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SELMA uu/selma2/AF0100/skrivut?sprak=eng...

Syllabus Printed: 2013 04 03

Vindkraftverk tekniska koncept och tillmpning Wind Turbine Concepts and Application
6.0 credits Course Code: 1GV069 Established: 21 March 2013 Established by: Teknisk naturvetenskapliga fakultetsnmnden Syllabus applies from: 2013, week 27 Responsible Department: Department of Earth Sciences National Subject Category: Energy Technology Main Field(s) of Study and In Depth Level: Energy Technology with focus on Wind Power: has second cycle course/s as entry requirements Grading System: Fail (U), 3, 4, 5. Education Cycle: Second cycle

Entry Requirements
Introduction to Wind Energy, 4.5 credits and a bachelors degree of 180 Swedish credits points in engineering, natural or social science. Mathematics C and English B.

Decisions and Guidelines Learning Outcomes

After approved course the student should be able to: describe the most common turbine mechatronics design concepts analyze the loads of a wind turbine from a mechanical standpoint describe foundation and tower types and analyze their application identify and analyze suitability of different wind turbines in different spatial environmental settings

Material covered includes functional concepts of turbine technical systems, operations and maintenance. Wind turbine mechanics, dynamics and fatigue are topics in the course material. Aspects of the construction of wind turbine components in relation to the site conditions are studied.

The course includes lectures, seminars, group and field work. Student attendance is compulsory at all scheduled events.

Written hand in assignments 3.0 credits. Written project report with oral presentation 3.0 credits.

Transitional Provisions Other Directives Reading List

Reading list valid from: 2013, week 27

Brower, Michael
Wind resource assessment : a practical guide to developing a wind project Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2012. xvi, 280 p. ISBN:978 1 118 02232 0 LIBRIS ID:13609918

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SELMA uu/selma2/AF0100/skrivut?sprak=eng...

Manwell, James F.; McGovan, Jon G.; Rogers, Anthony L.d 1948
Wind energy explained : theory, design and application 2. ed. : Chichester : Wiley, 2009 xii, 689 s. ISBN:978 0 470 01500 1 LIBRIS ID:10443163 Wind energy systems [Elektronisk resurs] : optimising design and construction for safe and reliable operation / \c edited by J. D. Sorensen, J. N. Sorensen.

Sorensen, John Dalsgaard; Sorensen, Jens Norkaer

Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011 ISBN:978 0 85709 063 8 LIBRIS ID:12750869 PDF (628 s.)

Earnest, Joshua; Wizelius, Tore

Wind power plants and product development PHI Learning, 2011 ISBN:978 81 203 3986 6 LIBRIS ID:13618455


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SELMA uu/selma2/AF0100/skrivut?sprak=sve...

Kursplan Uttagen: 2013 04 03

Vindkraftverk tekniska koncept och tillmpning Wind Turbine Concepts and Application
6.0 hgskolepong Kurskod: 1GV069 Inrttad: 2013 03 21 Inrttad av: Teknisk naturvetenskapliga fakultetsnmnden Kursplan gller frn: 2013, vecka 27 Ansvarig enhet: Institutionen fr geovetenskaper SCB mnesgrupp: Energiteknik Huvudomrde(n) och successiv frdjupning: Energiteknik med inriktning mot vindkraft: har kurs/er p avancerad niv som frkunskapskrav Betygsskala: Underknd (U), 3, 4, 5. Utbildningsniv: Avancerad niv

Introduktion till Vindkraft, 4,5 hp och en kandidatexamen i teknik, natur eller samhllsvetenskap eller motsvarande. Matematik C och Engelska B.

Beslut och riktlinjer Ml

Efter godknd kurs ska studenten kunna: beskriva de vanligaste mekaniska och elektriska koncepten av vindkraftverk analysera mekaniska laster p vindkraftverk beskriva fundament och torntyper samt analysera deras anvndningsomrde identifiera och analysera lmpligheten av olika vindkraftverk i olika fysiska miljer

Kursen innehller funktionella begrepp om vindkraftverks tekniska system, anvndning och underhll. Vindkraftsmekanik, dynamik och slitage r mnen i kursmaterialet. Studierna omfattar aspekter av vindkraftskomponenternas konstruktion i frhllande till valet av plats fr vindkraftsplaceringen.

I kursen ingr frelsningar, seminarier, grupp och fltarbete. Studentnrvaro r obligatorisk vid alla schemalagda aktiviteter.

Skriftliga inlmningsuppgifter 3,0 hp Skriftlig projektrapport med muntlig presentation, 3,0 hp

vergngsbestmmelser vriga freskrifter Kurslitteratur

Litteraturlista giltig frn: 2013, vecka 27

Brower, Michael
Wind resource assessment : a practical guide to developing a wind project

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SELMA uu/selma2/AF0100/skrivut?sprak=sve...

Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2012. xvi, 280 p. ISBN:978 1 118 02232 0 LIBRIS ID:13609918

Manwell, James F.; McGovan, Jon G.; Rogers, Anthony L.d 1948
Wind energy explained : theory, design and application 2. ed. : Chichester : Wiley, 2009 xii, 689 s. ISBN:978 0 470 01500 1 LIBRIS ID:10443163 Wind energy systems [Elektronisk resurs] : optimising design and construction for safe and reliable operation / \c edited by J. D. Sorensen, J. N. Sorensen.

Sorensen, John Dalsgaard; Sorensen, Jens Norkaer

Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011 ISBN:978 0 85709 063 8 LIBRIS ID:12750869 PDF (628 s.)

Earnest, Joshua; Wizelius, Tore

Wind power plants and product development PHI Learning, 2011 ISBN:978 81 203 3986 6 LIBRIS ID:13618455


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