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Oracle Database Error with solution.

Error-:ORA-04031: unable to allocate 32 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","select decode(failover_metho...","sql area","tmp") Solution-: SQL> alter system flush shared_pool; System altered.

Error Code Error Message

ORA-00001 ORA-00001: unique constraint (constraint_name) violated

Error Reason

An INSERT or UPDATE statement execution which violating the unique key constraint on the Table 1)Drop The unique Constraint 2)Allow duplicates by droping the constraint ORA-00054 ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified

Error Resolution Error Code Error Message Error Reason

An insert or update or select command against a LOCK Table 1)Try to execute the statment after sometime 2)Execute the command with a NOWAIT commands

Error Resolution


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Error Code Error Message Error Reason

ORA-00257 ORA-00257: archiver is stuck. CONNECT INTERNAL only, until freed

Error occurs at the archival of the redo logs

Error Resolution Error Code Error Message Error Reason Error Resolution Error Code Error Message Error Reason

1)Check the storage space availabilty 2)Check the initialization paramter ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST ORA-00600 ORA-00600 Internal Error generated by generic kernal code of the Oracle Software Should be reported to oracle support ORA-12154 ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name This error occurs due to missing tnsnames.ora file or tnsname.ora file not configured properly . Reconfigure the tnsname.ora

Error Resolution


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Error Code Error Description Error Reason Error Resolution Error Code Error Description Error Reason Error Resolution Error Code Error Description Error Reason Error Resolution Error Code Error Description Error Reason

ORA-03113 ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel An unexpected end of file occured During communication 1)Check the network may be the network went down 2)check the server may be the server down ORA-00936 ORA-00936: missing expression missing sysntax when executing SQL statments 1) Check your statement sytax properly ORA-01017 ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied Login activity uisng worng database credentials 1) Enter the login credentials properly ORA-01555 ORA-01555: snapshot too old (rollback segment too small) Insufficient Rollback segments 1) Make larger rollback segments

Error Resolution


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Error Code Error Description Error Reason

ORA-04031 ORA-04031: unable to allocate num bytes of shared memory More usage of shared memory than availabe

1. Reduce the use of shared memory availabe. Error Resolution 2. Increase the SHARED_POOL_SIZE paramter Error Code Error Description Error Reason Error Resolution Error Code Error Description Error Reason Error Resolution Error Code Error Description Error Reason Error Resolution ORA-01031 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges Due to the lack of the privileges for the login user to thedatabase objects Contact the Oracle DBA for accessing privilages ORA-01000 ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded Each user is restricted in using the number of cursors at a time . You may get this error when your cursor limit exeeds the set parameter shut down Oracle database , increase the OPEN_CURSORS parameter in the initialization file, and restart Oracle database . ORA-12560 ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error This is an error related to the protocol adaptor

Check the Protcol specification


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Error Code Error Description Error Reason

ORA-27101 ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist Unable to locate the shared memory realm Make sure that ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME are correct.

Error Resolution

A tralling slash on the ORACLE_HOME can cause error ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/prod - Correct ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/prod/ -Wrong

Error Code Error Description

ORA-04030 ORA-04030: out of process memory This is a common error while running import . This error is related to RAM settings. If the server having low RAM and memeory parameters are configured with a high configuration causes this error The best solution is to increase the RAM of the server if your server running with a low RAM other option is to Increasepga_aggregate_target ORA-00020 ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (%s) exceeded Maximum number of processes are exceeded than the limit in oracle database

Error Reason

Error Resolution Error Code Error Description Error Reason Error Resolution

Login as SYSDBA and kill the unwanted sessions


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Error Code Error Description

ORA-04030 ORA-04030: out of process memory This is a common error while running import . This error is related to RAM settings. If the server having low RAM and memeory parameters are configured with a high configuration causes this error The best solution is to increase the RAM of the server if your server running with a low RAM other option is to Increasepga_aggregate_target ORA-04030 ORA-04030: out of process memory This is a common error while running import . This error is related to RAM settings. If the server having low RAM and memeory parameters are configured with a high configuration causes this error The best solution is to increase the RAM of the server if your server running with a low RAM other option is to Increasepga_aggregate_target

Error Reason

Error Resolution Error Code Error Description

Error Reason

Error Resolution


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