including children. Very close friends may greet each other by air kissing near the cheek three times, starting with the left cheek. Most Dutch only use first names with family and close friends. Wait until invited before moving to a first-name basis. Gift Giving Etiquette If invited to a Dutch home bring a box of good quality chocolates, a potted plant, a book, or flowers to the hostess. Flowers should be given in odd numbers, but not 13, which is unlucky. Avoid giving white lilies or chrysanthemums, as these are associated with funerals. Gifts should be wrapped nicely. Wine is not a good gift if invited for dinner, as the host may already have selected the wines for dinner. Do not give pointed items such as knives or scissors as they are considered unlucky. Gifts are usually opened when received. Dining Etiquette


Dining is fairly formal in the Netherlands. Table manners are Continental -- the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating. Remain standing until invited to sit down. You may be shown to a particular seat. Men generally remain standing until all the women have taken their seats. If you have not finished eating, cross your knife and fork in the middle of the plate with the fork over the knife. Do not begin eating until the hostess starts. Most food is eaten with utensils, including sandwiches. The host gives the first toast. An honoured guest should return the toast later in the meal. Salad is not cut; fold the lettuce on your fork. Always start with small amounts so you may accept second helpings. Finish everything on your plate. It is offensive to waste food in the Netherlands. Indicate you have finished eating by laying your knife and fork parallel across the right side of your plate. Business Etiquette and Protocol Building Relationships & Communication Many Dutch are familiar with doing business with foreigners since the Netherlands has a long history of international trade. They will want to know your academic credentials and the amount of time your company has been in business. The business community is rather close and most senior level people know one another. Older, more bureaucratic companies may still judge you by how you are introduced so it is wise to have a third-party introduction if possible, although it is not mandatory. The important thing is to demonstrate how your relationship would be beneficial for both sides. The Dutch take a long-term perspective when looking at business, so be clear what your company's intentions are. Since the Dutch value their personal time, do not ask them to work late or come in over the weekend if you want to foster a good working relationship. The Dutch are hospitable, yet this is often reserved for family and friends. In business they tend to be reserved and formal. They do not touch one another and appreciate it when those they do business with maintain the proper distance, do not demonstrate emotion or use exaggerated hand gestures. The Dutch are extremely direct in their communication. They may sound blunt if you come from a culture where communication is more indirect and context driven. They do not use hyperbole, and likewise they expect to be told yes or no in clear words. In general, ideas will be discussed quite openly at meetings, with everyone entitled to their opinion. Information is shared across departments and corporate strategies and goals are usually communicated to all employees, especially in more entrepreneurial companies. Decisions are often consensus-driven in these cases. Always appear modest and do not make exaggerated claims about what you or your company can deliver. Your word is your bond and making claims that later prove to be untrue will brand you as unreliable. Business Meeting Etiquette Do not try to schedule meetings during the summer (June through August), as this is a common vacation period. Punctuality for meetings is taken extremely seriously. Being late may mark you as untrustworthy and someone who may not meet other deadlines. If you expect to be delayed, telephone immediately and offer an explanation. Cancelling a meeting at the last minute could jeopardize your business relationship. Meetings are rather formal in nature. Little time is spent on pleasantries. Meetings adhere to strict agendas, including starting and ending times. Do not attempt to deviate from the agenda. Maintain direct eye contact while speaking.


Negotiations The Dutch prefer to get down to business quickly and engage in relatively little small talk. Communication is direct and to the point, and may seem blunt. Make sure your arguments are rational as opposed to emotional. Use facts and figures to confirm your statements. Business is conducted slowly. The Dutch are detail-oriented and want to understand every innuendo before coming to an agreement. Decision-making is consensus driven. Anyone who might be affected by the decision is consulted, which greatly increases the time involved in reaching a final decision. Avoid confrontational behaviour or high- pressure tactics. Once a decision is made, it will not be changed. Contracts are enforced strictly.

