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Home : Numerology Tutor :

Number Meanings

Every number has a specific meaning. Here are the keywords for each of the 9 basic













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Home : Numerology Tutor : Letter Meanings

Letter Meanings

There are several systems of numerology, which correlate a number meaning to each
letter in the alphabet. The Pythagorean system is the most popular, and widely used
method today. It’s explained below:

Pythagorean system:

The table below shows the numbers correlated to the 26 letters in the English alphabet.
To use this system, the Letters in your name are converted to numbers and then added
together. Double digit numbers (10 and above) are also reduced to single digits (by
adding together the double digit numbers)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Jane Doe

J = 1
A = 1
N = 5
E = 5

D = 4
O = 6
E = 5

Add the numbers together:

1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 5 = 27 (27 can be reduced to a single digit

2 + 7 = 9

Other Systems:

Chaldean System

This system of numerology has its roots in Ancient Babylon. This system is related to the
Kabbalah, and Vedic Systems. In Chaldean numerology every letter has a unique
vibration. Numbers are assigned to letters based on the vibrational value.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Home : Numerology Tutor : Core Numbers

Core Numbers

Numerology has many numbers that are important to you as an individual. However,
there are 5 core numbers that make up a portrait of you. They are described below.

The Number How is it found? What does it mean?

Soul Number Add vowels in your name The soul number indicates your
inner hopes and desires.

Destiny Number Add all letters in your name This number describes your
purpose in life.

Personality Number Add consonants in your The personality number is how

name others view you.

Life Path Number Add together date of birth The Life Path number describes
your potential path, or journey,
in life.

Maturity Number Add all letters in your name The maturity number reveals the
to the date of birth true you, and the person you
will become.
Numbers Explained
These numbers generally reflect your attitudes, personality and needs. They can be used to
get a better understanding of yourself and others. However, they should not be used to label
someone or diagnose a problem. They simply offer general guidance and a way to view your
personality in an optimistic and constructive manner. It is hoped that these tools can help you
to step forward and achieve personal growth.

Inner Numbers:
The Inner Numbers, are those that reflect how you see yourself and contain aspects of your
internal desires. They are your Soul Number, Life Path, and Maturity Number.

Personality Numbers:
These are the qualities and characteristics that you show to the outside world. Some of them
you may not even be aware of. They are your Outer/Personality number and your Maturity

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The Numerology Challenges are about personal growth, experience, and courage. In order for us to grow we must face
our fears and conquer our weaknesses, this is where the Challenges come in. There are 4 Numerology Challenge
Periods in your life. There are hurdles to get over and mountains to climb. We learn by meeting the challenges and
mastering them. The natures of challenges are shown represented by the Life Journey Number.

These challenges point to the character traits an individual must grapple with in order to grow into a maturity that
satisfies the soul's purpose for the life sojourn.

Challenge Periods :

Challenge Period 1 (Age 0 to ???) (End of this Challenge is 36 – Life Journey


(month of birth - day of birth (negative numbers become +))

Challenge Period 2 (9 years)

(year of birth – day of birth)

Challenge Period 3 (9 years)

(2nd challenge – 1st challenge)

Challenge Period 4 (@50+)

(year of birth – month of birth)

Challenge 0
The 0 challenge represents free will. Here you have the choice to rise above everything
or to drift aimlessly. The obstacles you face during this challenge may not be many, or
they may be coming from all directions.

Challenge 1
The 1 challenge represents pride. Throughout this challenge, you may feel dominated by
others with strong influence. During this period you need to avoid being dominated, but
not by dominating others.

Challenge 2
The 2 challenge represents harmonious relationships, and self-confidence. Throughout
this challenge you will need to find ways to be in relationship with others without losing
your own identity, and maintaining a strong level of self-confidence.

Challenge 3
The 3 challenge represents creativity, and individuality. You may have a wonderfully
creative imagination and a gift for words, but you may find it hard to express yourself
effectively. You will need to find ways to express yourself through your creativity, as this
can make you the most satisfied and happy.

