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a) In Noimal Condition (wheater and ^CTV in good condition) i. The aircr af ts shall pushback heading t o South

a) Komf isi normal ( CCTV berfungsi dan cuaca

i. Pesawat udara haais di push back menghadap ke selatan ii. Untuk pesawat yang diparkir Nomor 1 harus push back dan pull sampai lurus dengan taxiway center iine kemudian star t up. ( konf igurasi area Parkir Stand 1 t idak standar) Phr aseology yang digunakan adalah: " Pushback and PuU unt il aligned t o taxiway centreline than start up "

ii. The aircraf t parked on Gate i must pushback and pull until aligned t o taxhvay centreline and then star t up (Configuration on Parking Stand Number 1 is non standard)

The Phraseology is : " Pushback and Put t unt il aligned to taxiway centreline t itan star t up "

Hi. Untuk pesawat yang dparkir nomor 2 dan 3 push back and start engines secara normal Phraseology yang cf igunakan adalah: " Pushback and Start Up Approved Heading South" .:

iii. The aircraf t parked on Gate number 2 and gate number 3 shall pushback and start engines normally. The Phraseology is: " Pushback and Start up Approved

Heading South "

iv. Pr osedur taxi normal mengikut i guidance line

iv. Taxi procedures is normaty f ollowing guidance line

b) Kondisi Low Visibility (CCTVunserviceabJe dan cuaca buruk). i. Semua pesawat yang berada dj Apron Delta (Gate 1, 2 & 3) harus pushback dan pull sampai Holding Point India kemudian start up. ii. Pr osedur taxi dar i Holding Point India secar a normal karena sudah t er iinat dar i Tower. iii. Phraseology yang digunakan adatah:

b) In Abnormal situat ion ( the

unserviceable or in bad weather) i.


AH air craf t parked on Apr on Delta ( Gatel, 2

and 3) must pushback and pull unt il Holding

Point "India'and then star t up ii. Taxi procedur es f rom Holding Point "India" t o the Runway is normally (cause taht position is seen

by Tower)
iii. The Phraseology is:

- Pushbacf c and Pull Unt il Holding Point India

then start up"

" Pushback and PuH Until Holding Point

India then star t up"

8.4.2. Instrukst untuk taxi 8.4.2 Taxi instruction a. Instruksi untuk taxi akan diber ikan kepada a. Taxi instruction will be issued af ter the aircraf t pesawat udana yang menyatakan siap dan minfa untuk taxi. Jalur taxi yang hams r fikut i disesuaikan dengan tandasan pacu yang akan digunakan. repor ted ready and request taxi instruction. The route of taxhway to be f ollowed is based on file runway-in-use.

2*Edit ion


November 2010

PT. ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO) BANDAR UDARA NGURAH RAI BALI Manoeuvr ing Area atau cB dekat daerah Manoeut



Manoeuvr ing Area or near the area Manoeuvr ing; Ar ea ( sebdum memasuki dan setelah meninggalkc (bef ore enter ing and af ter leaving), shall coordii wajib berkoordinasi dan memSiki twoand has a two-way communications (Gr ounc communications (Ground t o Gr ound communicatior

dengan Tower, (Doc ICAO ATM 2007 point 7.6

tentang control ofotherthan ai rcraft traffic)

Ground communications) with the Ngurah TWR, (

2007 ICAO ATM point 7.6. 3.2 on the control of o

10) Khusus di Stand 1 terdapat perkecuaiian pelayar c 10 In Stands 1, there special exception when it providi

apabila member ikan pdayanan terhadap WIP f light

Kepala Negar a / KepaJa pemer intahan

services to the WIP f iight (Head of State / Head


). Prosedur khusus di Appon Delta

b. Specif ic Apron Delta Pr ocedure

1) Apron Oefta terdir i dan 3 Gate ( Gate 1, Gate 2 da

Gate 3). 2} Hanya ada saiu pergerakan di Apron Delta. 3) Sehubungan dengan Apron delta yang tidak ter ithc oleh AOC Ngufah Rai (Tower') wajib adanyaaJat bantu

1) There is 3 parking stand on Apron Delta (Gate gat e 2 and Gate 3)

2) Only one movement on Apr on Delta 3) Position of Apron Delta is cant seen f rom tows because its covered by international terming buildings, so that need an additional equipment t< support Ground Controller (according toDoclCAC ATM 2007point The ICAOrecommendatior is SMR ( Surface Movement Radar, and refer k Doc 9426 ATS Planting Manual Part 3T Chapter: Specie Reauk'efnerfts /or an Aerodrome Control Towerpoi nt 2.1.2) is can replaced by CCTV}

( refer t o Doc IC AO ATM 2007 point

Rekomendast ICAO adaiah SMR ( Surface Movemen tadar ). CCTV btsa dgunakan menggant'kan SMR f refer to Doc 9426 ATS Planning Manual Par t 3, Chapte, 2 Specific Requirements for an Aerodrome Contra Towerpom 2.1.2)

4) Poin 3. Controller bisa memast'kan posisi parkir pesawat, bagaimana aktif tas pushback sampai dengan r pesawat mendapatkan taxi clearance. Dengan demikian taxi dearance bisa diber ikan dengan aman iancar dan ef isien. ( refer to Doc ICAO ATM 2007 point 7.6.3. T&kait 1.1.1).

4) According t o point 3, Conf roller can sur e the position of the air craf t, from the clearance for pushback is given until the aircraf t taxiing, with safe

and ef icient ( refer to Doc ICAO ATM 2007 point f

5) Tanggung Jawab saat aktifitas pesawat di movement

area baik dalam kondisi normal ataupun koncf isi low

5) The movement of the aircraft on the Movement Area is the responsibility of the Ground Personnel (Marshailer, Towing Car or Pushback car driver)

visibility / tidak ter iihat oleh Tower adaiah Ground

personnel ( Marshaller, sopir towing car/ pushback car) dan Pilot itu sendir i. { ref er to Doc. 9830 tentang

the Pilot,

and the Unit providing Appr on

management Service; even its when normal

Surface Movement Guidances and Control System

situation or when low visibility (cant seen by

Tower) refer t o Doc. 9830 about Surface Movement

(SMGCS) but ir 1.1.6} dan Unit yang memberikan

pelayanan manajemen apron ( Apron Management Service) yaitu unit AMC. >; Ada 2 kondisi prosedur di apron Delta sesuai dengan

Guidances and Control System (SMGCS) butir


3) The procedure on Apr on Delta , according t o the

wheater condition and CCTV, are:

kondisi CCTV dan Cuaca:

2"> Edition via.4 November 2&W

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