Etiquette & Customs in Italy Meeting Etiquette Greetings are enthusiastic yet rather formal. The usual handshake with direct eye contact and a smile suffices between strangers. Once a relationship develops, air-kissing on both cheeks, starting with the left is often added as well as a pat on the back between men. Wait until invited to move to a first name basis. Italians are guided by first impressions, so it is important that you demonstrate propriety and respect when greeting people, especially when meeting them for the first time. Many Italians use calling cards in social situations. These are slightly larger than traditional business cards and include the person's name, address, title or academic honours, and their telephone number. If you are staying in Italy for an extended period of time, it is a good idea to have calling cards made. Never give your business card in lieu of a calling card in a social situation. Gift Giving Etiquette Do not give chrysanthemums as they are used at funerals. Do not give red flowers as they indicate secrecy. Do not give yellow flowers as they indicate jealousy If you bring wine, make sure it is a good vintage. Quality, rather than quantity, is important. Do not wrap gifts in black, as is traditionally a mourning colour. Do not wrap gifts in purple, as it is a symbol of bad luck. Gifts are usually opened when received. Dining Etiquette If invited to an Italian house: If an invitation says the dress is informal, wear stylish clothes that are still rather formal, i.e., jacket and tie for men and an elegant dress for women. Punctuality is not mandatory. You may arrive between 15 minutes late if invited to dinner and up to 30 minutes late if invited to a party. If you are invited to a meal, bring gift-wrapped such as wine or chocolates. If you are invited for dinner and want to send flowers, have them delivered that day. Table manners Remain standing until invited to sit down. You may be shown to a particular seat. Table manners are Continental -- the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating.


Follow the lead of the hostess - she sits at the table first, starts eating first, and is the first to get up at the end of the meal. The host gives the first toast. An honoured guest should return the toast later in the meal. Women may offer a toast. Always take a small amount at first so you can be cajoled into accepting a second helping. Do not keep your hands in your lap during the meal; however, do not rest your elbows on the table either. It is acceptable to leave a small amount of food on your plate. Pick up cheese with your knife rather than your fingers. If you do not want more wine, leave your wineglass nearly full. Business Etiquette and Protocol in Italy Relationships & Communication Italians prefer to do business with people they know and trust. A third party introduction will go a long way in providing an initial platform from which to work. Italians much prefer face-to-face contact, so it is important to spend time in Italy developing the relationship. Your business colleagues will be eager to know something about you as a person before conducting business with you. Demeanour is important as Italians judge people on appearances and the first impression you make will be a lasting one. Italians are intuitive. Therefore, make an effort to ensure that your Italians colleagues like and trust you. Networking can be an almost full-time occupation in Italy. Personal contacts allow people to get ahead. Take the time to ask questions about your business colleagues family and personal interests, as this helps build the relationship Italians are extremely expressive communicators. They tend to be wordy, eloquent, emotional, and demonstrative, often using facial and hand gestures to prove their point. Business Meeting Etiquette Appointments are mandatory and should be made in writing (in Italian) 2 to 3 weeks in advance. Reconfirm the meeting by telephone or fax (again in Italian). Many companies are closed in August, and if they are open many Italians take vacations at this time, so it is best not to try to schedule meetings then. In the north, punctuality is viewed as a virtue and your business associates will most likely be on time. The goal of the initial meeting is to develop a sense of respect and trust with your Italian business colleagues. Have all your printed material available in both English and Italian. Hire an interpreter if you are not fluent in Italian. It is common to be interrupted while speaking or for several people to speak at once. People often raise their voice to be heard over other speakers, not because they are angry. Although written agendas are frequently provided, they may not be followed. They serve as a jumping off point for further discussions. Decisions are not reached in meetings. Meetings are meant for a free flow of ideas and to let everyone have their say. Business Negotiation In the north, people are direct, see time as money, and get down to business after only a brief period of social talk. In the south, people take a more leisurely approach to life and want to get to know the people with whom they do business. Allow your Italian business colleagues to set the pace for your negotiations. Follow their lead as to when it is appropriate to move from social to business discussions. Italians prefer to do business with high-ranking people.