Challenge 4
The 4 challenge represents order, discipline and structure. Throughout this challenge you
will need to find ways to tap into your inborn leadership abilities. Carelessness will not
work here. Practicality, Honesty, and structure are key words for this challenge.

Challenge 5
The 5 challenge represents risk and change. Throughout this challenge you will need to
find ways to balance your strong desire for gratification with the need for building lasting
relationships. You will need to find people that are willing to share in your adventures
with you. It doesn’t matter whether you want to dig deep into the local library, or travel
the globe.

Challenge 6
The 6 challenge represents responsibility, and love. Throughout this challenge you will
need to find ways in which you can take on the important tasks that need to be done,
while finding ways to tap into the side of your personality that just wants to have a good

Challenge 7
The 7 challenge represents inner awareness. Throughout this challenge you will need to
find ways to balance your need for structure, with your need for change. You may feel
pulled in more than one direction. You will not be able to pursue the multitude of
interests that you will have. Instead, find ways to be spontaneous while finding time for
personal growth.
Challenge 8
The 8 challenge represents power, status, authority, and being dynamic. Throughout this
challenge you will need to prove that you have what it takes to succeed, without being
the "bull in a china shop". You cannot "sit on your laurels". Now is the time for action,
movement and decisive decisions.

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Home : Numerology Tutor : Numerology Pinnacles

Calculate your Pinnacles here.

Pinnacles Explained :

Pinnacle 1 (Age 0 – 27 to 35)

(month of birth + day of birth)

The first pinnacle is very personal and covers the "spring" of life. It is a time of beginnings, and newness.

Pinnacle 2 (9 years in length)

(day of birth + year of birth)

This is a period of blossoming and ripening

Pinnacle 3 (9 years in length)

(1st pinnacle + 2nd pinnacle)

This is a period of manifestation and reward.

Pinnacle 4 (50+ )

(month of birth + year of birth)

This is a time of wisdom, reflection, and introspection.

You can contact me if you are interested in having your pinnacles calculated for you, but these should be simple
enough to do. However, I am willing to send you the calculations. I will eventually have an online tool to calculate
them interactively.

Larry is born February 11, 1944. His numbers are as follows:

Pinnacle 1: (13/4)

Pinnacle 2: (20/2)

Pinnacle 3: (6)

Pinnacle 4: (2)
As Larry is now 56, he would be in his 4th pinnacle. His fourth pinnacle is about cooperation and harmony. As this is his
last pinnacle, it is a time for him to share what he has learned throughout his lifetime. Perhaps he can benefit most by
volunteering as a teacher’s aid, or being a mentor of some kind. Whatever he does, it is important for him to be willing
to share his knowledge, and friendship with others.

Pinnacles defined:

Pinnacle #1

The influence of the number 1 pinnacle is a drive for independence; the desire to express
one's individuality using original ideals; leading and directing others, attaining achievements
and being recognized for them.

Pinnacle #2

The general emphasis of the number 2 pinnacle is that of friendliness, cooperation and
harmony. You are apt to be a very sensitive person during this pinnacle, even if sensitivity is
not indicated in your basic makeup. The 2 shows patience and attention to detail. You are
tactful and cooperative, and willing to work with relatively little recognition

Pinnacle #3

The general effect of the number 3 pinnacle is one of light, enjoyable activities. Travel, social
activities, friends, and entertainment are much a part of your life during this pinnacle. You
nature is more affectionate and outgoing. Personal expression is developed, particularly
verbal expression.

Pinnacle #4

The general influence of the number 4 pinnacle is that of a practical, realistic approach to life.
This pinnacle demands a higher degree of order, system and organization.

Pinnacle #5

The general influence of the number 5 pinnacle is that of freedom and a lessening of
responsibility. The tendency toward change, sudden and unexpected, may enter you life
during these years.

Pinnacle #6

The general influence of the number 6 pinnacle is that of responsibilities, which may cause
feeling of restrictions. There is a close accord with home, family, children, and those in your
environment for which you feel responsible.

