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Start WebLogic Server

1. From a command prompt, go to [appserver root] /user_projects/domains/[appserverdomain] . 2. Enter the following command: o (Windows) startWebLogic.cmd o (Linux, UNIX) ./

Stop WebLogic Server

1. Start WebLogic Server Administration Console by typing http://[host name]:7001/console in the URL line of a web browser. 2. Log in by typing the user name and password that was used when creating this WebLogic configuration, and then click Log In. 3. Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit. 4. Under Domain Structure, click Environment > Servers. 5. Click AdminServer and, on the Settings for AdminServer pane, click the Control tab. 6. Ensure that AdminServer is selected in the Server Status table and click Shutdown. 7. Select When Work Completes to gracefully shut down the server or select Force Shutdown Now to stop the server immediately without completing ongoing tasks. 8. On the Server Life Cycle Assistant pane, click Yes to complete the shutdown. The WebLogic Server Administration Console is no longer available, and the command prompt that you ran the start command from is available.

Start WebLogic Administration Console

1. If WebLogic Admin Server is not already running, from a command prompt, go to the [appserver root] \user_projects\domains\[domainname] directory, and enter the following command: o (Windows) startWebLogic.cmd o (Linux, UNIX) ./ 2. Access WebLogic Server Administration Console by typing http://[host name]:[Port] /console in the URL line of a web browser, where [Port] is the nonsecure listening port. By default, this port value is 7001. 3. On the login screen, type your administrator user name and password, and click Log In.

Start Node Manager

1. Ensure that WebLogic Server is running. 2. From a new command prompt, go to [appserver root] /server/bin. 3. Enter the following command: o (Windows) startNodeManager.cmd o (Linux, UNIX) ./

Stop Node Manager

After you shut down WebLogic Server, you can close the command prompt from which you called Node Manager.

Start a WebLogic managed server

Note: This task can be performed only after you create a WebLogic domain and a managed server. 1. Ensure that the WebLogic Server and Node Manager are running. 2. Start WebLogic Server Administration Console by typing http://[host name]:[port] /console in the URL line of a web browser. 3. Under Domain Structure, click Environment > Servers. 4. In the right pane, click the Control tab. 5. Select the managed server that you want to start. 6. Click the Start button below the managed server you want to start.

Stop a WebLogic managed server

1. Start WebLogic Server Administration Console by typing http://[host name]:[port] /console in the URL line of a web browser. 2. Under Domain Structure, click Environment > Servers. 3. In the right pane, click the Control tab. 4. Select the managed server that you want to stop. 5. Click the Shutdown button below the managed server you want to stop. 6. Select When Work Completes to gracefully shut down the server or select Force Shutdown Now to stop the server immediately without completing ongoing tasks. 7. On the Server Life Cycle Assistant pane, click Yes to complete the shutdown.


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