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GRADE 5:______

English Term 3 Project

Students are to write four different poems and display them creatively. Step 1. Choose a theme related to our unit that will link all of your poems. For example: jungle noises, animals in the jungle, camping, elephants (or any other animal), a jungle colour. Due by 23rd May Step 2. Choose the types of poems you want to write. You should write four different poems. Due by 26th May Check () the poems you are going to use. Acrostic List Poem Haiku Shape Free verse (5 lines) Cinquain Limerick ABC Alphabet Poem (5 lines)

Step 3. Write your poems in your copybook during class time. Be sure to edit your work with your friend and teacher so that there are no mistakes. Due by 30th May Step 4. Identify the different techniques you have used in your poems. Check () the different techniques you have used. Alliteration Repetition
Repetition of initial consonant or vowel sounds. Repeated use of sounds, words, or ideas for effect

Using words that imitate the sound they mean.

Where two unlike things are compared using LIKE or AS

Description that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste)

Words, phrases and letters that have the same sound at the end

How the poem makes you feel (Eg. Angry, Sad, Happy)

an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes.

A word that means the opposite of another word.

A word that means the same as another word.

Step 5. Write your edited poems neatly on ONE A4 or A3 paper. Be sure to design and illustrate your page. Due by 6th June

CATEGORY Required types of poems Word usage

Exemplary (3) Accomplished (2) Creatively uses Creatively uses four different types three different of poems. types of poems. Excellent use of vocabulary that paints a strong, clear picture in the reader's mind. Effectively uses all four poetic techniques correctly. No errors! Great use of vocabulary that paints picture in the reader's mind. Uses three poetic techniques correctly. Few errors; does not affect reading. Many illustrations that are related to the theme.

Developing (1) Uses two different types of poems. Good use of vocabulary that paints picture in the reader's mind. Uses two poetic techniques correctly. Multiple errors; affect meaning. Illustrations are related to the theme.

Beginning (0) Uses one type of poem. Basic use of vocabulary.

Poetic technique

Uses one poetic technique correctly. Many errors; lacks meaning. Lack of illustrations.


Illustrations (pictures)

Effective and creative use of illustration that are related to the theme.

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