Pinnacle #7

The general influence of the number 7 pinnacle is that of learning, investigating, and gaining
Pinnacle #8

The general influence of the number 8 pinnacle is that of business and commercial activity.
There is a good deal of status orientation, success, and recognition associated with this
number, and your financial circumstances and personal status are apt to changing during this
period, with improvements likely to occur.

Pinnacle #9

The general influence of the number 9 is that of humanitarianism. Irrespective of which

pinnacle of the life is colored by this influence, the trend will be to feel and express greater
concern for those who are weaker, poorer, and less fortunate than yourself.

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Home : Interactive Tools
Interactive Tools * Categories The Interactive
applications provided
Core Numbers here can help you to do
some of your
The most important numbers within a Numerology reading
Numerological analysis
are these five Core numbers. The Core numbers are derived and charting online. The
from the numbers hidden in your birth date and full name. tools can provide a good
The Core numbers can provide a lot of detail about an starting point when you
individual. You'll first need to begin developing a personal are preparing to perform
understanding of what each number represents and a reading for yourself or
symbolizes. After you have an understanding of the Core someone else.
Numbers, you'll be able to see how their influences play out in
Some of the interactive
your own life. applications utilize
pictures and charts, as
Life Path well as words to convey
This section contains links to life path essays, numbers, and the overall meaning of
Life path information. Your Life Path number represents the the reading to you.
ways in which you can best go about finding your place in the Unlike words pictures
world. can be interpreted in
many ways. The
interpretation of one
Destiny Number person may differ
This reading will display your Destiny number details. The greatly from that of
Destiny Number describes the tasks that you will feel another. Just as each of
compelled to achieve in this lifetime using the name given us is different in
you. experience and the
method we choose to
live life. This life
Soul Number
information shapes how
This reading will display your Soul number details. Your Soul we interpreted any given
Number represents how you "see yourself". image or situation.

Outer Number By thinking about, or

This reading will display your Outer number details. Your meditating, on the
Outer Number (also known as the Personality Number) images and words
displayed by the
represents how "others see you".
applications you may
gain insight in to your
Maturity Numbers inner self. For those that
This reading will display your Maturity number details. Your need a little help, you
Maturity number shows how your Soul Number, Life Path can begin by thinking
number and other Core numbers work and together. about some common
symbols in your life. For
those of us on the
Internet, think about the
smiley face  :) icons.
Other Numbers
These icons convey the
Personal Day message that you are
This reading will display details about your current happy, and content. True
Numerological day insight comes from using
your own mind, and
Personal Year intuition, to interpret
This reading will display details about your current symbolism rather than
Numerological year using generalized
interpretations created
by others.
Personal Name
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Home : Interactive Readings : Life Path Information

Life Path Information

Your Life Path represents your journey through life. The skills and characteristics that are
represented by your Life Path can come naturally to you. Generally, you will feel drawn
to, and enjoy, the activities that your Life Path describes. The Life Path number also
describes the theme of the lessons that you learn through experience. The more you
take on real and worthwhile challenges, the more experience you will gain about yourself
and your abilities. For those that do take on challenges, the Life Path will become more
important as it can highlight those pursuits that will be rewarding to you, and
accomplishment brings joy, pride and experience.

When you are on your Life Path, you can draw others to you who wish to learn from you
and utilize your strength, knowledge and courage. It is about being an active participant,
instead of passively moving through life. When you engage yourself in your life, the
world around you will become more alive. This is what the Life Path number is about.
Find the pursuits that keep your inner flame burning and go after them. It is directly
linked with your passion, vitality, and your connection with others. When you are on your
Life Path, you are connected with yourself.

Life Path Reading:

Learn more about yourself, friends and family. Get a Life Path Reading

Life Path Numbers described:

Life Path 1
Life Path 2
Life Path 3
Life Path 4
Life Path 5
Life Path 6
Life Path 7
Life Path 8
Life Path 9

Utilizing Numerology to discover your life purpose.
Looking at the use of Numerology in living authentically, as we develop, discover and live
our true Life Purpose.Each of us may feel called, in some small way, to bring meaning,
value, heart, vitality, and zest, into our lives. Understanding your purpose can help you
to achieve this.