Hierarchy is the cornerstone of Italian business. Italians respect power and age. Negotiations are often protracted. Never use high-pressure sales tactics. Always adhere to your verbal agreements. Failing to follow through on a commitment will destroy a business relationship. Heated debates and arguments often erupt in meetings. This is simply a function of the free-flow of ideas. Haggling over price and delivery date is common. Decisions are often based more on how you are viewed by the other party than on concrete business objectives. Dress Etiquette Dressing well is a priority in Italy. Men should wear dark coloured, conservative business suits. Women should wear either business suits or conservative dresses. Elegant accessories are equally important for men and women. Business Cards Business cards are exchanged after the formal introduction. To demonstrate proper respect for the other person, look closely at their business card before putting it in your card holder. It is a good idea to have one side of your business card translated into Italian. If you have a graduate degree, include it on your business card. Make sure your title is on your card. Italians like knowing how you fit within your organization.

Bulgarian Customs and Etiquette Meeting & Greeting Bulgaria on the face of it is still a fairly formal society - initial greetings are therefore formal and reserved. Greetings consist of a firm handshake, direct eye contact and the appropriate greeting for the time of day. Address people with their titles (if you know them) or with Mr "Gospodin" / Mrs "Gospozha" followed by the surname. Only friends and family address each other with first names and possibly a hug or kiss. One should always wait for their Bulgarian counterparts to determine when it is appropriate to become this informal. Gift Giving Gifts are generally exchanged at Christmas, birthdays and when invited to someones house. The general rule for gift giving is that it more about the thought than value in fact do not give overly expensive gifts as this may cause the recipient embarrassment. When going to a Bulgarians home for dinner take bring flowers for the hostess and a bottle of good spirits for the host. If taking flowers avoid chrysanthemums, lilies or gladiolas as they are used at funerals. Also ensure there are an odd number of stems. If giving a gift to a newborn only give an odd number of presents. Gifts are generally opened when received. Dining Etiquette


Table manners in Bulgaria could be considered casual, but there are certain rules of etiquette that should be appreciated. When invited to sit at the dining table wait to be shown your seat. Napkins should be left folded next to the plate. If others unfold them and place them on their laps, do the same you will be at a more formal meal. Wait for the hostess to give the green light before starting to eat. Although you may be the guest of honour it is polite to insist the eldest person at the table starts proceedings. Do not rest your elbows on the table, although your hands should be visible at all times. Eating more food shows appreciation for it, so on the initial serving take little to allow you a second serving. Glasses will always be refilled leave a mouthful at the bottom of your glass if you dont want more. Business Etiquette and Protocol in Bulgaria Meeting & Greeting Greetings consist of a firm handshake, direct eye contact and the appropriate greeting for the time of day. Handshakes are used when meeting and departing. Address people with their titles (try and find out if people have one beforehand) if not then use Mr "Gospodin" / Mrs "Gospozha" followed by the surname. Business cards are exchanged on initial meetings. There is little protocol to follow. If your company/firm has been established a long time (25-50 years) include the founding date on your business card. Add any academic qualifications you may have too. Translating cards into Bulgarian may not always be a necessity but it would certainly impress recipients. Business Meetings Relationship building is important in Bulgaria. Try to spend time getting to know people before getting down to serious business. Initial meetings should be used as an introduction. The next meetings can then be used for more business focused discussions. If you are aware that your counterparts in Bulgaria, hire an interpreter and fully brief them on your needs. Eye contact is important is relaying trust and sincerity. Any presentations should be factual and backed with statistics. If possible try to present information visually. Bulgarians do not appreciate too much talk so avoid over zealous statements. Once meetings have started to get into more serious matters they will start to proceed at a much slower pace as details are digested, scrutinized and discussed. Bulgarians are not deadline oriented. They prefer to ensure they have comprehensively covered a topic before bringing proceedings to a close. Be patient and do not rush meetings successful ventures in Bulgaria will never happen overnight. Meetings often last much longer than anticipated. Do not rush the process. It is important to retain a sense of formality and professionalism. Any slip into casual behaviour may not be appreciated. Bulgarians have a tendency to talk in a roundabout way when concerned about not saying anything that could be used against them later. If you are asking questions and not getting direct answers try asking the question in different ways.

