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Independent Proposal

Creating an Independent Photographic Series (50% Final Exam)

Problem: Create an independent series of at least four photographic works that effectively solve a
self-proposed problem.

1) Your final series of prints must be a series of at least four works, each 8x10” or larger, (if working
smaller, you may need to create more than four).
2) You must shoot a minimum of 24 black & white exposures. You may shoot more film or digitally
in addition to this.
3) Your series must have an identifiable, thematic connection.
4) Each print in your series must demonstrate your ability to compose your subject matter through the
use of the principles of composition and design.
5) Your final series must be titled, printed, and professionally presented to the class, as well as
uploaded to your Flickr portfolio.

Grading Criteria:
Each of the following criteria will be weighted evenly to determine your overall grade. Your series will
count as a separate 100 point classwork grade, as well as 50% of your final exam grade.
• Brainstorming/Research/Use of Sketchbook-Complete all questions on opposite side of this page in your
sketchbook, find example photographers that inspire you and glue them into your sketchbook.
• Shooting Preparation/Time Management-Consideration of planning your pictures, using necessary equipment
• Use of Camera (Technical and Compositional)-Your ability to correctly use your camera to compose and
successfully expose your shots, (reading a light meter, focusing, using depth of field, etc.)
• Processing Film/Making a Contact Sheet/Choosing Prints-Your ability to process film and successfully make
and assess a contact sheet. Your contact sheet demonstrates your ability to shoot with a clear purpose using
compositional considerations.
• Darkroom Skills and Techniques (if applicable). Your use of all darkroom equipment, (enlargers, grain focusers,
easels,)and application of darkroom techniques, (evaluating test strips, dodging & burning, use of filters, etc.)
• Digital Imaging Skills and Techniques, (if applicable). Your use of a digital camera, resolution, scanning, editing
and color-balancing techniques in Adobe Photoshop.
• Presentation/Time Investment/Craftsmanship- Your ability to cleanly print, trim, mount/matte, and present your
work to the class both formally and by uploading work to your Flickr portfolio.

Due Dates:
Proposal and Sketchbook Brainstorming(s)_____________________

Contact Sheet & Evaluation (Must shoot a minimum 24 B&W exposures): ___________________

Submission of Four Matted works, negatives/contact sheet & evaluation:___________________

Sketchbook Brainstorming & Research (____/40 pts.) DUE: ______________

Complete each of the following questions and directions in your sketchbook using complete sentences
with complete thoughts.
1) Identify the two most successful/favorite works you have ever made in Photo (1 or 2). Carefully sketch or print/glue
an example of each of these works into your sketchbook. Include title, year it was made, and media.
-Next to each work, write a short description in which you explain the problem you solved (be specific as to how you solved
it personally), and why you feel it was so successful. Look at your Flickr portfolio to jog your memory!

2) Identify two favorite photographers. This may be a famous photographer you’ve enjoyed studying before, someone
you’ve just begun to like, or even a classmate who inspires you. For each, find one favorite example of his/her work.
Include the title, year it was made, and media.
-Next to each work, write a short description about why you feel this photographer is so good. Be sure to identify a concept
or technique you especially like about this person’s work.

3) Write/Describe a personal photo problem you’d like to solve for your independent study. Your statement should
include the following:
-What will be your subject matter/topic? Why?
-What do you intend to discover/explore about this subject as a photographer?
-Identify two photo skills/techniques that you will demonstrate through making these works.

4) Sketch/Brainstorm 3-4 visual solutions to your personal photo problem. In your sketches, be sure to illustrate:
-What compositional principles will you use?
-What will the final presentation format look like? (diptychs, grid, artist book, sculptural, individual prints) Why?
-What type of photo media will you use, (digital prints, alternative processes, b&w prints, etc.) Why?

Contact Sheet(s) Evaluation (_____/40 pts.) DUE: ______________________

______ (10 points) Shooting Objective: Solving the shooting problem
Explain your shooting problem:

How well did you accomplish your objectives?

______ (10 points) Film Processing/Organizing

Any problems? If so, explain what may have happened:

______ (10 points) Use of Principles of Composition

Identify the principles of composition you used while shooting and how you used them:

______ (10 points) Contact Sheet & Evaluation: Which exposures will you use?
In the space below (or in your sketchbook) cut out & glue or sketch your selected 4 exposures. Why did you select these
images above the rest?

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