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Home : Interactive Tools : Life Path #1
Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and
will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents
you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important
numbers within a personal numerology reading.

The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have
experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning
from a young age.

When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have
wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy.
By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your
growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal

Life Path #1
The 1 Life Path is about developing your own will, individuality, decisiveness, and
expressing your creativity, Being a caring, considerate leader is as important as is being
on your own and forging your own path. Standing on your own two feet is important.

Even at a young age you have a strong independent side. You often have an inner need
to be the first one to do something. Not only are you the first one to accomplish your
goals, you are often the best. Of course, by being brash, arrogant, and boastful you
could isolate yourself. You will meet many new, exciting, avant-garde and different kinds
of people in your lifetime, because you are always seeking new challenges, schemes, and
experiences. Your intense, penetrating mind looks for different avenues of personal
growth, exploration and learning. If you are bored you are not happy. You would do best
to seek out a career or avocation in the creative or inventive fields.
You've learned that when you let your ego get out of control that you can be boorish,
selfish, mocking, uncaring, arrogant, and cold. This of course forces others to keep their
distance and you are forced to move on and start again, which can lead to depression,
loneliness, and isolation.

You have matured into a unique individual. Possibly, you are a pioneer in your field,
challenging the established rules and forging into new territories.

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This site is owned by Rob Ragozzine
Home : Interactive Tools : Life Path #2

Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and
will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents
you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important
numbers within a personal numerology reading.

The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have
experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning
from a young age.

When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have
wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy.
By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your
growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal

Life Path #2
The 2 Life Path is about cooperation, passion, service and balance. Being generous,
honest and caring will help you to bring out the best in yourself and others. Often others
will seek you out for information/advice/help. You can be exceptional at organizing and
fact finding and these things can make you the most happy.

You may learn as you grow up that making choices although difficult, is part of life. You
may try to sidestep certain issues, but this can only make your problems more difficult to
solve in the long run.

As you mature, you may also learn that force; power and control are not bad. You can do
well to occasionally step into positions of authority when the situation calls for it. Others
will follow your lead and respect you more for standing up.

You may enjoy helping others to settle their differences. As such, you can do well in
fields such as politics, mediating, customer relations, or administration.
Through experience you have learned that trust, honesty, pride and self-confidence are
important. Being oversensitive, deceitful, afraid, indecisive, or non-committed will not
help you to accomplish your goals and may have turned others away from you.

You may have also learned that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" Although you can
be quiet, and have the ability to be almost invisible; you have learned that people listen
to you when you speak up. The value your common sense and fair and balanced

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Home : Interactive Tools : Life Path #3

Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and
will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents
you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important
numbers within a personal numerology reading.
The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have
experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning
from a young age.

When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have
wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy.
By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your
growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal

Life Path #3
The 3 Life Path is about socialization, and stepping forward. Speaking out, especially in a
public forum, can be very important for you. Social skills, creativity, and looking good are
extremely important for you. Balancing material needs and the need to relax can often
pull you in different directions

As you develop you learn that you can accomplish a lot by simply being you. Others are
drawn to your warm, mostly positive attitude. Many find you charming and irresistible. If
you are not careful this can get you in trouble at times.

You can excel at those activities that incorporate some level of risk. You might find a
career as a Stock Analyst, Finance, Hosting, or Travel to be right up your alley. You
would also do well in any endeavor in which your charm and wit could entertain others.
You have come to realize that honest, hard work is indeed worth the effort. You don't
mind lending in a helping hand and with your enthusiasm, upbeat energy, and boundless
spirit you can make any task fun. In this way people enjoy helping you.

You have also discovered that you don't always have to "go all out". Every party doesn't
have to turn into a 3 week celebration. You have learned to scale back, and you have
learned not to over-react to difficult situations. You can muster the stamina, and
strength to get your work done and still have time to enjoy yourself.

Gossip is not your cup of tea. You enjoy talking, but understand the ramifications of
talking about others behind their backs.