General Etiquette & Customs in Greece


Meeting Etiquette Greeks are warm and hospitable. When meeting someone for the first time, they shake hands firmly, smile, and maintain direct eye contact. Good friends often embrace; they may also kiss each other on each cheek. Male friends often slap each others arm at the shoulder. Gift Giving Etiquette In general, Greeks exchange gifts with family and friends for namedays (birth date of the saint after whom they are named) and Christmas. Some Greeks celebrate birthdays, but in general, celebrating namedays is more likely Gifts need not be expensive. Since gifts are generally reciprocated, giving something of great value could put a burden on the recipient since they would feel obligated to give you something of equivalent value. When invited to dinner at a Greek home, bring something small. A floral arrangement may be sent in advance of the actual event. Gifts should be wrapped. Gifts are usually opened when received. Dining Etiquette If you are invited to a Greek home: Arriving 30 minutes late is considered punctual! Dress well. This demonstrates respect for your hosts. Offer to help the hostess with the preparation or clearing up after a meal is served. Your offer may not be accepted, but it will be appreciated. Expect to be treated like royalty! Compliment the house. Table manners Remain standing until invited to sit down. You may be shown to a particular seat. Table manners are Continental -- the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating. The oldest person is generally served first. Do not begin eating until the hostess starts. Keep your elbows off the table and your hands above the table when eating. Accepting a second helping compliments the host. Expect a great deal of discussion. Meals are a time for socializing. It is considered polite to soak up gravy or sauce with a piece of bread. People often share food from their plate. Finish everything on your plate. Put your napkin next to your plate when you have finished eating. Indicate you have finished eating by laying your knife and fork parallel on your plate with the handles facing to the right. The host gives the first toast. An honoured guest should return the toast later in the meal. The most common toast is to your health, which is stinygiasou in informal situations and eis igan sas at formal functions. Business Etiquette and Protocol in Greece Relationships & Communication Relationships are the linchpin of business dealings since Greeks prefer to do business with those they know and trust. They maintain an intricate web of family and friends to call upon for business assistance since they can be


confident of their trustworthiness. Nepotism is not viewed negatively and it is very common for relatives to work for the same company. Greeks prefer face-to-face meetings rather than doing business by telephone or in writing, which are seen as too impersonal. It takes time to develop relationships: this can be done in the office, over extended lunches, dinners, and social outings. Never say or do anything that can be construed as challenging the honour or integrity of a business colleague. Under no circumstances should you publicly question someones statements. Greeks do not like people who are pretentious or standoffish. Although business is relaxed, it is also serious. Acting informal before a relationship has developed is considered discourteous. If your Greek business colleagues become quiet and withdrawn, you may have said or done something to upset them. Business Meeting Etiquette Appointments are necessary and should be made 1 to 2 weeks in advance, although it is often possible to schedule them on short notice. Confirm meetings one day in advance by telephone. Many businesspeople eat lunch between 1 and 3 p.m., so this is not the optimal time for a meeting. Quite often it is not until the third meeting that business is actually conducted. During the first meeting your Greek business colleagues will want to get to know something about you as a person. The second meeting is used to develop trust and mutual respect. By the third meeting, business may begin. Have printed material available in both English and Greek. Meetings are often interrupted. Several people may speak at the same time. Greeks will deviate from agendas. They view agendas as starting points for discussions and will then follow the discussion to the next logical place. Although some business people speak English, it is a good idea to hire an interpreter. Business Negotiation Forming a personal relationship is critical to developing a successful business relationship. Companies are hierarchical. Greeks respect age and position. Business is conducted slowly. You will have to be patient and not appear ruffled. Demonstrate how your product or service enhances your colleagues reputation. Do not lose your temper or appear irritated during business discussions. Greeks are skilled negotiators. They quite enjoy haggling. Decision making is held at the top of the company. Imposing a deadline on reaching a decision may end the negotiations. Contracts are often quite simple since the personal relationship dictates that accommodations will be made on either side should the need arise. Business Dress Business dress is as in most of Europe. Men should wear dark coloured, conservative business suits. Women should wear either business suits or tasteful dresses, preferably in dark or subtle colours. Business Cards Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual. Have one side of your business card translated into Greek. Present your card so the Greek side faces the recipient.