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Home : Interactive Tools : Life Path #4

Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and
will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents
you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important
numbers within a personal numerology reading.

The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have
experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning
from a young age.

When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have
wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy.
By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your
growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal

Life Path #4
The 4 Life Path is about being practical, persisting and dedicated. Quality is an important
lesson for you. It will be important to remember that faster is not always better. Work is
very important and rewarding for you. Structure and balance can be very important.
Learn to provide a space for leisure in your life as well. Taking/Giving orders can be very

As you learn more about yourself, you realize that stability and responsibility are

You may develop an avid interest in fields that require problem solving or simple honest
work. This can include accounting, programming, farming, mining, geology and
gardening. At times your interests may isolate you from others.
You finally realize that a stern, demanding, sterile outlook can make living a poky and
boring drudgery. You've found that you can make life more rewarding, by attending the
occasional party and allowing yourself to be entertained. You know that you can create
your own "keep of out my life" walls if you are too demanding on others. You realize that
although security is important, relationships can be both risky and rewarding.

You've learned that you can be an excellent teacher, and you have found ways to assist
others in learning about your career or avocation.

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Home : Interactive Tools : Life Path #5

Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and
will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents
you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important
numbers within a personal numerology reading.

The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have
experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning
from a young age.
When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have
wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy.
By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your
growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal

Life Path #5
The 5 Life Path is about striving for the answers to life, learning, being and freedom. You
can learn about freedom simply by watching others. Stay open-minded; be inquisitive,
eager to learn. Being tolerant of new or unusual people/places/things can help you to be
a stronger person. Variety is a key word for your journey.

Physical activity or difficult manual labor is not to your liking so you may find ways to
goof off, even while you are supposed to be working. During your younger years this can
get you into hot water. You may even find ways to get others to cover up for you, while
you are off having an adventure.

You can be most successful if you find a career or avocation that allows you to use your
mental abilities and excellent communication skills. As such, any field that requires
analysts can be very rewarding for you. Day trading, Accounting, Programming, and
Engineering can be excellent career paths.

Without balance and moderation in your life, you can become stuck in circle of personal
fulfillment, in which you are dousing your senses with the latest technology, television,
books, movies, music, drugs, alcohol, sex, food and other comforts.
You've found that you need to engage your physical side, as well as your mental side.
Although you do not necessarily enjoy exercise, you've found that taking care of your
body is as critical as staying sharp and mentally focused.

You've learned to adapt, and accept change as a part of your life. You've learned that
even though you are adaptable and bright, you do not have to be the "jack of all trades".
You have learned to specialize.

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Home : Interactive Tools : Life Path #6

Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and
will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents
you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important
numbers within a personal numerology reading.

The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have
experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning
from a young age.
When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have
wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy.
By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your
growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal

Life Path #6
The 6 Life Path is about having compassion and empathy for others. It may involve
standing up and willingly giving assistance to those who need it most. Balance and
Responsibility are key elements of this life path. Feeling useful makes you feel happy.

When a family member, or friend later in life, is upset, angry, or ill you are the person
that tries to make the feel better. Somehow your kind words or actions contribute to
helping that individual to feel better about himself.

You would do well in any endeavor that requires kindness, patience, tolerance,
generosity and caring. As such, you would be an excellent caregiver, nurse, doctor, host,
teacher, or perhaps stay at home parent. You are also very logical. Your innate analytical
ability allows you to solve problems easily.

You enjoy the arts, and like to bring them into your home. Decorating can be an
important part of your life. You enjoy making your home an attractive and welcoming
place. This can allow you to entertain which brings you much happiness.
Although you have genuine concern, and love, for your family and friends you
understand that you have your own needs and that they are important.

You have come to realize that the world is not black and white. All problems do not have
to be immediately thought through and solved by you. You can let others take on their
own challenges.

You also understand that you do not have to keep up with the latest trends and styles to
your home decorated well. You also do not need the latest "in item" for your wardrobe.
You realize that happiness comes from within.

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This site is owned by Rob Ragozzine
Home : Interactive Tools : Life Path #7

Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and
will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents
you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important
numbers within a personal numerology reading.

The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have
experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning
from a young age.

When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have
wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy.
By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your
growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal

Life Path #7
The 7 Life Path is about learning that "You reap what you sow." Planning, Organizing,
and Simplicity are very important for you. Generally you are peaceful. Your journey is
one in which being aware and open is very important. Although you may enjoy being
analytical, sticking your head in the sand just wont do for you. Learn to listen to your
inner judgement and you will do well.

Your head is full of ideas about what the world should be. When people and events do
not conform to your ideals, you may become angry, frustrated and depressed. You want
change now and are not willing to wait for it to happen.

As a teen you may be very stubborn and antagonistic. This can lead to trouble later in
life. You may change careers frequently if you do not find ways to harness your
frustration. You generally dislike taking advice and following the status quo. As such,
others find it hard to convince you of things.

You would do well to pursue a career or avocation in social engineering, economics, law
enforcement, the church, or perhaps social activism. Any field that needs long range
planning and detailed organization can be rewarding for you.
You realize that it is okay if other people do not live up to your ideals. You don't have a
need for everyone to be perfect.

You do not let the events in the world drag you down or force you into seclusion. Instead
you've learned how to channel your anger into useful and constructive activities. Your
insight about the world may help you to bring about change in ways that others cannot

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This site is owned by Rob Ragozzine
Home : Interactive Tools : Life Path #8

Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and
will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents
you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important
numbers within a personal numerology reading.

The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have
experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning
from a young age.

When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have
wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy.
By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your
growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal

Life Path #8
The 8 Life Path is about prowess, strength, learning how to accept responsibility, and
leadership. People will often look to you for answers or guidance, even from a young
age. Learn to balance your personal desires with the desires of those around you. It is
important that you evaluate situations from multiple viewpoints. Simplicity is important.
Try not to get caught in the material world.

Growing up you might have a tendency to see things in black and white. You do not give
up easily, but you must learn to accept responsibility and handle it as well as you can.
Responsibility may be thrust upon you at a young age. Learning to handle your anger
will help you to succeed as you grow and later in life.

You would do well to develop your own business, as you do not like taking orders from
others. You also tend to manage your money well. If the business world is not for you
then you may excel in the sporting world. Whatever you do it is important to take care of
yourself physically and emotionally as you may find it hard to balance the two.
You've learned how to be an authority figure without being a bully, ruthless, controlling
or domineering. Other people, especially those under you, respect you and yet are not
afraid of you.

You've also learned that sharing and giving are an important part of life. You may even
take on an active role in your community helping to raise money for various charities and
fund raising events.

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Home : Interactive Tools : Life Path #9

Life Path Description

Your Life Path number describes the theme of the positive lessons you have learned and
will continue to learn throughout your life. Also, it represents the qualities and talents
you can easily learn, and use to your advantage. It is one of the most important
numbers within a personal numerology reading.

The description below describes your path as you mature (maturing) and when you have
experienced a good deal of personal growth (mature).

The maturing description, describes you are you move through life, growing and learning
from a young age.

When you "mature" you have made some concrete achievements, you may have
wrestled with various parts of your personality, and possibly done some type of therapy.
By this time you have had several life changing experiences and used them for your
growth. Of course, you are not done growing, but you have reached a point of personal

Life Path #9
The 9 Life Path is about being passionate and compassionate. It is about understanding
the highs and lows of life. Being grounded and attuning to the simple things in life,
rather than the material is important for your growth. Helping others is as important as
helping yourself.

Even from a young age sharing and charity work is important for you. Charitable work is
very important to you and is close to your heart.

You enjoy the arts and sciences, although you may leave the creativity to others.
Although you could probably write the movie or play, you would rather watch it. A career
in the reviews industry might serve you well if this is the case.

You enjoy reading, learning, and experimenting. Sometimes your experiments may get
you into trouble. Many early painful lessons can come from your experiments, but the
knowledge you gain can make you an excellent teacher, inventor, or historian.