United Kingdom
All UK legislation, however, is increasingly subject to the primacy of European Union law. The United Kingdom joined the then European Economic Community in 1973 and, despite sometimes difficult relations between London and Brussels (or, usually more precisely, Paris and Bonn/Berlin), is a signatory to the Maastricht Treaty of 1991 that established the European Union (EU). Like Sweden and Denmark, however, the United Kingdom has not adopted the single currency (the euro) and recent political developments suggest that the UK will remain outside the eurozone for the foreseeable future. Indeed the UK has a rather semi-detached attitude to the EU and Europe as a whole. The topic divides the population into Europhiles (in favour of greater European integration and embracing the single currency) and Eurosceptics or Europhobes (in favour of maintaining British sovereignty, against adopting the euro and, in extreme cases, hostile to the entire European project and even anything European). According to opinion polls the latter group constitutes the majority view. Again, if you are unsure where your interlocutor stands, it is best to avoid the issue completely or risk being subjected to the forceful expression of strongly held beliefs.

What you should know before negotiating Most Italians in Italy do not speak English well, so you will probably need a translator in business situations. If your Italian counterpart does speak reasonable English it is worth ensuring that your presentation materials and discussions are kept clear and simple. It is highly unlikely that he or she would admit to not understanding parts of the conversation. When selecting your negotiating team, be aware that Italians generally prefer to do business with only the most important people in any organization. The use of business cards is common and you should have your card translated into Italian on the reverse side. Moreover, ensure that any advanced educational degrees and your full title or position are featured on both sides of your business card. Italian businesspeople will want to know that they are dealing with an important person. You will probably notice that very senior Italian businesspeople usually have less information on their business cards. In Italian culture, people are traditionally expected to behave with a sense of decorum and formality at all times. This concept is known as "bella figura" ["beautiful figure"] and is often used in reference to the ability to put on a good performance or simply to present oneself well. What other people think is considered extremely important, and your actions must always at least appear to be the "right" thing to do. Moreover, there is a belief that behaving appropriately, especially out of loyalty to family members, friends, and neighbours, contributes to the beauty and sense of order in the world. You will find that the belief in "bella figura" becomes quite pronounced the further south in Italy you travel. The initial meeting is usually conducted in the office, where your Italian counterparts will make an assessment of you, your proposal and company. It will be in your best interests to present a warm, dignified demeanor during the meeting. The goal, at least for the initial meeting, should be to cultivate feelings of respect and trust between yourself and your Italian colleagues. Do everything you can to show how your proposal enhances their "bella figura." These measures become increasingly important as you go further south in Italy. Whether you are worth knowing and doing business with may be more important than the actual details of your proposal. Still, it's important that you bring a carefully planned, logically organized proposal to the meeting. All presentation materials and packaging should be aesthetically pleasing. In this culture, it's essential that things [as well as people] look good: appearance is frequently considered more important than "what's inside." Italians are generally receptive to new ideas and concepts, although you'll perceive little change in the opinions of the participants. Hierarchy is key, especially in larger traditional Italian businesses where the importance of the "cordata" [chain of command] cannot be underestimated. Moreover, a belief in status and hierarchy permeates all aspects of Italian society. There is tremendous respect for power, as well as age.