You may have to wait until later in life for marriage, or at least a long lasting one. In
your younger years your relationships may be quick, intense and life altering but not
enduring. You must be careful and aware not to "use" someone for their knowledge and
then drop them. Learning to balance your relationships between intense love and
friendship can be a challenge for you.
You have learned by now that you cannot be self-serving. You have found ways to
incorporate your desires, needs, and interests with those of the people in your life. By
sharing you have brought in a larger circle of friends into your life. They may be
attracted to your knowledge, wisdom, charm or odd world view. Whatever they are
interested in, helps you to be you and is worth sharing with the world.

You have learned to balance work, play, relationships and learning. They do not all need
to mix. Although you love your mate, he/she does not have to share your intellectual

You have also learned that it is okay to have a spiritual side. You have a heavy thirst for
meaningful insight. By following your desires you can open doors for yourself and others.
Don't be afraid to walk a new path.

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This site is owned by Rob Ragozzine
The Destiny Number reading is a reading based on all the letters in your name. It
will describe areas of interest to you, and your own unique abilities.
Home : Interactive Tools : Destiny Number Reading
Reading for: aacharya krishna

SIMPLY NUMBERS - Destiny Number Reading

Destiny 3
The following brief descriptions will outline your particular Destiny Number. The Destiny
Number plays a role in the development of your character and influences how you will fit
in within your family and community.

1, 8

Anyone who has Destiny Numbers of 1 or 8 will routinely face issues involving
craftsmanship, self-mastery and leadership. It will be very important for them to find
ways to develop pride, courage, determination and individuality.

2, 3, 9

Communication, friendship and partnerships play a large role in the lives of people with
2,3 or 9 as a Destiny Number. If you have such a Destiny Number you will need to work
at developing acceptance, honesty, social skills and insight.

4, 6

People with a 4 or 6, as their Destiny Number will be challenged to develop and build
ideas, structures and programs that are long lasting. Serving your community, perhaps
within law enforcement, will also be important to you. Stability is also important.

5, 7

People with a 5 or 7 Destiny Number will need to adapt, change, and progress. Learning
is important for you. Travel and research also play a big role in your life.

Your numbers can also help to illustrate the general emotions, attitudes, moods, and
personal characteristics that you bring to any situation. Being aware of your emotions
can help you to mature as an individual and lead to the development of compassion,
acceptance, and tolerance. All of which are important in helping to support and grow
families and communities.

Acceptance and tolerance can be concepts that we all struggle with throughout our lives.
However, these are important when considering your role in parenting and in the
community. You’ve all seen the basic Numerology charts that explain some of your basic

qualities. Now we will dig a little deeper and try to explain some of the related
characteristics and qualities that can be represented by your particular numeric
information, including tolerance, acceptance and understanding.

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Home : Interactive Readings : Soul Number Reading

Soul Number Analysis

The Soul Number reading is a reading based on the vowels in your name. It will describe
your inner urges, hopes, dreams and desires.

Please enter your name below:

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Home : Interactive Tools : Outer Number Reading
Reading for: krishna


Name Area

This area of the portrait allows you to see the Numbers, and
Tarot cards that are behind each letter of your name, and gives a
brief explanation of the meaning of each letter.

Influence of Letters in name

Letter Tarot Card Number Description

K Justice 2 Charismatic, Quick, Leader, Bold

R Moon 9 Patient, Determined, Strong

I Hermit -- Independent, Researcher, Intelligent

S Sun 1 Colorful, Bright, Perceptive

H Strength 8 Couragous, Faithful, Caring

N Temperance 5 Healer, Wise, Survivor, Crafty

A Magician -- Creative, Inventive, Intuitive

Your Personality/Outer Number is:

Outer/Personality Numbers explained

Balanced Unbalanced

Independent, Inventive,
1 Needy, Follower, Gloomy

2 Cooperative, Communicative Stubborn, Persistent

3 Friendly, Creative Aloof, Listener

4 Leader, Responsibility Lazy, Incompetent

5 Explorer, Generous, Traveler Outgoing, Selfish

compassionate, magnetic, Obstinate, dogmatic,

dependable stubborn

7 Social, Thinker, Strategy Greedy, Obstinate

Expert, Champion, Business-

8 Slovenly, Uncoordinated

9 Wanderer, Wise Ignorant, Closed, Egotist

Numerology can show you what others may see in you through your Outer Self or
Personality Number. The "outer self" may be a projection of what "others" hope, expect,
and maybe even fear of us. Some of these impressions can be true, while some can be
projections of the cast-off elements of other people’s personalities, fears, and dreams.
This is not to say that the number is a negative one, but one in which we may have
some issues.