There are not large numbers of women at the highest levels of business and government in Italy. Women may be treated with particular respect by Italian men, but not necessarily to the point of attaining equal recognition or authority in business settings. In business settings, the individual with authority rarely has to raise his or her voice. In most cases, however, Italians speak loudly, animatedly, and interruptions are to be expected. Italian communication styles tend to be eloquent, wordy, demonstrative, and emotional. Italians tend to be guided by their feelings. Consequently, make an effort to ensure that the Italians you do business with decide that they like and trust you. Italian businesspeople will often base their decisions on what has worked for others in similar situations-even when the two situations may not be directly related to each other. Consequently, if an idea does not correspond with an individuals subjective experience or opinion, it is often rejected. Italians will look at the particulars of each situation rather than seek guidance from a law or policy to solve a problem. The Roman Catholic Church remains a strong influence in all areas of life. In Italian business culture, most decisions are made in closed quarters by various people, not just the highest figure in authority. There are, however, a large proportion of family-owned businesses here; in these organizations, the head of the family usually makes the final decision. Final decisions are slow and protracted, usually taking several months to a year. Be patient, since rushing or putting pressure on the decision-making process will be only an affront to Italian business protocol. Italians will sometimes make sudden, unexpected demands as a way of unsettling the other side. The use of this strategy does not automatically mean the negotiations will collapse. The relationships between families, friends, and neighbours are of crucial importance, especially in the south of Italy. Honour and personal pride are critical in this culture. Consequently, never insult the honour or personal pride of the Italians, their families, their towns, or their friends. Employees provide what their bosses expect of them, and the preparation of reports and plans can be timeconsuming and even complicated. Compiling the information required in order to do what your boss expects from you, or creating consensus among your colleagues in order to accomplish a particular goal, can take a considerable amount of time. All of this occurs in a formal and sometimes very rigid hierarchical structure. Consequently, deadlines and efficiency are usually secondary to considerations such as attention to detail and logic. Complimenting and rewarding employees publicly are not often done. The Italians, generally, can be receptive to criticism, as long as it is constructive. Try, however, not to be too blunt. In Italy, office and washroom doors often remain closed, so ensure that you knock before making an entrance. And when leaving a room, always close the door behind you.
Pluralistic culture

A pluralistic culture has the following important features: stable democratic principles and standards of life; consistent directives; vital practical democratic norms, skills and traditions; the need and inevitability of pluralistic ideas; tolerance of different thinking and of those who think in new or even contrary ways, etc. In this culture democratic goals are sought only by democratic methods and mechanisms. Between classes, groups and other social strata there is political cooperation, which is typical of this type of social tradition. Vital present problems are: the development of practices corresponding to the socio-political life of leading foreign states, preservation of Eastern features and national distinctiveness, developing research and practical activities in this field.

Cultural Influences in Canadian Art

In the last century, Canada has emerged as one of the great successes of the world. Compassion, diversity, tolerance, freedom and openness, as well as immense spaces and extreme climate are some of the components that have shaped Canadian society. It is not surprising that those are also the traits that best describe the unique character of Canadian people. And what is culture if not the sum of what makes a people unique?


The composition of Canadian culture, and its influences, can be arbitrarily divided into three elements. Although Aboriginal cultures have always been a cultural influence in Canada, the richness of thousandyear-old traditions and the more than 50 indigenous languages spoken in Canada today are still being discovered and are increasingly appreciated and studied. The dynamic relationship between Francophone and Anglophone Canadians has been one of the hallmarks of Canadian culture for the last 300 years, and bilingualism and multiculturalism are traits that continue to define us as Canadians. Today, Canada is a pluralistic society, and a pluralistic culture. Immigrants have brought the world to Canada and have opened us to the world. Cultures all over the world are feeling the pressures of globalization, and the rapid pace of technology. Canada is no exception. We are a strong supporter of the international initiatives to preserve and promote cultural diversity. By preserving cultural identities around the world, we are preserving culture itself. Canadian culture is what brings meaning to being Canadian.



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