Your Outer/Personality Number can represent some of your unrecognized strengths,

weaknesses, skills, and potential. It may even describe a social mask you use to protect
yourself. You may even wish to compare the Personality number with your Soul Number,
as they may offer conflicting descriptions of your personality. This "point of conflict" can
be important for you to understand, as it can provide vital information to your growth.

Since the personality is the way we express ourselves, it’s important to be in tune with
this number. Often, we are unaware of certain mannerisms that are socially detrimental.
As you get older, these traits can become difficult to change habits. It can be to your
benefit to have relationships in which others are supportive of your growth. They can
point out our shortcomings and help us to seek out healthy, honest, and socially
acceptable ways of expressing and relating.

Becoming more aware of your personality, opening up and bringing "Joy" into your world
may be a big undertaking in your life. It is not always easy to accept how others feel
about us, let alone how we feel about ourselves. This may be an event, which requires
deep soul searching. However, be careful in analyzing your "self" and "soul". One author,
Thomas Moore stresses that we cannot tend the soul alone. Instead, the task must
involve "family, friends, neighborhood, work and community. Soul is about quality of
depth with focus on the particulars of life. Being connected to other people is what gives
us our sense of self."
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Home : Interactive Tools : Maturity Number Reading

Reading for:

SIMPLY NUMBERS (c) - Maturity Number Portrait

Name Area

This area of the portrait gives you a glimpse of the Numbers, and
Tarot cards that are behind each letter of your name, and gives a
brief explanation of the meaning of each letter. In this way, you
will be able to see the information in your name that is behind all
of the calculations here. Hopefully, this will allow you to perform
your own calculations.

This information can be beneficial in understanding your Maturity

Number. The Maturity Number can be used as an indicator of
your special skills and abilities. As children, many of us have
special dreams/desires and these are wrapped up in our Maturity
Number. Accessing some of your personal dreams can help you
to better understand the meaning of your Maturity Number.

Influence of Letters in name

Letter Tarot Card Number Description

K Justice 2 Charismatic, Quick, Leader, Bold

R Moon 9 Patient, Determined, Strong

I Hermit 9 Independent, Researcher, Intelligent

S Sun 1 Colorful, Bright, Perceptive

H Strength 8 Couragous, Faithful, Caring

N Temperance 5 Healer, Wise, Survivor, Crafty

A Magician 1 Creative, Inventive, Intuitive (c) - Maturity Number Portrait

Personality Area

A brief Numerological description for krishna 's personality is

explained in this section.

Your Maturity Number is: 5

Planning is extremely important for you. You may not be as strong a you think. You may need
1 to ask for help on occasion. [more...]

You will always shine and succeed in areas that require cooperation, diplomacy, and tact.
2 [more...]

Although you may have a tendency toward being stubborn, you can always bring joy, and
3 happiness to those around you. You will do well in situations and work environments that
enable you to be social, honest, practical and down to earth. [more...]

You can excel at all areas of management, and may be pursued for your organizational
4 abilities. [more...]

You need to find ways to channel your excessive energy. When you do this, you will be seen
5 as a very knowledgable business and personal associate. [more...]

You will often put the needs of others ahead of your own. Because of this you can excel in all
6 areas of social and humanitarian work. You are a family person. [more...]

You understand the need for personal space. You can do well in fields that require hard work,
7 stamina and dedication. Family life may not be what you are looking for. Exploration is
important for you. [more...]

8 Personal success is very important to you. [more...]

9 You may be very idealistic. You can be a great leader of your time. [more...]

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